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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1896-1899 | View Entire Issue (June 9, 1899)
wrH- "T "T,31 J ' "' ,,T" DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL. VOL. X. SALEM, OREGON, -FRIDAY JUNE 0 1S99. NO 180. k n'T'vmuTHwlvMi'wq You can get Full value When You : THE NEW YORK RACKET. 1 r f r They da cash business and mark every article in the store right down to bed rock. You don't pay you neighbor's bad debts at a cash store, You ought to try the spot cash plan in your buying for a while and notice the result. If you do you will never go back to the thirty-day credit plan again. No merchant can buy goods cheaper, and not one merchant in a thousand will sell at as low a profit as THE NEW YORK RACKET. t f r t t t : E. T. BARNES, Prop. Salem's Cheapest One-Price Cash Store, Cor. Commercial and Chemeketa Sts. TrtJihjftHihWttiiriiXiVifcthfcMvVkiiikitiWitiv lr i r- 111 --4 """" LACY'S GREAT a. V a. a. Per On Wc aro not KILLING the 2.0 Not making Iw Prices on Dead Stock, and blowing about it as a marvel, but wo aro SLAUGHTERING THE LIVING! Hewint; down a clean, live stock, level with tho dirt which Is associated with cheap prfces. NEW UP-TO-DATE STYLES! Every Shoo in the houto subject to the 20 per cent reduction. Goods marked in plain lluures. a. a. a. a. &&&04A' k. K. tew . Brewster 1)1 COURT PIIOXK "" yyT "T" "" I T - wi I I I V. J v I J I ' " CVI!o sure to got our prices if you Columbia Model 57 $50. The fines4 chain wheel ever turnrd out of a factory. Hartfords, strictly high grade, $35, Videttcs, fully guaranteed, $25 and $26, SROAT St WIL,SON. GRAY Qor. State and Liberty Sts. Salem, Ore. Trade With 1 Shoes! Shoes! STILL CHEAPER, Wo are giving value that terror ize our opjosltio:i. Wo have the only flhou stock in the city where you can llnd Junt whot you want ut Prices Below Bedrock, We are sotting them a warm pace for wo never follow in our line on prices, styles or quality we shall continue to lead. gjk Free ahinen to our customers. Krausse Brothers, 275 Commercial St. in mtsssmam w w " ' " m? &i 4 L J V t SLAUGHTER SHOE SALE. i Cent Reduction All Shoes, 1 -I t bead. WHAT WE SAY we do,: WE DO DO i k i A Originator of LowPrloes. We Shlno thorn Freo. NEW SHOE STORE, 1M STATIC STKKKT. k I Wfe.aWaWawWWak.awfcw & White, STRKKT 1781. Wo aro now handling salt, and at prices "'at make people stare. Never before has salt been sold so cheap as we are helling it. Wholesalo and retail. uso salt. Carpenter's Tools Blacksmith's Tools, Fine Tools For Every Trade at BROS TRAIN WRECK. In the Woods Missouri. of Women and Children Barely Rescued by a Porter. The Wreck Catches Fire and a Many Injured. Great II r AmoclulPtl I'renn (n the Jntirnnl. Kansas City, Juno 0. Forty-eight passengers wore more or less seriously and three perhaps fatally injured by the derailment of a train on the Kansas City, Pittsburg and Gulf railway, two miles south of Granvtew, Mo. The in jured were brought to this city, The wrecked train left Kansas City last night at 8 o'clock. Two miles be yond Granviow the train was derailed by the spreading of the rails. Jjrhe smoker which contained most of the injured una the cnnlr ear turned on their Bides into a ditch. The Pullman left the track but remained upright. The engine, combination, baggage and mail car remained on the track. Women ano children were dragged from the window of the chair car and attended to as well possible. L'nder tho circumstances, before all had lccn taken out a fire started from a stove In the rear car. Tho porter of l Jim Win iriiiiicu iirui ifiiuru u.t mn jm-n-! ittwu. it ffiltiil Iti iinftltir. ii lmlit tlltvkll.rli V...W W. .....IV. ... .......If,.. ..V.V ...Vft.. the roof, quenching the lire and rescuing several women. The scene of tho wreck was in the woods and thoro was no houno near to which the injured could bo taken. As soon us possible news of tho wreck was scut to Gran view, and a relief train started from Kansas City. Wichita, Kan., Juno 0. There Is 1!W feet of track on the Santa Fu washed oi.t north of this city. Five thousand acres oHow land aro under water. The Ar kansas river is the highest It has been since 1877. MARION ro'lNTY TAXES. Declared Delinquent by the County Court a Great Deal Earlier Than Usual. The county court Iiuh ordered the Hheriff to proceed to collect all taxoa for 1808, which aro now declared dollnnuont, and he will proceed iioxtMo!itlnU' nuiKO out a delinquent iisi. Tho county court in taking aggroxHlvo action to enforce collection of delinquent taxes. A correct description of all prop- luxes. a correct description ui 1111 iuui erty assessed for delliuiueut taxes is ti bo iniulo out by Countv C'lork Hall 01 tho dohiuiuent list of 18U8. The shcrif to Oil dohiuiuent Hut of 18U8. The Hheriff collected about $10,000 on tho 1890 and 1897 delinquent Hutu and f7,000 more could bo collected if there were more perfect descrlptioiiH. Tho Hheriff will now proceed to pub- IIhIi a notice netting forth the order of the court. iaxoHiiro really uoltnquont April tlrnt and the issuing of a warrant by the hheriff bo early as thlH is a new feature in Marion county and will tend to put the county on a cah basin. The action of the court will tend to put tho county out of debt by tho end of two years with economical adminlHtra tion. Hy the end of two years there mav bo "a new crop of debt. Marion countv ban a flouting debt of fl'JO.OOO and there "is due the county $25,000 on de linquent tax rolls. Tho county is pay ing 8 percent on about 1 100,000 and 0 ler cent on about f20,000. Descriptions of jKirsons and property aro so inaccurate in many cafcos that tho receipt for payment of taxes 011 that description is not worth tho paper it is written on. These descriptions are all defective and nre to bo jwrfected by the Waters & I.ce abstract company. Out of WOO descriptions in the 18IHI and 1JW7 delinquent list not one hundred were found to lo correct. This condition of affairs has lieon made wo rue by Ignorant and incompe tent assessors and deputies who have Inien employed in late years. The sher iff as tax collector is generally hold re sponsible for all emirs of this kind, but of course any intelligent inirson would wish a sheriff to bo as innocent in all other matters as he Is of such mistaken. 1 - A CORRECTION. The Two "Mc'b" of the Marion County Delegation Mixed Up. In "Uoundup Nunilwr One," pub llshed In Thursday Jociwai., a table of roll calls in the house, one error has been discovered. In tho twelfth oolumn giving the roll call on the bill requiring city ahartors to lw submitted to a popu lar votos, the votes of MeOourt and Me. Cullocli are transposed. MeCourt oted against the bill and MeOtilloch for it. The biunmary at the right of the table, however, is oorrwt, ami Mr. McCulloch is triven credit for this as n "right" oto. The utmost cart has been used in tho preisiratioii of this table, but in verify inglhe 1200 different votw this trunspo sltHin tscuied notice. Crop Report. ('. Gibson, a thrifty farmer of near Hlekoroall, drove in this morning on businow. Mr. Gibson wisirts crop as not ui to the avaraae In his taction of the county and says fall gram oi low land is nearly a failure and will not make Iwlf a crop. Sjiring grain all looks well and will bo a fun erop. Grain stubbled in looks verj' "0 '"'P ure .iromUlng flno, rluwslooW ncli aim are farther advaicud tlun last year sio far there is no sign of lice or vermin of any klml C. Ivong, of Silvrto4i uim ih U at tend th fruit growers eottVMitfun II reitoru Kln croi s kxikiwg lr arouwl Silvsrton titan in many years, rfally on tlw low lawl. V. M. Stf&rratt f SHvartfHt, WHj I u aitwl thFrtiltgrewaw 90HutJwi to- day. Mr. Starrrett reports crops as" look king fine, but says there will not bo much fruit. In tho Crooked-llngor district there will be quite a large crop of prunes. INSULTED A WAITRESS?"" Signor Peruglnl Fined $50 by the Sulein ..uiuci. v- A man named Perugiui, an actor in tho "Turtle." company, used Insulting language in seaking to one of tho wait resses at the Willamette hotel. Peru glnl was arrested and arraiirned liofore Keeorder Judah Tuesday afternoon at 4 o'clock. He pleaded guilty and was lined 150. "I would like to have a prlvato con ference with your honor before you lin imjso the line," said the first of Lilian Hussolls five ex-husbands. "I can't grant that request, Signer, said Ills Honor, Judge Judah. ''You have plead guilty, the flno has becnliin iwseii, and you will have to pay or go to Jail." ' ' " Ho immediately paid. Incorporators. The Oregon Canning Company, of Gardiner. Btock, $10,000, by W. F. Jew ett, N. J. Cornwall and C. II. Hinsdale ; the Gold Hill Light & Power Company. stock f 10.000, by J. H. Iteetnan, J. $. Hayes and Ja. W. Hayes, filed articles today. THEOOLDEN LEGEND. A Great Success at the Opera Hound by Local Talent. At the opertf house Thursday evening it distinct success was scored bUho Salem Choral Society and oreheatrai in "Tho Golden Legend." Fourteen scenes from Longfellow's poem with music by Dudley Uuck vjero presented under tho direction of IJrof. Francesco Heley, of the College-' of Music. Tho owra house was well filled on the lower lloor, and there were a large mini, ber in tho gallery. Salem's best people wore present in force, and the lovers of music weronell repaid for their attendance. It is some thing of an agreeable surprise to llnd that wo have musical talent In our midst cafiable of handling a purely musical composition hi the manner that this was handled, as well as organizing and executive ability sufllclent to carry it through with such perfect harmony and smoothness. Piofessor Seloy 'de serves not only full credit for his ability, but tho gratitude of .the community for his demonstration of thu.fact that such a production can lw successfully put ujion the Iwards with local talent. The leading parts, Klsle, Prince Henry and Lucifer, were sung by Miss Ethul Uayniond, soprano, J. W. Dclchor, tenor, and .1. G. Hammond, baritones respectively. The cardinal quartet, Misses Genevieve Hughes, Osklo Matthews, Kthel Hughes, and Esther Collins Bting the parts of Bpirlts .of the Airjtho Chemeketa quartet, Messrs. W"ongo"r7"H6prr Hiekford ami Linn, the larts of Monks. There was nlo a chorus of thirty voices. Miss Hayiuoiid'H singing of tho part of Elsie was exceptionally good. She has a very expressive voice, with some very sweet notes and no harsh ones. Her enunciation Is good also, which Ih appreciated by those who wish to gather some Idea what a vocalist is singing about. Her rendition of scene five, Elsie's Prayer, was very good indeed, and brought a recall. Mr. J. W. Helcher In the tenor part of Prince Henry was flno. It is safe to say that his is one of the best tenor voices ever heard in Salem, ills sing ing of scene second, Prince Henry's song, was one of the best things of tho ovonlng. A beautiful bouquet was handed up to him when next he ap peared, The thirteenth scene, by Miss Hay inond ami Mr. Ikilchor was also fine, and brought an encore. The Cardinal Quartette, Misses Hughes, Mathews, Hughes, and Collins, in their choruses, as spirits of the air etc., wore fully up to their well-known high standard of excellence. The Chemeketa Male quartette, Messrs. Weuger, Hopf, lliokford and Linn did good work. On account of the severe cold from which Mr. Wengor was suffering, however, tho sailors' song, hceno eleven, was iiocuMeursly omitted, and in scene seven, Prof. Seloy took Mr. Wonger's urt. Scene nine, by tho whole company was very llnw. The orchestral work was without a 11 Haw that could be detected by any one but an oxMirt, and reflects great credit upon Mr. Itegiuald L. Hbldeii, concert uiuator. In fact it was a finished performance throughout ami showed great musical talent with careful tralnim; and oreie a ration. Tub Joi'hxai. congratulate Professor Soley and all who took part under him on the jxtrfect sua achieved. i nice souvenir itroeram wits pre. Minted to each lierson who attended. It is printed 011 a line quality of white autHjue jHtpur, with a handkouie purple cover, printed and decorated in gold. It is a work of art well worthy of preserva tion. The arrangement and pruss work are ixirfect, and the fact that such work run le done here at homo ought to prevent any one from sending away for job printing of any kind, no inutUr how flue an artk-le U needeil. 'Die work lears tlie iittpriitt of ('ronii A Conover. Justice Court. The Jury in the eate of IWujaiiiiii O. Whipple v. Mrs. Ketiben Iam, tried ot TliurHlay afterwioti, brotight in it ver dict in favor of the idmiitiff for the amount of his luiiii, f ire M. This, Frulo)', afternoon, Jntue John Mil is hearing a chi wltereiu Jautee Itell mm Wm. ISeiwuii fur a null wood wu. m Ta wire I, Grippe, keep wrm, epcUll) the fecu ud take Dr, AtneV Ntrvtsc. ITER OCEAN Canal Commission is Appointed. Skeleton Regiments to Be Organized. To Bo Officered From Among American Veterans. the llr AnKoHntcil I're u the Jntirnnl. Wasiiinoton, Juno 0. Tho president has opiointcd the following commission to determine tho most feasible and practicable route for a canal across the isthmus of Panama: Hear-Admiral John G. Walekr: Samuel Pascoo of Florida; Alfred Noble of Illinois : George S. Morrison of New York ; Col. Peter Haines; Prof. Win. II. llurr of Con necticut; Lieut. Col. Oswald Ernest; Lewis M. Haupt of Pennsylvania; Prof, Emory It. Johnson of the Univer sity of Pennsylvania. Washin(itox, Juno 0: The cabinet in connection with the possible necessity of enlisting a forco of volunteers today 'dis cussed a plan for enlisting several skele ton regiment in .Manila irom among tne volunteers, who desire to remain in tno service and subsequent tilling out the regiments, witli recruits onllstyd lu this country. Gen. Otis will bo irivcn authority to select tho olllcers of these regiments irom the volunteers olllcers anil men seasoned to climate and familiar with the work to bo done, o Such a forco doubtless would bo Immeasurably su ltrier to a forco raw recruits, undis ciplined and utiai'cllmatcd, MARION COUNTY NEWS Business Being Transacted at the Court House. CII1CUIT COUUT. In Department No. 1, a reply has been filed by plaintiff's Attorney's Drown. Wrliihtmun and Myers, In the case of L. II. McMahon vs Canadian Paclllc Hallway. In Department No 2, a reply has been filed by plaintiff's attorney's, W. T. Slateraud W. M. lvulsor,iu the action for divorce entitled Lulu M. Hays vs G. F. Hays. In tho case of Hoofer and Xoru vs A. Choquettootul, W. T. Slater and W. Kaiser for defendants have filed a de murrer to plaintiff's complaint. J'ltOIIATK. - In the matter of the estate of ('. J. Mulkey, deceased, J. W. IjiIhhi, J. 11. Itiches and J. M. Drown have been up Dolntcd annraisers for Marion county. and John Wyutt, George Cooper ami I-csllo Lilly, for Denton county. IIUKDS KII.KI). F. W. Durbin, sheriff, to Coolldge & McClalno, 10 ucres in section L'8, tils, r 1 e, sheriff's deed, f 2,010. M. J. Egan toC. II. Ernst and wlfu, 125,00 acres Jn 1 4 s. r .'I w. w. d. l,r0g, Alma and Martha Schiiidler, to Al Coolldge, 80 acres in section lit and 25, t 7 h, r 1 w, w. d. $700. F. L. I.ord to Fred Kobow, 20 acres in section 33, t s, r ' w, w. l. f IKR). Druce A. Jones and wifo to Will It. Jones, lot No. 1, in Drooks, w. d. $250. block No. 7, In LOOKS LIKE WAR. Between England and KrU;er in Uouth Africa. I.O.VIKJN, June 0. The morning papers are beuiuiiing to talk seriously of the jsjsslbillty of war in South Africa. Mr. ChamlMirlaln, secretary of state for the colonies, in his speech in the house of commons yesterday, announced that his reply to tho ietltiou of tho (Mtlaiiders, which had boon held back (tending the result of the conference ut Dlncmfoutolii, would now be presented to the Trans vaal. This renly is seini-ollleially doscribi-d as "explicit but conciliatory," but It is believed to bo in the nature of a practi cal ultimatum. The resources of di plomacy ure regarded as exhausted with tho failure of the conference. Nothiii is left, it Is felt, but 11 recourse to forco Commenting editorially 011 the situa tion, the Daily Mail says: 'If we know our Kruger aright, he will back down, and if not, why " Later. London, June t). Wost-Minlstcr CJu zette says a rumor is current hero from a well-informed source that it has Imjoii projtosed in a responsible quarter that tho United States meditate iMitween the Transvaal and Great ilrltain. It is added that the suggestion Is being con sidered anil is not lmprnlmhlo that the meditation may bo undertaken. TOM.LCLKAltLV, the eyes must I in normal condition or assisted by. Glasses fitted by a graduate optluian. Chifci roll's eyes should be tested fre quently. Minor defect of vision, eor reeted during youth will strengthen the eight in old age. We make examinations free, and fit glaM to all conditions of sight. BARB'S JEWELRY STORE, J 10 STATU BTJIDBT. RIVER NEWS. Steamer Altona's First Tup Today Since Being KemodleJ. The new steamer Altona will arrive this evening. She is practically a new boat, being nearly now except the hull. She was out for fier trial trip vesterdav and is pronounced a flue craft by the inspectors. The new craft far exceeds the expectations of the managers and olllcers of this line of steamers in looks, caiwclty and comfort, in fact the steamer Is now a jHirfect gem lu every respect. This new boat Is 130 feet long, 20 feet beam and has a depth of t feet in tho hold. Tho olllcers nre reliable substantial steamboat men, who thor oughly understand their business and are ttcricci eent emeu. llic ootntuiiiv I cmyloyes none other. Tho craft will bo miner tno management or Captain J. W. Graham with A. W. Graham as purser. J. W. Hollow is chief engineer and W. It. Smith is stowaiil. Under such elllcient lnamigeinent as the above named olllcers the new Isiat can not hut bo a success as a passenger lmat. The cabin Is finished in white and gold and is seated with line new opera chairs, which are beauties and areas comfortable as they are elegant to look upon. The state roomsnro comfortable and supplied with all modern couveuien ces.Tliocurtalns and jKirtiers are all In tholatostllagdadoffocts.Tho seats In the ineii'scabln are upholstered in peulsato and tho unhid Is well lighted with the latest design of windows, coming down so 0110 can view tho surrounding country with comfort while seated. The deck promenades are supplied with convenient seating capacity on all sides of the bout. All merrors and fixtures, even to tho coo;:ig iiieutiais ami uisIich are new and clean from stum to stern, The Altona will bring down an ex cursion from IiuloiH'iidonco Saturday to attend the Field day siwrts. This new boat will make alternate trips with the Pomona which will give this company the finest steamer line on tho Willa mette river. Mr. M. P. Baldwin tho agent horo, announces iniu tno steamer loft l'ort land at 0 o'clock today and will atrlvo at Salem about 0 o'clock this evening. Drown & Son and West t Collins, two of SaloniB rustling butcher llrms shipped a largo lot of dressed meat to Portland today. The rlvor stands at 5.5 feet today and receding at the rate of several Inches a day. Tho Ituth brought down 000 sacks of wheat from Independence for tho Salem mill, today. Field Day Tomorrow. Ixx-al enthusiasm is at a high pitch over me prospect 01 a granu nay tomor row, and every body is talking Field Day. These athletic contests between teams from tho different colleges nre a class of sport, clean and wholesome In every particular, and should lie encour aged hy the liberal patronage of tho public. It lias been the custom hereto fore to close the stores from 1 :!I0 to 5 p. m. and a canvas to this effect has met with encouragement. These gamus bring great crowds of visitor to the city in which they are hold, and are sought after by other places than Salem, but if liberal encouragement Is given hy a largo attundance. Salem need have no fear of loosing this annual holiday. Tho Salem Military baud will play iikhi the street at l p. 111. and in the grandstand during tho progress of contests. The admission is 2fl and 50 cents, grandstand fiee, and a full program appears in an other column. The Modern Beuuty Thriven 011 good food and sunshine, with plenty of eseiclse in the opun air. Her form glows with health and her face blooms with Its beauty. If her system needs the demising action of u luxativo remedy, she uses tho gentle and pleas ant Sj nip of Figs, made by the Calif ornia Fig Syrup Co. only. IIIIIIiaillMHHIMIMIlllllMIRIMilHiiiirjIllliiHiHliiiiiaiiiiiiiiiiiliiilliiiaigllillill jjos. Meyers & Sons,! I Salem's Greatest r' . LET US FOUK lit' HON SACK SUIT C'.ipjmM ! Uf llm.S.baltur U Mara OUU 1 li I'lran VM B w in ft 'wm iLLmi 278-280 Commercial St, The Old illHHH!llllMIIIIIIIIlMMIHHa11l Royal sASSOlUZEIYtajRE Makes tho food more HOYH tHKINd EDITORIAL RECEPTION Several Salem Committees Ilavo Been Name.! to Receive Editorial Visitors. Ths Expected Ouests Will Probably Kench the Capital City During the Middle of July. When it is known Just when tho dole gates to tho National Editorial Asso ciation will visit this city, extensive ar rangements will is.) found havo been to made by tho Salem public for their re ception and entertainment while 111 the city. Soe'y. Thlelson, secretary of tho Salem Chamber of Commerce, has been In communication with the members of the Portland press association, relative to a visit from tho national newspaper writers, and will go to Portland again when he hopes to delluitely ascertain when the delegates will visit this city. G. Stolr. ami Mr. Thlelson, and who were empowered with the selection of the several committees made tho fol lowing aiiiinunceuients. Executive committee II. D. Tlilelsen, O. P. Pishop, II. G. Sonnomann, and II. 11. Drophy. Deception Mayot C P. Dishop, Gov omorT. T. Geer, George D. Gray, T. W. Potter, 11. J. Hendricks, J. II. Fletcher, E. Hofer, CD Irvine, W P Ixml, W II Leeds, Z F Moody, N J Judah, E P McCjrnnck, F It Anson; MrsWPLonl, Mrs D B Dean, Mrs I L Patterson, Mrs 0 S Mooro, -Mrs . F Moody, Mrs 1' U Anson. Mrs O E ICruusbo and Miss Anna Metschan. Transportation II G Sonnoinanu, 0 M Epploy, A F McAfee, L D Henry, E F Parkhurst. Lunch Mrs George II Diiruett, Mrs E M LaFore, ami Mlsi Calista Moore, managing committee, ussisted by Mrs Win Cherrlngton, Mrs WT Williamson, Mrs I) A Paine, Mrs W T Gray, Mrs W II Savage, Mrs O I) Hutton, Mrs F W Steusloff, Mrs E Htrsch, Mrs J J Mur phy, Mrs F 1 Dunbar, Mrs U D Glllxirt, Mrs J 1) Sutherland. Mm W II Dyrd, Mrs E.P McCornuuk, Mrs T Ilolmau, Mrs M N Chapman, Mrs Ida Dabcock, MrsC E Wolverton, Mfs E F Parkhurst. and Miss Lena Dreyman: Messrs II D Ilropliy, W II Savage, G W Davis, G II llitruett, H D Fleming, II S Gilo, J D Sutherland, ami Jl L Mor lorcdith. Two Insane, Jerry 0Drlen,of Hood Diver, aged 29, and Miss Pastoor, of Linn county, u deaf mute, aged 'M, were today brought to 1111. usyiii asylum. An excursion train will arrive from Albany and Corvallls about 10:!!0 Sat tirday morning. HELP YOU ft Select your Spring suit from this elegant new stock of Hart, Schaffher & Marx garments and we guarantee you will have the best -looking, best wearing suit you ever wore. In workmanship and tailoring the H. S. & M. clothes are ahead of any others we ever saw. Here are all the new pat terns. It is only a question of picking out the style most becoming to you. HART, 8CHAFFNKR & MARX QUARANTCEO CLOTHINQ. STOH13 OPKN EVENINGS. Baking Powmer delicious and wholesome POWOf K CO., Ntw YORK. BY THE COUNTY COURT, SherifT Durbin of Marion County Ordered to Prepare the Delinquent List. The court after considering tho mat. ter for tho year 1898, decided to ordor tho tax roll closed and tho unpaid por tions declared delinvueni, and tlio fol lowing ordor was made and entered of record : 'Now on this day It opearlng to tho county court that tho sheriff of Marfon covnty has had possession of tho tax roll 1809, sinco the first day of March, 1899, and that sufllclent time han elapsed to glvo all persons desirous of paying their taxes, without additional costs, to pay the samo. "It Is now therefore, ordered that tho sherl7 of Marion county roturn to this court, lu tho manner provided by sec tions 2809, 2819 and 2811. forthwith such tax roll. aneriit utiruin will begiu Monday to muko out the delinquent tax list, but will continue to receivo taxes as here tofore. Mrs. II. E. Ankony, of Eugene, l at tho Hotel Willamette, chaperoning a bevy of young ladles for field day. Funeral Notice. The funeral services of Lucius Schmidt will bo held al the Catholic , church Saturday nt 9 a. m- WHEAT MARKET. CiiiCAtio, June 0. July 76),, Cash red 77. 8an Fjiancisco, June, 0. Cash 1,10 Store. $5.95 M UI IS LITTLE MONEY 8 To invest in a suit, but that is all one of our fine all wool elegantly finished cassimeres will cost you. Some think theyare good value for 510, our price has been 8.50 and $9, They are yours for spot cash for $5.95. They are a i W SENSATION At the insignificant price, and is onjy one of our bargain surprises. New Golf Shirts. New Crash Hats. New Belts. New Sweaters. White Corner. J If it's in the blood j 1 Auer'k Sas'saparilla j i 1 , ! will lake it out. ) M Other kinds may,.-! j but probably will not. J "i m T; ?J