I PERSON ALAND LOCAL I For additional Local News J J-p nnTmnmTTTnTTTmmnmmmnnnmTfe It. Daniels, of Dallas, wni u business visitor In Salem today. Mrs. laul IlanHcn returned from Port land Saturday night. H. Black was a passenger to Port land Sunday on business. Win. It. Turpi" '8 ll ,1UW l''ur'i '" Joeph Meyers ASons store. Pearl Thomas, of liorkley, Calif., is the guest of the Misses Ketehum. M, P. Berry and Miss Winnie Silver v ere issued licenses to wed yesterday. Ralph Itichards of Independence came down this morning on business. Miss J. N". Brown, of Bangor, Maine, is visiting at the home of Mrs. M. L. Savage. Mrs. Perry Card and Mrs. N. M. Hepburn returned from Portland Sat urday night. I). Lcpper went to Champoeg this morning to work on a now hop house for Mrs. Bonoit. F. A. Sutton was a passenger to Port land Sunday, on his way to AVardner, Tdaho, for Work. Miss Josephine Ilibbard,' of Willard, arrived from Portland on the Ruth on Saturday evening. C. D. Harris and family left this morning for Portland where they will reside in the future. G. T. Tillsou, went to Portland via Hoag Sunday on a business trip, expect ing to be gone soveral days. Mrs. M. E. Burnett, of Portland, who lias been the guest of Miss Ada Morgan, returned to Portland Sunday. 0. 11. Brown, A. Catfish and Molly Johnson, of Slletz, who were visitors at Chemawa, returned homo today via steamer. L. C. Giltnoro, proprietor of the water works and lighting plant of tho city of Independence, came down on business this morning.' .Mrs. Johns, of Monmouth who has been tho guest of Mr. nnd Mrs. J. N. Smith returned home via Kuth Satur day oveniug. Mrs. A. McCulloy, of lluttovlllo, who has been visiting Mr. and Mrs. D. Mc McCulIey, of C57 Front street, returned home Sunday. Miss Lena Buchheit of Mt. Angel, and F. J. Barr, son of J. G. Barr, of this city, will bo united in tho holy bonds of nmtrimony on next Wednesday. Chan. Burggraf loft on Saturday for Morrow, Sherman county, vhero today bids wero opened for a now $10,000 court house. Mr. Burugraf drew tho plans. Mr. and Mrs. I II. Parsons, who have been spending several weeks in nnd around Salem, rusticating, wore passengers for Portland on Sunday, via steamer. I. Bunce, who has been enjoying his furlough, returned to Vancouver, on, Sunday to report to his command for duty. Mr. Bunco expects to bo sent back to Manila. Mr. and Mrs. A. II. Williams wero passengers down to Oregon City this morning via Steamer Pomona whore they will visit with Mr. Williams' father and mother. James Kershaw of this city yester day received word from England that he has fallen heir to 200 pounds sterling by tho death of IiIb cousin Win. Taylor .who died in Kngland. .Lyman Loo, formerly clerk for Meier AYrank of Portland, lias accepted a po sition with Joseph Moyers & Sons. Mr. Leo is a eon of Superintendent Leo of ho Oregon state penitentiary. Notice to utchers. I will give free rent.light.wator.steam, nml colli atorugo to any good responsib o party who will operate a butchorshop in connection with mv Ice and cold storage works, corner Nineteenth and State streets, Salem. CbVht.u, Ick Works, 3-3t J. Mauire, Prop. Neaiing the End. The sale of boots and shoes by the Boston Shoo Company, which haH lxen on in Salem for the past few weeks, will close on Saturday, June 10. There has been a still further reduction In all lines, as the company do not e.ire to roshiji nnv goods, and will sell : ladies' French kid button shoes worth f I, reduced to 41.50; men's French calf shoes worth $4, reduced to I1.60. Children need not go barefooted when thov can net such .bar- trains in footwear as these: Missus school shoos worth f 1.50. sold for BO ents; boys' mjIiooI shoes worth 2, sold for 75 centa: children's hchool shoes at iilmost any price. There is also an ex cellent lino of go'ods-that can bo bought at bedrock figures, like ladies flno kid hnttnn nr In en shoos, worth $2.50. for II. Thorn is aUo a fine line of slippers for house wear, worth 11.50, which are of i ored for 50 cents, and why not bo easy on your feet in tho house? No timo should w lost. " 3 2t Mrs. L. Lehman, Mrs. G. L. lioodo, VI Km ma Vandervort. Mrs. S. M. Vandervort and Mrs. L. Langley of Sllverton were passengers down on Btcamor Pomona to attend the W. C. T. U. convention at Sherdian. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. Digests what you eat. Itartlflciallydlgestathefood and aids Nature in strengthening and recon structing the exhausted digestive or gans. ltUthelateatJiscovereddlgest antand tonic. No other preparation can approach it in 31clency. It In stantly relieved and permanently cures Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn, 'Flatulence, Sour Stomach, Nausea, Slcklleadacbe.Gastralgia.Cframps.and 11 other results of Imperfect digestion. f rpart by C. C DWIU A Go- Cblcaao. Sunday School Convention. Marlon county Sabbath pchool con vention opened on May 31, at 2 p. m. singing All Hall the Power of Jesus Name, by devotional exercises by Rev. B. F. Hinshaw of Marion. 2:10 p. m. 'Address of welcome by Robert Reid also of Marion. 2:20 p. m.-Responsc by Rev. Pratt of SAlem, and Rev. Gittens of Turner. Brother Wynans of Salem, was elected temporary chairman and Miss Anna Lindgren of Marion, temiorary secre tary for this convention. After roll call of the different schools in the county an address was delivered by Rev. Gettlns of Turner, on Sundav School and Temperance Work, which should result in the down fall of the liquor trnilii; and the up building of the church and Sabbath school work, for the salvation of this our grand republic. Remarks by Chairman Rev. Parsons and others. Song, More About Jesus. 4:25 p. in.- Essay bv J. Tonkins of Mehama, "Best Method of Preparing a Sunday School Teacher. Followed by questions and answers. Lvening session rirat devotional at 7:30. Address Synopsis of the Nazar lue lectures by John Parsons of Salem. Collection. Benediction. June 1, Session opened ot 8:30 n. in. Devotional exercises by Bennett Pear son of Jefferson. After which reports of different committees wero read. The nominating committee proposed the namo of Robert Reid of Marion, for president and L. M. Gilbert of Risedale, for vice-president, nnd Miss Anna Lind gren of Marion, for secretary for the ensuing year. Report adoped as read. Committee on way and means pro posed the disbursing of the funds as follews: One-third of tho funds to be turned into the hands of the state assoc iation mid two-third to bo retained for tho use of the county association. f:30p. m. An address on the sub ject: Helps for Teachers .and Prepara tions of Sunday school lessons, which was quite interesting by Miss Frickey of Salem. Followed by an essay on Pri mary Work by Mrs. C. M. Ogle Primary Union, a member of Salem Union. 11:45 a. m. Influence of music in Sunday school by Prof. Francisco Seley of Salem. The committee on resolutions submit the following which was adepted: First. Resolved that wo thank the church and pastor for tho use of their c'urcii building. second. Wo do kindly ttituiK the good people of Marion, "for tho kind hospitality in opening their hearts and homes to this convention. Third. That wo deplore the desecra tion of theSabbath and Sunday by excur sions and picnics. Fourth. l nut we regard intemper ance as a sin, aim the saioou as mo chief enemy of the church and home and that wo favor earnest temperance work In our Sunday schools. Fifth. We wish to express our ap preciation for tho services rendered by the chairman and secretary pro tern, of tills convention. 12:10. Adjournment to meet again about Juno 1, next year tho exact timo and place to bo given later by executive committee. ijfiiui)' ' ii(ii ru-cii. Cni blood 'meruit) a cicnu skin. 4. beauty without it. C'ascarcts, Candy Cntlioi tic clean your blood And keep it clean, by stirring up the lazy liver and urivinj all im purities from the body. Begin today to banish pimples, boils, blotches, blackheads, and that sickly bilious complexion by taking Cascorctn,--beauty for'tcn cents. All drug gists, satisfaction u'um-antecd, 10c, 25c, 50c Piano Tuning. Leave your orders for piano tuning at tho ofllco of "The Wiley 11. Allen Piano Co., at 222 Commercial street Saloiu. A fine lino of pianos nnd organs, call soon. "The Wiley 11. Allen Co." 0-5-tf Don't Go Barefooted When you can buy children's School Klinon nt 7& cunts, worth 11.50. at Bos ton Shoo Co.mpany, SOS Commercial street, near the postofllce. 4 15 tf J. T.' Potereon was a passenger to Portland this morning, having spent some timo visiting W. 11. Black. Deafness Cannot Be Cured by local applications, as they cannot roach mo uimmimhi (Minimi i" " There is only ono way to. euro doafness, and that is by constitutional remedies. Deafness is caused by an iullamed condi tion of the mucous lining of the Eustach ian Tube. When this tube gets in flimied von have a rumblini! sound or iiuiierfcct hearing, and when it Is en-1 tiroly closed deafness is tho rosult, and i unless the Humiliation mil ijv iumw and this tube restored to its normal con dition, hearing will bo destroyed forever ; nine cases out of ton nre -cum-ed by catarrh, which is nothiug but an in flamed condition of tho mucous surface. We will give Ono Hundred Dollars f r any caw of Densness (caused byoaturrh) that cannot bo cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Sond for circulars, free. . F. J. Ciienby & Co., Toledo, 0. Sold by druggists, 75c, Hall's Family Pills are the boat. Btut the lh8 Klftd w H3"8 A13irs " To cure piles, DeWltt's Witch Hazel Salve 8THIKKB AT TIIK BOOT-lt TO- move the cXusk, quickly and per manently. Stone Drug btorcs. 0-a.&4VvJ3rtX-. , 1M ioe Ijii w nuiji pop Brick and Tile. A frosh kiln of choice brick just oponwl. Also sujwrior tiling of all fcfwd, bwtmade. Call on or Adtim , J. 15. Mu 1(1 l 1 1 i 6.9rtd&w 1 m Fair Grounds, Or. Mrs. L. W. ltidwrto, of Portland and Mrs. W. Crown. f IMleimdeiee, arrive.! Swwlay o tlw Ho. Tlwy are thegueUio Mr. awl Mrs. C. H.. RobertMMi corner of High aad ClHMnek eta streets. IIbbcham's Piuus for btomftch and Liver Ills Mrs. F. I SauvaiM ami dulUr Mi Minna, roturn! I Salonlajr turn inc from a week's sokwrw in Oigoi's 1 luetropults visiting frlende aiol wltiv. HsMri 1 lESS WmmBf wmSfcrm. :a Lrfv v- mnykh .:L All Excellent Combination. The ple.innt method and beneficial effects of the well known lemedy, oiiiLi or tins, niaiiuiuciurcii iv tut Camfohnia Fio Sunn- Co.. illustrate ho value, of obtaining the liquid laxa tive principles of plants known to be medicinally laxative and presenting them in the furuunost refreshing' to the taste and acceptable to the system. It is the one perfect strengthening laxa tive, eleansinif the system effectually, dispelling' colds, headaches nnd fevers irently yet promptly nnd cnublln one to overcome habitual constipation per manently. Its perfect freedom from every objectionable nntihtv and sub stance, nnd its noting1 on the Uidnevs, liver and bowels, without weakening or Irritating them, make it the ideal laxative In the process of mnnufacturliifr (Ik arc used, as they are pleasant to the taste, but the medicinal qualities of the reined,, nre obtained from senna nnd other aromatic plants, by a method known to tho CAi.troitNiA Fia Nyiivm Co. only. In order to pot its benefldnl effects and to avoid imitations, please remember the full nnmo of the-Company printed on the front of every package. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. OAN FKANCISCO. OAI X.OUISVIX.X.E. KV. 1IUV YOltlt. N Y. i'ori.ile by all Druggists. Price 5W, pcrlxiltlc Ftom Marion. R. C. Davis, who arrived here in Marcli with bis family from Norton county, Kansas, boarded the overlai.d for Perry, Oklahoma, tho land of cy clone. They go over the S. P. & Santa Fo route. After nil the rainy weather which wo liavo had since Ids arrival here he was not discouraged and says if he can dispose of his Kansas property ho will return and make his home in Ore gon. The fruit crop in this part of the val ley will be the nearest a failure that has bden for years. Cherries will Ihj the principal crop no plums or prunes to sjwak of and but very few apples. Prospect for grain is good .though some of the last sowing which was done only a few days ago, is not yet up. Many of tho farmers have their pota toes to plant yet, the early planting are doing well, too much rain for the good of the general gardening as the weeds out grow the vegetables. Tho parties getting out railroad wood are making slow progress" on account of so much rain and bad roads. It. F. Ray and son Mark started to the Capital on Friday a. m. and when near Turner one of their horses got a foot in a hole in a bridge and sprained his leg so they had to return homo again. The horse Is quite lame and it will be several days before they can make their trip to Salem. To-Nlgnt and To-Monow Night, puveacli day ana night during Mils week you can uot at any drugglstV Kemp's Hulsiiui for tho Throat and Lungs, acknowledged to bo. the most successful remedy ever sold for Coughs, Croup, Bronchitis, Asthma anil Consumption. Get it bottle to. day and keep It always in the house, so you can check your cold at once Price 25e and 50c. Sample bottle free cod&w ShaVc rnto Vour Shoes Allen's Foot-Ease, it pawner for the feet. It cures painful, jwollen, sniartllng, rcrvous feet, and Instantly takes the htlng outof corns and bun ions. It's tho greatest, comrort dis covery of tho age. Allen's Fool-RtfO makes light or new shoes feel easy, It Is a certain cure lor sweating, callous and hot. tired, aching feet. Try It today. Sold by all druggists and shoe stores. Ily mall for 25c. in stamps. Trial package FREE. Ad dro, Allou i. Olmsted, Le Roy, N V. cod d&w IMmanl Brown, who has held a posi tion with our electric company has se cured a place as electrician at Wardner. Scrnfiibt,MilL rheiMif atufitll diseases caused by Impure blood aro currl by Hood's Sursunurlllu, which Is Amor lea's Greatest Modlclne. Mrs. S. Hndley was a paawngor to Portland Sunday for a week's visit with friends and relatives. itarntB your !lonrU Willi Ut(siret. Onmlr Ontliartle. our wllpHfl turevei Ko.36c. It O. C. O. (alt. druRtWirtuftd HMMiay Good News. Von omii buy gents' Fine Calf Show for fl.'J5, worth $2.50, Boston Shew Camixuiv. .103 Ccmuiurelul street, nwir the postofllce. 4 15 tf Miss AhhUt Mills, of thv Salem Hospi tal has returned from h visit with Al bany friends. To luri Coinllpullon rorevr, TabeCMoareis Utuev Cutburtl 10orSSe. IIC.UO, ill to cure. drusEUt ruturU ihsdc? MrM. DaviilMin andsUtar, of Corvullis oanie down on the Hg Smida, for a visit with Salem friends. M Itare ttemi troubled errat ileal with u u J iver. wi. i. r.iuoM eoutl k,l I lu u.t .W-AK1 Ti ujIjckU oucu.la ori'i 'i ii .'I urtKt tiru r--lix( tki am trial 'J.l' I o.i nu.ui uonlirfi-'M'I' 4IM1 o k . , . t-'l . aall . i be too elad to i-.,-miu.-i -;-rt olMW'tr ibe opfionueitl t w .iii J. A utrn jvjO suwueaauua At , PfcUaAtlpbla. ! MtuaH PiiauaU toi i.l Tm 6u4 IJO A Nr p vu Wt" ' C.i'K Xt ... CURE CONSTIPATION. Hk tw4 (' !. t NO-TO-BAC &ttNRSM&it&' $LZjf t' 5 mfFAfJiJltYutltj M' IW-MTT 1 I LazY Lier Mi Zjp CATHARTIC j nfniMMIfm GOLD EXPORTS, One Million Dollars to De Shipped to Europe. Hr Aasoi'liitiMl I'rcs to the Jonninl. New Yoiik, June 3. The Journal nnd Advertiser says! The announcement that the National City bank would ship $1,000,000 in gold to Europe on the steamship Lucania was considerable of a surprise in Wall street. Although sterling exchange has ruled rather high, it has been maintained by bankers that there was little likelihood of any gold exports at the present time. That shipment should bo made by the National City bank, which engineer ed the payment of the Spanish indem nity of $20,000,000 without Ponding gold abroad up to the present timo kills to to some extent tho force of any argu ments whtch may be based on tho shipment. JiTlio view taken of the shipment by conservative men is that the United States is producing. $00,000,000 gold an nually and now lias on hand more of the precious metal than any other country, and therefore can easily afford to Fend several millions to Europe. Beside the demand for exchange to offset tho pay ment of the Spanish indemnity, there has been a fair increase In the Imports of finished goods from Europe which must be paid for. Tills season of the year is, furthermore, the period when large sums are taken abroad by tourists Tho exports of food products also de cline in tho spring but this year are very largely offset by exports of American manufactured goods. Europe lias been buying IkicIc largo quantities of our stocks which wero sold here some months ago, but has been stihtdily selling bonds. No-To-liii" iiir fifty CrnU. Gtinmnlpvil toluu'fo liniili euro, mnltrs vrcnl nun struiin. ulooil imru. Wc. SI. All ilrum.'Uts A. T. Mollltt left Sunday morning ia t'aiii, taking with hhu sixty jack screws to raise a largo grain ware house for the Atlas Milling company. Mr. Molllt has taken tho job by the day. ltiti with you wlirtlier you continue thr, nrrTti-kllllnir tuhacro bMilt. nit-l (.IM4 aH .pinovc njoik'ttrefortobanu, wltlul MBbbV outntfrvouiUlitreii.eipeUnlccKTjl ,1 B liip tine, purines the blood, ro--qfaf I a milM.- torrs loat nunhooil.rf ef W D Rvujoloirt tnakoi ou ronir4TH AVKioM 400,000 In licalth, ncrTO- eg W I tHfrMri rureil llu j ndpocket-YMkl MEkSO TOIIAC from book. -rjl 'PV Lajour own dminrl't. who 'dft 1 1 AwlllTouchforui.Takn Itwlth -BL'W LAJfwlll.patlrntl)'.lerilitentlr On FIafJKH Pfi box.f I. niuallcurcei Sboira.ttU. fjaaarva (marAnl.fl torn rr, or wp refnnrl money. lana'SuriU(atnrjjCe.(llfit,Beairfal.iiwrr(. CALL FOR BIDS l-'or Lichtlng the City of Salem, Ore gon. Sealed bids will bo received nt tho otllce or the city recorder of the city (it Salem, Oregon, from the dale up -ponded to tins notice until the hour of ft o'clock p. in. on the sot.li duv of June, Ib'.M), for the lighting of the streets and highways of the said city of bulem, Oregon, for poriodsof three years, and five years front Urn dalu of the contract based upon the accepted bid In this behalf; the Common Council of said city reserving the right to lejecl any uud all bids sub milted hereunder and tho further right to pay the cost accruing under sulci contract, monthly, In the cur rent warrants of said m tin Id nal Ily, Estimates necessary to constitute n bldtinedr this call, must be made upon cither, or both, gas or electricity, and for the several kinds, degrees nnd terms of snrvlco hereafter sot forth; III.I'.GTItIO I.llIllTINO. A re lamp service, 2000 caudle power, 15 lamps All night, every night, per lamp, pcriuoiftli, Mldnlulit, every night, per lamp, per month. All night, less mncu-light nights, per lamp, per month. Midnight, less moon-light nights, per lamp, per month. IflOO candle power, -tr lamps. Same four degrees of service as above stated, separately. 1200 caudle power, l.r. lumps, .Sumo four degrees of service as above staled, separately. :2000 caudle power, :i" lamp". Same four degrcosof service as above staled, separutel). lf)00 candle power, 35 lamps. Same four degrcosof services as staled, sup finitely. 1200 caudle power, :5 lamps. Same four degrees of service us above titled, separately. Incandescent lighting, .12 caudle nowor, 200 lamps vlih posts. Hume four degrees of service as above stated, separately. .'12 candle power, 200 lauiPtistKpcndrd on wire. Sanio four degrees of service iisnboe stuted, separately. .'12 candle pover, 100 lamps with posts Same four degrees of set vice us above stated, separuiely. .'12 caudle power, 100 lamps suspended on wire. Samo four degrees of service as a hove stuted, separuiely. oak i.iuirriNd, Wellsbach Humors uvorage SO candle power. 200 lamps with posts. Su.no four degrees of service as above stated, separately. Same burners, powors and posts, 100 lamps. Same four dogreos of service as above stated, separately. Arc lamps to be suspended .t'l U .'15 feet above the grade of streets All posts, yus or electric. t of modern pattern, nnd light level l' be not less than eight (8) feet above the curb-line of the sidewalks: 1W may be of metal or wood, but material must be staled. Suspension wlretsto bring light-level Mine us above slated- All cost, of maintenance, repairing, lighting, extinguishing, cleaning, breakage, etc.,tlw borno by the parly contracting Ui furnish the lights its herein called for. All bids must be accompanlM by a con I (led cheek In the sum of SI 000, made r-avahleto the "Oily Recorder of UicL'iiy ofhalttiii, Oregon, said cliw-.ks to Im returned to the iinsuco'eaful bid- ders Immediately after the rejection ii' their Olds, and too check of Hie successful bidder to bo held by the Mtld city, at forfeit, In Hit) event of the failure nf Hie Mild suce.estul bhl tier toenUr uHiti the perforuiHoee of hl or thflr contract awi tim uwe--ful completion ih;eof wlihiri ninety drtys after Uwwjuib shall hav lxen igirel a id aertplwl by said bkldar. rhlsadverlliiienl Is ordered to Hp iwur In DhIIv nuner of Salem and I'ortlaml, Oregor, and un I'runelirco, IeattheClly of Salem, Ortmo. ty order of lb Ootuutofi UumhcII of wild city, the ttth day of May, 1Mb. GrtO. UKWWOU), Pkhd A. Lhoo, q A 111(106 QMifMii f tbe Of ty ut Sjal.m, Oregon tse-ist GBb&l. jbiia... ul MmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmA KLSSSSsistsl for Infants and Children. Cnsloria Is a lmrinloss MtibstKtito- i'or Castor OH, Pnre Koilc, Drops nml Sootliiuir Syrups. It Is Pleasant. It i'oiitalns ntdtlicr Opitiin, Alorpliiuo nor other Narcotic substance. It destroys "Worms ami allays Fovorlshncss. It euros Dturrlm'U ami "Wind flollo. It. rollovos Tccth hr Ttoubles and cures Constipation. It vctrulates tlto Stomach nnd Uowcls, jrlvinir healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea Tho mother's IMond. The Kind You Have Always Bought ' Boars tho 111 Use For Over 30 Years. THC CtHTlllll COMINV tT MIIIHITtt'i WtWQHHCITY. T. S. BURROUGHS ...Sanitary Appliances of ill Kinds.. KSTIMaTESJFUKNISHED. 1'IUOISS TOISUIT.TIIK TIMES. 10:i STATE STREET THEY ALL WANTED IT!! Yoa nee tliey tliounlit the Wcyclo In tlie window, was the only one we linil. rhrre were plenty more linlilc however, nmt wv old 'em oue each. We can fit vou out alo WITH A RflWFORD, LEUELflND, 'RE5CENT. ........ ''nil ' a MANHOOD RESTORED Kiiaranteetl to cine nil nerroun itUrnun, ktich a Wraw H iiiory, l,uiiil brain l'ower, lltaduclie, WiiWrliilnc, l.unt Ma' I.uk. Mulil'.y KniU loim, NervouRnMn.kll clrnltu, lms -jf jmrr la Ceucrat. s orpam of 4 eimer e. cnutru iy oir iouhcco, oiium or siimuimus, which lean in iniinnav,cot ii nuiiot Iitsniilly. Can brcnrrled In rrt ixxVct. J w iicrlxix.f ). tiy mall prepalif. ClicnUr 1'itc. Sold hj .'' (Iriik'nlt. AV.(orll,t Vonoothrt Maiiur.ictiirrl 'iv X.Y l'rnti Mnllrlne t'.i . F iris frailer. I.aur.l)lb k'rcjCo. tlistrlti'itl,ini;ciiu. Tliltdau I VsmliM FOR SALIC IJV D. .1. THE OLD POSTOFFICE STABLES. aaaaLVL MaLaaaLSEaHaaW Special rates g'ven to Commercial men. IrivM iiiadii Ui all ixiliiU at all hours, fllvti us a sail aim! lid satinfltxl, I'Ikhiu Ul. "At the Sign of the White Horse," I'or thirty yearn I hayo fiiipplled tho Initio with "All -Home Mitdu" huriiONH of tho IIohL ('ullforiilu Lontlior. Eviirytlilnu Unit nuw oiii of my kIioo Ik warruotud to ulvu HHtlnfuctloii nnd 1 am hotter L'liulnpod to i-upnly thu doiiifind couiiiiuii lioiwuon l'oruiuiu uud 'rriKco. AiuiiiiiiiuLiiror una. Jiuponer of Hiirrib, SuddloM, ItoheH, Whips utid Horny L'lutliliiK. E. S. Lamport 289 Commercial street, Harritt & Lawrence In thw tdtitw-to Kut . Green Peas New Potatoes Steamed Ham tM8f Mmnml llui in wiuwthlng dlieiou juat th thing. HARRITT St LAOJRBNCB Ol.li POflTOKPIOK O HOOKUP, Why Net Buy Hhcxs At Ut Itojktuii HIhh Company 'm btorw 7 IjwIUm' IIiw Ktd81UM lor fl.9,08 Cuiuuuweiitl airNt, iiwr th twUmlM. 4 1 tf W UhI Ik Ktxlol Dy(HMUii Uur? Lt la Uiv iHtwiy (iiHMivitrwl rtfiiiwly, tfio Hioit ntimUn nre para tin 0 for aiding Um awl uMtuilliiilon of foot, ami ro storing orgn to a natural uoudUlon. SUtuH DrugSuirw. SignatUro ot mmmmmmmtmmmmm The DisQicmbcrmcnt of China Seems imminent as the Towers know a good thing when they see It. Those in Salem who know a good thing when they see it pronounce the laundry work laid on their shirts, collars and cuffs tho most perfect in its faultless beauty of nnvthing outside of new linen ever seen before. Our Hue laundry work Juts reached the dignity of an art. Salem Steam Laundry, COI.. J. OLMHTKAt), I'ltOl'U Phono 41. 2:10 Liberty Street. PHONE 15) Best and largest line of Bicycles in the Gityi Car load shipments Direct from Factory PPTniQ. ?25to 1 lvlvJUUi $75. Yy 0 llQVG Best Bicycles R, M, WADE d CO. Ily iihIiib r. i'l-nu- V.llow Nditn 1'1'lx. TliU Vnili-ilut rrtnl rxeiuon, yumiimi errors, . - v je Kl i-w FItV, HAL13M, OJtlDWON. I'J2 I'KltllY.HT,, HAMtM, OH. J. J. FIDLER, proprietor. IIorriQA Hoarduil by tho Day, Wt'uk or Month. KtandliiL' Ton in h, lfio. SI le llorhc 10c. tlitiu oyor huforo. My utoak Ih not Now Is Your Time. Hovs' HohotA Show, ft, worth f 2, 11 Um iWum Hhm CniiiKtny, 80S Cointnt-r ewl struot, nar thu witolllro. 4 16 t W. M. GallaulKir, of IJryan, Pa., suy: "For forty yours 1 have tried vnrliiiis oouuh luMlioinu. Ouu Min ute Cuiik'h Otiro is Unit of all." It ra Hovqh Irutantly und aura all throat and lung troubles, Slouo j)rug 8tgoi BUSINESS CARDS. C' i-i. (DACK Successor to Or. f. M. Keene, old VVhlti Corner, Sabm, Or. I'artiei desiring superioi oeratloas at moderate feet In any branch ar in especial request. ALBERT A. JESSUP. 3E5 asm t Phono 1071. U00M8 1 AND a, OKAY HL1C, MaI'PI.NO. llLUR I'lUKTlNO. P. P. CAREY, Architect. No. 0 Iloltuiui Block, SALEM, I'atMit Olllco Meohanlcal UltAWlNdd. UltAWINUa. Ml in Salem Soda Works R. H. Westacoti', Prop. All kluiUrof mid ilrltikn nnd bar Byriin a spMlally, Vimt vlasn ilollvcry, 61 FBRUY STHBET, a ii ir Phono zcas SOUL 10 BROS. PIANO TONERS AN) REPAIRERS I'OllTliANl), OUli KorHtlciitnud vicinity luavoftinlcrs at Oeo 0. Will's MimluHtorv. Sab Water Co., OFFICF, CITY UAI.L'." For water setvicc apply at office. IliP payable monthly in advance. Malic 'omplalnts at tic n'w-j, CAl'ITAL CITY Express and Transfer Meets all mall and pauengor tralhk. H'E cae and cxiueu to all parts ot the ctt) Prompt service. Telephone No. 70. WHITK St DISgUF- O. H. LANBi Merchant Tailor 07 HTATi: HTKK15T. tySultii $13 nnd upwnrdn, I'anta $3 nnd upwnrcU BICYCLE REPAIRING. Ulcyclcs repaired nnd Htimlrlcs hup piled. Now Hhop ready to repair or oiilltl you 11 wheel HiillHfuctlon irtiunintced. Your pat ronuyu solicited. KDGAlt & ROHEHTS, 3 IK tf 105 State street, fissay Office AND LABOrtATOnY. No. 71 Chemekcta st, I. II. I'. TUrilll.l. Asiaver. G.S. rWRGHI NEW MARKET St.te street, near railroad Freshotand liest meats. My patron say I keep the best treats in town ' aI HGI3I) OATH, M1LLFUBD FLO U II, II A V. LIMB. 014MUNT, LATH. Plaster J, F-GILMORE, 61 Htalu aml.lt'J oiirtsl. 'CUXtk'UknJ'VBk'vaVmCvVm i t J IIIUSAI) IH TIIK Hr.WV OV LIKE 9 TIIK IIIIHr IM MAOU I'llOM I i Salem Special 3floui i I fPI !..ti 1 Itnti initf iirailitlluk m ml 11 'A f (iiiaruntetMl us rtmrutwntod. f A Money rufuudwl If not Mttthtfiuitory. A Obtain thu host from your hiiiiit) mill. P f YourGnwer will supply yu. o-ltf.J xw'knc,unktci, O. C. T. Go's I'AHHKNflKIl HTKAfcUlt POMONA LKAVHH Hill POUTMND Mmi)ay. Vtflnlay and Krlday at! a in. QUICK TIMK AND IHKAf HATKM. I)uklwtwitiuitata amltCuart Hts. M.:i'. iiAl.mVlN, AtfnL CURE YOURSELF! I'm UI4 U Ut mnwural OImIiaij. Iutt4inwlle, liiluliuut ur UilUini ol MUCUU BUiU. IrmuumiMXi. J-H1UWM, U'l m ! ttieiiiw. " " "" " kuio ay iirugiju, or M)t ih ftiiii nvi7r. it wrjbbtl w,,.rTY'u,,:n: Ui ifttM. Mplil. .M I'lKulM WUt iu IOtMS VHIIlia, f4.f, tSjUg VtlllWH Ifl MH MMM 77ntiutitl0u isssssW e JU i tnMmMMiwnsmswsMjKi INTBUSXATB nAxicinniTimi ETTAANDERS-WILMAN Associate Teacher Western Conserva tory, Kansas City, Mo, repreientlog V the Intcr-sta-e bystem, ai Salem, Oret n Over First National llanV. Residence 376 Church street. Studio houts-9 to L to 5. fcursKNBsmliTVHNaNS vRMrsNHSA : GROCERIES Painla. Oils Window Otaan Vor nlah, and tbo moat complete stock 01 urusuos ot all lands in tho ntati II Artlsta materials, lime; hair; co- L mont and Bhlngloai and the finest quality ot crass seed. lVs'BrNarsNagJffss3ssJKNKi WANTED. Now today aa vortisotnenu tour linos or loss in tills column 'naortod tnree times for 25 ctn, SO ctfl a week, $1 per month All over tour linos at anmj rnto. WAXTKI) 11 two Fouteil bugw nnd sin glo ImrnusH. Inqulro ut 477 Wlntor Mrect. 0 2 3t WANTBIX One or two inon to cut cord wood 5 lnileH north of town. Seo It.' It. Hyn. 0 1 3t FOUND. Asuin of money. Ennuiro ut llurritt ti La wronco'H grocery. (( 1 3t lOlt TIIADE. An unincumbered, un improved 101) ncro tract of land half nillo from Ainulio. Lowia comity, Wash. ; every foot tillable and caoily put in cultivation. Will trade forSalem ruHidouco property or Binall farm near tho city and pay or tako difference. Qail on or ndureau Crawford & Craw ford, ftilem, Or. 0-1 3t EOU 8ALK-Gtxxl dry wood, delivored to any part of the city. Price reason able. Icnro onlors with Harritt & Idiwronco or Fariners' Feetl yartl lllgli, street. 5-20-Dm WANTED AT ONCE A girl to do liouuowork In small family. Apply at Journul olllco. tf FOH SALE I havo soino improved lurniH both largo atid ainnll, for salo from 15 to $:15 per acre. A. l Mc Ateu, Iteal lCstato olllco, 103 State Htreet. 4 6 tf HOO.M.S, Furnished or unfurnished, Mingle or in milted, dining room ad joining, homelike. Second floor Cottle Jlloek. Muttle HutchliiH. I'rop. Iloom 1U. 5-3Im L;OlTsALE OR ItENT.-IO acres of land, and house, ono acre or garden, uuluucu bottom pasture and wood. Good water, Joins school, G. V. reuriulue, 'i lulled north on River road. 4 16 tf 1UUYCLE PATH If your blcyclo needs repairs bring it in, wo Have tho skill utid stock to keep It In ilrsb class condition. Wo curry a full line of sundries and uiiikou special ity of enameling couio und seo us, wo satisfy our patrons. Gardner & White, 288 Liberty street. Holiuun'a block, next door to steam laundry. Phono 28.r5. 1-20-tf HOUSE CLEANERS-Remember that tho best uud cheapest carpot paper Is the heavy felt paper sold at ThkJouiinal otllce. 20-tf FOn SALE OR TRADE Karmot 2JH norciun Tumor mail 334 mile rromBtata Uouia. Neurly all linirivcd, Iioum, Urn and other out Imlldliiu. A. J, Hwlenliik, Huuth Commercial ktrevt, Huloui, Oregon S-9 1 mo. dJtw Premium on Warrants. Auy partle havliiK Marlon or l'olk eounljr wiirruuU to illioto ut, will do well to call ai thu nltlru of Kukouo Ilrovmuii, 370 Commorolil ktnvl, wild Ikilau tSi lUrkvr. I will allow a premium nil all mioli iiroivrly rmlorattil war rant. Mouay to loan at and 7 ptr cent lnlr iit on linproviil farm. No coisaltslon. f IJ iKVwIjiii Kt'dKNfi 1IIIKVMAK Wliltu Corusr IHock. tn Cummnrclal iirrtt JERSEY BULL. Full blood Jorsoy, Bervices for season only fl, spot cash. Corner of Thlrteenht and Center streotH. 5 5 tf UaowKA Box. '. J. SULLIVAN IMIAOTIOAL TAILOH A nlco line of goods uud samples on bund. SultH 15 up. I'auta f p, 11 pereut tit guaranteed, ut 4 tf 110 8TATK UTJIEET The water Wouldn't stop running iK'catiHo the faucet has worn out. and iif cotirsu tho people of Balem know a. .. ...1 1I...V. I. n..lll1lln(. lit fllll QHWITORT fjouN iiiii DBALBU IN - '"1 JJT- mA l TTvT sAo?,5i,r v wis lino uf plumblng-repiilring, wnwj slJ or lunuuo .worx, to" r iv. r ting, nr punitary plumbing of any kmil that wo aro exports in that lino, und aro prompt to answer . your cull, and our chargen nre moderate. BARR&PETZEL 21 1 COMMERCIAL STREET. Telephone No. 37 Salem's Oieat Siupiue. Iloston Shoo Company. Ladies' flno Kid Sllpporaund ttu, 75 cents, worth f.60. 808 Commorolal street, near tha ixwtotlico. 15" What you, want la a euro. DoWUt'a they stay oured. Soothes and quicsy t lUI J1 T. ' - - - - .viiiui IIH7HI nniYB uuiua iiiivhi " houW sores, soalds, burns, ana wuaj .dls ieaes. oiono urug owk. w f. StsM M m M