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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1896-1899 | View Entire Issue (April 24, 1899)
WRW EEMM'Wfc'- " I'M ' ii-itt. -iriYrrriniYffcittTniirriiirTivrtiiW'itiiMtfiiVitfirwttiHartiteBftW mi'mwH' 'my DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL. Trif VOL. X. SALEM, OREGON, MONDAY APRIL 21, 1800. NO. OS. BRKm SaieraToiililW1"-' Home Made Goods, j 1) A TTT P Specials: A very select line of Boy s Knee Pant Suits of our own goods made up in New York. Get one for your boy! All sizes of Boy's Black Hose, the very best to be had: Ask for them. The largest assortment of Men's Pants: Regular sizes, extra sizes and extra longs. No matter what size you call lor we nave tnem. a special drive on them. The finest line of Crash Hats for Men and Boys to be found, in Patterns and Styles. Does Not Change the Plans. Government Intends to Sub due the Philippines. alem Woolen Mil Store .YmrtTTrfmyvTfvmmmmmmmmfmmtvyHfimmwr Alger Asks People to Refrain From Meddling. A big DRIVE E On all lines of Spring Goods. We E are selling the same quality as others ask you 3 tor, tor 2.50.k Wp (Ww vnu the straight dis count for cash and offer no premiums and do nothave to cinch you on the shoes to get even, uur Business is conducted strictly on business principles and conse quently increasing every day. Great specialty made of infant and children s golds SALEM SHOE STOKE Ladd & Bush Bank Building, State street. Storo olosos at 6 o'clock, oxcopt Saturday. -p- v1 W i i i i i OXFORD TIES. Vhtylish. ggg: Nlr 1 ,lri.D, I- "WWW NICE W DURABLE, isrearii- ONES K-i' ' fl COMFORTABLE! ws?s$ VS1 Originator of Low Prices. i r c L mm iti r f I . i iffimnfTw i S-JujHMiFAMunrw,. k FROM 1.25 UP. WsOWV earctnrar rnrr NEW .SHOW STOKE 01 bTATK.ST SALKM, OlE. Prao Shlnos to Customers. etAaA m m a m a BBHBMHMmBaS"liM""i""""" fl Flying Top e m 2 Given away with each pair Children's shoes it costs 5 no more to wear a pair of our late up to date shoes 5 than you pay otners loroia mock. See our Men' Tun and Hlack Viol C( 3M worth 4.0. See our Men's Tun and Black Vlci 0 82.60 worth WO. See our Men's Tun ana Blick Viol (t $2.00 wolth M.00. Every pair guaranteed by us and free shines thrown in. Krausse Bros. 275 COAMtERCIAL St. . No cheap, shoddy goods handled by us. a We Are Headquarters Uy AanoiMnleil Pre to tliv Joiirnnl. Washington, April 21. Secretary Alger said yesterday's battle at Qiiiugu had not altered the plans of the department. Otis, L'twton, Dewey and the Philippine commission arc fully authorized to deal with tho sit uation according to their best Judg ment, and the department believed it to be good policy to refrain frjin med dling unnecessarily. Secretury said if Otis wants more troops he shall liavo them uud tneun tlme the department will muko eyery effort to hasten relief to the volunteer troops by regular soldiers. Washington, April, 514. Batteries 0. nnd M. Seventh artillery, have been ordered from Porto Rice uud will be sent to Manila. Three batteries of light artillery will sull from Sun Fruuelsro for the Philippines toduy, Manila, April 21. General Mac Arthur's division lert Malolos toduy, apparently Intending to besiege Cal umplt. Washington, April 24. The presi dent bus appointed Colonel James 1 Smith, of the First California regi ment, brlgudlcr-gcnerul of the volun tccrs. Tho regiment Is now In the Philippines. Portlund, April 21. Jucob Boyd, sergeant of the fourth Infantry, died at Manila, from vurlbla, was from Wushluglon county, Oregon. He en listed at Van Couver, was usslgned to the fourth Infuntry and went through the Cuban cuiiinulgn. He wus made sergcunt for-bravery at the battle of San Juan hill. Manila, April 21. General Utile nt I o'clock this uftoruouu had crossed Bugbug and reached a position a quarter of a mile from CulumpltthUH commanding tho ford. The prison ers captured by Ilule's troops say Agulnuldo, General Luna, uud the Filipino staff ure ut. Culumplt with u greut force of Filipino troops. Before rtuyllght the Fourth cavalry with three guns of the Utah battery, tho Nebrusku and Iowa regiment un der IIulc, were proceeding in tho di rection of Kulnchua, where tho Bug bag (Tlbubug) Is formidable, but com manded by trenches. During the afternoon the troops crossed the river. Gens. MacArtuur and Weutou, with u Montana ri'nJ ment, advanced to tho left of the rail road and the Kansas regiment moved forward to the rlglit.nortlior M ilolos. They had with them a supply train with two armed cars In front currylnu two Gatllng and Colts rapid fire guns and three six pounders, Tho insur gents attempted to destroy the bridge outside of Calupit and succeeded In badly warping the framework. MANILA CABLES. Weekly Casualty Riport Two Oregon Men in Death List, Wasiunoton, April 21 Tho follow ing weekly death report from Genorad Otis received today, Is us follews: Manila, April 2.1 Adjutant-Gati-eral, Washington; The following deaths have occurred Mnee the lust re pert: From wounds in action, April lb, Joseph Grabowsky, private company 0, Fourth cavalry; I8lh, Archh Al dricb. private F, First Colorado; 20th, Bruce L. Maccy, private 0, First Ne braska, Drowned, accidental, 21st John Montgomery, sergeant K, Third ur- tlhery. April 23-Jacob Boyd, sorgcant K Fourth Infantry, variola; Samuel .1. Fobruury, prlyatc I, Eighteenth ln fantry. April 21 Thomas Uauble, private. D. Third Infantry, diarrhoea, Aprll2fl-Joseph Gompnian. private JUghtccnth infantry, malarial fever April fi-Bert B. Chandler, private C, Second Oregon, erysipelas. prll 20-Charles M. Parsons, prli vate M. First Washington, tuber culosis. April 20-Jay E. Taylor, prlvato H, Second OrcKtm, pcrllolutls. April 21 Mlcliaol Uyan, sertrcunt, Fourteenth Infantry. Ashlanij, Or., April 23. Jay Taylor wa9 the son of Robert Taylor, one of tho well-known citizens of Ash land. Ho was about 21 years old. He was raised hero and enlisted with compimy B of this city. While at San Francisco he was taksn III nnd was prevented from sailing' on the llrst Philippine expedi tion, Ills illness continued and ho was ordered discharged, returning to his home where ho remained for sdiuo time. lie was anxious for sor vlce, however, and his health Improv ing, he left for Sun Frat clscojustin time to get aboard the trausDort which carried Orcpon recruits to Manila. Ho urrlved at Manila In Novcmbor, and wis assigned to company B, Rccont lett ts from hlmlmyo been encouraging ns to his health and spirits, and he expressed a desire to remain there and tight ns long us he was needed. Washington. April 24. Captain Wild, of tho United States cruiser,' Boston, has protested apalnst the pro- nfotlon of Col. Miller to be brigadier general as u reward for tho capture of Hollo. It appears tho capturo had been effected nnd that place was turned over to Col. Millar, who up to that time had nothing to do with tho capture. Ills action Is endorsed by Admiral Dewey. i War Qoyernor Dead, II r AiMuclntetl I'reo to thu JuurnHl, SlMUNUKICLD, III. April 24. Ex- governor Richard J. Ogleshy died to4 day. IN THE SUPREME COURT. E. P. MflCoranck, trustee, vs. Salem Con St. Ry. Co., ct nl., and Tltlo Ouurautco and Trust Co, ya. Ralph E. al. Petition for rehearing In thoahovo cases donlcd. C. II. Merchant, ctal., appellants, vs. Tho Town of Marshtleld, respond ents. J udginont nfllniicd. TJpTnToh by Wolvcrton, J. Lars Clcmiiiensen, appellant, vs. As Peterson, ct al, refpondents. Judg ment alllrmed. Opinion by Wolvcr ton, .1. Justice Court. Constable Adams, went to Turner this morning and urrestcd Arthur Cornelius, and brought him down this afternoon, where he was arrulgncd be fore Justice Johnson, on u churgo of trespass, Tho complaint was made by A. McFarland, a livery stable keeper, who claims tliut Cornelius opened his livery stable at night and took nut a tcum, which hud been re fused him during tho duy. Tho young fellow brought tho team back next morning but thU did not allay the Ire of tho stablo man, so Cornelius plead guilty and his mid night drive makes a liolo In his ex chequer to the extont of $5 and costs. ECKLES BLUE. He Sees Meat in 1900. Dan Burns Appointed Sen ator Prom California. Matters of Importance Circles. in Naval For pruning tools of all dtv scrlplions, Draw cut Pruning Shears, Pruning Saws, etc. etc, N. V. Cor. State & Liberty St., Salem. GRAY BROS TODAY'3 MAKKET. Portland .April 24. -Wheat alio) 50 (too.; Walla Walla, 58 58Jc. Flour Portland, 2,00j Superline (2.15 per bbl. Oats-Whltc 4445c. Hay $8 per ton. Hops-lBwnc; old cropoc. Wool Valley, 1012c; Eastern Oregon, 8fl2u Mlllstull Bran, $17; shorts, 18. Poultry Chlckens.mlxed.M 004 00 turkeys, live, 13(c$13o. Eggs Oregon, 14W15 per do. Hides Green, Baited 00 lbs, mnc. under 00 lbs.718l;shcon pelts, 16J0c, Onions 75c($l per sack. Butter Best dairy, JOCHc; fancy creamery, 50o per roll. Potatoes, $1,10 per cwt. Hogs Heavy, .72. Mutton Weathers 4c; dressed, 7ic Beef tUcors.$3.WXWMS; cows, 2.M) 3.00 dressed, rdflj. SALEM MARKET. Whcat-48. Oats 30yji40c. , Hay Buied, iheat, 7.O018.0O Flour In wholesale lots, 12.76 re tail 93 00. MHlstuff-bran 910.00 Hogs drcoed, 5c. Live cattle-2JGWlo. Sheep Live, 12.5013. Veal7c. Butter Dairy 121 creamery 20c, Wool Best.l5c. Mohair 25c. Eggs- 10 tn cash. poultry unicKens, itgec: Farm smoked meats Baon, ham, 0o shoulder, 6c. Potatoes 60c, Ur Annoclntctl I'rran to the Junrnnl. Los Angulus. April 24. Hon. Jus. Eckels', Ex-Controller of thcTreusury, In an Interview suld. ''If tho Democratic party In tho campaign of 1000 stands upon the Chicago plattform It will meet defeat. ThcSllverltcscau no longer depend upon the support of tho western states, In cuse they lose In the oast." San Fuancibco, April 24, Tho Ex. amlner suys Governor Gugo being ask ed whut ho thought of tho appoint ment of Quay, us Senator from Pcnn. sylvunla oy the governorof that state, suld: "If your question bus anything to do with the senulorslilp from Cullfor ulu, all I huve got to suy Is, 1 huve ul ready appointed Duo. Burns, United Stutt i senator to succeed White. His coiiiinUsiun bus not yet been mudo out; that's all " Nbw Yohic, April 24 A speclul to tho Herald from Washingten: Asa result of his allusion to tho conduct of the German licet at Manila during thu war with Spain, Cuptuln Joseph B, Coghlun will probably bo relieved of tho command at Raleigh, Washington, April 21, The Gor mail government has entered a formal protest agalust t'.io lauguugo used by Cuptuln Coghlun. Thu protest was lodged with Secretary Hay, through tho German umbassudor, Huy replied that tho lunguuge could not be re- gurded usolllclul oru public utterance tn the sen so that would warrant tho department In acting. However, the nuyy department Is fully competent to lake, such uctlun us the cuse seemed to require. There are eml-uUlciul lullmutlous however, that the umbussudur will not so much concern hlmsclr with the course of Coghlun us with thu United Slutcs In dealing with Coghlun. question as to where he had llrst mot. MageM If the decision of the lower court bo alllrmed, he will have to be re sentenced. COUNTY CYCLE ASSOCIATION. Formed at Salem to Duild Paths What Is Being Uonc in Benton County, At t'to wheelmen's convention at tho city hall, Salem, Saturday Mr. Long read tho report of the commit tee on constitution or the United Association of cycle clubs of Marlon county. A number qf amendments were made. Tho proposition to tax all members 15 cents it your for the county organization mot with some opposition. Tho report as amended to 10 cents per capita tux. The following ofllcers' wero olected J. II. Albert, president; W. Stuley. secretary and treasurer; U. E Plersoil. Jefferson, vice president; the pre-l-dent to appoint three members of the executive committee. Among those attending the conven tion from points outside of Salem tterc: Sllverton P. L.Brown, Pearl Black er by, Lou J. Wolf. Cheaiawa W. P. Campbell. Dr. E S. Clark, L. C. Henderson. Marlcn C. R. Reed. Pratuin (Engor) Charles King, Henry E-jlT, O. W. Stege, Al Jermuii, H.H. Humphroys, Orin Miles, John King. Jefferson A. B. Huddlcsou, Ben nett Pearson, O. B, Hoyt, Hurley Moon, Wesley .Curl, Don Humphrey and Phillip KulolT. In Ucnton County Tho authorities are going right ahead to build paths without much cere mony. The Coryullls Tunes or Sat urday says. " Work on tho bicycle paths has begun. A force of men begun op erations Wednesduy uttornoon. There are live of them una Petor Bllven l tho foreman. They huyc three tcums, u road machine, plow und other Im- plltuents. They are ut work on the Monroe oath and have broki n ground rfoui Mary's river bridge to u point beyond the race track. Their llrst operations wete some what delayed. The road machine employed wus not tho right kind to do tho best work on u bfcylo path, and another hud to be procured. It came from tho north end or tho county, and only arrived Thiusduy night. It was put In shapo yester day morning, und In tho afternoon wub set to work Tho ground wus In tine condition, savollu it few places whore It was too soft, and good pro gress was made. Road Master kelton expects with the present forco to be easily ablo to make a mile and a half u duy. Another source of delay wus tho fact that t-oino distance south of town a number of small trees had to be grubbed out by a process laborious us wll us tedious. Of tho teams two uru used on tho road machine nnd the third on tho plow, Tho prices paid are lliruo dollars for man and tcum and a dillur and a half fur laborers. V a4SOLUIELYPURE Baking Powder 4S0f.VIElxfctJieE Makes the food more delicious and wholesome OYt aiwa fowntu co., mo vodk. Ml MARION COUNTY NEWS. Business Being Transacted nt the Court House. Sheriff Durbin toduy turned over to tho treasury $(1117.23. PltOHATK.. D. W, Gibson, udmlnistutur do bonis non or the estate or Gulon Gib son, deceased petitioned the probato court for an order authorizing hltu to disposo or certain real property belong log to tho estate and situated In 1 8 h r 2 w, In order to satisfy claims against tho estate. Tho petition will bo heard at 10 a. m Prlday, May 5, A. O. Condlt Hied his annual report ns guardian of the porson nnd estates of Emmott, Stella and Claude Boone, minors. B Wasscnhove, guardian or tho es tate or Edward Grcciiwald, Insane, wnsMthorlzcd to soil 57.07 acres or land In section 14, 1 7. s r 2 west, be longing to said Grcenwald. C1UCU1T COUHT. The Ford-Egan roreelostiro suit was argued and submitted before J udgo R. P. Boise, or Department No. 2, and taken under advisement. Docket entries were: Tims. J, Hall, ctal, vs. Wllllard An derson, eta), partition; report tiled, sulo continued, ordor to muko deed und disburse the proceeds or sale. II. S. Gllc has begun u foreclosure sultugulnst F, J. Cutterllu und wire In Department. No, 2 Judgment Is asked for $700, with 8 per cent Inter est from August 1, 181)5, on $82.78 at tho sumo rato of Interest from April 20,1891), und for $100 special attorneys fees. Tho foreclosure or u mortgage on tho north i or lot 2, block 31, Sa lem, which wus given to secure tho payment of tho amount abovo Indi cated, Is also asked. UKKD3 1TTO KILKI). Minerva Etta Wagner und husband to Alfred Gubsor, lot 1, In block 3, Queen Anno addition to Salem $500. F. Stewart and wire to August W. Fischer, block 11, Romlngton's addi tion to Woodburu $100. S. Prunk and wire to Adallna P. Burr, lots 1, 2, 3 and 4, block 7, Tumor's uddltlon to Turner. Alfred Orubscr (unmarried) to ThrtodoroStelnhlbor, lot 1, In block 3, Queen Anno addition to Salem $50. Ii.W. Durbin, shorltr, to Olive B. England, sheriff's deed to part of lot 5, btk 32, city of Salem. $1160. John Hughes and wife to D, S. Bcntley, 0 28-100 acres In section 28, 17, s r.'l west. $1, ofPS ably surprise I by "Oregon Grand'' curup or Royal Nolghbors, the ladles- auxllnlry or tho Modern Woodmen, The occasion was the birthday of one of the members, and when tho work tho evening was finished both lodg tuorged Into ono nnd a errand irnari En clal tlmo and rendition qf a well' 'ar ranged program was enjoyed by alls and much credit Is due tho committer or arrangement. These pleasant sur prises ure a regular feature of the Royal Neighbors, DIED. DESART. Thursday, April 20, I81W, at tho family homo on Howell Prairie, Thos. E.BonofGco Sart, aged 30 years, or consumption Deceased was a single man or perlot character and was a member me uuo mellows order, which con ducted his funeral Saturday, and laid oouy 10 rest at .Miner ccmatory, near; Slivcrton. m Will Close thenar. After April 25th Kllngcr & Bee will c'oso the bar at the braweryj nnrl llAMilltilK u.ill l.tlll. .t!Ui umi uviuiibvi cuii ifiujr iiiiiuquiv. ami iimik iii mr moir extensive oicwqryj and Ice business, .4i Unity OuilJ. Invitations Issuod early In -month will b3 good for tho social Thursday. April 27. m 'o5J A Pleasant Surprise, On Saturday evening 'iOrcgon Cedar'' camp M. W. of A., wore agree- Auers the sarsaparilla which made sarsaparilla famous WHEAT MARKET. 24,-May 731; cash April 24.-May Chicago, April reu to, San Fuanoibuo, 1.13 cushl.OTJ. THE MAQKR3 CASE, Appeal From the Circuit Court Argued Before the Supreme Court, In thu supreme court this afternoon was argued tho uppeal from the cir cuit court, In thu cuse of thu state Vd, Win. G. Mugers, under seutouce of death fur tho murder of Ray Sink on September 13, lbU8. He wus sentenced to be hung ou tho second Monday lu February hut a stay or execution was grunted pending the uppeal. The dercutto was represented by W. H. Holmes and Judge Duly and tho stale by Dipt. Atty, Huyden and Atty. General Blackburn. The points In controversy are: Tho alleged error or the court lu not In structlng the Jury that they might bring lu u verdict or manslaughter; jlu admitting trie testimony or the i'oruunu finer or ponce, umi wt Laughlln, rogurding Mager'i state ment made to hi in at llio time or thu arrest; In not ducl.ulng to the Jury ut the time or the suiting of tho sun, on September I3,uud In allowing one Hlllbaugli to answer to a 3i2C?&r34SR3lll8llllBliaiBligiieillllllIIIIIIIIHIIRlHIIIIIIIIHllllllllllllllIIIHI I Jos. Meyers & Sons, S Salem's Greatest Store. i mm I B i 1 T 5UMMCR M 8c Columbia Model 57 $50. The fintst chain wheel ever turnrd out of a factory, Harlfords, strictly high grade, S35, Videttes, fully guaranteed, S25 and 526, SROAT St WILSON. graceful effect; hI.ih, in to urn vuiuo; With an Interrogation Mark In the eye-t Is a good way to come to our store. Wo unswer questions and meet tho demand for any thing needed for the ryes such us ypeoluclu1 or eyeglasses at small oust. An experienced optlulan on hand who will make examinations free of charge, We ulso wish to oall attention to our display or beautiful lewciry for spring and summer ware. Call and see us for anything Iti our line at IBARR'S JEWELRY STORE, 118 STATU BTRDirr. ThlslUus t ration shows n extra long waist Sum mer Corset, mado In white only, of square netting, a crossbar material of domestic i ;:;anufae- turoundn copy of tho French put tern. A light and strong cor set; 6.ioo!c clasps: twi) hldo stoels: handsomely trimmed; constructed to give n ino-t uect; hum, jo to iu; u spion-prlco,,.,.,,...M 50c Shirt Waists at Special Prices uui Tit nuiuub Bkuun ui nm 'PVV fitting una Ut uiudn wahts at X Hpeelul s.ile prleen Hits Meek. WearM HART, abHAFFNEfl 6 MAIIX, OUARANTeCO OLOTHINO H And ave from $2 60 to $5.00 by deal 2 tng with a store that treats you right m nr money refunded. A COLUMBIA WHlillL GIVUN AWAY, Our stock Is now Its best tho swell Qst materials of the season, also, i i s III iurMi,' I)narlmnt. A ciuli MirelHtM or u) anlM In our Mu' umi lloy'a furnli Ini IIiiim will uiillilaoiitf Ut In "" w'i-i ". :i . " wtrnciiiani in lit kivihkmi llil COLUABlA BICYCLE. A At ri)iMtlinn (iiiiwhI "fin Uih ukui. uomo, mako your purohnso. Bicycle Glovesi Ida Mii-iuiiorx iiovw."ur nili Ak rr inr hbw 8k uunil i ! iiii kinil Ihut hdv Im-ii irlwl 'i ii4 1 fiMHtt Ml(, I I Till c S1.50 NKW TRIMMINGS NBWKIUKB NKW TUUKEDAMD CUHDKDTAFKEl'AH, And our Linings Wero never sp complete as now, bot Selaslan, tho tjest rcrcallnes, bust Near Silk, the best Batiste etc. tho the etc Ribbons Another shipment of our celebrated LHADEll ribbons und new draw string effects Just In. WcHwcW Dent's Own Gloves, Shawknit Half Hose for Men. v 278 280 Commercial St. AVliJ CLOSE AT The Old White Corner. J O'CLOCK. ( 'i 'AM f'l u t a . llllHMBIgllllllllMIIIIIIIIHIHIIIHIlllllllMIMIHHIMWNHHHHiMI mmmmm..-.... W