Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1896-1899, April 24, 1899, Image 2

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' Personal Mentions and Local Occurrences at the Capital city Between Saturday Night and Aonday.
Mem Sntefn Pulpi a On Immortality
the Problem of China.
At Lltn Cnnureuatlotiul church, the
pastor, llov, W 0. Kantncr tfavo tho
Hist, or u Berles or lectures on tlio Im
mortality of tho toul.
Tlit chtirch wan tnodcrallcy filled
with mi audience which listened with
close attention to tho wholarly (lis
course of t ho pits'.or.
Tho luuslo win very itood, without
any ultuiupt tit chwleul or operatic
frIIU, Tho choir liuve very sweet
and mii9lr.il voices and their hImkIuk
shown I ho effect of nklllfal training,
and in attempting nothing which
they can not do well.
Tho pastor rend the lesson from
2nd Coriutlilaiig.-Hli utid 6th chapters,
explaining that, as originally written
the iJIble wuu not divided Into
chapters und verses, us we now have
It, but that tho translators, sumo
hundreds of years niro, had ho ar
ranged It, not always usIiik Infallible
Tho text was taken from Job 1411.
"Ifa mundlo, shall lie live attain?"
This In tho original was: "Ifa man
dines hall ho live '".but tho translators
had added tho word "jiuIii". as In
dlcatcd by Italics to lilt out thulr con
ception of tho sense or tho passu k''.
Thu speaker cxpres ed tho opinion
that wo may bo allowed to use our
own ficnuo In urrlvlm at tho true
meaning of the passec. 1U then
went on to show, from tho evidence
of tho Bcrlpturcs, that there Is no lapse
of consciousness on the part of tho
kouI between this life and tho next.
The lutolllKcntuxistencoof tho void
Is continuous, passing from this life
Into conscious being In.tho next,
To provo tho Itiiiooit'illlty of tho
soul ho cited evidence from many dif
ferent, brunches of human knowledge,
and quoted tho words of scientists, or
ancient und modern philosophers, of
Christian und of pagan, Ho cited tho
ovldenco of the dying, und tho many
Instances when thoy have seemed, us
tho earthly vull was loosened, to get n
glioma of tho world boy o rid. Ho did
not think Mils could all bo hallucina
tion. Then, tho lOlmost universal ibellof
uiunng all races und conditions of men
in miiiio stulo of future -oxlHloncc, Is a
strong Indication of itself, Anil the
hope and deslrc-for u future life would
uot bo Implanted In tho broust of man
by tho Creator unless there wero u
it foundation for It. Ho oiled tho lie
comploU) lives whlih liavo hud an
ending hero, and urg'd I ho reasona
bleness of tin thought lllllt III K0I1I0
other Halo of exlct'.'iin.' thoo llvis
would roach their Millions.
Dr. Kuulmir Is deeply tend and ills
sermons teem with llmi'vldtiwonf his
fuuillliirlly with ull thut is liest in
tho ancient, as well as modern
thought. And withal ho has a sound
und logluul common oiio, and u sym
pathetic understanding of the hearts
of men, and his tain Is always elo
quent und lo the point.
At the Unitarian church last even
ing Dr. NY. Mt Oopolanri delivered a
lecture upon 'China, tho storm center
of tho Orient." A largo and appro-
clutelv iiudleiico was pro-tout. Dr,
Uopeland said In Htilnturioe! Wo
should bo Interested In China now
thut wu uro to havo colonial jkhhohiIoii
pour lliote. Wo as the groat com
iucrclol nation uro very much tutor
csted In China commercially speak
ing. Iu urea China-Is not iniioh more
than half us lurgu us India but has al
most as large u population. Clilnu Is
populated by two races. The Clilncso
'Ujjppor und tho Tart in. The Clilnoiu
wo sen mostly nro not mo real um
ijeHti bcittor class. Wo see tho Tartars,
Tho Tarter now have charge ol tint
"dujmtinouls. Soiuo years uuo when
;tlio Ohrlstlarilzcd real UIiIiiuhu wero
'.about to get control of tho
f QtiiiiosQ uuvurmnent. Knu'und.
Uraugo to sny, assisted tho hoathen
Cure nil tlvrr iil Mi.-u
iim, licaitaclio, tour ilim
Mil, indigestion, roiMUK.
lion. Ttitr art M itU
UMt mJu w rl N'Ml.y.lltlnmUtt. Mr.nlt. .
Tt voir mi. u uk nit u,mu( tuiMwim 'tv
, ,, Of Salem and Vicinity.
We have criven a irrent denl of attention tn Our Ynnmr
Iffipn's Suit Department flits Sanson and we are justly proud
ojjhe line of suits we have to 'offer at prices never equaled
5?55 A good sorvhMhirt Ouavlul, hrowa nUid I IU0.
M v. A hMvy woiitbl bli.k Olaj .. $ 4.M,
5-00 A mixed Ohevoit mlu built for wrvieo ft-00.
uSooO .. A nest brown. In Plaid, tun! mlxod (lwvli. . siAftn.
if fl.W) A dark bmwu suit In
, T.00 A nobby snrluu suit. In
8..W...A brown elltcked VomuH.
.'10 00.. .. A Swell RUIiltnurSlllL In
Ml2.Uf..A tallore tloubio breled
912 00. ...As button out nwav wink
JI2.50 ... MroinoiieoK. Fttnoy
k number of others.
H JoftDsen and
25 Commercial
Tartars to regain control of tho gov
ernment, The quo worn by the
Clilneo wo sco Is rut u re
ligious emblem us most people
suppose but simply signifies that
tho wearer Is loyal to tho present
Chlnc'A Government. It is purely u
political badge and required by the.
government to be worn, China is too
densely populated. The terrible Hoods
frequcmy dtown tens of thousand of
people and others Immediately occupy
tho same ground and tho Hoods nro
really a blessing. It Is ono country
where there arc loo many people. They
arc not on the whole a bad people.
Are Industrious, All can reud and
wrlto. Civil service has been In voguo
for 3.000 years. The poorest person
has an even chance with the richest
for government jobs. Uuddism Is the
general religion und the teachings of
uudda uro very beautiful and pro
duct! vo to good. Confucianism Is u
sort of spiritualised political economy
doctrlno und teaches much that Is
good. Too system of government In
China Is likened to tholumlly. Tho
emperor or empress is the head of the
futility Iho nation, Taoism as litught
by many or tho more Inlellectuul
Chlnusols truly a beautiful religion
and urges among other things the
rou I permanence and Immortality of
spiritual things. Ancestor worship
makes Chinese conservative. They
urea contented people. Alloboy their
parents even though old until par
ents die. Are fond of poetry and the
grcatestor historians. Their authentic
history duly written and proven goes
back 0,000 years before Christ and
11,000 yours Imck of when the world
was created according to the Chris
tian lllblouud tho Clilncso hUlory Is
proven lo be u'osolutely true. Chi
ncM) have mutiy queer customs.
Suinu or thorn should be
followed by us. All debts must be
paid tlio first of each year without
full. All mutt oboy tholr parents.
LI Hung Chang Is tholr Oludstuuo
and Is a smart man tho world over
Chinese uro no soldiers. Are easily
conquered In battle.
China Is today tho storm cooler of
tho world. Largo portions of the
naylcs or tho world lira today In Chi
uoso wuturs, There Is a possibility or
Mm groat powers being unable to set
tle the difficulties and iu that event
Iho greatest naval conflict in history
will occur In Chinese waters. At
present England, United States and
Japan socio to bo on one fldu und Kus
sla, Germany and Franco ot tho
Dr, Copeland reud foru blblo reud.
lug from tho works nod says or Con
fucius and the lecture was all in ull
very Instructive und wus freely com
iiumlod iitiau und favorably spoken of
by persons competent who pronounced
It excellent.
UNiTM) iiiurriiuuN' ciiuiiou.
Good congregations yesterday. In
terest good, I'lio pastor announced
tlio fourth und last quarterly meeting
for tho cnufoionco year to bo held tho
Oth und 7th or May. Itov, Lu4ier I
Clark U tho presiding elder. A re
vival meeting to la conducted by llev,
T. J. Cocking will begin May In. Mr.
C. Is pastor at Plalnvluw In Linn
county. Tho memorial subscriptions
for tho liquidation or the church debt
should be paid In by May in, at whloli
tluio tlio last note become dim.
Tho Sunduy sohool prize will bo
awarded May Ifi to tlio ono who has
brought tho largest number or now
scholars during the quarter. Two
dollar by tho pustor, To ull who
have brojght live or more. A present
of sumo kind.
Tho Pastor Itov. T. V. Hoyul In the
morning subject: Guardianship or
Angels. Tholr nature, nuiubor, power
und ministration. Good Angels and
bad Auuul Innumsrablt. All em
plnyod ut Minos tooxocute God's will.
As God uses iiKonts in the material
vvoild.aiul In IiIh otiuroh on oar Mi to
nccoiuplish his parpostts, ho his angels
uro sent forth as ministering spirits
in ilium that shall Iw hsirs or Sslva
lion, Hebrew 1, II
Tho uugel of the Lord oiiuumpalh
Miind alHJiit thou, thut four dim, utid
dellvorolh theiii, Pi. XXXIV.
PioaehHig ut night Hov. Charloi
Wontworlh, subJseM ChrUtlun Actlv-
An apprjol itivo uudlHiic llhteiisd
tirokoti nluhis i ftiVt
nlalds. or strlnos i.fio.
a HlvlUli L'srinnnt. . ft M M.
uiimll llulit. nVi.JiL-rf SIIVlVl
UluoSerire. silk faod..tl.0i).
Fanav Wnr&uxl .. l?(Yl.
Vuikti. Uk faoed ... 12ti.
and examine (liem at your
Company, Salem. 'SS
with profound attention to the dis
course. The topic was well handled,
and Illustrated In many ways. The
sermon was highly commended. The
congregation hopes this earnest and
c insldjruto young preiclier will fur r
j us often with his prepuce und sermons
In our pulpit.
Iley. A. J. Hirtcll, of the New i
Church (Hwcdonborglan) preached Inst
i..i.. ... .i -.i" ..Vii n m..ii'
night at the residence of 11. I. Thiol
in' pfirnnr nf m.nf.n itrtrl P.lih tinrifll i
strcett Ho answered tho question "If
faith in Christ Is neccsary to salva -
tlo.i, how ure tho Infants und heathen
saved," He said in his discourse thut
If the urguunnt of faith was limited
lo this life, the heathen, us also the
Infants, would have to go to hell, This
Idea was so horrible thut no good
Christian no ono having any sympa
thy for a fellow being, could
entertain such u thought. It
would also reflect on tho
goodness and wisdom of God
to such u degree thut no good man
could lovo such a god. In view of this
fact many liberal minded Christians
went so far us to muke faith, or heller
In Christ, not oven n factor In obtain
ing Salvation. This position tho
speaker claimed to bo also untenable.
In that cuse the gospel would uot
need to bj preached at ull and wo
would Ignore the plainest teaselling
of holy writ; for In -the Acts or the
apostles, chapter i, ycrso 11-12; We
read: "Neither is there Hulyutlon In
other, for Micro Is none other name
under heaven given unto man whereby
they must bo saved."
At the llnptlst Church six were
baptized and three other requests
camo In for iiiembershlp, "The Home
Quartet'1 sang special selections both
morning arid evening, uddlng very
much to tho Interest or tho services
A Pleasant,
Simple, Safe
Cu e for it.
but Ulfectual
Catarrh or the stomach bus long
been considered the next thing to In
curable, The usual symplons ure u full or
bloated sensation after eating, ac
companied some limes with sour or
wutery risings, u formation or gasesi
causing pressure on Mio lungs und
heart mid difficult breathing; head
uelio, fickle appetite, nervousness and
n goueiul pluycd out und languid
There Is often u foul tuslo In tho
mouth, coaled tongue, and If the in
terior or .stomach could bo seen It
would show a slimy, Inllamed com I
Toe euro fortius cmitnnu and ob
stinate disease Is found Inu treat
ment which causes tho rood to bo
Nudlly und thoroughly digested before
It has tlnioto ferment and Irrllatu the
delicate mucous surfaces of the stum
itch .
To secure u prompt and hculMiy di
gestion Is the ono necossury thing In
do, und when norma) digested Is se
cured tho catarrhal condition will
luyo disappeared.
According lo Dr. Harlanson, tho
surest and host treatment Is to uso af
ter eaon meal n tablet, com posed of
Dlmtrso, Aveptlo Pepsin, u little Nux,
Golden Soul und fruit acids,
Tiieso tablets can now bo round ut
all drug htoros under the iiimo of
Stuart's Dyspoptlu Tablets, and, not
bslng a pateut medicine, can bo usuJ
with perfect surety and assurance
thut houlthy iippullto and thorough
digestion will follow their regular use
after meals,
Mi. N. J. llooher, of 2710 Dearborn
street. Chicago, 111., writes: "Cutrirruh
Is u local condition resulting from a
neglected cold in the houd, whereby
the lining membrane of tho nose oo
oomos Itillumed and tho poisonous
discharge Mierotroin, passing back
into tho throat, reaches Mut stomach,
thus pro.lnolug oatarrah or tho
stoiitaah. Mu;llAt authorltiiM per
sdrlbed fur mo three years forouturrith
of tho Htuuiitch Althoul uuro, but to
day 1 am Mis h.ippUH of msn urtsr us
lug only one hoc of Stuart's Dywpop
la Utbluts, 1 ouu nut tliid upprtiprl
ute words tooxprs my giKnl fouling.
I have found lltish, uptmtllu and
sound rust from their use,
Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets is tho
afst preparation us well us tho
simplest and must oouvuutiut rumody
for any form of ludlgastlon, ouUirrh
or tho stomaeli, blllousnoss, sour
stiiuuiuli, hoarlbum and bloating arter
me Is,
Sand fur book, mul!l free, on
iUmiuuti tmublus, by uddrusslug tho
t A, Stuart Un Murshall, Mich. Tho
UbluLH thtu be found at all drug slorus.
U D Conoyor, tho Dayton new.
paper iiiuu, spout Sunday w.th his
family Iu this oily. He says
his town is likuly to have un
tetXU (louring mill. Dr. S. M. llor, of
Daytun. Is iho piotuoter and usks a
bonus of i4.H) from olUxou, JIOO uf
vhUih Is twmred.
People My Hwki's Sauaturlllu oimw
when all other preparation fulls to do
y tfiHMj, hiiU you run mi risk iu viv.
Ing It a falrarlal. 4.24 ',
P, A Scliublngor, mauager if the
Salem ohetMW factory, loft this uioru
log fur Porlhtml In iho Interest of tho
company. ThoSalotu checsa factory
11 now manufacturing tltio varloty
a Queers
HUtl is enjoying a
Contented and Hannv.
u how the wan reels who tins
a suniuv nf nrftvi.
e fron H. M. liran-
win & Oo,
Krunk Howcrsor returned from Cop
vullls via steamer Sunday.
Kenutor Mulkey, of Monmouth, wus
n Hulem visitor on Saturday.
Clyde Ashby of Albany Is tho guest
of his uncle Major M. W. Hunt.
M. P. Baldwin returned from Indc-
pc0(jelu.c va 8teamer Hoag Sunday.
.... ,., .,,,,, r.... n..n.
Prof. J. M.Powcllior tho Monmouth
' Normal school was In Salem on Suiur-
, Y"
i M K Po"JC' 0ov 0eer'9 mclal
stenographer, went to Portland on
Mrs. Nellie li. Scott und daughters
have gone to Salt Lake to make their
future home.
Mrs. Hay D. Gilbert U at Hlllsboro,
the guest of Marie Tongue, daughter
or tho congressman,
Mrs. W. W, Chupmun wus called to
Albany by a telegram that her aunt
Mrs. Deckard was very III.
Fred Klclvcr who was kicked to
(loath by u horse Friday, wus burled
on Sunday afternoon at McMlnnvillc.
Mrs. W.J. Herren returned from
Independence on tho Hoag Sunday
where sho had been ylsltlng her son,
0. H. Hoyt or Jefferson, who bus
some practical Ideas on construction
ofcyclo paths, went homo Sunday
C. It. Drown, or Grants Puss, who
has been Introducing the Pine Needle
muttrasies at Salem, went homo Sat
urday night.
Mrs. Mury Martin, who bus been
visiting ut tho homo of our daughter,
Mrs. Julienne ut Portland, came home
Sunduy evening.
1. L.Patterson, Collector of Customs
and stockholder with Mr, Dlnghum
In the Capita r. Jouunai, Co., spent
Sunday In tho city.
Geo, Pearl, an lusuuo person wus
brought to tho asylum Saturday
oveuing from Portlacd. Ho was a
couuty charge of Multnomah county.
Stato Treusurcr dim. S, Moore and
family returned Saturday night from
Portland from u vlult with M
Moores' father, who resides In thut
John James, recently or lowu, bus
purchased J.OOC acres or tho Wurren
furm, neupAlbuny.puylng $7,000 for It,
und with his wife and nine children
have located upon If.
Mrs. J. D. Lee, of Portland, Is In
Mio city visiting her husband, Supt.
Lee, ol tho stato prison, und she Is pre
paring to tuko her residence heroin
thccoltuiioiitlhc prison,
Mrs. F. ij. South wick wont to Ku-
geno Sunday to put in this week In
the Interest or tho Fraternal Union.
an order which she says has Increased
1000 members In Oregon this year
H. D. Miller, ex-prcsldent or the
Statu Agricultural college, president
or the Stato Hoard or Horticulture,
and recent purchaser of tho Dybeo
farm near Salem wont 1 1 Kugeuo lust
Circuit Judge II. L. Denson, of the
first Judicial district, residing ut Klu
math Fulls, arrived iu Salem on Sat
urday night's ovurluntl train and spoilt
Sunday at thu home or Mr. and Mrs.
V. T. Purklns.
W. P. Dabcoek went in Port!u"d
Sunduy to Join J. M. Woodruff for a
tour or ICusteru Oregon. "Will" uiny
locuto In some llvo Kustern Oregon
town liMfore lie returns ai.d Salem will
regret lo IumiIiIiii.
Thu Junior Y. M, C. A. members
enjoyed u r-ianle t the asylum
plutihiiru uiiiuiids A lunch wus
spread ut noon nod all psrtouk of re
freshments. Kvory Saturday will bo
utilized for picnicking hereafter.
Mrs. Jono, county superintendent
pro tem.issuod live diplomas of gradua
tion to pupils of the Hiokcy sohool,
Klton Shaw, louohor. Tney wore u:
Mlssos Dubslu Geuiar, May Thayer.
Lllilo Harris, Trtwsle Calsou, and Mr'
SuverulSaleiultps ure ut Lowiston,
Idiilio. Frank Wll'.taius, of Ashland,
has returned from a two vsueks rrlp to
Low ihtou ui.d says the (iluuo Is onjoy
liik' u truiiirtnilniw hniiii 11.. ,...
about half tho people ure living In!
tents, more bolng no bulhllnH u,
huuso them.
CVil.JtlT Myers Is becoming one of
Iho largest landowners and luxpuyurs
lit Marlon oountv. A dood convovlni?
53 acres of laud near Woodburn to him
tor U00, sulijttul lu Iho (lowtir Inter
est or Mary J. Mantling, was Mlud rar
record Saturday. The olUr was Mie
Hunk or Woodburn.
Dr. J. L. Hill or Albany, has pro
senUtl tho Mineral Colioge of JmkIh
Ylll wllh soyonteen acro- of laud, on
Mlileli will bo erooicd u new college
biilkllng. Adlulnlng this the Dootor
has plattwl n lifty aero iruot whlah I
the etillege U lu soil and retain 11.000. '
of Iho rorolpij un its eudowtnent
Aistlrow Jaeksnn Tvtliomw, u t'roog
0 uuty plHiiew died ut his homo SO
mlUvs wobt uf Prltievllle, April IS.
M r. TtjUioruw wus a son of Solutmn
Tuiherow, a protulnotit t-i'ineor of
tils tuto. who died In Puiit
nouiily Mjino years agu. He whs born
in Davis county, Missouri, June 20,
U3, and came to Oregon with h
twruu (u Ujll, ketlllug on Mm L.
crwOe, Iilk ouuuty, whore the city
ol)alsnuw stantts. He ,,,ar.
r t April SO, ISII, . Mrs SopHrunU
A. Orw, of lik qouuly. iH isia 1
tuoved wlili bis family to Crook I
or woman means
a . sick man or
woman. Not sick
enough for bed, maybe,
but enough to make lire gloomy, mis
erable a failure where it might be a
success, Well people sec the bright
side. Hostctter'e Stomach Hitters
make people wsll because It cures the
common ailments of mankind.
Makes good Hostctttr's
dispositions c. ,
by making htomach
good health. Bt'tcrs
Last week occurred the election
of officers for the Pullodnrlnn so
ciety the now otllccrs are: Pres
ident. T. H. Hubbard: vice
president, ltodncy Ackley; secretary,
John Worsham. assistant secretary
D. It. White, censor; W. A. Manning;
treasurer, Arthur Doschan; librarian,
1. 0. Murtln; sergeant-at-arms, D. A.
Hon, So). Abraham, the Republican
warehouse of Douglas county, was in
town Sunday to visit Qencrul W. II
Dyurs. The latter gentleman expects
letive tonight for Coos County to in
spect sovelal townships or govern
ment surveys, having received an up
polntmcnt us govcrnmcut Inspector or
President Mc Klnlcy.
W. H, Egan.orGervuls, rcpoits thut
his orchard of 5000 fruit tree Is rap
idly recovering from the effects ol
the hard frost. Even the peach trees
arc going to pull through and he ex
poets to huvc u fulr crop or Itulluu
prunes. The cool, lute spring hut
proven most favorublo to tho recovery
of the trees.
Mrs. Lcona Willis Piper und chll
drcn left Sunday fur their home In
Seal tie, accompanied by her mcMicr
Mrs. Leo. Willis.
Mrs. M. E Fruscr or the Sulcjn mil
llnery depurt'iicnt store, Is spendlngu
rewduysut Port lurid.
Mrs. A, N. Gilbert and Fa' her Mt
Cully came down from u visit In. Linn
county Sunday.
John Ilolmun, tho Albany Iron
master, spout. Sunday vlth his fumHy
ut Salem.
Pupils Entertained.
Miss Myrtlo Mursh entertulnwd the
pupils or her grades, Sixth A and
Seventh D, of tho East school Sutu-
day night us u tccognltlon or their
special progress made In tho past term
In orthography, ut her home UG lliyh
street. Forty-four wero present und
after games und social cutcrtulnment
there wero refreshments served. The
young people passed u very pleasant
evening. Tiieso classes huvo worked
hard to become proficient In the hum-
mo urt, ami .miss .Mursii lias tins satis
faction of hiving 8OU10 classes not
easy to spell down. Salem schoolt
have no harder workers or more con
scientious tcueher on the force than
Miss March.
,r y l'lowcru me the poetry ol
jtliu cutth, babies the on.
... ...laid rt f.....iiif ti. Tin. .tat.
the umlles, the dimples
anu the laughter
of childhood and
the world would
-ifck. become a barren
jiJ wilderness, In-
nauneu uy huvhrcs.
Woiuair ultinmte
mUaion, duty mid Joy
on catth arc com
prUed in the one
word, "Mother
hood." Multitude
of women fail of this
mission because of
weakncK and disease
of the distinctly femi
nine organism. They
do not understand
that disorders of thli
description unfit them for wifehood and
mothethood. and as a consequence arc
cureless and neglectful of their health iu
u wuiunuly way. Others who realize the
truth, shrink from the "examination "und
"local treatments" insisted upon by the
average physician, Dr. Tierce's favorite
Prescription does away with the necessity
for these obnoxious examinations und local
treatments. It acts directly and only on
the delicate and important organ that are
the vestibule of human life and makes
tucui strong, lieulluy, vigorous, virile and
clastic. It fit for wifehood mid mother
hood. It luuishes the annoyances of the
uncomfortable period preceding maternity
and makes baby's arrival in the world easy
sud nearly pafuless, All the dangers of
maternity vanish under its beneficent in-
uitencc. its use during the period of an
ticipation I a guarantee of the little strati
ger's health and an ample supply of naturul
an ample supply of naturul
nourishment. Thousands of women have
testified lo its marvelous merits. All med
icine stores sell it. Accept no substitute
that may be represented as "Just a good "
" I'or leu years I suffered ttntoM misery."
writes Mrs, Carllue King, of New Notion, Sci
oto Co., Ohio " I thru took Dr Merce's ISivor
ite l'rnMflntlou und rlpveii month fj.tr ....
Jy JleaiuT u gSSi1 wi,h ,wcl,e-P,H,,ll y-
Over a thousand rages of sound medical
advice absolutely free. Send Jl one-cent
stamps, to tovtr maihne onlv, for a paper-
covered cony of rr. Pierce's Common
Seuse Medical Adviser Cloth-bound t
stamps. Address, World's Dispensary Med
ical Association, Uuffalo, N Y.
Farm lor Sale, .'ra
iioM. imiam-e lit fall hi. uiii, ,,
..i I. H...ui... rt.. - . . ... .".- -r-
.iiiiui.icii who iiHi-i rmtieo Kriiii uui
M.J H.N. Hnxtl... ()n (
-..Tt .
Stem Fitting in New Houses
And bulldlnw. ns well as wus St-
" .".? "irinm point, and we
win cuaiieugo arjMne to equal i
"i tvuiuiiviui-anu crieoi Won
tbl Hoe. It yui iHiuteum
nainRynur House, ettiier
new. titled un with iitomn 1
doU'l fall tuw'ft our Oattmat v
fore deflldlnjr who will do tho Job.
ou will Hud It us saUnruatury as
uur vorlr.
n. commercial srnisr.
Telsphone N jjyi
K) rS"-3 aerm Imh. J dwlliM( botiMt 1
wins, ami 8 kimhI hup Ihmimw. living ftiw 'n.
itfslHtiwIlMUr. Choirs loutfiui. ln...il...
fcii ' ' ' " ,.
Shredded Whole Wheat Biscuit.
Boneless Ham.
Salted Waters.
Fancy Sliced Breakfast Bacon.
Giape Nut Butter.
Grape Nut Food.
We nrc exclusive agents for
r3TA Fine Llncor Kid Gloycs. Get Our Cash Prices and you Muke IJoth Ways.
As Wo Duy und Sell ror Spot Cash.
W. H. Hobson, 297 Commerciel St.
"At the Sign of the White Horse'
For thirty years I hayo supplied the trade with "AH Home Mado"
harness It the Best California Leather. Everything that goes
..... ,.f ..... 0i.,i.. iu lunrrmii.ui tn irivA sat sfaclloo and 1 am ucnor
UUV Vl IIJJ tiuww s .
eoulnncd to suddIy the deuiand
I'uuullod Hetwecn Portland und 'Frisco. Manufacturer
ot Hiirncss, Saddles, Kobes, Whips aud Horse C'luthlng.
E. S. Lamport, 289 Commercial street,
The best is the Cheapest.
Russell & Go.'s Engines and Threshers.
McCormick Binder and Mowers,
nalne Wugnns, Kuelnc undColumbus Surrays, Hacks aodJUuggles?
Monitor ilrllUBiiilieedornl'Unct JrgiirJun drills nndl cuhlrator. naffalo Pitta liarrowi und
cultl vatotn, John Deer. Moltno plow and harrows, Byrauua chilled plowi.
nepaira kopt in Stock for nil nbovo montfoned Good, Bold by tho
E. M, Cretan Implement House,
No's 255 and 257 Liberty Street, Salem Oregon
AteiiPy for the Unwell Wind BUckur.
I'lIONK 178.
Hay, Grain, Mill Feed and Flour
A Full Link ok Giiabs Skebs.
OUU MOTTO:-Qulck sales, small prollti.
Southern Pacific Co
7iC3 v Ml Lv ..Portland. ..Ar 18:00 A M
945 PMf Ar....Satem .... Ar V S .-25 A M
7.'-t3 A m) Ar. San Francisco.Lv ( 700 r M
Sftxj I' i
6.40 A l
S'I5 V M
7.00 A tl
8 IJ 1' M
4.15 I" M
Ar ,
.... Odtn ... Ar
Denver. . I.v
, . . . Umah.i . . . Ar
Chlcayo Lv
. .1h Ane Ci, ..Ar
. . Kl I'mo . . . . Ar
6 45 i M
8 50 A M
6.30 !
9 25 r m
J 35 P M
Fun Worth. ...Ar
8.40 A M
8 40 P m
7 55 A m Ar... New Orleans
Pullman tirit-clas and tourw Kleeuinu cars
attached to all throuch train. , TourUtcar
through lo Uticagu without change.
8. '30 A M
Ml Lv... Cortland ..Ar 1 430 I'm
m Lv....KaIcru.... Lviijo.'PU
MJjAr . Uoseburg.. Lv 1 730 a u
5.'20 P
Mail ti aim dally except Sunday.
730 a M I Lv. . . Portland . ." Ar I 5,:tur u
11:55 PMf Ar....Corvalli.. Lvf i.-2opm
At Albany and
Corvallu connvct
trains of the C. & U. Ry.
4'5opm l.v .. Cortland.... Ar 1 8:25 A M
7.30P MVLv ...McMinMilleLvJ-S.-soA M
830 PM)Ar Independence Lv 4:50 a H
liirci conneciions at van hrarcisco vTilb
te-hp lines f.r HAWAII. Iapav
R ' I.I A.
I'or ihiouch lickru and rates call o- W.
. SKINNER, Depot Agent, or O l.
oAllKltLVIN City ticket Agrnt, 232 Com
meicial t. Silem Or
. R. KUb.lll.tK, Manai!.
C. II. MVRKHAM G. K .VI' . iwi.
Kurtz & Hamilton
siint kcJi,)uc,,,lliy "'"li kinds of
Sheet. Stool und C.ulvunlzdd Iron
work rjarinir and uuiterinir, u full
Ine of Pumps ud pump 'ihtlnw
Prompt work and reasonable prices.
i7r..i7i .....M,,,N. l" ''irD.tnk
uIvIiik our order for mill or tuuk
rimne aat
' 111111, win anu ma iu
bo fore
Hyu think u, tit yourself for tho
race take your um,s t the White
Hous resuumni. 4 ,
., Wher Trvc.
hither on plwtsure bontor business
lake ull nvurv n.. 1.....1 . "",""" ca,
Ktw. a atiu ' ,ir . V"u .a ruP ' I
rtrcctn.ll, o,rthe "kldne s T ry JB
bowds prevontmc foyers I eudael as
Wki f
T" JU.crn
tit .m
Kin! r,u,ij2L,Rf.T IMtkH u
oid un .riK rTLA.fTflMnm
1 ira iuui m a . b mr- xmt
- " "BiL -..:f 1
r- 1
--- ,-,.-
tliau eycr oerore. my
stock Is not
und Importer
Huie Wing Sang Co.
IU count ir.
Opera House Block.
Jupuncfc Fancy Goods, Clilouware,
Silk Embrolderled Uoods, Make ull
kinds Ladles Underwear, Importer
ull kinds Mulllnus, Prices ure lowest
.Morifcy at7 per cent...
IjOvt rates on won improved
and city propertie.
(a tin
T. K. TOttD.
Orr Uuiuos lUnV.
Good "News tor the Sufforinc
The envious rivals who were dttermined to
make Dr. Cook trouble in the courts hare
backed down, and their alleged cuo wa
dismissed when it tame into circuit court. I
They didn't dare t. meet the truth, t Dr
Cook's patient's are loo numerous au'i the)
are ever yrtteful to the nun who ha cured
diem and can cure others.
Dr. Cook mikes a specialty of chronic
diseases, and does not use poUonous drugs tf
curetlum. If you have a friend who needs
help send him w
"R. J. F. COOK,
Cniultation free. 301 Liberty stieet.
Mechanical Power,
So you get your wok done, it doesn't
I what power l 11ml wh.ii,.. 1. 1..
to you get your v. ok done, it doesn't mat
t't v,hjt power Is used, whether it be IIv.
draulic, Jackass or Armstrong's. I pus
tee all my work to be nuchanica
done. Horse shoeing, tiresttting, buggy
carmge work a specialty, ..i0n8ll, "'v 8nJ
hwrn work" ., y ,10fw. My gho J"?"
UiRh itreet, nextaoor toihe Salim Houl
yrv.STenn.eHm,Ui,, 'T.r
Mlirrittt tn.1
John Holm,
A Great Mystery Explained,
Why J. A. Rotan sells un
dertaking goods cheaper
than any one in the city
ml'idZ!' !UU Uk of furn''. ""I turn.
Sr1' .:r'm,i ""t"5 to u5
:T' 'v iwo uoora touth
ot pOtloSlcd.
WW Jt w
O. C. T. Co's
Duo.lbetntt aa4 Court 8u.
M. P. UALOWIN, Ajent.
-.- .
Canadian Pacific R.R
And 00 Pacific Line
St. I'ftul
Nw Votk
a all points cost and sovtheaxt.
Cheapest iate, beitservice and accommo
Through tourist skeperi to MinneapolU,
St. Panl, Toronto, Montreal, and Uotten
without change
Canadian Pacific Railway (Vs. Vwpm
Ine of steamships to Japan and China,
The lastest anil finest iblpt on the Pacific
ccean. Shortest and best route to the
Canadiao Australian S. S. Co,
To Hotiolul':, Fiji and Austulln Tht
shortest route t the colonies.
For rates, fo ers and any Information ca'
on oraddressf CM Lockwood, Agfnt,
Office Phone No. 40. a88 Commercial st.
Residence Phone No. 55. Salem, Ore
Agent, 146 llurd street. Portland, Oc,
Distrlcl Passenger ARent. Vancouver, n. r.
From Portland.
8 pm
Salt Lake. Denver Ft.
Worth, Omaha , Kansas
City, St Louis, Chicafcu
6.45 P.
and hast.
Walla Wallr, Spokane,
a ra
Minneapolis,, bt. 1'nul,
230 p.m
Duluth, Milwaukee Chi
cagu and East"
8 p m
4 i'
For San FrnnclKo.'
Sail every tire days
ex, Sun.
10 p ra
Tv Astoria anal way land.
!S b
Ar Salem
Lvivt. Cortland, Newbury and
6 p.m.
lu 'Hiur
balem 1
Way Landings.
7:15 pm
and Sat
loa m. I
Mon Wed
1 For 1)4) ton
jy P
Ar Salen
L alem
We I tv
Corral In Albany und
Way Poiijts.
3P. m
Daily hosts to Portland as atove.
Transfers to street car line at OreffJ CI ti
ll the steamers are delayed there ound
tnp tickets to all points in Oregon Wash'og.
ton, or California. Connects made at Pott
land with all rail, ocean andriver line
Oen'l Pas. Aut. Portland, Or
O. M. POWERS. Agent, Twde street dock
City Agents.
Proposals Received
toMoylOtli to purchase all
or parts of n i lot 7,ull of
lot8blk7U,SulciiiOr. Lots
21 22, blkL'.UIenoak Addll
Ion. rltrliL rnsurvorl f.i r.
Ject ull bids, but are reus-
ana want lo sei I.
P. D, Sanford,
Coqnillo Oreuuti.
i U im d&w
We Can Save Vou.. Money
)ii Poultry and Lawn fencing:
tarliw roMndilnslea. Carpenter
hop In connection, Phone J22
Waltku Moblby, Prop,
Wbtnto 8trrt.
ncrc is only one
in town to ret a
If you arc a sfauger. ask
your neighbor, he will tell
ou logon V. W.J Hi
his- bank of ihi Red F out
Oru.'ai r?r 4.15a mm
W'hv give your en,arfiing
7 work to traveling
men when you can get it done
at home for the same money
and know what you are gett'ng
W. D, Rogers, Prop , 65 Stato St.
Steam Dye Works
No. 105 Commercial utreet,
opposite Wllluuietle hotel.
Ladles' und KentlemenM
clolhlritf cleaned, dyed, re
paired und pressed, Flno
blankets denned or dyed
and nictdy rjulbhed. Kid
Kloves cleaned, 10c; dyed
The Geo, M, Beeler
Insurance Agency
Aluyto tho fronu-wltli' teat
rates uud inillcies In the leadlnjr
Ernploymcnt Agency,
Io you want won?, or need In lp
of any khidV Apply at7 one.
Rental Agency,
Property to rent. Rajflit'er a
-2- tf 28 OOMUBBOULSTUBCT, Salwm.
immmimimm,m'mwmHmm .
imm iinut wa
s; .Aijbototy
wim.i .-nf itsjLBMMmtjiiHf'jiir,
"W 1 ICKHnil I Y a '..