'" "y w1 mr aFyffI'f,Tvi DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL. i Jll Itm.m SALEM, OEEGOK, SATURDAY MAY 6, 1899. VOL. X. NO. 109. tinnvmyvi'H1 """' I ftsk oiir COsforners About the quality of goods we curry, They know; and they are satis fied. They'll tell you that the prices are lower than at other stores. OurflSBfiora tomers are our best ad-v vertisers. Look over our stock of hew goods for Spring. CLOTHING, Shoes, Hats, Shirts, Hos iery, Underwear, Para sols, Ribbons, Laces, Embroideries, Damask, Crash, Counterpanes.Lace Curtains, Collars, Cuffs, notions. Notice the shoe cut. any style, black or tan. f r r r f ' r THE NEW YORK RACKET. E. T. BARNES, Prop. Salem's Cheapest, One Price Cash Store inr.r.m itnTt - tiVLh fr n-iw --frhihfcfcfcifc fc fc tiUt,fcjAhfr i 4 -n - -tv -q - - - 'n "i K - DIFFERENT STYLES of Stripes, Plaid ? Clft and Fancy Silks of all Grades.. Call T7 O and order from Samples and get it bran fc new. Don't buy old shelf worn silks. Wp -.kn h-ivp : nice line of chin Silks of all colors. A nice line of Notions, and at the Boston 309 North Commercial Street OUR OFFERING FOR A Few Days Are Exceptional in Point of Quality and Wideawake buying the past few weeks makes possible EX TRAORDINARY VALUES in special shoes mentioned below pointers bv which vou can judge the magnificent values i t throughout the store. tUUl MV ." I. U..t.lA ....,1 Iwiiu. tliac 10 ... : ui...:r. .trim uiiruiiLi wiin uuukiu ami uun pikvo i i?. "wfnr", ' In VBBtlnir ton. M cs ton button slum coin too sizes hud c niULK or wi i Lad " U i rap saurtul buckle and bow hand turn fcffi K hand turn button slipo A A to EE. . . . i Mens enamel lace, sl.oc new oroau fMffsV fo t We are Headauarters J dr I f r f 1 ia A J S 6 x mWL nnmm';n'g'm,l''ll,w' irrAVfflA V& i Neckwear, and all kinds We sell this shoe at 2.75 of i in 4 I t t minium ii "n I I i i 6 t I I WC Hosiery, and Underwear I te: $ 80 80 m 80 75 50 SitM 81 10 2. . . II to 2 coin too $i 1 00 2 25 2 50 toe Emporium ; NEW SHOE STORE, 94 State Street, Salem, Ore, I The Famous OOEEN WORLITY Shoes have arrived, in Black and Tan; all widths and sizes. The greatest $3,00 SHOE On earth for ladies equal to any 54 shoe in the city. Call and see them at Krausse Bros., 2Ti COMMKHCIAI. SV.. SALBU, OBHOON'. PUKK SHINBS. For pruning tools of alc t criptions, Draw cut Pruning Shears, Pruning Saws, etc, etc, 1,, W, Cor. State & Liberty SsU.Baletn. BROSl WAR DEPT. Securing the Couerd' Alenes Miners. Several Names Reported in the List of Wounded. . Lawton's Column Meets With Resistance. Slight II Aleut-luted l're lo the JourunL Washington, May 0. The war de partment has received following from General Merriam: "Wardner, Idaho. Three hundred and fifty arrests made so far. Seattle ollicers investigating. Understand governor of .Montana will surrender fugitives escapeing over the mountain trails. ,1 will furnish a force to the Idaho sheriff to secure them." Wasiiinoto.v, May (I. Tho cruiser De troit, with Minister Merry on board, ar rived at Port I.inon, Costa Hica. The fact that Merry has left IHuellelds indi cates that no crisis exists there. Manaola, Nicaragua, May 0. The Uluefleld's corresjondont telegraphs that Merry, the L'nited States minister to Nicaragua, has agreed to a settlement of the .claims of United Stated citizens against the Xtcaraguau government. The settlement, according to the cor respondent, is favorable to Nicaragua. Wahiiixotos, May 0. As result of the president's consideration of tho report of the Wade court of inquiry, following In structions were today cabled to military commander in the Philippines, Cuba and Porto Rice. "To better enable the president to determine wlmt alterations, if any, in tho established ration would be conduc tive to the better health of tho troops serving in tropical climates, the acting secretary of war directs that you in- Htitute a board of throu olilcers. to fully examino into tho subject of de sired changes in tlio rations for troops and yon submit tho substance of the rejwrt by cable. Particularly should tho exierience of ollicers and onlisted men of long service in the tropics receive full consideration." Wauijskii, Idaho, May (). Jamos D. Young, sheriff of Shoshone county, was arrested this morning tioii tho order of State Auditor Sinclair, who was acting as tlio icrsonal representative of Gov ernor Steunonberg. The arrest was made by United States troops and tlio sheriff is now conllned with three hundred othor prisoners. Tho sheriff is charged with aiding and abetting tho riot, and proceedings will bo commenced immediately to remove him from olllco. In the meantime Cor oner Franco will act as sheriff. Nonnis BROS' show. A Laughing Dog With the Company, So Saya the Agent. "That's funny nnoiight to make a dog laugh," is a common expression" wild J. II. Fitzpatrick, tho advance repre sentative of Norris Ilros' lllg Traluull animal Show, which 1h to exhibit in this oitv soon. "Do you know there is a dog with tho Norris Hros' show that inni'liM as morrllv as a school uirl. and his laugh is infectious, at that. This hinghing dog is named "Foropangh, andia a genuine Portugese hunting dog.a very rare animal and the only one in this country. "Foropangh" is a very dignified looking canine and would not aeoufco him of such a sunny disosltiou as ho iow,essos, trom his apioarance That ilea iinnroc atos a loke as Keeni .,u mv I.Mtnr that ever lived. Ills hum "'. .".... ... . . .. 1. 1.: i is not too common ie-iu-iu " nmi. but a good hearty ha-ha-ha that would do credit to a man webbing two hun dred and fifty ioiiimI. 1 know you u-nn't ImIIhvh me when I toll you wo own n laughing dog, but you will i-ce him and lw convincwi. ,,,,., The Norris Urott' show will exhibit in in this city Friday and Saturday, May 12 and 18th, giving two performaiicou dailv at and 8 p. in. A grand frue street intrude will bo given at 11 u. in., Ht which time ProfeMor Norris will drive "AJax" the only trained African xebra in the world. "Furgo," the smallest elephant in the world will alsulto seen. Expansion Necessary. Tm: Joi'knai. miiut aw.Ioxize for the eroudod state of its columns. Saloiu Columbia Model 57. $50- The fines chain wheel ever Hartfords, strictly high grade, wa, Videttes, fully guaranteed, 525 and $26, SROAT St WILSON. TflE CRACKER TRUST Completed for the Entire Pacific Coast Territory. Xkw Yoiik. Mnv fl. Tim nonimfiilos liirlu kl In tlio Pnctllc Coust Hisouit C'onuMiny, rocontly incoriuirnled with a cnpitnl o( $4,000,000 nrc: Tlio American Hlwult Co., of San Francisco; tho Portland Crackor Co., of Portland; South Call, fornia Cracker Co., of Los Angolcs; Washington Cracker Co., of Portland; Stan danl Uiscuit Co., of San Francisco; Oregon Cracker Co., of Portland; Seattle Cracker and Candy Co. Seattle. Those companies control tho entire husine.ia of tho Pacific Coast in the manufacture and nupply of hiscuits and cracker. coming to he tho great agricultural' im plement center of Western Oregon. And the dog and pony hIiow. Tho ro may ho necopHity for expansion. Mired a Rig. On last Thursday a gentleman callcnl Fiddler's ham. on lerrv street, and at hired a rig to drive to Canhy and failed to return. Ho went from Ihero to Portland and left the team at a barn there and telephoned for Fiddler to como and get his team. Ho went down today to drivo the team hack. Mr.,Fid dler is in hick to have found his team, and will probably not lack long for tho man. Mr. Fiddler will return .this evening. , THE LAST LECTURE. i L)r. Koehne Drops the Last or the Nnrar enc Lectures and Discusses Social Problems. ' The Methotlist church was again tilled Friday evening to hear the last ofj the course of lectures which has boon given by Dr. Koehne. Ilev. II. A. Kotohuin announced that the subject of this evenings locture would be "The Now Aristocracy, or tho Rights of tho Common People." Dr. Koehne then explained , that this lecture win not o'no of the series of Nozarene lectures b.it was complete in itself. Ho then analyzed the physical constitution of man, and cracked several ratherlabored jokes. lie thought that the world needed dreamers. It was too practical. He went back to the time when the world was 3000 years old and recited some very fine and eplgraiumlc passages descript ive of conditions at time. Tlie first aris tocracy of the priest in India. Thosec ond wuh the aristocracy of king, in Egypt; the third was tho aristocracy of classes in Athens. Tho jHMiplo strive toward tho ideal, but fall to reach it. The spread of civilization over Kuropo dated from the fall of Constantinople, at the hands of Mahomet. It was the ltible translated and made intelligible to the common people that lifted ttho shadow of the dark agos. Savaiutrola was cited as a cluimpioit of the common people burned nt tho stake. He with Columbus and Luther formed the big three of that age of the world. Napoleon was held up In a false light as the incarnation of reactlouarylsm, and tho monarchical ideas, as a foe to all pregress: and his downfall at the hands of the allied despotisms of F.uropo, and the rc-establislinieut in France, at the point of the bayonet of one of the rot teuest monarchies with which France was ever cursed, against the will of the French people, was called a triumph of the rights of man. Ho then devoted some time to the politics of this country. Ho thought that foreigners should not bo allowed to voto until twonty-ono yearH in this country. The vote of tho working-man with his dinner huukot in one hand counts ah much as that of the president himself. , Ho touched upon the primaries very lightly, and tho evil of lotting the boss have too much influence there. The life of tlio farmer contained all the elements for human happiness. The lecturer devoted some time to tho subject of art, and the very oor appre ciation of most eople for tho beauties of nature spread out around them. He told of the oxtreme felicity of the workinginan who works cheerfully, and stives his money until he can buy ten cont magazines and attain enough cub ture ho that he may appreciate the Ixmuty of the outside of the millionaire's mansion, which does him as inlich good as though he were n millionaire him self and owned tho Iioumi. Tho lecturer wild many fine things, Kiino funny things and several things which were applauded ; hut those who expected to hoar something new or un hackneyed, or vhioh should really touch the problems suggested by the an nounced subject of the lecture, mutt have been disapjMilutod. At the conclusion of tho lecture Hev. Mr. Ketchum ujMike briefly in eulogy of the gifted siouker. He then explained that the lecture wa not free, and that every one was exited to contribute something; that, in fact, honor tie- manilwl thw. A collection wn uirn tniruii lmt. thoueh the audience was imd. mlitodlv lein: on honor, it seemed to is I le Miinewhat short on cash. turned out of a factory, THE BROOKS' CASE. Kitkwrod Is Examined in Justloe Jas. Johnson's Court. Tho case of tho state against Jas. Klrkwood, in which tho latter is charged with tho crime of rape, alleged to Iinvo been committed upon Lilly Alcxnndcr was oxninmed beforo Justice Johnson this forenoon. Deputy District Attomoy John McNary conducted tho prosecu tion, and the defendant was represented by Jas. McCain. The girl is rather attractive in appear ance, petito and evidently less than 10 years old, as claimed. Sho scorned to feel tho disgrace of her jiosltion keenly. Sho gave testimony clearly and without hesitation. The defendant is a man of probably 35 or -10 years, and seems little affected by the proceedings. First witness called win Lilly Alex ander. Had known defendant over two voars. He stomcd at their house alii last winter. Tho crime wiw committed the last of February or tho first of March. The defendant came to tho house in tho forenoon when sho was, alone. No one else was about tho house at the time. On cross-examination McCain asked several questions as to witness' relations with her father and brother, which were objected to by the prosecution, and ob jection sustained by the court. Had never told anyone about tho affair until alout a week ago, when she told her father and sister. Defendant had soroiul bad reports about her character, which was one reason why she told about his offense. John Alexander.ls father of Lilly Alex under. She was bom September 8, 1H83. Had known defendant over two years. Had seen defendant in the vicinity of liis house three times since March 18. Defendant had boarded there until alsait tho last of February. Had never ordered him to stay away. Daughter had told him nbout the rape three days before the warrant was Mworn out. Had been to Haleni noino thno ago to havo defendant arrested for slander and went to John A. Carson. Two letters wero introduced which witness uientilletl as lieing in dofondant'ft handwriting. One hail been received by witness and one hv lli.4 HOII. Jack Stewart, had knowm defendant about four years. Had scon defendant along some time in February, sitting by a bush three or four hundred yards from Alexander's house. Defendant then said that he had cuught old man Alexander cutting up with the girl, and intended to catch him again anil then havo him arrested. Haw defendant later tho lame day going in n direction away trom Aioxaiiuer s house. Dr. C. II. Kobortsou, had made an ex amination of tlio person of Lilly Alex ander. Gave a technical description of her condition. A recess of IB minutes was now taken, to allow consultation lietwoeu ACty. McCain and the witnesses for the do fo use. When court again came to order. At tornoy McCain announced that he would introduce no witnesses, but was willing to submit tho case to the court without argument, to which McNary agrocd. Tho court said that lie thought the evidence established the fact that a crime had been committed, and that lie would hold the defendant for the June term of circuit court, fixing ball at ffiOO. ThiH was deposited in cash and defend ant was released. WILLAMETTEHOTEL ARRIVALS W. II. Lowdon, johoph II. (Mark, I. Kolin, D. McGarrity, J.T. It. Webber, San Frunoisoo; W. M. Ketchum, H. Jaudorf, Chicago; L. S. Jameson, J. 1. O'Dounell, 11. K. liiuiHii-rry, roriiiuni; (i. 8. Houdebiish, St. IiiiIh. (" D. (iabrlolsou, Frank Hodgklus, City;!'. W. Smith, Seattle.' Mrs. Mary StaatH, wife of II. H. Stunts of Lewisville. Polk county, was killed at 3 o'clock Friday afternoon, while riding In a cart alone on tho road. It issiip ikimhI that tho horse ran away ami col liilutl with a barbed wire fence Mrs. StaatH ear wuh out off and the scalp badly torn. li -l?3 Easy to Sec A loiiKdUlHWour yeu liv to roa'1 ordlHtr Hint GLASSES blh re eourstly nltod- pur optlel de tllVO lfttl a1 tfilue lumlUuHM wIjwm Itiwm titer i no couii'llCitloru. II a pvrMriptu U newknr, h the U vxt or Utile iBklHK tb Kl muie. Vm .t(rH til to order ' r":- . :- -t ........... - re Ut Mil ipm Ul ktuntlon to our told filed peoUte end tijerfitwe inejr (Ihmm liter are XiursnUwu 10 year, fc t BARR'S JEWELRY STORE, 138 BTATH BTRDDT. BREAK DOW Of the Luzon Insur rection, Now Positively Assured at an Early Day. Independence or a Protectorate Not to Be Given. Hr Ataoolnled Iri lo tlir Jnnrnnl. Washington, May tl. Among a list of names of wounded at Manila sent by Otis today are Second Oregon, Company I, Private John T. Hooves, knee; K, Corporal Kdgar G. Chamberlain, thigh, moderate. Manila, May ll. General Lawton's column advanced to a position two and n half miles north of llalinng today. P.e fore making a forward movement, Gen eral Lawtoii sent back to Manila two wounded men of tho Minnesota regi ment, one of tho Oregon, who were hurt in yesterday's lighting, besides twenty sick men. Law-ton's advance met with it slight opposition. Outside of Mausiu two thousand rebels wero routed In short order. Many corpses of relxsls wero discovered hi the river nt San Toinas. Scores of rllles and other arms were recovered from the river into which they were thrown by retreating rebels. MaeAr thur's division is resting at Sail Fern ando, making in tho meatitiuie exten sive recoiinolsancc. Wahiii.noton, May (1. The officials of tho state and war department are look ing for a speedy collapse of the insur rection in the Philippines. Not only Is the expectation based on private ad vices from the Philippine commission as toncguUatloutj, but also, on .the. sue-, cessful development of MacArthur's and Lawton's campaign. So far as tho commissions reKirts are concerned they indicate Hint the insur gents havo recognized the Inevitable breakdown of their struggle and are simply striving by prolonging resistance, to secure the most liberal terms pOHsible IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIBIIIRIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIHIIIIIIMIIHIIIIIIIVIRIIRIIII: i SPECIAL Ijos. Meyers & Sons, m Salem's Greatest Store. x SNazarcth Waists JJ Fur hoys' and glrlH hihiiuIosm all sizes regular price 'Hi cents. Satur- lay h special 19c !Men 'S SOX Ma M S Tan, black, and wine, full seamless Swell worth 15 coitU. Saturday's kio- ial 3 pairs. 25c Leather chatelaines. 5 I Hark, greu mid tun, considered aLoodviihio for a qiuirtur, Saturdays' Wtpee-ial B 19c 5 Summer Silks M m A siHM-ial line out for a prli regu lar M cents value the yard 22c Narrow Trimming rihlsuiH in now novelty Eitnecis iiotuKt eouoM who nun uomn, ithe yard , 15c 3 278-280 Commercial St, The Old White Lorner. S WIS OL.OSJ3 AT (J O'GLOCK. SiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiwi""Mi""iiliBi,M,ii,w,i,,?S Royal r Absqvuieiy 'Pure aiBSOiSJIELY'PURE: Makes the food more delicious and wlrotesome KOYAl AKIW1 in creating a government in the Phil ippines. They have not, In a diplomatic sense, acknowledged the sovereignty of the United States, hut havo recognized the physical domination of our military forces and while they talk moro or less of independence, even at the last mo ment, without doubt they will nccept any proposition looking toa protectorate. The president's instructions, however, nro clear on this point, and tho commis sion understands that it is to tak no ac tion in tho way of promises that will de prive congress of a free hand in dispos ing of the future of tho Philippines. (Tim: Jouu.vAt, Iwlioves it would bo best for our government as well as the Filipinos if "peace with dignity" could bo brought nbout. Aguinaldo may bo as treacherous and unreliable as tho Spaniards represent him to bo, as they bought hint off once and he turned again upon them. Put he knows that he is not dealing with tlio Span iards now, and that the masses of the Fillipllios are as anxious for eace as all Americans are, who are not reckless advocates of bloodshed, "Peace with dignity" would mean that Again aldo's ollicers, his congress and army, and the leading men of tho country who are now at war, could be restored to useful citizenship with honor. Thoio men are needed to es tablish a good govermment ami a per manent peace. Let tho prayer of all churches and all patriots ascend to the ruler of all nations that Peace with honor and dignity, an enduring peace for tlio greatest good of all con cerned, may como siccd!ly. ICu. J. Our Wounded at Home, Geo. P. Hughes, who has been con fined to the)house for nearly two months, by a broken leg and sprained ankle, Is able to get out of doors again, on crutches. The fractured hone healed in a short time, but the strained muscles and ten dons of tho ankle have given. Mr. Hughes much trouble. Arthur Derny, son ot lioputy siieriit Derby, who broke his arm by falling froiu'lils hlko Thursday is getting along picely. TRAVELING MAN Drops Dead at Albany of Heart Failure. Ai.iianv, Or.. May (l. Kdward W. Copuer, traveling salesman for Schilling it Co.. San Francisco, died suddenly this morning of heart failure. Ho leaves a wife and daughter at San Jose, Cal. TCvDAY Our Prices Messengers I lA Columbia Bicycle til veu away free July 3d. Ladies' Bicycle Gloves Gauntlets aworlod colors splendid value 75c. Ladies' Collars Seven now stylos Just received in nil linen best goods. Ladies' Chemisettes A new line without collar attached, very stylish 25c Man Tailored Suits a new line just received In all wool Hirgon and Venetian cloths $7.50 to 16.50 The Saratoga WmpiHir, not how ohetip hut how good, the lust made, and the Inwt fit ting wrapjMir. Prices 1.00 to 52.50. (fb Baking Powder POWOtS CO., Ht YORK. Pensions and Postofnces, A postolllce has been established at Holland, Josephine county, Or., on tho route from Althouse to Ilrowntown, where John M. Smock has been ap pointed postmaster, and another office : hint been established at Polk, Polk county, Or., on tho route from Smith-. Hold to Dallas. Peter It. Graber has been made postmaster at this olllco. There has been granted an increase of pension to Major S. Damon, Medford, 14 to till. Wants a Mate, , ,, See advertisement, canary birds, wanted. The canary birds" at hotel ; Willamette havo tlio freedom of tho conservatory and the mother bird had . built a nest In one of the lace curtnlns and was proceeding to hatch a brood. She was stopped on by one of tho guests ' while picking crumbs oi tho floor and her sjmiuho is nearly crazy for grief. Mrs. F.IIzabeth llayloy. wife of Dr. J. U. Ituyley, one of the elde: lest nloneeni of v r.... i.-.. .ii. ..i ... Yiutuina buy, died at tho family resi dence at (1 :'M Friday evening. Tho cause of death was neuralgia of tho heart. Deatluwas sudden and unexpected. nra OUT 9f If this In your experience, then yoor blood H poor nnd thin and tilled vrltlt Itnjnirltlet. Tticra I but one cure. I You must rot rid of 11 tbeM poliout j In tlio Mood. Ttior 1 LutouoretnftUjr j Acer's tt nukrs the blood pure and Itm It new lift mul power. Tho furred nerres rtre bettor nourulied. your bend ceaies to ftcuo. Your brain kemi clear. You lire not obliged to Win the day's work "1I tired out." si.oo UttUe. AUdrujrguu. J. O. AYEIl CO., Lowell, Kim. WHEAT MARKET. Ciiicaiio, Slay 1). July 71Vf . Cash '1 red 74. San Fiia.ncisco, May, 0. Cash lOfltf M M arc of Comfort. Boys KantWear Out h Tlio lwst clothing for spring woitr. Wo don't bolievo wo havo ever shown such a grand assortment of Hoys' anil 0111111!' ulU4t ' havo prewired for till teason. And wo know that we name the lowest prices A ticket on with every tho Col CO cent iimhlii bicycle cash purchase 52.50 Will buy an all wool two piece, suit with double seat and .double kntjos, or n vested suit with colored sailor collar and largo arl buttons, whioh wo guarantee the best values shown lu Oregon. Boys Shirts Negligee, golf and fancy bosom stylos -25c to 90c. Velvet Grip The porfwit hose havo all stylos. supporter. Wo Ladies' '.j TuffyU color Silk Potflijpat 55.00 lienor ted vtS -' V C(S m t: GRAY esaesscsB apwienHJlWli imMW mmmmmmmm . ML. .- lA Jfuh. ib-