Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1896-1899, May 19, 1899, Image 4

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j.'wwj; lllu fJS.iSTJ
"If -r- MfH f
r?f-'7grw'HW uijijisnj&i-
"fyfytSffEMW i'wywr
"Tlio Trojan" Is tlio newest walHl
litis season. Comes to Piques and
AH othor Popular Mnkoa In stock.
j 'gpw
8ft RT
Just rcccivad a full line of the best values
ever offered in Ladies Waists, which wc
place on sale at the uniform price of
Each. Come early to secure a choice of
The Silk Store.
Originator of, hh
Tlio continued increase In my wntoh
rjpulr, department Ih proof of satlsfao
tlon given In wnluli nntl Jewelry repair
lug. It will pay you to remember whon
needing work done In tliin liuu these
Cleaned and Oilod7Kp
Mainsprings - - I uw
Diamond Botlor nnd
The Daily Journal lias 5
more subscribers in Salem,
iiifl nti.l.nn nrnc -il llvii K
fliavt I'HIV. M w,,v t . if...., c
than any other newspaper. &
Today and tomorrow occasional rain.
Vrot. Dragor of Jefferson drove In this
Dr. 0. W. Hiur, .if LuImiioii. was a
imsnougwr down to Portland today. Dr.
lJurr In an old Siihunllo.
Wilbur Muthonuy. it jHttiunt at IIhd
asylum, died Thursday. IIIh Iioiik was
ut Giitus, Mitrlou county.
I)nu Smith, thu OuUs jtisthsj dispen
ser, and lawyer nod rail mUH mnn, was
in town town today on ImaiiMM.
Mm. tJurnli PtMidltdou mid Ule
Hovemlun, of French Prulriu, uru visit
ing their oouMn Mm. Win. Stulgar.
Euv. 11. S. Kally, mtur of Hit V. E.
church Portland was it Hulam visitor via
stoamur today, giitot at th ham of hi
fsthor-lii-luw Mr. Day.
Mr. and Mr. JfT fsVrilwr and child run
of I.uUrundu, nro to arrive thin evtuilng
(or several wcks vhtll with tiulwn
Mrs. 51. G. OduII of Eugene, und Mrs.
Prank Harking of MoMiuuvlll lutv
Iwen guest dm lug thwKist wook of thair
sister Mr. 8. I!. Piwr u( South cattail.
Mr, llurtha. lUrhttruud two vhiUrwi
of Sulphur Springs, Iowa, arrinu UaUty
to Iw the guest ufhur faliwr, U P. IhtU.
lit))', tho Sulem mwviuiHt for a fv
t t nil
Don't Throw Your Time Away.
If you hixjn to W out of employ
ment, gut umpluymtmt.
If you can do nnytluinr Jiut (airly M
you ih-vhI not Ik without pJmity to do.
Put u want ml in Tin Jot'us.vi. (yll-
iug your qualltloiitious, nml uu'l on
l0 buvy Hirntu.
You uru junt tht' otoH muii imii
ployvr wants and you'll find tmt urn
ploycr If you tnko the rIjjlitiKur
gutiday uxouifcion, Mi' $ I. ft 17 i
To widoh you ro nil iuviil
and Oxfords.
Tho Itlil of
100 I'aius c'iiiuiHe.' anopa at SOc 4 J'tiK.
loOfAius lawn' tutors ash x.raui ,T 70 .V )M1H.
No matter -what thiy arc wortli wu wit I Hill them nt thv bav ufom ond
eaJubrnted "Sla.b Town" (intorj mil suiijily yw as iiwivj1 ihwo wuiii Uj8
1 Mtt,
"VVjiII.s Bros, & Company,
Jttgiimlflf Wy Jiitfht, I4'ty I9tii, our M9M will clo at 7 p m.
Dimities. Percale, Piques, Ging
hams. Edlnburghs, etc.
Special reduction on Tailor Made Suits
and Dress Skirts,
From Portland to Albany and Rf
On Huiuliiy Miiy US. takiw pluco tho
oxotirclnii of tho Portland Boolu! Turn
viirnlu. IxJiivltiK Portland at Ili.M) u. in.,
and riiturn, Icavlnjc Albany at 6 o'clock
11. m. TickutM on imlo at Pattou Jlros.,
hook Htoro.
Haloin iniSHuiigurs will tako tho llrnt
Huatinu, wlilnh will luuvo HaliMii for AN
banv about O.itOn. in. Tho oars will be
llmftod to (timtlnn rapacity. No tickotd
will bt cold after May -T. IlaituiiKo cars
for lunch ImskutH anil blcyclu will bo at
tachiMl to ovory train. ltoturnlii all
train will nUiii nt all Ntatioim and the
llrnl mrtloii will loavo Albany at ft p. m.
Will Protect Path.
Portland Toluunuii : Judo lIoniioMiy
yoNtunlay vtiMtainiMl tho city ordluauco
prohiitliiK lilcyclo paths, by limb
ln II, HiihIi utility of driviiiK over a
path. Tho Unltiil Whooliiiun n AshooIii
tlon mum Imuk of tho pnimHUilion. Tho
iiKtoointlou In dittoriiilnud to protoct tho
The Halo for Thirty Uayn.
Huby KIhmmi, IV) utmls, worth 76 oontu,
at tho Ilonton HIuhi OoniMiny, ItOH Com
muri'lal Htroot, uoar tho ivoxfnlllco.
I Ifi tf
tilukepcar Kcadinp;.
Mrs. It. A. Mlllur, of Oroii City
this uflitruooii, uiitortalnoil tho toclui-M
of tho Halcm M'hooUaud all thu chlldicn
of tho various Hohinds abovo tho llfth
uradowlthn mailing of Julliis t'aumir,
A half holiday miih t;rautd tho children
of tho irrados IhiIow tho sixth and all
tho hohools uiro dUnilMHtxl oxcupt thu
Hunt Halum hoIkmi).
Want the Hewanl.
Pour I.0110 county niuit art aftur thu
ruward of fKfiO for tho urrot of Claud
llruutoti, thu nuirdorur, Al Autuu, II. J.
Day, Ilort Finn and GoorKU Cmm r. It
Isuvwr thus.
The Manila Dead.
Ituht. Taylor, of Ashland, wrote tho
dtjmrtmont ut Washington, linking that
tho Inxly of his win, Jay, who vun killed
at Manila, be snt home, but tho an
wr iwijvwil was to the uffoot that It i
lHiMislb4 to du ho now, but that all
thu dtjtul would Im will homo nuxt (all.
Our VmKois.
YiHi wjoi mid lo vonr eiiUymtut while
hurt hy aiuukiitg 'm CwtxtM's " To
jirolons Ue 4uorv Wk a Ihix hoiui
wiin )uh.
Pomona Sunday Schedule,
Two round triiw to ImUiiwndunw.
l.uavoStilem 10 it. 111., t p. m. and t):!S0
p. III. ItOMIHl inpiAJtHNlU. A it it
Uon't Oo DaiefooteJ
WhtMt ou omh buy ohlhlron's Scltool
Ihw t 7& cwtU, worth fl.W. at 1Um
ton SImh Cuuimii', 906 CummerfiHl
trK, MNtr tho hjuiIIIm. A 16 tf
IVmwoim titimluy vxcurwion Mav SI.
MhhiKI t In rriy Uimty mhw m
HiHlMae ritfit una tvry LI 1 1 jm
tirikf 1 jnn Ttn-y r W I I IK
lulKlu h iluwutili Sr
M ut ut Mvi rui ltail. UIUum, ui
II li.w Ir.mtlt. Mil4 atul rM.-ul. t cwil.
fiilo U slaving thoutandt of vlctlmi.
Dr. Ml!'Kcivine it cuilnc tlioutandi.
Pure will cunsfct nilmtipally ( Shotii
With Speeches and Songs Until Near
The doling Program of a Well-Spent
Week of Enjoyment at the
Capital City.
The uiitertainmunt given at tho Pirst
M. K. Church Thursday ovviiIiik by tho
P. 0. M.8, P. 0. U.'h mid P. O. P.'h
Aspoclatlon and thu Solum lodgoH was
tlio ouciihIoii of one of tliu most notnblu
gathoring in thu history of Halum. The
largo church was filled to Ita utiuott
etipaolty with a picked company of mull
mid womun from uvurv Miction of tho
state, and it would im hard to pick out
a finer looklnir lot of ihjopIo Oiuii the
Odd Follows and Hubekiihs who havo
flint bcun itttenditiK their niiuiiiil meet
IntH huro. as dulmratos and visitors.
Some time buforo oiifht o'clock tho
hoiiHu was iHickod. Mien Uunovicvo
IIukIiuh tliuu took her place at theorem
ami uxueiitctl u voluntary, during wlilch
the choir Knits woreliHci
(I tipwHli urami
0. It ' and P.
Ofllcors, P. II. M.'s, I
. P. II. M.'s. P
a. p.'b.
Thu iilutfomi was occuniod bv
Ueer and .Mayor nisiiop.
PitHt Grurnl Muster Phil Metechnn
acted as nutHter of coremonicH, and the
program was opened with tho hIiikIdh
of the opening odu of thu Odd Follows.
Prayer was then offered hy P. O. M.,
Key. A. W. Teats, after which tho car
dinal iuiirtottoBtiig"Ilobln A'litlr." in
n maimer which won an encore, to
wlilch thoyoiinir lwlles rosiioinled with
"(,'oniln throiiKli tho Uyo."
Mayor HIslioji then very briefly ad
drusHCil thu asHcinbled Oifd Fellows on
ImiIiiiU of tlio City of Salem, oxprefislii
tlio gratification felt by tho people of
tlio city at tho opiortuttity to enter
tain thu brethren and Hlsters, hoping
that they all had 11 good time, ami mak
ing Wiinu plcamtut hits at local Odd Fel
lows. Mrs. M. F. Wlnnard then sang "The
Watcher." Thu lady's voice is rich and
well trained, and uliu nm was obliged
to ruMK)iid to an encore.
Pout Grand .1. K. Weatherford then
Hixiko on behalf of the Grand lodge of
Oregon. The gentleman's remarks
wcro brluf and to the Niint ami elicited
freoitent applause.
Then our own Mrs. Ilallle Parish
Hinges was greeted with hearty applause
iih hIio cume forward. Ai'coiiiiiinied by
.mInh l.lnnie KtiiteAtnan on tlio piauo,Hiie
mmg "Iivu'h Sorrow." It Is needless to
wiy that hIiu was encored, ami she re
HiMiudcd with thu pathetic old wing" Hen
Polt."It Is himch pongs as this that Mis.
ilingon' voice has its moHt effective
iHiwur, and moru than one old Odd Fol
low was furtively rubbing his none, be
fore tho Hivuet and touching melody had
Governor Geer then gavo u short ad
dross on behalf of tho Stato of Oregon.
Mr. J. W. Illckford favored tho audi
uiicu witha solo, "Queen of thu Kartli."
Mr. llickf or is a hololst of no mean
ability, and liu w.h c.ille 1 liu-k by
nroloimiNl aiinlaiiNe,
Pant Grand Mawter .I.J.
Hixmded on behalf of thu
liu NKiku ul(xueutly
Huvorul times Interruittetl
Walton 10-
and wiiM
y uppluimu,
UKixtclally from the oxnaiiHlonists.
Thu Cardinal Quartet then wing "The
Jolly StuduntM.'1 Thu Onidluoi Quartet
Is always opulur, but tboy have Huldom
if over given a Imttur vocal perform
mice than thin, and they ruHonded 4o
an outhusliiHtic encore, by repoating a
Verne of thu hiiiihi nong.
Pant Grand Mactur P. O. Doonc then
occupied tho nliorr time ullotcd to
him with an intcrcHtlng Hkutch of how
hu camo to bu an Odil-I'ellow.
Mis, Winnanl gne another vm-al
selection which was well lucelved.
PiiHt Grand MiiHter W. It. Dunhir
was unavoidably absent, and a tulegram
of oxplatiatlou and regret fiom him wiin
reed. Ills iilaco 011 Hie program wax
taken bv Allsfi helu Nickleu, who gave a
buoutlfully rendered violin nolo, uhi
rusiMiiiding to an encore.
'1 hen tlio HWeototd shiner in Oregon,
Mrs. . Ilingiw, again cume forward amid
an ovation of applaune, and sang, "Juxt
an the Sun Went Down." In pathetic
Mings mucIi as this our "Oregon Night
ingale" Is uuiiiiproiichahlo, and, she te
Kpoiiiled to tlio iMirststoiit tuiiMiru with a
bird Hong which clmweil tho iiptiu-sH of
bur title.
The program ended with tho cloning
odu mid buiiedlctioii, and every one
went away ploopod with 0110 of the mont
ucosful entertainments over held in
Exoitlni; DevelopmentB at the Chicago
(IVorM, III . Jmirint May I )
Thu long planned "aiitl-imperialiMic"
denionHtrntloii In Coiitrul .Mimic Hall in
Chicago ytwterday, brought forth eon
aldemble In the way of exciting develop
menu, lliftlioi) hpaldiug whs In the
thiukHMt of the troy and Ih met with the
unique dUtliiethHi of having Ids word
iiiwtloned by two men in thu audience
he addrewieif.
Jeers for PrtMkUnt MeKinley luxitw
Aiul eriea of "No" wlieu bollof was ex
nre)teil that the prveident of the I'nited
ntutes is Hineere ami houtwt nutrktsl
the niHMiinguf the meeting. Dr. Henry
Wade ItotfeiV effort", as clniiruiHii, to
uutku It jiluin ut the iMiUet that the
audience Iwd no wish to diwrtslit the
iMtional uilmiuUtration but only to o
po) Its Pldlipidiio mlky, wurti ahmited
down by theaudlemv itself.
In spite uf the overwhelming umlority
of auti-iAXpMnaitiuUts, eome loyal frteuds
of the president were preent. Theoe,
after matlewdy uiulurtng fur a time tho
critlohim hmied mi the chief magis
trate, beittJi to talk Iwek (nun tholr
ds. 1iuy vlgonmaly denuuneml the
Our Shoe Tf ade
Is really having quite'u boom. We
Udievelt is simply due to the (aet
that people are looking around more
tlmn iiMiul We ou.i nearly ulwvvs
sMuytu iront iu 10 xu wir eettt.
Why nut le wimlid tuiotigh to oome
iu untie ami nts JittlgmeHt oh our
Hie httlltw' f.T6 lines uf turned
M sull to thu ll tnule In town.
Tlie inon1 IVn vMut IW0 Im
UwuLv, ami yti1l admit Iu letter
than nidi ut !.
Men's gl vatin lf ooin m at
UJInHd l..
lJttb goHta tans all iurlwt.a)MsS mh.
KwldUiiQw 1. lO. UM MJP0
great raltuja.
remarks as treasonable. Bedlam reigned
during these interruptions from tlio
audience, mil mo majority canny curnvu
its point. ....
Hy way of emphasizing disapproval
at rebukes, pcveral expanHlonista were
expelled from tho hall. One of these,
itwasald, is an usher nt the First
Methodist church in Chicago. Finally,
toward the end of tlio meeting,
tho partisans camo to blows.
Kpithets were hurled at the speakers in
the midst of sentences. Tho llo was
given from pit and gallery to rostrum.
Tlnco who protested ngalnut tho spirit
of the meeting and the pcntlmcnts ex
prowied and tlio BUitcments mado were
threatened with ojection. As this did
not Hiifllce to otiiet them, they were
Hinlttun from Uiu rear, and finally a
tho meeting was breaking up, were
prodded with umbrelluH and canes.
Tho minority auditors remained silont
until Prof. J. Laurence Laughlln asked
if Americans might not soon hu ashamed
of the war. Then was rulseii thu cry of
"Demagogue!" When tlio same speaker
told it story of tlio killing of four Fili
pino captives by tlio American soldiers
during an engagement Hevcral men in
different parts of tlio liouso stood up und
shouted! "You lie!" "Traitor (""This
is treason !" nnd "shame on you!"
DiiringSiginund Zeisler'n intnxluctory
remarks in which hu linked a dozen
questions, lie wasnnswered by wild roars
of "Yes" nnd "No." When he asked
"Who is the traitor now?" one youth
yelled, "William McKinley." When
llishop' Spalding said: "Tlio less we
have to do with England tho better off
wo will bo," n broad shouldered giant in
tlio gallery jumped up. waved his
handkerchief and sheuted: "Hit 'om
again!" When tho speaker and the
audience thought they had finished
laughing at this tinauouiiced entertainer
lie broke loose again saying"in explana
tion of his first shout, 'Tin Irish.'1
Hut thu greatest disturbance came
when tho prolate said that England was
in no sense a democratic nation ; that
it was ruled by aristocrats more than
any other notion on tho faco uf tho
earth. One old man witli long whlskars
arose and said, solemnly and distinctly:
"That's not true." Tlio sneaker wos
disconcerted for 11 moment, but he
(need his accuser and returned: "It
is true." When the bishop said that
(apt. Coghluu was egged on to ills
utterances auaiust the kniser by certain
English naval ollicars, another believer
In tlic Anglo-American alliance cried
eut: "That's u lie,' a lie I"
At this jMilnt a do7cn heated argu
ments began in nil parts of the house.
Cries of "Put them out I" quieted tlio
disturbers, mid tho debators contented
themselves with glaring into each other's
eves. whlsDcrmu epithets ami occasion
ally reaching over the heads of thoso
hetweou them and fencing with tuunrcl
las and canos. Uut ithu bishop finished
Ids address. Other sh!cc1ioh were
similarly interrupted.
Thu nblu.it uddross was delivered by
Hisliop Spuuldlng. We regrut wu cannot
present il in full but print following ex
tracts :
We huvo sympathized with uli op
pressed ieoplu with Ireland. Greece,
Armenia, Cuba. To emancipate tho
slave wu gladly sacrullccd thu lives of
hundreds of thousands of our soldiers.
And now the American soldier who
should never shoulder it gun except in a
righteous cause is scut ten thousand
miles across tho ocean to shoot men
whoio real crime is that they wish to
lie free, wish to govern themselves. To
say tlutt they uru unlit for freedom
Is to put forth thu plea of thu tryitut in
all ages and everywhere. The enemies
of liberty huvo never lacked for pre
texts to justify their wrongs; but. in
truth, ut thu root of all wars of con
quest there lies lust for blood or for
What wo have to learn Is how to live,
how to distribute our money, how to
take from It Hh mutury over uh and
make it our servant. Our capital is
fast becoming tlio most Inhuman, thu
moit Iniqiiitfous tryuut thu world lias
ever known. Its ttniuuyisn blight
and curse to thnu who exercise it as
well as to the multitude who are its
victims. Commercial and manufactur
ing competition is Incoming a struggle
for existence fiercer than that wlilch
makes nature red with rapine hi tooth
and claw. Whereasthu tendency of true
clvlllxution and religion is to convert tho
struggle for life into co-openitlon (or
life, into work of all for all
that all may have those inner goods
which inuke men wise, holy, luiautiful
and strong; whereas tills is tho tendency
of right civilization, our greed, our su
Mirstlt ions belief in money as thu only
true God and Savior of man, hurries us
on with increasing speed into all the
venalities, dishonesties and corruptions,
into all the tricks and trusts by which
the people are disheartened and im-
nmviHiiwi. t o are nypuotuod nv the
glitter and glare, the mp and cir
cumstance of wealth, ami are becomimt
iuoupable of a rational view of life. Wu
nave lost taste tor simjue things and
simple ways. We Hue (mm the country
as from a demrt, and llud self-forget-fuluetM
only amid the nosiu und rush of
ltrtt 1'itiM where liiuh thought and
mire affection are well-nigh impossible.
How far we have drifted from that nice
o( famous who threw off the yoke of
Kiotlund and built the noble State; who
believed that honor was Initter than
money, freedom titan luxury and dis
play! He who knows that thu good of life
lies w ithiu, that It is Infinite, ewKhe of
Wing cherished, loved and MMWised
more and more by whinner seeks it
witli all his mind ami heart, can never
think tlutt a Nation's first duty is to
spread Its trade, even at the loss of nil
that constitute the true dignity of man,
in niulitududof men ami women who are
degraded to the level of machinery.
PerMinality is the highest mid most
sacred (net we know. Hy Krstinalitles
religion and culture are mmtod? prop
ugttted utul preserved. When great Minis
are ulhe witli great thoughts und pro
found emotions, it is good to Ih on
earth then God counts iioaror ami man
is divine.
The W-s nt Ute bkyole truck uotie
and txunutiMit tm the (act that the
Is the imVM'lww (ollow. This only
further pro us our alalin that it is
the feinoothust running, tttisiet ru li
ning, most uoMves wlu'ol shown.
Ami If you want to dumuitetmto this
lititeu whMi thoy puis you.
S30 Cash
Tourists $27.50
Made, sold ami guawHtwd ty the
Stiwrtw Co. AiMtlW let kt in ami
Mailing rijslit akMMj.
M, W. Tires
Not a Hickht KHOMt tar ropalr ott
UtM wheek thw Havjn.
The man who will be president In
1000 is not yet named.
The Fourth of July is too big a day to
)ass by this year uncelebrated.
After noxt Monday unlicensed bar
bers in Oregon will bo subject to arrest
and fine.
Thu same old firm furnishes the
groceries just although there had been
no new deal.
Watcli the Purls Exposition gang
nail Oregon to the Cross for about
f M.IXX) to 'W.OOO.
The woman that isn't out breaking
her neck trying to learn to ride a bike
Is iu a minority these days.
There was a great big noticeable
absence among the visiting Odd Fellows
of complaints ut bad water ut .Salem.
The speaker who got the most uj
plause from the Odd Fellows lust night
was the Democrat who talked for ex
pansion. Tlio progressive school principal says :
"Everything quiet ut our high school ;
no fights, knockdowns or dragouts for a
whole week!"
The reception accorded Tom Tongue
nt Sulum this week was significant of thu
frost liu will experience next spring he
will never thaw out as long us he lives.
Dr. Fluno's best hit was when ho
told his audience that Christian
Science meant strictly minding your
own business. That hits even an X
Ituy man.
If there was 11 good cycle path into
Sulum from ten different directions
there would bo so many people in town
on line days that the sidewalks would
not hold them.
Tho law requiring purchase of sup
plies for each state institution to be
mude on publicly advertised bids is not
complied witli not enough to hurt.
And who would bu hurt by it?
Thu fanners will get along without
tlio competition of Yaquina Hay lmrlor
being opened us long us they cast their
votes with tho corporation lawyers and
bankers' attorneys put up for tnolr con
gressmen. That $1,000,000 claim of tho Oregon
Indian War votoruns will bo ullowed
when the cows comu homo that thu In
dians killed in the CO's. They should
iu the mean time keep on electing the
follows who have so nobly kept their
Tliis olllcu is offered German printing
inks at I cents a jkmiihI. American
trusts havo advanced American inks to
6 cents. We must use German inks or
pay the trusts a cent 11 khiiu1. This
putH a man, like the swine 111 the scrip
tures, between the duvll and tho deep
Thu Oiegonlnn and other small fry Ke
publlcun pupers ure trying to get" tills
country into a war with Gerninny. Does
not every liiun know thai in case of war
between the United Stutos and Guilt
Hritain or any other Europcuu power-
nay, ovun Germany herself, the Ger-
uiau-Aiuericaus will shoulder their
muskuts and fight for I'ncle Sam just us
they have always done ?
it is remarked by thu Chicago Chron
Iclotiiat ex-Governor Lord of Oregon runs
a risk of losing his standing iu the He
imblicuii party becuusu he was so reck
less as to refuse an olllce tendered him
by President McKinley. However, ox
Governor Lord will 'not imiko much
"cupltul" out of his sacrifice, as ho is
not Known tolie skilfull at "holding up"
tho party nor is lie exceedingly skilltul
as u letter writer for the press."
Ride the "Pomona."
Most durable, lightest running. No
dust, Safest iu all resects. bonvo for
IudeiKUidencu Sunday at 10 u. in. 'J p. m.
und :'.W p. m. 5 17 It
Error Corrected.
Thursday nioinni's Stiilemnun i'umu.I
rottsliiurublu interest to lie nrousud ovur
thu notice of an excursion to bu given by
bout to Portland at the low rate of Ml
cunts for round trip. Tills should havo
boon from Portland to the Cascade Falls
and return. It was a mistake on the
part of the eouiosltor and nu oversight
on tho part of the proof under, 'lliis
excursion given by tho State Y. P. S. C.
E, I'nion occurs the day ufter their con
vention closes. Monday May a.
Husy place is ut Kmus1 Hro. out
prices on shoos for GO days.
Aerie of Eaglet.
Sulein Aerie No. 10, Fraternal order
of Eagles, will bo instituted at Popular
Hall, In the Turner block, Sunday, May
21. First session at 1 :30 p. in. All who
uru interested in tho movement ure in
vited to bu present und become churtor
members. Home E. Mbxkuk,
10 3t Grand Uigunlzur.
HOGKKS. At the homo in Yew Park.
Sulum, May 18. 1S0H, to Mr. ami Mrs.
W. D. Hogers, u no 11
J J Cluluud, Clwwtor Deering, E Hall,
S S Goldsmith. J J Shlidev, Frank
Howe, G O Graves, J W Strelt, Port
hind; Soott Houirth, Salem;
AJ limit, J C Gktborn, Mrs Guhorn,
Albany; WW Honwiiie. A N Huckwith,
Mrs Hookwlth, New YurkjPH Gallagher.
G J Keeker. San PraiwUo; W IWr,
Ixdunon; 1. E IUmii, Eugene; C S
Huxiks, Boston ; E4. Hryun, Philomath;
J II Ijinny, Pendleton; J Morgan,
Yakima; W G Howell, Astoria; C O
IVrry, Portland ; 11 K Freeman. Chicano.
Speotal Rates.
To visiting Ovid Fellows, ft Carbojwtt
siting Ovid Fwllowi. ft CarlHMwtt
vmphs at f 2 a don. Tlw liek-
ti round lloor Gttllerv W Va.
lal street. ' 5 HWt
The Uoaton bhoc Company.
.. . 1 ... W ... . -
VI lit
Gouts' l-reneh Causing, , worth
fl, SOS Comutereiul street, near Ute
poatofiloo. 4 15 U
For Iufact and Children.
TCb Kkid You Have Always Bought
Blgaatuw of CCt&fffl&fei
several ricli merchants iu
the city, hardly any of them
go below twenty thousand
in tiie valuation of their stocks.
Now whore does the asossor come in
on that?
It looks like some of them is trying to
cfccupo tlio burdens of paying their full
tuxes on merchandise. Friedman lias
never feen the necessity nor is it ad
visable to misrepresent values to the
customer or to the nsHsor.
I don't see why u stock worth twenty
thousand should bo assessed two thou
sand, why not give in the full amount to
thu nsessor, or if you liavn't got twenty
and only got two or three thousand
then what is tlio good of lying to the
people und muke out you uie so ricli for
for it is no crime to lie poor.
We of Friedman's New Packet Iwlong
to tho poorer class of merchants we
have less tlmn twenty thousand dollars.
And therefore we don't want to brag
to our customers that we havo twenty
thousands of goods that wu must sell off
in sixty days without a lieginniug or
an ending to tho sixty days, nor that wo
arc u part of or huvo sixty-eleven man
Cor Commercial and State Streets, Salem, Ore,
Iff Hil
The Most Conspicuous Orna
in your parlor, that sheds chcedillness
over the room, is one of our handsome
luniiw. We have a superb usMirtiiieiit
o( piano lumps, lxiniiuct lamp, und ev
erythinginthisliiuMlown tothe smallest
hand lamp and night lump ut reason
able prices.
124 Stato at Telephone 51
LOST, STOLEN OR STltAYED.-Five-ywtr-old
Uiy mure, black lwintsnumo
and tail. Half diamond brand 011
shoulder, light saddle marks. Will
pay reasonable reward. 5-17 1 w
A. IIaiizkk, Turner, Or
Gilltngham Gieenhouses.
, Choice bedding plants now ready.
Newest and stuudunf asters, verlwnas,
eosmo, geraniums, chrysanthemums.
Old and new favorites. Summer and
Chomeketa streets. 5 12 tf
To cure La Orippe, Ittp warm, eipeclaflj
h fttL and take Ur. Miles' Nervine.
Tr rr -nrr-mrr mryr-nr Yrrrvmr rr
S20.000 WORTH
d sollil 'kaUwr. EM PLO Y ' OXI "v ' um mtp ? T SS?. U' uso "tJ8 m,t tho niatorhl, good uppr
uiiARAynw itvuav uik or snow w witK as "JJiJJ ""' VAy t,' hi8,,e8t wag0S "ni1 Rct thu bosl wrk.WK
Gate' KreiwJ, C( sioi f; wu,
"SSo." ia6 nwth
&il sw, sk ! ; tii t
308 Commercial St.,
Near Postoffice, Salem, Ore
Friedman's New Racket '
mcxxxOn Assessment and Taxation
ufactures In different parts of the States,
and wc are disusing of the Goods for
When thecustomers all have eyes and
they don't tako stock iu it ustieciiiily
when they see tho proprietors of tho
closing out places in sixty days are every
night in the sample rooms to replace tho
sold out stock witli new Goods, few leo
pie believe in tho old chestnut tlutt is n
chetttuin stieet dodge, where they have
those sixty-days cloing-out signs for
If a stranger conies to Salem now they
will find quite u number of those shops
in Salem, besides a few new comers of
wlilch we are glad to see them come
hero and go in competition with us, and
we enjoy the joke of their advertising
that they bring in so much capital
nothing under twenty thousand dollars,
but they have a good deal lets for the
assessor when he call on them, and they
ure interested largely in ever so ninny
manufactories in tlio East, but yet
their stock don't look any newer to tho
customers than some of tho firms who
liavo been hero n quarter of u century
after nil tho people understands it that
when parties wants to go out of business,
For a cheap coffee we G CAR ANTE E
that our ll8 cent grade is better than
the package coffee. It is a SOCNDER
berry, hotter FLAVOR and FRESHER.
HutourCRESENT HI.ENDut 15 cents
per jsiunil is by far better yet, and only
l"- cents more. Try a pound ; and le't
coffee sH)ak for itself. If not us ndver
tised bring it back. Coffee roasted twice
11 week.
Telenhone Red 2(ll.
Free Delivery.
h California Junk Shop
W IllRheat price M for old mital,UicM. W
f. rov, Mela rn li ct , Coopor and
i Iron. raUbi.irooitii"pp ajml M
ij u. iivuunui, mi ivun ou
a tmi.iiii in tii ('A,,, i't
Toeure I a Gnnn,. b, w.m -
Mwt and will be sold lu-ro in Salem bv thu
We are selling shoes for less
man any retailer can buv
them. So come and lay
in a supply of shoes now.
i ou will never have the
Mime opportunity again.
Our Headquarters here arc at
1 Capital Junk Shop,
AfllgluNt prices paid for ull kinds i
Jif metal, bottles, rope, sacks, ruci.l
Vjlildes, etc. 13(1 COURT STREET? i
4 Give us a cull. 3 10 1m 5)i
thoy don't wait sixty days, but thoy em
ploy a competent auctioneer and they
rattle off their wares nt n rapid rate and
they get out, they don't stay and fizzle
or tho new dodge, the people who havo
such a large interest in the factories in
tho east usually don't come to Snlam
with their old traps, but they take a
trip to Paris and cull on their factories
once or twice a year to see how things
are getting nlong, hut that is their wny,
but not so with I'riedmiui, when ho has
got nnytliing to sell it doesn't take him
sixty-days to talk about it ho generally
sells it out und he is gone.
At Friedman's New Packet wo muke
no pretentions of going out of business,
but we ure strictly in it, wo huvo no in
terest in any factories out side of Salotn,
but you can save twenty-five per cent
on an nverugo by buying your goods at
Friedman's New Packet, where you -will
find a full lino of tho latest nnd best
kind of clothing, drygoods' hats and
notions, stationery, cutlery, trunks,
valises etc., etc.
A word more to thoso who want to
save money. At Friedman's New Packet
you get straight goods (or tho lowest
Saturday Evening, May 20
Walsh and
Piiicks: 50c, 75c, fl, fl.50
Alwavson hand.
D.S. BENTLEYand Co,,
BiiccCKvtm lo Salem Impt. Co.
Municipal, Cotporailon.and l'rlvuto Contrac
tor. 6-l.lm.
Jacob Vogt
Just received a fulh stock or Ladles.
,und Gents' Spring and
! Vlll bo pleaded to show patrons our
! ZlL .W 0Q
----f i""v.o.v Aiivv-avuu nintnit
rw rrn w nyr yrwir
Ladies' French Kid Rutton SIiooh f2:
wortli f4.
Uidius' Fine Kid Rutton Shoos f 1.25:
worth 50
I-a'u' Hn' Kid Ties 75o;worth
M,ffri! hoo ShK'8 75c? wo-i I-50-
Rabiiw' Shoos 36c, 50o and 75c.
tU""" 'ao m .i ii inn .. ., ., n