ARMY LIFE! ( u V - a i 'ill -Sh ffiL- &WW rW 'jtt'A. YW?t f. . SiT . ' '. il. mi. 7 ii' 1 i.. iS ', till. ' v.V U iV V," 7 0 17. 0 Warner, of Bristol, Vt..leftiti mark on him In wlmt physician calli'il 11 "Iioim1i'sh u-iito" of lioart disease. lio tolls liow Ills llfo wtin spared. "In 6 two physichni pronounced my case hopeless, and taid I had heart dis ease in its worst form; tlut it was use less to doctor, nothing would cure me. In March. '97, 1 took Dr. Miles' Heart Cure and have not had a symptom of the disease since. It saved my life." DR. MIES' Henri Cure Is sold by till druiritlsts on ftunrantoo first bottlu lioiuillts or money back. Hook on heart uud nerves Hent free, Dr. Mile Modlcal Company, Elkhart, Ind. Miiiiiuiujiuuuauiiuiiimiiiiuiiuuuuu! I PERSON ALAND LOCAL i g For additional Local Neivsnen Fourth I'oro.c stmTmTnnnnmmnnnnnTTmTnTTfmnr; W. II. l'ottor.wns a pnsFengcr for Ore gon City to visit this morning. Mrs. Ira E. Allen is visiting in Port land with friends ami relatives. J. II. T. Tutlilll was it w itness in the Mayors trial at Dallas yesterday. Paul Sown anil Katie Schmidt, wore granted a marriage licence yesterday. L. Ronnotte, stenographer, i in Salem to locate and open a place of bind- 1IUHH. Mm. J. Cainphel, win a pastungur to Portland to visit with Mrs. Farley her sister. Tlie littlo steamer Gray Eaglo tied up at Salem last night with a laigu raft of halm logs. .Mrs. M. ;. (Jhapnian was a passenger on the Hong last evening to Albany to visit friends. E. Curtis, of Albany, who has been here on a short visit, returned homo last evening. Dan O'Xcil, general passenger agent of the O. It. & N. Co., was a Salem vis itor last night. Mrs. 0. P. Reardsloy, was n passenger to Portland yesterday to visit her daugh ter, Mrs. J. J. Heed. Aj Esbing is tho guest of Dow Palmer night operator for tho W. U. Telegraph company, in this city. S. W. Stage came in on tho Elmore last night from Portland, where he hail been on a visit with friends. Mr. and Mrs. L. II. MeDaniel board ed tho early morning steamer for Port land to visit friends and relateves. Mrs. J. J. Richardson, of thN city, received tho sad intelligenceof the death of her daughter Mrs. Olive Kirkluiid. Miss Pearl Kirkwood was a passenger, to Wheatland via steamer this morn ing for n visit with friends and relatives, J. It. Wyatt, of Albany; .1. C. Smock, of Sherwood ; and Geo. W, Staloy, of Yoncalla, wereappointed notaries yester day. Mrs. Hello Do llavun has gone to Portland to attend tho wedding of her daughter, Miss Nellie Do Haven, to Mr. Lloyd Keall. Miss A. Collin, of Portland, who has leon visiting Salem frionds went to In dependence last evening to visit friends und relatives. Mr. and Mrs. A. I), (iardnor wore tinioiiriimP4i 4a ...1 .rwii-,1 till. via tho steamer Elmore, to visit with Mr. Garner's parents. 8. II. Konuedy, was a passenger to In dependence lust evening vlu Houg. Mr. Kenedy has been in tho Capital City several weeks visiting relatives and friends. Prof. W. O. Hawley, of Willametta unlvorslty, will deliver an address at the ivVtjfesass.ia P w w lip 'SAW.H S i svxy, & AWWO WiU.i. WW unveiling ot tne monument ut nolle r.isst.Bu Holdior; at all times lio is tho ideal cemetery for the Woodmen lodge in tho northorn part of Marion county. Prof. A. N. Fulkerwn and wife, of Coburg, who has been visiting with Mrs. Fulkeason's peoplo in Polk county were passengers la&tovoningforludepondonoo and Monmouth to visit friends. i Mr. and Mrs. New by, of this city, were passengers this morning, via tho Elmore, to Oregon City, thonce to Portland for a week or more, and will wind up with a long trip up the Colum bia before returning. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. Digests what you eat. It artificially digest the food and aids Nature In strengthening and recon structing the exhausted digestive or gans. It Is the latest Jiscovered digest ant and tonic. No other preparation an .nMnaali If In .HlonCT It. itV, stantfy rellftTea and permanently cures Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn, Flatulence, Sour Stomach. Nausea, S!ckHeadache,Gastralgla,Crainps,and allotherresuluoflmperfectdlgeatlon, PrpardbyE.C-DWIUACo,Cblcoga. DEMOCRATIC PROGRAM For the Presidential Campaign to Open the Century. As Outlined by Champ Clark at the Na tional Committee Banquet in tit. Louis, May 25. Mr. Clark was greeted with a tremen dous ovation. Ilosmke as follews: "Having rendered tho platform of 1890 an accomplished fact, It Is emi nently meet nnd proper that at this early date, Missouri, exorcising her Democratic primacy, should proclaim in no uncertain tone 'the unyielding principles of Uemocrucy. Mated gen erally, in a single sentence, these 'prin ciples may bo condensed as follews: 'Equal rights for all, special "privileges for none,' or, inn still briefer form, 'more money and less taxes.' "To be more speeitlc, in 1900 we will express 'the unyielding principles of Democracy' in this wii-o: "Firstr-Wo will not only reafllrm, but readopt tho Chicago platform of 18!)(J, word for word, syllable by syllable, abating neither jot nor tittle of that sec ond declaration of independence. "Second Wo will put into our plat form as strong an anti-trust plank as the American language can innki the American language, mark you, not the English which will restore to every citizen of this republic the inalienable right to earn his bread by the sweat of his face, which will guarantee to every laborer tho enjoyment of his wages, and which will once more make possible that competition which was supposed to bo tho life of trade until tho Republi can party created a countless brood of trusts which are sucking the life blood of tho great body of the people. In my judgment tho best way for congress to smash the trusts is to place upon the free list all things used or made or sold by tho trusts. Then let both congress and state legislatures make it a peni tentiary offense to form, conduct or to be interested in a trust, and these ex igencies will ho lopped from tho body politic. "Third Wo will declare emphatically and unequivocally in favor of the obser vation of tho Monroe doctrine in all Its vigor, and against tho criminal Idoey. of corrupting nnd destroying our institu tions by making American citizens out of 10,000,000 heathen .Malays under the equator. "Fourth Wo will declare in unmis takable language that wo will put a sudden stop to the wicked and wanton waste of the people's money, which as evidenced by tho recklessness of the 55th congress, amounts to practical confisca tion. "Fifth We will proclaim our over lasting hostility to government by injunction, both of which are leing fostered upon tho country for the bene fit and at the behest of the trusts and jobbers of every degree. "In the impending campaign, he that Is not for us is against us. There can bo no shutlling, 110 douhlo dealing, no rid ing of two horses, going in opposite di rections; no forngiug between lines. "Tho American jieoplo deserve to be treated honestly, fairly, candidly and courageously. Thoy demand and are entitled to have a declaration of political faith alxmt which there is no double meaning, no paltering in a double soiibe, no equivocation, no good Iord, good devil, clap-trap a declaration so plain that even the dullest may comprehend it and so thoroughly Democratic that all honest men can stand ujon it. They wunt no victories that are not triumphs of principle, and they do not propose that tho fruits of another victory shall turn to ashes uon their lips. Alxmt nil. thoy don't want any more president'til pigs in pokes. They will get what thoy want. The platform that I havo out lined will give lovers of freedom and good government everywhere hearts of oak. Upon that platform we will place a man whods a platform within himself, whoso name, I am happy to state, is ex- ! eorated by every monopolist in America, J and loved by every patriot betwixt the two oceans, and land him in tho White IIoiik1, the foremost statesman of our age William Jennings Rryiin, of Ne braska, and of the United Status nt largo. "Fifth When ho sits in tho chair nt Washington and wears tho mantle of Jefferson, thoro will Ikj another Andrew Jackson eomo to judgmout. In time of of iHiaco he is a civilian ; in time of war ho American citizen and patriot. "Hut wo may bo asked whether wo want tho Pulmer and Huckner Domo- eruts back. Of court-owe do. We will welcomo them not as mujor-generuls and brigadiers, but as prinitaa; to touch us ' fliimnn.nnif ..... I k 14k...... tf".f tta I1UJ1IIA.IUVJ , UUI lJ IIMIIillUJllUVIrti:) UI MB, and will give tlium the glorious opjxjr tunity of winning now laurels. Yon; wo weloom thos returning prodigal, but they must not expect to inonoohze the fatted calf. TIiok) who have lorne the heat and burden of the day, the brunt of the battle, expect the choicest and largest cuts of tlw veal themselves. The doors stand wide on to all who wih to help us. We will not inquire too minutely into their antecedents. There are two inetiUUkms which have no mourners-bench tlw Democratic jrty ami the Cainptadlite church. We alfeowetaome all Republicans who are dissatisfied with Mark Hauua's new- fungled policy of iinperUlutui. We had with delight the patriotic inoveim-ntx ..( Dr. Amil Preterit and other t.erman American editor, knowing lull well that the RenuhlUMiw otnHot carry a Ule west of tlie Alleghante tu Af kansas without tlie Oeruitiu vol. v. t d t, ht liaBj wu-jj, I ,.,"."""'"' Lv-ih uua who to the wt army of trvMm; mm wtou have discovered that truU are their eir America'! Greatest Medlcino is iioocm faraapanlla, because it was origi nated j and 19 etui n r 0 - pared bycom po tent, expe rlcnced and eduea tedXiiharmacls t s from tho bestxk n o w n alterativo, diuretic, -anti-bilious rem, edicsnnd Btomvflch tonics, by 'ncom- bination, pronor tlon and proceea n m a rbFa w 1 un known to other rerao uies anu giving to Hood's Sar- saparilla iuq rit peculiar to itsolf. It hash record of cures un equal 1ed in the history of medi Xcine. It has ttc x'cnninliBliixl . many a marvel 011s cure when all o ther medicinesfallcd, and even when curo scomeu impos sible, nnd-roally was imposal bio by vany other medicine than Hood's 7. Snrsaparllla. It I A has effected wonderful cures of acrolula, salt rhcum,psor lasts, blood po isonlng, bolls, pimples, rheumati8m, ca tarrh and other troubles originat ing in or promot ed by impure state or low condition oi the blood. It, has cured thou sands of cases of dyspep.'Bia, digc a tlon, in nervous dyspepsia, gastritis, catarrh in tho w Etomach and other kindred troubles. It has given nerve, brain nnu mental strength in cases of nervous prostration and ner vous debility, cured that tired feeling and loss of appetite. pecial enemies, and who are now preach ing 1111 nnti-trust crusade. More power to their tongues." Fable of the Lion. Once upon 11 thno a lion attired him self in the skin of an ass, and roared in imitation of a bray. "What an egregious as-sl" exclaimed everylKxly at once. Even the lion himself wns fain to won der if ho wasn't a good deal of an ass after all. This fable teaches tho uudilllculty of making people believe you are less than you realty are. Detroit Journal. How's This ? Wo offer Ono Hundred Dollars Re ward for any case of C.iturih tina cannot bo cured by Hall's Catarrh (Jure. fc J. Chkney, & Co., Props., To ledo, O. We, tho rnderslgned, havo known F. J. Cheney for the last 15 tear, ttnd believe I1I111 perfectly lidtiorublo In all business transactions, und llnanclally able to carry out any obligation made hv their tlrui. Wkst & Tkuax, Wholcsalo Druggists, Toledo, O. Waldinu, Kinna.v& Marvin, Whole sale Druggbts, Toledo. O. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken Inter nally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Price 75 per hottlo. Sold by all Drug gists. Testimonials free, Hall's family Pills ure tho best. Our Amateur Training Schools. "It is wonderful what courage and vigor our volunteer tiddlers have shown in this war." "I don't think so; you know how wo all get jostled and knocked around on tho American trolley car." Chicago Record. When Nature. Needs assistance it may bo host to ren der it promptly, but one should remem ber to use oven the most iterfoot rem edies only when needed. Tho bunt and most simple and gentle remedy is the Syrup of Figs, manufactured by tho California Fig Syrup Co. Ujod News, You onii buy gents' Finn Culf Shoes fur il.'Jfi. u-nrth f!r0. ltostnn Shoe Company, IW8 Commercial streot, notir tho postolllco. -i lo tl This, from the Talmud, is worth re membering: "Thy friund has a friundi and thy friend's friend has u friend, lio dii-oreot." IlCKCUAM's Pills "blues," will dispel tho Salem's Great Surprise. Ronton Shoo ComKiny. Ladles' film Kid SlipiKirs and ties, 6 cents, worth f 1.50. SQ8 Commercial street, near the lostolllce. -I 16 tf A Righteous Judgment. Kansas has a feathered woman. No doubt this is the judgment of Providence for the feminine love of plumes, and all women may except like a sentence as soon as the court can get round to their caseti on the docket, Florida Tnnes-l'mon. "Ilmvc ijfiu liking i im tuiviNfor laxMumt ii' v.M.b 1 iie I'm iriwM4 for oer (me . i 41 mi1 1 .a Dm'. CutcmtvUi b4e Kit. u u - inororeii' ' ii.-ii.aiij mIi tumm- iixl j i.i,.ii immni) im-ohi- u iienii u torn 1 1 iMt rt TUu. Oil I All' K.JliB, 111. PIA 1 ui&' c P'r Sr b Hkii 1. n , X ... CURE COMSTIPATIOH. ... .f ut4f cvsfuri fM. iii ii. M HO-TO-BAC ,4UUi Vt U : TUtw IUWI 9 1lfW aVlW m urinniii'i PMU I l II' I rprieiii-U P$SBJtfyk CANDY ' M J!t$ CATHARTIC jftUiJJiJi- 1kl l.'M IX. JM INSANE JAPS AND CHINESE. Arrangement Hayc Been Made for Their Return Home. Arrangements have been made bv the commission nf In nnne in l.vo it..!. Japanese and about 85 Chinee in the btOCktOll llOSIlItnl for (Im dentin r... turned to their native countries. Ne gotiations have been in progress for some time with both tho Chinese and Jnpanese L'overnments. and both Imvn expressed a willingness to take the inuncieii ones back to their native lands. The Jutmnese will be taken Julv '27, nnd the Chinese will be shipped in Julv. When the treaty was mado with Ohlnn in Cleveland's last administration an arrangement was made for the deporta tion of the Chinese, but the movement was begun too late, and the matter has hung tire until tho present time. Tho deportation agreement extends to all the hospitals of the state. Dr. Dull's Cough Syrup Never Disap points those who use It for obstinate cotiirhs, colds, and Irritations or the throat und lungs. It stands unrly tiled as n remedy for throat and Iihir dlteutes. Sold by nil druggists at 2f cents. An Illinois court has decided that cider is intoxicating. Tho decision should not be over-ruled. A jug result ing from old fashioned hard eider Is said to be a holy terror. Tlie Homeliest Man in Salem As well us tho lmudbomest, and others ure Invited lo call on any druggist und get free a trial bottlu of Kemp's IS til sam rnr the Throat and Lungs, n remedy that Is guaranteed to euro nnd believe nil Chronic and Acuta Cughs, A elli in 11, Rrouchltls and Consump tion. Price 2o'.'. and 60c. cod&w O ua. E3 1" G 3?2. X u3L . JJmii th jp The Kind You llw Always Bought Try Allen's Foot-Ease, A nowdcr to he shaken Into the shoes. At this season your feet feel swollen, nervous and hot, nnd get tired easily. IT you have smarting feet or tight shoes, try Allen's Foot Ease. It cools tho feet and makes walking easy. Cures swollen nod sweating feet, blisters and callous spots. Relieves corns and bunions of all pain nnu ulvcs rest und comfort. Trv It today. Sold by all druggists und shoe stores for 2Cc. Trial pack age li'ltKli Address, Allen s. Ulm tsed, Lo Roy, N. Y. eod cl&w The man who saves his nickols gets rich. Look at Tom John Yerkes, of Chicago, and the other street railroad magnates. Ueaui)' .i diooo Dvi'tt. floaii blood niunii4 a cieuu fikin. N. beauty without it. C'whmiiuIi, Lundy Cathar tic clean onr hlood and keup it clean, bj stirring up the b.zy liver and clrivln all Im purities from the body, licgin today to banish pimples, bolU, blotches, blackheads, and that sickly bilious complexion by taking Cnscarcts,--beauty for ten cents. All drug jilts, satiiductioiv guaranteed, 10c, 25c, 00a. Not to lie Imposed On. "Joshua fixed our congressman." "What did ho do?" "He wrote to him for three dollars so he could replace that garden seed that didn't grow." Chicago Record. Dou't Tobiirru Sill nnii fimuVe lour 1 1 To A c;. To quit tnlmcco easily r.r.d (01 over, be man autle, lull .( Illo, ncrva anil lvnr, tnltw No-To-Duo, tho wniidcr-worlM'r, that ninliei wcn'.i men strong. All ilruuicliU,(OoorSI. Curouuarun iced Iloolilct ami sninplo (rco. Address sterling Itomcdy Co, Clilrugo or Now York. Somutlmes it looks as though this is a L'ovoriiuiont of the noonlo by the Judges mid officials mid for tho corpora tions. Not always, though. Dr. Hull's Cough Syrup, Furnishes most substantial comfort and relief to consumptives; It works most re markable cures, Don't, despair. Re lief can certainly be hud; a cure Is pos slblo with this wonderful remedy. Tho Kansas populist want to run Ureldonthal for governor. He will not consent unloi-H he can get the Democrats into a fusion movement. Happy Thoughts, To please, attract und give neople something to talk about, Is an art In writing a prosaic advertisements Hood, of Suriaparllla fame, Is tho or IginaUir In au extensive bPnsu of the Idea of nslnu' proverbs and wise saws us a prefix to a pleasant Introduction of the well known virtues of Amer ica's Greatest Medicine. These quaint quotations often lit, tho news of the day with startling directness and the moral Is easily drawn, with natural good to Hood's Karsupuillla, H Inquiring 1'oy (to his mother) Ma, what did the moths out before Adam and I've wore clothes? Hurler's Iluwir. No-Tu-linv mr fifty OruU. fJuaranKHMl Utaeco Imiill ourn, make weal lieti Mt-unir, Lwuotl iMira. Mo.ll. All (Irufi'nW The extension of the llritish lines to Khartouu has cost 107,000,000. No oin oxpects tho Sounduu tolm a profitable In vuMtmont. To Uuro CuiKllpatlon rorv. Take Uusarets (Junilv Culliurllc 10c or lie. KC.U.C fall to cure, ilruceikts retard laooer A Hulgarlaii has suoceelel in produc, ing a rose of an aure blue tint. While denying that the color Is the result of uhumloul treatment, he declines to re veal the wtorot of cultivation. Kilurntn Your IlowsU tVllh CutcaraU. Oiadj Cathartic, enru conmlpatlBQ furevel. 104.3Sc. ilC.0.0 (all, druKKlsli refund money OAI3TOXIIA. fleari tl p II K Y Hart Alar BfSfjr' If you aiiffer from tenderness or full neHM 011 the right side, wiii under nInuMer-blude, und your liver is torjud und omgtMted. DoWitt's Little Kurly ItnMTb will cure permanently by remov inif the oonge-tloii. TIIKY ARK HOOD Pi LUS. Stone Drug Stores. O .j fkJ X .!. jC -A. . Som of the remilt of negMttl d-H-ptic conditions are ram-er, coiisiiiup tin and epilepsy. K'Im1 D)MjeHtia Cure prewnU this by i-ffw ting a un k cure. Stone Drug Stores Itrtttf with t atBr 700 efallaar ta MftMUHM iwtmttm aabiu n w J VM'-' fii..iH lum air lor Mbacta, Ua pofin. taa 1.1 ai mnite auirtu. mu fin u iiitMMi, j imi nBe. llf nkko a ifen U CA0 rartU uir latttlta arf M4WIV MOTO-BA (''' Wl. jor a arau mm tmitk lor mm. T II wltk ui.pUiU)', unuuml o wm v. -.. w.w. v.... vw, rftaiv'4ler arwrfa4 aur ll,flU a-jC.t tan, iwimi, itr. Zf1 1 PtafjaW 2V2 .1 1 paja7. irai a '.aijuf.. iaw sal If ifi.ti - . . 1 w mr f aakl ai aaamvV am'.a ' M iwill BsmgswmsERgmsemmmaKsmmBMsm &W&&&33 W3 riy4T lav 3 for Snfants end Children. m?mmmkmmmtwmmwnmmmmmmmmmtwmmmmu.mtmmmimmtmmm Tlix Kln'l "Voti TInvo Always Bought litis borno tho filfrna fur of tluis. II. ripUhor, antl Iiiih been mndo under his lMrroiml hu)i-i'v1h!oii for over () years. Allow no ono f duoelvo you In this. Counterfeits, Imitations and 'JiKt-tts.jrooil' are. hut Experiments, and eudangor tho health of Clillilron Hxperlenoo against lSxpcrlmont. The Kind Toil Have Always Bought Boars tlio ' : Ok THNtCiea:i In Use For Over 30 Years. JMSMls if T.S. Sanitary h vliances of nt ESTIMATES FURNISHED. PRICES TU SUIT THE TIMES, 10:i STATE.STREET MANHOOD RESTORED triiarfltitrrtl tarnip nil Grain l'oncr, llcmlaclie. WukrlulucM, I.oit Ma' Iicxk.. nlitly KiuU aloni, HerTounnt'ta. i.ll drains, Ion of p jwer iu OcticrHi. Otram of either lex, cnunnl by OTcrxeitloi, yuntliful mora, tx o-sl"' e 01 tobacco, opium or alimulatiU, which leait to Iurinnltv,Coi ill .f nun or 4UBUIIIIV', .mi UCIUIIICI1 prtnalil. Circular l'rec. il. Circular 1'iec. Mamir.icturcil hv t- Vrugco. (lUtrltuUunt(cnta. FOlt SAL 13 HY 1). J. FirV Brewster 111 lUl' riii SALT! COURT riin.NK you CmWttv sure to get our jirlces If THEY ALL WANTED IT I! You tte they thought the mcycie inn ley thotic a Uieonlj window, wa y oue we find. 'I'lirie were plenty more Imlde however, and w aold'emoneeach. Wecaaflt vuuoutnlw WITH A RflWFORD, LEUELflND, 'RE5CENT. a THE OLD POSTOFFICE STABLES. JaBBBBBBBBBaaw fl r'VBBBBBBBBLflBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBaW. j ' abbbbbbbwbbbbbbbbbbbbbwbbba bbbbTbbbbbbbbbbbbbbTbbbY jfij-- VbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbPbbW ""iStof BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBWaC V Mf " il hi. rj n TiiaABBBWiS Special rates g'von to Commercial men. Urlre mado to all iolnta at all hour, (live nu a call Mini Ikj l lulled, I'lione ml. "At the Sign of the White Horse' For thirty years I have supplied tho trade with "All Home Mndo" h unions of tho Rest California Leather. Everything that goes out of my shop Is warranted to give rutisfucliou audi am hotter equipped lo supply tho demand than oyer before. My stock Is not crjimllod Rolween Portland and 'I'Vlsco. Manufacturer und Importer of IliirnoM, Huddles, Robes, Whips und Horse Clothing. E. S. Lamport, 289 Commercial street. Harritt & Lawrence Is the place to got Green Peas New Potatoes Steamed Ham B""fctttuinod Hum is fcouitithingdtdiciouii- just the thing. HARK ITT Si LAttJRBNCB OLD I'OHTOmCK UUOOKHV, Hoe our Complete line of MEKS, BOY'S AND CHILDREN'S CLOTHING. Huti, Cap, lienta Fiiruuhing (Wis. TRUNKS AND VALISES. all kinds uud.idrtw, all at Rook Rottom prlgos, W. H. HOBSOH. 297 Commbrcial st. MMMMMH Signature) of IJ1 .J JU A Big Kick a man makes when Ids laundry work is sent homo with porcupine edges and spread eagle button holes. If ho would bring his linen to nu up-to-date laundry, whore perfect methods obtain at all times, sueh as tho Salem Steam laundry, ho will receive his shirts, collars anil cuffs equal to now every tlnto that wo send them homo. Salem Steam Laundry, COI. J. OLMBTKAU, 1'HOlMt Phono 41. 2II0 Liberty Street. BURROUGHS lulls,.. PHONE 151 ilT llttlllR Yellow Nftv J'l'.l 'I v Vi'.lH. Thi "omlrifut remtilj' iiervnim itlirnira. miielt aa VVraV iuorv. f m..i Sold ly nil ilriicitlnU. Auk for II. t -.onoolhtr Sold liv nil tlrurritUU, III TC1 1HX.KCI. ,OCJ )Cr IK1X, 14. 11V IIIRII I"iii Medicine Co., V irln Prnncc. Third nu ) VamliMfjt i.niie-niTis t,,i .v SALEM, OltECiON. & White. STREET, 1781. Wo are now handling salt, and at prices that make people stare. Never before has salt been sold ho cheap nu wo ure selling It. Wholemde mid retail, use salt. Best and largest line of Bicycles in the Gity, Car load shipments' Direct from Factory PRICES: $25 to $75. We havo.,., Best Bicycles R, M, WADE L CO. I' 12 I'J'.IUnHT,, HAI.KM, OK. J. J. FIDLER, proprietor. Ilorsos Hoarded by tho Day,; Week (ir Month. Standing Tuaiiis, Ifio. HI1 gle HorM! 10c. niJSlNESS CARDS. O. JH. mACK Dentist huccewer to Dr. J. M. Keenr, old White Corner, Sabni, Or. l' desiring wpeilot upeiatlons at modoiate feet tn any branch an In cspeclnl requeit ALBERT A. JESSUP. Phono 1071. ltOOMS 1 ANU a, OKAY 11L.K, Maitixo. llt.UK 1'lMNTINrj. P. P. CAREY, Architect, No. 1) Holiiian Block, 8ALBM, l'ati'iit onion Mei'linnlcal DltAWINUU. M-l in DKAWINUS. Salem Soda Works R. H. Westacott, Prop. All klnils of aoft ilrlnka nml bar n)rui n lioolalty, First clnM ilollvcrjr, 61 PBRUY STRBBT, .1 Utf Phono 2C03 SOULE BROS. PIANO TUNERS AND REPAIRERS roiiTiiAND, out; Kiir B iloni mill vicinity lowo onler at Geo 0. WlirMinlnBtorv. OFK1CK, CITY IIAL1 For water neivtce apply at office, payable monthly in advance, Mak oniplttlnts at thi rfr-. Bd CAPITAL CITY Express and Transfet Moeti all mall and pamengor tralhk. Dag. Ac and uxtireit tn all paiti of tho clt) t'rompt crvice. Telephone No. 70. WHITE & DISQUK. O. H. LANE Merchant Tailor 07 STATU BTItr.CT. CSrSulUi $15 and upwnrda, Panto S3 and upwnrda BICYCLE REPAIRING. lllcyclcs repuircu and sunuricB sup plied. Nuw shop ready to repair or otilld you u wheel HutlHfaetlon guaranteed. Your pat ronuuo nollelted. BDQAll & ROHERTS, It 18 tf IU.1 Btato atreot. Rssay Office AND LABOrtATORY. No, 71 Chcmckcta b(, I. II, T. TUTIIILL Anyer cs. m N&W MARKET St -le itreet, near railroad. Freihett anc best nieaU. My patrons lay I keep the best recall in town 2 2 Land SEED OATH, MILL PEED FLOUR, HAY Si J. edo L C X okm ii NT, LATH. J, F, GILMORE,'J ourtat. taW IIIIKAI) IU TDK MTAl'k" UV MKH ' TDK IIHMT IH MAIIK KIIOH Salem Special jflour. i t t Ta IMTIIV3, iiiui, mi jri iiv iifiiai, V Ouiiruntued us runruttuutttd. Itetter than any pruvtously made. I A Moury refiiiiilial if not wit infac tory. A Ki Obtain tho h(Mt from your homo mill, p P Your lirwer will wipplyyoii. o-ltf. O. C. T. Co's l'AHHKNOKIt HTKA.KIt POMONA I.KAVKW FOH lOin'LAND Monday WwluuinUyauil Krlday at a m. QUICK TIMIi ANU CHKAl' 1IATEH. UukUtweii3lUt aiul.t'ourt Ht. Mil HALUWIN. Aent CURE YOURSELFI I'm IIJ fur duiiatural iltat bauo. luUawuillyb, iifllalluua ur ul(ratbiU4 u( Milium hiMukraujM, I'mIuUkj. au.l mil vililii. iftillO-U'CllOB. " ' !" " ar lla fi?'. Im aiiio. l'jvrU. tut Ii in, vr i uiiuo, u,n, . rtieaUf mwii wu rvMUM Salem Water Co., jBTla I M 4JI JILLW Itk-aaaaaaaaal HCWf Ml W lUUitf' - - - - ' AaaLaaata Taailil sfm ietni 9 rjt m& INnm-STATD HNRfltVUO.T E1TAANDERS-WILMAN Awoclate Teacher Western Conistva tory, Kansas City, Mo., representing the Interstate System, at Salem, Ore. Over First National BanV. Residence 376 Church street. Studio hours 9 to to 5. KNJsKSWBNWOrsj : GROCERIES: Palnta, Oiln Window Q1a Vnt nloh, and tbo moat oourplsta stock ot Brushoa of all Idnda In tho atata Artista mntorlalg, Umo; hair; ce ment and shingles; and tho finest quality of grass ae-od. aKnrJavvJrJraaJtarJvft WANTED. Now today advortuementa lour line or lens in this column mserted tbre times for 25 otn, SO otn, n woek, $1 por month. All over lour linos at nam? rata. KOR HALE Good dry wood, delivered to any part of tho eity. Price reason nhlo. iamivo nrderri with Harritt & Ijiwrenco or Furmera' Feed yard High, Htreet. 5-2G-5m CARRIAGE FOR 8ALE.-A Kood family vehicle with two nwitB, for baIo cheap, or trade for wood. Call on J. K. Murphy nt Salem Tilo factory .20 Ot FOR HALE. Two good driving horses. Single or double. Weight 1000 lbs. Enquire ut'Cluh Stables. 6 25 3, FOR HALE I havo eomo improved furniH both large and small, for snlo from $15 to $1(5 per ucro. A. F. Mc Ateo, Real Eatatu olllco, 103 Stato ntrcet. 4 5 tf FARM FOR SALE. 125 acres, good building, rich soil, lino splng wutor healthy, und on Salem and Albany public road, three-fourth miles north east from Mnrion on S. P. R. R. DO iiores hi urop. A haruain for anyone wishing a lino farm. For particulars, tiddruHH, A. II. Cornelius, Marion, Or. l-28-lm. ROOMS, Furnished or unfurnished, Single or iu miltoH, dining room nd Joining, homelike. Second floor Cottle llloek. Mattie Hutchtns, Prop. Room 12. 6.3.1m FOR SALE OR RENT.-10 ucrcsof hind, and house, ono ucro of garden, balance bottom pasture and wood. Good wutor, Jolna school, G. W. l'citruiliio, 2 nillcH north on River mad. 4 15 tf U1UYULE PATH-lf your blcyclo necda repairs bring It in, we havo tho skill und mock to keep It In first class condition. Wo carry a full lino nf Bunclrlcs und make a special ity of enameling eomo nnd ueo ub, wo satisfy our patrons. Gardner & wiuie, uo3 Liioeiiy streot. iioimarra block, next door to steam laundry. Phono 2855. 1-20-tf HOUBE CLEANERS Romombor that tho heat und cheapest carpet pupor In tho heavy foil paper sold IltTlIK.IOUItNALOtllCC. 20-tf Premium on Warrants. Any i'rtle harlng Marlon or Polk county warrant to iIIiom) of, wilt do well to call at tliu olllco of Kiuivno lltvyman, 270 Commercial atreot, with llolio & Marker. I will allow a premium on all auelt properly udorteil wr rauti. Munay to loun at 8 ami 7 per cvnt Inter it on Improved fiu-ms. Nu comuilwlon. 6 13 diiwiim KUOKNK llltKYMAN, Wlilto Corner Illock, 770 Coinmaiclat itrt FOR SALE OR TRADE V'armol 22H nerca on Turner road i mllca rrom Btata llouw. Nearly all Improved, houM, barn and othtr out biitldliiKa, A. J, Hwlonllik, Bouth CoumercUl atrvct, Htilem, Orfon M) 1 mo. diw JERSEY BULL. Full blood Jorwiy, services for season only 1, spot cash. Cornor of Thirtecnht und Center streets. 5 5 tf lluow.v & Boh. V7Ur Kivc yur enlarging W XJ.y WOrk to traveling men when you can get It done at home for the same money and know what you are gctt'ng W. D. Rogers. Prop., 65 Stato St. T. J SULLIVAN, l'HAOTIOAL TAILOR A nice lino of goods and samples on tiaml, HultH I5 up. L'unts 95 p, u poruct tit guaranteed, at I 20 tf 220 COMMKItOIAL 8THEET Notico to Contractors, Seuled hlda will bo received by the county court of tho county of Lincoln, Orcuun. until 11 o'clock a. m. Juno 6. IHU'J, for tho erection and couinlotlou ofu frame court liuuso according to tho nluim und i-poclllcullons prepared by Charles 11, Ihirggraf, architect. Halcm. Kaah bid must be accompanied by ucortl lied check for live percent nf aaiouutof bid, which check will ba forfeited to Lincoln county la case the bid Is accepted and bidder falls to enter into u contract and tilvo a bond for completion or ald work, Tho auecemful bidder will bo required to furnish an approved bond to the full amount or contract. Plana may bo ee n ut county clerk's olllce at Toledo, Oregon, or ut tho architect's olllce, tiulum, . im All hld must be filed with the county clork The court reserve the rlk'ht to reject any of the bids. Hy order of tho conoty court-, , J. II. Lutz, Clerk. Toledo, Ore., May t), 1800. 5 13 td. Why Not Buy hoe At tho llostoti Shoo Company's- utora? Ijidios' lino Kid Shoes for 1.25,303 Couiiuorcial ulreet, near the poatofllce. 415 tf Dou't you think you can euro that alight attack of l)ypepala by dieting. Kodol Pyepopaia Curo WILL cure It, and reutorea tho dlcestlvo organa to health.- -Stone Dmj; btorva. Tho Halo for thittj Daya. Ilahy Shoes, 5 ceuta, worth 75 cent, ut tho Reston Shoo Conniauy. 808 Corny mtu-olal utroet, uear tho poalomce. -s. I 16 II JOHN KM) i -Wpw iefeySij'81