-T-1J-H iT" mmmmammezz THE TROJflNI THE THE Acknowltd tobs BEST FITTING, MOST STYLISH Shirf Waists On (lie Market. NOTICE THE CUT ALL SIZES! OVERSKIRTSI tlltW Tery fnejf Milk Krepons W.OOnilrft tain I Wool VniMU . fM All Wwil BTW. $0.00 BROCADED SILK SKIRTS for 94.00. loetl BktrU o, 7R, 11.00 mid up to lii) HOLVERSON'S ifiT Hcglnnln April 3, store will close at (I p. u. OAsn STORE CASH STORE C Black Dress Good They gel a most liberal showing here the blacks. Always popular, always rich and dressy, they hold first place in the affections of many women. This year's assortment surpasses anything we have gath ered before. Silk and Mohair Crepons Many new patterns of the most fufllilonnlilo weave. 91.20, $1. GO, 92, $2.20 yd, Changeable Coverts For elegant Tailor tnailo Bulls comethlng now and InlereHtlug added cncli duy. New Lace Curtains Kowknut patterns In dulrity do nlgus nf I'iiI tit do Calais ox . tjulsito itattcrns In Swles cur tain goods by Hie yard. Not tingham curtains In many new patterns. $1, 91.20, 91,00 to 90 pr. J. J. DALRYMPLE & CO. The Silk Store, GOINGOUR $20,000 r loo tu Ton wlmare fur (jrent hu imrKiln la lo nil iiihiu n lirur it I nil unn. Wo imr Ixiforo niltettUrtl ui oil out nml inivr whtm wn mix hint our twk imil tlxlure urn to lit) (WashM out wltlilu lh(initlxir iU). wn iii-nti It. Ii Inn JCniiliinolrHr-KTwmlilHtf mint Ko HTOCK OP lV (iwkU mid Mlllorny RolliK mill K.llfMC very Iml, Our imi- Almiliitnly nu rpwirTO Our Uoo'U J 1'ltr to olo tlKim out nt I tit prl ur all lirUlil ami nw ami trlotly uti loili wn MMklUK. lHiw.Tnr I Imtd antlier iita, Imltwil It liroixxlllon In Man DIM On Vlmw nml Ilia to uiv nilvantmfa tu Mill lint. iiIiiiywUm 1 wtiilMu t think of It. Dry (IimhU. Ill - -,.. ...-..., -..., - -- -f--- --- --- - - - .. : : .1 . - . . i -. .. t .... i Uuim. iiniDK. ixirMi. iiiimonr, uiumiii ami kiiii mciiTwvur, ruiuon', iiinMKreiiii. k'om J.wOlry. laeva, ixMikt Ixmtaii Hlm(U llmum Ilk. mnbtoUUry, k, ililunwoii'. I'laMwatn nm xvnryoiiliiK In the notion. 2 Stores XYJL Jdt SP X.jTavZJ JC i. :o; aim -so. v-uiiuiieiuui 01. THB' L.HADBR. 2 Stores .My Banner Day Yesterday I noli) wnldlios ul a cloiirauuu Nile; ho fur It's u nuueossl unil I liavo atldud a miiubur of' , uuatuinurx lo my Hot, and llio luw prlCtiion my wntoli talu lias donoj U 1 ellll liavo u fuw loft and l$ titoy tturtiiy win no iwrorc uiu tiino ofolOMiMKilu Uup, "Now lo your Uuio. U. II. IllNdHH. Wutoliuiukor and Jowlur. 2U0Uounnorolutau PERSONAL AND LOCAL WGATHUR HUPOnT. Toi.lulit mid tomorrow, prouubly fair. Ex-Clilof nt police A. C. fcillcy left last cvonlnw for Fresno, Califor nia, where lie will make til future lioinc, and will enter Into buslnos with his brother, 31 r. Dllloy served on the Kalcm police forco alKiut clKht years, of which time he wns elty marshal, and made a very acceptable oillcer. Ills many Salem friends wish Mr. Dlllcy prosperity I., hlb ncwhomr. Rev. II. H. Elwortliy. n ftirnior member of the faculty of Wlllnmullc UniverMlty and now piiHtor of the Lei uuon M. K. ohuroh, Ii mid to be working hard to make a Methodist of Hon. Will Miller. Mr. Klworthy y ho would make a fine hand to rnfltlip contribution box. Ion Gainer, who ha the tedious Job or writing up llio new rccod4 of Wheeler (Miunty, will twin bcln his work. IIlMdaiiKliter nod son will do the ulorlcal work, but he will super vImj, and lilt knowledge of rovern mont surveys will prove valuable. Mrs Fred Lcit,' and children luft for Portland this morning via Steamor I'jmomt from whence they will ao Ui The Dalle) and then to Eastern Or t'tfon points to be ono for two months vlHltltitf friends and rolatlvos. Roy. M. N. Norton, a presiding elder of the Church or Christ organ ized ntHalcm u few years aro by Mrs. Woodward of California, was In town the past week. The church still has 12 or 14 members at Salem. Mr. and Mrs. O. C.Wyman.or Minn oapolls, Minn., accompanied by tholr daimhtor, arrived In Salem yostcrdav for a few dayt' visit with their cousins, Mrs. O. W. Gray and Mrs. 0. O. Van Wagner. Hon John Q. WINon, Salem's llrst mayor, returned lust night from bis ranch at Heppner, In Morrow county lie reports n late spring, but good crop prospects In that region. Henry J. Ellon, the piano klntr of the northwest, drove over from Durry and look tho local font point In Hie valley where a carload of Kimballs will drop In o day or two, Gov. Oecr returned last evening from Portland nccompanlod bv his daughter, Mrs. A. O. Downing, who wont lo the farm homo noar Macleay today. Illshnpand Mrs. II. S Hartley of Wood burn camu up ti attend the Manlier-Wdht wedding this evening at the home of T, L. Davonport. Mr. and Mrn. O. N, Ulalr, who ex pected to looatu In Salem In a few weeks, returniul to tholr home at La comb, Linn county, today. Mm. W. A. Woods, who has boon visiting her sister, Mrs. 0. C. Good aie ror a week, left for hor home at Lebanon today. Mrs. A. Mattoson, and olilljron who makes hor homo with .Mr. a tiff Mrs, Mark Savage, wont to Kugono today for a visit. Mrs. 13. II, llrown, (mm liernard) of 'Prison, was In the city Ui soo friends mil loft Unlay to visit hor sister at UKugoiie, shape for years haye been spotted by the new street commissioner to be turned tip, graded, and late'r graveled. As soon as the new charter Is In oper ation Mr. Frlzzell also expects to tackle the dilapidated side-walks, so perrons who know their walk? to be In bad shape had better be forewarned. Church street between Mission and Mill creek Is bolng plowed up pre paratory for the grade. Fourteenth street from Mill to Oak Is being given similar treatment. Illiih street In South Salem from the city limits up the hill south, along the wost side of Mr, Hush's land is being graded by tho enterprise of the property owners. J. (J. Hoolh and Street Commissioner Frlzzell, who owns tho Rice block, are moving spirits In the matter. Othor streets will be put In Miapo as rapidly as they can be reached. Let tho good work go on. OREOON CHOP REPORT. United State Deportment of Agriculture, Crop Bulletin. The following bulletin lor a week ending April 17th: Lower temperatures prevail, nnd more rain foil during tho past week than In the preceding one. The CITY COUNCIL. Uj L Fjfank S, Dearborn Photo supplies) Kama Restating Tablets Kama Reducing Tablets Kama Intensifying Tablets Kama Toning Tablets Kama Kwick Developer Kama Aats Ray Filteror 25c to St libber Trays PJutes all stees Pull Line Cameras 63 Commercial street, V f ih U. 6. Qmnt Cnolo. fa. ft, Ladloa of 0. A. IL. . nrtt m. MiS" i.il jwtanin Hume of Mrs. SjayTaUurn wo ut 2 o'clock ii litum imporuniH im truiMkiuiw). Hy ulttiy. Mr. II. p. WmC -J-ltt-IU Proof UcJy. Usm ve uny doubt at to vihere iU,C4n buy ttieiHMb imrnoM.or v Kllti lUUtlO Ut tllu lwtkt 0XIkinka.kl.tn 'Stain StrtHlLfatld nuinilini nm al.l 8M Slmfor. I9&w il ,.r &ITrliim Ex.Statu TrtKts, Phil MuUohan, went to Albany today. U. II. Hurrlok and A. W. Prnsuolt woruappolutud noturloj today. I). II , of the ulau Juhusuiii, Mo liamu, was a Salvia visitor TuoMlay. Mm, Gladys Hooker, tho Nonparlol mllllnor, oamu up from Poitlaud lust oveulug, Mrs. II, L, Stcovos ami son, of IluiitliiRlon, are In llio nlty on a visit to frluuds. A. W. Gles), wont down to Now. borg to.lny on tho Ruth to wrlto some Insurance. 'A. M. Parvlu sunt up today to eon duat hu olasstw In the Albauy uou Hdrvatoryof muslo. W. S Wutorbury, of tho CrolMii iiiiplomont liutibu, was nt Portland on biitlmw Tnutday. Paul 0. Hates, a Portland Inmimuei HIHWIal, wai In town Httolng hlsluoul tfnts, Gilbert Hum. Mrs S. Hiiloa.( of Portland. U Dm gutwtofMr. J.N Hruwii and Mm. Z. M. Parvln for n fw wmhW. Frank l'ow.'r hat accepted a nwl Hon as boukiNH)r with tlm Oregon WhulMilu Mirtory oompHtiy. AtHlittA KhtmlMg has rturail frowi a vImR at Saw PrHuelwo awl t ataln maklBg hi burnt at HoUl Salem. 0 V. Alton, uh uf the owtiarti of mitt Wallace ontiawy, raiiM up from Nttsvtxtrg, via bttfimtr 1iihmu mi tymilug Mr, G. W. llnlltMer left for her iimji at Ubiyuiu uly. Her lum lwd ta buiuliiiHSUr uf Ptist Oal. U. & V. at Maallit. Jo4iONli Hums kft im tli jtjth this morttlHK ItoMHd fur Uwlsiuit, Idaho, wtn tie axMou lm uu homo la tlm future. Mr It lUoUurd im (nlly, of Catirtlawl, MInii-, arrive) yMitr4y and huv bwown rldMU of ItelMii, lucUug Ih UvvUhrtwr hiMM. Mm iUry (iml ltiullu. Adam, who liavo luw vteiwiiu with frl.ttd Ih Um oily, lft UiU HtornlHu fur tHolr (mum tttTh IMIUm via stoHiuer lNtuibHii. Oone to the Superior Mlntm. Mr. J. A. Lawlor, of this elty, who has boon doing a dlarylug biulnoi,lort yon t onlay for Wisconsin, whore he gous to take an Intorost with his brother In a gold mine In the Lake Superior country. Mr. Lawlor's brother has recently sold one or his inluiw In that locality for a largo sum of money. Ilavlmr olTenul his brother a hair Interest In his remaliiluti inlnas. U ho would uc copl. lie has put his dairy IiuhIdom In goul hands and will return next rail having taken In tho goldon op-or-tu nlty. Mining Htook Sale. Tli Florence Gold mining company r Hrltlsh Colnuibln.Miiado a sale or MCOOwurlli or stock Monday. This oomiwtiy Is eoiupo(l of Hlum po pl, llmtrni Tllnoii, Ilartleite, Gil inured Purvlue. iiiij .u ... . , .. . ...a vuillinuiy VAneW 1(1 IllVkWl, IDA miijur portion or t'lto sum upon lm liraroiiMiits on tint mluii, wlilali will HiHlnobtwII) make tills tutu a val uable iilHonof property a ih) will no doubt bring rlcliiH to the prtiprlolor. QOOU HTRUltr IMPROVttMKNTS tempeniture ayeraged 40 degrees, which Is 1 degrees lower than ror the preceding wook and C dogreos lower than ror the corresponding week laHt year. The maximum temperatures ranged rrom 50 degrees to 12 degrees and the minimum from .'II degrees to 13 degrees. Rain tell Monday and Saturday nights and during Tuesday in amounts trom 1.00 to 1.50 Inches. Frosts occurred Thursday and Friday mornings. The rrost did no damage While the temporaluro roll to and below the freezing point In many sections and many treos wore In full bloom, yet the moist condition or the air prevented j Injury. Jt is rare that frostti In I urn fruit or any vegetation In Western Oregon. Cold rains cause Injury to fruit bloom, but m far this year no such Injury has resulted. Tho lain en Monday und Tuowlay last delayed plowing and spring seed ing, but the weather from Wednesday yon put the soil In good condition and plowing became general; It was pushed with vigor. It will require fully two weeks moro, with ravorablo weather, to complete spring seeding. Fall and winter hjwii gram arc In good condition. More warmth aud sunshine would produce more rapid growth, but the present growth Is healthy mid ravorablo for hotter stand aud stoollng. Early nwn spring grain lias appeared above the ground and promlhos well. Out of 1M6 reports, only three contain a record or any un favorable grain condition. Fruit troosjiro demonstrating that the February rrcezodld practically no damage. Poach und uprlent trees have generally lost their bloom. Cherry, pear, plum aud prune tree are yet In full bloom In many suction?, Apple treos uio coming into rull bloom. Unless cold rains prevail or an unusually heavy rrost occurs, the rrtiit crop will bo very laruo. Straw berries ure In IiIimiiii, and In tomo or the southern count lea mull berries uiu iiiijiiii. 1'ignaie as urge as In L'uriy county. Hops uio making slow growth; Miuie)ardsthcy Imve ouiiuieuewl eumo t no pole. (Jras is making slow growth, but INisturnge Is good. There aiu no ctim plaints about tlitmiiiditlun nf stock. All gmwlni' veL'MLiLiiiti i ,.. greatly iwi.ollted by warmer woalhor nun Miinsiiine: iiih low grttvMh and uavoiopmeiii are ravtiruble tor good t nrntw. Hmuwlnllu iiiu rr..i. ........," .'I (tula lii development meaim less nu bility Ui Injury by cold rains or possi ble hoaw ttutM Lulu s.HMins, as a riile, prixluce gtM4i crops All condi tions can safely berctirrii as being fairly satlsfm-mry. The City Threatened With Legal Pro ceedings bya Would-Be Auctioneer. The city council met Tuesday night, Hurrows, Walker, Uuren, Rlggs, Gea ncr nnd Grlswold present nnd the mayor presiding, Alderman Grlswold reported In rp gard to the business of the city pound, that the marshal said that he had un derstood that the feos from the pound nent to the marshal: That If obliged to turn these feos Into the treasury he thought he could devote his time to something more profitable than chasing stock. Alflnrniiiii Rlggs renorted that he had Investigated the cost of putting water ujKin Wlllson ayenuearidthat It would cost between four and live hundred dollars. On motion of Hur rows the Improvement of Wilson avenue was indefinitely postponed. The following resolution was intro duced by GrMweld: Whereas. It has been made plainly annarent to this council that the Charier of the City of Salem, Oregon, nnwrnl aL the lato session of the Ore gon legislature, and signed by thn governor on tho l"th day ot February lust, (loos not bear an emergency clitufco as contemjilatcd by the organic law or the state, and thoreror, is suo lect ui the constitutional provision which makes It operative, as a law, at the end ot ninety duys inter the au Journmonfor the legislature at tflilcli It was passed, to-wlc on the lUth day or Mav JisOO. thererore be it Resolved, That It is the sense ot this council that the election held In this city on the 30th day or March 1600. ror or against the the Issuance or bonds, (which 6ald election was or dered under the tonus and authority or said Charter) Is Invalid and uf no force and oiled ; and that all acts and orders, had and taken by this council, In relation thereto, nro hcieby de clared lo be, and are, null and void," Adopted. Win. Haack made application for a liquor licence and asked that It be Issued ror three months only. To committee on llcctihcs. J. W, Watt made application for the privilege or placing a water tank opposite the court house on the border of Wlllson avenue. Alderman Huron objwlcd on the ground that u tank at that place would be an unsightly ob ject. Laid on tlic table. W. A. Runnells asked that $1.42 be returned to him, which had been col. Iccted through a wrongful assessment. Gesner Introduced a resolution that i o printing bills be contracted or paid except by contract let to the lowest bidder. Carried. i vor Ulsh'jp made a Htatcmcnt lo the Tout that Geo. G. Goode would like " have Hie council repeal the iIucij-h- ordinance, and ullow him to take out a llcoiiie under the old ordinance, ut the rate ot $.10 ror year. OtherwUc he would be compelled to mandamus the city recorder aud com pel 11 tu to Isaue a license, and he would upset the license ordinance ai.d a lot of other ordinances. Ruferrud tu committee on licences .vltli luslruc tlons to make a thorough Inyostlgu- Hon. j Gosnor asked to be cxeinod rrom i attendance for an indefinite period, as he would be absont from thu city j for four or live mouths No action I was taken. Following bills were ordered nald: '""'"'Salem (las Co $ 22 76 hulom Uosuo 2.'l 20 A. J.HtiMiy :i oo Salem Water Co ill 43 FRIEDMAN'S NEW RA6K&T! Our New siock 0 UiiLlllll Has arrived. Suits for the small boy, or The big man, All nice, nobby, new goods" Wc have the latest! ' For the small boys M&m $Vr 50c up to the finest wool. Our little Vestee U. S. N. suit is a Stunner all the boys like it. Young men's suits in brown checks, greys and blacks. Men's suits Square cut, round cut or frock, in plain colors, or fancy worsted. A great as sortment to select om. for the stout man, pants for the tall, slim man pants for everybody. come and see the goods; the goods are of the " best, the styles the latest, and the prices lower than any in . ' this city. Pants If you are interested Friedman's New Racket Cor, Commercial and State Streets, Salem, Ore, Patton Brothers 98 State street. Everything the Amateur Needs Photo Supplies, Cameras. Kodaks. Closing Out Sale On order of a telegram the Nonpariel Millinery will close out the entire stock. Call earlv for choice bargains. A bonafide sale! NONPARIBL, 317 Commercial st. j'woHTHnkYvarikTw v In to R. K. Mooros & Co. Capital Drug Store Steluer Drug Co. . I 13 S. Lamport . . Hrow.stor & White I). J. Fry Girt vor & Pugh. What 8lem' Strt CommlMtetief WliHr tor tba City's 0d. U A CruUU Plact. ThlMirH," l one a the husleot placet In town Uied-yk. There Is a oonstanl stwtui of subscribers un-l advertisers a oil if uusIhu continue In Improve a Urge fori will b r. (juimhi uhIu tit work. It ie coming tube unlvorally ad milted that Tim Joukx.vl Is u, only daily iwper that covew the fluid i.iiuwii news m Salem u oomplete awl reliable utauoer. The bent t deoc ofthu U tlw fact that lurn-. CUIHllOII 00 I 26 1 ft 2(10 2 76 1 80 I M Wade&Cc! ft n uray iinw j uo Grlswold &Chiih0 t 00 urowster ij white 7 OA 60 4 60 3 00 II 00 4 60 10 46 USA Dark Room in Connection, Patton Brothers, 98 State street. 8 DR. H. C. EPLEY. PHONE 2813, DR. H. H. OLINGER. uv Specialty! Iiranllrallr cmbniees tiie,,... tlr ruaillin. i.l ii.iUi.... . . . ... StreV IkNiiiiilssionor J. P. KrlMoll r,ir 1.17 K .M,,,WI,W Is iwt making much fUM or ills())ay Am.'"'??1 "" UutheUsettlagalHrnt ih. JW JJ ZTiTliV'lmt usk of putting the olly's streeU In "" ,MM,,-" U. unltrlnn way that will mett Hp-j nation. He ie not tlulug a nurfaM lob W S. Low Salem Gas Co . . . Salem Giu Co Croul.su & Couovur. Oronlsu & Conover. StuaeMiiau Pub. Co. Salem Sentinel N.J. Judah J0 40 A, J. Ihsoy 4 60 Capital Journal Co oo G. P. Litchfield 2 00 J. C. Rued 2 oo A. T. Ronton 2 00 G. A Rwokwoll 2 00 u. ,i ruriiiuutor oo G. Steluvr J. Hatuhoilnr J. 11. Campbell .. Wm. Maimlutf... G. G. Gnus hr , 0. 0. Van Wagner G. A. Nye Win. Ullery J. L. Pretdniid. . . . W. P. PoltlHgtll ., SiilPin L. - T. Co sua 9 oo t oo 200 200 200 76 its SlilPliI U.X T. Co 4IUt K. H. Nluhols o 46 458 00 lor nliow, but is attacking Ike evil too rtxit, ami pratHtfM to do titor- iKitrwly what, work Is uoilerUtkttt, and to do it without luvuritisui. HY9m street that anye Uii in UmiI Tk itoU U Net Yot. n.. iuukna-ijw.Tuiu Wait Is In Nt error, nihI tltn Hrotoed celebration of mi kw. ii"w Mwi rev: pay r,ll AUeKN i m cuHUiji service o, toe end Is not vet! WAITING. the ot n pki Q2 1 iW paw...-. !i$?wL ii GOOD WORK at REASONABLE PRICES. Salem Cental parlors. Bridge Work, $5 per tooth, and up. ra H B OVER rOSTOFFICK. Rooms 27 and 29. Phono 28i:i. I iunmitw xx vc wax rxacici3Ctft. Special Snap in Towels. tcM-Ncw Shirt Waists V Aro out for your liiKpNtlon-Iuok at tiMtw in our s.,ti, !. :iSSm.m. w w n. ''"" """ " "WMIU U lUauetHl IH HHUW LIITIII IAm Utll mmun'$ shots ' For sprjog ato In Uok tlior rg buliei, Uiay ara the Hmduat af t he factory of J. H. Nu.oti fe-io iZl $ lit 2f 0L? wliti talotli to)fortwi.aodtatf: fcumo iHopio akkn u for Uiam ix,xr3 JgRos. & Company. feiHh of 4"WtwH smiimi t&y, . i0' , v i. ;dyii ymw QRAgll UATJ o VVMrfckhU HAUim OltMllON. nmUtd lAtt4tm as ctMHv y3t aWWMM . JUMlk. 'mtg&si jSHW uv- 0MIW.7 NHMufiinlMfe !Sl Sfigi-n-! That Orient Sajfer Gear Qminless rtia to y ! MO wrr .k- u tHMkkM. tthlrta. ttrmtaU.iiM hw Th Udito Black Tributes rVduS tv4 ryiuilM ikb U t.tur KlMllBu rixtiiiftir EWS SSSwTKjr wVw fart, i Ju JSL Yyt,!? 8, Cash S4Q. Installments. TtlK INSiTITUTlON. Of Whteh Utta ARiiere-WiMwaa m the State KeprtmaUvc and a Mmm- W of the Ifaoulty, MtWlfl pupils under this system The lnwr-Suu System or mulel Intruutlou can remain at bewe a ad yet aeon re the osteal that eoute fnwi iMlng puplfc) or a regularly cbatUrwl iMAUutloa, the ame as a oolbgu or a UHlwjjity, Tim ytni Wads dicaity to the Wttrkn ( a prl vuto-wikski twoher,Nlt em Unite a regular emre f study, moimeflSdHieai oxrels, ltirtw and ekivi roaltafc, aad kiubu dipttHuas of proftUetMy ami teaeiMrS eertlKeaiw Oalt at uiy vsllo oW First National bank uuIUItng fur particular. 4lSSt RITA AN'UMM6-WUXMA.N A Housewife's Pride. It! Iluit ilil... .. .. w i; ; : " r."ws?.tt.,. ". the tm llio daintier the articles ihn more pride she takes In th", It will "". " V l aeiiunt when she soos t iV In lUh W ill I splendid bargain; we are oYrerlilg line gluware. and cl i and Eng! iM.rcelain, as jwwt fciter offering. ONNEWIANN s. D. L Fiest6r' (At old stand, 201 Commercial Street, Salem.) n, nSlUPL,n!nff continued over Saturday. Uur pattern Hats are go ng off fast Ahnv TIIK GROCER 121 aute st Telephono 51 CVSvC t.S!.di!?.?.fu1' !!?f TAnmrf H. w. ;"" uuu uu inz INovelttes olthe's ti our prices and see our stock, season, WTPmiR-s BAZMR In RctimlcrS Coutt. Rtuorder Juaaa uih woraiag Notd one Jalin I tt, fur drtiBkeuHs The yatiHg wan jwld bis Mae and seomoil only too wtlUag to nrUira to his rurai uoaie, witk Um mMMiit wimeuan imi m nail .vtcured lite HMHM)S WOfUl. tsvtv;v(-n - Capital Junk Shop, I' iltghe prices pud for all tincJS V lUutal. bottle, rniu. ...i. . " ." y r-r Vh.W,e.c. lWlitTTTKRFS9 lS k J D, RUBENSTnN. i 3 vrS' E FiVi,r,ifoiniS inreyer1hi" Remember, we will get prices e '" and See what we ,1Ilve and J74 CouiutrclilSt., Silem, Or. On aJ After ljr I UlQfd will be wi 'ecwiar Ma nra auiroags ratfUturaHU slMrt Il l-ontwiwd Mteuncs. Rft. Irviae, evanwIlM, Bow jn tho ty will pachi the Itaptlet church UhiIrm. Mr. WaUh. hi" M - um kycaiu wuii.., . Sclo. "" "ks ,H .m. Cw,fif'5twl Meettog. ivogntutu prepared. S, C, STONE, M, D. k Crowlttor or Stone's Drue Stores Nu. bALUJI. OREGON. ,. . ,' BR.8TONK eta?!?. TJ0" M ft ""'" MtMllUttlMl WpTMOflHlBtt. 45 or 50 cents. baLnUBDttr?nelb-canh,hradc mie V?.m.e I"Ufry; try our own rnwue make ii:,ifinir i,n...inK .mi tranA i. -"o"" ""ci,' "iitaraoDn X SunPi80"" guaranteed jo pure and good, or else money iiitin fn th,s ad- wh0l vou need oenetJt, and ours bv eninlnvlnu mn Call for. liere at home. DIAMOND BAKING POWDER, 30 cents cer lb., can. YOKOHAMA TEA STORE EVtKKVPtllOW. rty mil be KtfYyu. W. (i. WuiTAonrr. 307 COMMBRCHAL STRKm' t .. . . fc ".."-"".' . "iUJ Wl(1L ) wisu io en k-your nwua you eat "Vr i at the Wliii restaurant. House I 4 13 2t j Telephone Red 2601 Fr Delivery. "wmwm& mtfmmmmmmm