o irw rtmi'ifcwm iniftiattii aMkSttka KYOUNG Hi i MEN .Of Salem and Vicinity, &?'$$ nave S'ven aeat eaI of attention t040ur Young luiro puif-ueparunent wis season auu we uro-juaiiy jjiuuu peuuie or suits we nave to oner at prices never equaieu pre;, 'i ' . ?fiO A good wrvlcablo Cheviot, brown mixed .4 XfiO. 4,W A lion vy weight bkiLk Cloy 4 4.40. ., .) .A mlx.jdClievoltsult, built for sorvloo 6.00. $... A neit brown, in I'lalus, and mixed uievuit ... dmi. 3(100 A dark brown null In broken plaid 8 0.00 aisKNjaTsNJsv.Jv:sTNi. AROUND THE EVENING LAMP, 7 Far Western Reflections Upon' the Newest Books 5 and Periodicals, &ASBsarvjfearvMNJuvirvK'BNarsjB'wi xsjiv Tlic April Overland will contain several articles of more than passing Interest and value. Among these is a paper by Dr. John S. White, of the (lerkeloy School of New York, on' the IV u rv & ?,0 A itobjr spring suit, In plaids, or stripes 8 7.00, &6D....A brown chucked Worntcrf, a stylUli garment... I 8 60 410.00.. .. A swell summer suit iriniiiflll light check 910 1. 412.00.. A tailored double breustctl IllueSorge, silk f need.. 81 2.00, 812 00,... A 4 button out away sick Fancy Worsted .. 812.00. 4IM.G0 ... mown check. Fancy Worsted, silk faced ... 812.60. ?Ahd a number of others. eisure. Call and examine them at your "Current Literature and Inform.! Mon" for April maintains tlic high quillty that for lire large bulk make it the greatest and mot attractive monthly of tho cosmopolitan style cosmopolitan in contents, variety and breadth of editorial ccooe. There arc-thirty-two dlntlnct Held of literary olMrt covered In an Intelligent nun nor, and In this number there Is the ganoral average oi nourly-eventy com plftla poems. There are nearly 120 lario quarto page, with it largo por trait of some IHeraiy notable, the whole printed In largo type and neatly bo nod. All this for dtjuoiiUn mouth or W a year. & W, JobosoD and Company, Salem, 257 Commercial btreet. r ' DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, BV HOKI1H HROTHIt V t WEDNESDAY Al'RIL. 10,1800 117. On Year 33.03. lu Ad van as fontty, Tour Alonlha $1 CO, U Advnnoo ; Weekly, One Yonr 81.00, iu Advance sO A GOOD PLATFORM. pyUAIjUn! rxrt jimllifi to mi i -ioetT iriialin, ri'llglon r3 moil, of vtliat- l fir ttfillllfnl rpffboe, commerce, nntl frluinllilii wllli all im- ' lioinr-fiiuiiKiinir allitnrra with norm; Hi,- iii . BOrl Ox tllltafJltA fmrnrnrtitmla In all Ihnlr lt,l,fa I w. Ma tho Mont iV)fnii4tlAlil ,irnlrilaf inllima f,.r ,.nr I v,Uoinrl!i ror.mil. nit Ibo urnl bulwark glnt ntitl.Itei.tiillrn tradem In"; Ihu trtr vHiiuiiui iiiRviitri KoTcrniHonun n whoic , COIlatlttltltmal Vlirnr at (lie aKiat hi plmr ,i( ,.i,r 1 ,mmjok tioinitumt nftj abrondi imvdnin I , ,rellKloti;frrloliiirtli prww tfi.n I njiuvipic" iiirm iu oriKlil roimu'ilnllun wnir-li ' Iiaa Con Ijafum Ha. mi.t trtihlail ntir ait ,.a r ... .. .1 . , - . , , ,--"' '"' '.II1IUUKII BU ( VI ICYIIIHIKIM ani remrinntH'ii IIIMMASJUPPKIIMUN IT 18 IN ORDER TO REMARK THAT, I'liouiMiiidfl of dollar of bluyclo tux will probHbly bo oxpomUd In oxporl- ftiicutlng on conntruullon nf ulcyolo lip, when If u toil mrrcn'rJ?o wcro ib to out oi tiVcc'foot furrow out of &JZiWoii the level of tho county Million of perfectly smooth oyolo- rn could Ikj mado very cheaply, No una expects tlto Hulum pnstofflco Ite to be located from the standpoint republic utility. Tho juituMIco wus fiiiovcd to Uh prohcut Rlto bv'untiHo fcion- McUrldo was allnriHiy for tho re I'celvcr of tho busted Williams & Eng land bank that had the building on its iuiids. Tho current legem! that the jfTiMurphybloak In Hoiilh Hulum, l to fbo chosen Is spollud by the fact that Y Murphy und Mcllrldo don't epeak nor cvcorraspond, beoiuuo both Lord und lurpliy wcro dhthud by tho Or- Acvfin Invalid who ilolo the Dolph sen iiiorbhlp right from under ttioir nose iWlillu thoy were cxpoollng to full heir t tqu u Inaonloiuly ougliieorud hold-up Jh tho Interest of mime one olso, No, pflitOIlloo silo will go wheru thcro Jstsginotlilug In It fur thu Mcllrldo I'fituilly or HOuie of thulr frlond., Tl) Kacapv. When n man ha a clmnce to cCApe from prinon be doenti't Mop to tiuc about It, lie break a out an quickly a ever be can. lie know that every momrnt'a delay may tcaten hli chance of tt cape, but when a man la nick be too often tioMponc hit opportunity of Retting well anil aya: "O. perhapi I'll te better next week" or "next month " The week and month go on and erenr day hi chnjice of ticnplnif from the dunRton of dloeaie gwvr utiinller The "(Jolden Jltdlcal Dis covery" originated by Dr. K V l'letce, of IlufTalo, N.Y., olfcra a certain mean of re. tur to every man and woman who uflcrinfr from any form of weakneta or dlneane due to imperfect nutrition. Thi marvelous "Discovery" neatex Reed appetite, Reed dlgrntloii, good blood, Reed SK healtli. It Rlvea K 4r aolld fleh, mm- tcuiar "trengtli, ;steady nerve and keen 4Wwit. h : iiaip you to think clearly and work aucccM. fully. Mr frank A tltattt, of I'ayelteville. I'ayetle Co . Tea. write In atelier to Dr Tierce: "It aflmiU me pleamre to lrlify In the reiturkuHe ciirallve power of Ir I'lerce'a OoMen Mnllcal I)laeovrry I wai everrly afrllrlril tfllli trouble III my luriR pIlliiiB' up Mood, and wai to weak I wai iiiialdc to continue my wurk. I lilel teveral rrmcdlr which save me no relief, ami I liml coniiiieiieeil to think there wai no ho far me. J)r 1'lrrer'a Ool.leu Mfilleol Dlt- cotery waa reeum mended lo me to I tried it and requirements for admission exacted by American colleges, fie pleads for a uniform standard, showing that the present miscellaneous require ment subject the scnondury schools to an enormous expanse and loss of energy, aud the students to much loss of time. The remedy he suggosts and backs up with cogent arguments Is raising the standards iu serondary schools to something like the Oermun Gymnasium level, thus enabling tlic I higher Institutions lo bucomo univer sities In fact. It is no urtlcle that .will protoke much discussion among school iiion. Tl.o Atlantic for April has soma masterpiece of American composi tion. For Instance John Klske on ,., . , , , thBr..v.u.rv nf -vll-lils wlda nhllo- . T,lorc lsa ""'""nt now In progrosa tlm mysiory or evil-ins wiuo puiio- to erect a monument to Mrs. Muitliu rHiplilont sweep und then he don't J. Lamb, the fnrmor editor or the solve It. Cromwoll n trlcentenuary I Magazine of American History, and study Is another dramatic patxsr. I "uVlur . r, , thut very comprehensive ,,,' ,,,. w. i.' t,1 ii"d valuable work, The History of I uc man who was born 300 u,e uity of New York. Those latter years ago April 2oth has Just volumes, the rosult of persistent and bud his bust placed in Wosl- conscientious roseurcu ouring more minster nbboy by the conservative, l,m twclv veah, have secured a per government, the successors, n form ut SSZSSlo. least of the KoyullsU he overthrew, j tulltnl Information, concerning the The remlulscciros of Julia Wurd history of the great city. Howe gnw Iu Intensity with each' Wo wuh all success to the friends of nn.u i...... mi. r..,inr ,. ti... tii.n i Mrs. Lamb, who urj endeuvorlng to now Issue. I he reader nf the AMan- buW for ',. tt monunjollt of HCoau; tic savoH buying about forty of the, but we believe her grandest uieuiorlul best booksnf tho year. Aftor awhlln, to Dc tliuu records of her patient, un Indigestion nnd Dyspepsia unchecked creep through the body, ud- scttltiirthellv- Sf cr and kidneys rv a ann muxing up trouble evcry- WilUlU, ' tctter' Stom ach Hitters cures Indlges- Lion und dys pepsia by do ing so, prevents constitution, bilious ness nnd all liver and kidney troubles, It makes and keep people well. P CEIEBRATEO V SKSC. SSBSBSSxffv 3ifrEs those memoirs of Mrs. Howe will con.o out In book form und ho reud and re viewed and wo will hear people talk ing about It, but to the rouder It will bit as a talc that Is told. The Atlantic Is unpretentious appearing und bears no Illustrations but it contains thu cream of nil tho literary yrwluct of our country. The price Is four dol lars u year but for that one will get I !.,.,. I.,.. I.. I,,.- U..I......I... I.... 1IHH'"K lllill. kJUIJILil IIILiUIJ i.lslory of New York miy bo to the sunt to & Go ut ten cunts each the reading nf score books that would cot to from 41.60 to 82 each, and but few or which any one person would feel able to buy, Bo iu iin fur tho Atlantic. ! the Publishers, A. b, Karnes 'Now York. The Doubleday & McClure Corn pan), New York, will pubiliu Inline diiitcly, under the title or "From boa i lo sua," an Miithoilzed edition of tho collected letters if travel which Mr. I lludyiird Kipling has written utiilir orunt. tliuos 0tvsoii IbUOitutl 181'H. I Tint hdnk Will lni'llidi. Iillliiirtn tin. lwo ! published nuttier us well us an aecu buy ' rate text (fur the llrst time) of the "American ante,' with "Letters or Marque," "I'liu City of Dreadful Night," etc. began lo iuiiiieve nl unce, and wot ooa able lo iriumc work, rine " eonthler it a wrondrrful medl- Itvery man who want to aave doctor's bill altould vend ai one-cent atamps, the aot of mailing only, to Dr H. V. Pierce, llulf.do, N Y for a copy of hi inoo page llluntratcd buiik,"C(immun Seine Mcdlcul Advlcr." lu paper covet, or jt Ump for cloth bound copy Unticounty, rim by ti lot of wild r-eyedj woolly-onred rouullsts, haubct- ijter'wjliools and bettor country roads tjtati turlou uounty, the lowest taxes the Mate, and kuoin to have lurnsd baak on old lust century tuelhods roil pojiiiu. 0Qvfnor Lord bus Iwcn Jobbed by jitiiu 6j lU good Hopublloati frlondf. t mck tie was wlrHl,aklng would UtTc the post of minuter extra- mm wKfrt, xl'LLLLLLBBHBk & fc v bm b b B t'JCw Excellent Combliuition. 13fi0 pUawiut motliwl niul Wiiwttl I)jiit ei me won Known ryHdv, iHM of tw, iuuihUh, turwt ty tTi kUnmntx Via kihuu . illu-trwu i value of obtaining t UU Uh fietpio oi inuiiw Ktunm wi b. iy lusutfvo tiihl mvMtlnff , t-ba fornt moat rvfrtwlttaff UtiSJ i And awwiUWe to the yU'm. It b perfect cttMirthi nln Hxm P(&n)lllyir oeltl. tumilaohMi uiul fii fJlywt promptly amJ timUliur w .o,oryretHa haWtuul Hot4afJw nor- ly. it jxtrfwit frviHlotfi fivno ?Njvtlm4Ulo qjMtltty uim b und it a3tHjr ut Ik UKIhw?. J7ril bowels, vtjthuttt wlmultt trtnmHig tiicm. iiiK Uu KImU Ujrmie tcwto o? winifoturtBff U mm, auj khiv iv piwiwiu r.o tiw 1Mt tl HMullulual iW4litkugnr Uc ij- tuv tivuiiHu ihuii wiihh am rwU pUuts, Ity n wallw! W th (Ur.UoHMA Fiu Kvmio In onwr u yvt Uc Ih'k. HW m t hvoM iJUitiim, yAwiv ?Wt full rMmw f thcCowmtny ute itoui pi vvry jwHgu. i ordlnury and plenipotentiary to Lima, Peru, the youth American capital, ruinous for the most bou'ttlful women In tho world, lie linked lor it few days to consider tho matter, and Sat urday wlrud uccoptancc. ainooth und oily "Ohorgo MePrldo" wired to Joijlmon that thu appoint iiieuUt would bu mads soma time this wook. Lord rostud oasy, but thu wlley Oeurge liutl thruo or four d.tya for got ting In his lino Italian hand, nnd he has done IU Tliu ollloo Lord guts Is "minuter ruslduut and coniul gun oral," not u yory high diplomatic B-.ution, in tho luuit of the Zoroantrlitn religion, and whoro thuro nru uullliur fat reus nur sldo prlvllnntw. It looks as If tho gnvertior hud been lot down lu the houw of his frloniU. Surely this U it orrewanl for helping to hold up twn guiutur, and calling an extra 6u.uii In Hi nlok of titha to wive Maletolt) ' trttuly of pooo ty the elMtloH m Simon. Th mluiluUtrtt lluu has thus hlpl gat Lord out of tiie way of gtur amWUftus jyollll-olan-l. , Mellrtdtt. aaaaaaaiaBB. If t4iut itwiualul w.'aurd- Mark linn nuowittl ratw uiUliOHa of ttjo ila ICInlay oointwlgn fund "lb ISM, nod lmv u Imlr mtllltku left, why tn't he rttUts a fuw luilllmu Ut (wajfy thu FlliHlHUAf It won d b tihmvr tliaii Ui s4rlHn an army of IO0,fJ00 Amr- loans, utiy auaof wlimn U wortli lunro than it ihuusaud Muki.'. Lydoll linker bus sus)Hindcd the Criterion, a weekly society and liter ary paper, on which ho lost nearly 81000, and he has rusumod tlto law practice. Tho Pacific Monthly oou- duclod by W. II. Wells, seems to have n III in grip on liro and Is doMlnod to bo tho literary publluullou exprosslvu uf Oiegou tii-teund uulture. All true Orogouluos vlinuld take ploasure In sustaining tho I'aclllo Monthly. Mhssm. L. C. PagoA; Co of Huston ate henceforth be tho publisher of thu works of Madge SlourtHludlcl wlumu very successful novel Issued under the pun nuineof Kiibsaudrn Vlvaarla was published by Messrs George II. Kloh- inoiid cKoii last fall. Messrs Page & Co, announce thu early publication of a now novel by his Miss Slndlcl. It will bo Interesting to onto that INTENSE SUFFERING From Dyspepsia and Stomach Trouble INbTANTLY RULIttVHU ANO PER MANENTLY CURED BY aruART'a dyspep sia TABLETS. A New Discovery, but Not a Patent Medicine, Dr. IUmIwoII relates un Interesting account of what im coiisiiIbih a rc markitble euro of acute stomach trouble anil chronic d)spopslit by tho usu or tho iibw discovery, Stuart's Dyspepsia Tubluls. llesays: "The putlitnt was a man who hud suffered lo my knowledge, for yours with dyspepsia. Everything he Building a Large Mill, Mr. A. Ollngor. who went some time ago to Keardan. Washington, has taken a contract thore, to build a large flouring mill. This work will take him the greater part of the summer. Mr. Ollngor reports times very good up there. No-To-lin-5 inr fifty Cent. Gaarantewl totmeeo haoU oiire.mokM weak nen Mrorw, Wood pure, 60c. tl. All druggUts River Front News. The City of Eugene came down last evening well loaded with f.'clght and some passengers nnd loft this morning ut 5 o'clock for Portland. 8oag boat Mathloma came up river today lo cleur up some bad places In upper river. Tlic river gauge stands at 8 feet and Is slowly fulling Heartier Pamnnu went down liver this morning with a full load A pas sengers from up river points mostly for Portland. The weather bureau report the weather for tonight uod tomorrow as probably fuir. Tbe steamer Kuth pasted down ut 1 0:.'IO a. m. today well loaded with freight. To Cum tiuiiailtmllaii Tornvri, ISko OuMtaret Cuuuv (Jallmrlla 10c orZSo. It C O- C. fall to cure, druci'tals rut und maucy. Ua Mire and got a bottle of Chloro Naplholotim when Mr. llasey culls on ou. Recommended by everybody dtfw if tho uiinouucomont Is made of ui0JitMuiod to sour and oroato gases In Call for Warrants. Notice Isherrobv given t l.-t t there are funds on hand uppllcuhl to tbe piiyinoutor warrants of the flty of yaleui (Inns n on the general fund nnd endorsed on or before December 18. 180H Holders of said warrants will nleac present llictii for payment at La (Id A Hush's bank, as Interest on sainu will ceuso from date of this notice, John Mont, City Treasurer. Salem, Or. April II), 1800. 4 17-lCt If you tuller from tenderniM or fullnets on right id:, pi'tu under lHHilde'-blade, and oir liver U torpid and (or.nwted. DeWlu's Lull Early Klcr will cure yru permtn eni'y by removing i lie coneilinn. TlltY AKK (JOOD I'll.l.S. Stone Dug Store. PliAYED OUT. Dull Headache. Ixtwtn vai'ioji pari o( tbe twdy, S iktncat the tut of the itmnch. LlsMtuf aupetti. Kevrlihr,eM, Pimple cr sunnr all polliv rvidencm of impure blout. Nu mailer how it became o it muit I e purified In onler to obtain cood heillh. Acker' lllood K'exir ha never (ailed licure Scrufuloui ik Syphilitic poitons or any other bloxl dltea m It i cnrtainly a wonderful renmly ami we will tell every bottle on a positive guarantee l.urn drug ito e. KNOCKED DOOJNI HARRITT Si LAWRENCE Have knocked down the price of I I special m 75 CTS PER SACK. Every Article in the Store in Proportion. IIARIUTT & LAWRENCE, Old P. O. Oroceuy Wo aro"excluslvo agents for THOMSON'S GLOVE FITTING CORSETS, CORSET WAISTS. CORSET COVERS. LADIES SKIRTS AND SHIRT WAISTS. TA Fine Line of Kid Glove. Get Our Cash Prices and you Make Hotb Ways. As We Huy und Sell Tor Spot Cash. W. H. Hobson, 297 Commerciel St. "At the Sign of the White Horse," For thirty years I haye supplied the trade with "All Home Made" harness of the Hest California Leather. Everything that goes out of tuy shop Is warranted to give satisfaction and 1 am better equipped to supply the demand than eycr before. My stock Is not pqualled Between Portland and 'Frisco. Manufacturer und Importer or Harness, Saddles, RoDcs, Whips and Horse Clothing. E. S. Lamport, 289 Commercial street. JJREWSTER & WHITE, PHONE 178. 01 Coobt Street. Kay, Grain, Mill Feed and Flour A Full Linh of Ghass Seeds. TAKE THE- Canadian Pacific R.R And aoo Pacific Line -TO Mii.ieapolts St. l'aul IfOlld, Uot ton tti W OUR, MOTTO:-Qulck sales, small profits. The best is the Cheapest. Russell k Go.'s Engines and Threshers. McCormick Binder and Mowers. Halne Wngous, Uiclne nndColttmbus Surrays, Hucks and Uuggles. Monitor drllln ami eeder Planet JrKnrden drilU and cultivator, llnflalo Pltti hnrrowa and cultivator, John Deer. Molino plowi und harnmn, Brractite chilled pluna. Repairs kept in Stock for all nbovo mentioned Good, Bold by tho E. M, Croisan Implement House, No's 256 and 257 Liberty Street, Salem Oregon Aifeiirjr (or tho JIumoII Wind Stacker. EAST AMD SOUTH -V1A- miirrlagi' of Miss Klodlol to her Kug- llsh publisher, Mr, William lluluoman In conjunction with whom Motors Page b Co. will publish bur new book. Mohsm Osorgo II. llb'hmoiid Si Son (Niw York City) have sold thulr In lorosta In thu D'AniiunKlo works to Monairs Page t Co , (Huston) who will hereuftor bu thu publishers lu this country of thiMvnrk of the well known Italian novelist The vol nines by D'AunutiKlu that have boon Issued by Mossrs Klolmioiid Si Son tiro "The Triumph of Death," "The Intruder," 'The Maidens of tho Hock, l'he Child of Pleasure," A new volume Is announced by Mimhm Paga Si On,, for for early publication. It will be oallwl "Flro" lu lullan "II Fuoco." "Junnloo Mdretllth, u story or thu Itevolulluii, tiy Pual LlwstMtur Furtl, provos tlio groat drawing oartl oP'Tlit lloukmau." It Is altogether Hit most ratlublo plouo of lletlon now running bofort tlio Auiarloun poainln Thvru U a tvoy llavor, tt oouiplettf tntmHsltloA luui t-h sovlal utuionliar of a ou tury ntoullwl from th (Mist, u tint malic luuvtMiwtiU Unit make It vry rial) utittirtKlntiifiit for young ami old. The HeokiiiNU has Mured u meat lilt IniHttiirliig thu tulVHHo ptiWicnUou of Junnleu. The list at furtnrs who witb Levi Ilwrrsu MiosurllMi) iw ImU apJwe rwy w of a suit tn ie)i Uto. (J, Uiugham taking about UWO u njoiiUt not or Murlou county usdollmiuout tux ctdlMttir will b tlteguitMi tai Itwrn that the ohm will nretatyy Ui an pttlwl to thosuprotuti oourt a Ml ututl UiU outlMtA" liundiwls of rkJkirs Ufa,. I v11 1 "ludl. Vhrw Ut Ih ItMtM UoUHIH, HlUitUal(l b? tfiHIO IUrtMur(TlM Msemlllan Ou.) for April ouuUtlHS ti ltur from Gover nor HooMwlt urging tint iHiiwrtHnct) of pixitH)tlnc our UtrtU. whteh shows Uiw wrlltr to Ua guulu bird -torn hihI IhumMghly ooovumiat wltb Ills MliJwU TIm mhio uuutlHtr alu m UtlllSOUItnllMlUlHlB frtMti AllMUTrtlHI bull S1ohih, FloroiMw A. Mwrlum, Rrunst SWm ThuuiiMttH, Frank M. OlwjMiutn, awl othtnt, titHlttov-i nr soon runmrkablti pltoUKMlw uf wikl birds ftum imlurs. Th IHill Mall Mk'sit- fur May In to b u wry &n uiiHior. Tlw Meiluu will Im of siugulur varty. ilr. Uriwkutt". try "The Silver SkHll" tliusloiiiach; he had pains like men uiatlsm In the hrk. shutlder blitdos and lltnlw, fulliieM and distress aftor outing, inMir iippetlte and loss of llosh; the heal t became ulfeciwl, causing palpitation and idee planes) at night. 1 gave htm powerful nurvo tonics and blootl reinwllfs, but to no purpose. As an exwrliiiuut 1 tlinilly tMiught a llfty iwnl wckug of SluaitS Dysjwp. sla Tibials at a tlrug storv and gave iliouiUi him. Almost Imiiicdluto to litr isH'lten and utter he hud ibud four boxw he wus to nil upponruncos, fully otirml. Thuro wus no ui'im uehllly or sour wuUry ruing, n.i bluttlug utter ttiouN, tlis Nppetito was morons and h bus gained loiwavH 10 und 12 pounds to Wrtig'it ,,f 9i.ini, lioultliy 11 Mil. AllhuuitliiituuttS Uysnpnla Tub Ut Hruudvrtlst and sold in drug Hiorw, ytt 1 consider them a most val tmble addition to any physllnn' Hue uf retuldlM, h they are perfectly tmrmlewi ami omh vlvrti to children or Invalids or In any condition uf the sumittoU with perfect safely, belm; hamiletH itud oonUilntm; nothing but fmtt and vegetable eeseueec, pure psjwln and Golden Sent. Without Huy question t bey nru tb sMftwt, most elfectlve cure for Indl gtwtlon, b liotuihrst), ooiisllpHtlou and nil leranuMtits or the tonmoh, bow ever flight or severe." Smart's Djspepslii TWeU.are made by the F. A. Sltwrt Co., or Marshall. Mich, Nttd ur Mild by driiu'iiUts evtry where at fifty oent. per lMOKage. Ltule ttouk on ktonweli diMHtws mailed freo, addr-M, F. A. liurt Co,, Mrisl, Mich. rHE SHASTA RO'JTE OI- THE Southern Pacific Co EXPRR.W TKAINS RUN DAIIV 7!0O f 9'4S r 7.'4 5 A 51 Lv...;i'ortland. ..Ar Ar....Sateui .... Ar Ar. San Francisco. Lv S:oo a m 5.2J a u 7,-oo p m Ar Lv . Ar ,.l.v ..Ar . Ar .,Ar ..Ar i no I'M 6 45 p m S S A M 6.30 P M 9.25 P M 2 2S 1 M 8.40 A M 8 40 p m Dissolution Notice- Notice Is hereby ulvon thut the un- ilurtdgnod, who huvo been euguged In merciianllle business at Marlon Ore., under tho lirm name or Hadloy& White th past seven oars, have dis solved partnorshln by mutual consent. W. J. Hudley will continue tho busi noss. nsmime nil uccounts and battle all clulniB at tbe old suud. W. J. IlADMiY. II. T. Wiiitk. Marlon Oregon, Muruh 22, 1K0D. a 23 ltti liatray Notice. Notice is hereby glen that that J have Utkon up und Impounded the tallowing iit.orlncd animal round run ning nt large within the limits or Hie city or Salem, to-wi',: One bay hoo, IU bunds high, 10 or 12 yours old. would weigh in good llesn ClOil pounds. Tho owner of wild animal can have tho same by proving proporty und paying the legal ohaives uud expenses of inking up and k-eplif, etc., and In default thereof for live days, I will proceed to sell sttld anliiml ut public aiiotlun as provided lu ordinance No. 200 of the a foresaid oily. II. W. Otew, City Marshal. Dated SmIsiii, April 17, ItiOO. 17 3t yoo r ji Ar Ugdrn .. o5tu Ar fJctiver. 641AM Ar .... l.malu . , 8-15 p M Ar . Chicago 7.00 A m Ar, . . I.t Anje'e,. 8 IJ I'M Ar .. ElPao.., 4.5 I'M Ar. ..Fort Worth., 7 5JA m Ar... New Orleans. UINlNli CAKS OltSEKVATinN CARS. '"Pullman tirt-clas and lounsc sleeping can attached to all through train". TourUt cars through to r.'h'oigo without change. ROSMIUKO MAIL. -DAILV. I'oftJand " Ar I d.-io p m Salera.... Lv Ji co.'PM Koteburg.. Lv 7,'3oa w 830 a M to.-ss A S.'20 P AMI Lv .. Portland ..Ar 4.'3oi A M Lv.,.. Salera.... Lv i i 50:1 pmi Ar . Roteburg.. Ly7.'3o WK5T SIDE UIVhilON. BKTWKgN PORTLAND ANO cniVAM.it. Mail tiains daily except Sunday. 710AHI Lv.... Portland.. " Art c7so""pm "S5 mi At .. Lorvalln.. At AlLany and Corvallii trains ol the C. & E. Ry lTrfJETE SbENCE" tatsescer: HXI-KIS5 TRAIN UalLV LEXCKPT SUNDAY. Huie Wing Sang Co. IU court ar. Opera Houso Block Japanese Fancy Goods, Chlnaware, Silk Embrulderled Goods. Make all kinds Ladles Underwear, Importer all kinds Mattings. Prices arc lowest. .Iiicago Philadelphia Washington Montreal Toronto Stw Yotk ' Boston a all points east and aortheajt Cheapest tates, bestservice and accommo dations Throuoh tourist sleepers to Mlnnca St. Panl, Toronto, Montreal, and without change Canadian Pacific Hallway (Vs. Fmpres Ine of steamships to Japan and China The fastest and finest ships on the Pacific icean. Shortest and best route to the orient Canadiao Australian S. S. Co. To Honolulu, Fiji and Australia l'he shortest route t- the colonies. For rates, fo ''era and any information call on or address, C, M. Lock wood, Acnt, Office l'hor.e No. 40. 288 Commercial it. Residence Phone No. JS Salem, Ore II. 11. AliUOT. Agent. 146 Hard street, Portland, Oi, E J. COYLE, DUttlcl Passengor Agent, Vancouver, ft r 0.RM DEPART FO Fast Mall 8 pm TIM It SCHEDULE. From Portland. Spokane Flyer 230 p.m 8pm 8pm ex, Sun Saturday, 10 p 111 Salt Lake. Denver Ft. Worth, Omaha, Knnw City. St Louis, Chicago ana iast. Walla Wall-,- Spokane. Minneapolis, St. l'aul, Duluth, Milwaukee Chi cago and East OCEAN STEAMSHIPS. For San Francisco. Sail every five days COLUMBIA RIVER STEAMBUd To Astoria and way land ng. AKtlVK. 645 p. Spokane Hyer 830 a m 4 I- :x Su .rflonby at 7 per cent.... liowrateion wen improved faim and city iropirtle. ' T. K. POttD. UterUiithr-iIlank. TORI S Salem 7H5 P.m JTusThu! and bat 10a m. Mon Wed Frl I. Salem Tu.lhur Sit 3P. m AT LAST! Lvf 1: ao P M connect will I Good News tor the Suffering Public. S!A KG SYRUP Op, I ;inf. mrte vomx. k. x. I'JMwWfc-Pri e. irMI It Uoudod. Mr. llloghatii appwtU u)l UU m lo the tuprouio wirt, right ar wrong, ho king at he wan stove irtyogt, aud ml gtit thu uwiHtv im dn Itl luw- iHgrorwim. iu uiuwiMi as In Hit of hlft oa.., he rors the tiHly clrk to nupottL awl Ui4wun(d' will huvo to payetMituiHl)Nwyt)rfirt gt a do- oUtot) aUirtuthl that thore U uot a psrurle ofjHtkin a Wit. All tk fariuoislH Marlon oeuniy wild tlga petition tguiHitfiucli an upwl. "ll "UTtaJ .irwrm iium-u, Klarint)or Sl' jra Hn,r2l JS: ieverfMl diawlt4t4s Uj Mt. y,H. biWC( and other olortits wUl IwwrltiuH Uy MU. IXiru U. Mttlhosn, Mr.Jotui Fler I'wmir, MU K. Nrt,llt mm! Mr. W. !. AUIhh, with maur HIua.' troUou. tiy Mimsis. A. S, llarlrlek.! CUudo ShoiipopMMi, Lowls llauwar! .i -si vuwhr, a. 11. nwjKtuwl, e. The aow lnlotoi roeoHtiy rldBwi In 1114 work r ItwiiurtiHt, Ims uuced tlie wlllor to eo4iiHite4uu Mr. tfredrtek Wwlimitrt t ulte uh (ho ftubjwt of tho rltltlg. Mr. WiKJinHre' arUole will l llliwtrat! dtryy two th0 Hhvh iHipraii.tis iu tho llrltlih uiHuuiu. McwMtal Day. A outMWlU Inis Uw matter In Uatd rpr U 0. A. It. of Uth ett-, to tHMkr armugetHt (ttr MtmurUI day. Approprlat xnm for ttw ttav will h arrusiK! aw) It kstixt'Wtwl that all bttelHwa hem, win ojoj wftri a gwfttal oirvHMce or thwdv had. ltrHir U mim nvi.. Claa WimmI mmi. a .. akui Nt fcv INiWtttl iu iwtrni, Uwd Uihir 4rnt Hp IW UTUxi aad dri all wi. lt Mtatty mUimm rmnnlti k- iL. .' my lot ivamtit All tlu- euarauitMt. Wi.Sfc.ju ' Ustray NatHe. Null co Is hureby glvon that I have Uikun up ami lmpouuril thw following doiurltMMl animal, fouml running at large within tlic limits or tin City or Saloiu. to-wlt' On whit pony weight 700 to SW, branded on riuhthlp with tlirse rlncs ugud four or live yours. 1 lie uwnur of said unltnil hah huvi the Ntiuo by prtiylog prowrty and paying tin W-ul eliargs id ox IxiustM) of taking up uud kwp ig, etc , and lu default thror for fa-e daw, I will proved to sell said a luial at uoblle h net Ion i pnividtd 1 1 ord lo an tK Nu. M)of th aforesaid city. 0- A. CttwaN, Cltv MaKlial Dated Saltm April 17. llw. 17 3t 4-50 r L,v , I'ortland. . . . Ar I 8:25 a m 7.50 f M Lv .. McMinnville Lv 5:50 a m H:jo pm Ar Independence Lvl 4:50 a m Direct connection, at !-an rrarctsco wiTF teaphip lines for HAWAII, iapav CHINA. IHKI'JULLIt'lNEi and AUsl 1 KAL1A. For through tlckrts and rates ca'l o V. . SKINNER, Depot Agent, or C- D. LAHKIhlON City ileket Agent, 232 Com- tantwiMl fcTi .4ICII1 VJ wiLLAMEl TE RIVERs'Ar'SalVm tv.ve Portland, Newburg and I 6 d.di Way Landings. 1 For Da; ion jp.i ,Mous Weds Fri Iu lur Sat 3'3"P WILLAMETTE RIVER Corvalln Albany and Way Point. Ar Salens 10 a m Mon Wed and Fn C. II. MAKKIIAV h. KOEHLEk, Manager. IV C. p.p A. P.rtl. Kurtz & Hamilton PLUMBERS and TINNERS W COURT STKKET. The enviousinvali who were dttermined to maKe ur, Cook fouble in the courts hare ( backed down, ana their alleged case wa dismissed when It came into circuit court. They didn't dire to meet the truth, as Dr Cook's patient's are 100 numerous, and they are ever grtteful to the man who has cured them and can cure other. ur.u mikes a specialty of cbionlc diseases, and does not use poikonous drugs tr cure them. II you have a (tiend who needs help send him tu DR. J. F. COOK, Cowltatton free. 301 Liberty street A Great Mystery Explained WILLAMETTE RIVER DIVISION. Daily boats to Portlaud as above. Transfers to street car line at Oregf Citj It the steamers are delayed there ootid trip tickets to all points in Oregon. Washing ton, or California. Connection made at Port land with all rail, ;ocean andriver line I W. H. HURLBURT. O.M. POWERS. Agent, Tr.de street docV. Salerx . BOISE & BARKER, Uty Agenu. (top Slioit Lioe Railroad The Wrect Ilouie to Moutaoa, Utah. Colorado and ail Eastern Points h0l CO Of tlva favn.lt. ...... ..I- .L- Union I'aclfic Kait SU ! f.i- :'.i:." '" Klo Orandt Bceulo Ines. Look at the time it a'" tn Salt Lake 2i Days to Denver 3i Days to Chlcauo H Days to New York t'rrc neoilnlne Chair Cars, (Urn cholco l'Ual Ual, 1-a.. M sleepers oj)ratcd oa U tralna. "or further Information applr.to B0I8E & IIAItKER, Airents. Sal.ia. W E. COMA.N, Qen'l Acent CO.TKURV, Tray. Pas,. At X3t Third Bl.. t'nrlltnrf Makea specially or all KInUs ot hllOOt btOttl and Gtllvunlxiui irn jyorkrioflng and uuiterluL'. u f..n Of I'lllllIVS and tumm llitln,,.. . - - - niiuiiikai Hue 1 wuofcworK anu reasooahle prlcos. wind mill. QUI und sac us Insfore ulvlng your order for mill or lank Pheiia 31 Why J. A. Rotan sells un dertaking goods cheaper than any one in the city Haaarri. a full stock oriarnuur., wl pajr. U. VM',W" t-rtatalnir ti Ih. Illw. aKKKU two door, mmh ,.r ,,i..i- inDM..Rd m. ' TO HOP GROWERS, S(olal tirta) on hop twitte, Ht)forVMivlgyMrtwlH call awl got our prle. Win. llrown t (U.Suleui.Ore , del orn In Hops, Woul. Mohair. Furs aud HopOriwr's Supplies J-.e.w ttrMtf Mh s ob.lh.r you aiUu, MnkHUUMvnkkUCAU.1u.ut . tmw M.a.rv ,ic .aiHfcaq, Ml jM,nar.w awirta. lltuw- Ha. IMMI.M w. Mwg. " a-Wa HlBaii&,Btr. VklJxkHl , PHOMPf WORK AND LOW PRICES. . lheoUrrt in frottt of Om Itliud , K-il Is Mag riasM by ,1 hw win j nfiiMor oHkHtHttal struaaorM i.,i ' ! wlwn whui will a emu hu- rtrtiv-MttAU at Tw44M iyss W. . Tvr U iM, . A . I. Cismma VMH mi UMiil. r TH17- lttu4jf CV. ObiMVu ur K-a- v,t ,akyM Vlf iHia-.i aW aMslI taataal Klftlt! oZsfHsMC laSV 'a I BMJnjKS. .'I I I 1 v III IJP CAla "mmimmmm.mm I O. C. T. Go's I'ASBBNQEU 8TKAa,fcH POMONA SOOlKM' 'XO-io-UArri snagui, ( ariiit SVlUvBairu T.lalla ia ' I tt. Uattally rm, 1 UatMl S4M. ' l-..lu.r. ui rruaJ uut IJJ.WK8 KOK TOItTL-VND Muftdair Wt4swOavaiifrkUyal8in IKaak b.a:Stl attei Cot bta M..P. BALDWIN. A-t, iraal.JI..uu a. i ".-"" - "T Ti-lTlla.il taaai ''t. CaUat.. m.m1. f- Mechanical Power, bo you get your wo.fc done, it doesn't mit tr wkiiMWOT is used, wh, herTt U Uy. raulw,jacka or Armitrong-,. Iguaran. I all m, work to be raioSa-loalfi l doe. Hurse shoeing. ti8,ttlng. buggy lnd' John Holm, YAQ ULNA llOV TB Corvallis k Easier? Railroad Coiiuectltij at VAQUINA with tho YAQIiLYA BAY STBAMSlflP COMPANY STEAMEH3 Klmt-clait; In every re ect. The above tmerls due tor-all from Yaqulua every eight darn. Fare Shortest Route lietweon BcfoKn Valley Poiols aaiSan Frineiso Aioany and Polnu Wet to 8n Fianolsoo Cabln. Hound Trip.. L WAI.DEN, T K. 4KA. ....110.00 17.00 EDWIN STOKE. Mauastr BIDS FOR WOOD. ud. HuiUac CASTOR! A For Infauts aad Children. Tlia Kind You Have Always Bought fMki Boara th Sltfiutttire SKMIKAUACIIE Ah i ri?iv . tHMMrdy cvr-d by ,- m, -ji. a k,,a.lc Celeoat. J .A Tty. Mmieiwi ewrma or mane UVSPBFSIA CAiT'llK CURED nv I mm Ca!Sr " ' JJC- commit. &asi?.tfa,,-m, iSttter'1 be mae wudu dSj? fark fc-hoot-Oak. W erdt- gr 0 eoi. telrJS? h&- ,lft rJ 9 MM. iJSOsa Shool-pak,jofwtH: Mr 15 Em." 2uic.ut- o got .ftlt body, nr ,mh ar.toUjorwhat It kMn uln,. k. oo4trotb. " re.jtanyoraJIWJsu m U. T. BBirflE, - A. JOJHKsbN. M. L. CUAMHKHMIV 1 1 4i!rL - h.b6 s-a J- TUKXER. Aetnt. AlUny, Ore. WIIXaUetTE ItlVEK DIVISION STEAMER WM. M. HOAG, WVER 8CUED0LE. DOW.S-Tweadajrs, TlmrKtays and Buudajs. Uavea Conallts . Uae Albany. J. ?MT, " ., (a. tn. to a. w TR 4AVes Unaua -1., lavca lnilujuce .Z p'-'w aaWa.... "! reworjr.. .U:M 4:BJ Arrive rvnl.n LI Monday. Vedni.lTa vh. f.wve l-prtUnd.-. J . , Leave. IodepandcnwHi: '"SiSfS Iavea Albany, y.g Ar,i,e CorrartSZrZZrrZTtl'coRS elai .meJ.n.ri?ibeen..w,?P1 w'" "t Smo. awou,moJo", tueJuafnV an eluant paStnU?rrM ff tVTJl" Utk M Doak.nior State stra.t. O. UAERTZ. Af.at, rsairm, Ort(rv o.BrtirvAN.swDt. Albaay, Or(