T"' t If (V I'Drbss b n Goods. DRESS PATTERNS S!J'"S nto Very freltr fhanwabU fttecU lnltd. ltr-onable In prljM ami m-lMUtf . H ?" rH in moIi MtM.iu5o,7HiMl f 8 60 per pallem. NOVELTIES tt,t TalnfemuliatnuiM!"! In olitnlnlntfllic l-M roillttm id atjrlw anil rnliiw aimlilnwl em iiiiirn fnr tlio tmpaltr rco of lif n dollar TAILOR MADE SUITS JMtt iHTBlioUlKrilwlKimln i11or miulo uIU INn ttalain, ami lli ;lilr l1 li. n?.'!! ." ""J' Uily Ma'ln Suit lal HUl.VltluON'ri. CjlDTC Too innrtyle In utocklBenurn- wi .- w WHO, rrieai nui iii;m (ilnen Skirt lo fit for a fanoj black Or ttn. tut Crcpon. acsAyaASAS'D HOLVERSON'S SSriJcglonlog April 3, store will close at (J p m. QAKIl 8XOHB CASH STORE f Another Silk Specia A lot of regular 1 and $1.25 Values in Fancy Waist Silks- Like (hose shpwn in Our North Window. i 73c, per yard' J."l. DALRYMPLE & CO, The Silk Store. tfHk AAf WOltTir 01' MII.UNKIIY ami Dry (lmIn to U ,h T I 1 I II 11 1 iiextCOila)' lUvlnjfdfOlilwl Mftlvuly toKlviMiii! VIMViVVV I i.llVir my entire lok t mi IrnmviiMi rnirrlUni 1li (iua linn nr Uilli Tailor .Mario Built, Sivm nml I ilaiulkvrclile't, Uibl EVEnYTHINO QOCB NO RESERVE. ro.1 in liiuliiwm Ui Baltmi if tiik fwiiiiirUfwi . in-n. .- i.'.i:. i,..i.' II" . ... i .... i - ji.i.i MiiT. m iiiiv mm in irfMut nimr imiu nuua, im,4 nun uimnr nam, aim I)M flOlltlfl. lfllfM' Mllfcllll ami Knit llhilruriiir IIIiivjm lli.lurv ljil-jtn Vjwlr- wrar, licit, juwulr) , lUiiilkftchlfd, lUbUiiu, UUuwaru, C'filiiawaro.TltiwarB, mil Nick Naolu uf vi m lVtllP I MM1M VI Wb(l - I W MUOUIfVUt IVojiJo w!u upprcoUU yiMxI Wjf bargain ought totAll U;ou ui during lLontit Wduji M. E. FRASER, 265 and 267 Commercial St. THB LJBAIDJBR. 2 Stores David Ashbaugh. foreman of the fltutc printing office, was prominently mentioned for the position of state fish coiii!iilslniier, and might liaye trcn appointed had he not lived In the Willamette Valley. In 1897 a ma Jorllyof the legislature was pledged for him. M.TV White of Enterprise, Wal lowa county, who has been here with a car load of hnres,ha about disposed of thorn . He "ays that he llndsa bettor demand for a good class of farm horses and money more plen tiful than a year ago. MlHttNullQulne, of Kiddles Is vis itlng at the homo of Mrs. S. Mynatt nour Court and Front streets. Miss Qulnp I.h a HlHtor of the man who ar ri;sied the Cow Creole train robbers . few yoars nx'i. Miss Lenorc Kay went to Koseburj; today, where she will bo the yuostof her ulster, Mrs. (). I'. Coshow. A wheel and kodak accompanied her to th.it beautiful mountain resort. Rev. l'lacldus and Rev. Domlnick. musical director and Instructor, re spectively at the Mt. Angel collcite, drove to Halctu to hear the pianist, Leopold Godowsky, Rov. Maurcr, former pastor of the Seventeenth street KvatiKellual church left today forSenttlo to attend con ference. Rev. Shupp will follow Monday. Mr. and Mrs. K. W. Hartlott of La Grande nro at the Willamette, Mr. Hartlctt Is Rev later of the Land olllco and Iiiih business before the state land board. Capt. W. Ooary, of Company L, Tlilnconlh Infantry, U.S. A., left to day for Corvallls to bid farewell to his fa'utly. He sails on the 20th for Ma nila. K. IJ. 1'lpcr left today for his home at Seattle, after having attended the funeral ol his falher-lu-liiw, the late Leo Willis. Mrs. Piper will remain with her mother loru short time. Hon. Oco.H Downing went to Tort land this afternoon to attend the Jelforson banquet tonight. Rov. W. A. Daly, of St, Joseph's church, is In Portland this afternoon. Mrs. J. M. Poortmn, of Woodburn, was tiSalom visitor today. "Win, Taylor, or Maoloay, Mont to Portund this uflcrnoon. ORKQON I'LAX. All Byes at all Ages, i 'JU' irnei'" store. Accuracy tJau bo perfectly tilted with lun.tis no niutiui niuib iiivii uuiuuii m.uiy mis store. Is our wuteli word, mid It if 11 ii rn ii f. aiim. porjccunu iii lostiiur and niiinuor tlio sIkIiU If your oyes trouhlo you, coino and m'o us We liino tlio verj In toot coicntllU) liitric moots for tostlux tlio eyes and lit ttiom wltn clashes tu jour entire HitiKfuctlon KVHSTtWTUD KKWB. OraUnnto OiAloTan. SDJ COM M KI1C1 A L STRElf 1 -t . ?t Frank S, Dearborn Photo Eupplicsi Kama Restrain; Tablets Kama Reducing Tablets v Kama Intensifying Tablets Kama Toning Tablets Kuma Kwlck Developer Kama Auts Rnv Ffltflrr P?f in Rubber Trays Plates all sizes Full Lme Qimeras 263 Commsrclsil street, MiaWHaaiMHMiMMisBaiHnii DATES OF LOCAL EVENTS. I Btflndel Co., Friday May JW, Our New Sho;a PERSONAL AND LOCAL, T, U. Kay left for Porllimd this morn I mt, Hon. Lewis Qrimth, of the Waldo Hills, was in town Wednesday. W. P. Lord was a passenger for Portland cu tlio mornlnu overland. SUtobupu Ackerman has uone to Monmouth and Indopuudotico to visit suhools. I Mrs. N. J. Uuiirahan, an iiDylum at Umlaut, has returned from a visit at Portland. Mrs. 15. W. Laridon of Albany re. turned today after attondliiK tlio WIIIU funuriil. II. L. IturKUbs ami mother or Dallm loft today for their ranch near llroek way, DoukIus county. Rov. 11. 11. Turner of Portland, will continue his t.ptmlal meotlus lit tlio First lUptlst uliuroh oor Sunday, Mrs. Sutidt'hHif Arlliiktlon, arrived today to visit her duunliter. Mrn. Jake Kliit!, llvo inllun oast of Salem. Mrs. W. M. Woloh andfamllv. wont to Albany today to Join her husband, who has a contract on the oourt house Uieru. Mrs Chas. llwko, of Aurora, Is vis Itluu her molhur and sisters in Knlnm. Sjlitt U aeoumtmnltHl nv tier littin tluuwliturs. 0. I. Stflhl. family munauer nf the alStO rofurill Sttliool titular n fnrnuir ndiiiliilHtrntlut), has Ihmii ruMtpjHilotot) to thai iotliloii MM Itammifl vUlttMl the Indian sohuol Uils iiiuriilnn and timing her swy ataaUm was tint tiiiustof Mrs. K. C. Cnutun ClisiiiskoU tlrsot. Crawfunl ami Sou, the now Ian lino, ilu tin tin dofoct In UieSultttti Quarter oiuorKMcy lnusi. that uullolliW ll) bond elteiloo ami side. walk ortlliianeo. II. IMIalluf HalU Farry lo Utklut; out plunks for ul(-rvsuii Ms pltifo uf rwitiAHd lut mmmi vxpeeUi tt put the rlvor ronil Into Uiu Ammt wikUHqh twth at Ui brhltfs and uther work. Wuhruiu; Wnthiit-n 'Penitentiary Pronounces It u Good Tlnni;. Tlio WashlriKton state penitentiary, at Walla Walla, uses an Immense amount of lute In iiiukliiu uruln, wool and other sacks, hop cloth, etc., and the authorities there recently wrote to the Oregon Flax Fiber asso ciation for a sample lot or Mis low to try. Two bales were sent from Siilem and yesterday u telegram was re cslytul from Warden J. II. Catron and ex-Uovornor ( Moore, which said: "The Orenon lUtx tow sent Wttkli ItiKton penitentiary foi an expert muntal test has been thoroughly tostod and Is an uu.iualllled suueuss. Aeceiit eouKraluiallous. Vour per Hlsteuuy and eiithuslsm for llax cul ture has InntiKurated a new era In tlio northwest." Tim telegram mis addressed to Mrs. W. P. Lord and other members of the UroKoti Flux Fiber Association, all of whom feel Justly proud or It. The association Intends to o on v Units work of ralslnn llax and In Irmuonir llio Industry; and will plant Macros near Siiloni this month IN JEFFERSON ' HONOR. I FUNERAL OF LEO WILLIS. Orecon Democrats Will Have a Si Din- Laid to Rest In Rural Cemetary With Im ner Thursday Night. prcssive ceremonies. The program for the Jcffersonlun . tiic funeral services of Leo Willis banquet, held at Portland, Thursday , took place at the family home, on the niiriit, mis occn arraneo. i ue (tuet Is to Ikj held ut Watson's ban rctt- auraot, and at the Hryan price. W. E. Robertson will act as toaslmaatcr. The program Is ns follews: "Thomas Jcllerson," John Burnett, of Corvallls. "Democracy vs Imperialism,'' C. E. H Wood. "The Menace of National Hanks,"' M. A. Miller, of Lebanon. "Trusts as the OlNprlntfs or Repub lican Policies," F. V. Holruau. "CampalKn of I00O," .T. H. Craw ford, of Union. "Principles Above Party," Dell Stuart. "Democracy or Hie Middle West," D. Hutchlns, "Democratic Harmony," .W. VV. Catlln. "The Future Democracy," John M. Oearln. "OrcKou," J.'ll. Smith, of Astoria. The Press," J. 1). Stephens, or Or egon City. "The Late Legislature und Its Gerrymandering," N. L, Butler, ol Dallas. New Warehouse. Workmen today began moving the Geo. 0. Brown house standing on Trade street bctwccnHlKh andChurch. This property, together with the corner on Trade and Church was re cently purchased by ClintonKurtz, who will erect a fruit wurchouso. The house on the Brown lot will be moved to the rear of the lot, adjoin InlriK und the warchouo built on the yacated lot so as lo front on Trade street with one side on the alley. This will be an Idal location for a ware house ns the Southern Pad II 3 aide track runs down Trade strcit. Prominent Men Dead. Amos Brown, of fc cattle, died In California on Saturday last, Ills re mains will bo burled atSeattlo today. Mr. Brown was orio of Seattle's wealthiest men and has resided there for many years. Ho was rather or Alllc Brown for several years a Htu dentnt Willamette university, whose many frlrnds here symputhlzu with him In this bereavement. BEING REPLACED. I The Old Smokestack Which Was Dlown Down In Ueing Replaced. I The new smokestack for the Salem uiRiitiV miction company, winch ur-1 rived lust week, Is now bclrijr. put Into position- by T. F. Royal, the brldo builder. Thedimeusluris of the new sinokostack Is 70 feet Ioiik by 3 feet In dlamuler, and when It Is In position the top will be about 100 feet from thoKTouud. This is a much lurer, wnokosuiek than the other one, which was blown dowo by the tttorm last ' uiofith. The entire smokestack cumn I on a Hat oar and was In two nieces. Ii Is of heavy holler sUel. and weMis several ihousand pounds. Metropolian Now. Yostorday at Woodburn thu tulo- lihmiu linemen were busy putting on the llnlslilnu' Urnchos to Woodhurn's now local tulophono circuit. All or the loading business houses or the metropolis or French Prairie are on tlio circuit. The Multicultural draft. Onooflliu Rcpubllouti members or ihubtute Board or llorthiulluro. who name lo the Salem mooting expecting great things under the now Millar Diiuhroglm,woulhomcdlsippuliilo4', llus)8 Hie oxpedlllons muuiior In whloh llitrrv Miller workml himself Into tlio prMldeiiey and In absoluto control of a large appropriation with almost uiilimlitHl cintiugunt exnotii to draw on, was rollowed by tiigusur a continuous grart all along thu lluo. Mrwtof tlio muiiey tipent by thu tKttirtl Is fur per diem and expeusss uf the uittuibors Altendlug moelliigs, and wlillo the orelmrilut must rustle to make both ends meet. Hie uaimrul tatxiwyttrs ftMit His bill. But If Oregon hud no statu boord It would soon get oim mi It Is nftur nil a qustluii or whoso graft It Is, modlHotl only uj the UHtdtwty or tint gruriur. Died. The wtro or Jack O'Neill, traveling passenger agent for the O. R. & N. railroad company, died ut Portland yesterday. Jack O'Noll Is woll kuov n In this city and lias the slnwro sym. tt liy or scorss or Salem rrlonds. Tr. J..R. Uayley 111. KoitKM'ONOVK. Or.. Anrll lsrr - , --, -.- . , 't Juuiiw Itlley Baylay, or Newport, Or., Is Mirlmisly III He has boon railing ever since lie was strhkan with par alytds, voral months ogo. corri'-r or Center and capital street, nt 2 o'clock Wednesday afternoon. Rev, Oipeland of the Unitarian church of which Mr. Willis was a leading mem ber, conducted the services. lie spoke rcclinglr or the high character cr the dcturled brother, und drew lessons of cheer and consolation for the bereaved family, from the promises or scripture and the Innate hope of Immortality. The family were all present except Mayor Percy Willis, who Is with the Oregon volunteers In Manila, Mr, and Mrs. K. B. Piper and Horace Willis having come from Seattle to witness the last sad rites. The casket was covered with the Jural tributes of frlcnJs, and the roomy mansion was crowded with those In attendance Including many or the leading people or the city. Severul hymns were rcelingly suug, lead by a quartet, Mrs. Holland, MUs Wudsworth, Dr. Epply and J. It. Par vln. The pall bearers were 0. W. John son, Mart. Chamberlain, G, Stelner, S. Friedman, Henry Fletcher and J. Cox. Interment took place In the Rural cemetary. Willamette Presbytery. The following persons are In attend ance at the Willamette Presbytery which Is convened In the Presbyter ian church In Cervallls: MINtSTEUS. William Gay, Dallas. Robert Robe, Brownsville. Jos, A. Hanna, Los Angeles. John Branch, Dayton. William Robinson, S.ilcrn, Ii. J. Thompson, D. D Corvallls. 1). M. Davenport, D. D., Lebanon, H. A. Ketchum, D. D., Sulem. "W. A. Smick, Albany. J. II, Cornwall, Sodavllle. Geo. A. Mo K Inloy. Zena. T. Broulllettc, GorvuN, J. A. Towusend, Ph. 1). Roseburg. Isaac iwiotts, Florence. James Thompson, Brownsville. O II. Whitcmau, Independence. J. II McJunkln, Eugen?. W. H. Jones, Mill CI I y. M. M. Kills, Djlhi. Linn J. Karhart, Turner. II. L. Reed, Alouny. 1) N. McCulluugh, Diilla:. Robt. A Smith, Woodburn. W.C Scott, Lafeyette. W.S. Gilbert, Manila, P. I. W. S. B.iuuermaii. Africa. KLDKKS. W. S. Dalgllosh, Lebanon. O. A. Rockwell, Salem. L G. Altuuin, Curvullls. W. H. McBco, Oak Rldgo. W. A. Bannard, Brownsville. Robert Glass, Crawfordsvllle. J. P. Galbraltht Albany. J. P. Kuimett, McCoy. Scott Jones, Gervals. S. (1. Irvln, Newport. S. Scnggs. Independence: S. Condlt, Auinsvlllc, A. B. Mulr, Da.las. L. Flint, Woodburn Prof. John Straub, Eugene. R. P. Bird, Lufuyettc ProL W. N Lee, Albany College. In connection with tho Presbytery tlio Ladles Presbyterian Mlsslonnrv society holds Its meeting und thoie will bo un attendance of at least lllty ladies. The otllcers or tho society are as follews: Mrs. W. A. Bmick, Albauy, President. Mrs. L. 0. rotary. Mrs, Scars, Secretary. Mrs. M M. Davis, Cor) ullls, urer. FRIEDMAN'S NEW RfMET! Our N6W S Of 6 OlllilHJ Has arrived. Suits for the small boy, or The big man, All nice, nobby, new goods" We have the latcstl Pot ih( cm alt "hoiT-Q We have them from a ror xne sman Doys good washabie suit for 50c up to the finest wool. Our little Vestee U. S. N. suit is a stunnerall the boys like it. Young mem's suits SdbrCK.,,ecks' greys lVIVnf5 slllt; Square cut, round cut or frock, in plain iv-in d du-xio colors, or fancy worsted. A great as sortment to select from. Panta for t,ie stout man Pants for ne tal, s,mi man" lllll ,WI klkllUUUli Tf voi i ?wp intet4 iWl come and see t,,e ffoods; ii you dre mieresiea the goods are jf the best, the styles the latest, and the prices lower than any in this city. Cor, Commercial and State Streets, Mew Racket Salem, Ore, AMl'SKMKNia 1U2ED'S OPEKA IIOLTSE PATTON BROS., MnnnBors. Altman, Corvallls, Sec Albany, Corresponding Treas- SPECIAL ENGAGEMENT, ONE NIGHT ONLY. Moreiu'e IIiuIIcj'n lirmt 8o nk' Coimil) Drama THE PAY TRAIN! Strom? Company! Sprendid Specialties! Exciting Climaxes! PRICES: 50c, and 75c. HTSDATS NOW ON SALD. Closing Out Sale On order of a telegram the Nonpariel Millinery will close out the entire stock. Call early for choice bargains. A bonafide sale! NONPARIBL, 317 Commercial st. tTmnTnnnnnnnnnnnmrnnn i3atst avrfoe&a .V1LLAMUTTU HOTUL ARRIVALS. J. Iw, John P. Jones, It A. riiomor, V. Jait. Honrv Imi. a. .Vhmlth, Pertland: It. i. Furgvrsoii, 4. u. iii'iirroH. v. II. Diiiuphr ami rriiiiiMceu; 11. 18. Alikony, Jao mhiviiiw iir ; &. isoiilinwr, Cliltfiiuo; A. M BuiMiaunu, ClrtvoIutMl; K. Bartlett and wlfm Im Urumlo Or.i J Mtuhul, DtfnerCal. The Sale Qoc On Uw. V. Will, tint owIiik maehlnc ami illusion! Instrument man, still haihu 8wlng machine sale runnlmr and lliuro ar still four wtwks uf It, mirmg whinh tluie ktaodard umktM of inaMiiiitts will w sid at such bargains as hate not been luuird or In Oregon brro. Don't rail to get the bonolltof this sale. Trada Union Mcettni;. J'lfi?1"'? u. tlii or uieehan- liv. ,.la,L-u ...Ti"ir 7.""K "' ""t'omin- J. .:.rr.r.7 t. ""."". mw ur m (Hiring k- IT u ? ' puwr uitri, lu the Turin r t hCK. fur the UUriHi-o ,f nnmi.l.l. .. u itlnnil Union. J. llx 3t It GOUPKHY. Sioretry DnMliltnt xH)rtitar c. I). WobrltUuu tu make a Wang In thedutout Hit) utatu fuir wiitcli will bo held In b'otaoMihor. u glnttlig uu Friday, Sepfciulwr 31. ui 0 p. m , awl oentlnuliii: tu 'Mmril.iv KapteinlMril.QMiiKstll o'uloak ut thatuu'oliig Worth 5 i n JCirf Fitting otEcts Jr hdli8 arrived tday-we would llkvta thuw jJieiu to ynu asd wr iryj will buy you pr ng p t0Hlrtl hi tttfld njuJ Until! m, m,v, mi , , kSfUI.Jvv.V UHIII wo are sure wo mtn sato you a duller u uuiu uawicy arc ainuu) Are tlio Ixai niade-tbey ro of Uwr mutorial and ate m Usble to rip than any oorset tuad-Try ttie and you do nji mull l w UHI uivfi VAII lwnlf xmF mnnnv AentJi for Standard Palteroji. Your MftiiKn'c lli. tmtlll.tjl I . . """""" ol bliocs Our Men's dreamy gait khod In coin uw UuU, ry srvte. mbd ... ... ... jiuua ne-Mi. uuir wtir bate, druwy twin um Men's tine Rulu uhh vleU. UOtlt OlUXMlUt stud l (0i tf flfl Aud from tliiiun utVoVur 9X MCIS lu tail HHtj in , blarkat j w Mdlw' dalHly elolh tup loot. patent tip, .... '. ..' i ,ts ijlt'gant iw at tlfiuaitd MOO v ,l mt ,0.r who una or viols wtilwluilunturnutw. That Boo vltl in Uee or twito. What Wd roller jimM do Mum Shoe Goodness Our $38 Tribune VnvLis Bros, & Company, lytltlBg ehm U tu cmw aH4i shoo. Vm 1IV t. .b.... (ll.Krt J.1'6'"- "j'SUAw't WttHl tu WHi .. ... ...v: mm. .IMH NJWy i uT ; yt tk ar.TKrw ttiaMtlilMi,MtU la-iVT ,Ft i rii tL, t nimr Ikw i IttM I a t.kl au m M ii,i liTSi" THJri," "?. . Our $25 Special aa,iaaaav-Li zzrtL&fr ir tz '. .":- " Two Wondeia In the state or Pennsylvania nro twn wonuerrui curlosltlos. One Is iu Cambia county, near Carl Town, whore In a brmh-ctnered ravine, with high wooded bills on elthor side, stands a four-Inch Iron tube, tunntv Inches high, ablaw with burning gas iew people llvo lu that section, and none know how or when, nor by whom tho woll was bored, but say It bus been burning for tlftoen years to their knowledge. riie oiuer is a burning coal mine Itlslu the No. 2 culllory or the Dol ware and Hudson dinni ri ..o.... AMlkesbatre, This tiro has destroed forty aores of coal uyeraglng twenty feet In thickness and Is still burning It Is twenty-llvo yoars since It com tuoneod to burn aud It u estimated that it will burn twentv.hvn ....... longer. It has cost over at.!) aai half of whloh Is the vuluu i.r 1 1.. ! und tho other half Is the cost or Hgiit Ing the tire. Kvory known moans or quonohlng the ttre has been employed without avail and now the own or nro itin.. iur u iu uurn us sou out. It was Ignited on January 6. 1871 by the oavlng In or a mass or coal and rooks, which roll upon tho engines and the boiler Bros limit im. ti... ...... i Slnuethiit time the engines are bun-1 Miieuwitu ate,,,, goneruted on thefur- setu iwlow thruuL'lt iiiivb. .mi,i. aoal is anthraeliu uf iiia .,...,. 11 ww IIIV4V mivauie (iiiuiiiy fourwl in northeast rn PenBs)hanla w - A The Latest NOVELTIES For Ladies. fCXXX Sash Belts, Nethersole Bracelets, Skirt Pin Sets, Neck Clasps, Sash Pins, SWSsi-aFw'-TO.ToTO. And h F umuu 8DOQ9, j , - z 5. W. TflOMPSON & Co.. I E 221 Commercial StnW Smuiimii PraVYTAYXT Thorough Inspection or our large ahtcrtmont nf ,ipui.. erarkers , bUcults, waters, rresh and .Sum1' w,,n 'nVnce ,le Obt exacting that we have tht clmirekt and tot nl- WtU,Urent f!r lre J""'ly food, to e lect Iri.tn, both in uackauesnnH i.T, vi. ii u in ii., a ... ... .. :- " a d V DR. H. C. EPLEY. PHONC 2813, DR. H. H. OLINGER. fl id ur Specialty! GOOD WORK at REASONABLE PRICES. vi! wit, una ni all times the ttnest, 5 fw ds at the lowest rrlces at C SONJMEIVIANnl THE QROCEU 1M8UM T.l.pho.,.5, 18 Salem Cental parlors Bridge Work, $5 per tooth, and up. Road Making Much needed cradtnif 1 Ko.in ,-. on south High street fmm mi..i. street to the Lincoln whuol DMimit. S. C, STONE, M. D. Pwjrtteror Stone's Drue Stores HALKM. OREGON Tk .j.. ..... nmiMrtm, uiu, . TJZ, ,MW ""W awl UK. HTO.NR """ iawiiMirtw, or KtHt. OVER POSTOPFIOE. VT VV--vw ' '" "008 2013. r axrw vcxr vexv srawwaxonit S I s Mr D (At old nd, ,'9l commercial sTrcel, Sfam" Millinery Opening continued over Saturdiv " uu"3 J,l,u remain. ih Central Cash Grocery LS'SJvSvsv I Capital Junk Shop, I e fans will ri:enu.. - r.n .. . . G our pries nrf.eiHS, """ Manses m tSiwatMM.1. m sr5w!; Is. X. L1UMC1I. HUH I THE Vzssss: "CTUfe r- - win get prices. me ,n and see what we have and MMimmt . hALKM UJON WIOGIN'S BAZAAR ttt itrr PUIH rvvcvx. r "U?H' 9QMMER0UL rwtKW MJKJC OIUl 5c I UAU Ha I'm WUtomeriUlsu, Salem, Or.