DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL. VOL. X. SALEM, OREGON, WEDNESDAY LAY 81, 1809. NO 128. Spring Crash jftM)E MNPfD Shoes raui Y furnishing goods. Our prices are right, because we are doing a cash business. No losses any where. This means a iu yuu, uy manning our goous rigiii uuwn iu ucu-rock. THE NEW YORK RACKET. r E. T. BARNES, Prop. Salem's Cheapest One-Price Cash Store, Cor. Commercial and Chemeketa Sts. t f t t -" wWw"ww-"y- fihftihiinfti r H vf" , - k i Shoes Worth Having i i TlIKIlKASO.V KOIt TUB tlHKAT I1KMAND TO It OUII HIIOKH IH IIHCAUHK TIIK HIIOKH AUK WORTH TIIK I'IMCK WK ASK mil TIIKM. TIIBV AltK NOT Al-ONK TIIK IATKST 8TVI.KS, HUT Til Kill MIKAIIIMTY IH UNSUltl'ASSKI). i i 9" ,. . m . mill our WJf J J .!.. in I s" mean high class value, high class lit, stylo, Br 4, fashion and form, high class feeling and com- fort, and high class llilish, material and workmanship. Iniikku, that man CUBS WITH US MEANS HONOIl ANl THUTII IN THK SHAI'K OF HHOEH. The Ollly i thing not bigji about thorn is the price. prlBjnptor of Low Prices. I APVS N FW SHflr- STflRF i snine mem r reo. i , .w W WWWI WWWk. 55 U Dr. H. C. EPLEY Ed PHOtfE I Bplq & linger DENTISTS, G fl Artificial Teeth $6,00, 2 la making artlllclal teeth ntr artlllclal teem we use cn be procured In the market. We guarantee- our teeth against Gold Crowns $5, Up, We use 22k Gold iu our crowns Salem Dental Parlors I OVER POSTOFFIOE Rooms 27 and 29, Phoneai3. jlt vcxcxriscjx:x ix.xc x xrcxcxcjfox. 1 1 t 1 1 vnfc"'' I I I LVrr y"?V GRAY Cor.State and Liberty Sis. Salem, Ore. nmyfynmtmmummmmmmnummnm, Clothing Hats ' MARK IN 5"' 4 i Shirts, pants, overalls, hosiery, under wear and all kinds of ladies and cents great saving, which we give J - - - ' - - vwwww..wwwt.fc.w.A.VfcA Help! Help! More help must be hadau our store. Our shoe sale has proven too much for our force. We are cutting prices as they have never been cut on the Pacific Coast. Get your shoes NOW you will never buy them cheaper than at this big sale: also, Free shines. Krausse Bros. 2715 COMMERCIAL ST. "ft STAMFF.D ON A SHOE MEANS STAND AKI) OF MERIT. PEOPLE APPRECIATE FIRST-CLASS WORK. They understand nig" Knmu niMico uiu iin m-uiiiiiui unit i 1.11 T1..I, l,.. 1lll.ll ZllllUll im-viIu 1 , w ,..-.. w, ,w w , , .... 94 State Street V k-W W W. Wfc .. .. . ; r. Ur.s H. H. ULINObK. 2813. v r V 9! I cue ueai leem ana runocr inuu breakage, also guarantee u lit. and fully guarantee them. g Carpenter's Tools Blacksmith's Tools, Fine Tools For Every Trade at BROS mTTT - i TWO 1 mam Captured By Skulk ing Filipinos. Americans Landed too Late to Recapture. A Reign of Terror Prevails Heavy .Fighting Reported at Mindanao. My Amioclntcil l'rcm (o tlic Joiirmil. Manii.v, May .'11. Tho hospital ship Relief lies iu tho harlwr in front of tho city. Tho third olllcer, Fred Heppy, and tho usssilant engineer, Chas. Wan ford, went sailing along the shore oppo site tho insurgent lines, their lwat be came becalmed and native ca noes, with Fillipinos on board, captured two mon. Tho Monadnock quickly sent a boat with a landing party under cover of the guns and shelled tho shore briskly. Tho natives however rushed tho prisoners into tho woods before the Monadnock's boat had reached the land. The natives arriving from tho country around San Isidor and San Miguel re port that a reign of terror has prevailed since tho American troops had with drawn. The insurgents, who return, lire dealing out vengeance upon those who havo shown any frlendshipitowards tho Americans during tho latter's occupa tion in thi) territory. Nkw Yohk, May :U. A special from Manila says: Information has Iwen recuived that satisfactory results havo attended the movement among tho members 6f the volunteer regiments in Manjla for the establishment of an American colony in the Philippines. Four thousand of tho volunteers are reported to havo signed a petition to tho president and secretary of war, praying that they recoivo discharges in Manila. It was explained that they Iwlieved the Philippine islnndH "offered rare op portunity for industrious and enterpris ing Americans to make homes" and de sired to remain, "for the purpose of tak ing part in the development of the min ing, agricultural and industrial resources of the islands." Wahkinoton, May ill. The follow ing wus reecied by tho navy depart ment. The llrst news of Lieutenant Gil more received for over a week was taken by the department as a hojHjful indication of his situation. "Manila Kseapcd Spanish prit-oners report seeing Ullmoro and the sailors well, (iilmore it allowed a horse, IUitKim," Nkw Yoiik, May 31. A dispatch to tho Journal and Advertiser from Ixm don, )ays: "A special dispatch from Labium announces that severe fighting is reported ImHwooii the Americans and Filipinos on the Island of Mindanao," "Zoambauga has been bombarded and biirnud," The same dispatch rojHirtu trouble In Btilu, "Americans have blockaded tho ort. A British steamer has been denied ad mission and was escorted seaward by the gunlxMit Castiue. ' Wahiiinhton, May IU. Major Iktll, of the engineer corH lias filed his rujiort which tho war department made public iu connection wjth tho original rojKirtn of (ionoral MacArthur. Major Doll men tioned the task of clearing tho bank of the I'a&ig river oposito the Amerioau headquarters at Ban Pedro Macatl, of insurgent troops. For this purine ho selected com panion M and K of tho- Washington volunteers. He payed n high compliment to the soldierly manner of the brigade surgeon Shields and Prof. Jteekor, of the geological survey, which accom panied the command and says that Corporals Sulig, of Co. M, and Ilughtiug ton, of Co. K, havo attracted attention by utfixiciully oool and courageous con duct. Wahiiinoton, May 81. Tho president Uxlay d injured to a oongrewionul caller Columbia Model 57 $50. The lines chain wheel ever turned out of a factory, Hartfords, strictly high grade, 535, Videttes, fully guaranteed, S25 and $26, SPOAT &. WIL.SOTSL Hint there is not at present a contempla tion of largely increasing General Otis forces in lhe Philippines. Ho said nothing hail been received from otis, which indicated the necossityfMars the Otherwise Appropriate Ser- jm mum nuiijia, uvyiinu tno regulars, who are to bo sent to relievo the. volim teer8. The president added : if additional reA Inforcetnents become necessary, tboy will bo promptly furnished. SALEM TO CELEBRATE. I Fifteen Active Capable Committee Named Today tor the "Fourth." Chairman N. J. Judah today com pleted the selection and appointment of his various committees, to carry out tho proper celebration of tho "glorious Fourth" and from tho personnel, It maji be safely Inferred tho work will bo dono most thoroughly and satisfactorily. Chairman Judah calls for u general committee meeting on Saturday evoninj next, at 8 o'clock, in the police cour room at the city hall, at which time ani place it is expected every olllcer, chalr man and committee member, will be present, charged witli a zealouc interest in the undertaking as a whole and wltl no'vel and . happy ideas along tho line that have been specially assigned then), There is a great lot of work ahead, and it will take tho devoted good will of every man and woman named, to exe cute the purposes of the jwopfo, iu on joying tho day and eolobratjng tho gtorles of the nations, far mid near iu the past, and iu honoring those engaged iu its noble deeds at the present. Lot jio one fail to be in attendance on Saturday night. Tho meeting will bb interesting as well aa important. Chairman Judah announces following as the HTANMXU COMMITTKKS. Finance: H A Thomas, chairman: W T Stoltz, ThoH Ilolman, F W Durbln, M it Hamilton. - Hicvcles: F A Wiggins, chairman,; Watt Shipp, Otto Willson, Clarence Hamilton, Perry Card. Fleats: A A Iajo, chairman: Geo F Dodgers. U Stoltz, Mrs 0 S England, Mr8WTGray, Mrs Jospph Uaumgart. nor. Balloen: WO Westacott, chairman; Isadore Ureenbaum, II 0 Sonnemanu. Fraternities: C II Hobertson, chair man ; Ktigenu Willis, F F Toevs, MrsR II TalK), Mrs K M LaFore, Mrs Alice Beeler. Bauds: M L Skiff, chairman; J A Albert, Paul Sroat. Street Sports : W S Ixnv, chairman ; Jack West, Allwrt Shaw. Fire-WorkB: 0 K Krausso, chairman, Charles S Ulelv, T C Smith, Jr. Pregram: C 1) Oabrlolson, II I) Fat ten, Claries l.nno. Iusic: Scott Bozorth, chairman, J II Biekford, II S Gilo, Dr C II Fpploy, Martin Potzel. Invitatiens: Boss K Moores, chair man, K F Parkhurst, W II llobson.' " Transportatiens: F H Anson, chair man, W TGray, L L Pearce. Illuminatiens: M 0 llurcn, chair man, Will Evans, Albert Disque. Construction :Joseph Bernardi,chair- man, A wennls, A I I'razler. Sneakers: A F iTofer. J II Fletcher, V It Irvine. Auspices: Govembr TT Geer, Chief Justice C K Wolverton, Judge Geo II Burnett, Hon ti P Terrell, Mayor C P Bishop. Executive Committee; N J Judah, chairman, F S Doarborn, secretary, Perry S Baymoud, treasurer, FredStouii loff, eruud marshal, with tho several chairmen of the standing committees above named. JUSTICE COURT. A Bicyclist Has a Pedistnan Yanked Be- fore the Court. Justice Johnson, this Wednesday afternoon tried tho case of tho state Jvs Jus. Darrow. Itouboir Patty was the complaining witness mid claims that Harrow nsMiulted him with his hand and an umbrella, It seems that Patty, on a bicycle, at tempted to pass Barrow, who was afoot, on one of the narrow sidewalks In South Salem. There was a collision which landed Patty iu the street, and ho says that Harrow did it on purpose. Deputy District Attorney Cluu, Mc .Vary conducted tho prosecution, and John Bayue, the defense. After hearing the evidence and attor neys, Justice Johnson dismissed the case, . KOB DHl'IWIIANT. Tho oaso of C. B. IJjxlegraff vs. tho Young Men's Investment company, decision on which was rosorvud until to day, has boon ideolded by Justice John son iu favor of defendant. . Canal Roport, ' Washinoton, May 31. The rojKirt of tho Nlcaraguun canal commission, was made public this afternoon. It esti mates the cost of tho canal at 1 1 18, W.i.im. Three Tornadoes. Po.nca, 'eb., May.'ll. Thruo distinct tornados passed this vicinity ywitorduy afternoon. Iirge amount of property was destroyed and considerable live stock was killed. Acquitted, Paiiih, May .11. Daroulode and Her burt, vs ho huvtt Imniii on trial on charge of Inciting soldiers to iiiHulxirillriattn wuro ouultUHl Uxlay, ky?0 kj SENSATIONAL ATTACK vices at tho Opera House. An Ex-Salem Preacher Charges a Fra ternal Order With Making Profit Out of the Day. Tho opera house on Tuesday evening was well decorated with tho national colors and a profusion of flowers thoughtfully placed by tho Belief Corps ladles and tho Grand Army members. Tho Salem band opened with a stirring tune, which was followed by Ilev. Par sons' invocation. A well-rendered reci tation by Miss Buckingham wits next on the program. Attorney J. W. Crawford, of Salem, responded to the tpJ, fJohu A. Lo gan," and In an anroidWatylajlijiiidicl that grand hop) of the relwllkm,nnd the father of tho order of tho Grind Army of tho Republic. Tliu solos by Prof. Crawford and tho songs by tho male quartet composed of Messrs, Gile, Crawford, JenkH and Gor don, wore happily received. Tho flag drill by thirty children, of the North school, was well presented, and eamo nearer pleating the entire large audience than any other feature. The whole event, with one exception, was a grand tribute to the patriotism and valor of the order of old soldiers which conducted the exercises. Tho people turned out in throngs to honor tho dead and tho living heroes, thus dem onstrating by their acts, and not by mere professions, their lovo and rever ence lor tlie men who went to tnoir country's call in tho 'llO's. Tho one thing to mar tho evonlng's program, (and tho true veterans were not resiMjusiblo for that,) wuh tho ex hibition made of himself, by tho imported speaker of the evening. Why ho was invited for this sacred "occasion Ih known to no one except the committee, for he was certainly not wanted by tho' public. It is well known hero hi Suloin that that gentleman is a sensationalist and a trouble maker, and he was last evening true to his record, as usual at the oxouso of the feelings ami good uamo of tho the noble organization which he had the high honor to speak for. Tho Bpeakor reached his climax in ac cusing tho order of Woodmen with desecrating memorial day by Joining in its observance at Portland. Do referred to tho fact that tho Portland was deco. rated largely In tho colors of the Wood men as well uh tho "red, white and blue," screeched himself h'oarso with theso werds: "It Is tho height of sac rclige, treason personified, for any per son, society, or orgonization, to lay hands on this day (Decoration Day) mid appropriate the same for profit to them selves." These and other expressions which the reverend gentleman wound himself HP to deliver were not only improper, but I offensive, and showed an utter lack of judgment, good taste and refinement. If the Woodmen of tho World were guilty of any wiong iu accepting an In vitation to go to Portland at tho hands of the Grand Army organizations it was not proper to use such an occasion to de nounce them. The facts about the Woodmen of tho World excursion to Portland are that they were Invited there by tho (J. A. R. orders of that city, who havo undertaken to raise funds for a monu ment for the Oregon volunteers iu tho Spanish war. Tho Woodmen ure help ing to take care of soldier boys at the (rout and at home and of their families, and within projier lwunds had a right o observe Memorial day. y The ill-timed remarks of the orator al Salem aro not endorsed by tho more In telligent (icople of this community, Tho public lHigius to dread hearing one of tills tribe of uncultured sensation alists miscalled "Revurond," who fortu natoly tiro not many, blow himself on any occuhoii, It Is to lie hojied it may lx) the last time, and that this city may ho spared such inllietlouH In tho future. The Woodmen of the World are a numer ous, patriotic and public spirited class of people, abundantly able to take care of themselves, but they should lie given definitely to understand that neither the jxoploof this city nor the Grand Army A Face cannot be considered twautiful if tho eyes are weak and red. And us these defects uro removable no woman should I orniit them to remain. A thorough niowledgo of optical fitting enables us to achieve almost wonderful results. I'liMtTyourwdf hi our hands and aching and unsightly eyas will bo things of tho past. Our e barges ure modnrate. BARR'S JEWELRY STORE, 310 STATU BTROOT. organizations endorso tho attack made. The speaker was invited here by proba bly one momber of a coinmlttco that Bcemed to bo at sea on other matters, and are not to bo held responsible. Tho old soldiers and their wives and tho Woodmen nro gentlemen and ladies, and many of whom lielong to both orders. They will Ihj good neighbors and friends and will respect the amenities of sixdul life and Intercourse, if a barbaric hood lum, iu his frantic desire to display his dross-parade patriotism, did forget both. ALASKA NEWS. Another of the Seattle Style of Gold Telegrams. il' Axiiocliitril l'rrns to (lip Jeurnnl.' SK.mi.K, May :il. The latest advices from Dawson say evidences of the most wonderful output yet recorded aro to bo seen on "every hand. Five thousand men are said to bo In watting at Dawson to take the llrst boat up tho river. Half aro miners, who havo from $1,000 to $50,000 each in dust. Tho White Pass Railroad company has issued hills of .lading on more than a million dollars In gold to come outrun tho llrst river steamers. Nkw Yoiik, May 111. A special to tho Herald from Washington, sayH! Though less confidunt of the settlement of the AiasKnu oounuury u,uesuon, tlie admin istration is still hopeful that the nego" tmtioiiH conducted by Secretary Hay ami the British government, will yet furnish a solution of the controversy. Sir Wilfred Lauder's statement, that Canada has never demanded Pyramid harbor, is confirmed by the olllcials. TOOK POISON. A La Grande Architect Ends Life's Tur moil by Poison. II r Amiiit'liitvtl I'm to tlie Jnnrnnl. La Giiandi:, May ill. W. J. Dennett, architect of La Grande, while in Union on a business trip, took poison last night and died early this morning; business troubles are supposed to lie the cause. ' ..-! Mil Arrested for Perjury. II y Aannclntvil l'rr (a the Jonrunl. Wallace, May :. Al Huttou, tho engineer who pulled the ilotor's train from Uurko to Wardnor was arrested yesterday for perjury, Huttou claimed not to know one of the rioters after being on the Wallace-Uurko run for years. Crystal Ice Works, The Crystal Ice works is now ready to supply tho trade with Ice, made from pure distilled water, at tho ruling price, whatever that may bo. Telephone 2071. .1. Magulre, proprietor. 6-i.MMlt Mr. F..G. Keens, of Kearney, Nebrska, returned homownrd today, after a very agreeable visit with his son, Mr. F G. Keens, Jr., of Yow Park. Mr. Keens has just returned from a tour through tho West Indies and us far as Trlnadad on tho coast of South America and being a great traveler and relic hunter, brought back a large number of memen tos of the late war. A pirrt of the first American fiag raisen on More Castle, at Santiago, which was sent, to young Mr. Keens by an old class mate and is Judged by the family beyond money value. mi l)r. m' NfcHVlt I'UAHTKIIM IOI bl'INA WKAKN aii urui"iuiii )u ror v SIISHIMUlHMIMMIIHIIHIIlMIHIIIMIlllMMilIllliailllHIlllIllllllIlIIIlllillllir Jos. Meyers & Sons,! Ji PRICES DROP rcuucoii paices. LADIrJ w Ladies MADt' jmiw .miiii tailored mium a few choice styles hero's a price fisUs Itliio tiufiuudiod worsted, fancy lined, well worth 8.M) special i S 3 All wooIlne blue stjrgtj, tight fitting basked, three row buttons iu front. Bilk lapels. Regular prlitad $12.fi0 HHiial 510.85 Itlaok ull wool sgrgu, lined through out with bhmk or lavyndur silk very tjholcy at IMJ&i IHm!al 817.6$ OU1X viv 1 278-280 Commercial St,' The Old White Corner. 7ilMHlimillllHIMIiMllMllMMMIillliilMMMMllMlHlilMWMlllWlWmii!l R aVAI Baking r rABSOiUXElY'PURE Makes the food more royh OKma MEMORIAL TOKENS American Soldiers' Graves Decorated With Silken Flags at Manila. The Wreck of the Maine Treated Like wise and Bedecked With Bunting. -Ti p n Vr 'Acaootntcd lrea to (he Journal. Manila, May 111. Memorial day was celebrated at Uattery knoll, where Scott's guns were planted ngainst the Filipino trenches iu the first days of tho tho fighting nt Manila. Nearly MO sol diers lie hurled hero on a bleak mound surrounded by rice fields, rough boards mark the graves. A few soldlerH came to Uattery knoll, dirty and bronzed, bearing (lowers with which to strew their comrades graves. A silk Hag was placed above each mound. Juqt before sunset a fow hundred Americans gathered in a circle around Uattery knoll in bluo and brown tini-, forms. Tho guiiH of the monitor Monad nock boomed a reminder of tho nearness of war. Just as the Sixth nr tillery band began a dirge, tho thunder of tho Monadnock's uitiis ceased, whllo "taps" sounded from tho bugle. Charles Denby, of the Philippine commission, presided nt the exercises. Ho spoke brlelly of the itocullar solem nity ofthudayto Manila. Tho chap lain of the British cruiser Powerful made the invocation. Chaplain -Pierco, of the Twenty-third Infuutnvand Chap lain Cressy, of the Minnesota volun teers, delivered orations, and the sol dlerH sang appropriate hymns. After ''taps" had been sounded, tho Mildiers took tho (lags from the graves to send to the relatives of the dead. Memorial Day at Havana. Havana, May lit, Decoration day wuh observed hero In a notable man non At l o'clock In the morning Mrs. F.stes G. Rathbnuu anil a committee of women who had been selected for the purjsisu won) taken in Rear-Admiral Cromwell's launch, escorted by a detachment of marines, to tho wreck of tho battle-ship Maine, where they struilg tho skeleton of tho unfor tunate craft with ropes of laurel and wreatliH of (lowers. A great many dowers and wreaths were placed iioii.tho graves of the he roes' Similar exorcises took place at the Quemados cemetery. Tho Boston Shoe Company. Gents' French Calf Shoes, 2, worth fl, iiOS Commercial street, near the IMistofllco. 4 10 t( Salem's Greatest Tho backward spring causes uh to give marching orders to those three linos. Never boforo have our special prices Iwon so tempting. Related buyers will IhiiioIU ly theso original The Crown Tho Crown perfect fitting waists, sues Wi to i i iu a ureal urray ot ma terlals. All attractively priced, will gain if you aro prompt. You 48c (0 $2.18 Our Knife Cuts Deeper Than Ever Before STORE OIM8N EVENINGS. Powder delicious and wholesome power eo., hiw vokic STATE HOUSE NEWS. Herman 8. Whltcomb, of Portland, was admitted to practice boforo tho su premo court. Tho executive department today issneil a requisition on tlie- governor of California for J. A. Frbacll, who is wanted at Mcdford for assault with a dungorous weapon. Leon Dobeau, of Clatsop county, was brought to the pen today for 18 months for larceny In a warehouse. In April ho was brought from Washington on requisition paporH. On Friday morning before tho su premo court affidavits wlllj bo filed by counsel for dofeneo in tho Magors case in support of a now trial. Legal ques tions will be raised and tho conduct of one of tho jurors will bo attacked, ho having expressed himself very freely. Field Day Postponed, Fluid tiny meet hns been iwstponed until Juno 10. Tito great amount of rain has put tho track at tho Fair Ground in such a poor condition thatiC was thought best to put tho mectingoff to tho alwvo date. Tho mnnagor, Frank L. Willman, and the president wero iu conference and camo to tho above conclusion. Por al! coughs and celcb: itterrg Pectorall The medicine tried for 60 y;cars b the medicine you can afford to try. WHEAT MARKET. OutCAUO, May 21). July76?i, Cash" 2 red 70. San FflANcisco, May, 20.Cash 1.07 Store. t Dress SKiri Kntiro lino at interesting prlcca. Stylish, wel.nmdo skirts posseaing all the good qualities. $3,98 Fur an all wool serge skirt worth $5. $8,25 For a lino black satin or tafleta skirt, worth $16. A Columbia Bicycle (liven away free July 31. 4 S b m ;fpy; J Ft .mi i .iMirommipaWn MW" WP iWMW WH'IWtl'WW