TJfT " r C555E r3 t w -t ii (pwi'wwf '.'rKv wj " ii if i a ill hnitarffch m m ' ress Goods. &z m, CCvXvlCyCCNoCvSoooop nDnOC DATTCDMC AnwniUheMilt UIUJJ I A I lblMJ Mtlwnn anme ttry prattr rhtnmlw efTrr.ti Iteaantmlila In prloo anil n-tHiIaW'. anme nry tirftltr rharorell entr,U ll! Twew. In well it H.W.WSO.WU) and I JW jxir pailorn. nattptn are T.U Ii) Tweed CH yartfi novelties asssraWSttSr raluo we liavo atim-ftta! In olifflltiTni(iire linal eotleitlnn of MylM ol twins mmbincil nrer ihown for III poptuar (irler Jmlf a dollar. TAILOR MADE SUITS firfift fna In tailor main puita tnn inlr pttt In rtnltin to Imjr a MrmmUtpr jllj(n In tailor mailn colt (Han raim, and iihj on llMi.l),M'1Hlt! CIr&TC JIHIU praln. I.Ih-hi Aklrt to 111 fur a tanejr like TrMi manjraiylewln Mtxtk Uwitim Malp. 1'rlfM rati ftom 4to. for a ik (Tmmft. HOLVERSON'S CTSarHcglnnlnK April 3, store will cloe nt fl p. tu. OASn STORE CASH STORE Another Silk Special , , t.i A lot of regular 51 and 51.25 Values In Faiicy Waist Silks Like those shown in Our North Window. rv 75c, per yard' ", J.U DALRYMPLE k CO. The Silk Store. $20,000 mat GQilaya llavl 1 1 I otter Inf entlrt) utoflk al an I WOIITII OK MILMNHUY an.l Dry CKmhU to m .Inualiternl In tlm rniK tieoiueu iHHiureir to kivimiii Ii o Mrrlllee. 'lli lulta. Urwu ami U wear, llvlu. Jnttulry, llaiiiUvniilefi, HUiUiiu, ulamware, Cliliiawatc, Tin war, ami Nlrk Naekn of Mil iiii. nir ileelileil H)ltlviOr to l v mi IhbIim In Haleni ex ai an iniitiitiiait MrniiM 'i m feiiuiir A film lllin ,tf I JtfiiuA TuMui. MailA finlltt Itiu I lt...l JL . . ."'IV "" '-. --...-' ...-.u IIIIIIWi ...CI.-. ni. V'llliri ElKlltB. Wftlt, Hllk. Driwa UomM. lullm,' Mntlltl ami Knit Ulultrwear, Ultima. Htnlarr. (WmiL. Niwk no Hoax oeiaiirltaa Unilrriklfti,Hllk nVBRYTHINO GOGS NO nESEnVE. !'role wlio apitoelat gixl big Urgalm onclit to rail uhhi hi durliitf Ilia neit COiluri .,2 Stores M. E. FRASER, 265 and?267 Commercial St. TH3 LEADER, 2 Stores IU.M1 it'I'ili'-U'li if I hev are Lookincr at. "MY Bargains Extraordinary OfTcrcd oy mc unil nodoutit will buy II no trouble fcr us to ulinw uwhU, nnJ tu 6co tlicm anil uct the prlco In to biiy them, ns my priced aro certainly low, and Ih money uvcd for you. I vvm only Hell Hie prudent lot at Hioki ryiliiotlun.pricun. U. II, UlNOHH. Wulaliinukar and Jewlor. SOaComincroliilHt. t)ATES OF LOCAL EVENTS. S(KiowakylpiinlHtlTuoiKlay April II telndol Co., Frlduy May 'M, r PERSONAL AND LOCAL, J. W, Ycatoli It In Aurora today on busliu's?. Mrri. Ji 1, Dunbar him roturnwl trum a vlvlttu Astoria. , K, IJreyiuun went to IHirllaud tlU mprnliiK on tlio overland. Mr. Kennedy, of Woodburn, In tit tindliiK tlio iiilMlunnry oonforonoo. U. W. Mltolioll, of McirnliiHildu, l slowly reoovorliiit ufter a novoro at tlk of la Kflppe- L, II, Btlnbon wan a buslueM vUllur to tlio ruolropnlii tody, yolnu down on lue belated trnlii. A, H. Mooroi, of the Capita) dum ber Company, made a Iiuiim trip to li'uene today. Mm, W niter Klole nud MUs Nlim ilcNary were paksenpfM on tlio muni jaK overland for Portland. - Mr. J. J. (Jruliiiii), who hat iyl, yUltloK her alder, Mnt. 'lluw. Hm9, returned tu her homo In Albany :oaar 0. A, Ory rtitunifd to Glioma wit , this uiorolnK. He la llnlohltii; work on hlsltidluu wditwl bulldliiK wutraot tnero. , lu H. WhlllnT, who leprvont- the Keyatone Viovt Co.. relnrtiwl Iwlay from a trip to Mannjoutli and Inde pendence. F, J, You liohre.i, of Auuiavlllo, vraa Halrtuiylaltiir today, ilu ay. ., tlierti will be plenty or blooms on all ,;ttie fruit except pMolie ami pear, ! awiiaiufcii m -iii ZSSXrWuftKZSSX E. M. Crolmiti wont to Portland on IIiIm morulnv'ri oyerliuul pannonpor. MIsHKdnii Howard und Mint Addle Bchlftler of Albuuy.camu down to hear Uodownky. Mrs. V. W.Sotllcmlre, of Woodhurn, IstliomioMtof Mra. County Huporlu tondont Joiioh, II. II. Pluiiilior, of DuIIiih left thU uiorniiijrim iiumloamer Pomuiia, for Kvuiih Lundlnir. Mary Cutllo has Ihioii nprolntod potml8tro at Klnn, Or., vice John W. Worden. JuiIko It. P. IIoUh will open court In MoMlnnvlllo Monday noxt. Thorn ure 48 en (tos on the dookou Mr. It. H. Iloiin, nooompaulod her uiothor, Mm. TIhhhoh Condon, to hor iiomo In Kuifouo Uxluy, Mr. Kate J, Youiiid alato orKiiu lor of tho order of Pondu, H In town for a few diiyn, Mopping at MrH. Mo UIuIu'h, on Cliouioketu alreot. Judtfe Hurnettund Dmtrlut AtUir noy llayden left thM mornlnir for Tillamook to hold tho uvular term of olro ult court, Mrs. II. W. OiKldard, of Portland, onrroanoiiilliiK cotrolary of tlio Orojjuii oonfarenrc, U In the olty iitteiidlni? urn mitMieiiary ooiiforeuco. MIm Henrietta llnncrufl of Ann Arbor, Mloh., arrived thla mornlnL' Kan VrunolMo, and ledums tliln after noun and evonlnu' i MltMlutiH Kullnw Inn thoKlttu. ' Godoviiiky, the man who plaa the pluiiet In Miveu lunwuuKtv. aewim hauled by hi udvnuea aut, went U lorUnd on tint A M trtilu whro ho ap poarti uta uiatluue today. Jueoli Miller, of Aurora, V. a. Couikw of Jt'iroranii, U, v. Uuvu. oiin, of Turnur.aiKl II. II. Plumiuor or Dallas wore balem vlallors Tue. day. Pert ifavniioU tttlHifus bauifaue HUtfiit on the HohUmth lhielMr.ruiiuliik' between Sulem and Wowllmrn, und tu furautilhiu Alhaky. llo exKhuHirm, whMkk for all lM(Hnrs en rout.i u, Stdeiii K. J. Cuyl. of Viisenuvtr, II. a. dUUIet wMm.r nmul of tlt Cunu- umii jiiciwo ruiiruad, and II. II. Ab bey, vf Porilund, ueneral Knt for Uio Mine ouinpuny ul IWllaml, wore In bulHi In uimsuliMtlikti: with their IhjuI uxnaner, Chuunaey Lookwoott, awl rouirned homo today. In ... ..i LIS, Hon. Henry Ankcny, of Jackson ville, Is In the city. J. FabJ, the Fireman's Fund Insur ance man. was In the city today. C. T. TlmmonathecAlsomlncartlst, went to Oregon City this afternoon. JudKC Wrn. Kam?oy. of McMlnn vllle, Iff In the city on Icunl busincst. Mm. A. N. Hush and MHs Hally Huili were paHcnKcr for Portland this afternoon, Mr. A. L. yirlevc,of Stayton, Is in .Salem today, visiting his son, who Is a patient at tno Salem hospital. Mr nnd Mr. H. P. Kimball, who have been ylnlllntf their prune orclirid at Dallas dtirlntr the past week, returned home this morn I tip. Attorney D. C. Sherman has been In Portland slnco Sunday. Mr. Shor man will attend the JcfTowin dinner to be Klvcn In that city tomorrow. Q.0. Lovelce, recently appointed tailor nt the reform school, has re signed, owing to the low salary. He will return to his home at Lebanon. John II. Uuruard of Portland, ipeoial for the Home Insurance Co. of New York, Is In the city attending the funeral of the iMc Leo Willis, who was 'the company's represent ative aLSnlcm for many years. On the recent tour nf inspection one or the H. P. Co. Oniclals AUitocsted that more flowers should adorn the Balom "depot grounds. Agent Hklnncr enn now report the most mugnltlclen' crop of dandelions to be seen In the Slate of Oregon. Mr. Chad. Krantz, of this city left on tho morning overland for Spokane, where he has accepted u position ik prcssmoti'lnnno of the leading job printing establishment In that city. Mr. Krantz is a proficient prossmun and will do honor to nny position he asplrca to. Tho members it the Orounn logW taturo from Clatsop county, have united In recommending Ilolllster G. ViiriDuson.of Astoria fornppolntmenl to the otllco made vacant by the death of llolllstcr D. McOulro. Mr. Van Diisoo Is clerk of the Astoria Water Commission und a well known busi ness mun of Astoria. dipt. Uoary, of tho Nlnoteonth Hog Imont regular army, who has Imjoii In tho service ut Porto Hloa, and who was military Instructor nt Corvallls for a year .before tho present war, Is ci peeled In Halom tonight. The Cap tain Ih a cousin of Mr. 'A. U. Condlt and will make a short visit before- go ing to the PhllllplncH. Hupt. Pottcr.of thoChcmawa Indian School, expects to loavo on Thursday forOklahoma to bring his family back to Oregon with him. He takes ivlth him three Indian pupIN, who arr trnusfurred to tho Cliilocco school In that territory, ami Assistant. Suporln tent Campbell Is In charge for iwentj days during his absence GOOD WHISKEY AT SALEM. The Horse Editor Attends Another Clas sical Concert His Report. The Initial Oregon performance of Leopold Gndowsky, who plays the piano In the Uusslan, Polish; Hebrew, English, German and Hungarian lan guages, was given at the First Meth odist church, our otherwise excellent opera house has not yet bcon sufll cicntly fumigated and cleared of rata to be suitable to the enjoyment of hlghtoncd olu8ical music. ! In spite of the tall end of a fouri days' showor, nnd the npitt7 of some ticket holders to sitting out three hours of performance they can't understand, there was a very good at tendance. Even people who havo not learned to make thomselyos be lieve that they chew up Chopin, dine on fugues, or dlgost a iuarter sjctlou of the Uoctterdacmmcrung, oituie away satisfied with thc"technl quo" of Gndowsky (pronounced "Good Whiskey" with the accent on the lluld.) One thing the horse editor noticed was that this performer, with the most popular and pronouncablc pig-handle that has cyer come to us here In the west from a foreign coun try, went about his stints In a thor oughly "muslclanly" manner. He did not go ut It as though ho was working a woodsaw on a wager, nor ' as though he was a second helper in a blacksmith shop. It Is also evidence- of genius that ho keeps a mauairor who la a piano tuner. Tho obvious advantage of this over carrying around n house-mover or a stevedore is another Illustration that the great heads turned out of Russian Poland are teeming with progressive Ideas. Godowsky took the audience fully Into the comprehensive grusp of tils Intellect In Ih? way ho did the encorn (lends to an aluminum finish. Ills program wiih In two sections like an overland train and he put each section through on Its scheduled time card. At too Intorludo, or lotennoz.o, as we critics term the llttlo halt or breathing spell between Section usually occupied by some of the state officials. II. U. Holland, of the Salem Milling Co.. was its last occupant, and It has lain empty for some time. In fact It has been empty much of the time or late years and has sutfercd for want of repalM. It is gratifying to sec It pass Into the hands of some one who will Improve It and do Justice to the location which Is one of the most desirable In the city. The price paid Is not made public, but Mr. McXamar pays a glowing tribute to the executive ability and persuasive powers of the former owner in Inducing him to cough up Just a little more than he had Intended to, At otic time the property was held at 30,000. The house will be repaired and painted and the grounds put In lirst chi!H order by the present owner. Mr. McKamnr Is a capitalist who has rcsldod in Salem about a year, coming from Lexington, Nn.b., where he still has extensive property inter csts. He visited this section several times before making up his mind to move and make his home here. He bought the Hugh Thompson property on Center street, where be now resides, but will now proceed to make his latter acquisition over into a home. THE STATE BOARD Of Horticulture Concludes Its Sessions at Salem. The Marlon County Horticultural Society held two successful meetings Tuesday In npltcof rain, and the fuct that on Monday night there was not a purncic or program in cgnt. rvonc of the county, district or state olllclals gave the convention very much atten tlun nnd fcem to take no vital Inter est or to bo aware of the fact that Salem Is the fruit growing center of Oregon. Mm. Wands, the rustling woman secretary who gets no pay, and a self-organized local committee did all the advertising and got out u fair crowd. Hut for tlinlr cITorts not, over a dozen pconlr would have known No. I there was a fruit urowers convention 1 and No. 2, the player liesl ,n "V11' "'" spuomi.tlirinks uro duo tiled a moment to give all t0 g Wlvw Jr.ry, 0. II. IrviLo, und Jus. understand what was about to J ' Preparations should be made by the take place. This was tho llrst people of Salem to make the state con chance for an Indlscrluilnutq outburst ventlou In June a mom than local ,if lili.nn,.n.....i.. ,.,,ln.... 1 1 1, ' uu "" . " I'"8 lu IHUKe Ull 1 11030 und the iM""u.-i. uuu mi. f.iitliiirlliiru !i utuwoc In im in if ... , ., . . ........,.. m.MVWk-.T ... I'U.I.W Ut Ub uiuiii mju-uiuss rc-uiin Hiinpiy 10 lonuiince ii tul entertainment, loiigthon out the urogram und enable I The Slate Hoard of Horticulture our music-loving people to get, two "uplt'toJ Its two-duy wcsslon atSalcm flnllnru1 mirth rir mm lint It rilrlnlt ' "COtlllg H. L. DOSCll HeCMtUry tl) dollars worth forono. Hut It didn't I KIK.CIC(, ,,,, Ml am arra ' for work. 'Iho encore Jubberwock was in otitic cniiveritl m in Knlcm In June. Slate Treasury Note, A remittance of l)l I l.'t In payment for convict labor at the poiillonllury In March was rauolvod at tho state trousuror'H oillcu today from Lowen horg ft Co., of Porlund. The second payment of state utxos duo from Marlon county for 1603 was made by County Treasurer Downing this nfioinoon. al 100 twing turned over to tho statu trnusiiror, making JI.1,. COO within 10 days. AMLLAMETTE HOTEL ARRIVALS. K. A. Haldwln, San Francisco; lurry . Clark, Portland;. J, U vv vim. u i ii.i... x i r,....i...: . i ' W .. X. "J ." "' v.unnoy, A,,"l,y, 1. Ward. II. II, Abbott B. Nov In, IIiikIimiii, II. 0. D.iy, Port lundi J. K. McClumlc, San Krunolbco. ' aanMltoMawaMiiBM Slated. It Is umlorHUHHl from a sourco Hint Is usually reliable thut Harry Cook, who Is now omplnyod at tho state Insane asylum, will bo up pointed superintendent of the asylum ffttui, tOHtiecewl J. 11. Daululs HodueeJ. The MJtto IxMinl of oduofttlon has r duuc d the wugoi of the mllor at the rvionn oiiooi rrom $10 to MO "and bftHid" por month. knocked out by tho little cherub- facod Polundor with tho Intoxlcatlhg coguomuti whacking right Into sec tion two of his program and rushing It "hot off the bat" Ilocamo up mi the home stretch a llttlo winded and champing tho bll, poriiups fcollng the results of a week's pasture mi dining ear grub. He halted a moment befuro coming under the wlro when tho llabborgastod encore (lends broke loose. Hut Godowsky simply raited up a little, gave his ooiHiills a ishaniotorlstlu little lllp thoy aro too short any way for an elevated stage und plowod a clean furrow through to the end. Ouo of the critics in tlio town tolls us It was tho familiar, "Bin ladling Zulu Turiz," by the ro- j nowned Anhotisor-Husch-Tuusig. Hut' to most of our cultivated people llj might have boon Duiider und Pot.-' Paiisond, for ull thoy know about It. While peoplu, even in tho densely populated and moil cultured editors ' of the great wool-growing west, don't I exactly got their mouths watering i over the .Schumann, Schubert, Liszt, i 'inner commnuiioiis, as a horso does in a patch of red clovor.this second concert In tho groat classical series was no doubt a huocuh, cousld orlng that ll was tho too-too, it way -up high C miiunur of ilia bur oh. I'ha third concert by the StelmM Co., May Stl, will have a hbrplst and vocalists who will produce popular airs thut it Is to tx hoped oven the tiorso-odltor can tipprclto.Ki. ,t A 1MONKKR MANSION ik i. ueyimnis was appointed treus I ii re rami IfiOO copies of thcMorton la'v were ordered printed Mr. Dosch will move the secielury'solllce to Portland, ! stati: MKK-iiNd junk y-io. I The June mooting of the state board or hortlcultuie will be held in Salem. , ll Is Intended to devote this meeting very largely to the question of market ing fruit, and strenuous ctrorts will be mitdo to havo prominent men hiie from Culirornla and other states , whero fruit marketing has been re duced soil science. Oregnn grower aro urged to study the situation 1 cioseiy in mo interim, to the end that I miiiio effectivo organization may be made and a plan of action adopted. i I he now president and (.ecrotary nro planning "big things' in the way I of future conventions and it Is to Ih , hoped they will materialize, as those I who get tho swog ought certainly to furnish Mine of the entertainment fot the producer. Among the papers to be presented, arid tho men to bo prevent, will be: b rlday, 2 p. m. The teiHirt or spue- Jul committee mi co-operation in kctlng: H, H. Miller, organization In wtiimrnia; iJt ti, ttoynolds, organiza tion In 2orthonslern states, Euiilr Sohanno, organization In Southeastern states: K. 11, Luke, organization in Oregon. Friday evening-Welcome address. fdfivnrnnr flnn, n .,..... rillllfO it.ii i VJVU,i iwuuu, i-rUHiuuill r i.u!?ii,,or' ,,cclur. 1,rof' E.S. GofT.of 11 IBUIIIIMII, Saturday, 10 u in. Hopcrts from organizations In Hood ItUnr. i ..,. county, Vancouver. Marlon and Yam hill societies. Saturday, 2 p. m -Talks by proml nent hortioulturlsts from California. Saturday evening-A strawberry festival, with Umstaund iiiurIo. WodcI?p fliicfioD Sale at fb? M'O'N'D'E'R 96 Stat? Street. Auction commences April 12th, at 2 p. m. and 7:30 p. in., and continues daily. 5l-fifi,5--S12'5,' You will wonder why we have hardly started and commenc ed to make a forced sale, but it is no dodge, but a reality We find too many engaged in the same line of business, and with a desire to change to something new which we intend to follow in the future in the same place, That we intend to start East to bring out our new lines as soon as the present stock is disposed of Lace curtains, pillow shams, table cloths, bed spreads, towels, hosiery, laces, embroideries, corsets, gimps, furnishing goods, notions, etc. It will be a treat for those who attend the sale, for you will make the prices yourselves, W. K. Mitchell & Co. i "- Friedman & Greenbaum, Auctioneers AMfSKMENTS. REED'S OPERA HOUSE PATTON BROS., MnnnRors. SPECIAL ENGAGEMENT, ONE NrGHT ONLY. riorentft) I!intlcy' Ureal Senilis I'nmmly Iirainn. THE PAY TRAIN! Strong Company! bprendid Specialties! Exciting Climaxes! PRICES: 50c. and 75c, nysrjATs now on bald. Closing Out Sale On order of a telegram the Nonpariel Millinery will close out the entire stock. Call early for choice bargains. A bonafide sale! NONPARIEL, 317 Commercial st. nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnmrnmrnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnmnTtTnTna yuet The Latest N0VELTIES1 For Ladies. Sash Belts, Nethersole Bracelets, ft Skirt Pin Sets, Neck Clasps, U A Sash Pins, And many othor Spring Novoltl h M w. 1 5. W. THOMPSON & Co.. 1 221 Commercial Street. 1 in mm iiii., ciaau aim. UMHftl.M wwwy wumwi u ('wc,u. UnOv i.iUi tw tHMH )our Woo hiI kn U !kh. lu MltrjMa uii Up Ua)-ivr uul dnvuu aUi to lii'iiui)- u (hNUI tt(V cmr. W1 .yv-; itam to-ov aHSEfea3MS - -----?. -Tt " ""irww. All uni lU. wtUfutkHv fuarani, UV. e,Sk " " - - - . Tiudw UitHHi Maettng. Thpro will M a mooting or iiiiHihan m, clerks and all elutew ,of laboring IICOIllo al Poniitar hull l ii... n, o-eoqk, fur the purnomnr otimihIbIhip a I'Mloml I'n lun IliJt J. K. OOUKKKY. Swrotury. 'ie by lurehie Into the Handa of a Salem Capitalist. Th Oeo. II. Joiias' property, on aouiiiuomuiorclttlhtraot, well known to nil old resident of Salom.has boon purohitwxl by C. W MoNauiar from Its former owner, Miss Fra ice Jones. Tho hutiM Is ouo of tho historic rosidomw of Snli'in. It was built in I8D0. by lieo. H. Jjnw,, O'Donuld A I FergUMin doing the work, and I rtiV.1 lllumr atlniUl Hl... anil workmanlike manner In which It whs eonslriietwl l shown Ijy lus oxeollont ooni'ltlon today, standing a plumb timl Miwure on lt.s foumla. tois m It dhl whn it wus finished. This u t bo uue of thi HH.'st wi in tan wpiutl eliy and Indies of O. A. K. Tho Indies of IT. S. Grant Circle Xo. o. UHllosor tho Grand Army or the Ilopubllc, will meet at the homo or Mrs. Cant. Adams, on Pimrr tmn, oastor tno W. C. T. U. rooms, Thursi day, April 1.1, 2 p. m. ,,.,. Ml8, fiSWTItL'DKWBST.Seg. Central Cash Grocery IWi alwl f UnwilM ami Pro. ,.V )U;1 "lHl HI lllf MM MM WUS Your Money's Worlli of Shoes Oar New Shoes 1 For JudtoB arrived totjuj' wo wuuhl llkfta limv thotu Ui nn and we ro u;o wo uatt a e you a duUar If yon wUl Uu v wrlntf FiUki& orseU Am the ml iimdc-thy ro uf UMtor materia) atul are Iom luw Our Moh'h d ... . .1 ooiu uh) imu, -ory iro aita, gwlshtRt Ih Nr'h ma inuiini' rtk-Bun luroiauniiru runermi. nWe o 1 M I H HM WaivisJBKos, & Company. able. Moil's iioot buff Mir bate, dnwty 004 n Ukv 7 Mrtn'a Une lwm Uh vlcls. neat Qhoaolm khaii late . wM ... AUU from thut un un In sup lUlcla In un uftri in moki 8 LatlloVdaiuiyoloUi Uiteo. imtont tlHt . . .77. . l iji?.r.-,,MDRl 'rt 400 Imitation turn mI. ,w That line viol in hta or Uutioa. SjJj " l wwllun; What we'd tnllm jooV 4o thaH HHythlng ol u to tam al ,eJ:.,IfiWI don't win to buy IH all tho ram. Unite Hywi ' Vtaluil i . .l"J'tt ,ttt- For l tuW .... mir iiruiiuviii, i-uitw ami tt, iw. F. X. AMUtlCH. 1-llml.l - mm J t t w r-i- - a- t7V H mr- 9mmmf km o mkmmwm:J ? mi m"sss JrFKisiLXrs ym mm Jui bimnuuuiuiuuiuiiiiiuu ajiiiuimimaiiimuiiiiuuiiiliiium mnuniUMMUlia T-WrTVTTJkTlaT DR. H. C. EPLEY. PHONE 2813, DR. H. H. OLINGER. Say! Those 30-inch Tribunes Tlwy ar wiling to the mmt ,rit ff.l.u f rkl,IN the way thfv 0.1 run. There Imi i a wml known si siq. nrle. that rus a. uoiik. amj iks s hl t h-i. Ju.i IMen when tlu Jjfl W yoo on ttw girwt fUul lu In tb ahK-uht thwrlou-s JU In Dm jjcloldal dprwket luiaUisTrllNiMelinlH ami r HMHutertlw Sfc-lwl. rlk.s run Jwl Ute whi wy, Utiviuif lli 30inch S50 2Mnah Model 10 S38 Cash, S40 Installments. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. The Kind You Havo Always Bought Boars the f sCj ' ' SlKuaturo of OuZii BO YEARS' EXPERIENCE i " ." . ijjnjra .P '' g n en r u ill ....' .: , iivbii uuu'rj timi'iiVi lvu"ut' me most exaetlmr P sort',, ent,!4rnt,,t C ,0.lmt and " ' l K ioriment if thte da utv fnnii m c ' S ml times ilin iiruwf A ! ur Specialty! GOOD WORK at REASONABLE PRICES. A of our crack 0Hp W Thorough In:nirl5 l.irce Mstirt i.,..., .i... . i.i. ...:..:. '""" "'.uuiiciOUS ..:.""..... u"lul"i nrers, fresh nnd ilS11'1" Jwckngea and loose foods nt l n " V"1?. l0 "Host , ' -"i.-i. iirices at loel frinn u will find SONNEMANN 124 SUto at TIIKGROCEU Telephone 5i Salem Cental parlors. Bridge Work, 55 per tooth, and up. r Tradc Manns UCSIQNS IABVDIMU a. -. Afltiuia tan.lli .k.a.w .. . . V 9 G ?ui7a'iriuiVr'wSiTSr?Ka':J SCKWifiC MtYlm. S. C, STONE, M. D. fwprnHor of Stone's Drus: Stores OVER POSTOPFICE. uuoms 27 and 50 Pimn. oo,. Jk.T IWrvrwwAJ' 5W, i'liona 2813. f i 0 8VLKU.bRKCO.V. l IB IUbLui .. . ... . -- . weaiaa a -nwai -wtt ,.,, t , wnpww Wwaia,,, a. fntumt. lm.hH Mklr Inttat r. Twaia, u n"aaJn. JK D"r Koutii t AMumo Ps . ' tnq: O.UR J craiii n a t NALKM Ui'E Jc-Kl WIQQIN-S BAZAAR uaokkt rmoeti. tXiMMKUClALbTnEEr A kanOaomalr IHalrtM 52KrSiJa!f,swA iaVr'SStafflfj! If YOU WISH TO ADVERTISE ANYHERB AT ANVTIMB C4l oa or Writ f. c. fiflirs iifEmson gsotcf 44 A 65 Alerchanta Echujo UN FUANCUCO. CAU I lie .Mra ' II UHkJ wttli "i,iuna ai ". U . ri. , . . tR. 8TO.NB -.., . milliatUM UOW "---(MMlil'mln. " . iiiiaiUMi ur ' Uw brs Huifc fi wWiiuoa jAWr'mW THIS WEEK W. ONLY, 100 BOX FILES, 18c. EACH. DEARBORN.S BOOK STORE. IFraSS I 'SMat'aBte "ass IN. 9 undersold. CnnV, " 'AcM?fcK .we will get prices. u cc wnai we nave and SNCooiioe KlalSt.,S:alcm,Or. nnnMMnjjnjnBnnwMnMnjynnnjnHnnnnnnnnjnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn . mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmfmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm ---' .'" 'n'l iinli',i 11 itn hi iantninl jaSjfc.