in r- rajim j rMsraro ispw i-arnrsanETsaifBnMJ.'?aB5f Eacsfiv-Tcsi3CEia BlPpv-i" -wwjw-ihppi i ' jTi ' KTflaP"" 7" DRILY CAPITAL JOURNAL. mV HORK HROTHBRa -L THIDAY, ISIAY 10, 1890. tr ..,-. . pPyily. OnoVcar 93.00, In Advano iy, Fotu ftContbs $1 00 U' Advance 5kiy. One Tar Sl.OO, in Advanoo THE SECOND OREGON. EA'lbanv Demecrat: A Halcm man TrStfiitf liorno from Manila comnlniriH of rJncK of recognition of the uplondld gcrvlcca of tho Oregon regiment by ur Jcopic. liicro IB no occasion lor tins. !rom one end of tho htnto to the otliur tbp icop!o uro bounding tbolr jiralso. nnil when tboy return home they will bOAPatuucu with tho lzoJiulnciloflB of the appreciation for what they Imvo dono End Uiu bravery displayed by tliuiu. L'HosubufK HoView: V. V. Dleck- Eman writes from .Manila, on fc'Aprll 0, iiB follews: "J was sent bore iiifit a week ago today for tlynontory. f'ivo Company I boyc, including the ftlnit ccrncftnt, catno down with Itobt. kWlIcox and mvwilf. but I bavon't heard now iney uro ucuinu nionir. i no omrura fgut along till rlirnt; wliy ftliouliin i thoy jJUrnwlng from $125 per month and up- ward, mjcortlintf to tliolr rank? Whfio aprlvnto coIb $15.00 with "red horse" Jjind hard tack to baluuco, and every thing to do. IIo curries 200 ronndfl of jfutnimiditloii, IwnidoH two days' rations, ..'.. ' . .. . iniui u no uoirt carry it, tiioiign mo noai hnay bo 105 degrees in tho shade, while Agoing oil double quick time, ho goes without. And whuuovor a camp Is us- tabltahcd the men arc shut In. while the 'ofllcors tro at will. If a tirivalu Hoe p out ho gets a 115.00 fine and maybe tho ' miiinl house, lloro is mi example: niir iiing tho recent fight at Malabon, a man : in my company was nearly uxnannteu, ? being of a weakly nature, and when the command, "forward, double time I" was given, he was rather slow in rising, so Col. Bummers just gavo him a gentle kick in tho rear. And as I wus going to ; say, whenever a camp Is lormed tho iConlcors nrovldo for themsolvos, and in t doing this they glvo thoir orderlies It 11 .(or noi oeing moro prompt ami ior not .'omllig to "attention," when spoken to KYOUn VERMIFORM APPENDIX. Havo vou still cot vour vermiform "rtbpondix ? If so, Dr. J. Morrison of gj. rvuauiUKiun uuviBun you iu itruji ii, huh not lev Home surgeon cm u out witu ins sharp knife. Dr. Morrison says oxclsinn of this ap pendage which is giving so much trouble Is "not onlv improper, but criminal," . and that tho "abominable doctrine of evolution as applied to man Is largely responsible- for this Biirglcal vagary.'f Dr. llutton, unotlior emliiel physician, con tends that tho knife is seldom, if ever, necessary In appendicitis. On tlio other hand, some of tlio best physicians con tend that tho knife Is seldom. If over, necessary in apiKiiidlcltis, On the other hand, some of the best phynlcluus contend for tho uso of tho knife in i every t. case. P.-- With the doctors d I a it reel nu respect- I'lng vour appendix, tho only way is to ftr hold on to It us long us itoHsiblo, After 'Mill it in JAIUI MfrviillA. ibuu-nit v u- U?. wiuothttn ttuyothur Kuotur. k.' .i f. f w s't 'ft- ,-' attirlages, "r. long to tho doctors until thoy cut it off. I)es Moines News. Tho News In not well informed. Ev ery baby that is now born is supplied Willi an apticndix that will have to be cut off sooner or later. The jKor things were not always Iwni that way but God in ills wisdom has seen fit to givo tho doctors a change to collect $50 lo 500 aplcco off the race for im oi eratfnn. The News should post up. TREATMENT OFADOSS. If all accounts uro truo Mr. Crokor's voyage to Hngland with Hir Julian l'aiincofoot, Tom Heed and other pas sengers was not us pleasant as it might havo been. The Tammany todies packed tho cabin of the lxss with (lowers and chain Htlgu and hiizzahcd his departure from tho sboro. Then came to grief. Sir Julian l'aiincofoot ib-Hberatoly cut him. Tom Heed made wmwHtlc remarks that made congeniality an up hill huslness. Tho passengers looked upon him as tlmy would look uioii it tiniHotim freak. No body asketl lo Im Introduced, lie win stared at on dpek and smoked out of th Hiuoking room. If this action by the wHJiierM was snobbery It whs coiiiinnndublH snob bery. If public men like Crokur mid Quay could lx mndn to feel that though they can succeed in outniuliig public sentiment mid still ls Isms of the lump they arc social ntitatata a gret stj for ward will be taken In the direction of reform in our polities, tioclal ostracism of politician detected in wrong doing would Im the severest punishment that could be Inflicted. If men who fcIihuio to rob tho public treasury commit outrages on tho ballot Ikix, or cairy boodlo projects throuh tho legislature should bo shunned by all honest men and women, as they deserve to be, there would soon be a dlfforuut code of morals in imiIUIcs. Success would not justify iulipilty. MANIPULATING TAXES. The Salem Journal of May 10 says only ulHHit f 10,000 of the Marion county taxes of 1HDH out of a total of fLMO.OOO paid In, At the mime date Hlmriff Withers of I,ano county Lad collected $118,000 on a roll of $150,000. Quito a difference. And Marlon county is one of tho best and richest counties of the state. This comparison is very com nllmenlary toourolllclals ami jeople. Kuguuu Guard. Marlon oiuuty has lwun slow In the matter of tax iMdlectlng. Tho law has never been enforced. Taxes havo not been collected when duo. Taxes wore not declared delinquent when Ihoy be came so by law. Publication of delin quent lists was put off one to three. Conceit Course, llomumbor that tho third and last grand concert In tho classical course win Do given one wcok irnm tomorrow night Friday, Muy 2(1 at the First Methodist church. Tlio artists giving tills concert ure: Ktelndel, cellist, and Kdiiiuud tschucckcr. harpist. They are assisted hv Mluiiiu Fish-lirllllu. so prano, and Mrs. Ilriiuo riteludel, Plnn Into. On their instruments, Htoliidol and Schueckor are the foremost artists In tho land. Tho program will be va ried and of grout bounty. All muslu lovers should make an extra effort to at- .eml this, the last of tho season's con urts, Tho price of admission wilt be (1. Largest Jones Lever Binder Two HoMft I'ull tho Light Running Jono Lever Hinder with UioiiljLaf Lovorl'oworonnlor tliuii tlnoo bursoa can puil other Hinder. It lut U10 l in plot mill only suro Knottor known, 011U only one wrd anil wiutgnMoi Studebaker Wagons Tlio boa whittle made, wit It axlostif Indiana llhtok Hickory, upokos of kecojid growtlilndlanu Wlilta Oak, and Hub uoatvtl by u, patent wwm wjTtoti pruTeiitachocklnu. D, oil tumkod follownod wide bivdedgd tlxu wtilali 'auko the btudobnkor outwear any wagon 011 earth. CaHsf Sutrlcs, Traps, CITIZENS TO MEET Monday Night and Prepare to Oreet the Editorial Excursion. Pursuant to tho request of tho Cham ber of Commerce, Hon. C. 1'. Dfsliop, mayor of Balem, has called a citizens' mcetfng for Monday evening, May 22, at 8 o'clock, In tho city council chamber, for tho purpose of arranging pluns for the entertainment of the members of the National Editorial Association which will visit hero early in July. Mayor llishop, hi shaking of the mat ter today, said that tho proposed under taking Is one in which tho whole people of fliilom are interested and lie hotted to fee the council chatnler well filled with citizens willing to do their part iu it. It must not Ite left to n few, said,Mr. llishop. "Wo are all Interested. A crowd of 800 to 1,200 prominent newspa per. people from all the states iu the union coming to npend a day in Salem is an important mutter and wo should put forth our ln-st endeavors to make a good impression. I have full confidence that the itoonlfiof the city and surrounding country will rise to tho occasion and that uuxt Monday ovunitig's meeting will demonstrate that this confidence Is not iiiuiplitctd." Ilisalso urged that the tiowspujcr msii of tho city, HOtlVo and retired, should take an exwlul interest in the matter. The visitors will Ik of their own "kith mid kin," professionally sK'aking, and will naturally oxXK-t the quill drivers to be in the front ranks of the welcoming ami entertaining iiohis. Citizens, business men, suburban rwidoiiW, nil patriotic inhabitants of Hulem mid its environments are re- j quested to allow no obstacle to lutefere with their attondancu at uuxt Monday night's meeting. I Foresters Entertain. The Foresters of America will ho visited by Grand Chief Hunger F. T. lingers of l'ortlund, on next Monday evening, when the Balem lodge will tender him a reception at a special meet ing held for the occasion. There will Ite Inetlalory work and all Foresters will be iu their glory. Tho Foresters are al ready whetting thelraxes fora big blow out. Teachers' Institute. Monday, June 10, Is tho first day of five continuous days of teachers' insti tute work to bo held at tho court house, In Balem. A number of prominent speakers will he present, among them E. D. Hostler, of tho Eugene public schools 1 It. H. Bteol, of tho Portland High school, and J. J. Kraps, will givo discussions on mental arithmetic. Planting Ulack Bans. II. K. LuMur, the successful bass fish erman, Is supplying a mniilwr of sports men with liberal catches of that rare gaunt llsh, which Is now ipilto plentiful In the Willamette, for planting in some of the smaller streams. Dr. J. 0. tirllllth Is having a lake on tho homo farm near ClyiuorstoeKeii in tins way. Sunday Ocliool. Tho .Marlon county Sunday suhool convention will be held at .Marlon, bo gluing at 2 p. m. Wednesday, .May 31 iiiid closing tho following day at noon. OA.IW . Ant. X5-. 1IM Kiftd Yw lUn AImts Bwji' Atari tba Blgnatnro at 't& M4 r u. Jtv Hacks, Spring Wagons, y.yfZ CtiYT TI ITTRl fl TTTMr) S. S. S. GOES TO THE BOTTOM. DmmnHw Dainlinrt fh Qani Reaches liis Seat I ItlllipilJ llOaUHOo 1110 OoQI of all Blood Diseases and always promptly readies ana cures any PlirflO frIQ Unret Poeoc disease where the blood is in any way involved. UUlDO llld nUlol UdoOOi Evoryono who has had oxpenenco with blood diseases knows that thero nra no ail ments or troubles so obstinate and difficult to euro. Very few remedies claim to cure such real, deep-seated blood diseases as S. S. S. eurei, and none can offor sueh Incontrovertible evldenco of merit. S S. S. la not merely a tonic it is a euro I It goes down to tho very seat of all blood diseases, and gets at the foundation of the very worst c man, nnd routs tho poison from the system. It does not, llko other remedies, dry up tho poison and hide it from view temporarily, only to break forth again moro violently than ever; S. S, S. forces out every trace of taint, and rids the system of it forever. Mrs.T. W.Leo, Montgomery, Ala., writes: "Someyears ago I wan Inoculated with poison by a nurso who infected my babo with blood taint. I was covered with sores and ulcers from head to foot, and In my great extremity I prayed to die. Several prominent phyiioians treated mo, but all to no purpose. Tho morcury 'and potash which they Savo mo seemed to add fuel to tho awful flamo whioh was ovouringmo. I was advised by friends who had seen wondorful cures mado by it, to try Swift's Specific. I im proved from tho start, as tho medicine seemed to go direct to tho cause of tho trouble and forco tho poison out. Twenty ootties curca mo completely." uwnt's upeciuc S. S. S. FOR THE BLOOD Is tho only remedy that is guaranteed purely vegetable, and contains no morcury, potash, arsenic, or any other mineral or chemical. It never falls to euro Cancer, Eczema, Scrofula, Rheumatism, Contagious Blood Poison, Tetter, Bolls, Carbuncles, Sores, etc. Valuable books mailed free by Swift Specific Company, Atlanta, Ga. Meritorious Goods at Is Our And all our efforts always have been and always will be directed towards crowding as much goodness and value as possible into a dollar. We can clothe you from head to foot clothe you rightly and clothe you at prices that defy competition. Remember, our goods are sold strictly on their own merit, and whether you buy a collar or a suit of clothes, we are always ready to give your money back if you are not satisfied. G- W. Johnson and Company. 257 COMMERCIAL STREET. 01 Farm Mattru in oreoon. Gar-Scott Engines and Threshers. UucqualUd for durability, convoulenuc.rffetlvc power and tine workman-, ihlp. A man who buya a Gear-Scott ougiiie kuowa he Is goltitig the bett In the market. m of goods in the market. Jones lever binder and mowers, the cele dratbd studhcker wagons, carriages, bug gibs traps, hacks and carts. the canton cupper plows.j disc and peg tooth harrows, superior disc, hoe, and PRESS DRILLS AND SEEDBRS. VB CARRY BXTRAS FOR ALL THE ABOVE MACHINBRY. Gar-ScottJand J. I. Case threshing ma chines AND ENGINES. Call and see us when in want of farm ma cainery and we will save you money. E F. PARKHURST & CO, Adjoining the mUUJMlL&UAlXVUiJUUJ4miU&UA 7 etc, in a hundred different styles, These goods arc all the best of In every test rrmdo S. S. S. eatiiv demonstrates its superiority over other oiooa remedies, at matters not now oo stlnate tho case, nor what other treat ment or remedies havo failed, S. B. B. Popular Prices; Motto, C Carry The best line Brewery, Salem, Or, S, C, STONE, M, D. Proprletorlof Stone's Drue Stores BALEM, OHEGOX. The ttoren (tiro la nurabor) arc locate! a No. 235 and S33 Commercial Mreot, and are well stocked with a complete line of drug: and mcdlclncj, toilet article, perfumery, brushes etc., etc., etc, 1)R. BTONE Hmlmd some 23 years experience In the prao tlcoof medlolnoniid now makes no charge (or consultation, examination orpretcrlpllon. Do you want to die? OK- j Do you want to get well? Ifyounant ti Itlc keep rlxht on fillinc your mtt'mwllh MINKKAIj and other roiHONHtn tim fhateof nilUHH and alleirwl medicine. ' If yon want to Bit KNTIUKL.Y CUUR1). WKIib nnd tTOUT, quit allowing doctors to KXI'KHI.M KS'T on yon with tlruK and try DM. J. IT. COOK, BOTANICA I. Sl'KCIAI.IST, Ollice liOl hiberty Btrect, Balem, Or. . He lias cured ncores of p'oplo since liocnmo to Hnleiil. He is a rtiputnblo pnictitlnnpr nnd is I ii graduate nt two legally charlored oolletre. Ak to his (.tandlliK as n citizen mid Ills rellnlill- I ity ai a Ini'lnen man, any one can lie convinced that lie Is not only a pood citizen hut an honest innn. He has been lUil alnt nnd mtirepre- senteil more than nny man in Salem, hut ho can I cunt hl fi lends nmoiiK tho lxt citizens of l Salem and Willamette VaMey. Ills lwst friends i nn thoui w Imm hi! Iiss tTlttil). Ills rpmeiltes lire tho retttilt ofn lifetime of stu l, and JikIkIiiK by tho innreli)iiciirmnK.rformi,u right hermit home, where hl pntieuts may bo wen and lulled with, uo one w ho In sick nhonld hesitate, to whi him. IIo alcohitoly cures all kinds of Chronic Dlsenso", after nil other schools liuro fulled, Hiich as t'nncer, Qnivel, Kldnov Trouble. Done Dlieaocs, Asthma, Skin D'seascs, Ktc, without thonidofthc Knife, Plasters or l'olpoti, mid with no pain whatercr to the patient. WOOD. TheSulom Light a nil Trac tion Company will receive scaled bids until 1 o'clock p. in. Wednesday, Muy 24lh 180!), for tho furnishing at Us Power House of 2000 cords ilro wood. Bidders must statcnuiuhcruf cords whether body Hr, or second growth und price de livered. Cash Paid on Completion of Contract. c 17-2:1 Salem's Great Surprise. Boston Shoe Company. I.ndle.i' line Kid Slinners and ties. 75 cent, worth f 1.50. ,'IOS Commercial street, near the postoillce. 4 15 tf test occu wPf M Xvft. ft. W TiT IE fa B llvJl!lmnMlt2umfIt?XU? mac,"neof unrlveled simplicity. Longest nS VibraSn' lD U,e Wor,d- UD,,ke Geare( Mowers, It has "No Noise" "No Lost Power." Pree from side draft. tree frqm nook weight. I. NO bacblnj! up to ttart In prois ! VII II MVM llMB iK 1 $SJI IS TUT TTlTr VMaAI 7 Herschbach and Reigelman BLACKSMITHS and WHEEWGHTS, va win nlion vour horse, build or repair your wagon or Implements j Being lcatcd to stay our rai-ro ua have it guarantee that our work will be siitlslaclory. Shop 100 Chcuieketu street. Teleohonc 2705. M tf Huie Wi;g Sang Cl Ladles Furnishing Goods, Silk Fancy Goods, Embroidery. All kinds of Matting, Chlnaware and Ten. Bottom 1'rices 5-12-31 Opera House Block, 112 Court St. "We Can Save v;ou Money On Poultry ami Lnwn fencing lrl)wlrenniUhlni!le9. Carpenter shop In connection, Phono la SIALISM KECNOE WORKS, Waltm Mont.r.v. Prop, il.llMmr 69 Htnte 8treet. There Is only ons place In town to get a FIRST-CLASS HARNESS If you are a stranger, ask yonr neighbor, he will tell routoconW.W.jrifNS tu babV of the itrd Fiont )rug Store. 4-iSd wlm Kurtz & Hamilton PLUMBERS and TINNERS 03 COURT STREET. Milken specialty of nil Kinds uf Sheet Steel und Galvanized iron work r-joflnu und guttering, it full line of Pumps and pump tlttlnus. Prompt work and reasonable prices. We carry In stock tho Fairbanks wind mill. Call and sec us before ui vlnir your order for mill or tank. Phone 234 PHOMPT WORK AND LOW PRICES. Steam Dye Works. No. 105 Commercial street, opposite Willamette hotel. Ladles' mid gentlcmen's clothlng cleaned, dyed, re paired und pressed. Flno blankets cleaned or dyed und nicely finished. Kid cloves cleaned, 10c: dyed 2oc. Canton Disc Plow Made on sclcn illc principles. No experiment. Has been thoroughly ' ed and w do Its work equally vsefl In hard or raft ground It wifi ir where all others fall, and do double the work of a poiiiiuo 11 plow l Jones Mower their kind and defy com etiti 99m9WUmt9 Arc You Going to Build ? When preparing BpeclilcationH and plans for your new building or home, bo sure you pay special attention to your plumbing. Your health de pends upon it. Wo mako contractu for the complete fitting up of building', with tlio latest Improve ments, in otien sanitary plumbing, at a low estimate. Our work is be yond competition, and we uro mas ters of our trade in all its details. BARR&PETZEL 3M COMMERCIAL SI'RESr. Telepnonc No. 2371 The Geo, M, Becler Insurance Agency Alwujs to the front with best rates und policies In the leading companies. Employment Agency, Do you want wonc. or need help of any kind? Apply at once. Rental Agency, Property to rent. Register our agency. 288 Commercial Stkkijt, Salrm, RED FRONT LIVERY First-Class Feed, and. Boarding stables, 104 COMMBItCIAL STKKBT. SALEM, ORE. Wm ULLREY, Prop. Best JRigs for Gommercial Men Stauloa lu Mrau hlork Hotel WllUmatto. 3TSiifo teams und comfortable rlg- for ladles und family driving 11 spec ialty. Horses boarded by day, week or month und best of satisfaction guaranteed. 3-1 tf 1 . n-itoii , vriivf 1 -'aga-ittM-i ' W" "wJlX " ' 2