CAPITAL JOURNAL VOli. X. SALEM, OREGON, .FRIDAY MAY 10, 1800. DISARM- PROTECTION THAT PROTECTS Home Made Goods, CAPITAL DAILY no. nl; ' woolen ,llill m rao sa em All. Specials: A very select line of Boy's Knee Pant Suits of our own goods made up in New York. Get one for YOUR BOYl All sizes of Boy's Black Hose, the very best to be had: Ask tor them, w reason - -a -m - "si "a - MJOOUEH i i Shoes Wot th Having i i TlIK IIKAHON roil TIIK (IIIKAT DKMANII KOIl OWIt HIIOKS IH llKCAl'SK TIIK HIIOKS AUK WORTH TIIK I'JIICK WK AHK VOli TIIK1I. TIIKV AltK SOT AI.O.SK TIIK I.ATKST HTVI.KH, lll'T TIIKlIt nt'KAIIIUTV IS UXHUltl'Am:i). S STAMPED ON A SHOE MEANS STAND- f 9 ARD OF MERIT. PEOPLE APPRECIATE -f FIRST-CLASS WORK. They undorfltnnd J .m . . that our high urade shoes aro oh beautiful and && (& dressy as can be. That our high class goods .- mean" high class valuo, high class lit, stylo, mtff fashion and form, high class fueling and com fort, and high cIiibs finish, material and workmanship. Indkkd, that hioii CLASS WITH US MEANS H0N0K A.NI) THUTII IN TIIK HIIAI'K OV HIIOKS. TllO Only thing not high about tliom 1h the prion. wRrnm-oo:1008- L ACYlS NEW SHOt STORE, 94 State Street. i - U. kls.wlW)ktkWVLWK.WW' VKOJTlHnYXLJiTWTXCaH XCk 8 8 Dr. H. C EPLEY PHONE Bple Si linger DENTISTS, Artificial Teeth $6,00, In making artlllclut teeth we mo the best tcoth and rubber that can be procured In the market. We guarantee nur teeth ugulnst breakage, also guarantee u tit, Gold Crowns SS, Up, We use 22k Gold in our crowns and fully guarantee tliom. Salem Dental Parlors OVER POSTOPFICE. rtoonn 27 and 29, PhoneJi8l3. jf vuk,os:,j:,c kcjiX ivxTx:jkx:3k?cjkX:x: GRAY Cor. Stats and Liberty Sis. Salem, Ore. assortment of Men's Pants: Keguiar sizes, extra sizes and extra longs. No matter what size you call for we have h m. A special drive on them. The finest line of Crash Hats for Men and Boys to be found, in Patterns and Styles. The largest fMx STORE $2,000 Given Away! Having more shoes tluui wo want at this ot tlio year, wo aro iKmB to reuuco our (dock 15,CJ0, within tlio next IK) days. expect iiiH t niuko a cold loss of $11000, which our patrom naln during thin immense sale of shoos, which will bo cut from Mc to $3 u pair. MEN'S WOHKI.VG SHOES FHOM 50c UP- WARD. MEN'S DUESS SHOES FHOM $1 UPWARD. LADIES' LATE TOES TAX AND BLACK FROM fl.25 UPWARD. Mioses and childrens shoes at your own price. Your chance of a lifctimu. Sale now ou ut Krausse Br os 275 COMMERCIAL ST. Our Factory Is In Salem. N. BIERS, Foromnn. Patronize Home Industry. . "M'nn "n 'Bjaik a Dr. H. H. OLINGERr 2813, 81 i ! Carpenter's Toolsi Bhcksmith's Tools, Fine Tools For Every Trade at . BROS Has Been Removed to Parlie. Thirty Miles North of San Fernando. General Wbeaton Relieved of Command of the Second Division. II Ainnclnieil I'reii (o the Journal. Manila, May III. General Luna Ih re ported as making desperate efforts to re strain tlie educated Fillipinos withfn tho limits of Ids Hclf-appointcd jurisdic tion from communicating with the Americans. Tho removal of tho scat of gov ernment, to Turlic tliirtv miles north of l'erando may lead to serious com plications and duly in the paeilleation. but it general'y concedtd thatfurthtr oppositeon to American sovereignty is useless. Gen. Whcaton has been-relieved of tho command of thu cet'ond division, for special assignment and Gen. Fuuston has been assigned to his brigade. Tho board consisting of Col. French, of the Twoiitv-necnnd Infiintrv mill Mnlnr Caloll and Captain Unudolph, of the Third artillery have lioen appointed to proceed to Ratavia for tlio purpose of Investigating European methods of pro viding tor thu health of troops there and to rej)ort on the subject for tho benullt Ml UIU rtlllUi Jl3liin IIUIU. The transport Warren ban arrived from San Francisco.', May 19. General Otis casualties lint includes: Wounded Second Oregon. Company L, Privatt Frunk Butts,' thlgh,jliglit. Manila, May HI.- Seven Filipino en voys, said to be lluencamio, Del l'ilay, Arguelles, Pamprenos, Toaros, Serreru and Patcrno, left San Is-dor this morn ing ami are expected in tho city some time during tho day. All of tho commissioners except two lied when Kan Isldro was taken. Tho two who remained unburdened them selves to I.awtou and told him of mat ters which had transpired in tho eup ital before the column of Americans, marched into tho rolnsl stronghold. 'Die Chinese coiisjI has asked General Otis for relief for his countrymen, who ho declares, aro being persecuted by tho insurgents. IIu roportH that 1,000 Chi nese were captured at Unguium and. forced by tho insurgents to work in tho trendies. The Fraternal Order of Eagles. This order which is only 14 months old and already has 18 aeries with a total membership of more than -1000 is a Hcuovoluut and Social Organization which teaches a philosophy which is as eternal as is the divine truth, and whorevor the doctrino lias been prom ulgated, it has found a responsive echo in tho hearts of mun. It represents in tho highest degree the true democ racy of Fraternalism and embraces in its circle of membership, humanity hi all its phases ; and no man in whoso soul thoro is yet remaining one spark of manhood is denied its benign in fluence. It cares not what a mumlxir businoss, religion, nationality or jol itics may Ik eo that he is a man in his truo sense. It seeks to spread a knowledge oi ami neiiei in its nhilosonhv throughout the entire world until all men shall form a common Urotherhood over which tho Supremo Intelligence and Iivo shall bo tho Common Father. Tho saerednoss of tho Family tho Home Circle is ono of its fundamental principles. It incul cates aspiration and ambition lofty as tho flight of the Kaglu from which tho order derives its name. It teaches losson of mutual self-sae-rlflcu and laving aside at the threshold of the Aorfo all worldly difforuncos. In tho way of IhiiiuHlh tho Kaglos pay $7 per week sick lcmfit8, IK), as funeral expenses in case of death of member, ami furnibhofi a physician for a mmuhoi' anil Ids family free of charge. Tho Worthy President of any Aarie is cniowercd to render such flnunial as sistance as may be required in cases of emergency without first submitting it to tho vote of tho Aerie, thus giving a mumlxir immediate asftiHtniiro in tune of trouble. Tho Social feature of our order is one of great attractiveness, unlike that of any other Fraternal organization, Ixiing entirely niw uml up-to-date in every particular. Onco become an Kaglo is always to re main an Hugle as is amply shown by thu wonderful growth and progress of our Order and the entire absence of lupsos in membership. Dr. Ilorsn K. Murkel. the Grand or ganizer, has met with Mattering succush since his arrival in our city and will in stitute Sulum Aorio, 10. On nuxt Sun day, May 21, ut Popular Hull, Tiirnur Kloek and has already u charter lUt of over.lfty nainus. hi t Wiped Out by Fuc. Sax Dikuo, May 10. SiMieial to tho Trllune from Ash Fork. Arizonu, ys th busiuofs portion of Jeromw, A Izouu u olty of :.( 0 inlml)ltnt, whs unnruiy wlpel out by fire today. Columbia Model 57 $50. The fines4 chain wheel ever turned out of a factoryi I Hartfords, strictly high grade, $35, Videttes, fully guaranteed, $25 and $26, 1 SROAT Zi WILSON. THE GRAND LODGE, I. O. O. F, Finishes up Its Business and Adjourns lor One Year. The last session of the Grand Ixnlge was held this forenoon. Tho grand of ficers were installed, district deputies appointed and tho routine btisinuss Of the meeting was closed up. Final m) inurnment was reached about 1 o'clock. uud many mumoers are leaving on evory train and boat today. They all seem pleased with their reception und treat ment by thu coplu of this city, although those from thu arid belt have not been particularly charmed by the prevailing weather. All speak in the highest praise of tho entertainment last evening, Rebekahs. The assembly concluded its K'ssion und adjourned ut 1 :S0 p. in. The grand olllcers were installed, and all other routine business llnished up except one roKrt which should hitve been sent in from the grand lodge. It seems that tlio sterner branch of tho ordor foil down, on this matter, and adjourned without taking tho proiwr action. Tho ladies watted until halt past nue and then quit, in time formauy of them to take the afternoon train. Now that most of the Odd FellowH have loft town It may be safe to remark that, although they may consider them selves good looking, they can't hold n candle in that respect to their sistero, tlio Jtelnikahs, esjH'clally the Kastorn Oregon ami Southern Oregon Hehekahs. DINGER HERMANN Recommends Adverse Action in an Im portant Case, lly Amiooliilvil I'rcnn to llir Jiiurmil. Wahiiincito.v, May 10. I-und Com lnitolonor Hermann has recommended unvorso action on the petition of the Russian-American Mining and I'xplora thin Comiianv for a modification of the executive act, transferring from the war department to tho interior department the custody of that part oi tne i-ort Michael military reservation, lying north of tho (i'Jth parallel, on the ground that such nn act affected its griht to the track on Golovln bay. REAR ADMIRAlTsCHLEY Receives an Immense Ovation at Omaha this morning. Ojiaiia, May 10. When the train bearing Itear-Admiral Schley arrived this iiiuniliiir tliure was an immense crowd at the depot to meet him. As ho niiiiirueri from car. a cheer wont up anil an effort was iniulo by matfy to secure a iaudshako. A reception to tlio general nVlbllil Will 1X1 givou ibiiiiirnm . BEGGAR'S INGRATITUDE. Ambushts and Stabbn His Benefici ary. Nmv Yoiik, May 10. John K. Knglls, was stablxxl today by Christopher Ualy, a beggar. Woumf Is a severe ono. Daly has been to UnglUhouw few day ago to ask for alms and was disatisiled with the food given him. Ho lay in wait and nbiiHcd Knglls for this, ending by stab bing him. Woodmen Excursion, Snluin Camp No. 11H, Woodmen of the World, and Silvor Ilell, No. , Women of Woodcraft, will give an excursion to Portland, on May 20, ticketH good rw turning on any regular train, June .. Hicycles or any other baggage will bo checked frooon any train taken by excur sionists, and everylxxly invited, the ex ,.,irl..ii nnt Im.Iiil' limited to Wixxlmeii. TlckotH are for wile at Pattons' IxXik store, or can be had Woodmen and ladles, tickets, at fl.W) for Satire your ticketH of a number of who are selling the round ilp. in time. F.very- body is going. Oold Discovered. II K Aut'lmet I'rea lo the Jouruul. Dkadwooi), S. I)., May 10. A vein of unlit earrvinu 10.000 U) tho ton has Ijcuii dlhooverei on a ranch near Custer City. The tdn is H inchon whu and Iiiim an uiic4ivurel for a distance of 16 feet. It Is the finest quart that has been discovered In that vicinity CAKEWALK RIOT, Thret Whites and Four Negroes Were Wounded. F.niii, Oklahoma, May 10. A negni cake walk at tho opera liouso last night broke up in a riot between whites and blacks, which was started by the negroes snooting lino u crowa ot wiitto men. Three white men were wounded, when the white returned their tire and fatally wounded four negroes, slightly wound ing several others. Sliding Seaward, iimamook, Or., .May 10. No cause can lie given for the mysterious moving of a large number of acres of laud tow aid tho beach at the sand spit. Tho land is moving every day. throwing up the rocks on the beach as It graduallv makes Its descent. Theodore Stolnllber's summer resort, which was worth f.r000, Is practically destroyed. The liouso has ltfon moved between l0 and 70 feet tow anl the beach. Sisters Shot, Minni.Ksiiono, Ky., May 10. Mary ami Jennie Gibson,aged 10, twin daugh ters of George Gibson, of Sargent, wero snot ny ex-hlierlll Uomlis, oi lxitlier county. They wero at a dance when Combs got into a dispute with two men. Presently the elrls left, and Combs thinking they were men, followed, and at them. .Mary war Hlfglfllv wounded and Jennie was killed. Combs gave himself up. Brooke and the Cubans, lly Amnirlulerf I'rc tn tliti Joiiriuil, Ni:w Yoiik. May 10. A special to tho World from Wuxhmutnii savs: General Ilrooke was instructed by the president to insist that the arms of the Cubans lx turned over to the olllcers of the United Htates army. Instead, Gen eral Ilrooke agreed with General Gome, that the arms shall bo surrendered to the mayors of the Cuban cities. General ( obln left for Hot Kiiriugs last uiglit to learn from the president whether or not he will insist Uxm his original order to General lirookn Ixdng carried out, Ofllcials of the war department regard General Itrooke's disregard of tlio presi dent's Instructions as a moral victory for General Gomez and the dissatistleil Cubans. Hecrotary Alger is highly in dignant over General llrooko's surpris ing disregard of the president's strict orders. Ho has telegraphed to the pros ideut' full details. It is generally conceded that those de velopments In Cuba will greatly delay tho distribution of tho W.000,000 to tho Cuban army. PERSONALS. Geo. GimmIIiuu went to Portland today. He says butter is u drug in thu market but the eobl storage compauitM are gathering up all the eggs and they will command goxl prices. Miss I-cono Paine went to Portland today for two weeks visit with friends. Deputy Sheriff Hen Colbath was at Jefferson today serving civil pnjxjrs. Mrs. F, I. Dunbar went to Portland this afternoon. W. T. Slater was a Portland passen ger this afternoon. Ou your part may result in regrets later. There Is no reason why you should neglect your ey insight when we are mi near. With our exxirience, an optical edu cation and wlontllle appliances we have the faculty for examining the oyes. which we do free of charge aim If glass are iimhUm! we eau UJruuli wiun at a tnuuurato price. BARR'S JEWELRY STORE, J 10 BTATD BTOIIBT. 3& y i E IlltJll STRONGEST SURPLUS L, SAMUEL, Manager, 306 SHOT BY THIEVES. One of the Posse of Officers Killed by UIU Watson. WiciiitA.Kiir.. May 10, Dr. F.dinond, a member of thu nosse who were seek ing Hill Watson, the notorious horso thief. vH nhot and instantly killed by the latter, northwest of Shawnee, Okla homa, last night. The entire gang cscaix'd utid another posse are now In pursuit. Bow to the People of Salem through Tim Jouiinal want columns. That's the cht'axHt, ipilckeut nnd best way to get all the people who will be In a position to till your wants. If you want to buy a now house or rent an old shot gun, if you want a three-dollar errand boy or a twenty-live dollar position, try a Jouiixai, want ml. The Jeun.VAii want columns dissipate all wants. Court Martial, Wahiiinoton, May 10. Chas. Farris, of Co. II, Thiol United States Volun teer engineers, was found guilty bv court martial at Santiago do Cuba, anil has been sentenced to lx shot. Tho case wiih sent to the president for review and tho death sentence was commuted to life Imprisonment, and a dishonorable dis charge from tho army. Yamhill Prune Crop. Dr. Wright yesterday informed a re porter that within tho past few days thu stems oi at icasi nuio'ioinus oi tne Ital ian prunes in his big orchard ou the hill have turned a yellowish hue and will prove almost a total failure this year. From thu present indications there will he a full crop of Petltes, however. And this is not tne case witli his orchard alone, hut that rejHirts show it to Imj thu case all over the county. Tho cold rains of llio past few days is given as thu cause. Dr, G. S, Wright, one of nur enthusi astic prune growers, has concluded to have an evaiwirator built at his orchard KIHQVaSSBiailllilMllBllllBIBIliailRnKllllllSIIIlllliaiillSlllglllllHIIlllllIIllHllIln I Jos. Meyers & Sons 7hVVkS IC'-VlN mm ! Our Domestic Department Is enjoying an iiuprscedcnted huslnoH.4. There are so muny pretty Ideus In wadi novelties that space lorum u run descriptien: you wiiii . Ins delighted with the show log, KjrlOVeS Now Corded Wilts New Figured Plquus Now Colored Phiuos New Bilk Glnglmui New Fancy Organdies New Cotton Coverts New Crash .Suitings New Donegal Linen Hulling 5 OUR STORE OLOS1&S, AS USUU,, COBAY BVBlSTNa AT S 278 280 Commercial St, The Old wllliHIMillMllMlMIMIMlMiMllllllillMWMMMM"M""""'w'"MB"ISiM Life IN THE WORLD, $57,310,489.27 Qrcgonian Bldg,, Portland, Ore, west of town, and has let the contract to Mr. Stephens, of Salem, to erect a building and put in a Stephens drier.tho same to cost 800. Plans were received and the contract let ou last Friday, and work will bo beuiiu on the same lust as soon as tlio luinisjr can be procured. .MOiMinnvnio Transcript. Thu above two Items from the same lmjier would appear to bo contradictory. If thoro aro going to be no prunes, why is Dr. Wright building another dryer? Tho Fruit Crop. Chas. L.Dalloy.frult insixictor for tho -'ad district, was here looking af(eritlio fruit crop. He rejxjrta almost a com plete failure of prunes In thu nWlllaui etteu Valley on account of the cold weather of last winter. The j)rosH!ctH for a good fruit crop are better In Itoimo Illver vullov thnn In any other part of tho State of Oregon and could not wish sinull grain to look Ixdter than at present. Med ford Kyo. May 18. ' Mr. Dalloy has returned to Salem and he does not report any prosj)ect at all for fruit in Southern Oregon. Motion County W, C. T. U. Tho Marlon County W. D. T. U. con vention at Brooks ended on Thursday. In tho evening there was u medal con tost which was won by Master Carl Massey, of Brooks. Tho election Of ntllrnra t-oaiillntl no follews: President, Mrs. It. M. Steel, of Turner vlen.nroHlilimt Mm lnru Morcom, of Wemlburu: corresponding Hoorotlirv. Mrs. Dora O.nrhv: nt U'nmf. hum; rcconllug secretary, Mrs. Mary Cathuy, of Woixlburn; treasurer, Mrs. Bicliiiiond, of Woodburn; Mrs. Mary Marconi, dalcimtu at lariru fur Ariirlnii county. Seriously PI, .Mr. A. T. Gilheri.iiiwrln1 lilu f,ll,. home tomorrow morning from San I'rancisco hut received n telegram to dav aiiiiniiiwinif tlmi dlu il,in,.l.t., seriously ill at Kan Francisco and they would not Imj homo before next week- Salem's Greatest sl-H-tto Three for $1 SU1UL KZ (imMl vain Imvi at COe. each. New Percales Another lovely lot Just In those swtdl waist Htyles are going fast, Petticoat News Underskirts of Silk. Moreen, Sateen, Crash, und or ninny fancy materials, all are liuro. S to $15 The Empress With the wlrccordlng. giving that swell Hare ho much In vogue. Ask to see them. R50 to 515. Specials The "ItoBclle" Ulcyulo hat a few to close. 59 cents. Have you been one of Mio many to secure u pair or tlio-m unaur piisscdSI Kid gloves? If not, you should hurry they'll not last lung at 79 cents Given away free July !fcl. b Of Clans 0a Trouble. f Vf Dispatches Were Carricdfa McKinley at Hot Springs- General Brooke Asks For a- Decision BytlieWarDepartmeni:' lly Amirliitrtl I'rct (n (he Joururil. Hot Si'rujjas.AVa:, May 10. Adjutant-General Corhin' arrived hero today, bearing somo documents upon which it is desired to have the president's Imme diate action. It is understood that tlioy refor to the plan of payment and "the disarmament of tho Cuban troops. Tlie question has been submitted toy Gen eral Urooko as to whether the arms should bo turned over to the mayore'ifif tho towns or to the United 8tnteiTo1ni corn, v t W.tMlllv:rrrnv tiu in 0.l"5.. Alger says there's no truth in the atorv that tho president or himself had coun termanded any order niado by General Brooke relative to tlie disarmament of Cllbail IrimtlM. Tim C'nlinna nub Mint the order lie modllled to allow thum to, place the arms in tho custody of thu IliaVOrs. (iminrul HwiAl'fi tif..Miit!n.l the fact and asked the war department for a decision. ' ,r- w r Hair Vigo'ifl restores color tcH grayjiair.- WHEAT MARKET. CiiiCAtio, May 10. July 7!IJ., Cash 2 rod 71 . San 1'iias'cikco, May, 10. Cash ntrong 1.07'i n Store. . . & is 'IS a? Men's Spring Clothing HART, BGnAFFHEft A MARX. M sa OUARANTEEO OLOTHINO Tno pinnacle of yaluo - Blvlnf gj reached In those tine all wool Cas- g si meres, newest, nobbiest, and thcB best. . g 58.50 .., ', fmh " - -f rg Hard ; -f$ S Twisted worsted tho atwlujely 5 All Wool kinds guaranteed, tnadOi' -by tho leaders of high art clothJoj. g 515 to 520 5 Golf and Negligcei Shirtu avast array of all thatja, m nobby, ull that's new In Koodp, 5 pcndablo goods. s? g 50c to 54.50 ,S ai White Corner. i ma I Youlli's .Secret, ty Wo usLkMr I mm ivZBk m 3 MM Hm m $"& 4. nfA WM4. ,..