Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1896-1899, March 22, 1899, Image 4

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    tft -
i T
& .
Easter (Boobe
New Dress Fabrics "
New Wash Goods
,, New Silk Patterns
New Gloves
New Parasols
NewSilk Skirts
New Wash Skirts
New Suits
New Soring Wraps
ifeon't wait till
icomes but se
' cure your
choice early
TECKS. pc...
Ladies Silk Stock Collars
The Leader!
PRING MILLINERY openincr is announced for
Thursday. Friday and Saturday. Atnreh 24.2';
and 26. The largest and finest disnlnv avar brought In
W&WwII l
Frank Sands Jumped Head Firtt to
Cement Floor.
Frank Kan in. wlio Is scrvlni a lire
year sentence In the penitentiary for
burglary committed In Porland, made
a determined attempt at suicide Bun
day morning. When the prisoners of
the tint ward wero let out of their
cells, at 8:30 o'clock, for sbaylng, and
the men In the third tier or cells
Mopped outo'i the gallery to march to
the chapel, Hindi waked about 10 or
12 feet along the gallery, which Is
protected by an Iron railing about 3
feet above the floor of the gallery.
then drnnned on his hands and knee.
and forcing himself under tbe hand
rail, deliberately threw himself u
the cement flor 20 feet below,
striking on the loft side of his fore
head. Two of the prisoners In adjoin
cells John D. Newman and liert
Dayls witnessed the act, but the sui
cide's movements were so quick, und
the act so startling that, before they
realized what was lianncnln,. Hands
was lying on the lloor 20 feet below,
apparently dead. Hands was uncon
scious when he was picked up, and
had not regained his senses up to yes
terday afternoon. Hands Is the man
who broke out of the Multnomah
county jail with Con Kclllher about
three years ago.
Saloon Men Remonstrate.
They WantOther Liquor Retailers to
pay Full License.
No Policeman Elected Bicycle
Want Church Street Free
to Wheels.
The city council met Tuesday night
In regular session, all members being
present and Mayor Illshop In the
The commlttcc-on licenses asked for
more time to report, which
nir.r.9 ohokued paid.
KLHwartz 122 20
v o ueaoorn
Harrltt & Lawrence 0
J p minion-
Statesman Pub Co 2
nr o T .....
T O Lllin . ...
Capital Journal Co 2
Churchill & IJurroughs
0 30
1 50
Mrs. M. E. FRASER,
265 and 267 Commercial St.
Wo are now showing tlio
lutctt in
Rimless Glasses
Less gold In iiiounllnits. still
monger than ever, HeiiiiMiibor
we arc tlio r-pcctaclo and eye
b'luh spcclulli.
20 Years' Experience
Youh Eyka Tested Fhee.
Graduate Opthalmologlt, Ocu
list. Prescriptions a specialty.
Oodowiky,plonlst,Tucrta)r April II.
Stelndel Co., Friday May 20,
City bond election, Thursday,
W arch 30.
The beautiful weathor nl today Is to
bo followed by fair weather tomorrow,
lhe wcalhur hureau rchorLliiir To.
night and Thursday probably fair.
Wednesday morning showing light
frotln lowJamR but not cold enouuh
to do any damage.
Tlio rlvitr Is at n stand still at 8 tort
and steamboat bur.lnK8 Is good.
Hon. E. II. Fligg. went to Portland
tills afternoon,
Oor. T. T.Oecr returned this after
noon from Coryallls.
Dr. and Mrs. II.O. Eploy ate spend
ing u few days at Jefferson.
Mrs. N, II. Looney returned to bur
her homo at JclTurson today,
Hep. McUullncli wont up to Turner
todiy to look after his ranch there.
Loul McCoy, formerly of Halem, Ir
now road-muster ou the Coivallla Sz
Eaitern railroad.
Tlio Friday nluht ilnnnlm- iu.
gives the closing parly of the scasou
tonlgliUt Tluga hall.
"Sur 5 bur" Shoes,
"arrled only by the New Yorkllucket,
In large supply have Just beeu re
ceived. Our leather, and vesting tops, for
ladles or gent, In line ohocs, ana our
ladles "Queen Hoc" urn! "Coin" vest
ing top, at 12, and C2.J0, are special
We have n large stock of all grades
for ladles, gents and children, In the
"Star-6-Star" line of sIioch, and sell
them at racket prices, which savca
you it heavy percentage in your pu
chases. Call and be convinced. 22 2d Iw
Rev. Harris Anested,
Chief of Police Lee of Albany has
received a telegram from Chief or
Police, Carty, of New Westminster,
II. C. saying that Rev, E. A. Harris
and Mlsi Edna Lear who recently
eloped from Albany have been arrested
there on a wrrant Issued In Albany.
charging Harris with seduction. He
has a wife and friully living In Hi.
Louis, Mo. Miss Lour Is 18 years old.
A New Grocery.
inursuay mere win bo opened a
new grocery and provision store two
blocks west of the North Halem
school, conducted by II. L. Huffman
Four tons of staples were received to
day and the public will hereafter be
auio to rind a full assortment of
family groceries, tobacco and clears.
etc, which will bo sold at the lowest
prices for caji. Our readers aro In
vited to give them a call.
Utate Pair Uoard,
The state board of agriculture was
to hayo held a meetlnir Tuestlav uf. i
tcrnoon at the capltol, but as some of
inc members were unable to not here
at the time set. It was dcrlilnd m
postpone the meollm- until March 27.
when, It Is understood, all will be able
to le proiciit.
Qood Whlikey.
Editoh JouKNAi.:-Pieaic tell us as
nourly as posslblo how to pronojneo
the name of the eminent nluulst Hod-
owsky? .SuiisoitniBU.
Thu VVooJburn Charter,
Tho suit over thu charter will como
up for rehuarlng before Judge Holse
Saturday mornlm. Tho ideation u
set to be held next Tuesday.
We reallie the renponilblllty laid
on optloiutu, Vo rtmllte that
wrong ulasoes wilt injure tight.
iviine iiiu rignt iiuswa utrengthen
tbeklglil, ltectluiiigthpsullilmt.
T, II. Lloyd, who has been engaged
at llosoburg for some weeks, returned
uomo tin afternoon.
I Miss Minnie Bolineokenlwrg, went
uptoMchaiiin toda to vUlt nt the
iiiimiDui nor orotner, Louis Kaliueck.
Mr, Sam Hayes and ohlldron re
turned to her homo at lluliav tivi.nr.
after a visit with her parents, Mr.ao'd
.Mrs. i; voroler.
Hev. J. Howoriox rueislvivl wi.-.i m.
day of the death of hU brother-in-law,
IT. UOO. A. UrV 1. a nnim n-nl. nli.
Special Meetings.
Ilev. John Pardons has begun a se
ries of special mccllnsH at the Flret
M. E. church. Uov. Harmon, ol
Woodburn, spoke lust niulit.
Judge Terrell, went to Portland
I his afternoon, and will return on
tho morning train.
Savaue k, Held 21 03
Halem Water Co I iH
MrsT Magulrc 12 60
n m Wurin X' Vi 9 m.'
Frank Davey....! ... ........ 2 00
II V. Miiirn.1 X' Cn . . . . 1 Bfl
Halem Light Traction Co ... -100 8i
Mabelle Hcott 5 70
It was agreed to hold an adlourned
meeting next Erlday evening to con
slder the auctioneers' license ordinance.
Liquor licenses were granted to F
La Hrancli, K. Eckcrlin, Ilutte &
Wcndcroth, J. 0. Fontaine, Nicker
man Si Kodgers and W. R. Anderson.
A communication wan received
from the Halem Cycle Association.
nrotcHtlnt aualnst the exclusion of bi
cycles from the sidewalks of Church
Mtrect, south or tilate.
Frank 0. King was unanimously
elected driver of the hone wagon, and
A. McFarlane, hoscmanL In pluce of
L. J. Parsons, resigned.
II. V. Matthews, of the McMInn
vllle Mutual Insurance Company, was
Invited to addrcs" the council
In explanation of their po
sition In tho Insurance busi
ness. This was a matter brought
up by the Salem board of under
writers protesting against allowing
the agent of that company to do
business here without paying a II
cense. Mr. Matthews stated that If a
license fie was reoulred of that com
pauv, It would cease to do business In
the city, He then made a genera)
argument In eulogy of his covipany.
When the gentleman got through
talking, further consideration of the
matter was laid on the table.
Applications wero received from
Chus. Hurt, Ed Monro and Scott
Ferguson for position on tho police
In an attempt to elect a policeman,
four ballots were taken, each result
mg, D. L. Fleotcr4;0. I). Hntton 4:
lllunk 1, The election was then post
mined until the next inccllnu.
A petition was received frjtu the re
tall llqtnr dcalori or the city, worded
and signed as follow a:
"The undersigned, retail liquor
duulers of the ulty of Halem. lesnect-
fully represent that they ure required
lo pay a llcec.tc of $100 pur annum for
the nrlvlleife of dolm- business In t.hU
city. They would further represent
to your honorable body that lv reas
on of malt, vinous und spirit
uous liquors being extensively retailed
In thoclty by tlrms und persons and
club rooms which ure not required to
pay any license whatsoever lo tlio
city ofSalom, therefore we. tho tin
(lorslunod, are subj-cted to an unfair
Fraser, Gilbert & Patterson, C. 0.
Given, A. B Stelnbach &Co.. W. II.
Hobson.HC btne, F. A. Wiggins,
Brown Si Smith, M. T. Hlncman, L.
M. Haines, II. H. Belle, C. H. Hinges,
J, A. Roton. Willis Bros. & Co., D. S.
Bentley&Co, Dan J. Fry. Steusloff
HriH.. Ornv Bros.. Htelner & Co. and
" w-' . " -- -
John Hughes."
Referred to committee on licences.
Mtn l ne mayor asKea ii mere were nuu
t lot of names on this .'petition for
an auctlaneers license, ana was in
I formed by the recorded that such was
the case.
An ordinance was introduced by
Lcgg, prohibiting the riding of bi
cycles on the west side of Church
f tree i. between htatc and Mission
streets, Referred to ordinance com
An ordinance for the working of
prisoners on the streets was read the
thltd time and passed unanimously.
An ordinance relating to sidewalks
and crosswalks was read third time
and pas-ed unanimously.
Fire chief Churchill was authorized
to act as policeman, without pay.
Alderman Legg stated that the
Dcoule living between Ferry street
and the Mill race, wished to know the
grade of that street as they wished to
do some grading, and he was referred
to the city engineer,
Another Dog Case,
The law reporter has been called on
to unravel the Intricacies of another
dog case that has by a narrow margin
almost Involved several prominent
Halem people In litigation. Hoi
Broady, a cattle buyer, who has
been buying stock for Baker
& Mocr, turned one beef cow
over to Ed Cross and got tils
check for It. This he cashed and
bought a Shepherd dog for 81 and
spant J2.40 ror'lut:idental9,"returulnk
the balance to Baker & Moyer, who
were out 13.10. For this sum -the dog
was held by Mr. Baker. It seems that
In the meantime Newt Farrell,
chief government of scouts In theCas-
cade Reserve force, actlni as Sol.
Broady's agent and legal adviser, had
negotiated the dog to a Dallas man
lor 310. who came over to Halem and
claimed him. Broady wanted to cue
Baker & Moyer for stealing his dog.
They claimed to be holding the dog as
security for the $3.40 Hqulre Johnson
didn't want any more dog litigation
In his court for awhile and advleds
settlement. This was llnallv effected
by Moyer & Baker giving up the dog
to Broady, upon his leiii renresent-
atlve Ne-vt Farrell nirrecWir to make
good their 83.40 when the
legal transfer of the dog should be
consummated to the Dallas party,
Newt. Is now working up his abstract
of title on the dog, to see that he Is
clear of ull attachments und in.
cumbranccs whatsoever, before re
ceipting for the money. If the case
had gone to law one lawyer would
nave got the cow. nnother tl.
dog, and the county would have paid
the costs,
Newt Is thinking of putting on a
high collar, ronllrg a front room und
putting out Ills shingle as logul ud
vise: und minister plunlpot-nilury,
making a specialty or settllni: dm
Is the time to purchase your Df y
Goods and Uotnmg
Anrl oet the benefit of the
r.rM reduction in oriccs A $C A.
Great reduction in prices
At Friedman's New Racket
The Price on every Article in the store Reduced.
Table Cioth . .
Formerly 50c. a yard, going now at, -vc. xuis uuc i "..; a.. uu, Wu.B
nnw berore you are too late.
Skirt Linings
3Ic a yard. Watst linings 8c a yard. Canton Flannels, formerly Ojc. a yard;"-
novv4ic, a yard, and better grades In proportion. ' '
"D..- ..-. -. 1--r- ?--,-) to
' T-... ..!... ... tin n vnrri- tiiov worn fnfniprlv 5c. and after tills line is closed
..it vnii ulll irol, nn mnrp nt tills nrlCC , .
UUV, U" -.- r
A few pieces of these Silk Veilings
Left, choice patterns worth 35c. a yard; our price, 15c,
Kid Gloves
- . .
Immense bargains, polng fast: call and sec them. We have -some small slzoa ,""
fnrmprlv AL.'U) n n.-iir w urn Ki-tllni for 75c.
Fine Black Dress Goods
A choice selection. Goods formerly 31.25 and $1.50 n yard, going now for 75c.
Goods formerly 05c a yard now going for 33c. Goods formerly 25c a yurd golng
now for 13c.
Are all marked down t) the lowest possible notch. We have thorn from lc a :'
yard up. -,"'
Corsets, Dress Skirts, Undeawear
At great reduction.
A swell line of Boy's Clothing
Just received. Going now at sacrifice prices.
Men's Suits, formerly
81-', aowis.To. And all others In proportion.
Our new stock of Hats
Just in. An Immense assortment for men and boys, Crash nats. Fedoras.
Greys, Tans, Bluck s-all kinds and all dt scrlptlons at
New Racket
Cor, Commercial and State Street,
Salem, Ore,
Away With Weeds
Island Garden Sand
Wa are now Mllln? an extra nunllty of
IFlinlinMlul nn. half Mt... ...H.f 'l-i.
oau. Splendid or KaMeui. aim Jprllllien.
!ry H wt Hr Woo.1 ,s w cord, delivered.
I). 8. JIE'TI.KV Jt CO.
sucjiior" to 8lm Improvemeet Co.
S19 front Birect.
Sp;ing Clothing
In great quantity for men. Ikivs nrwi
youth, have Just been received at the
New orkrucket..Meii,ssultsfroiu$3.76
ror u good solid wearing cotton suit
to $13 75 for it very tine ull wool black
WOr.t(l(i Rlltl. (infill hi i..L. ..,. i
ruHm for $7.50 nor hult und a ran ire of
Drieas ror ninn'.. wiuil miv.wl .....i ,.ii
. I .... .i.u
wool, anywhere botwoon the
A Ha a line lot of boys'
............... . -j i.w.. vu u., uuiuii iis.ui une jul or ooys and vouths'
u id nlur ou4cotni)(ji t nn. in xiu-h mm bni.1, ,,..., ...-'..... 4..-:,,"l"s
0Kte.it that we Und It very difficult u ovy'r c Z "T.f" r !!!!!
nu.. ...: II.-.. ' - - "..w .... nuui
COU III wo Btlorit to bo oaru es ami
i2".S?,uif.!S L.iV! JIJ! ,wtur l0" " Cleveland, Ohio.
.- v.v wi.m nivumvi. 4 lull
take would hurt us more than It
docs you. Let u eiamiuo your
Eyes Free of Jiargo
Theril-iiobrciiW In speolaoles or
leu to tonluuo wo uitmiot du the
amu day you leave tho work.
feq our now Ult buckles.
Men' and Ooyn" iwealers.
Mrs, M. K. Vandervort waioaHml to
I'orlltnd this afternoon to the bed.
lde or her grand-daughter, MM
Klher WwkI, and will not bring her
to Kaluui for a time.
Mr. and Mrs. A. 11. n-.i-wi , ,.
IVrtland aro In tlio oil v. tim lui ..r
Judge and Mrs. Geo, II, llunueti. Mr.
UrtNuuian U l"ostumiter at luriUud
mid was formerly a balem biulncM
Sheriff F. W. Duibln - n.u -f...
nooii cutlied to Aurora touting up au
ltiane tmtleat. r voumr man nu
liurkllotilur. nifiwl ulu.m 4t .... ...
......,.,.,u, jpoib in
no auMiuoo ur Judge Terrell the
m..d,,d r., . ., .Kll. RSS il a. JUr""- M'"
Yuura lut Low Vuit YiWm.
Willis Bros. & Co
JTIrit Door SoutU of the rmtornw.
Hefore the Coun of Inquiry,
CtitCAau, Muroh 2J. Iloforo the
court of Inquiry toduy David id.
Ulesluuan toHtllled at follews: "One
day In Juiioa trontlemaii asked me to
KOtolliQRtockyardwitlilil.il, I cr
rled two boxes. Wo look the boxes
into a car where the three or four
rows of meat.
In the boxes were several paokages
containing a light gray colored sub
stance, lie put this lino trays, r-ot
lire to It and placed It under the meat.
He said It was as an oxnorliiient to
pretryo meat, I put my flutter on
the meal am t anted It, It burned
my tongue I n one eud of tho oar was
card marked "Tampa, Flu,"
.Onion laud to renL-W.
Brooks Ore.
Eihauitlen and break dowi
htrtut it by utinc Dr. Mui' NtvU
SI 2tt
to continue to pay 100 license
"Wo would therefore respectfully
petition thai your honorable body
dillecta slmllitr llccnso to that now
paid by us from tho Illlhcu club and
from ull other club rooms and places
where Honor urn until, llnliwu nnr
oihjo competitors In the retail liquor
trade can be made to pay their Just
Bimru vi iiiu expenses ot tue city gov
ernment, wo ahull be compelled to ask
u reduction In tho amount of license
now paid by us:
"W. II. Aiulerr-nn, M. L. Hamilton,
Kllr.ger& Heck. Ilutte & Wenderolh,
Neckerman Sc Hogorn, Hach & ad-
Stailltk. I. 1 'Plllln.,li.n A
Sohrelber, Felix Lo llranoh, K. Keker-
in), j. u. lontaino, win, llaack, A.
K. Djuonv. fl. (' Xmii itiwi i',..i.
lUfcrrod tocouinilttea on licenses.
A petition was also received
the meroliiinU, as follews:
We, tho uuderslguod tiicrchants
and taxpayers of tho City ofSalem.
most respectfully ak that thero be
iiooeoupatlon tax luipoaod on us thU
.V'J,F?lB0?. " - Dalrym
V, ..CV- 1ras-e Urns., I'ation
ros.S.W. Thompson A t). 0. 8
Hamilton. J M. Foroythe, Mitchell
Lewis. Slaver & Qi.. Harriit. . i.,u."
riuico, K. F. FurkhurM A Qt . M.
urjHieit.eier, o. W Puiman, G. W.'
-uiiiikou iVLxi., r . ix.arborn. M. E
Call and see us, wo sell at original
racket prl.-es. -j 2d lw
Asked for Pardon.
Governor Oecv has been applied
to from the government of Oreat llrit
tain through one of Its consuls ask
ing for the pardon of one Ilnnrv ..nt
Consul Luldlaw, of Portland states
that tho man was Intoxicated when
tie was supposed lo liayo committed
t theft. He hud no one to defend him
...hi v-.-uijuuniiy received an excess
ive sontence. The uovernor has not
yet Issued the pardon.
Palm Sunday at Unity Chuich.
Next Sunday night instead of tho
usual lecture Roy. M. Copeland will
read the famous noem "Tim One.. nr
Jtida-' by tho grett American
ooulptor story. Tho poem with
proper musical prelude and postlude
will ttiuke a novel service hut nn wn
suited to Pihn Sundav. tu n.,i...
Copeland will sing The Palms.
wW- .r
Somo Eyo Oponors
l Quart Milk Pans, special ... To
1 Quart UrunllM Puns, specials.. 7
uuil hud them at the ilo-irt won't
last long at that dijuro,
I 'ill Oil I I.iutliHr ll.,lia in.
Silk JUUy UibtHtn. ner yard
Wiuultin UiuldNl Ci... .
.,.,- i'(ilV4IU 0lKU3 . 10
I.amt)tAliiliiRtiIilik l.ruall.,iV....li. A.
,- ...vv t-iiiiitiM riviHi)ji VMKlUa IWV
btiKcklnet Drej hhlolti U
$38 Cash
N the prlae everyone
MiKlel 40.
pays for the
Marlon Circuit Court.
Times are dull In Department No.
2, Itwasluoesslon but a few min.
utes this luornlns. An order for
sheriff's deed was made, In the case
of Trustee WlllauuwU University vs
Wm. C. Cove.
His said that the Woodburn ni,r.
ter case will come up again Saturday
on a motion for a rehearing.
Total Receipts 5573.59-N0 Banquet to
ue Giyen.
The 1800 Y. M. C. A. contest closed
last night In tho defeat of the Green9
by the Croame. Tho honors were di
vided as follews:
Creams $332.40. Greens $211. 10.
Hie contest went off RnMarnrrnpii..
ill n .U.,.1 .. . "' vu
.. i.uuaiuuum' me various conditions.
iiieiauios deserve groat, credit for
Hie good work done In so short a time.
The managers liaverlci'iftoH.nni ,. i
-....U...UB 1U U-
uuiko in a binquet ut present and
"PPly the money to the good of the
The final game of baseball rosulted
na score ot 15 to 13 In favor of the
KELCI1. At the family home
corner Oak anrl Fourteen , B'
odnoduy, March 22, ISM, Edna
G:-StdUU",Uer f M?- "S
The lCelch family mmm i,. .
Sac City, Iowa, some months ago, and
Jre all paccod up ready to return, but
It II PA Kaa-i .1-1 it
...., i.u uBiuyoa oy u,e UP0M and
death of the little one. lhe funeral
wllltakeplaceatlOa.m. Thursday,
ov. KantneroOljlatlng, The family
have tho slncoret sympathy of the en
tlio community in their bereavement
In a strange land.
a mim? k
0 ur-LtY Dr.OLINGER. S
P 8
Jin h
UlTQ P01? (W A
uia a 1. a
,v m n
p .,
1 1 Artificial Teeth S6.00 and Uo.
8 All Other Work in Proportion, fj
f r
k All Work guaranteed as represented or money refunded.
a . a
Hooms 27 and 29, Phone 2813. U
Patton Brothers
AJS3!& Tfl!MnM In rellnbje cowjkjuIc.
. Mli lUtlroad UcVeU to all po.lnU Est,
beM a'd rvou all -.tylet of typewrltsr.
aiocKinet Drew Shlo d U 1wv"Wfwn ftwtitin the In-
Silk LujterCrwhul Cuitou!.: ? tolltuwit nrloe. We a, verily It and
lhe prlee Is the uiue loall ultke.
woTo Just uponea
jw lien ltuokles ror fatia silk
NVw line Lather Hells.
New Vtanty IIhw Tie for Ladles.
New Putr ,'IVkR, U(istaiid AcoU
;rTiq,"J. K'H)a ,'"' r '
'niaiuK itinrts! ii
OverslUj nil atlowrit
r.iui 1
I Uie price for one 'Snhjla.
awl.1 witjiuut u juwrlor at
ULMire anil uIia. h... T..v
i.ii.i .. ...r: . . v.v "'". n"y
iV.7.J iiM"!S'i V,me m Bw It
wwtf v
Ut 00lKOUL fiTJUlJMr,
,v...v;:''vr" 'ir.sx t. iwu fwt
MK vibhiii iu an aiyicv, ijjs
tho Snell Cyole Co.
rge Tubes uf Cemeut.
teP?-- COc
t tOUUXlfilL ITAlSy
Cigar Store Robbe4,
R. A. Kirk Is tuournlug tho las nr
some Ml 36, which has b-en
abstracted from his State street cigar
store by some one who had uo right to
IU The money wa left mvr- ni..i.t i
" wiuinwieu in me store, awl It
is Hupposed mat some on ntn,.K i
from the saloon In tho imf ,.,. .i.
low lurtinn, In the early moriilnc
wuiitj iuo o.irKeepjr was bmy outside
West Uound
rates from St, Paul to Partlaod over
the Northern Paul Ho . , 135. t0
Pendleton and Walla Wall an.' ..
Spoxane $22.60. 3'.J.,,
Tuomas, Watt it Co.
98 State street.
O T r- -tr, -. -.
wtU flUtliJYaatotaififfterit
- . -- - ji-(
Contest Game Tonleht,
The Y. M. C. A. membership con
tost wIHcIomo tonight with a ball
game between the r-rnnmcii .-.j .,.-
"Oreens." The boys will play a good,
clean game, and the decisions of the
umpire win go without any com
ment from the players.
S''miiW thou"nd o- victim,
Ur. Mile',enrine is curinjr thouundt.
United Arttuns.
Those liavliiL nn inv. ...! .... .
well to remember thitfh ........
ment and stalls to be given tonS
ariWn DfaiitnattenS.
gyifc -- "
bore Thmal
injr, but use Dr JohnTulff Coufh
uLZ L"1 jwd lunB affeo.
"MriM "l"'"gI"gty snort time.
Coueh Svrun
CuraiHn.M..... il m I
--.. r-flaa-jarj"-- ohm gsebs asd oribo fruit cat
My Wile's....
German Breakfast Cheese,
Armour's Beef Extract and Vegetables,
A Prime Swiss Cheese on cut
12 State at Telephone 51
.r'i'.'ff'iPsiKild for all klndJD
".icusacall. 3 10lm V
S, C, STONE, M. D,
Stone's Drue: Stores
The storei (two in num!.i . , .... .,
a 835 and SS3 Comm.i.i ....... -..
well (tocked with irnmnl.i. 11... ....
medicine-, totlyt article., rfumery, bnhe.
etc. i . - '
n.?o, .Clnenlnow m,kM n har loc
con-ufatton. aramlnattoa orprweriptt...
58 Stite Street. Salti, Ore