SBntmtmmmmmi uiw-' MauMucwKaauaeuKwMa)MaM MMM2iSifcM ffiU srsssgnffffirir 1 1 i lit i miriiiiri i ii iTAifPTti i iiii fiMaMMimasaaM 'TIJW1W T, t k; .-f &v1 SHIRT WAISTS and WAIST MATERIAL STYLES "The Trojan" Is the newest waist Ul season. Comet In Piques and Percale?. All othor Popular Makes In stock. HOLVERSON'S CASH STORE AATA'TAX'AVAV SmRT Just rcccivad a full line of the best values ever offered in Ladies Waists, which wc place on sale at the uniform price of 50c ! Each Come early Patterns. J. J. DALRYMPLE & CO. The Silk w fcrATAVAVATAVATAVAYAyAVAyAVATAyAyATAVAVAVAVAV TST CD i t r - ii - : " i ' A Lecture on the Eye Would touch throw whoso ivo right h lcfccllvt or failing that no ono should woar glummM tlittt huvou't Imh'H properly und epeolnlly llttctl to the eyes. 1 will examine your eye sight with thoroughness mid nklll, uml give them relief linino iltutoly hy fitting tho uyos with tho llmiHt Crystulino hinsits In (ho Umt mountings, tit tho inont ron Homihlo prices. Eyes Examined Free, C.H.HINGES Ornilunto Bolontlflo Optlalnn. UOfl COMMICWOIAI. MT. ThlrU Uoor north of l. O. WEATHER nUPOIIT. Tonight and Tomorrow probitbli futr PERSONAL AND LOCAL T. M, Dorr returned from Cor villi U today. & T. Shaffer Portland today. WHM U MMMIIKr ti) Chits. J. Gurrull wHaan.MHrdowii to Portland today. Paul Klingulu drovo uvur (rani Dallas on bunlnowi today. John llolman, oj AllMiiy, whs a Utwi tift visitor In town today. M, l'tgiol, of ligrr A Poteoll. earns down (ram Corimllta today. Jim Goopar, tho 1ihIh)IhUiico hauler, wan n Solum Wtor today. II. IJrynnt wine up (miii Albany via bti'iinuir tixlni1 (or a vWtwIth frioniW. P. 0. AmlorKHi um n paMHtuper down via ttoumur tu vWt (riviidt in Portland. John Mnrpliy. o( IihUjhuhIwo, dmvo in thlt morning (rum hW Itap ratu-h u do busluiMyi at lliw anility wrtt. I W. WoIIk, wlto Imn Iwon a gt oi A. H. Strang, of tliit oily Uft for Portland today via .tormoi 1 1 wig. Mr. II, I. AiiUny, Mm. A. U. Ilowy and Mra. O'Doll own down trim Itu Bona to attend tho OhrfUM iioWtwi Icuturv. Mm. Krnlt, tin gaueral agent (or tho C. P. Bowley Co., Cliioug, jul llehorH, ha genu tu liHlwpvwItmw to oh tuhlibhivn itgoticy. Prathgr MrotliSM hrHihl down thtdr jttgt ruft of log (or thlt toAMMi today ixittklK a total ol 2,300,000 feet (or th Ganful ,I.inulmrin Co. vVsjilf " ... ' 8iuidy oxpuiluji, M ay SI . M 7 4 " lr ' "1, , Slaughter Sale of Shoes Xllnnlng Monday inorulng wo will givo you homo low prices on ettoea and Oxfords, Our "Slab Town" faaUnydt now running full blaut and wo aie WtUug too many 8hoomJ Oxfurdn on hand. They uiut bo wild and If low jrtla Hill moyo (lieui you will got thorn. Watoh our prices on them. Do uot mfitf Melng tho poods. Nono Uittor umtlo. WoarodUtluotly from Baleui and rpottoety lieriid hu ak for lh trade of Salem and tho nurroundiou wstry, Trade w people who epoud their money in Sulem, Voursfor HOW 1'itIOES. "Wiiiis Bros. JTIRMT POOR BOOTH MATERIAL Dimities, PcrcalcM, Piquet, Ging hams. Edinburgh, etc. TAILOR SUIT SALE, Special reduction on Tailor Made Suits and Dress Skirts, CASH STORE bh to secure a choice of Store, Joh. Kurton, of OroKou City, wait in town today working up thu Turn Voroln oxaiirxlon to Alhauy. Ho miyn tlioy have nold '21 curn already. Only Houtt will bo cold and It will ho conductl with tho vory hoHt of onlor. P. Hinlth who IIvc'h two miluM north of Huli'in conio In (IiIh morning to take thu Htcamur to Portland Im'Iiik called thlthur hy it toloouu that IiIh hoii wiih HorIotinly liijurctl yiwtunlay vhllo working in a euwinlll. Mrc. WolU of Pnndlotou, one of tho Itohookah dolegutori in tho KUuxt of M. I.. Wihnot nlho MIkh Mlnnio AmlruwH of Hprlnglltild, U vlNltiiiK MImi Lottie .lordon at thu Wilinol homo. P. H. Kullit returned today from tiklnn a ntft of about twunty-llvo doaf miito ohlldion to Portland and dolivor- iiiK tliuiu mifoly to varioiiH hoatH and traiiiH for their houiox. MrH. Itobt. Miller of Oregon City, N a UUiMt of Mrn. (ii'o. 0. 1'cttliloH, Him do ll vorn a t?lmkiwnmro nxullng Friday at '.' i. in. to tho Kniiuumr KnuloH at tho IiIHt mihtvil. MIhh It intna Martin, went up today to join hor Hitter Mm. Julien at Me haiiia. Tho lattnr In rapidly guliilng ntn)iitli in that IxHUitiful inouutaiu ro wrt. Mttti Wiulfnxl Pouuoll wiih tixlay oalleil to the IuhIhMo of her i'oiihIii John P. Hunt, a Mtudout at Mt. Ann"), ulio Im Miifforliirt from an attauk o( pneumonia. Mrn. J. K, Iluhlmnl, ouo of thodolo Kittori, returned to IudoHiudouuo hint ovuiiIiik. Klio wiih (lie KUMt of her (fit ter, Mm. It. A. Mollun, on High Htrtntt. JanuvH ItoliertH iimitn tho arriral of hit father and mother, Mr. and Mrn. Xvphln ItotxirtH of Canton City, Kiiuihih, (or a vitlt. JiiiIho It. H. Ikian wan hint uvening ohIIimI to ItiiKomi on Culvomlty hutlneiw, ratiiruiiiK this afternoon. Mm. KttlloKK and daughter of Port land Dame up to tlit ItUikah ooiivhii. lluti today. Muw ICdna Allu wont homo to Al hauy Unlay after a fw lay vbdt Irnrw. A. T. UllUrt and 0. A. Whale, wwit tu Portland thin afternoon. Itov. V. IC. Colnd nituriiwl (rom Portland toihiy. Hide the Pomona." Most duruulo, lightest running, dust. tiafiMt iu all rtMiHMls. Ijuiv.i No for ludejH)wUJiie buiiiloy ut 10 a. in. iw in. uihI ?:Wlp. in. ft 17 It Don't Qt Uarcfooied Whou ywi can buy ohlhlrtm't School SIhhw at 76 conu, worth tl.W. at Ik- ton Slum Company, 80S Oummoroiul ktrvol, near tho hmUi!IIo. 4 16 tf IShhook Suuday vxcurvlun May SI iy si. 5 17U CASTOR! A For Infanta aud Children. The Kkid You Have Always Bought; of G&&ffl&cJ&il & Company, OF lOSTOFFiOB, Wfl CYCLISTS MEET. And Tke Action Tord Layinz Out Several Paths for Construction. At an adjourned meeting of the Salem Cycle association, held In the police court room last evening Home business o( Importance was attended to. W. I. Htaley, A. W. Ijonu and F. A. Wfggin, coiiHtitutiiiK the comhiittcc to determine the route o( a. path to be con Htructed through the city, connecting the Aurora and Jefferson paths, filed u reort and it was adopted. It wan aufollewM: "Wo your committee ap (minted to ftolcct a route (or a cycle path through the city to connect the Aurora patli with the Turner path, rcjKjrt asj (oIIewh: That we recommend begin ning on tho woat lino of Winter street at the north line of the city, thence running pouth to Trade street, crowing the mill race at this injliit to the cast side of said street, tlienco south to Mill street, thence east on the north side of Mill street to Twelfth street, thence south on tho west side of Twelfth street to Mission Htreot j thence south on west side of Htxtcenth street to Waller street, tlioiuv east on Waller street to tho Tur ner road." On motion Is". J. Damon and W. I. Staloy were nunied bh n committee to In terview tlio property owners along the proposed route, to securing tho right of way to construct the path within the curb lines. JoHcph II. Allwrt, C. Marsh, Land W. T. Itigdun wore constituted a committee to soliait subscriptions to aid in the construction of the path. A resolution was passed requesting bicycle riders to use tho south side of Court street between Commercial and Hummer. The next meeting of tho association will Imj held Monday evening, June 5.- Pomona Sunday Schedule, Two round trips to IndojMJiidence. Ia-iivo Halcm 10 a. in., Up. m. and (I :.'!() p. in. Itoiind trip M cents. o 17 it TURNVEnEIN EXCUMHION. Prom Portland to Albany and Re turn 9i, On Sunday May SJ8, takes place the oxcursiou of tho Portland Kooial Turn veroin. Leaving Portland at Ui.'iO a. m., and return, leaving Albany at 5 o'clock p. m. Tickets on stile at Pattou llros., I look Store, Salem passengers will take tho llrst section, which will leave Salem (or Al hauy about II ::t0 n, in. Tho cars will be limited to seating capacity. No tickets will Isj sold after May i.V. llaggago cars for lunch baskotH and bicycle will he at tached to every train. Itetuniing all trains will stop at all stations anil the first section will leave Alhauv at f p. in. 18-td Salem's Qreat Surprise, llostou Shoe Company. LuIIoh' lino Kid Sliniters and ties, cents, worth 1.50. !tt)H Commercial street, near tho IKiHtnlllco. I If) tf Two Pardons. The governor Iiiih pardonel John Peterson, of Clatsop county, who was sentenced on March o, 18H5, to llfteen years in the Mnitentlary. Ho was sent to prison for tho crime of maheui. The commutation wiih grunted uxti mitest of state senator V, W. Pulton and many others. A full ixinlou was also granted to (ico. P. Iash, thu defaulting treasurer of thu City of Poudletou in onlur to rostore him toeitizunslilp. Our Visitors. You can mid to your enjoyment while hero hy smoking "l.a Corona's." To prolong tho pleasum taken Ikix homo with you. m . A. O. U. W. Champocg. W. (I. Wilkin, tho tliild worker, who hits been laboring hero some weeks in tho Interest of the onlor with marked sucoosH, took tho steainer this morning (or Chainpoog, where ho will this evouo inghiHtitiitoa now lodge of tlntt onlor with a charter uiouiborNliip of nlHiut twenty. Mo oxpoctH to got Imuk (or thu Auiusvllle plcnleou Satunlay. Change of Owners, P. Coulut, reeuutly o( Junction City, who has Ihkmi In tho city some days, has uvgotlatod (or Ihopim'liUHoof thw miIimui bustniMtd and tltxuriw of A. II. Dagany and it is wild ho will take imwotwiuu In a few days. Mr. (ioulot is a inouilHirof thu Marlon county family of that mom and iKttirs tho reputation of a pood citi citiieu. While in the City. Visit "thtCronlxo Ktudlo" (hhi the new liliotori in colors, obtain 11 ulnlimi ilmt will last a lifetime. 1-ooe.tlim. over Nw I York RuakuL 18 St ' - - I llnt.i. IIwm I will boa .p4rltMt hrw roo on . iit Monday at Stayton, on the Shot- LOST. STOl.lSN OR STRAYKD.-Fhe-hurn mail about It o'clock, ltwwwi a yoar-old bay inaro, black pomta, inane StayUni huiw ami a Seio horo. About 1 tail. Half iftuiwnd brand on tl IKK) U mil umuiu'iiv- iLa .,. .' loWor, Httht saddle marks. Will f ,wu it (Hit tip now b tho aport of y roasonaRo rowivnl. M7 t w Stayton and . A. m, Xnmw. Or. Men's Bike Shoes Splendid kuf follows, with grip w'rt fl.OS Cluipir onwi. . J4J5 rinw 11110 lOflttHi lur lOviuy iK lltko hiwo . ..HS, 60 IW MHtd lAiug umuK, uiko luw-o. oattoM wtru heavy 17 and M com. Swrtiteni . U cotit hii GOvVl WOOl 0OJW ... WlltB Conlunu- oapu ... 96 uoutu Crush lmts (6 onU ui, blue grav aiulwhlto. Straw harvest hat all pdw. fwfV" 6QcwnB orVfug kUvim. . . iNwy uii. Our 40 eont HiHof warltl Uwtar in fait Wiuik uml tH uro alwav Hillere, I TirirTij,HriKTi I VW IVVsrliN. to RAeKT WUOEW, OFFICERS ELECT. Of the Grand Lodge and Assembly. Rcbckah The Reception at Hotel Willamette was a tfnlltant Social Affair. Chemeketa Lodge. Wednesday evening the oldest lodge in Oregon, Chemeketn No. 1, which was established on December, 1852, held its regular meeting. Nearly nil of tho visit ing Odd Follows were isjrsent compara tively few having yielded to tho charm of tho Itebekalis reception at the Will amette. After the transaction of the regular business of tho lodge, n general reunion and Ix)vo Feast was indulged in. Simple refreshments were served, mainly sand wiches, fruits, lemonade and cigars. Tho way tho eatables molted away was high testimony (or their quality, and lemonade tlowod witliout stint. It was a royal good timo all around. The Rcbckah Assembly. Motnt lOo'clockand proceeded to elect otllcers witli (ollowdig result: Mrs. Surnh Clevengorol Grnnts Pas, president. Mrs. Minnie Ilolmnu, of Salem, vice president. Mrs. Ora Cospor of Dallas, secretary Mrs. N. T. Gustiu of Portland, grand warden. Mrs. Clara lloyle, of Lebanon, treas ure, one majority over Clara Muuson, of Astoriu. Tho secrotay wus re-elected. There was no contest except for the olllce of grand wurdon. The installation takes place at four o'clock today. Entertainment This Evening. -The P. (1. M.'s, P. O. P's and P. CI. It 's Association mid Salem Lodges will give their annual entertainment nt the First M. It. church this evening, commencing at 7 :!I0 sharp. A Hue pro gram has boon arranged and tickets of invitation issued, and it is expected that tho capacity of the largo church will ho taxed to the utmost. Thu pro gram is as follows : Voluntary, organ, by Miss Oenoviove Hughes. Prayer Past Grand Patriarch, Uev. A. W. Teats. Kstiidlantlna Cardinal Quartet Genevieve Hughes, Oskie Matthews, Kthel Hughes. Fsther Collins. Address on behalf of the city of Salem Mayor C. P. llishop. Solo, "Tho Watcher" Mrs. M. It. Wiuiiard. Response on behalf of thu grand lodge of Oregon, J. K. Woiithorford. Solo, "bive's Sorrow" Mrs. Halllo Parrish-1 tinges: Miss Linuic StuUH man. accompanist. Aildress on behalf of the state of Oregon Governor T. T. Geer. Solo, "Queen of Karth" Mrs. J. W. lllekford. ItosiKiiiHo on Isjlmlf of tho Past Grand Musters', Past Grand Repre sentatives' and Past Grand Patriarchs' association Pass Grand Master J, J. Walton. "Itobin Adair" Canlinal Quartet. Address on Odd Fellowship Past Grand Master C, I). Doaue. Solo Mrs. M. It. Winnnnl. Aildress on lioluilf of Sister Juris dictions Past Gniud .Muster W. It. Duiihar. Solo, "Just as tho Sun Wont Down" Mrs. Halllo l'arrisli-llingtm. Closing ode. Tho Rcbckah Reception. Miss Kline, of Corvallis, tho presi dent of the assembly, was the honored guoat of tho evening. She occupied u position under three lieautlful link worked In violets and roses, tho green and pink on a purple ground. Miss. Kline was assisted by hor mother in re ceiving the guests, who were presented by Mrs. Thus. Holuitin, assisted by Mrs. John lloluiau, Mrs. J. II. l.unu and Mm. II, G. Meyer. Tho pink and greon prevailed every whom. Score of the lady delegatus wore beautiful coetuuuM Inuight for thu occasion, and tlie entire awoniblago was ouo of the miMt brilliant over mruu in this city. Tho guests began to pour In us early us 8 o'clock and hundreds went away witlimit imrtakiug of refresh ments. Mra. Holnuiii is one of Sulom's most iiutimmuilng wvlety women and hur hospitality on thisicualoii,iuun all others, wus of tlw genuine sort that made all the vntitoni at the gnuul hxlgo (eel porfiH-tly at home, and they will al ways leel ktmlly towunl their hostess and tow an! our city. Never in the history of the Willam ette luitel has it looked nuire beautiful tluiuitdkl taut night. Thelltcautitul -i-"- ' lovuly mimic, and the Now on Hand Steam in Wuk nnd yoilow fM. Tourist, the Ut value in twn. 97.M. Monwn A WHght tiriw These vlhKiU havvi L,en willing ut f30 und wJHHg Ug too. Maybo tKi think tlioy don't 1110.VO ut tills priw. Juvenile Wheels !M ami SO Inoli wheoU (or the wuiig wnoratlon. The Pay Juvunllw: Tho priikM are lower oh thftso than on any otUor Juveulle lino, ami the wiicom tin to. Sn HHi'iWintroaka lately? - v - iJrJLtJPP 7 COMMERCIAL ITJUWrr throng of 800 lieoplrt that crowded lulo the hotel, surpassed any and all events that have over been in Stllem. Tho dining room with tropical plants, and natural fountain in the center, and conservatory on the side beatifully lit up with electric lights. With its aOO ieoplc taking refreshments it was a picture that probably was never excelled in Oregon. The Willamette Hotel Ladies' Orchestra in the large reception room, and the Salem band in the olllce made tho large building ring with sweet music. Great credit is duo Mrs Hohnan as well as the management of the hotel (or the brilliant success of the reception, it being the first of tiie kind ever held in the Willamettee. Orand Lodge. The session Thursday forenoon win short, and the only important business transacted was the election o(ofllcera (or tho ensuing year. The olllcos were lilted as follews: Grand Master, J. K. 'outher(ord, of Albany. Deputy Grand Master, J. II. Nelson, of McMinnville. Grand Warden, J. W. Welch, of As toriu. Grand Treasurer, It. K. Miller, of Portland. Grand Secretary, It. E. Sharon, of Portland. 'Grand Representative, T. It. Wolls, of Tho Dalles. Those olllcers will be installed Friday forenoon. Thursday Afternoon. Itiglit cars left the junction of. State mid Liberty street at '2 o'clock, loaded to the guards with a jolly crowd of Odd Fellows and Rebektihs, who proposed to take tho asylum by storm and then pro ceed to the penitentiary, consuming the greater part of tho afternoon in looking over the two institutions. The Postofllce Site. It will ho seen hy the list of bids of fered (or a postolllc site thai tho city offers the Willson avenue site to Cncle Sam (or 7600. The committee, con-isting of Alder men Griswold, llurrows and Riggs, which was appointed some time ago to handle tho matter, witli power to act, went immediately to work, witliout blowing its trumpet to any great extent. City Recorder Jiiduh wont to Portland, mi behalf of the committee, and saw Mrs. J. K. Gill, ouo of the three remain ing heirs, and tho other two. Mrs. Mythe, of Oakland Cul. und Mrs. Dil lingham, of Hunger, Maine, wero com municated witli. The arrangement made is that these parties will quit claim their rights in consideration of receiving one half of tho price, if a mile is made. In this case tho intention of the coun cil is to expend tho city's share of the money, U760, in the immediate vicinity of the postollico situ, in improving and beautifying the avenue. MARRlElJ. 1 RALSTON JACKSON. At tho res!- denco of tho groom s brother, S. C. Ralston, Thirteenth street, at 8:.''0 p. in. May 17. 1800, Miss ltuiuiu L. Jack son to J. T. Ralston, Rev II. L. Pnitt, olllciatiug. After the wedding ceremony, n wed ding supper was nerved. Mr. and Mrs. Ralston went to Hrowiis villo on the local today, where they will make their home. WILLAMETTE HOTEL JARRIVAUS Frank Ilosnon, Row) Withuron, Kph Lucas, Hiiltlmore; It. Holer, Journal ; Joseph Albert, Mrs. J. Albert, G. W. Harris, Salem; D. 11. Hull, J. if. Hrook, II. N. Pritelnird, L, R. King, J. J. Cluluud, Cluster Deering, Portland; H. W. Freer. S. N. Davidson. San Fran- cisce: J. C. Wolf, Silvertvon; J. M. Murtlndale, Albany; J. M.'lltiiu, North Yamhill; Fred Diiho, II. D. Hrinlioff, Woodburu; L. It, Hum, Eugene ; C. W. Parr, Lebanon ; C. S. IlriMiks, Ronton. COTTAGE HOTEL ARRIVALS. It. C. Henry, Mrs. Mary Miohans, Miss Muggio liooue, bifovetto; J. 11. Nelson, .McMinnville; Calvin Jacks, Jr., S. II. Humphreys, Hillsboro; K. Osbtirn, Woods; John P. Johns, Port laud; J. A. 1)h1lm. HiiblMinl:,. lirownolt, tinnlner ; W. T. Urigga, Can yiiiivillo; ltd Weaver, Mvrtle Creek; John T. Dimoy, Chomawu. Special Rate. To visiting Odd Follows. H Cttrlninott Tho Pk-k- -MS Coin- 5 lu-St lotogrtums at $2 a iIimoii. orill Ground tloor Gullerv iiieroiul street. The lloston ahoc Company. Gouts' French CuKSImhw, )i, worth t, 'MH Cummerciul strvvt, near tho jHwtotllce, 4 is t( BEECHAM'S PILLS cure bilious and nervous Ills, sick headacho, disordered liver and impaired digestion. to ct and OS rent, mt all drutf tor. flte Most Conspicuous Orna ment in -our iKirlor, that sWU ohwiulhwM pvor th. roow. w lMW lHir . laiillM. Wekuvita .ui..rl. .. ."T ? ..!.... 1 ... . I t - ""WlUTOIl Vi i !"WT'JMIH,I N,aia -v ?'i 't'iKS l" H W VIIIIHJflMIUMIIlUt liAUU -,li- .l. . . nam able I.-V 1 uS... -U i "T't.T1" T " inu mwn NH MBHI HIUU yl u-... f)ffai4 SONN BM AN N, TUB ORQOElt 124 BUU at feataaHMMHM(MMMMnMHHMaMN mi smm SSaiili :t JBMHDBMhHl iuM 'l liHnli' bOlflliM.3m9i ih lit")tV pi ?ftliB5DJXlgiL r 2o. Tlphmo SI J F LATIt Wit HAVE HAD several rich merchants in the city, hardly any of them go below twenty thousand in the valuation of their stocks. Now where does the assessor come in on that? It looks like some of them is trying to escape the burdens of paying their full taxes on merchandise. Friedman has never seen the necessity nor is it nil visable to misrepresent values, to the customer or to the usf-efesor. I don't see why a stock worth twenty thousand should Is? assessed two thou wind, why not give in the full amount to the assessor, or if you liavn't got twenty and only got two or three thousand then what is tho good of lying to the people and make out you an; so ricli for for It is no crime to lw poor. We of Frieilinnn's New Racket belong to the poorer class of merchants we have loss than twenty thousand dollars. And therefore we don't want to brag to our customers that we have twenty thousands of goods that wu must sell off in sixty days witliout a In-ginning or nn ending to the sixty days, nor that wo ure a part of or have sixty-eleven man ' FRIEDMAN'S NEW Cor, Commercial and State Streets, Jacob Vogt, 0." STATU STUKCT. Just received 11 full stock of Ladles' and Gents' Spring and SUMMER SHOES. Will bo pleased to show patrons our stock und guunnteo satisfaction on every purchase. Prices tho lowest. Wll V glvc our cnlar8ng v xx y work (Q (ravcling men when you can get it done at home for the same money and know what you arc gctt'ng W. D, Rogersi Prop,, 65 State St. T. J. SULLIVAN, I'UACTICAL TA1I.OK A nice line of goods and sumplos on ikiihi. cjuiih 9in up, I'untS 3 up. a porfoct tit guuranteed, at 4 So tf 220 COMMKKCIAL STKKKT vr vnfr 92vxvCv2v5Cv5Cv3?v2v2v2v2Ev2n I Capital Junk Shop, MHIghest prices puld for all kinds tt foot metal, bottles, rope, sacks, riign vjhldcs, etc. 130 COURT STREET (4 Give us a cull. 3 10 1m 5) J D, RUBENSTEIN. fi rT7"TT TT TV $20,000 WORTH r t t BOOTS and SHOES i ""'.THH NB.XT 80 WAYS l 61HM1 MHO HMtlUr. 1 vak.i.thE OTRV lAIH Ol' ProMnk Oajf Sbcoe fS; wwtM no Oll( SHooe t.; wwtJi ys' SollOOl SIlOOS il : urtl, t Jl Iff" SmA SkK'8 KV,J wrth Mwwiif d,,Cart SHppeniaee i 308 Comniercial St. J nt!cl1 rosiomce, Salern, Ore i Friedman's New Racket xxxxxOn Assessment and Taxation ufactures in different parts of tho States, and we are disposing of the Goods for them. When the customers all have eyes and they don't tuko stock in it especially when they see the proprietors of the closing out places in sixtyduys are every night in the sample rooms to replace the sold out stock with new Goods, few lco pie belicvo in the old chestnut that is a clieatum street dodge, where they have those sixty-days closing-out signs for generations. If a stranger comes to Salem now they will find quite a niiinlicr of those shops in Salem, besides n few new comers of which we are glad to teo them come ltcre and go in competition with us, and we enjoy tho joke of their advertising that they bring in so much capital nothing under twenty thousand dollars, but they have a good deal less for the assessor when he call on them, and they am interested largely in ever so many manufactories in thu East, but yet their stock don't look any newer to tho customers than some of the firms who have been here a quarter of a century after all the people understands it that when parties wants to go out of business, CreScenf Blend. For a cheap coffee we GUARANTEE that our 12,B cent grade is better than the package coffee. It is a SOUNDER berry, bettor FLAVOR and FRESHER. UiitourCRESENT IJLENDatl5 cents per Kiiiid is by far better yot, and only -'K cents more. Try a pound ; and let coffee sivak for itself. If not as adver tised bring it back. Coffee roasted twice u week. YOKOHAMA TEA STORE. Telephone Red 2091. Free Delivery. WOOD. TheSftlem Llghtand Trac tion Company will receive scaled bids until 1 o'clock p.m. Wednesday, May 24th 1899, for tho furnishing at Its Power House of 2000 cords tiro wood. Hldc'ers must state number of cords whether body tir, or second growth and price de livered. Cash Paid on Completion of Contract, 5 I72' 0SNSA2XZAS2 n tv tt rwyrrrrrrrrf wrrir OF THE VERY FINEST Must uml will be mKI here in Salem by the tMPI bYV0lMvf UMMaSl1 "row" gwxls, se nothing I'BAK AS HBl'KKSBSTED, We are selling shoes for less than any retailer can buy them. So come and lay in a supply of shoes now. You will never have the same opportunity again. Our HcAdquarters here are at f V- f' they don't wait sixty days, but they em ploy a competent auctioneer and they rattlo off their wares at a rapid rnto and they get out, they dou't stay and llzzlo or tho new dodge, the people who havo such a large interest in tho factories in thu cast usually don't come to Salam with their old traps, but they toko a trip to Paris and call on their (actorfes once or twice n year to see how things arc getting along, but that Is their way, but not so with Friedman, when he has got anything to sellit doesn't tako him sixty-days to talk about it he generally sells it out and he is gone. At Friedman's New Racket we mako no prctentionsof going out of businefl.1, but we arc strictly in it, wo havo no in terest in any factories out sido of Salem, but you can save twenty-five per cent on an average by buying your goods at Friedman's New Racket, where you will find n full lino of tho latest and best kind of clothing, drygoods' hats and notions, stationery, cutlery, trunks, valises etc., etc. A won! more to those who wunt to save money. At Friedman's New Racket you got straight goods (or thu lowest prices. RA6KET! Salem, Ore, REED'S OPERA HOUSE. A OHKAT rVKNT Saturday Evening, May 20 AMERICA'S FOREMOST ACTRESS, BLANCHE Walsh and MELBOURNE MacDowell -I.V- FANSV DAVEXIWS PRODUCTION' SARDOU'S GREAT PLAY, "LA TOSCA" Piiickh: 60c, 75c, fl, fl.50' CEMENT, LIME, FIRE BRICK, GRAVEL AND ISLAND SAND, etc. AlwavH on hand. O.S. BENTLBYand Co, Bucccssors to 8alem Irapt, Co. 319 FRONT STREET. Municipal, Corporation, ami Private Contrac tor, a-i.lm but Alio best material, nood tinner get the bast work.- U'u Ladies French Kid Button Shoes 2: worth H. ' Ladies' Hne Kid Button Shoes $1.23: worth 12.50. lAfluxs' Fmo Kid Ties 75c;Jworth i.w. j California Junk Shop !(4 HIsheatprlreiMM for old metal, bottle, H 'S rr,o9nri,fffire,y,c'ii?ppor 9 i( S. HOGOWUV. 151 Court SI. 6 liW Sl Shoea 75cj worth 1.60. Uabios' Shoes 25c, 60c and 76c AA aU A. HA iiiia JAA vl ia Ah t i4 Aiiiii j. n .j H tti M t Ai j