r f -JTT-mrTT" r.,r ---"!"'- " '""'f V'' 'WrfRW-W "W WWp",W7 T1 TOFT"" ' 4 HWaJ lMIUL'!PgaPWWWW rnriiii jus, I a -- VTpr..-- "". THEY ALL WANTED IT!! You see they thoueht the blcvcle In the window, wan the only one we linJ. There wire plenty more Inside howcvir, nndwt wld -em one each. Wecaafit vou out alio WITH A RflWFORD, LEUELflND, RE5CENT. THE OLD POSTOFFICE STABLES. 7-" a W ftlfiy- T"" CMssmsswcjiRv jWviffii Special rates g'ven to Commercial men. Ii.l vm m.i(ln 1 1 nil point at nil lion. O've us a oniljatiil be Mthfled. MARRIED. IIALL-CALLAHAN--At the Ma rion county court house, Salem, Or egon, at 1 o'clock p. in. Wednesday, April 12, 1809, Mary 0. Hall to J. II. Callahan. County Judge G. P. Ter rell oIllcluLltm. Tlio newly married couple will v- side In Marlon county Jttbt opposite Independence. The palate is almost tickled with Scott's Emul sion of Cod-liver oil. The stomach knows nothing about it, it does not trouble you there. You feel it first in the strength it brings ; it shows in the color of cheek and smoothing . out of wrinkles. It was a beautiful thing to do, to cover the odious taste of Cod-liver oil, evade the tax on the stomach, and ta!:c health by surprise. It warms, soothes, strength ens and invigorates. rf and f i ot, all dniggliti. KO'IT a I WNf, I . ulna, New York. A young woman from the Univer sity of Nevada had her noso broken In a basket-ball game In San Francisco ou Saturday last. If tho newspaper accounts are to bo credited, she ap pears to have been rather proud of the distinction And yet wo hoar dally protests against the the shocking brutality orp.hve cnrlcmls. it la very, very seldom nowaday f that a pugilist can rlee to tho dignity of a broken nose, even after tue most hotly con. tested buttle. StJM&TB$fi J. L SPSNGEtt, of Plattovtlle, VU. formerly c,r Co.j O.Kth from tho r.ufi ot a huMirult). " found relief amldtlr-Ni lauUbHiiory for tho good of ottafcrv6'JA Ueeuyn: "At Petenhurg I was suaatruck and carried off the field for dead. Later rheumatism of my heart developed as a result and fUyxx'u iaiwd to bcnelit me. Inthepngof95Ib2nuiine Dr. Miles' Heart Core ad Ot. Mil' Nervine and now my health ii tetter than for 30 yean before." MILES' 1 soid by all or uUu or fuaraate first tMMtU buIt or inoy tfk. Rook oo heart nwva nt !. Dr. Mllet Medical Compiy. Eifchart, Ind. ExhauiUonand break dovm follows drip f reTent it by using Dr. Mile' Nervln. SJihikS Sore Point It 19 with BOtno laundries to re mind thcro of the superiority of outwork, but wo claim mid reiterate that wc do the best class of work In the laundry line of any establishment In Oregon, ind our patrons all bear us out in. our statement. fyou brlnjr or end your laundry worlc Here you will be our patron ulwnys, Salem Steam Laundry, Phono 41, 230 Liberty Slreet. Best and largest line of Bicycles in the Gity, Car load shipments Direct from Factory DBTfltfO, $25 to 1 ItlvUUi $75. ... i We liaVd,. BesI Bicycles R, M, wade i CO. 02 FBttllV ST., SAL.BM, OK. J. J. FIDLER, proprieto llx.Mj llnnrHnrl titr llin Horses Hoarded by the Day, Week or Month. Standing Teams, lfie. Sli'glu Horse 10c. I'hono till. A MASt MEETING. Citizens of McMlnnville Wnnt the Troops Returned, MoMinnvilm:, April 13. A call ap pears In tho local papers today, for a mass meeting, at the opera house next Saturday afternoon, to glvo expres sion concerning the detention of tha volunteers In the Philippines who en llstrd for tho Spanish-American war and kludped matters. Fourteen men, who havo sons In these volunteers, have signed tho call. They say they do uot want undue pressure brought t. re-cnllst their sous, nor the ofllcors seeking to hold their positions to speak for tho men In the ranks. Beware of Ointments for Catarrh That Contain Mercury, as mercury will surely destroy the sense of smell and completely derange the whole system when tutoring It through tho mucous surfaces. Such articles should never be used except on prescriptions from rcputaolo piiysi cians, as tho damago they will do Is ten fold to tho uood you can possibly derive from thorn. Hull's Catarrh Cure, manufactured by l J. Cheney Sc Co., Toledo, O., contains no mer cury, and Is taken Internally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of tho system. In buying Hall's Catarrh Curo bo sure you got tho genuine. It Is taken Internally, and made In Toledo. Ohio, by F. J. Cnoney Sc Co, Testimonials free. Sold by Druggists, price 75c, per bottle. , , Hall's Family Pills aro the best. 4 3 1 in Camera Club Organized. Last evening a temporary organiza tion was effected by the amateur pho tographers of this city and A. F. Strang was elected temporary chair man and It. II. Loabo, secretary. A couimitlco on constitution and by-Uws was named consisting of James Norrls, Miss Fannlo Kehno and A. E. Crosby. W. II. Cook, Miss Lorena Kirk and E. C. Patton were named commlttoo to solec, rooms for a meeting place of the club. An Informal meeting was then indulged In and all phases of the piiotugrapliorH ait were discussed when tho club adjourned to meet at thfa Y. M C. A. rooms on next Tues day evening at b o'clock, when perm anent organization will be Heeled. A Refreshing Style. Tlio art of limitation requlros deli cacy in pruutu'u. An already famous firm hasuriginaUHi aiddevulopod Into yery promising aduttlsing a mass of old, quaint proverbs Wo refer to Mobsrs. C. I. Hood & Co., of Sarsapu rllla fame, who are using not only our column, but tlioe of thousands of our contemporaries, in adapting wise saws to their service by cloym- and practi cal turns, It is rofroslilug to oe something new and bright In thi tine. Clean out argument Is haltor than bli: display type. 7 New Notaries, Seven nev. notorial wiuinilKlviW ; er luuad ya.Uru.iy from the mo- mr of suue otllce. Thy re fer: G. O. Nolan, of Tillamook; Jioniy. Wade, ur Gardluer; Alex. Brutiii. ol Portland; A. S. Drur, of Ore, n Oil; II, B. Adunw, of Portland; Wui. 11 FallU of Leiond, auri Frank But -erBQo,of Pol Hand, i To Wed. A man Up new VH ' Tiufv EuueM Aufrafto awl Mrn. II B, Duit. Tl c HerMMt Man ia Satoas ,. n iiu. liaiid (.mnt. awt utiwr. ,ti iavifcrtl to ctil n 4ny druKgUl can approach It In e."Hoiency. It In aHdUilwu trm b-.ttie -f Kawp'a StantFy rellevei and wrxnanently cures twuiil Lrtiit lnnmiaiidLui.gw.4 Dvsnensltt. Indigestion. Ileartburn, .n..... ih.i umiirjn'H J i.M-uit-aad teltfvt- an I'liroiui- arul c i Baai&a .(---- -ms -'P i Aw Aaihuiu. liiuacuiitt U 1-bS. Miu- I'rlik . ai d 50:. c ni " To Do m Costs More Than To Do Well' This "wise saw" miaht property react, "it costs more to "BE ill than to BE well" The source of all health is rich, strona blood. It is to the body what the mighty streams are to the earth. If the blood is pare, the body thrives; if the blood is weak or impoverished, then every pulse-beat carries weakness instead of strength. wiiy make the cot of living more llian it need bo? Purify your blood and give yo-ir constitution a chance to do its level host. Tlio onlv Hnrtnct oiooa piirmcr ami vlgor-mnker in exist ence is the woi Id -famed Hood's Snrsa parilla. It brings good, perfect health. it never tlisapjmnti. Scrofula-" When three months old our bnby Hoy was covered with itclilnj? and burning scrofula sores. Tlio best physicians failed to relieve. Hood's Sarsiiparllla saved his life ns It niinlc rt permanent cure." Mrs. Lilmk M. Fisif, Kast Sprlngport, Mich. Crlp-,,Tiirourth the blesslnc of God Hood s Sarsnparllla and Hood's Pills cured mo of frrlp nnd tho nfior weakness. My heart and nerves were- badly affected, but iini nun siruiiK nnu nearly, uoing all my rtoiisowork. I have been a walking adver tisement for Hood's nmonjr my nelchbors." Mas. Maiiy M. Messfnoeii, Freehold, Pa. Rheumatlsm-Itheutnatlsm Is a dis ease of tho blond, and tho ncld must bo neutralized to effect n euro. " I was troubled with rheumatism so bndly that I could not walk. Hood's Sarsnparllla cured me." Mrs. Mm-iiKM. McDnitMOTT, Southbrltlse, Mass. Eczema -"My daughter had eczema and It nffected her eyes. Tho doctor said It was Incurnble. Her skin In now smooth and white and nil on account of Hood's Sar snparllla. I havo taken It for weakness nnd can now walk three or four miles enslly." .una. n. j, iiEwnv, auic centre, .Minn. Catarrh-" I suffered from childhood with catarrh. Was entirely deaf In one ear. Hood's Hursnparllla cured mo and restored my hcarlnvVMiis, W.Stokes, Midland, Tex. cHocdS SaUabwiilfa llpmraj'llla rurr lliir 111., tho non IrrltntlnKunJ .S!lltr""u" ' ,n ,llk" ""'I llood't Hnnt.ijinrlllft. A Horse With Spectacles, Among the wonders of Surrey, which is a suburo of London, is a uorso that wears spectacle, no wears them for a purpose, too, for his eyesight Is so dim that ho cannot sco a yard In front of his nose un less he has his "specs" on. Toby goes about his dally duties calmly, lie had suffered from myopia for two years. Veterinary surgeons recommended somo kind of glasses. Tohby got them and wears them, IIo owns tho unlqse distinction of being the only four footed animal In the world equipped with spectacles. (Bos ton Advertiser,) m n , mm , He Was a Substitutor, "Is thcro no balm In Ollcad?" shouted tho preacher. Tho druggist In tho back pow, thus suddenly arrouscd from his slumbers, rubbed his eyes, and answered: "All out of It at present, but I can give you something Just as good." When Traveling. Whether on pleasure bent or business, take on every trip bottle of Syrup of Figs, as It acts most pleasantly and ctfeuti'ally on the kidneys, liver, and bowels, preventing foyers, headaches, and other forms of Blcknoss. For sale In f0 cent bottles by all leading drug gists Manufactured by the California Fig Syrup C". only. 4 .'J cod lu . O jk. 'X- - JH. S yx . Bears tt ? N " Vo HM MIS Bsjgfi1 Profit in Poultry. The persistency with which tho price of meats, especially poultry, has kept up has encouraged poultry raisers to enlarge their Hocks. The setting hen, usually the recipient or all sorts of abuse, Is now surprised by being carefully handled und given an un lucky number of eggs to cover, With the price of meat as It Is now, It pays to raise poultry, oven In town, for tho table, The recent sale of one yoar old fouls at 60 and 00 cools each shows something of tho profit that may bo realized from a small Hock. Try Allen's Foot-Ease, A powdsr to be shaken into shoo. At this season your feit swollen, norvous and hot. and the feel get tlrod ouMly. ir you have smarting reet or tight shoes, try Allen's Foot Ease. It roots tho reet and makes walking oasy. Curos swollen and sweating reot, blisters and callous spots. Believes corns and bunions of all pain nnd iflvos rest and comfort. Try It today. Sold oy all druggists and shoe storos for 3oc. Trial pack age FUEB. Address, Alien S. Olm tsed, Le Boy, N. Y. cod d&w Bkui o I lta K"d V Ha Always BwM Certificates Presented. CortlUcatos or graduation were yos terduy Issued by the county superln- lomlent to Bert Smith, ln.llic Smith, and Hay Jmieii, upon rwuiuuiuuiiiuiiiu of Miss Mart. Altten, teacher or the Bethany scUm.l which they attended. ... . . ..1..H.. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. Digests what you eat. It artificially digests the food and aids Nature in strengthening and recon structing tho exhausted digestive or ans. It is tuelatcHt Jiscovored digest- nnrt tonic. No other preparation ant ana ionic wfomianpft. Sour Stomacn, nausea. mj an : . m 3Bknaadache,Gastralgia,Crarnp8.and alfotlierresultaof Imperrect digestion, Prepared by E. C DsWltt & Co- Cblcaqo. MARION COUNTY NEW3. Business Being Transacted at the Court House, I'KOUATi: COUNT. In the matter of the cstato of Peter Best, deceased, Deiuurrsr to the petition for opening of the llnal ac countsustalnetl and petition dismissed, urant Corby was appointed admin istrator ot the cstato of Herman Freskon, deceased, filed his bond for 13000. The heirs at law are II. II. Fresken, brother, Marlon country, Gerhar Frcsken, brother, and Thokala Fresken, sister, both residing In Oct many. The petition of 13. Van Wasscnhovc, guardian of Edward Greenwald, au Insauo porson, for an order to sell ccr tain real property, came up for hear ing before County Judge G. P. Ter rell, and, upnn motion of F.A.Turner, attorney for the guardian, tho further hearing was postponed to April 24. McKluley Mitchell, of Gervals, ad ministrator with tho will annexed, of the estate of Baron Otto von Boesr lager, yesterday filed his semi-annual accuuut, allowing tho receipts, during the past six months, amounting to the sum of $2,1)20.82, and disbursements ot tho sum or $1,030,37. Mat Italic Kelt, guardian of the per sons and estates of Ferdinand, Andrew and Arthur Koll, minors, yesterday tiled her semi-annual tcpnrt cf the re ceipts and disbursements of her trust, showing tho receipts to havo been $28.50and the expenditures, $248.10. Two Inventories of the estate of A. D. Hltdon, deceased, wero tiled yester day. Tho cstato In this county Is valued at $51 1.49. Tho Inventory ot the cstato In Multnomah county, us appraised by Geo. E. Chamberlain, W. E. Thomas and W. M. Schlllock, was rcturucd at $500. DKI'AUTMKNT NO. 2. Judge It. P. Boise, or tho ftato cir cuit court for Marlon county, depart ment No. 2, yesterday handed down his decisions In two cases. In the case ot Charley Chung, plain tiff, vs. Win. F, Miller, defendant, au action lor recovery on a hop contract, tho cojrt decided for tho defendant, awarding him costs and disburse ments, In the caso of PacltlcStatcs Savings, Loan & Building Company, plaint UY, vs. W. II. Wild, et al., defendant, tho demurrer to the complaint was over ruled. Real Estate Transfers. Christian Frlckey nnd wife to C T. Tlnunons, lots 5 and 0, blk 7 Frlckey Railroad addition to Salem 8 too. O. T. Tlminons and wife to Belle Brcssler, lots Gaud 0, blk 7, Frlck ey's Railroad addition to Salem $500, F. W. Durbln, sheriff to O, Brens ano, tax deed to west i of Jean Jeau- grass dl c. sec. i3, t. 4, sr3 west, 420 acres, $29.27. G.E. Hawk and wlfo to Nancy L. Mclzgcr, part ot block 0, Institute addition to Jefferson, $110. Weather and River, Tho weather forecast Is tonight and tomorrow fair. Thcro was u light trost last night, followed by a heavy fog this morning, whloli counteracted tho damaging effect to thetrult trees. Tho river has risen very fast tho past 21 hours, caused by tho melting snow in the foot hills. It now stands at 13 feet and has begun to recede. Passenger tratllc Is good and freight business Is ,ilcing up. Tho steamers Houg and Elmore wero down-river boats this morning with light loads or freight, but fair passenger lists. . Albany Alive, The Press Club or Albany und a comlltee of citizens today tondoied a joint Invitation to tho national Ed itorial Association to stop at Albany when they visit Oregon In July. Man ager Edwin' Stone, of the Corvallls Si, Eastern extends to tho edi tors tho courtesies of his road ottering to arrange an excursion for them Into tho heart or tho Cas cade mountains. Dissolution Notice Notice Is horoby given that tho co partnership heretofore existing he bween H. M. Branson, II. II. Bagau und O. J. Shirley undor tho linn name und stylo of II, M, Branson & Co. as grocers ut the City or Sulem, Oregon has this day been dissolved by mutual consent, tho said O. J, Shirley retir ing from said firm and business. Suid business will hereafter bo conductud by thusald II. M. Branson and H. II Hagau, who will pay till outstanding claims und demands against the Mild firm of II. M. Branson Sc Co,, und all accounts due to said llrm uro payuhle U tho said II. M. Branson and H. 11. Bagau. (Signed) II. M. Uua.nbon. II. II. IlAQAN. 4 3-1 111. O.J. SlIIULKV. Notice, Notice Is hereby given that I. Adlor has roslgned partnership or Itubou stain und Adler Capital Junk Shop, Salem. 3-8-1 w Dissolution Notice. Not ict in hereby given that the un dersigned, who havo been engaged in mercuarilile business at M"i Ore., under the llrm iiumo of Hartley & WlilU th- ptht wven years, Juve d h--ilvfd luir'nerHlilp by iiiuiuu, coiisont W. J. HaiiU-y will coutluut the biml uei. absiuutt all uccouulh a.ii settle ill lalHi at tlio old sum). W.J. flAULKY, II. T. Whitb. Marlon Oregon, Msroh 22. 1MW. 3 23 1m Steam Dye Works. No. 19 CftiHinercml street, riwk.lU! WillHmeiie li'iu-i. LadtM ami gentlfineu's elotliing oiaanvd. dyud. re mired ami prd. Piite Uaukcu clwinwl r dvod iih) ntecly UaUiml KW glove vImumI. ! nytd tie Togwe U Grippe. Veep warm, espaUj 1 feet, awl Ulu Dr. ls, Kirttee, site feet, awl teHMOi i mtwmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm for Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought BEARS THE SIGNATURE OF Oei In Use For Over 30 Years. TM CCNTtUn COMMNT. TT MORK1Y TBttT. NtWVOflll OIT. MANHOOD RESTORED cimrotitecu to cure nil nerrmu r.:eaK, uch n Weav -niorjr, j0 of siona, Nervouinesu.iitl drains, lost of rnwer in OenerM. Orrnur of 4 l v euaer sex, cnueu ly orerxertlon, youth lul errors, ck " .e or toDicco, opium or siunuinnu, which icau 10 ir.nrmuv, toi mi.jmohoi Juntty. Can l carried in Tft pocket. J1.00 per IxiV.f v tj.uymMl prepaid. Clicularl'ree. Sold tif nil dnif;i;l8ti. Ankforit.t konootlitt Maiutr.ictured hy t"- Venu Medicine C . V irl Prnuec. i.atie-I)ATlv 'iiitv-o. diatrlDU'lu.faeeutt. Third nn J Vamhtil?" ' "' FOR SALE BY D J, T. S. BURROUGHS ...Sanitary Appliances of ill Kinds EST 1 M aTESJ FURNISHED. PU1CES TO SUIT TIlEJTIMESi 10:t STATE STREET ',.''' .'-S'" -n -n - ", t " "vs. . T3 r w ,r tr f gff I Press I for J Sale i i .98 DIFFERENT STYLES of Stripes, Plaid and Fancy Silks of all Grades. Call and order from Samples and get it bran new. Don't buy old shelf worn silks. Vi We also have a nice line A nice line of Notions, and of Hip V at the iMon j 309 North Commercial Street. J J 'M Ulw ,w tw W Vw Va f THE NEW YORK RACKET. 1 E. T. BARNES, Prop. ainniiiiniiniiiffliniinniranmmnfflimi! Laces and Embroideries Wo liave u largo vou to suleul from. liuv)d down till competition. An Pibbons At our original "Racket Prlcos." A good mi tumor oorset. 25o ISwiuiy piiiH IJ each LadloH'tUovolofti vosU,laruef ull Hl7.es oo GouU' oratli lints In good stylisli patterns .... .. .-..'J6o Fnius Hi 4Boto76o Mutib'onMli ou Its. full suit.. 92 40 Mum,' MryU Hilts - 2 70 GatiU' luti-bl prliiK style all wool tvtiw.H,U)it coats v w S Our prices on all Hues uro tho lowest. iMMlilllillW ll New Vorlc Racket- RpWe Closd at 6 n'clook, except Saturday. rw..lftfw.v..v vkh.v.s.SwikJ.kfc.Vwk.tfct..lAkkbt.th.akAaA DAILY An Indepewlwit A!oolaUd Press PM'vr fur the Pfo. hood f'r tmilefl free r. Vrnu'n i ve I'l'.ln. Tctlow N-i ve lM'lH, Till ttjlfiful rented r.llnt FRY, SALEM, OREGON PHONE 151 Ily uilnn A 6-column quarto size COUNTRY Campbell cylinder press in good repair, for sale at a great bargain. HOFER BROS., Salem, Oregon. " 'nt " 1 " "". sd a s- 1 1 V i of nlam Silks of all colors. Hosiery, and Underwear , j V . il mporiiiiife Hi j " p m- h" pv - W.U W.kwWWW WWW i i usdorttnunt for Tho prices aro tho'ro tx-'low all i t i I i i i i i i t , i i 1 i endleso variety of 3 t t i I i i t i 7P l II 800 BUHINBSa CAHD3 C. JH. niACK Dentist Scrsser to Dt. J. M. Keens, old Whltt Lornci, bal.jm. Or. Parties deslrlnrr .iierlot ipeiations at moderate fees in any branch ar in especml request. ALBERTA. JESSUP. Phone 1071. UOOMS 1 AND 6, (lit AY 1IUC, Salem Soda Works R. H. Westacott, Prop. All kinds of ort drinks nnd bar nyrilps a Plieclalty, Klrot cIam ilpllrcry, CI FBRItY STREET, 3 llt.f Phono 2C8S Money to Loan at 7 per cent On Mottgige Security-' One to five years'time. BOI8E& BARKER, dw.1t.n-3m 270 Commotoial U SOULE BROS. PIANO TUNERS AND REPAIRERS .I'OllTJiAND, Oltli Kor B-loia ati I vicinity le.ive orders at JOco C. Will's Musto Htorc. oil OFFICE CITV nALL'j; For water service apply nt ofTice. lltl'i payable monthly in advance. Make complaints at th"'oSi, CAPITAL CITY Express and Transfe jj Meets all mall and passengor train. lic M$fi and express to all parts of tho oit) Prompt service. Telephone No, 70. WHITE St DISfJUE. O. H. LANBl Merchant Tailor 211 Commoroial t, CySults $10 and upwards, P.Mito $3 nnd upwnrdi. BICYCLE REPAIRING. HIcyclcH repaired and sundriiR hup tilled. Now shop ready to repair or oulld yon u wheel SattHfactlon guaranteed, Your pat ronat;o solicited. EUGAlt Sc UOIIEIITS, ;l 1R tf 105 Stuto street. Rssay Office AWD r.ADORATORY. No. 71 Chemckcta s(, I. 11. r. TimilLL Asyer. G. SL PREEBDBfieR NEAA MARKET St.te stieet, near r-jitioad. Frcihctt nc best meats. My pa'.rons say I keep the bes cr cats In Urn n 3 3 Land HEED OATS, MILL FEED FLOUIt, HAY. LIME. OEMENT, LATH. Plaster J, F, GILMORE, BltiUtu nmHUtMNmrUt ; iCaoital Soao Works, I Hunnlrn; at lull Mast ami making lies of laundry ami toilet soafi. He sure local! i for Ihe.Halcm brand whop )OU want ! f(kx1s.' I A. W. ANDHKEGG, Maimer Bertha H. Hubbard. Toaolicr of Plunii null Organ. Husl dooco ono hlook wobt of North school, corner. Hpoclal tonus to iH'glnnors. .1 .'II lint C. J3, HUXCIC, 311 OUMMKUCUl I.T. Guaranlco iK'Ht survive III tho city, Cleanest shop and sharpest ruzorf. Glye us a call. 4 Mi Dress Making Parlors, Havo ru-opened my droM making business In the I)r Rowland Ikjufu, corner Llliorty und Court. Tailor niiidu suits a specialty. Madam M. McAlpln. Will bo glad to wjo all old patrons ilid new onus. 3 25 lino : Herschbach nnd Reigelman niinicuiTUt BLACKSMITHS and WhmHIGHTS, Ww will shoo jour hortc, build or ruiwir yuur wagon or impiomenir. I lialitg iH-uted to shiy our patrons I Ijuvo a guarantee thai our worlc will 1 m saiJUiluplury. Shop J00 OheiuekeU 1 itrtotr TeUnhuuo 27BB.' 4,1 tf em Water Co., MNNMNaVI INTBRBTATB 9 nAioi?i)Trininnv uunouaviiuiu ETTA AND ERS-WILMAN ' Associate Teacher Western" J Conserva tory, Kansas City, Wo(, representing the Inter-sta e System, at Salem, Ore, Over Mrst National BanV. Residence1 376 Church street Studio hours-9 to 12 and 2 to 5. DEALER IN : GROCERIES: Palntfl. Oils Window Glenn Vol uUh, and tbo most coaiploto stock of Brushes of all kinds hi tho state Artists materials, lime; hnlr; co inont and shiuglos; nnd tho finest quality oi grass sood. mmAk VNHNMsikNjaNflrsaisayBsN! WANTED. Now today nnvornacments tour lines or loss in this column Inaortod ttirea tlmos for 25 otan 50 oto a woek, $1 per montli. All ovor lour lines at samo rate WANTED. A llrst-cluss blackamlth on now bunnies, hacks, waaooB and general' repair work. Attliti Satuui Wuffon nnd Carriage Factory. W. Fennel. -L13 tf NOW IS THE TIME TO OET-Your LukkIcp nnd waaons painted. Don't delay. Olyo 1110 time so that you cun havo better work dono. Prices to suit tho times. Salem Waxnn nnd CarrliiKO Factory, W. Fcnnell. 4 13 tf NOTIOK Is heroby lvcn that wo will not be rcsponttlblo for any debts contracted by Fretl Schlndlcr. (Hlirni'd) Emanuel Kchlndlcr and Jacob buhltidler, Falrmount Dairy. South Salem. 4-13-3L IFYOTnVANT A "GOOD-Sccond-hund waon. One or two horso. Cull at tho Ualem Wuon und Car rlutto Factory. 4 13 tf STRAYED. A bay acar-old horae, with louu lull nnd wfilto Htrlpo full length of IiIh face. Last fcco nt. Hud liell'a Dlacc. north end of Cot- tuuo street. Return to Hansen') llvory for reward. E. E. Harrltt. 4-ll-:it. B1UYCLE PATH-lf your bicycle needs repairs bring It in, wo havo tho skill und stock to keep It In first class condition. We carry a full llnonl sundries and tiiukou special ity or cnaiiiellnK como nnd sea u, wo satisfy our patrons. Gardner Sc White, 288 Llburty Btrcot. Holtuan's block, noxt door to steam laundry. Phono 2350. 1-20-tf FAUMB. Stock ranches, timber claims and city, property for sale. Houses for rent, Collections made. A. F. McAlteo,- Ileal cstato ofilco, 103 Slate street. 4-5-lf AGENTS WANTED-Fur tlio "Lire und Achievements or Admiral Dewey," tho urcateso hero of ull ttuctt, by Hon. Murut Hulstead, tho lire-long trlond and admirer or the Intrepid commander nnd recently returned from tho Philippines, Contains nn olllclul history of "Our Wur With Aguluaido," with his battlo ilatr, personally presented Mr. Hnlstcad by tho Insurgent chieftain und reproduced In all tlio original colors. Gorgeously illustrated with UO pages superb half tones. Cou tains &7U paucr-; olzo 7x10; 4 maps In colors; only $1.60. Outllts freo and ready this week: Address tho Dominion Company, Department L, Chlcngc. 4-4 2- LESSONS GIVEN IN PAINTING AND DRAWING -Studies from nature or Decorative work, us pre rorred, In pencil, Ink. charcoal, crayon, paste) and Oil painting. Mrs. J. N lirnwn, Home Studio, 300 Court strcut. 3- 25-t HOUSE CLEANERS-Remember that tlio best and cheapest carpet paper Is tho heavy felt paper wild UtTlIKJOUItNALOlltCtt. 20-vf' MTJBICAI, ,-A llmit:d numlier of students taken, on p.ano, violin, guitar, mandolin and sllher Also German and French lessons ulven Anna Nt. Krebs. Music studio, Oiay block, room 5. Call fioraa to 4 p m alo 1 1 a m tf Old Soldiers If you served ninety days In the Union Army or Nuvy dur ing tha War or Rebellion, and made', 11 HOMESTEAD EN TRY OF LESS THAN 100 ACRES PRIOR TO JUNE 22, 1874, you aro entitled to an ad it dlttornil right, which I will buy, buying highest price. No mid die mm. Yon deal direct, Wldow8aud minor orphans of such deceased soldiers havo the same right, JEPiE. COLLINS, Im Uw IIEI-KMA. MONTANA. KED FRCNT LIVERY FirstyClass Feed and BowJlftg; r8 ft Tat OTJCVVCTVCVC&'CEXVSyvS doica s. 101 C'OMUKKCML fcTOSCTt. SALEM, ORE. Win.ULLREY,Prop.- Brst Rict for Commercial Umt L EuUm in mtf lili'k liotwl WtlUnwMf. irsrsafo teams and comfortable rl rm'iail usutut rnmiiy unyiow SD0 hilly, Ihinuia boaided by day, uoaV or month und bust (tf ballsfaotloB guaranteed. 31U firlp Is slaTlng thousands of victtau. jK.HMtU'ieTlfie is e'uta i' -v. j V5 m $&$$