Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1896-1899, May 01, 1899, Image 1

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VOL.. X.
NO. 104.
' '3aflwnS9flt
-- - m
Home Made Goods.
Specials: A very : select
line of Boy's Knee Pant Suits
of our own goods made up in
New York. GET ONE for
All sizes of Boy's Black Hose,
the very best to be had: Ask
for them.
The largest assortment of
Mens Pants: Reirular sizes.
extra sizes and extra longs.
No matter what size vou call
for we have hem. A special
drive on them.
The finest line of Crash Hats
for Men and Boys to be
found, in Patterns and
Salem Woolen Mill Store
! Ask fop fb? Anchor
An Unamerican Re
Striking Miners Blow Up
Mills and Kill a Man.
Regular Army Will Be Sent to Rc
tore Order.
orders in anticipation of being sent
Wnrdncr, Idaho.
Washington, May 1. Acting Secre
tary Molklejohn received a message
from Captain Abercrombio commanding
the expedition investigating tho Copper
river route to Yukon country, paying:
"Tho expedition disembarked April
2U. Hospital organized for caro of des
titute millers who aro now coming out
of tho interior. So far as tho destltuto
are concerned, the worst is over."
When you want n lino dress shoe.
Wo have them In all widths. A. to
) , In Leather oi vesting tups, and
black nr tun, lor ladles'.
They're nent and stylish and wear
ANY Sfyl? For $2.75!
Our Goodyear Welt shoe In Leather
or Vesting top ut $2.40 Is u beauty.
Conic and see them.
Gents tine Vlcl kid shoes In the new
toes, black or tnn, for $2 70.
An extra line Vlcl kid dress shoe In
Vesting top for M.25. They're line
as silk.
Remember that we carry nil grades cheaper If you want them, and
they're nil thu very best goods that can be sold for tho money.
E. T. BARNES, Prop.
- .WkiV.,k.Vk.t.kk,ikLkkkt,vktLk.UAAtLhk.kt.. t,
Ladies Vici Kid and Button Shoes.
A Wo Shine them free.
a J.
2.00 Values.
They are goingvery fast.
Ladies dont miss this grand
Special For This week
84 Sta.tr St. Salem, Oris.
The Famous
Shoes have arrived, in Black
and Tan; all widths and
sizes. The greatest
$3.00 SHOE
On earth for ladies equal
to any 54 shoe in the city.
Call and see them at
Krausse Bros.,
Ittiijuor ati o) laajd i3)ti3oaav .!
Striking miners at Wnrdncr, Idaho,
blow up u stamp mill Saturday night
and destroyed a largo amount of vol
uablo property. One miner was acci
dentally killed by otiior miners.
The situation is serious. Little bands
of nonunion men returning this morn
ing from the hills to which they fled
yesterday were insulted by strikers in n
menacing manner, groups of whom are
loafing around town elated over their
victory. Those who can are leuylng
town, a considerable number going
away today.
All social events are called off, and
the public school has been closed be
cause of the excitement and animosities
existing among the pupils. Tho men
who were masked and armed, yesterday
at tho destruction of tho mill aro con
spicuous all over town and the(eoHng is
one of unrest with men, and alarm
among women and children. The sheriff
and all of his deputies aro strong union
men. There is a general hope that
federal protection will bo furnished
without delay.
The hotly of John Smith, tho striker,
who was mistaken for a (nonunion man
and shot by his brother at longdistance,
was taken up to Uurko, but Coroner
Franco has ordered it back to Wallace,
where an inquest will bo held Wednes
day. Cheyno, tho nonunion man sho t
in tho hi), is badly wounded, but is ex
pected to recover.
Tho strikers declare that if Assistant
Manager IJurbridgo had beon caught it
was arranged to tie him on tho mill
and blow him up with it. Manager
Bradley and Mr. IJurbridgo are in
Spokano. Superintendent Hurch is be
lieved to bo not far from Wardncr.
All kinds of business aro ubsolutoly
paralyzed, and everything is at a stand
still. Tho strikers uro ofliering bets
If tho mill is rebuilt, it will bo blown
up again.
lly Aaaoclatet! I'rcaa to (lie Journul.
Penvbh, May 1. Major Oonoral Mur
rimn, commandor of the department of
Colorado, and his aide, Lieut., Honnott,
have gone to Wardnor, Idaho, to invest
igato, tho miner's strike and tho riot
ing. The gonoral left Denver Saturday
for Utah, where ho wus suld to havo
been ordered to look into Indian mat
tors, News of Ids departure was with
hold and inquiry ut tho ollico met with
a reply that he bad gone to Omaha,
Washington, May 1. Gonoral Mer
riam has beon ordered to lloiso City to
consult with tho governor of Idaho, .re
garding the necessity of United States
troops at the Wardner strike.
Then ore some companies in the
vicinity of the strike, suoh as Ft.
8jK)kane, Hulena, Vuncouver and Uolee,
which can bu sent to tho scoue of the
riots in a very short time. Tho whole
matter Is in the hands of Merriutn,
Omaha, May 1. Troops in thodojwut
ment of Missouri are all under waiting
II. J. Lea, Wm. M. McGownn, Goo.
A. Davis, ;V. C. Witzell, James M.
Uorrv, JooM. Lewis, J. G. Pope, J. J.
Miller, A.N. Smith, Portland; Will T.
Uyah, Now York. F. Smith, Eugene ; P.
L. Campbell, Monmouth; C. F.Monson,
Los Angeles; C. T. Ralston, agent Jesslo
Shirley Co., S. Jl. King, Eugene, Or. ;
I. Robinson, F. J. Jefferson, Sun Fran
cisco; E. II. LewiB, W. II. Ilarlcn, J. E,
Ncisownnger, F. L. Calv, Chicago, T. J.
Coleman, Stockton, Col. ; Herbert Hon
kett, San Francisco; W. W. Drown
agent Morris Bros, dog nnd pony show ;
Stanhope u.Floming,Dos Moines.
Made National Holi
Excursion and Dance.
Commodious steamer, jolly crowdl
spacious hall, lino floor, unsurpassed
music by the Rackensto orchestra ; those
will bo some of the features of tho ex
eursion to Independence which will
leave on the Pnmona at 0:30 Tuesday
evening, returning after tho dance. Tho
lodies of Silver Rellgircie, W. 0. Wl
aro in charge and truVinsures that every
thing wilt bo first class. Don't miss itt
Round trip including dance, only $1 for
gentlemen and 50 cents for ladies.
Will Test rhe Constitutionality of the
Bicycle Tax Law.
There will be a meeting of tho Jeffert
son Cycle club this evening to raise
funds to teat tho new law und hear a
report of the committee appointed ut U
previous meeting to employ couusol.
The Jefferson committee havo em
ployed J. K. Weatherford, of Albany,
to bring a suit to enjoin collection of
tho tux on tho ground of constltntlonol
ity, aB no special law can bo enacted
governing the uso of highways. TIiIh
action of committee will no doubt bo
ratified by tho club.
Mr. Ilnddlcson, president of thu club
ostlmatefi that thoro aro2o0 to30d wheel
men and womon. Tho Linn county
cyclists will assist to test tho law,urt they
are interested in knowing their rights to
ride through Marlon county.
Tho Jefferson cycle club believo thuC
the cycle tujc is all to he spent on roads
loading out of Salem and on plans that,
will not Ikj far-reaching.
Tho bad road Is from Jefferson to Ma
rion. From Marion to Saletn there is a
good wheeling road most of thu sum
mer. They want tho right to spend the
money they pay from JcfferBon towards
Salem ami Albany.
As ovidenco of good faith, the Jefferson
cyclist have nearly alt paid their tax
into tho local club, and after fighting
the law will uso the unoxcndcd money
to build paths.
Hutldlesou says the boys in the
country will build good dirt paths and
make a llttlo money go a -long ways
farther than nny city englneor or con
tractor. IIuddlOBon may bo right alwut
it. Anyway tho Jefferson Isiys are go
ing to test tho law and spend their own
money in their own way.
Flags Plying and Cannons
are Boomed at Salem.
The Day Observed in All the States
and Islands.
Ilr Aaaoolnleil Freaa to (ha Journal.
Dewey day at 8aloin was ushered in
by firing of cannons at daylight, flags
flying at the public buildings, school
houses, and at Tin: Jouknai, ollico
where a flag flies on all patriotic oc
casions, or when thero Is important
news to promulgate.
San Fhancisco, May 1. Tho first an
niversary of tho battle of Manila bay
was ushered in today by the firing of
cannon and the ringing of bells. All the
public buildings, commercial houses and
residences were decorated with the na
tional colors, and on every side wero
displays of patriotism. Exercises In
commemoration of Dewey's great vic
tory took place In almost every city und
town of California.
Little Waller Bryant Perishes in His
Father's Mill Race.
Sunday afternoon about 4 o'clock the
four year old son of Mr. and Mrs. Bry
ant fell into thu mill race of tho Aum's-
villo mills nnd was drowned. The child
had been playing about the house whon
ho went out after rouio wood, ami us ho
failed to return promptly tho mother be
came uneasy and sot about to look for
him. Tho father immediately followed
down the race and found the hotly of
the little ono floating in tho foro bay.
Ho was taken out at onco, after having
been In the water about ten minutes.
Every effort was made to restoro the
child to consciousness, but without
avail, and the parent are prostrated
with grief.;
Llttlo Walter was tho only child ex
cept a girl somewhat older, and was u
great favorite with everybody, being
bright and of winning manner.
i" .
Advertisement fur Proposals lor the Sit
for Public Building.
Washington, D. a, April' 15, 1801). j"
Healed proposals will
t ....
do npenen ai z o'clock
Hop Lice In Evidence,
Sovonil hopgrowers nl ready report
tho uppournco of lice on their vines.
This is somewhat earlier than usual and
should bo a warning to growors to got
an early start with their simryor. Tho
Pettyjohn yard is afflicted, also tho
Fiddler yard and numerous others south
of town. Tho vinus close to tho ground
aro full of tho aphis which will spread
just when warmer weathor appears.
Utah Weather.
Ilr .Umii'Utol l'raaa lu (he Journal.
Salt Lakk, May 1. Tho ground
waB covered with 1 Inchus of snow and
tho storm continues. It is feared
muah damage has lieon dona the frith
Maucii Chunk, Pa., May 1. By prema
ture dischargo of a cannon at the cole
brotion of Dewey Day, three jwrsons
were badly Injured.
Piiii.adkm'iiia, May 1. Dewey day
was celebrated with imposing pomp
and ceremony. Tho most Important
event was a naval parade on the Del
aware rlvr.
Throughout the state celebrations
are are being held in honor of tho
hero of Manila bay.
Boston, May L Dewey day was cel
ebrated by display of flags and recep
tions by patriotic societies.
Ni:w Yoiik, May 1. Dewey duy was
celebrated in the public schools by ex
ercises commemorating the victor' of
Ni:w Yoiik, May l.This morning
Prosidont MeKInloy visited tho navy
yard. All olllcors on duty nt tho yards
lined ii) in full ilress. Whllo at the
navy yard tho President sont the fob
message to Dowey:
"On thu anniversary of your great
victory, tho people of the United States
uuitu in expressions of affection and
gratitude to yourself and tho bravo
officers and men whoso brilliant achieve
ment marked an ojoch in history which
will live in the annals of the world's
heroic deeds."
CiuoAoo, May 1. Tho celebration of
Dewey day was mostly of an Indoor
character, hi schools an hour was set
asitto for appropriate exercises in honor
of the first anniversary of the battle of
Manila bay.
Nkw Oiu.kans, May L Dewey day
was elaloratoly uelebrated here In pub
lic schools.
FOR HALE Six year old mure. 10
hands high, weighs 1200 iKunds. Truu
and gentle, works single or double.
Inquire at. Radabough A I'raiinl's
Livery stables. fi-l-JU
THE FAIR for bargains in everything. Remember, we will
not be undersold. Come in and see what we have and
get prices.
274 CoiLinercial Kt., Salem, Or
Closing Out Sale
On order of a teleirram the NONPARIEL AtlLUNERY
will close out the entire stock. Call early for
choice bargains. A bonafide sale I
NON PARIBL. 317 Commercial st.
1, 18W, Lilluu, duiigh-
lou ttwartz, agwi
tor of Mr. und Mrs
Dcceuwd u as afflicted with apendi
aitisbut wus too far advuncd when
brought to the hospital to bo benefitted
by an ojuiratlou and none was erfound.
bo rccolved. to
n. in. Mav It).
1899, for tho sale to tho United States
of sultnblo property, centrally nnd
conveniently located, font site for the
public building authorized by Act of
Codnrcss, approved Alurch 2, 181)0, to
bo erected In Salem, Ore. A coruqr
lot, approximating 1.30 fcot front by
140 fcot In dimensions, Is preferred. If
not a corner lot, tho property must, up
proxlumto 130 feet by ISO feet In dl
monslons; tho 180 fcot to bo street
frontage. Each proposal must bo
tuado with tho understanding nnd
agreement that, If It Is accepted, the
bulldlngB nnd nil Improvements on
tho pioporly aro to bo retained, and
removed within thirty days after
written notice, by tho vendor, nnd
that nil expenses connected with fur.
nlshlng ovidenco or title nnd deeds of
convoyanco nro to bo paid by tho
vendor. Each nronosal must bo uc-
ompunlcd by a properly drawn dia
gram, giving tho metes and bounds ot
tho property, und showing tho streets
around tho block In which tho prop
erty Is situated; also by a written
stutcment In regurd to tho grudes,
tOlfini ntnr rt irrmttwl fnn finnlntlfm
etc. Tho right to roject any and nil
proposals Is reserved.
Each proposal must be scaled,
marked "Proposal (or tho snlo of
property for u site for the Public
Building In Hnlem, Ore." and ad
dressed and mailed to
L. J. Gaoi:.
iSccrotnry of tho Treusury,
4 20 td Washington, D. O.
A beautiful enlargement 10x20
glvon away wlthoyery to order at tho
Uronlse Studio over N. Y. Racket
sloie, 4 27 t
I Tlie Homeliest Man in Salem
As well as the liundbmnest, und others
nro Invited to call on any druggist
and got frcou trial bnttlo of Kemp's
Unlsnm for tho Throat nnd Lungs, u
remedy that Is guaranteed to euro and
believe all Chronic and Acute Coughs,
Asthma, Bronchitis nnd Consump
tion. Price 25c. and COc. cod&w
Rmr WffyMd PHyHPH
Makes the food more delicious and wholesome
torn xnwa powwa co., i vo.
For the Past
And No Further Mention of
. Peace Negotiations
An Oregon Boy Honored for Gallant
( Conduct.
Some ol the results ol neglected ilywptic
cottriiiiom are cancer, consumption an J epi
lepiy. Kodol Dypepla Cure prevents this
by efltctingu quick cure, Stone Drug Stores.
iuouipunjMaisiaaiupMloj'rrOTJ It "ota'coi
jb.iojcij uoiuiiiuoj ujno !onJutuj Xpuua
'Kjajujfii,') tni.iv tU jno& nunij
Ilr AaaooUfeil l'raaa tu I he Juurnnl.
Wahiiin(jto.v, May l.Tho wnr de
partment has recolved no advices from
Otia ainco Saturduy concerning the con
ditions in tho Philippine!). Two dis
patches were received this morning and
make uoiuoiition of negotiations witli
the insurgents. One of the dispatches
WUHUH folloWH!
"Captain Rockfellor, of the Ninth
Infantry, is miHsIng Hinco tho 2rtth
ultimo. Near Caloocan hu visited the
outiWHtH at H:.10 p. in. and has not beon
neon since. Diligent Hcarch was
mado without success. Private papers
in his posesslon were found the 20th
ultimo two and n halfmlleto tho front.
Tho belief is he lost his course and was
Washington, May l.Tho following
was received from Admfrul Dewey:
"On apparently reliable information,
ten of the Yorktown boat crew, Inchul
Oilmoro, aro prisoners nt Insurgent
lieudiiuurtorH. Am continuing tho In
vcstlgatlon." Washinoton, Muy 1. Assistant Bee-
"... ....:"rr im. . -t i .
ivuirj uiiiienip una nniKicd to Hecrc- f
tary Hay drafts for 20,0O0,0O0 toborlffl
turned over to tho Spanish govornmeritw A
according to tho terms of tho pttc
Wasiiinoton, ay l.-In accorjtdricey.i
...tn.it... i - ... .. -4 'Ji'
"" ' n.tui:v oi tnc presiaenv to; .
chooyo, from each regiment in tho?
Philippines, the ono most distinirutfihwi.S
" e j " 'rj'vMiiuiigin un nvcunti
lioutonunt in the regular army, Geriorafe
Otis has forwarded a list of such volunV
tcors. Among tiie names is that
Rheos Jackson, a nontenant of tlio I
ond Oregon. " J"t'
Rhces Jackson enliBtcd from FortS
Klamath Juno 15, 1807; He wiis-
chargetl and re-enlisted nt-Portland
where ho was eominlsiloncd .as
lieutenant Co. P.
Strike Won.
II ' ANKOclntril Praia to the Jonraal
n. . .... i
vji.EVKi.Nr, jiny i. uvcr 3,600 me-.
...!.... f n.:.. i. in i i ' -vAn
"""""-n " iinn uiij iii receive incrcnTOii
.........u .l..it..r. f.nm !. f tJ
tt (i(,vn milium jiuiii iiiMtt.
CmcArio, Mny 1. July 73 JJ.
ml 7-l.!.
Cn.li 2' .
Pittsiiuiio, May !.
relubrated by stealnl
public Mihools.
-iowoy day was
oxoreisos In the
Shh'-Iyi"'' f'"'c Mitr sJivi Yn
iSms. ' m,r """oy I" Nover Ours Until You Aro Satisfied.
fjos. Meyers & Sons,
w 7
Salem's Greatest Store.
SThe Empress Skirt
Model 57
ISSwjwjRi lis W
I IP o -n
pro a e he s
any way
to See
The fines chain wheel ever turned out of a factory,
Hartfords, strictly high grade, $35,
Videttes, fully guaranteed, $25 and $26,
A lH)KilUtiiMenr to rutl
JHU Utiv
wtili are neouratelr fitted. Our
bartraMit rn aupply at Very 1
iMlta and M ! In
uta no eOMblleatloiii.
la HMcaanrr lh oet or
mltr will U a lltlla
uptleal de-
ovr prteM r'-
II a irMffilin
toaklugtaa glae UieriWr
V dMlre to call tioalil altfitlnn to our
(old ITIladapMKaota awl mjImh they are
tuaranlead 10 ytara.
lUi MTAXAI (ajriuurr.
HUH pit
enteil PIJT.
The spiral
wire with
which tho
skirt is
gives thu
flaring ef
fect so
sought; iid
lusts it
self to any
and nevtir
breaks or
gi'ts out of
Kiitt tlnmi.
RSO to 515.00
sSummer Silks
ft A sHiiiul line out for a prhw regit
slur W) cents vidiiuw thu yard
3 22c
j Trimming riblonH in
JeffwU dottitl wlgwi with
'the yard
i 15c
nw novelty
A Columbia Bicycle
Ladies Bicycle
Gauntlet usortd oolors splendid
Ladies' Collars
Seven now stylos just received lu
all linen best goods.
Ladies' Chemisettes
A now line without collar attached,
very stylish
Man Tailored
Suits it now lino just rcciilvtsl In all
wool sorgtM and Venutlaii cloths
57.50 to 516.50
The Saratoga
Wrapper, not how choap but how
good, the loit made, und thu ixvtt lit'
ting wrajiiHir. Pricos
51.00(0 52,50.
KantWear Out
Tho lwst clothing for spring wear.
Wo don't believo wo havo over
shown such a grand assortment of
Ikiys' and Cliildrens' suits as wo
havo prepared for this season.
And wo know that wo name the
lowest nrlcos. A tlokot on the Col
umbia bicycle with cvory W cents
wsh purcfiase.
Will buy an all wool two piece,
suit with double seat and double .
knees, or n vested suit with colored
sailor collar and largo pearl button,
which wo guarantee the best values
shown in Oregon.
Boys' Shirts j
Negligee, golf and fancy bosom
25c to 90c.
Velvet Grip
Tho perfect hose supporter, )Ve,
have all stylos.
i ':
. ? i
Hllk PJcofftssorloa;
5.00 - ;
I 278-280 Commercial St,
The Old White Corner.