Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1896-1899, June 09, 1899, Image 2

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    "' " T11"'- -
, fwdr"s'jjrwvr' )rvirrrr
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IrS, '
FKIDAY, JUNE 9, 1609.
' Dally, OnoVcnr 03.00,1a Aavmoo
Dily, Fota Mouths $1 00. ! Advance.
Weoklv, Oao Yor 31.00, In Advance
When the uplrit of liberty hits lied nnd
truth and justice aro disregarded, prlv
oto righto can easily Iw Nicriilced under
tho forma of law, Kcnl'ri Commentary.
Why don't "Decency" read a decent
newnpnpcr? Ho would realize that the
decent public have been notified Mhen
thc.ro its a decent theater In town In tho
local cohnnnft of thin paper.
Twenty-ono patients died at the any.
luui in May, or nearly an avorago of one
for each week day. Hut then, tho iKjr
capita uxpcuBO of keeping tho jwir un
fortunates han been kept down to 111 and
14-100 cent.
When a poor working man taken hi
own lifo or died a natural death alone, of
couroo an inquest mtiKt bo held, but
when un inwuio patient, with whirled
ollielalri to guard hitn, does tho xuuio
thing In tho dark recoiwH of a pinto In
stitution, no examination in railed for.
Uy all ineiniH, Oregon gntftern and
gentlemen should have a chance to go lo
I'aroi on tho Ex)Kdlion commission.
TJio French do not emigrate to any
country, but they arc prepared to Hell uh
any quantity of logwood imrt wlno and
dried applo charupaigu, TIiomi aro im
port that Oregon can well affonl to
iwtid from 25,000 to 50,000 "encour
aging." Judge Judnh of tho Fulem police court
deserves coimueudation for lining tho
Italian J Higuor $50, not becnuso tho
waiter in Hotel Willatuetto dining
loom belonged to tho "fair cox," but
Ixicsiuso ho thought ho could itiHiilt with
lmHiuity a women who w.ts working
for a living at honest Intrar. Such a
woman In tho cor of any wwlety queen,
and in entitled to rox)ut.
Tho truth of tho matter In that Dr.
Ilrlggn 1h hunting a itoft simp, and tho
fellowK who aro already enloviinr it ob
Ject to dividing tho plu with him. Mlshop
Totter wantH him in the pulpit ho
HhotiM be In every fiimiljr p
iirttiulnn clint ami rer)f EJI II
trrf llir' Rrl. Thoy nre W III Si
liitliiliUhn Ilia loriincli
U nut ut onlri cuts tieilrli, hlllowitim, miJ
l llvtr trstibUi. Midi and cnidctit. canta.
fejSiKw '
. 1
HfLif fcH ffnHjB
A mote pitiful stent than a mother nl
her child, both captives nnd shackled in a
dungeon, could not well be imagined
There are thousands of mothers and their
babes who lie shackled by disease In the
dungeon of death ...
Without knowing it, or havlnic the faint
est comprehension of It, the fault lies with
the mother. Too many women enter upon
the responsibilities of wifehood and moth
erhood while suffering from weakness and
disease of the delicate and important or
gans that make wifehood And motherhood
possible A woman who suffers in this way
cannot be a capable wife and n competent
mother. Before entering upon the duties
and responsibilities of these positions, she
should see to It that her health, both gen
eral and local, Is thoroughly restored I)r
Pierce's Pavorlte Prescription is the best
of alt medicines for this purpose It acts
directly on the sensitive organs concerned,
making them strong, healthy and vigorous.
It promotes regularity of the functions,
allays irritation and inflammation, heals
ulceration, checks unnatural and exhnut
iug drains and soothes pain It tones ntid
builds up the shattered nerves It turn
the dangers and pains of maternity into
safety and ease it is a medicine that is
intended for this one purpose only and Is
good for no other. Dealers sell it and no
honest dealer will suggest n substitute
"Ir Tierce s Favorite rrescrlption did me so
much good that (onlay I am well again and
stronger than I have ttn for years." writes
Mrs. Alex. Ixkle, of Wise. imikIU Co, Mich.
"I have a baby one year old ami as fat and
hralthy sa one could wMh to see. I took two
bcnles of ' I'avorlte I'reacrlption I kerji Or
lime's WeaMiit Pellets In the house sll the
owe. My family take no other Hind of pills "
thinkH tho"convurHlou" of Mich a brainy
"dtseenter" would lw a feather in bin
cap; but tho ordinary clergy tho lxys
In tho trenches do not think there Ih
any call for another brain and another
Htoiunch in their ranks. Tho Galling
Why object to ducorutiiig nnyono'H
gravo, whuthur It Ihj a convict or an oc
cupant of tho I'ottor'fl Fluid?. Thuro
must lm no i ne concentrated ussonco of
miimIIiium and iiiumiiiunh in a man's
colli to ohjwt to ntrewlng Honors on
thograu of tho dead. Tito jxKirost
and inonuust of God's croaturuM may
huvo ledn IwHsulflHhllfo than tho rich,
HiucoHnful niul highly respeutod. Who
Tho (Jatllnu Gun. of Cleveland. O.. Ih
emulating llraiiu fame,though it Ih to be
hoped that Its alitor, Walter Hurt, Ih
not emulating hid fato. Ho Ih indleted
on nine count. Iiy tho grand jury for cir
culating oliwne literature. Ills coin
uieutH on the trial of tho slayer of Mr.
MeKlnley'H brother caused thin. We
know that if tho olltlcid howus could
draw Juries iih thoy please, and control
all the iiewnpiiperH to Hhupo public son-
tliuent, no editor could discuss them
without danger of indictment.
mil mi
Jones Lever Binder
Two llnrnoi I ull tho LlKht.UunnlnK Jones Lever Hinder with tho uhl of
Lovtjr Power oattlor thun throo liorsos can puil othor lllmlom. It has thy
HluitiUHt and only Riiro Knotur knoAti, ouU only ono oord and wuslw low
wha Uun ii'iy other IvimtUr
Studebaker Wagons
The bent volilolo made, with uxliw of liulluim llluok Hickory, ihiWo of
fcttpood urowlhlodlana WliHo Uak, und Hub mutU'd by it pataut proceM
wliloll prcYdiita clicckluu. Dop, oil wmkod folloos and wide tvol-edyu Urcn
wlijoh aake tho btudebaker outwear any wuutiu on earth.
Carts, Suiries, Traps,
Willard Learned Describe the Campaign
ot Lawton's Flying Brigade.
Continued from Wednenlny's Dally,
lhightand early the next morning
Wt were nstlr, our camp fires all along
the line could bo seen, and the boys 'n
groups of 3 and -1 were making coffee
and trying to fry a piece of bacon. Aftur
breakfast we advanced ngaln in skir
mish liilo till wo enrno to Santa Cruz
river which wo had to ford. At this
juncture wo were attacked by the dtt
goes, hut in lew than ten minutoii wo
had them hurrying down the road for
the next town beyond. After all had
wifely crowd tho river we only wont a
nliort distance Iwfore camidng. All took
n good wrub in the river,
washing the mud and mire
clotlicH and hIi mm wo wont to
grub. I la fore noon wo had
and after i
from our )
four fnt
liogM, and two mtrkH full of cliickeiiH,
enough to fod tho entire comimnyfor
thrwt tuntlft hut wo wero nliort of hard
tack. TuootherH leflidou tho quarter
mnNter forgoautaud inymilf volunterel
to go to Santa Cruz after Home, When
we returned thero wore fried chlekciiM
and roat ork galoro for uh, and we
wero not a hit hurtful alxmt eating,
either. We HUiyod In tliat camp all of
that day ami night, ami by It o'clock the
following day wo wero on tho nunc for
I'agntujau with a fnttdi iwuo of ratioiiH.
Tho Fourteenth acted an lie tiring lino,
but tho WaHhlngtou hcoiUh wero our
advanco guard. Wo hud not gone more
than a mile down the road before wo
encountered the inmirgontn, and wo Im
mediately deployed out to tho right and
left in (iklrmlnh order. Tho little guiiH
of Htiwthorno'H battery hoou hud the
enemy In full lllght, but wo kept up
our nkirmlHh lino clear into town. Juttl
before wo reached there company C, of
the Fourteenth ond company I, of tho
North D.ikotuH hud a mountain to climb,
and doHeond. It wan hero that nix men
from company C, ami four from com
pany J, played out from neat anil ox
hauwtion. Wo arrived at tho town at 11 o'clock
and had 15 miuutoH rot; then
ouu battalion of tho Fourteenth, and
two companion of tho N. Dakota wore
ordered to advance on tho next town
l.umbau, having to fight all tho way.
Wo drove tho ulggorri into a big ptono
church, and tho town wan on one Hide
Contlntlnl on Third Pugu.
The Stomach
Is An Engine
Your lieullh rclleetH Its condition.
If It 'a clogucd up with Impurities,
and can't use tho fuel you glvo It,
there'll bo trouble till over tho body.
Tlicro can bo no (lleau with n utxxl
digestion. A ritniug hUiiiiiicIi and per
fect digestion coined from tho use of
It olonrn tho brain,
Htronuthuna tho
tiiKon poopio
Hacks, Spring Wagons,
iiTTTirTiii'i nKfttmiiiiii ihwt-irmKhimma,MifmiTf'!' rAnirifiunrhfrttrvrTrrrtt fwr-nrn
S. S. S. Gut
Promptly Reaches the Seat
of all Blood Diseases and
always promptly reaches and cores any
RltrQC fhfl Uffircf DqCIO disease whoro the blood is In any way involved:.
UMBO HID nUIOl urJOCOi Everyone who has had experience with
blood diseases knows that thero are no all
monts or troubles bo obstlnato and difficult to euro. Very fow remedies claim
to cure such real, deep-seated blood diseases as 8. 8. 8. cures, and none can
offer such incontrovertible evidence of merit. 8 8. 8. Is not merely a tonic it
Is a euro I It goes down to tho vory seat of all blood diseases, and gets at tho
foundation of tho very worst cases, and routs tho poison from the system. It does
not, liko other remedies, dry up tho poison and hide It from view temporarily,
only to break forth again moro violently than ever; 8. 8. 8. forces out every
traco of taint, and rids tho system of It forever.
Mrs.T. W.Lee, Montgomery, Ala., writes: "Some years
ago I was inoculated with poison by a nurso who infected
my babe with blood taint. I was covered with sores and
ulcers from head to foot, and in my great oxtrcmity I prayed
to die. Sevoral prominent physicians treated mo, but all
to no purpose. Tho mercury .'and potash which they
Save mo soemed to add fuel to tho awful flamo which was
ovouringmo. I was advised by friends who had soon
wonderful cures mado by it, to try Swift's Specific. I im
proved from tho start, as tho mediolno seemed to go direct
to tho cause of tho trouble and forco tho poison out. Twenty
uuttios curcu mo completely." BWllt's BpeoillC
Is tho only remedy that is guaranteed purely vegetable, and contains no
mercury, potash, arsenic, or any other mineral or chemical. It never fails to
cure Cancer, Eczema, Scrofula, KheumatlBm, Contagious Blood Poison,
Totter, Bolls, Carbuncles, Sores, etc.
Valuable books mailed froo by Swift Speciflo Company, Atlanta, Ga.
A merciless cut in prices
A backward season, and consequently ri more or less
sluggish business in spring and summer clothing ne
cessitates this move.
We propose
To clear out every spring and summer suit in the
next 30 days and
Prices will do it.
These suits are all new goods and our spring sales
have taught us that they are good values at "regular
prices, 56.50 $7.00 57.50 58.00 $8.50 and 59.00 Suits.
ir W" II I 1 - -
Gar-Scott Engines and Threshers.
Unequalled for durability, convenience, olTetlve m-wer and ilimworktuun
ihlp. A man who buys a (Jcnr-Seott online knows b s v:ottlii the best In
the market.
r dim
KKC Carry The best line
of goods in the market.
: room harrows, suphrior disc, hoe, and
: press drills and seeders. We carry extras
Gar-Scott 'and J. I. Case threshing ma
Call and see us when in want op parm ma
cainbry and we will save you money.
: Adjoining the
etc, in a hundred different styles, These aoods
In every test mado S. S. B. easily
demonstrates its superiority over other
blood remedies. It matters not how ob
stinate tho case, nor what other treat
ment or remedies haro failed. S. 8. 8.
Brewery, Salem, Or,
TaattCSttfMKrffetMEB3acniiV? (&jaanfcamgfctt
For Infants and Children,
Hie Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears tho
Slgnaturo of
ScrofuU, salt rheum unci all diseases
cnused by Impure, blood arc cured by
Horid'qijarsnparlllu, which Is Amer
ica's Greatest Medicine.
Bkkcham's Pills for Stomach and
Liver UK
Bean it f 1 Yo'J " AfMfl &ie&'
To cure pile, DeWltt's Wllch Ilac
Salvo STitiKKS at Tim hoot It re
moves the causk, qulckk and per
mtinontly. Stone Drug Stores.
Fine Music
Will be henrd nt Fulem next Sunday
on the otvHHlnu of tho Conductors' Hx
fiindon. Urown'H concert orchestra
w ill be In the grand ptund at the 1'air
Grounds and bunds from Kimono, Al
bany, Independence and Portland have
bet ti enframed. tf
You All Need Them.
No matter what your oeeuiMtion. Von
can't exited lo Micoeed unlo von Jiro
vidoyuuroif with a good -tok of yio-cerie-i
j-'it CHXI llltWHON A I! CIAV.
O J&. fSt 2? O 3.-t jl" -Si. .
8oan tie
ine miri toi iiarcwvYjrs
Dr J. F, Cook, '.tho Botanical Speci
alist. Succoods Whoro Othors
To uhom it inuv concern :
This Ih to certify that Hertha I Con
ner, of Mt. An'el precinct. Marion coun
ty, Oregon, lias suffered from u cancer
ous gruuth in the loft ear for alxmt three
voars. Tho growth was cutout twice and
burned out once by Alhuny I'livalciuns
but the growth came back " as bad
as ever, nnd pained her -o Imdly that
she hail to Ihj taken from i-chool. After
three week's treatment bv Dr. .1. F.
Cook, of Salem, Oregon, tlio liotnnicnl
Specialist, the growth entirely distip
poHroil, mill at this dato.four months
since treatment was begun, the growth
has not renpiearod, and the ear has en
tirely healed leaving onlv tho scars in
dicted by tho Albany doctors.
I hereby certify that the alwvo state
ment is nlHolntoly true, and that Uor
tlia 1' Conner, the ierton montloiied
in tho ullldavit. hu resided in my fam
ily since early ihildhood, liouring the re
lationship to me of niece.
!., " a Lov"-
SulwHTilK-'d and sworn to before mo
this eighth day of June. 1S1W. V. V.
Hall, count v clnrlt nf Morlim ,w,.,t,.
There it only one place
in town lo eel it
If ou are n stranger, ak
your neighbor, he will tell
jou toRoto W.W.Ji'IIN.S
just latiV of the Krd Kent
Drug Store. 4.13d wiro
wwhor all others
1 i .
r "
14. T., in...... .
-snaB?; w
. h jmr .viitfi mr 11 ff''llv
;;$o yqs"
, Lajt Powr."
Vfra raw aw draft.
ITM htm zk wtMifbt.
y mmm p to uurt in Krss.
Salem Preparatory School.
Summer term oiens July 5, 1699.
Tuition nor month !
Normal nnd High school 4 00
Common and Higher Grades 3 00
Below 7th Grade ,2 CO
A. J. Gahlasd, M. A.
0 7 im Principal.
All people nro hereby notified Unit a
tax on Ka7ors of 25c for retemporing
Is now on and can be paid at tho shop
of Sim II. White nnd Co. nt High
street, opioite the Court House.
Screen Doors and Windows.
eroor. cloth etc., Poultry
and lawn fencing of nil
kinds ami shingles,
Walter Mnnt.ev. Prop,
d.t 15 Btnte Street
S, C, STONE, M, D.
Stone's Drug: Stores
Tlioitnre (two In niimlier) nro located a
No 385 ami SW Commercial Mreot, and are
well Mookcd with aeomplete lino otilrucsnnd
mcdlclnea, toilet articles, perfumery, brmlies
etc., etc., cte.
Uanlmdiiome 25 years experience In the prac
tice ot medicine and now makes no rhhrge for
consnl'atlon. examination orprocrlptioti.
We will shoe your horse, build or
rnpulr your wacon or Implements
Helm: Iwcatetl to stay nur patrons
have 11 cuarantcc that our work will
be satisfactory. Shop lOOChemekcta
street. Tclenlione2703. 4-1 tf
Tho Intor-Stnto Unlvorslty Systom
of Musical Instruction.
K. H. BCOTr. D. 31. PHK81DKNT
A Nationnl Co-operative Inolitatlon which la
llnnlnB to ntimixr Ha faculty by hundreds
and it impll by thoiiaanili, KmbrnclnB inon
than twenty atntea.
Kor the benofit of
PnplU ofl'rlvnteTeaehcM
At Home.
Certificate rantel from a regularly elmr
tfrtvl Institution.
Kxplanatlon of the nyiitvm In detail
in ineM) columns
Watntt for It.
Htato Uoprt'oentntlvo
and Memlx-r nf the Faculty
fttudeo eer KlrM NHllntinl Hank IlMf,,
pun or two place oien for advanced piaturn in
piano i)t attct.
Canton Disc Plow
fall, and do 'double tho work of a Smmnn ni11 "'"
orkof a common plow.
Jones Mower
The Geo, M, Bcclcr
Insurance Agency
Always to the front with best
rates and policies in the lead lug
.Employment Agency,
Do you want wortc, or need help
of nny kind? Apply at once.
Rental Agency,
Property to lent. HeKlstcr
our ugency.
Kurtz & Hamilton
Maken specialty of nil kinds of
Sheet. Steel and Galvanized Iron
work rjofltm and uutterlni:, a lull
line nf Pumps and pump Illllnu'S.
Prompt work and reuHnnublo prices.
We carry In stock the Fairbanks
wind mill. Call and see tia before
iflvltiK your order for mill or tank.
Phono 234
Firsts-Class Feed and Boarding
Wm. ULLREY, Prop.
Best Rigs for Commercial Men
Stabloa In aime blork Hotel Wlllamotto.
C3Safe teams und com rortablo rltf
for ladled and family drlyini; a spe3
lalty. Horses boarded by day, week
or month and best nf satisfaction
iruurantoed. 3.1 tf
Steam Dye Works,
No. 105 Comiuercialbtreet,
opposite Willamette hotel.
Ladles nnd gentlemen's
clothing cleaned, dyed, re
paired and pressed. Fine
blankets cleaned or dyed
and nicely Mulshed. Kid
gloves cleaned, 10c; dyed
) V
all the best of their kind and defy competition