BpPPrj!pjpaWP!li- iiiiTSiaytilfcgti tt,v Sk in Cassimers, Cheviots and Serges 1Re9ulat$L75chieSSi 5i:5o A FLYING TOP WITH EVERY PURCHASE FOR l OR OVER, ASK FOR THEM. G, W, Johnson and Company. 257 COMMERCIAL STREET. DAILY CAFITAL JOURNAL. BV HOIHSR BHOTHIORa MONDAY, MAY 2U, 18W. Dally, Ono Year $3.00, In Advniioo Daily, Tout MonlUa 01 00, L Advnnoo. Woekly, Ono Yonr 91.00, Jo Advonoo A OOOD PLATFORM. Cii'lMma eiactjiutice U, airmen, .of wlmt- iofnr onrfluaaion. rftniriiiriii nr ntKl friendship wit port ot tho aUte Korernmciit. In all tholr rltfliLn, or Domical twivso, oomjinrco, and fr audshlii with all ua lions, ontaiiitllna- allancm with nnno; tho up- a His moil oompeUint administration fur our domestic concerns, mid tho surest bulwark agilnstantlUpubllcan bmdeinaln; tlia prosor vatlmi orilm Kniieml Kurorumuiit In IU wliolo comtltnttooal vigor, a thu ahcat anchor ot our poiuo at Iioiim and safety abroad) freedom o rell (Ion; frnedom of tho pros. .... tlio principle form tlm bright constellation whloh ha icon Iraforn Ua, mid unlilod our atepa through ana of revolution and rnforinatinn. TIIOMAHJliKfEUSUN. EDITORIAL REVIEW. Muinorlul day at Biihiiu Iiiih liiiuu ex tended over throo days. Biindiiy tliuru woro services In somo of tho ohurohos. Monday thu public schools wuru hoard (rout und hoard tliu oommitlooii of thu U rand Army Poits. Tuesday Ih thu nubile observance of Memorial day propor. It Is wull to ohsorvo that by tho uffort of u public Hplrltud woman, Mm. J. Ilaytiu, there Ih now a ureditablo sidewalk to tho oomoturlos, south of tho city. It Ih to bo hoped tho scorchers will bo kept off that walk Tuoaday after noon nt toast from noon to llvn o'clock, Tho coiiiiiiuncomoiit week which bo Kiiu. at thu AiiiimIIh Naval aoadumy to day with tho animal rot-option of tho board of visitors, lHtinlitio in tho history of tho school, InaHiniHih iih it Ih a com. munoointint wouk without eominuiioo inunt or Kraduatlou uxurclnos, Tho rhuw which In thu course of nnlar events would havo Kraduatfd t li Ih week, fin ished Uh HtudloH htHt January whuu It wiih hurried off to turn, MluiiHtho grad nation exorcises tho program for thu wook Im thu wunu iih in provioiiH years. Tho Mngorn trial resulted In u second verdict of inurdur in tho llrnt dut-roe, hut immodlato uotlooof tin apml wan Klvon by tho lawyers for tho dufunuo. It WOtltd HtHtlll OH f (ho tWO U(UVllUIUU ouht to mittlu tho inattor, If tint trial In tho wound limjiiiict) wits proporly eon duutod by tho court. It wiih not ho oon diiotinl tho first tlino and tho mipromu court ordered a now trial with very lit tlo rorumony. Thoro Iiiih nuvor Irjoii a question it!i to thu dtuiiniHtaiitlal evi dence ull pointing to .MuKurs unlit. Tho dlstrlut ntbornuy dusurvw credit for till ent and Industry. 'Uio lire In nil the wliidimglui fuo torloH with thouxoeptlonof thofuwoo. opuratlvo t'onuoriiH, will Iw blown out thin livening and all production will iwuiti for tin iudeiliilt parted. TIiIh uildsuiumuruosMitlnn of okiintluiw Ih iiiado posalblo ly the formation of a nuw glass triint. Thu anuouiicomout Ih tnadu that thu purpose of tho nliut-down in Himply to iiinlutniii a HtoudinuHH in thu market and to dcploto nomu of thu ox CCHllvO HtockH HOW Oil lllllld. Till) JIQHt HcaHon having been ono of uniiHiial proH purity for thu omploycH thu majority of thorn will lw ablu to tldu over until work Ih romnnod without great dliilciitty. Tho tuition of thu Albany uihilHton in panning roHolutloiiH coudumulug thu Hun day uxcurnloti from Cortland lookn an if it wuru u blow nt a Hpeclal cIiihh of our cltizoiiH becaiiHo of tholr nationality. It In oorUiiu that no mtulHtorlal iiHHoulattou ban over ralnwl Uh voice at thu iiuuiur oiih rallray uonductor'H uxcurHloiiH which havu nlwaj'H lx;on huld on Hiiuday, and other Hiiuday uxcurHlonu by rail and Htoamur. It lookn liku a Hlap at thin par tluular uxuurHlou becaiiHo it wan largely coinx)M(;d of tho German Turnvortuu ho ulotiefland thuGuriuauAmurlcau peoplu of Portland and othur uitieH, CoiiHldur iug that thu (lurmaii'AmerieauH aru in diiHtrloiiH, lutulliguut, law-abiding cltl xuiih, and havu an iniiuh right to enjoy a Hiiuday oxcurHloii an any other uhiHH of people, tho action of tho Albany iiiIiiIm. tern In Mugllug thorn out hIiowh a bad nplrit in a free country. Tho general committee of tho national encampment of the Grand Army of tho Kupuhllo, which Ih to ho held In Phila delphia during Hcpteinlntr, Iiiih already enrolled appllcatioiiH from G. A. It. pout h for ipiartorn for itioru than 10,000 vltdtorn. Aftur tho observance of Me morial Day tomorrow, for which KHtH throughout thu country havo boon pro paring for Hovoral weukH, appllcatioiiH are expected to pour In very fiiHt. It Ih belluved that ovur r00,(HK) vinltorH will Imi here for the oncaiupmunt, and all In eatlouH are that it will Ihj'oiiu of tho largoHtaud iiiohI HiicrocHful huld in cunt yearn. ro tho Ht. ho is, J05vff Many a hUKlmnil (m. aulnn I lint lira wife la tiaiiuv. Iicalihy and tiong, whtrt lie li ically ciuliiiinu in llrnce ! iiiott utitxear abletoiluir. .She inert lilm at the door uu Ida trluiii from h oik or tm.l- w!!,c Vn,d k,J . ' "" ' '"ka a Utile whit and pallid, but lic la uvaciuua lid chrt-iful lit )u w-miicc and he deea not lvalue that anything i wiung if ut had but come hxie duiing the tulJdlcof the day, he would have round, liultid r the fbenful vjir weak sickly, nmout juvalld, with headache, imin In the Uck. "niche In the aide, buiiilnir and diair Ulng down aeiiMtioiia and uiler dtipoud ciioyand tueUnehuly In almoat every ee or tlilt Wnd the wopiaii U really tulleilng horn weuknta nd UUeMe or the ilt.liiictly fnululnc or itanliiu, 1'itquriitly ahe i!ik not irallie her own roudltloti U ahe doxa, ahe ahtliika from undeik-olnr the "caamlua- tlpna" Mid "local tiraimcnta " liuUtcd iiooa by the average tih)iiciii. l)r Pierce' Vavorlte 1'reaciiptloii la the ruedl cine needed by womcu who aullcr in thla way. It ct dueclly on the armltive or irana concerned and wake them Iron', healthy and vlorou It allay liirUmma tiou, heala ulceration, aouthta Mill and tone and build uu the ahallrred uenea li irauaionu wcav. alckly, ncrvoui. de Halom wiih agitated locally by iiuiiouucumuut of ltuv. Miiguau, of PiiuI'h KalHoopal church, that would deliver a courwo of HermouH against ChriHtaln Science. I to poHt IhiiumI IiIh llrnt lecture to next Sunday iih ho did not winh to make a ntart on Trinity Hiiuday. It Ih to bo hoped tho reverend gentleman will bo glvbn a uairteotiH and patient hearing. Wo live in n laud of toleration and ro HglotiH liberty and If people think they can find a letter way to live, a miror path to victory ovur tho IIIh of llfu and oonquoHt over tho wouknorinori of thu HchIi, thu truo preacher ought to bid them Go I Hpced and not evlnco a do Hire to hold thoiu back from doing bettor. Tho Christian HoIuuIIhN aro a pilot peoplo and aro not much in evidence except when promtoutud for practicing tholr religion boliof. It Ih proouintxl that ho long ui they p,iy tholr blllri, olniy tho lawH of tho land, and Yep thu iHimiuundmontu oven ltuv. M iguau will trtwl them iiiagnau ImiouHly, pondetit Invalid Into happy, healthy ivr and cointxteut mother. It At for wife hood and motherhood. It makea "eaaui iuattoua" uuneceaaary 1 1 our. t dealer do not ujet uhtllutra for a Utile added probt to be reallied thcrrou "I bad aunVred unlaid nJWry for )fr with ovuUn trouble. u eluukllujt drain. nuk.ll. tiou. tolnlUt ixtiodi and other auuuyW IrwuU lea," write Mr. Auuie Jaiuv. ot No Rt-vcnlh Mittt. Memphla, Wlielty O Truu "tuk Cod, air health ha been rutly rrMored and I mm kUJImvI am a vrcll wMuan tu-day luted fouUa&rnr Hticti I'avMile ITcMrfi'tlou il.waa completely cured ' ""Olj l'ferce'a Pleasant Pellet cut con. uMie anq uiuouaue. Tiiy never (Tlfi-a. AW food deaJei have thew, Tho aoudomy of tho ViHltatlou, mmr W'uahiugtoii, l). C, ono of tho uioMt (uiuoUH Human Uothollc iKluoatlouul In htltutloiiH In America, today Kigali it three da,vn' celebration of itn one bun drodth , birtluliiy uluuiuuo, iiuiih, IiIhIioim, prlostM and other (rluuda of tho aoadoiny, to a total of hoiortil hiindrotl, moiv preeent tulay at tho annual com nienceumnt iworoJiH ovor wlilch Car dlmil IUIiIkiiim prmldd. Oregon will produce uu onoruioiiH hay crop tlilo your, and mo udvio farumr to jirepare for thu harviMt. Havo all ma. I'hluory in onlor. Airlvalu in hay in Hen Pruni'lKCo havo Iwnn l.Adfi ton dur ing tho week pent. ThU uu not a largo aiiioiiut, ullluiugh a little luMlor than liut lUKik. Tho domaiul ha Ikhui very light, and thu umrkot thoroughly dull. Moveiuont of tho hay that t being eon lguol, Ih eMHteillngh1 aluw. Now hay hiu begun to arrive and naturally ban a Itttlo dauiHiniug effiiU on prWoH. Con- minium tiro any about iHiyluu. and tho lower thu markwt goo. tho Hinullerare tholr idea on privxw. AROUND THE EVENING 5 I LKW?XX,2CXX.2C2C2Cl Tot Weiutn Iteflectlon on the - Neweit Uooki and Mtgazlnef. ; ?fliliitUilUljlUUJilllllllllUUUllUJJUllllllTS qCESTIOH OF IlESrONHlIlltlTr THE CHILD. Thla tnlo of two temperaments, by Elizabeth Robtnfl, is destined to remain for years to como one of the novels of constant demand, not merely becaupo of its literary merit and enduring value an fiction, but because thu problem it prcFcntH will remain an unsolved Iphiiu of our national character. Thu child question miiBt remain TilKotieii qiics tlon until solved by an education that shall reach at thu very root of the matter, and until guneratioiiH shall be horn in thu new thought and livu thu nuw lifu. It will bo for generations the strongest fltutoment of thu problem that has yet fallen from thu hands of woman, Essentially it woman novel, it will be read by women and, while it offers no Holution, it must serve thu purpose of bringing ench woman who reads it face to faco with tho deepest problem of bur lifu. It Ih ruodablu Imjcuubo it is womanly throughout. Hero is a picture of social lifu In our country whoro a family has prldu and tradition founded Uon character mid culture. Orthodox religion and purl' tauic rigor of morals ban reached Uh hlghcHt flower. College education and a passion for philosophy and science pos sesH tlm lilgnly develop)! brain of its men und women, MunIo and art lend their development and good breeding and social advantages are their heritage. Yet in thu facu of all thesu equipments for siiccchh thu heroine and hero who are lovera resolve to marry and livu In Imp. plnesH ouu year, when If it child Ih to come to thorn .iih thu rcnult of their union they agree that they shall commit Hiilcidu and that Ih what they do. They delllwrately fall into thu facu of a storm at sea in it little bout and accept their fate. Unable to meet thu storuiH of life they are ullout at last on thu frail craft that Ih to bear them to dotttruction. And is not this frail craft topical of our civilization? Thu book Ih rciidablu and Ih n work of literary art, It states thu open ques tlon of our agu but it iIooh not aiiHWer it. What shall yu do with tho child? Who nlmU blame thu man and women with cowardly ovaslun of thoir responsibility, when thu ago teaches a materialistic doctrine of heredity that loads to fatal ism more dark and dreadful than Mohammed's because It toiichoH that oven death shall hind iih In uncertainty? Wo shall bo ImmiiuI hand and foot by the awful and ovor increasing bunleiiH of thu world's accumulating woes and then wo shall not oven bo permitted to have faltluln a heaven or fear of boll to und all the suffering of hclpIoHH innocence or right unreqtiittod wrongs. Our systems ot education and religion, based on material philosophies, prosuuthig man as an animal and heaven as a place, ruled over by u personal dulty, havu brought us to the brink of a precipice whoro Mocloty must either retracu Its HtepH or take the itufnl leap Into ebaos and uncertainty. IhelxMik prosuntH soclotv on thin brink. It will compell thought. It will bunion tho revolution of thought back to truth. Thu truth of tho social revolution shall hiouk slowly but It will break, "Vo shall know tho truth and the truth shall muko you free." TIiIh book should muko no out) hh slmlstic. In Uh own way It in a forerun ner for a Iwtter onlor of thing terres trial and ccktdial. If tho author knew tho working forces of tho now educa tion, tho newer lines of philosophy, tho revival of pure mid uudolllcd spiritual truth that Ih being spread faster and faster through all duuonil mitloiiri, she would novur havo wrltton what she has, May she nor any reader hesitate on tho brink of tho chasm alio reveals. lUmolutoly may wo all deny tho claiuiH of this false mater ialism that would drag down humanity from its high and divine estate and make it tho holplotts victim of tho father of lies. May tho qiiotdiou bo solved to KllwtlHith Itoblim and may hor splendid talent bo employed to glvo tho world hor contribution to show tho way out of tho awful prod U anient P CEtEBRATEO 0 flS HHm, MnvrniviinnMiiiiiiiiiiiiriiiTiiiiirTrinnire' Haw a-a-ara-ar t v sjt c mm mwlmvXi- A t f B mmm VaOf Q I Pnt ihi Work. tm - law FM Ft ,. , m M m. ' -- .- w , m wmmL & CR KC A WM Tno Bettor THE . HEALTH Tho .Longer THE LIFE. EIo3tetter's Stomach Hit ters makes Kood health therefore long life. It cures Indesttoo.Con stlpatlon, Bil iousness and all troublcH arising from a weak stomach It mnkes nco- plc well and keeps them well. Consultation and . Advice Free 3ITTEPS in which she would leave society in the present volume. Tho Btuyvcsant PiibliHhlng Co., 253 Uroadway, Now York, send out a very readable novel "Tho Wind Goddess," by Itundall Irving Tyler. It is a clever story affecting lifo among tho Nuw York social and financial princes. It is en tertaining and dramatic without being sensational or degrading. Mr. Tyler's story this time is an illustration of tho results of unjust indictment. In a wuy there is nothing altogether new in the idea of innocent eop!o getting wound up in tho toils of circumstantfal evi dence, yet the particularly timely ap plication of Incidents familiar to all who havo followed thu recent oIson!ng casc, gives every one anal most tierijonal interest In the working out of the plot. Kudyard Kipling will have a story in tho May MeCluro'H entitled "Tho Flag of their Country," which exhibits very dramatically tho difference between a popular orator and a sensitive, high minded boy in their respective ways of "honoring thu flag." In McCluru's Magazlnu for May, Miss Tarboll writes of "Lincoln's Bcarch'for a Man," relating from contemporary let ters and reminiscences, mainly unpub lished, thu story of Lincoln's "personal relations with tho successive command ers of the army from McOIellan down to Grant. Tho paper will bo fully illiib trated. To those interested in household mat ters, the .May issue of Table Talk will bo welcome with tho directions for tho economical carrying out of its menus, and its tested recipes, as well uh its prac tical general reading matter. A fuw of thu topics of the mouth nro "A retro spect of tho Potato family," "Tho Pud ding of tho Century," "MothorH Who Need Help and Mow to Help Thorn; "Tho Early Training of Children." In addition, womuiis' interests ip general, dining-room, tho table, fashions, books and science in tho IioiihIioIiI all havu at tention. A sainplu copy of Tablu Talk Ih offered free, if tliuy will huuiI address to Table Talk Pub. Co., Philadelphia, Pa. In thu .June numlwrof the Pall Mall Magazine Ih an article of great personal and historic intorest, by tho Hon. Wil liam Waldorf Astor, on thu fuundor of tho family In America, John Jacob Astor. The articlo traces tho stirring and tragic inoidentH which led to the adventurous settlement of Astoria, and many details aru given of tho foundation of tho Astor family in America. The illustrations are from unpublished drawings, txir traits, etc., a lino photogravure repro duction of Gilbert Stuart's painting oj John Jacob Astor forming thu frontis piece to tho number. Small Mayuard A. Company. havu in press "Tho Dreyfus Story,"" a short book about tho Dreyfus ouso, by Itlchard W. Halo, a Itostou lawyer, Mr. Halo has trlud to put In handy compass enough of thu broad, genural facts to muko a complete and easily road story in me case, no mis trieu to annwor concisely tho question, "What Ih it all about?". A part of the stafr of the ENGLISH and GERMAN Physicians and Dr MeyerH & Cowlll.'muko their regular monthly visit to SALEM, TUESDAY, MAY 30th. They will be at the Willamette Hotel. Five Physlcluns and Surgeons, all graduates from the best Medical Colleges In the world, Incorporated under the lu A-a of California for $250,009, Establls bed 20 years Among tho ailments cured by the KiirIIMi and Ocriiiiin I'limlclati- are the follow lug: Wright' Dlscn.o and all olhcr Dlneunoi of tho Kidneys; DImxkos of the llladiler, Urinary Organs, I(lvcr,8k'en,Bplnc, iloweU, Heart, Hlomueh, Kyc, Kor, Skin and Nerve. Also Impov erished Wood, Wood I'olson and Scrofula; Catarrh. Toinllltli, Consumption, llrolidiltl. Astluaa and other Throat and I.uug troubles; Tumon, Deformities, Insomnia. Melancholy, 1'aralysla, Itupture, Dysentery, Neuralgia, Ithuumatlstn. Btlir and Swollen Joints; Female Com plaint, Including Ovarian troubles; 1'lles, Fistula, Oboslly, King Worm and Goiter; Tobacco, Opium, Cocaine anil Mciior Imblti Headache, Kryslpelas, Oout, Tape Worm, lllliousiiow, Dropsy, Gall Btonc, KcM'ina, Freckles, lllackhcads, Cancer, etc., and Chronic Disuses generally. IHl. MYKKHK 4 CO. euro Nervous Debility, I-oit Manhood and all I'rl ate Diseases. Including-contagion blood poison, iiulckly and permanently, and at reasonable prices. Tho Kngllsh and German Physician and Dr.Mcyors Co. are not only competent and reliable, but aru responsible, being backed by ample capital and ably managed. DIsciimhi which havo ballled kklll of other physicians and stubbornly refused to yield to ordl nary medicines, methods and appliances, aro quickly subdued and mastered by thoso suceessf doctors. Thoy havo tho largest and btst eiulped medical Institution iu America. Callou tho Doctor when they come. All ailing people should seo tho English and German I'liyalana or Dr. Movers & Co., If oulble, A friendly talk, which cost absolutel nothing, Is bound to result In a great deal of good whether treatment is taken or not. Home Cures. While It Is preferable In many Instance to see a patient, tho Kngllsh and Gcr- inn .njaiuians navo curou thousands or persons whom they havo never mjcii. If you caunotsee thu doctors wrlto thu homo olllcu for miostloii list. Advice in regard to your ailment book for men or women and treatlsu on any dlscusc-AI.I. FHKK. ('orrosimiideiii o and other dealings with patients or prospeethu patients sacrt-lly umlldentlal. Terms and prices within tho reach of all. THE ENGLISH AND OEIiMAN PHYSICIANS. 731 Market Street, San Francisco. You Can Get a Lower Berth, YHth one exception tho through trains of the Burlington Route are almost Invariably well-tilled. The exception Is our St. Paul Chicago Limited. On the limited tbero Is usually room and to spare. Don't Infer that It Is neither so lino, nor so fust, as A1N Y train of ANY other line between St. Paul and Chicago. On the con trary, there Is uo more beautiful train in America. It has electric light, steam heat, wide vestibules, the most satisfactory dining-car service on. the continent and a lower berth for everybody, A. O. SHELDON. Ocn'l Agent, Portland, Or. A Few Interesting Facts When people are contemplPting a trip whether on business or pleasure, they natur ally want the best service obtainable so far as speed, comfort and safety is concerned. Employes of the Wisconsin Central Linos are paid to serve the public and our trains are operated so ai to make clo e connections with diverging lines at nil junction points. Pullman Palace Sleeping and Chair cars on through trains. Dining car service unexcelled, Meals a la Carle. In order to obtain this fitst-cltss service, ask the ticket agent to sell you a ticket over TUB WISCONSIN CENTRAL LINES and you will mike dirert connections at St. Paul for Chicago, Milwaukee and nil Jo!nls Hast, 'or any luifcr infoimatlon call on any ticket aaent or correspond with ' JS, POND, General Pass, Aent MlLWAUKKK, 'I9, orJAS. A. "CLOCK, General Agent, 24G8taric Stieet, Portland, Ore, MANHOOD RESTORED lly iisImr ur, lei lev Nc.vn iqjl. fZA' ? -- X BtH Riiaramertiiocuieall nervous :i-as.s, such as Weak V,ory. Ijmso' ." 7 tlX 9 ""'a I"uwcr, Headache. WkrlulDt-.s,I..t Ma-hooc lulv HmlJ JJiw ikX f ". Nervousness til drains, loss of piwerlu ienerav. Orran, of T L Tr 'A fihh.ef r-,"" Hy Trtlon, ySuthiul error, "x i" I of fliw4 J&jtt lobc,'0Plu"iprstlmiilants,whlchltad lo InCrmltv.Co.. m -onoi fJprM tPff IV""1 'rC", c"icU In ;t pocket. Ji.ooperbox - i, Cmall id R ' prepahC Circular Free, fold bv all dru.n-1.1. I.vfl, .. i.ViK.?" - KI,,iiif.-t..1 l.M u . i- .... "" ----- --- .w. ... wnuuiticii ICllllllC iu.. r im KMIIP. a... DsrU V"-tlanJ O" .tugu,.,oistrltutlijageuts. Third an I Yambbl 8t SALJ3 UY I). J. PKV, SALlDr, OltEGOX. I lIiiKh Ikiuuor, whom tho Now Yor't KvoniiiK tauu bun itdlwl "tho ureutest llnimuii in tho world," and who wiih for no Iouk ohluf of tho Now York Fire Do piirtuiont, bun wrttton uu article on "Modem Firo FiKhtiiiK' for tho Juno iiiiniU'r of Alnaloo's MukiiiIiio. Ex Chief llonnor tolln n jduln, direct Htory, prth-ntint with thu fruit of hia ox porionoo und ublllty. PhotoKrupha of hoiiio of tho nuwt dUuatrouH tlroa which huvo wcurod in various citiuH thoti;lioiit tho country uro roproducod to illustrate Chief llonnur's article, Is unique In the text and illustration. "The Mayor of CliiciiBO," by Forrest Crlmdey, und a short paper on University Sentiments, by tho daughter of Austin Dobsou, con stitute other article of Ainsleo's for June, llesldos, thoro uro live short stor ies, one of which, a tale of Japanese life, uuccoruuHi wuii extraorjllnury taste and power by John Sloan. (Street A .Smith, Publishers, Now York.) RAZOR TAX All people aro hereby notillod that a tax on Razors of LWc for rotomperini; is now on anil can be paid at the shop of Sim II. White and Co. at High street, opposite thu Court House. C-20-tf Oregon Short Line Railroad Tho Direct Houte to Montana, Diali, Colorado and all Eastern Points Gives choice of two favor I to routes, via tkc Union Pacific Kast Mall Line, or the juourauueBceniu l.incs. Look ut the time H Day." to Suit Lake 2i Days to Denver 3i Days toChlciiifo 4 Days to New York Free llccllnlng Choir Cars. Upholstered Tou 1st Sleeping Cars, and Pullman 1'alacu, Sleeper oaraled on all trains. Kor further Information applyito IiOISi: & 1IAKKKK, ARents, Salem. V. K.COMAN, Gou'lAcent C O. TKIIRY, Trav. Pass. Agt 121 Third St.. Portland X. , SOUTH AND EAST VIA TWE.SH4.STA- RO'JTE. OF THE Southern Pacific Co 7.oop 9-45 7-4S A KXPRfUS TRAINS RUN DAILY Lv... 'Portland Ar Ar,...Satem .... Ar Ar. San Frnnclsco.Lv 8:oo am .-33 AM .oopm I 5oo pm Ar Ogden... Ar ihopm 6S P M Ar . . . .'. Denver. . Lv 6 45 p it 6.43 AM Ar . . . . Omaha . . . . Ar 8 50 A u 8'ISPM Ar .... Chicago ....Lv 6,30 pm 7,00 A u Ar. . .Los Angeles. . .Ar 9 25 r m 8'IJPM Ar... El Paso.,.. Ar 235PM 4,15 PM Ar.... Fort Worth. ,,,Ar 8 40 Am 7.55 A m Ar. . New Orleans. . . Ar 8 40 pm DiNIMj CAKS OHSKKVATION CAKS. Pullman ntst-clas and tourist aleepinx cars attached to all through trains. Tourist cars through to Chicago without change. ROSKBURO MAIL, , DAILY. 8loM) Lv... Portland 1055 A mJ-Lv...', Salem... c20 P M I Ar ... Roseburg WEST SIDE DIVISION. BETWEEN PORTLAND AND CORVAI.LIS. Mall tiains dally except Sunday. 30 A Ml L.V.... Portland.. Arl 550 pm Ar. ...Lorvnili... L,vl i.'2opm ..Ar (4.3op m . Lv J 1 5o;p u .. Lv 7.'3oa M "5Sr Ml Mf . .Corvnllia.. Corvallii connect with At Albany and trains of the C. & E. Ry. INDEIE53DENCE I'ASiEtJGEK' BXI'RKSB TRAIN DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY. 4:50 P M 1 7.3 PMf H:3o Ml) Lv Portland .... Ar I 825 A M Lv . McMlnnville Lv 5:50 a m Ar Independence Lv) 450 a m Direct connections at Jian I'ranciico with stearrship lines for HAWAII, 1APAN. CHINA, 'IHEPHILLIPINEi and AUS TRALIA. For throuch tickets and rates call o- V. W, SKINNEK, Depot Agent, or 0- D. OAllltlLLiiON City Ticket Agent, 232 Com mercial Sb Salem Or. C. K. KOEHLEK, Managei H.MAKKHAM G. F .V P. A. Porilan-? .IV rL OEPABTI FOH J Fust Matl 8 1. in, TiiiK acuiinui.K. Krom Portland lAnaiTK Sl0- kano Flier '2.30 pm S p m, Salt Iike, Denver Ft. Worth Omaha, Kansaa City, Hi 6 lpm Louls.ChicaKO anl Kust, I Walla Walla, Bpokauc, Mlline apolls, Ht. Paul, Dulutb, Mil wiukeo Chicago and oast. t)l'- nyer a. a. OCKAN 8TEVMBHIIU For San Francisco, Ball every live day. 8 p.m. COI.UM1IIA HIVKit . U..nl UTI'lllL,t)J Hatur- To Astoria and way LimJinps, uay iv p, m, Leave Salem Dd you want to die? 7,15 pm II u Thu andtiat io a, in. .MOM Wed Frl i p. u 4 p. m. exUuu. 1'tF r 1 f t-ivri IITVIM! OIUIIAUJI.,!!. a,.,,.,. Portland, is'ewberc and wnyO LllllUlllgS. For Day ton A r Sa lem- D. IU. lions Wed. Frl Tu Thor Hat. jS:30pm Ar Hn. Leayo WIlibAMKTTE HIVKIl I let. Milkm Corvallla Allmiiv nml W Ifln m Tu Thu, Points. ,Mou But Wed 3 . in land F-i OK- Do you want to getwell? Ifyouwanttn nip keep right on nlliiur you system with MINKUM, and oilier POI8ON8I11 HOME CURE FOR BLOOD POISON Self Culture fur June uppours with 11 varied Tubloof Contents that olllers not only a wide range of reading, hut also a olacH of articlos of tho highest literury merit, many of which are handsomulv and instruotively Ulustmtiil. A skotcli of tho life and work of Honoro do Dalzue shows tho great novelist at work and tolls of his early strugglos for fame and fortune as well as of the diiMliini nf tl cup uf happiuoMi from his lips when ho nun jum uttuineil doinontie felilclty. S'ome 1 interesting private letters of Dr. U. . Holme, and iiornul r..tninU. J-llllVU it tlxi na..I..t.l.. a 1.. 1 .xiaT.'ci 111 11111. iiiiiiiiiiiis iiiiiiniiiiiur iiitu .. - 1. . - -..-. ,.(. , ir iiiriinj ni,,i f., ...11.. 1 . . iitturiuournn given. A unicoful tribute! ?.,i... .7a"11 imiuiy anyinir a spc is rondoivil to "Queon Victoria at r . .1 . a.rc,eU " ""' week Eighty," the article boin adorn Jl wll ?.L"lh, m, f atlsfactlon HD FRONT LIVERY FirstCIass Feed and Boarding stables. IW COMMEUCJAL, STIIEET. SALEM, ORE. Wm ULLREY, Prop. Best Rigs for Commercial Men Btablea la same block Hotel Wlllaraette. -t- "." " " vuuiiui iiiuic riu' inu .ui'ui niiuiio ami niiiweu meulcities. Svik-iii'e.ii.!007' 'Hilt allowliur doctor t fcM'hlllilhNT on 5011 with drag and try try DK. J. F. COOK, HOTAXICAL SPECIALIST, Olllco 301 Liberty Street, Salem, to Or. He has cared acoreaof neoulo slnc lin enin I'nieiiuoner Ullil is chartered colleees. . ..1..... .. . " ' .V i oiutmi, nt it rfnualile 1 Iff!, lllAlA jf -.. 1 - 1 - iiw. mi iwu ji-KBiiy cnarterea colleges. As to his standlut: in a cltlten nud his reliabll lt aabii!neiiian,anyonocan be convinced that ho I not only a b.mkI cltlien but an houist nuin. He has been hid about and ml.repre eutel more than any man in fcalem. but he Van couni ni iriemu nmoijK tho twt oitlaena of are Ikm uhoiu ho Us CLUED. Ills remillo are the result ofu lifetime uf stuly, indjibJirS ,yVi ,""t,Io,u" cure performed fiaht he?e at home, where his patient may bo wet, and f'Wl'-noouew-ioU.lck sWild hcslTate I IMv III HI 11m nlMulotely cunvj nil kind of Chronic Rl-ease. after nil other .hool have fa led siichas Cancer. Gravel. Kidney Trouble. I one Ulseaaw. Asthma, hkln D'soase. Etc without the aid of the Knife. Plasters or Poison and with no pain whatever to the patient. ixirtraiiH 01 tliu child princes and uiatiiror ijiteeii, ami a full (Kigo picture of llalinoral Custlo. ProfosMir lioldwin Smith furnlchosa a stmiigly written article uguiiut Im iKirallsni, taking England as a iihhUI. He reviews the expansion of Hritish jKiwor and tho present virtual indoixind enco of many of her colonies, and in Mnnces the condition of India and the West Indnti aa arviiiiiunta iiMilnt .m.- American following of Hritish oxiunplo'. guaranteed. 31 tf Biwars of the Doctors' Patchwork; You Can Curs Yourself at Homi, Thia wook Tlia Jouk.vai. begins ita prointKhl publication uf tho loglalativo n-Jonl. The mil oalls im all bills, ap propriations, Jobs, olerknhliwi will bo oniiipiltfd In tabular form from tho i.vrl und publiahtl o that any cltUJU oan mu ut a glunoo tho rvourd nrndo by tucb member on wwU imrtloular prpo Hilton. Tills will Iw done withoHt fwtr or favor and without ikmklug tiimkoi reounl for r nunt any ropreoiitativo or Mitiutor for polltloul rvaaoMa, Now U Your Tinjc, lkiia' gehoQl filioi. $1. worth !. Ut I the iTostoii 8I100 Company. 303Coimnor letdl atrevt, uwir tho iKatotllco, 4 15 tf There U not the altghUit doubt that the doctor do mora harm than good in treating Contagious Blood Poison; many victims of thla loathsome dlteaao would bo much better otl to-day If thoy had nover allowed them olvea to bi doel on mereucr and potaah, the only remedlaa whloh the dootow tvop glvo for blood poison. ,ui ii i i The doctor are wholly unable to got rid of ii Tl16 Rolnon nd ?n tlmpt to heal up tho outward appearand of the dlieaae-tho aore. and eruption.. Thl. the; 'do by driving thS'pol.on Into the yitem, and endeavor to keep It shut In with their constant dues of potaah and mercury Tho mouth and throat and other delicate pa-t, than break out into om, and the llghtli continued Indefinitely, tho drug doing the system more damage than the dUeato Itself. wjaiw Mr. II h. Myera, 100 Mulberry at., Newark. K. J., taytt ''I had least a hundrl itnl sn will, th. .I,. ,v t .i...i ,V"V ' !? .. u.-x.v... nuou a rciuiaou .1) at they oould do me no good. I had largo spots all over my body, and the4e soon bt-oke out Into running sores, and I ndured all tho suffering whloh this vile disease pro duooa. I deolded to try 8. 8. 8, a a last resort, and waa apon peatly IniprOTed, I fallowed closely your 'Dlreo tioni or 8oI.Treatmentl, and the large splotches on my ohaat began to grow paler and smaller, and bafore long disappeared entirely, I was soon curd perfectly and mv skin baa been aa clear as glass ever since. I cured mv aalf at homo, attar tho doctor had failed completely?' It Is valuablo time thrown away to expect tho doctor to cure Contagious Blood roison, for tho dlteaao la ba jwuu uHr aaiu, owuia opecino 8. S. S. FOR THE BLOOD act In aa entirely different way frota potaah and mercurya force tho potaoa out of tha system and geU ThToYlt cnttroly, UenoTlt cura th m4, while other rentedlea only !,ut the pol in whiw HI u:sj twtw. MWiaatly undermln ng theoon.trtutlon. Our .y.tam of Ivati homo ulal' MMt tdaoaii . our within tho waohof aU. We HUe aU asoMaary medleaUd. Walla for fuU Information to gwUt fiptallo Co., AUantaVQaT PoJ Herschbach.n(, Reigelman BLACKSMITHS and WHEELHIGHTS. We will shoe your horse, bulhlur rep.nr your wauun ur Implements lleliiir Ucated to tay our pitrons have a guarantee that our wutk will bo !atltucuirv Shon 100 f'luwi.rtL.w,, street, Teletdtone 205. i.i ir The Geo, M, Bccler Insurance Agency Always to tho front with best rates and polloles In the leading companies. Employment Agency, Do you want wonc, or need help of any kind? Apply at once. Rental Agency, Property to tent. Register our agenoy. 26S COMMKUOIAUSTltHHT, S.U.KM, S, C, STONE, M. D, Proprletor'of Stone's Drufi: Stores HALEM..OKEGON. The stores (two In number) are located a J.O. a4 and m Commerelal street, aud are well stocke.1 with a compute tn of drugs aud miKlieiia,, toilet article, trfumery, brushes etc., etc , etc. IU. BTONK las had some Mj ear. experience In the prac ticed rallcln and now make, no charJ for consul'atlon. eiamlnauon or prescription. WILLAMETTE RIVER DIVISION Daily hosts to Portland as above. Transfers to streetcar hue at Oreg Citw if the steamers are delayed there ouni trip tickets to allpointsin Oregon. Wishing ton, or California. Connect oa made at Pott land with all rail, ocean andnvcr Hue W. II. HURLliUKl. (Jen'l Pas. Agt. Portland. l L M. POWERS. Agent, Trade street dock Salen.. liOISE & BARKER, City Agents. "yaqui NAtaTrjarE Corvallis- k Eastern Railroad CouuectliiK at YAQUINA with the YAQLINA BAY STEAMSHIP COMPANY STEAMEI13 "WEEOTT" Pliat-vlass' lu every ro cct. The above steamer 1s due to sail from Yaqulua every elsbt davs. Pare II. I fihortf st Iloute tictwevn Between Valley Points and Sao Frueiseo Albany aud Point West lo Sau Francisco Cabl n no.oo uouiid Trip J7.00 WAI.I)KN. T K. A J". A. EDWIN 8TOSE, Mauatsr Steam Dye Works No 105 Cmniuercial treel, opiH-stU) Willamette lintel. Ladioa' and gentlemen's clothing cleaned, dywl, re iwlredaud prohxnl, Fi no bliiiikeUcleantHl or dyed Hud nicely Mulshed. Kid iNoiosvleatitHl, ioc; ded There is only ce p l Un t gi a FIRST-QLASa HARNSSS If ysu are a Mcr, ask fu' Ulik of the ReJ tW UiujSlMe. 4).i5dm Kurtz & Hamilton PLUMBERS and TINNERS WICOURT Sl'REET. S&X &lW niukrwnn.. .J .:""'""'" inin n: '. .VIs a,H1 Kuuering, a "Cn 'TJ-"?. P"P. WfiW VfmWkwbm a 5 mrK " 1 i iJSSCPU1MJmk7 7jLs31 trnptwym - ' "e-sk. .sJ A Small Leak Will Sink a Ship. I III UII1W nrul o J.T0UNER Aaent, Albany, Ore. WILLAMETTE UIVKlfDIVISION STEAMER WM. M. HOAG, Captain Oeo. Itaabo, .pupi:;ltna,.,(r?aeye,ianpdofn,1r,:1 an" corTi11"' HIVEK 8CIIEDULE. DOWN. Tuesday., Thursday and Bi.ncUr. Uavo Corvallis .. Uaves Albany ;..." 2 f S Leaes Ilaeua Vlsta7rr; ' 1 ? S' Arrive rortland :"JZI 5".S UI'-Mondays, WedniKlIyViuIdFrlday, Leaves Portland a ra oiem.. ..a, Uaves leaves Independence iinona vista. Leave Aloanr . Arrive Corvaftls . a 00 i, m 7 ao p, ia e bo p ui I.'.e l ''".en "eqnrpTeTwIlh first- full Ury !" are exjHirU. 'w pwpr work m iw prices. ---" tn aa ciiiuii IHI1I7 lit tuu.. imiii i pip i tlw MllarwUI eon t, mi. VJ8 ve your home from 'fevers lipdwna ami germ dfei. uT . 'we make rittiiif. . Willful HHBr. Lr,Z,,r ",.,ttort catititiauiN -.i K..5l7i "T " K" BARRPETZEL 2M COMMKRCIAL STREEr Telepftooe No. 3371 iiiaiio "TO,ra"-0,,"o-. Inoludiiii- an elegant vXSSZSKF ,or "rry,n,J ,b '"' ud Dok-Fotof Stale street. O. MAKRTZ, Aueat. Salem, Oroi C.BOLLIVAN.Bupt. Albany, Orero The Inter-State University System of Musical Instruction. E. H. 8COTT. D. SI PRESIDENT InvinnriPJf ' l'-Pratlra InlitatIon which Is and 85 Sg,dl.UILra5r ,u Jaoulv by hundred. rhantwiH,Sl.wt.,h0UMna' Eabraclwr mor. rwMr 'A nefit of PupJUof PrlTata Teacher , At Home, rriifu.riBnTU MHOMano TKAU Eiplanation of the system In datall In the4 column .. "atrli for it. ETTA AXDERB-WILMMAN. owe neprt-MnUtlTo Kr.i?d MenJb" "f tho Faculty btudeo cter Hnt National Bank UW.. Oae o. two place open for adtaneed pUyer I Pao 1 1 1 t. Screen Ooors and Windows. Screen cloth etc, Poultry and Lawn fencing of all kinds and shingle. SA-LttM KECNCK WORK8, a 1 1 Wawsai MoaLKY. Prop. "IW WBuuBtrft