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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1896-1899 | View Entire Issue (May 22, 1899)
aiim " nu u ekxluui IWT3V wfmxx ii: 0 i s - Fv Tim CORSETS Special Sale Prices CORSETS This Week Only, ON Style 558: Regular $3.00 Now gored hlpa, long wnistod, g jq heavyjsatlne oloth. Cut prico v.'0 Style 415: Regular $2.00 Three atuba oil each side, beuu' tlfully fashioned boned bunt, . oxtru long. Cut price $1.0U STYLE 535: REGULAR1.25 as'ow French liip, low bust, lace mid rlblwn to) mid Ik1- . toiiveryiientcorsct. Cut price vyl.UU Hummer Corsets Special fancy Sutino Corsets for 00c. HOLVERSON'S OASII 8TOUE SHIRT WAISTS Just rccclvad a full line of the best values ever offered in Ladies Waists, which we place on sale at the uniform price of 50Q Each, Come early to secure a choice of Patterns. J. J, DALRYMPLE & CO. The Silk Store, i b krAyAVAVArAt.VAYAVAVAVAVAVAVAVAVAVA,7AV'AVAVAVA, Originator op. Ltf Live Prices! Tlio continued inorwmo in niv wntoh ruputr, dopurtmont Ih proof of sutlsfiuv tlon given In wutuh mill Jewelry repair ing. It will pay yon to ruinonibor when needing work doiio in this lino these prices. Cleaned and Ollou7Gn Mainsprings - - - luw C.RHINGBS Wiitohmnko O iiinanil bo ttor nnd Optlolnn. UDU COMM1CHOIAL HT The Daily Journal Jias more subscribers in Salem. ri tit I nniiUun ones at that. - - - u than any other newspaper. jS WUATHER IlKPOIIT. Today rain. and toiiiiuoirou ooeualoiiH PERSONAL AND LOCAL Tho rlvor atond t . abova low wuttir, Howl Furrol oum In lurt night from Turnur, Alllo Oliurelilll want to Orttjou City IiIm morning. J. It. Gttmoro ntfttivwl u nurload of commit (IiIh morning. Mm. Alphlu Plutt waa h pMntar to NowIhiiy thin munilng. Mia Una Knight, wnt t PurtluiM. thltf morning tu vWl frimds. Mr. Short, of MacJooy, rwUirnwl from Portland thin morning vIh aturttiipr. W. 0. Ttllnon loft for Uuhlwi, II. t. this morning, to lw huh several watk. Dayton Uiirrh,KtiiwMwHt MhuiImm, in In tlic oily vUiUiiB hit) bt-ottwr C. I. Hiirrin. 1). II. Woytuit, in down frvw Id Hsu tlniii vtook rtinuli for a fwvs dy with uld frlumlii. H. II. Uioy, of Ui JWt kUwt i4mm llrm, HMiit Sundi' lit CorUHUtl, nuim Iiik tltts marntjig. ,Altr IMI. Van, of 1'urtlftttd. wiw liualwin vWtliitf ilr. ml Mnu Hmif, returned Iioiiim ttday. Tlio BtdiMii Wukn HtUk iw4vd h lariso witHiiiiiMWit of jm4U fnNM ICMwrj) Orcein poliitu tlil nvornliiK- Mra. C 1L Mourn of Oraguu City, re turiusl on ntwinHr ltutli today, fruu m vUH with friondH at MoiiHWHith. A SHOE PICNIO 5) whluh yon uro nil IhvUikI. T1i IMII i4 lrt will tmwtat pHuHjUy of Kh And Oxfordii. ItX) IUIIU IHIUtHIOf V kllUWl AT Wh' V ftlK 160 PAIIIIt UIIW' ItHOIIM AkH OlWHtt AT 7A' 4 tAIK. 'JbO VMM UimH)' WIIOMI AMI UMIMW AT ItMt.' A I'AUi. No mnttur what t hoy are wort Jile will m41 Ummh at Ut nbo hHn. M our oelhrtMt "glnW Twwn" fitotor)',win iiijdy yv tumy man wImh tlu$ arv o!d out. VVilis .Bros. Company, WK CAHHY HTANIURI) PAWBUS8. ' mffaw Friday nij;ht,.Muy lUlh. our tro Mil ii t 7 p In m and 0 CORSETS FOR StyieIH: Regular $4.00 Finest French sutino, richly uoncu Willi hiik, extra long. n OK Cut prico VOW Style 503: Regular $2.50 I'iiio l)lnck aatlno, gored non-el, Clll (in IJIIIH IIIICS, HJH.'ClIll ilgllV nl nf- wululit. Cut prico $Lod Style 397: Regular $1.25 Short corset, very nicely fln- ISllOll, t'Xtrtl gOOH W'HUr. UUl a; nr price . - IIH lllW JIH 25c CASH HTOUE ft I I 5 Mrn. CIiiin. liiuiff, of Portland, who Imw Ihioii vIhIHhk at tlio homu of liT limit), F. I.vy on Front wtrcct, returned Iioiiio today, occotunauUMl hy MIkh KriioHtliio 1-ovy, who will proceod to Poattlo for tho Mimiiier after a two wuck'rt Hpiy In 1'ortlaiid. (inn. W, II. llynrn will leave touior. row for an extended trip through the monntiiliiH, Iiidjm'oIIhk Mirvoyn for I'mio Hum. lie will hixiiiiI ahoiit u mouth in tho Itohuinla uiiuinit dlntrii't, and will then go to Curry mid JoHtiphluo eouu. tlon. Mr. ami Mm. T. V, DavldHon, of l.llKTty (IriiiiKc, were puHMUiurn to I'oitlaud, via Htwuuer Pomona tliin morning iih deleatuHtotheHtntu (Irunue, which ineetM Tuewhiy and will continue WetlucHday and Tliurwlay. Mrn. Alhert Covemler and Mrn. (leu. Staiidiirtl, of llniwuHvllhi, who came down toiittend thefuiionil of MIhh Mae Carpenter hint week, returned home to day. They had 1hoii kiiiwIh of their iiliut, Mrn. H. It. Jinwup. John Andrew, of Fortlaud, npeiial uxeiitof the Orient lutiuniuceompaiiy, of llurtfortl, wiim in the city todwy mid entahllMhed the Imnil nmncy of hi com jNiuy witli Frank Davuy. V. T. lildon, who in one of the triiHtiHWof tho Ortwni Fire Kelitif Ah wH'intinu, went to MeMinuvlllo thin morning to attend u uieuliiiK of the Inmrd of triuteuH of the iiWMxiatiou. Mm. I.. Wulduer and family, of Ij hluli, come In UiIh mornliivt to take the ntwimor for Kpokwne, Wanh. Mr. Wulduer will follow in the near (utiiie. MUw M. II. Iloiiihtnn, who him Wen vUltliitf hur coiwin, ltolHirt Clieiry, thu it. 1'. night clerk, left for her liume In Koutli Drtkotu ywtunly. MrM. C. 1. Cheunwlth, of OHklaml, who ha Iwen thw uiiwtt of Mrn. S. F. Clmdwluk, ln(t tnlHy for her home at Ortkluuil, Oregon. I). C. Chrry, of KuuiMie, u lten vUitiun liU win, itoltt. Cherry, thu . V. nilit tkkt atfiit, himI mturuwd lioiue yndvnlHy. Uio. J. Ftwivw iturwl tltU iiMtndnu from itaitllt) ami I'upt SoiumI ptdnUi, where hi ItMi otit wlieit it wk on Uu ilHMM. Mi, Ityrwn Miller, of I'ortlimd, who Itun Immii viftHlug t tiia mm of Dr. It. Curtwriglit, reliiriiixl thh afternoon. MilW 1.. ApltllMUtU, WHH U IMMIIIMN' ihiun U Portlumi thU morning to vWt with Mr. (Iruw Hum Uk h hort tJun. J. It. WldU-of the ItontiHi Knwwlum. iwturiMHl tltU iitorninn (nwo (WvhIIW, h hn hi) Uwd bwu uii UwIumk. AllH W. OttM McMImuvUI m WHO U pHNhNtftOX to tU tttontwoit Iom1 UIh. J. W. UtMH, tk lltMitrMMM MtHtt, WMlt to '11h Dalit unlwy. J. A. HtM wwl to IWUHHtl Utis aftiN-uoun. WImmm krtvo ttiwik bottom iiritM, La. dkt nwI Htun'ti Hk) h jwli niwl unwwrd ut Kriuo Hnu. lit St SALEM FIRE ALARM. Rules Byery Citizen Should Understand and Practice. In default of a bettor alarm Hyatoni, tho Salem flro department has In opera tion o oiinple, yet Buccwsful provision for naccrtnininK the location of fires throughout tho city, which might bo much more effective, if the people Mend ing ularniM would make it no. There ia a telephone in tho depart ment ut the city hall UHed ONLY for alaniiH. No other iiiummii'o i ever wuit over the wire connecting that liiHtru iiient at the Central 'phone utation. The rule in vogue, Ih, for the irty Hendlng un alurin, to do m over the ueiireat leleplioue line, informing "Ceil tniP' of the exact lowition of the lire, the iiiiiiiImt and atreet, IIKTWUKN WHAT RTHKIfrfi, whom- houae It Ih, c c, etc. TIiIh tuuMtHigu la inatuntly re lBateI to the dopattiiiuut mid a reHjxjiiNi la made. Theinaln trouble la, peojile are generally m excited, that In wending tlie moxMige thoy ure not explicit enough to unable the "llreboya" to correctly anil ipilckly find tire threatened jiroperty. In giving an alarm, either by wire or in pcrnon, it ia cwoiithil to inuko knewn: TlIK NCMIIKR OF KT11KBT. HKTWKBN WHAT 8TIIKBTS. TUB NAMB OF TUB OCCUPANT. TIiIh enables tho chief to diapoce of Ida men and apparatus and render quick service. nxctmatoN iixcunaio.v nxctmaiov TO AMIA.Vr, TO AI.IIASV, TO A MIAN V SDMIAV, MAV SJIril, HUNIIAY, MAY 2ITII. Steamer Pomona will leave Ktato alreet douk at 7 a. m. Fare, round trip 7fie. . .r Last Conceit. Tlie Mendelssohn club will hold its last meeting for this season tonight at the rooms of Mra. Willman. After tlie program u luncheon will he nerved by the Indy members. The winter's work baa been very pro fitable in every way, ami the club has hIiowii n marked advancement in the class of music rendered at the fort nightly concerts, It moans portNtant, conscientious work for every active members, and it is just this class of work that Is making Kaiein a "Musical town." Tonight's pro gram is of Mrs. McDouoII'h arranging, and is as follews: "Artand composition tolerate uncon ventional fetters; mind and soul son r above theiii." Joseph Hayden. Symphonic No. - liaydcu Mrs. Joseph Albert, MIhh Beatrice Hbeltou, Mrs. John Krailse, Mrs. Frank Willman. Sketch MisH Mettu Davis "Heboid I Stand at the Door" .hide Mrs. F. A. Wiggins. Honata I) Major . . Ilayden Bditli Ketcbiim. Military Hyuiphoiilo Hayden Nellie llrowii, 1st violin, Wm. Ketchum, Viola, Mis. Joseph Albert, "ml violin, Joseph Albert baas "llecause I You, Pear" llawlev Mr.J.W. lllekford. Next Excursion. Ilefore you take your next outing se cure a gissl sii)plv of "Little (jiiiipliiiiH" mid have Moiiiiitiiing good to smoke dur ing tlie trip. Liberty Orange Picnic. The meeting of the Liberty (Iriiuge picnic was u success in every respect. Severn! bundled being present mid a gMM.I piognim was rendered. The meeting was opened by an ad dro by T. ('. Davidson, which was up propiiate and well rccelvwl. Theie was good music and an addrec by tho master of the State Grange and one hy his wife, also mi address by Judge lloise mid tiov eruor Fletcher. In the afternoon a splritinl game of Imik) ball washnlulgeil In by the lsiys from Liberty ami Komi dale which resulttnl in a score of 10 to I'.' in fuvorof Lllstity nine. The dinner was spread in tho school house on ac count of the shower. Lllwity ami Itine dale Imim Imll ntiiixi will cousolidHte and a tlnt-cmiM nine wilt le the result The picnic was a grand wiivtuw and all will iwtbmtly await the next one. Attend tho Shoe sale now on at K relief o Hnw. and inive to 60c. itf St Lhh Meeting, Tint Mtttdtdtttuhit Club meets to nlht for tho hut mcotlng of tho hhiu in tlw Strnlio of tho Pro W flit, Btu An ilon Willuuui. ThorooiiiM Imve boon luttefiilly dmiomteil fur tlw m-eesUm and Mr. Willman bad two now pUtitoo Hit in thUt uuiruiuK. mi tluit Hotbing may be lucking that could Kuol to tlw H ensure of the eutertulnmont. Mm. Wlllnian's new Klmlwll Ha no wbicli are to Iki usoil In Iwr ilwllv work itut having arrlvod Mm. Will klmlly offoml her tho use of theiwwent oitwto myHy tho oioUmooi. The Sale for Tluity Uay. ItaUy Slwo. M ohmU, wvrtb 7C eoU, ivt Ut lkton Sluio Cowpaay, 90 Co woraial street, 11 our tho patfottlt. 4 18 tf fmiiTnininniMniMi I Roller Geared Chainless! pt everv thing in siht. Tliewhwel m t-uitro for trial, and vtut'll r 1111' I'll MM.Est ot tltowt all. ( lot Krtod tlutt ia tlu ixaaiiHW fcr VlkV vv huh ran hover bo orudieatod u loll sot of tlio hmn uow.ouUato llto wkoot tor yiatr insvti,m 3I Wed like ut haw owyuuo, whooluMMi, iMOiuttitco and all. lrp in 5 and oeo tboM. You'll kiwtw why UtM. 1 , , F. A. WUKUXS, M CHHMMfn-Ml St 3 s -IbiacbainkHH whuwl altvadv batOo oix wurkl'n maU (nd 4 4 i j hiism. i hi; rxtamf whuol in thk w fritiiiuiiiiiiiiii MARION COUNTY W, C. T. U. Resolutions Adopted at the Annual Meet ing at Brooks, May 17. Again in convention assembled, wo tho memlKirs of the Marlon County W. 0. T. V. declaro our allegiance to Al mighty God, acknowledging Him us I,ord of Lorda ond King of Kings. We pnilae Him for nil Ilia mercioa to us. Whereas, Tho liquor trafllc is tlie greatest hindrance to tlie coming of Cli rift's kingdom on earth, therefore Hosolved, We are in favor of the nbo lltion of tho entire trafllc, and Further resolveil, Wo will lend our Influence to that party of wimtover name which stands without "HlntMer ing" uneqiiivoculiy for the prohibition of tlio inpior rniiiic. Wliereas, the women of the Wood mini I'nion, liave been through a fierce lire of oerseciitiou at the hands of tlie liquor trufllc, and have had their rights as protectors 01 nemo, iukoii irom mem by the revision of the Woodbiirn charter, therefore. Ilesolved, Tbut while we express our indignation over tho result 01 the con flict, we bid them.hxik up, take courage, for God has said, Fear not, nor be dis mayed, be strong and of good courage; for this shall the I-ord do, to all your enemies against whom ye fight. Hesolvod. It is tlie sense of this liody, that the entire Womanhood of America, should rise up in righteous indignation against tlie attempt to fasten uwn us a Polygamist I'nited States Senator Hol crtM. Further resolved That we instruct our corresH)iidlng secretary to voice tlie protest of this body to the India of con gress, una linn an oe urgcu 10 wruu 10 or jiersoiiully interview our legislator, appealing to them to stand by purity, honor and true manhood. Hesolvcd. That we hereby authorize the corresponding secretary of Marion con n tv, to scud a communication to President McKinley urging him to carrv the auti-auteeui law Into full force and el ect in accordance witli its natural mean ing ami the intent of congress, by Ihsu lug an order, us commander in chief of the army, suppressing all liquor aelliug in the urmy, ut least until the opinion of the attorney general ahull be finally tested In the courts. Kci-olved, We nro In fuvor of a per manent system of arbitration for all civilized nations, and hail with thank fulness of heart all and every measure looking to international peace. Unit speed tlio day of universal peace. Uesolved. That wo protest loud and long against the Insulting custom among rtdooiiTsts in naming their infamous luces of business for distinguished oval men. and we instruct our Corre sponding Secretary in behalf of this convention to proclitiu tills protust in all our leading papers, and hy personal lettera of protest to kcepoia 01 sum places. Further lesolved, That letters be sent to Valient Dewey and President McKinley voicing our indignation at the use of their honored muuoa for such Infamous purposes. ImiHiuiichas we have a a health department, we believe it is inconsistent for women to sit in convention witli hata and Ism nets on. thus heating tlie brain, Therefore lesolved, That hereafter it shall Ikj the law of this convention, that hats and bonnets shall be removed during nil business sessions, Uesolved, Wo urge earnest prose cution of work along tlie Hue of Chris tian Citizenship, proclaiming the truth that the nation, as well as individuals, to be wived must believe on tlie Ind .lesns Christ, and do lllscommaudmets, shunning all evils us sin against Him, whoo we are and whom we serve. We believe in a living, just wage, in mi eight-hour law, in a civic rust day for the hilsjriug man, in equal wages for equal work in co-oponit Ion, iih tho law of God, and we will work and pray for tlie coming brotherhood of man, ns 11 living reality rather than a visionary theory, and we believe in equal rights, ami that taxation without lepreseuta tlon la tyrauy, therefore wo demand tlio Imllot In the hands of woman. We also believe that franchise is a duty 11a well as a right and a privilege, therefore it is tlui seiue of this body that any Chris tian man not doing his duty us a Chris tian at tlie primaries and the 1 vol Is should be sounoly dealt with for the nonpcrfnrmaulH) of a citizen's duty. lloMilvcd, That the members of the Marion County W. C. T. t'. will not take off the white ribbon during tlie comlnv cauiHilKii. Hosolved. Wlmt the sincere thanks of this convention 1m tendered to tlie ltrooka In ion for their hearty hospital ity and delicious lunches serusl, mid to all the people d ltrooka who contributed It) the comfort ami succets of this con volition, alto to trnatoort of church for tllO USO of tllHMtlllO. ItoMpoWfully submitted, Mas. IIoskins, Mas. Additon, Man. IttmauY. In appreciation of Sister Additou's wordo id oitcourMgomout uud help, Ih it ltowHVod. This thU county conven tion show lU MimroiiNllon of her lovini! service with us which I wo boon uplifting iiortrurtivo ami Inspiring, by u rising itoo of thank. Man. Monkish Mas. lt.VHKI.HY Mm, JlKSUS. Uon't Go U-uefooteJ Whou you can buy chlklren's School StMhwat T poiiu, worth 1 -&0. at Ihw- tiHt Slsuo (wipauy, 9vh Conunoreial ktrtot, mor tlw pou4Wo. I 16 tf Whoro ilo yoa tako lunch ? 1 Htal tbat 1 $H Us Wat mm at tlw Whlto llout rvttsiMraHt. 6) it We havo t but rocoivetl the Men's, ntodol ut tlto OrWat vvbool Mttotl with Stjr Hollor Goar, ami wo can tnuh mllv av tbat It's novor txvn our pWnire to imsuut iuii a snuHith run- 3 onig set m Ktear. aut we lone trust st U UOW Ut tho dlMktMl ,vf ,mr mu. iut vviiat ovorvotio sovs. Unit ii'h Au Mitlrw ttlLtuw .J ih . I, .,..-. Utl uf all IWvtd Garl WbtHb), and 3 frum tlmt kiiul it wirin , i.v.. iiuiiuiiuimmummmpi MARION COUNTY NEWS. Butiness Being Transacted at the Court House. Bmiim Kay was tliia morning com mitted to the insano asylum from Ma rion county. Tho patient's ago is 27 years, and the cause of insanity is given as acute njaniu. iMioii.vTi:. The final account of L. J. Adams nd minifltrutor of the estate of Ai. Cool- idge deceased, has been approved, and the administrator discharged. Tlio iMjtition of Agiios Jones, (formerly Agnes Hump) bus been allowed, asking that her flower be assigned heroiitof the estate of Geo. W. Hump; und W. D. Boff, L. C. Grilflth ami Henry Jones have been apoiutcd to make said as signment of dower. The rojiort of M. I.. Chamberlain, W. F. Hootby und W. H. Armstrong ap pnilsors of the estate of Leo Willis, de-ceui-wl, bus been filed, allowing property to the yiiluo of $72. In the matter of the guurdlnship, of John S. Hawkins, deceii'-cd, Wm. B. Hawkins, a brother of deceived, bus filed a petition waiving Ids rights to lie appointed ns suld guard ian, nnd asking tlutt W. T. Higdon be apK)inted to that trust. In tho same matter, Eugene Willis has filed an answer to nbove petition, denying Hint W. T. Higdon is 11 proper or disinterested or comjietetent person to disc.harirn the duties of said tMiiirdlun- iblp, (mil demand ng that himself be ap pointed. Mercy Entertainment. The Lincoln School Hand of Mercy will give an entertainment at Leslie church on Wednesday May, LM,at8 p. in. TIiIh is the first public entertainment ever given by u Hand of Mercy in Sa lem, This Hand was organized over a year ngo and now has over eighty names enrolled. There are over IIO.COO Ilauda in tlie United States and the work is growing rapidly. Admission to tlie entertainment lias lx'on placed at five centa in order that evervixsly may come and encourage the children in this goisl work and it is hoped tho seata of the church will be all filled. The following program lina been prepared : Soni' "Join Our Hands" Hand. Hoeltution . .. ."Work for All" Willie Steiuor. Hecitntiou ."Which One'.'" Lucile Davis. Dialogue "Mini's Nest" Alfiod Schramm and Claire O'Flying. Hecltatlon "The Tramp Cut" Imogeue Williamson. Song "Sunshine" Hand. Class exercise . "Lambs" Five Girls. Violin Solo , . .Mite Motor. "Tom" Alice Judson. "The Sparrows" live Girls. Hecltatlon Class song iti.itltiiiliin Oudu Kiiditiingcr. Hccitution"Now Vuisiou of Ml.-sMuffet" Hostile Singleton. Hccltntion "Kindiiesa" Maggie Parker. Song. . . ."Our Loving Hand" Hand. Recitation Ada Wattoupuuit'h. Hecltatlon "The Ust Hymn" Florence I-aufman. Miso Elurnu Schramm will preside at the organ and Miss Edna Davis, presi dent. TURNVEREIN EXCURSION. From Portland to Albany and Ri turn$i. On Suudiiv Muv 2S. takes nlace the excursion of the Portland Social Turn- vurein. I.eavim Portland at t)::t0 a. 111.. nnd return, leaving AHhiiiv ut 5 o'clock n. 111. Tickets on sale ut Puttuu llros., IJook Stoio. Sill.,, 11 ,ijid,lli,.ru i'i1l tut., tltii ,1, . ..' ..-.- .v. 11 ,n' ,..,- ,,.-, section, which will leave Salem for Al bany alsmt D::t0 a. m. The cars will 1h limfttHl to seating capacity. No ticket .ill lv. u,l.l ..fl..- Mi. ' 11............ ..... 1, w mini Mitvi ..11. ... .mQKIIU rtlll for lunch lsiskou and bicycle will be at- laenwi to every train, ueturulng all tniius will stop at all stations and the first section will leave AHhiiiv at o p. m. LS-td WILLAMETTE HOTEL ARRIVALS. Geo. 11. Harvev, Kalamuaoo, Mich.; It. W. Harvey, Now York; W. C. Hal lev, City; Cuh. J. Stock, San Francisco; S in. Htick, WaldH)rt; Mr. und Mrs. Gained, Now York; Jno. Andrew, D. It. Hall. John Hall, John Fredenehuml, Portland; F. It. Sullivan, MinneaHls: 0. A. Cohen San Francisco; W. 1'. Per kins und vv ifo, City ; Hurry Lewis, San Fruneisco; S. H, Muckav, Portland; J. II. Elliott, Dee Moms, hi.; Geo. C. Ilrou noil, Oregon City. COTTAOE HOTEL ARRIVALS. Ud Tyler, Mc.Minnville; JW Croigh. tan, G O Gravea. C P Hrvunt. WS Pheliw, D W WiUon. Portbtn.1. J G Sttttuhrvuuor, Inide ami vveddinn: iwrty, Auuiaville; I'rml L Haetz, Peoria. Ill Stole Some Took. Tito Stovo foundry anar tito S. P, d)ot wan roblnsl muuo tltoo yotenUy of tiuito a sututlv u tooLi. Lot iu itu. oiiterpriiilng thief wm ovalonlly a tramp vi o wotai siairn ttietrtiso, twy woro thrown babhul a (dlo of niilroiul Uos, where thoir proprkdor, Mr. Kightlingor fo uel thoui. BORN. CKOISAN.-lntbWelty. Satunky, May &1P& 9'm tt-.-,U iIr- " Mrs K. M. CroiNia, a tlaagbtor. NOIUSREN. At tW Uohm in Yew Park. SaUm, May tt, ISM at rt . m to Mr ami Mrs. P, (i. rynn. a eleven MNiud si. The Boston Shoe CmMnv GenU French Cslf Slhvs. J2, worth W ft, AW Commercial irvt n.-ar th r lMViUXUcv. 4 15 tf JW- CASTOR I A For Infant and Children. V9 Kind You Have Always Bought Slauatun, of &&$&$ &f F LATE WE HAVE HAD several rich merchants in tlie city, hardly any of them Co ImjIow twenty thousand in the vnliiution of their stock". Now wiiere doe the asesfor conic in on that? It looks like some of them is trying to eseupe tlie burdens of paying their full taxes on merchandise. Friedman bus never seen the necessity nor is it ad visable to misrepresent values to the customer or to the usscsor. I don't see why a stock wortli twenty tlioiinnd should be assessed two thou sand, why not give in tlie full amount to the assessor, or if you liavn't got twenty nnd only got two or three tliotfiuid then what is the good of lying to the people and make out you are so rich for for it is no crime to lw poor. We of Friedman's New Hacket belong to tho poorer class of merchants wo have less than twenty thouand dollars. And therefore we don't want to brag to our customers that wo have twenty thousand)) of goods that wu must sell off in sixty days without a lsjgiuning or an ending to tho sixty days, nor that wo are a jHtrt of or have sixty-eleven until Cor; Commercial and State Streets, 58 lauft sj M-i;.f ,;SB A Breakfast Food for Every Day in the week we can furnish you from our high grade stock of cereuls. ' For spring weather there is nothing more appetiz ing or heuthfiil thuii iniisli, uud our many dainty food in cereals and fitriu- UI'MIUM flMklri nf nil L-lllild Hill- elruL- ..f groceries include', everything that N of! superior quality that comes under this neit.i. SonnemanN, THE GUOOEU 124 Ststo at Tolophono 51 Special Rates. To visiting Odd Fellows. $1 photographs at f 2 a dixon. erill Ground floor Gallery morclnt street. Curbonott The Pick tn.l Coin s' RWU Gilllngham Greenhouses. . Choice iMddtm: plants now retulv. Newest und standard listers, verbena's, cosmos, geraniums, chrysanthemums. Old and new fnvoritoa. Summer and I homeketa streets. 5 p tf J.1tr!ni.,?:'iTv"",'"P1 - --- , .--. rf,, t'ilict A19IVIUC r rr rr, , i n n WWW tttt nirynryr t ONLY ONE WEEK MORE 1 1 Tb? BosIod Shoe HUK Coilllllitroiu) ........ .. .;n . , BOOTS and SHOES feituirr7L.i 2,' A l Mwt mdd. Remember wo are rnanu 3i f""K Srw31 i wh 1 1 ViX vw" OHW ' Jlen sand Udte-j'Carjsat SHpjHiw S6c. I BOSTOST SSOB OOMPAWT . -..vwuwcarcat 31 SOS Commercial St. J Near Postoffice, Salem, Ore Friedman's New Racket xxxxxOn Assessment and Taxation ufucturoa in different parts of the Slates, and we are dispoaing of the Uood1) tor them. When the customers all have eyes and they don't tako atock in it especially when they see the proprietors of the closing out places in sixtydays are every night in the sample rooma to replace tho sold out stock witli new Goods, few leo pie believe in the old chestnut that is a chcatum street dodge, whcie they have those sixty-days closing-out signs for generations. If a stranger comes to Salem now they will ilnd quite u number of those shops in Salem, besides a few new comers of which we uro glad to tee them come here and go in competition with us, nnd we enjoy tho joke of their advertising that they bring in so much capital nothing under twenty thousand dollar, but they have a good deal less for the assessor when ho call on them, and they nro interested largely in ever so many manufactories in tlio East, but yet their stock don't look any nowcr to the customers than some of the firms who have been hero a quarter of a century after nil the people understunda it that when parties wants to go out of business, CreSceDf Blend. Fora cheap coffee we GUARANTEE that our 12ja cent grade is better than the package coffee. It is a SOUNDER berry, k'tter FLAVOR and FRESHER. HutourCRESENT HLENDut 15 cents per K)iuid is by far better vet, and onlv '-" cents more. Try a pound ; und let eouco HHuk for itself. If not us adver tised bring it back. Coffee roasted twice a weok. YOKOHAMA TEA STORE. Telephone Red 2001. Free Delivery. Capital Junk Shop, Wlllgliest. prices paid for all kinds (4Y mewu, oouios, rope, sack's, ntus? iiiub, Hi. Jduuuivl' BiltKKT' w uiyeusacall. 3 10 1m C J. D. RUBENSTFIN. h California Junk Shop HlKlient price iatl for old metal, liottlog, Iron IT INVVkl .. Valllirore v0u's5irHt,H' SilSl S. ROOOffor, 151 Court St To cure La On To cure I.a Onpne, keep warm esoecUIli the feet, and take &il.Nemne!P4 "v" VUillll-n'IMI MPU11, ....I, - x.. 1.. AIIH. The buLiiu.., rj !.... ..,.1. .,'" -"--v ., MtiU "iUV. 1. fl,. I ?CokNo3wI,2s.i ,yQdl?)?rAnxny "tailor I tirjr ""I'wr 1 nun any rot 1 tur com now ami get tliem. PEMEMBEP, Only 1 Week MORE. Our Headquarters here are at they don't wait sixty days, but they em ploy a competent auctioneer and thoy rattle off their wares at a rapid rate and they get but, thoy don't stay and flzzla or the new dodge, the peoplo who havo such a large interest in the factories in the east usually don't come to Snlam with their old traps, but they take u trip to Paris and cull on their faetorfca once or twice a year to see how things are getting along, but that ia their way, but not so witli Friedman, when ho litis got anything to sell it doesn't tako him sixty-days to talk ubont it ho generally sells it out and lie iagone. At Friedman's Nuv Racket wo make no pretcntionsof going out of business, but wo are strictly in it, wo luwo no in terest in any factories out sido of Salem, but you can save .twenty-five per cent on an average by buying your goods ut Friedman's New Hacket, whero you will find a full lino of tlie latest uud lest kind of clothing, drygoods' lints and notions, atntionory, cutlery, trunka, valises etc., etc. A word more to thoso who want to save money. At Friedman's Xew Kackot you got straight goods for tho lowest prices. RACKET! Salem, Ore, CEMENT, LIME, FIRE IJRICK, GRAVEL AND ISLAND SAND, etc. Alwavaon hand. O.S. BENTLEYand Co, Buccemors to Snlem ImpL Co. 310 FRONT STREET. Municipal, Corrorutlon, nnd I'rlVAto Contrao '"'" M-ln I Jacob Vogt, ! 03 STATK STHKUT. 1 Just received a fulHetock of Ladles' and Geuts' Spring and ! SUMMER SHOES. .tVii, uu, measc(l SHOW patrODB Our 1 , a.Wanotm satisfaction on every pure base. Prices Mm in,Q urn 1 1. . Company i " can buy Ladies' Fronah Kid Shoes 2i worUHt Ijidlw' FtnoKitl Shoea J1.25; worth atton Bros. 98 State St. i A IA kl t iu a u 1, u ix u u if a. a a a at At i