DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL. sAi i& VOL. X. SALEM, OREGON, MONDAT MAT 29, 1899. Salem woolen lllspva Home Made Goods MVP Specials: A very select line of Boy's Knee Pant Suits of our own goods made up in New York. UET ONE FOR YOUR BOYl All sizesof Boy's Black Hose, the very best to be had: Ask for them. The largest assortment of Men's Pants: Regular sizes, extra sizes and extra lones. No matter what size you call for we have hm. A special drive on them. The finest line of Crasn Hats for Men and Boys to be found, in Patterns and Styles. 19 jP WM m&m Vsi q? RaA u, a va fkUih STORS. Rules Amended By Pres. McKinley. News From Hong Kong and Yokaliama. American Soldier's Mutilated Body Found Floating on a Raft. Bids for Supplies Opened. The Hoard of Trustees of the Orceon State Insane Asylum oihiuxI bids for the structure of iron, and steel work, him ber, mill work ami all material and labor for plastering and roofing required for the addition to the asylum building. following are the bids: Knox & : Murphy, roofing fl034 00 Barr A l'etzel, roofing 1103 00 rilton AGerspach, roofing 1370 00 w ., ( - 00 ML 1-reeman, plastering ., 335)3 60 4Ron on K M Sorbcr, plastering, 23 cts per sq yd. f 2737 00 JDTrcsl.am, plastering ... j I. 3635 00 George Ainslio & Co, mill work. 3700 00 Otto Hansen, mill work 2275 00 Hanson & Landon, mill work. .. 3450 00 Hanson & Landon, lumber, $8.50-12-10-17 h Heeloy, lumber $10-12-20 Wolff Zwicker.lron and steel j jjgj Jjj Smith & Watson. Iron and atecl. 4931 00 NO 127. CON FEREKCE The Hoard will meet Thursday at in. and award bids. SUIILEY IN- UTAH. 'p. Of National Peacemakers. Memorial Day In Salem. As usual the G. A. 11. and Belief Corp organizations of Salem will observe Memorial day tomorrow, May 30th, nl though no program is obtainable as Tiik Joims'Ai. goes to press. All public olllces will be closed, and business houses will close tho irreatcr part of tho day. Officers Elected. At tho scmi-anntiat election of ofllcers in Olivo lodge, I. 0. 0. F., last Saturday night tho following officers were elected : Noblo Grand, AmosVosa; vlco grand, W. F. Watterburg: recording secretary, I-. v.inirum; treasurer, W. H. Cook flfertVA . Baking Makes the food more delicious and wholesome myru swwa eowph eo., mw vo, PUSHING HIS BOOM. Much vU3sH Help! Help! More help must be had at our store. Our shoe sale has proven too much for our force. We are cutting" prices as they have never been cut on the Pacific Coast. UET YOUR SHOES NOW you will never buy them cheaper than at this big sale: also, Free shines. Kf ausse Bros. 275 COMMERCIAL ST. -h - " - ""d-a """a"- "nn "n "" " """ i Shoes Worth Having i i "V5 TllK HKASO.V FOIl TUB (MKAT DKMAND FO OUK HIIOKH !H 11KCAUHB TIIK HIIOES AUK WOHTII THE I'llICE WK ABE FOIl THKM. TIIKY AUK NOT AWJ.VK TIIK LATENT HTYLU8, DUT Til Kilt DUUAMUTY IS UNHUIll'AHSKD. Il i . STAMPED ON A SHOE MEANS STAND Alt D OF MEHIT. PEOPLE APPRECIATE FIRST-CLASS WORK. They understand f y j y ji j mm our nign Kruno niiues uru un ituuiuiiui uuu & fs(y drossy as can bo. That our high class goods . s t mean nign ciass vaiue, nign ciasa in, styie, 'Mir' lasnion ana lorm, nign emus leenug aim com fort, and high class finish, material and workmanship. Indeed, that moil CLASS WITII.CH MEANS 11' H AND TKUTII IN THE BIIAI'E OK HIIOES. TllO Ollly thing not high about them is the price. 'RPnoWr1008 I ACYlS NEW SHOE STORE, t W t. tw a. fcv. V V. 94 State Street. b. !k V iv M. W fc. U.VK).Vfa. VCMTXATXOkTTTX J I Dr. H. C. EPLEY PHONE 2813, Dr.. H. H. OLINGER. Bple & linger DENTISTS, . Artificial Teeth 56,00, In making artificial teeth we me the beat teeth nod rubber that cuq be procured In the market. Wo guarantee-our teeth agalust breakage, uUo guarantee u tit. Gold Crowns $5, Up, Wo use 22lr Gold in uur crowns and fully guarantee thetii. Salem Dental Parlors X OVER POSTOFFICE. Rooms 27 and 29, Phonc!dl3. vutroraLxcxc vtx-c vvvc ktcxchcvcik r i $ . g i , y Aoclmcl Irei to lie Jotiriiul. Wasiiinoton, May 2!). President Mc Kinley today issued an nmondment to tho civil service rules. It releases from tho operation of civil service rules, about 1,000 ofllces. Among such places as tho follewing: Pension ex amining surgeons, Indians employed I.i tho Indian set vice not con o-ted with Indian school service and many places in tho engineer department at largo, quartermasters department at lartjo. or- dnancedjpartment at larget and war department. With reference to places in tho outside war department service it Is provided that they .be subject to tho regulations provided by tho secretary of war und np. proved py thepresldent, thus placing these branches of service on the sann substantial basio as tho navy yard ser vice. Wasiiinoton, May 29. The following cable from Otis: "Manila: Tho transorss Ohio aid Senator with tho Thirteenth infantry Imsjuat arrived. Private Johnson, of Company E was drowned and live men deserted at Honolulu. There were no other casualties." San P'iuncisco, May. 29. Steamer China from Hong Kong and Yokohama, via Honolulu brings tho news of tho murder of an American soldier, named ucorgo ityan, near .tiuioios. ills mu tilated Ixxly was found, lashed to a raft, floating in tho river. Ryan was n man, who in 1K1U, whilo sorving In provisional tho army at Hawaii stolo the crown jewels. Judge Perry, of Honolulu, has passed sentence on tho three Japanese ring leaders In tho riot which took place somo time ago when twine Chinese were killed. Ono man was seutuiusod to hang, another to serve 20 years, und another to five years. All positions in Alaska in the custom, internal revenue and tcliool servico arc exempt from examination or registration. 1 The Hero of Santiago Receives An Ovation at Every Point. Animation 1 Lobles. in the TIEREE STABBED Americans Have Not Yet Presented the Arbitration Proposed TII33 DKEYFUS CASE The Deroulede and Hurbert Case Proceeding in the Palace of Justice GRAY Carpenter's Tools Blacksmith's Tools, Fine Tools For "Every Trade at BROS f II y Anaocluleil I'rcaa to (lie Juurnul. Paiiih, May 29. The court of cessa tion met today to hear the debate on tho application for tho revision of the Uroy fus case. Paiiih, May 2S. While the Dreyfus case was proceeding in ono part of tho palaco of justice, the trial of Dorouledo Hahert, charged in citing soldiurs to sub ordination on the day of election of Pres ident Luhet. When Perouledo called upon to plead he began diatrilo against parliamentarians and Jews. The audi enco in tho court cheered Doroulede. NJJournal TuesJay. In accordance with its custom Tiik Jouii.val will not Iks issued on Tues day, May 30, Memorial, day holng a pa triotic national und statu Holiday. Wet and Backward. Travellers who have recently oomo out of the interior of Eastern Oregon ruort a great doal of rain for thatoouutry and that the spring is cold und backward. See the Cart. At Strong's Restaurant, and after eat n g your dinner, oxehana a nUkel for 2 sacks fresh roasted pea-nuts. Ily Amauclntol l're to the Journnt. Salt Lakh, May 21). At Salt Ijiko there were continued celebrations today in honor of Hear-Admiral Schley. The uiuiiiietH nouses ami residences were decorated in national colors and where over ho appears tho hero of Santiago is given an ovation. SCIO VS. STAYTON. Ono of the Hottest Contests Between Two Race Horses Ever Held in Oregon. Last Saturday at 1 p. m. a Bocond effort was made to null off tho horso raco that had been advertised to come off between tho running horse from Stayton and a horso from Sclo. Tho Stayton horse was Imported from East ern Oregon, and brought there to settle tho old score and get even with Scio, it 'h claimed, which crowd and horso do feated a Stayton horse and badly de moralized the purses of somo of the Staytonites. There waa 200 a sldo de posited in tho Sclo bank. Tho two horses entered tho truck at 1 o'clock and continued to jockey until 0:110. There was probably more excitement in tho little town it occupied than ever before (u IW history. It is es timated that at least 100 riders were on tho scene, coming from Linn and Ma rion counties, and many were an wlld'at) Indians with excitement. They rodo through tho little town in groups, yolU ing themsolvcs hoarse On" tho final go tho Stayton horso got off in tho lead and won tho raco by a scratch of alwut a foot. Scio refuses to give up the money, claiming that tho start was not a fair one. The Linn county school fund will be $100 ahead, as, according toours,ato law, nihil putcd bet money reverts to the schoj fund. It is now said that an effort U being made to have tho race come off at Salem at the fair ground, with nonie show of success. It Is thoupht tlia' judgescanbe procured here that can start the hordes off correctly and with out any self-iuterest. 11 Amiuclutptl I'rna to tlip .liiurnnl. Tun HaiiOk, May 21). A brief olllclal record of thu, doings of tho peace confer ence during tho week says: "Provisional proposals for mediation and arbitration have been submitted by tho representatives of Russia, Great Uritlan, Italy and tho United States." Tho corrosjKiiulent of the Associated Press learns that tho statement that tho Americans had sub mitted the oVbltmtiou proposal was in correct. Tljolr proposals for a perma nent tribunil are not ready, as a French translation1 is necessary. There was much animation in the lob bies of tho palaco but tho crowds In tho vicinity wore not largo. Extensive mil itary precautions have been taken to preserve otver Inside and outside tho Jmlldlng. The court room Is tilled with Parls.ni celebrities. Many Judges be longing to other courts aro among those present and absolute tranquility pre vails. ELECTROCUTED Adrian Braum Pays the Pen alty at Sing Sing For Aur ilejring His Wife. Two of Which Will Die Adolph Rabb and John , McVea in Custody Hr Aaaoclnteit Prem to the Journal. Nkw Yokk, May 21). During an al tercation three men were tabbed, and two fatally wounded. Adolph Habb, tho proprietor, and John Mo Veil, a waiter, aro In custody, charged with doing tho cutting. Tho President Wants, to Hug all Phillipino Volunteers. the valley TODAY'S MARKET. 1'outi.anii May 20. Wheat 68: Walla Walla. r7c. Hour Portland, 2.80; Superllno $2.15 per bbl. Oats Whlto44(315o. Hay 8l)ier ton. Hops lKjMtfc; old crop ttc. Wool Valley. HCfiPJe: E egon, 0010. Mohair, 27 30. Oregon Boys Propose to Returnby Way of Portland Direct, itr Anaoclntcil l'reaa to the Journal. Wasiiinoton, May 20. Tho prosidont has been anxious to meet all tho troops who served in tho Philippines, If prac ticable, and has agreed to go to Minn eapolis and St. Paul to greet tho Mlline sota volunteers. With tho possibility that tho president may bo unable to continue his trip further west, tho Twin Cities have undertaken to arrange for the mobilization of all volunteers as their guests. Tho jubleo will probably occur early In August. Tho president's acceptance of this Invitation does not necessarily mean that ho has abandoned IiIh con templated trip,to tho coast. At Watervllot Michigan, an unknown man was killed by lightning. A violent Htorm broko over Chicago last night, which Hooded the city and suburbs! causing much damage. RUNDOWN, ll12e: Eastern Or lair. 27 fill .10. Mlllstuff Hran. 17t short.!. tlR. Poultry Chicken, mixed, jl.W)100 Otis, announcing that n majority o turkeys,, live, 1JJjiC. i Oregon regiment havo elected to rt Hffllfi per dor.. Ily Aiaot'lutrd I'rcia to the Joiirmil. Funetnl of Grandpa Albert. At his request, there was no funeral sermon over thu remains of the late KIkjii Taylor Albert, who was burled on Sunday at 2 o'clock, from his home on the corner of Winter and Mill streets. The funeral was a very simple one, conducted by ltev. Ketchum In tho prot-ouco of four generations of tho fam ily and many friends who could not en ter the house. Many more went to the cemetery, whore tho remains wore con signed to the earth ulth prayer and burial service. The pall bearers w ero J. M. Martin, John Molr, Kr,, P. II. Itaymond and A. O, Condit, brother elders of tho church with Mr. Albert?!!. V. Matthews, who alo served as an older with Mr. Al bert, and 1). P. Itrowu, of tho asylum farm, a fellow-townsman of the de ceased at Winchester, Va, At the cemetery the grave was liter ally covered with (lowers, of which Grandpa Albert was so fond. Beautiful floral emblems were sent in by admir ing friends. The funeral was ono of tho largest over hold in this city from a private-house. New Youk, May 20. Adrian "Draum was put to death by electricity ln8ing Sing this morning for tho murder of his wife. Euirs Oreeon. Hides Oreen, salted (10 lbs, 80c. under uu ins, .fitisj ; snoop pelts, 1520e. Onions C0c75 or sack. Huttor Host dairy, 10llc; fancy creamery, 40c per roll. Potatoes f 1.60 f 1.70 per cwt. Hogs Heavy dressed 00(1 Mutton Weathers 4 iic: dressed. 8(30 Ileef Steers, ll.OOrtyt-UO: cows. 13.00 QIJ.00 dressed, 77M. Veal dressed, 0Q8c. SALEM MARKET. Wheat 18. Oats :t80:J(Jc. Hay Haled, cheat, 17.00 ;, 1201 Ic. Hour In wholesale iotn $2.00 retail Mlllstuff bran 110.00 Hogs dressed, 6kc. Live cattle 2)(C0;ic. Hhooi ftt.OOQW. Dressed Veal Oc. Huttor Dairy 10c creamery 15c. Wool Host 10c. Mohair 25c. Poultry Spring chickens 12sjc015c, Hens 8 tot) rents. Potatoes 00c. WAHiiiNctTON.Mny 20. Secretary Algor has . recolv&l k cablegram from Oon. f tho return by steamer directly to Portland. Tho Washington regiment has decided ;to como first to San Francisco. An Electric Car was Run Into By a Northern Pacific Train. Ur Aaioelateii Vrtum to the Jonrnn). Seattle, May 29. An electric car containing 25 persona was run Into to day by tho Northern Pacific train, kill ing Emanuel llrand and Injuring 14 others, somo fatally. Business Men's tycetlntf. This Monday ovening at city hall at 8 p. in. to arrango for reception of nar tlonal odltorinl association and Fourth . of July celebration. By order of tho mayor and committee SEVERE STOltMS. Central Western States verely Scourged With Storms. Se- nECEIVINQ THEin PAY. and Cuban Soldiers Present Themselves Their Arms. Havana, May 29. Fully 100 men with rilles uro waiting in llnd today for opening of the olllco for tho payment of Cubun soldiers who will give up their arms. There wore aUo present eight men with recelptH for iirm; delivered to tho civil authorities. . Now is Your Opportunity To obtain a first class Enamel Cabinet Photo and bust Carbouetto work at re duced rates. The Piokelll Co. (iround floor Studio, 213 Commercial street. 0 20 tf. Ploweis Plentiful, Plenty of cut flowers and Ithodo deadraus for Memorial day ut the Ave nue GreonhoutwM. ' Columbia Model 57 $50- Collision, As the result of a collision in South Salem Sunday, betweou a bicyclist and a iHtdostrlan, whereby tho former was projected from tho sidewalk into thu street, tho latter was this morning ar retted foriiHsuult and will appear before Justice JolniNiii on Wednesday p. m. for trial. Crystal Ice Works. Tho Crystal Ieo works is now ready to supply tho trade with ice, made from purodistillrd water, at thu ruling price, whatevur that may bo. Telephone 2071. J. Maguire, proprietor. 6-2t)-0t The Boston Shoe Company, dents' Frunoh Calf Shoos. 112. worth- f 1, 30H Commercial street, near tho Broke Through the Sewer. An accident happoncd .last Saturday which nearly proved fatal to u valuable cow. It was at tho homo of T. II. Lloyd, at Sixteenth and Leo street. Thu family broko cow through tho sower which runs closeby and hud It not lx'cn for thu timely assistance of noighlor, who lifted bossy from her predicament she would un doubtedly havo succumbed, Morrow county had a heavy rain and hall storm on Tuesday. The streams became raging torrents and cellars were Hooded. Parts Abandoned, CovKiiACK.May 29. Furthor attempts to iloat tno Amerlcau liner Paris have been abandoned until tho next spring tides. .Fresh holes havo boon discovered fu foreparts. llr Amoelnted I'roas to the Journal. Ciiicaoo, May 20, Since last" Friday, thu states of Nebraska, South Dakota, Iowa, Wisconsin, Minnesota, ami North orn Illinois, havo experienced a series of the most violent storms known in years, resulting in the loss of nearly a dozen llvos and dolngdamago to property and crops amounting to hundreds of thous ands of dollars. 'Yc"sTorday ,'tbrnadoe -woro joporijjd from Hastings, Central Cty and Heat rice, Nob.; Keswick, Dowh, Mingo, Fonda and Tama, Iowa, and Dljou Hills, South Dakota. At tho latter place seven lives woro lost and two fatally Injured. Near Keswick Iowa, five persons were in jured, ono fatal. In Hamilton county, Nebraska, $100,000 damage was done by wind. Michigan was also swept yesterday by a severo electrical storm, many houses In St. Joseph and Denton Harbor und vicinity were struck by lightning. ( "The way to be I IfIMM, IK In l,.. I 'W iu uavcu v look to the j gotd liver and a .good heart." You heart Aiier's C2r Fills will take care of the j ( liver. 'J WHEAT MAKKET. Ciiicauo. Mav 20. Julv 76?f. Cuih 2 red 70. Ban Fjuncisco, May, 29.-Cah 1.07)4 3iiaB0IQBlUllhiBI1HMHHIlBIBIlKlllllHIHIlHailHIIlllRlHlllHHBfilllMlllligiIIIIBIBillIlUllllIla f Jos. Meyers & Sons, 1 Salem's Greatest Store. M jwstufflcu. I 16 tf The Sale for Thirty l)ys. I la by Shoes, ,1fi cants, worth 76 cents, at tho IJoston Shoo Company, 308 Com mercial street, near tho ixwtolllce. 4 15 tf If you appreciate food well cooked and pood service, take your moats at thu White House restaurant. 6 27 2t w M St I S PRICES DROP Tho backward spring causes us to give marching orders to these three lines. Never before havo our steuiul pricus boon so tempting. Delated buyers will Ixmollt by these original reduced pa cos. LADIU tmur Ladies MADE JUITJ Muii tailored suits a few choice styles hero's a nrico fist: liluu iiulliiishod wcrstod, fancy lined, well worth (8,50 sjieolal $6,28 Cor. State and Liberty Sis. Salem, Ore. The fines chain wheel ever turned out of a factory, Hartfords, strictly high grade, $35, Videttes, fully guaranteed, S25 and S26, SROAT 6l WILSON. A Face 1 oaiifiot lu considered Ixjautlful if tho evwt aro weak luidrwl. And as those dtifscts are removable no woman should penult them to remain. A thorough knowledge of option! lltting enables us to achieve almost woiKierful results. 1'lute yuursolf in our hands mid aching and unsightly oyes will bo things of tho pasU.Our eharges aro moderate. BARR'S JEWELRY STORE, 318 BTATJET BTRCOT. All wool.flnu blue sorK9t tight tltttiiK biokml, throi row bifttons in front. Kllk lajKiis. Keffular prlyod I2,fi0 seoial $10.85 Jliaok all wool mrwjj llnoil thfauh. out with blaqk or lavenjlyr silk wry oholco at 122.60, BjiegM The Crown Tho Grown purfoot lltting slues !I2 to 1 1 in a uroat arrav turials, All attractively pruied, will Kaln If you are prompt. waihts, of ma- You Dress H H I 48c to $2.18 517.65 Skirts Our Knife Cuts Deeper Than Ever Before. Itntiro lino at Interesting prices. Stylish, wulbmado skirts pojtfoningall tho good qualities. $3,98 For an all wool sorgo nklrt worth f$. ii $8,25 For a (loo black skirt, worth $10. satin or tafleta A Columbia Bicycle Given away freo July 3d .00 OUIt STOIU-J OPJflN 13VBNINGS. 278 280 Commercial St. The Old White Corner. UBVHsiaillHBMIIIIIlIIIHHIIMMsllllllIllllllIllllMIIIMIMWHHUHISIi Wiitsw SwyWweMSfy yl'tllJl,MI tk .! . 2 ' . , ' v J