Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1896-1899, March 17, 1899, Image 2

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. iimifaiMimaManM
JHtDAY M AltOII 17, 1S09.
EsOJy, 0 Vest 83 00, In Advance
fty, rout fConth& 81 00. L' A-dvanoe
W8y, On-iYMi 1.00. in AJvarico
Tmr JourtNAt, editor confesses to
owning u biilldtur, ft homely wlilto god
brlodlo bull tcrrfur wJiomj silence and
stay-iit-hojuo qujlltliti predominate
nod wliose Kinile dtacloae: ft mouth
nnd totU ilmt wo-ild ware ft freight
train oft tlio truck. Tlio bulldoir l
after nil tlio klndost and Kctitlent of
dot's. Ho Is not a laroe din: but Jutt
Utho cnoutiU to tmve sooti onouh to
go around.
Dobs are llkonion In one ruapcot
Jf tlicy tiro too lnro they don't lmvo
braloacnouRli to keep tlmm out of
trouble. H tlicy are too miull tlicy
liavn too uiuoU brain to Wcop out of
mischief. To got a medium ilwd doK
lit wisdom. Home men want all tlicy
can get rortlio money lhoy wunt to
put on a Rroat dciiUqfo duir and then
the dotf nialtos no end of trouble.
Wenympiitlilzowltli people who arc
aDJIctcd with loo much rtntf. Tlio
dofrfoclUinructllnK lost or notllnK
shot, at. Tt.o Hinnll clR Is barkloR at
everybody or worrying people' cnt,
clilclccnu or ducks. The Uo of a do
should bo retfuhtcd by law, All
above a certain hizo should bo exiled
to Alaoka, or to buiiio country whero
mountain lions are still ronmlnu
n bo ut. All heluw a ucrtuln size should
bo regarded as Inp do8 and trained
tMiitlcnd Indian who iitusit have a dog
nnd who osteon) one moro highly than
the right or HUlTrsgu.
Now wo are to havo a pruno trust.
At least the trust Is to conic to the
rellofoftho rn-tdueer. Ho far It bo.
gun to look (is If tlio farmers and the
ucwMpupors alono woro to bo excluded
fjom the burietiu of the trust. Hut
tho furmcr may yot be "In It."
The trusts till gut a whack at tho
farmer, but It looks as If ho woro go
ing to gain wlwok back.
J, Forboi Oniliniii, u prominent
prune grower of the Hdiitn Clara vul
luy, In In Oregon, take the pri'llmlu
urytcp toward (ha organization of
tho pruno grower, for tho purpose of
.obtaining bitter prlew for tho pro
ducer, mid at tlio sumo time onnblo
the conmmor to obtain them nt a
lower rate llinn tho prununt, That Is
the theory of all tho truits, Inconsls
toot in It muy hooiii.
Mr. Orahaiii Iboiio of the directors
of tho I'aolllc Uuml KrultasMiuhilloti,
lie states tho oruunizatlou of the
pruno growers of tho Bantu I'lura yal
Icy bus already wimbled tlmm to ob
lam fioin 7i to 0 ountt pr pound.
vhllflOrogou growers have cotitcutud
tliuuisolvoH with '!) to eonH.
"There is not Unit difference In
ipullty'i" ho iHiy, "and ho tho dW
cvrupuuoy Is duo to th urgaulxutluti ut
the iiiqii who are at the oxpcnho of
ptoduatug the fruit."
.If that oaij m mads a huwom on
imiiici, why iruton sheep und hop"
and whoat and Hpuib? It louvmtlio
newspaper nluno unprutcotod. Tho
newpper Is tho vlatlftt of the typo
trust and the paper trust, the luttor
taking six dollars a ton rmoro for all
white printing papar than Is charged
'for the uina article when sold abroad.
Tho uuwspipor Is uulled upon to light I
tho trust and uaenat (01111 a trust to
protect Its own busing. The law
yers and dwUirc win farm combina
tion to promou Uiotr pittfiMtlong, but
the presi nitMt remain freu and un
iimiilwl evtfii in tu own lolront-
, 'Judu Uirtwl owwlueilng nrt In
'by uld-fashliiiMl. sttiw uml palnsuk-
jngwuy. IliMraO Mm wltnefcw
Qj full, vo fur us tUwlr (MUmtuy bwra
, imuieoaw. Uk allows the lawyera
- yn both liliM ut prnt the com rur
thelrollenu fully, to road H the law
!r the wtt, 4 id tu uiktt Umlr argu.
b6Qt la ha oourt vwy omopltitt.
, The judge wwih Wi think tils tlum
bflougs to Ui puWIc tu he giv hU
Utuefrwly, poIWy mi th tliwry
Jhstlt UlK)tr to try o om full)'
ituo to try two ommm wttiy Ih Hh
0H' Uwi, und havo tmt or piMMbly
Inith ivervoil In ihg mh'vhim wurt.
,UMs pMwWy utwa awrty in Him
lfiterwt ur a iru pult nvllsy than
t ruh M u, trial Hd 0 M.L -r .lu. i
i' -
:WMhlng 11 unwt iWt if huUHwe.
'4iliteVf lioUe iiwv uwt umh1 ihi otre
&a)pay whJlt? H Htt iui(iun,e the
fMkfSi M te """(, )( tlv tiuiicu.
? A ' . k , .
)ill(i(( up owt ur stmugrujilc ,,.
Mi, ! viHt. wbeji 11 Menu
1.- iii uIima .. eji.. I
Mrvn VTilMB (i PkQIU I
Mftirt is ! by (hat
iff mifm t ntlr own x
1 !Sf Ih ul IU "wuy aam
.! ' .... 1
r-u. -t .iM.f. - . cL,.u,. ,,!,...
I fees have become as great a tax as the
itniiruifCi.')! bills fur nre$crln( Ions You
pay the doctor'n bill ond then pay as
much triorc for putting up tho pres
criptions. You pay your lawyer and
then pay as much moro for stenog
raphor'a fees. Judge Boise does not
encourage this. Tho public wllll ap
preciate his efforts at economy,
costs of litigation arc too high
The lawyer fees are nlwnys high.
The stenographer's fcoa make u triple
burden that lltlgonts mutt, bear.
Kev. John l'arwns, pastor of the
First n E. church of this city seems
to bo building up the fortunos of bis
society In quite a successful tiiannor.
He Is drawing together all the forces
of his denomination and tilling his
pulpit In a cheerful, agreeable, gen
tlemanly manner, entirely devoid of
politic, pyrotechnics or sensational
ism, He Is a big, hearty, easy going kind
of n man, always dresses noatlf, und
Koos about his work In a quiet man
ner, making as llttlo noise as un own
In the community, almost shy of pub
licity, but Industrious and palnsUik
log In the performance of his duties.
Ho docs not Intend to turn the world
upside down, set Itnllre, or even guar
antee to keep all Ills licarort from go
ing to Bleep on it drowsy morning.
Ho reminds us In many ways of -ona-tor
Win. II. Allison of Iowa. Ho Is a
llrm man In his convictions but not
radical or given to antagonizing tlitnu
oradllTereiitmlnd. Ills sermons arc
confined to goipcl texts and exposi
tions or tho cardinal virtues. They
would read bolter than ho delivers
them frequently, although at times he
rites to lllghts of rciil cloquonco, and
employs beautiful llguros or speech
und Illustrations from the domain of
lltoraluro and art that show him to bo
a widely rend man, and possessing a
wonderful lutelloctunl grasp of what
ho bus read, his momory bolng dlsolp
lluod.by lung dovotlou, to bis profoi
slou usplorgymun.
Key. 1'arsons has progrosslyo vlows
on education. For Instance, ho thinks
thoslato alono should main tain an
university where a oltl.un could take
a full university courwo, nod that a
school llko tho Willamette should not
and cannot altampt to compote with
tho state university, but that Ittf work
should te preparatory ror that.
WodonotattampttoAUito his po
rtion on this matter fully or ac
curately, but as wo understand him
ho would remodel Willamette univer
sity so as to broaden Its loopu of nitr
ations, take Up education of boys and
gills where tho public schools leave
oil and carry them to tho point whore
tlicy could enter tho university If they
would. Probably not oyer two hun
dred you'g people In Oregon could
tnko a complete university oourso If
they wanted to, whllo thousands want
an academic course, embracing thu
scloneos, lltcruttiro, u few yuars of
latin, music und experimental sol
uncos. 1 In tho toudomlo or high
Kohool work that Wllliimatlo should
timUrtake and do thoroughly, and It
Hh'Hihl uotilo It In .thu IntorMt of
Methodism but In tho Interest or edu
cation and humanity und real culture
and uplifting of 'the masses. Chil
dren should drop Into Willamette
from tho publlo schools as easily as a
riuuk drops Into a pond and Jmtiib
A one-horse university Is a little
worw than none uud lu diplomas aro
not roipooted oven If they uro legal
ThU should bo tho seopo uud true
aim of Willamette In providing a gen
eral literary uud aendemle course for
the ihmisendA or growing boys uud
girls who want uud need uud should
haveallUU mure r durational uplift
than the public whoob lvo Uiem. !
If we have mixed our Ideas tip with1
Dr. IHmutis' we uk hit iMirtlau and
that ho be nut held reeimuslUe.
When II ooiutu ui bulkllng up spec-'
lalllneeur profeloiiul bebwls, ae a)
law sehoul, a bunlnoyi eollepe, hothihI
soheul, medical sehool, ohaul of music
arutory, pie,. .IhjoI ur mluee, ee,,!
w hmihl like to shuw whttt 0011U be
dofiu at &ileui Witt mwot dfr to
aiHiUteriMue. tiw can be umde ai
greet edtMMtkHMil eenler Uy ItboriuK'
alog rrutl line of auoperailo, j
euirtton awl speclrtUxilion, us
wekbell tr) topfllnlowu
f i-i ijj
Vh 8jwC Mwih
Ar a.t liiiviy tu rind tour bloud tm
J",1?"!. f?k,"lf. ' ..Wl oormJ.
"www viiuuiu ib iu uarry mturuuuitwii
la tfte nervyi uud other urgum There-
. ra u reol wwtk, tlnxl und lUtbm
hmI aieiroubhnl with spring bumurs
hw wi i mi vn oy noiaPe barMiMir
' llto uti.eit purltle. enricm and vituj
Ites tliv to'iH-d.
'l'dN lMljourculiiuu.en., Mailed
iM' v. "."I" w v ' 'VM x
VW"--V f .-
lAlVtun A1MIl
a 13 i
Important Provisions of the Measure
How and When to Register.
Followlog arc tho most Important
points particularity concerning voters,
which arc takon from tho new regis
nation law passed by the Just legisla
ture: It shall be tho duty of every elector
InthnHtnloof Oregon, between the
llrst Monday In January, 1000, and
5 o'clock p. in. or the 16th day or Muy.
1000, and between the same dates
and hours biennially ttiercartar, to
register with mciiio notary public or
Justlco or tho peace, or with tho
county clerk of the co-Jnty In which
Ihe elector resides, In accordance wltu
this uaU
It shall be tin duty of the county
clerk In each bounty between the
llrst Monday In January, 1000, and
6 o'clock p, m. on the lCih day or Muy,
1000, und betwoor the same dales and
hours blonnally tlioroafUir, to enter
upon the proper registers evory porson
who compiled with tho requirements
or this act, and elulms to bo an elector
rosldliiK In the county. II the
clerk re ruses to enter the name of'
any quulllled elector, such elector may
proceed by mandamus to compel blue
to do fco.
Kyery elector tuny be registered
without churge by personally appear
ing In the ollloe or said clerk, and,
aftor bolng duly sworn, slating the
following racl, which tho clerk or
his doputly shall appropriately enter
lu bl-iek Ink, at llrst In the tumoral
county rcglslor The electors shall
be iiomber'-d consecutively, l,2,n.otc.,
lu oaoli precinct, as they are regis
tered In tho general county ronlstor.
The clerk shall Inquire of Lho doctor,
and outer tlio following Information
lu thu general county register, in tho
division set olT for tho precinct In
which tho elector roxldus, tewlt:
The registration number of the
Tho (Into of roglstoring the elector.
The full name or tho elector.
Leavoa blank space lu which the
Judgos oruleetlou shah enter In the
procltiut register the poll-book unm
oor or each uUctor when ho has voted.
Tho l)UiliJiH or occupation or tho
The ago or Ihe elector lu years.
The country or nativity.
U naturalized, the lime, placuand
court of natiirulizallon or declaration,
as evidenced by the legal proof there
of, exhibited by the uleotor.
The iiutuat and precise place or resi
dence of the elector nt tho lime of his
rotMMorlug, stating llrst tho precinct,
and, If In the country, tho .ccctlon,
township und range, and In cities und
towtiK buying streets, by specifying
the mime of the U.wn or city, tho
street or other locution or or dwelling
phico of thu uleotor, with tlio number
of such dwelling, If the same bus 11
number; if mil. ilmu with Mien de
scription if the place Unit it oan resil
lly bo ascertained uud Ideutllied. lr
tlio elector be not t lit heu.l or proprie
tor of thu house, then It must sin. w
that luul.nnd upon wnut flimr thereof,
and what room such ehutor octuple
In that 1 1 mi mi.
The fact whether or not the elector
desiring to be registered is able to
wrltohls name and murk lib hullut,
iiuillfliu cannot do both, then the
nature or such disability must be 011
trwl. The olootor slmll, tlinn, next follow
ing the afore uduilnlsturod oath, sleu
his name In the prosoii'-e or tho clerk
or tho deputy uotlnu, In tho general
luglsler upon the tmme Hue wuure tho
1 preceding luformullon Is written, uud
the teglKUtrltiR miluer shall llin ulyn
Ins own iinuie u pun tho said line, and
add uny remark required by this not
or appropriate thereto ror the Infor
mation or the Juiliio or election.
Kvury elaetor may tw ruglstereil liy
porcuimlly nppearlng ut the olork'n
oillee und complying with tho prq
vlblons or setlons 7 and 8 of this act;
but If said elector Is unable for any
reason to eoiiveulatiMy regUter as
afareeKlil, he may register wUltimt
ehurge, bfure a notary publlo or
JuellM or the pence In the county In
which he reside.
Ktery olttninr upon olittiiKlntf tits!
-' ii '
.1. ....i
v i ..r" .
..rra 1". irr
Utntki br
The iucci
thi mno I
ernt mm
v& XS
UticVa fcy j
modem Uvm i
111 cvitlrucc
t" ' nuiitmtiM
... l'lii i oar
sptttltlnc 0. ai U that Mill Ihi. il, M, Juno
,! HMD U ! a ftlow 11 lid liugriiliK tllh
(tiHN luumiiuuium Ont mttli vif th hu
IMH Uic bow thu irlviitU M cMrmy of
tUMjWHtty tyubmMy no .ul.nt cimiwrt.a
Willi kMHk Is ihi iwporUitt auJ m, little
utolmloud m Ut riMUMtvtuun of mu!
fwwr. Tk kmmtM iMRaulnn i. .,ifU
IMMktiir, mm) U mi einuuviln! Umi ( ,
UmiiUv 4muWU ur WMlr umii Ihr viul
lbfW duria yiNllk mmI widiile lift. Ihr
Mvchaukw NNfMMiU (ul Ih uuic. but at tbr
ApTHM Of it AM MwAllurM The IU4II
ww. vtciwink oc tkhauau blruM ll a.v
Rr tUy cmmimiIv oviaiaiiia in,
at viUI for ll4tl the nifi.i,.
SW MB.y WV. llUW at.4 th. III.,
bo pk)icl tMMkmiK Th iu.
tb4iW 10 MMi im ttw U hu stoma, ti
TUmn the fewd ft tnowwainl mi,. lUi
funm If Hi MoMMi'h la vvxak and Ihv dl
BioH iWMlld. Ih body er to l
iiNi A mt vm vhal a.iv If jh,
ojk.1 tqiwHv hM dUTw, tixu mi,
KWl lUudHCM of vital fouv ll ritabtK. a
hmh to tUy hm. u i.v u. .uir !
uy Hwuit of wv u,i ,.
f xmUI. Ii Jm tea vwi thin.Tw'
( ...!. . -Z -' --wmw
It huVm ll
flow of dvtiv )U t Hrasmrt aa
ilnwi olcwenu f th fowl II " Hw
vriflMi " I N. kMrtK rimZZTTT " .
W. 1 VMM vatv luJ ujT .XjTjZ. Tfl7
XwZZ&:Xz . F
ft If u
residence artor registering, may,
within the time ror roglstoring. cause
his former registration to be cancelled
by a request In writing to the clerk
where he Is registered.
No person Khali register who Is not
qualified elector or tho precinct In
which ho registers and who Is not n
rosldont thoroof, or register In .1 nme
other then his truo name, and no
doctor shall roglstcr the second time
In the sii mo projlnct or register In any
other precinct until his first registra
tion bus boon cancelled.
The county clerk In ear,h county
shall cluo his register nt 5 o'clock p.
in. of May 16, 11)00, and biennially
thereafter by writing the word
"closed'' In red Ink on the lloe next
below the name of the Inst elector
rcglsterad In ouch precinct In the
new general register.
The general reulstnr of the county
uliull.he kept In Iheoillce of tlio county
rlerk, as othur public records uro kep'.
Isvery cltlaen shall be allowed to ex
amine the county ireiieral register,
uud each of the product registers,
while they aro In the custody or the
county clerk, and uiuko copies or ex
tracts therefrom without charge to
him. The several preclnat register
shall be sent to their respective pre
ducts. Upon the day or election Che Judges
of (lection, us soon as tho elector ap
plying to vote has Rlyun his mime and
residence to the election clerks, shall
11 sk the elector If ho Is registered and
also examine tho register. Notwith
standing thu elector Is registered, IiIh
right to vote muy bo challenged .and
tried nt any llmu boforo his ballot Is
actually deposited In tho ballot box.
Going itBHndfdd
Tho iitun wliodccclvoi himself with
,tho thought that grip Is nothing but
a M'V'ifo cold und cujoles liimsolf with
the holier Unit old fashioned home
remedlori will bring him through all
right Is going It tHridfold. LuGrlppe
Is a (I I sou so quite us rontngioiis and
equally as dungorous us scarlatina or
small pox. Unless the grip gurms uro
promptly eradicated by the oropor
treatment they will leave the .system
filled with poisonous products which
continue to destroy thu nerve forces
and waste tho vhulily and strength
until some chronic disorder alulius the
unhappy victim rur an early grave.
Dr. Miles' Nervine Is tin only safe
and suro lollef fur tho many forms of
nervous disorders which are the re
suits of grip iHjIsonlug. It enables the
dlgestuio organs to dolhclr work com
J pletely und effectually, providing rich,
1 red, highly vitalised blood, which
builds up the wanted nerve tissues and
drives on, tho prisonous products 0
1 he terrible little disease germ",
"Tho irrlp wus followed by nervou1
prostration which soon developed into
sclullu rheuuiullsm, and 1 lay on my
back till winter. Two of our bi-M
physicians weie unable twdn anything
to relieve my sulTerlm;. Tim puins
wreosvere ut times -that 1 was
unable to turn over lu bed and my
loug suffering neatly drove me mud
After trying Mverul 'cure" 1 emu
inenced taking Dr. MUch' NeiUn
ami I got relief from the tirst Imitle.
Hlx boltins restor'd me in luttu
tiDHltlrthan I had enj"yed heron In
yew." I,kku Mykiis,
Ite'lhVId, S. I)
A I J Is J packetieof Dr. Milen' f.tur
lie irentuient for the grip, eonMhi inn
of Dr. Mllei' Nervine, Dr. Miles' Anil
P11I11 I'tlU aud Dr. Mile' Nerve and
Liter 1MIN, will lie will abM.lut.l)
froo nfoo.it to uuy persnn senilltii.'
name and adrirees on a postal card, ie-
quetlliig theMUipIc, and lueiitionlnR
the iminu or Hits paper. Address Dr
Mllee' Medical Co., Ulkhait. lud.
l'o I'rovUle for th Working of Prwiera
Upon Public Pfopttty.
Itc It ordained by the common 00 11 11 oil
or the Otty or uluui, Oregea:
Mjiction I. Any mute person who
shell be duly ooitimtttwl to Uie olty
JuIMn dsruMltof the pey meat of uny
Hue ur bill of oosU usi!wel sgalnet
hlui by theellA' recorder of this olty.
1 as u pommy for the vloUtlou ut
, miy of toe ordinances of Mid oily.
fchull Im. null ha Ik linnihi n..i...u.ncuf
to work out said Itne.or eot.or both.
et thu retor otwiUy's Mrvtc for
Mvb ii or said Dee, or cimu, or both,
ax uotwi , hjhhi nm nuuiic nirtwie, trKH, imtlll
liutii in thin 1 IllUS. or (it Iter urmwrtv Im.Ii.muIh., i..
i..r.i.. .1 ..r -'"' -."-....k .
""'" l ,.' l, "'"I", urfifon, seid work
. . ,M,!W u,n,er ,,w d,n'cl eupervl.
x?rvl uwcuy uiriui, mo cliler Ul
"ie rlrw ikpirtuieut, tit meet com
ainwioner, ure puiieu orWivr, or eneli
"thor person Win uuy be deslgUHted
bv t Iim rilv mimlm! i,, ii.-i ...........
.ij,ttrlJx Any city prlsUerTiw
fll,T,twtou "''"" W Into W
" of lh illy loHrktiul, after suth
etuuiultUMSiit, the baUuee (In unou
mii nn orootu, or botli, slull b Ih
kleutly reiMd rrow iho ptrilion 01
ihi ordiuaoiv, and uil be Uls
olmrtfi'd 1111 m the dm-ket or said
rt-orilcr' omit 1 u,.n to,, report or
Hid ii iimrstiiil ,i Mid iMvuitnl.
Sk.Vlki.N a It Hli.tll t. I ttklnl r.r
I'll- ll y OiHrliul in um mi.Ii luitniieU
ami Uoer riMiiuu met li.Hl n( r
kiuiitt. la Hie w.rkiiii: if mM city
priMiner. nlmll t,, 1,1m pprr nec
ety ami piunr
m to some pooiilo all wiiitp n!i
V "y OlWll 11.1-vfnni Into Vff.,?1
..-IUllHloil. ,M dwaiaMiM nhl
PwpMy i.y taking Dr. IIhIPh Pnn..
. ' - - HVUttl-1III 11111
Li i ...:-"""
L . K" w 'rutoil remedy la iii
Viiowilkl to ba mf n ..rvr
lurnuaiiecuoun of tl throat
Ouwgh Syrup
. 1. . I --- - -vwv VU111U1IL 111111
In Woman's Votld.
The senate or North Dakota has
passed the creed bill to regulate the
matter or merrlage. It provides ror
the appointment of a commission of
three physicians In ouch county for
the examination or ell applicants ror
ma rrlagar licenses. No license will be
granted without a certificate from the
board of examiners tttlng that the
applicants are rree from certain dl
wises and ullmonte, including dip
sotrenlB, hereditary, Insanity and
Uy act of Illinois' actlug governor,
a murble stitue of Mies Frances K
willlMrd wus nliced in Statuary llnll
In the national eapltnl, Juet n9 the
house waa completing the aiitl-cn-tcn
bill victory lu which the "white
rlbon" has led on like the
while nlume or Henry or
Navarre. This Is the llrst statue
or a woman to be placed side by side
with man In the Hull and she wus a
woman whom the nation might well
honor thus.
Dr. Craft, of Washington suy,s:
"lly all menns lot the htatuo of tills
white soul and white life, und white
rlbboner be marble, though her
strength ot hcurt and hope were us
To-Night and To-Morrow Night,
And each day una night during this
week you can irot ut any druggist's
Kemp's llalsani ror tho Throat uud
Luuus, uckiiowledgod to bo the most
stiecessrul remedy over sold ror
Coughs. Croup, lironchllls, Asthma
and Consumption, (let a bottle to.
day and keep Italwnys In tho house,
s'jyoucun check your cold at once
Price 2flc and SOc. Sample bottle free,
A New Enterprise.
J. Maifuire, having robullt'the
Crystul Ice works at corner of State
and .Nineteenth .streets Pus uuded a
llrst class grocery und provision store
In connection therewith.
ile proposes to make Ice by the llrst
of April noxt.
As w()ii us his Cold Stornge plant Is
In operation ho Intends siorlnu eggs
and butter on as large 11 scale as his
capital will permit.
Kx-Sonntor Archlo Johnson, presi
dent of tho old State llojrd of Ag
riculture, has culled u meeting or the
now board to bo held on Monday.
March 27, at tho statu house, Salem,
at 7 o'clock p. m. for the purpose of
organizing and complollug tho busi
ness arrangements for the coming
stiite frilr.
I t lire sli k ll' .elnrlie, li,ul
1 urn sii K 11' .emmc, I'.lil KfB. J&
Usli- In tlio inoiilli, roali'il Bla9 H
tiiMKiio K.istMllM' stomarll, O j
Ul.lri. ati.l ImlU' Jtioii llo
tll PIKl'll IMU hln I ,r cITlM .") fPI U
llmoiiO I'llH tu lake Willi H.mhI SurK.narill i
NHlVBI'lrtmllHTot Bt'INfil
v 1 1 1 1 1-n.rciistrt m I iii IftrHf
PIho h Cnn for ConBtininttnii is n priceless medicine
forCotijiIiH. I lmvo within tlio past few weeks dis
covered nnotlieriiolnt In IU favor, und that is: It is
n SUItK CUltK for LA (iltll'PK, If taken when tho
llrst H.vmptoniH uro noticed. W. A. IIii.i.KH.man, No.
4U llushiicll Duildlug. Spriugtleld, 0., Jon. 11, 1801).
Tlie Ptao Ouffiptny WHrrn, I.
Ul Couut Stuuct.
Hay, Grain, Mill Feed and Flour
A Fcn.1. Link or Git ass Siccus.
OUH MOTTO :-(iuk'k wiles, small protlts.
Sanitary App
lUve kuuked down
thu price of
mm mm. m
Bvary Article hi ihc
liiitfKs. whips, oil..
Harnass and SmHIb...
Some Facts Regarding the Rapid In
crease of Heart Trouble.
Do Not
Be Alarmed, But
Iook for the
Heart troubles, at loasb among the
Americans, are certainly Increasing,
und while this muy be largely due to
the excitement and worry or Amcrl
can business lire, It Is more orten the
result or weak stomachs, or poor di
gestion. Roal orgnnlc disease Is Incurable,
but not one case in a hundred or heart
trouble Is organic.
The close relutlon betweon hoarr.
trouble und poor digestion is because
botli organ's are controlled by the
same great norves, the Symputhc Ic
und Pncumogastrlc.
In another way, also the liourt Is or
reeled by the form of poor digestion,
which taues gas and fermcntutlon
from liuir dluested food. There Is a
reeling of oppression and heaviness In
the chest caused by pressure of the
distended stomach on the heart and
lunu's, Intorferlim with their action;
hence arises pulpHutlon uud short
Poor digestion also poisons the
blood, making It thin and watery,
which Irritates and weakens the
The most sensible treatment for
hnurt trouble is to Improve thedlges'
tlon und to Insure the prompt assim
ilation of food.
This can bo done by the regular use
urtor meuls or some sare, pleasant and
effective digestive preparation, like
Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets, which
may be found ut most drug stores
and which contain valuable, hiiriiileso
digestive elements In n pleasant, con
It Is safe to say that the regular
porslstont use of Stuart's Dyspepsia
Tablets ut meal time will cure any
form or stomach trouble except.'cancer
or 1 lie stomach.
Full sized puukiigc or thoso tablets
sold by druggists ut50 cents. Lltt'c
book on stomucli troubles mailed free.
Address F. A. Stuart. Co., Marshall.
Mich. 3 1316 17
I). M, Crnisun. Supl. of the State
t:emrm school, has liled his tl mil re
port nnd retires from that Institution
April lirst when he will ulyc his entire
time und attention to his ugrlcul
turn! Implement business in this
Grip is slaying thousands of victims.
Dr. Miles' Nervine is curing thousands.
sow by Druntbu. KJ
iancos of ill lids...
D TO 7o CVS. ...
W lit ...PBK SACK.
Store in Proportlgn.
Ui I, Q Qumiy
Ora Oil
Hbvk JrW aaaVH
lT tJlO iltr mi I T,MR sciifdulb.
SCVwW1 ,,ltrART I'lcin Poulard. arrivr.
Denver & Rio Grando 11 8.
The Kavorl.e Trnniicontliiontnl Itoutp Ilctwccu
the Northwest ami nil 1'ulnts Lint.
Choice of ToIlolllcs Through tho Fnmoin
Ami four Iloute Han of
Pueblo ami Denver.
All pAnj!eni grunlcd a day Mopover In tho
Mor noil Capltnbor anynherc IjcIwcoJJ Ofdcn
and Denver I'ormnaUyeonductwnoiirln Kx
cumIoiis thrte days n week to
Omaha, Kansas City, St. Louis,
chicago and the east.
Tor tickets ami nny Information regarding
rates, rat , etc., or f,r deter Ipllvo a.h or Wi,
tunttcr. en I on rkbuIs of Oregon Itnllii ii
Nn"lKHtlon ! Vo., 0?eBoii Short L-Tno or Soulf.orn
a k nnnPKtt.
a. 1' A.T. Agt.. Demcr, fol.
Gen. Act . 251 W !.. St., Portland, Oro.
Oflen travelrs choice
routes cast. They are all
of the
for their
scenic attraction.
O. R. & N, via Ogden and Denver
Shasta Rtute via Sacramento, Ogden and
Denver. .
bhasta Rome via Sacramento, Majorc
Albernuerque. ........,
A daily line of throiith PULLMAN
Francisco and Ixis Anceles to ChlciR this is
The Short Line
from southern California
To the East.
Apply to the agents of the O K-& N., O.
S. L., Southern Pacific, or 'he undersigned,
for folders and descriptive literature.
Gen'l ActWorcester, hide Portia id
A Few Interesting Facts
When people are contcinplcting a trip
whether on business or pleasure, they natur,
ally want the best service obtainable so tar
as speed, comfort and stfetv is concerned.
Employes of the Wisconsin Central Linos are
paid to serve the public and our trains arc
operated so as to make clo e connections
with diverging line at nil junction poinis.
I'nllmin I'aiuce Sleeping and Chair cars
on through trains
Dining car nervice unexcelled, Meals
a la Carte.
In urile- to obtain this flrsi-ctus service,
ak the .icket agent to sell you a ticket over
nnd you will mike diierl connections at
bi. Paul for Chi:ag i, Milwaukee and nil
poinis East.
Ior any lurt n info maiioi call on
ticket agent or cornm-ond with
(itfiH'ial I 'ash. Agnt.
orJ.- A. CLOCK,
(iener'1 Agnt,
26SurK bluet,
Portland, Ore.
Southern Pacific Co'3i
6:00 V
9:30 A
mt"f sa
n..s - Jl r i.v aaiem . . .v J frv a u i
8:25 rMl-Lv
Abjvetminsstopat all principal statiom
t i ' ot"ml anJ ileui, Turner Marion
ciicrwn, Aiuony, Tangent, bhodds, Halsey
Harribur, Junction City, Eugene, Creswell
Cottage Crove, Drmn, Oakland, and all its
tions from RosebuiR to Aihland, Inclusive.
oV3oam Lv .. PortTand .".Ar (430PM
io;5SAMVLv....Balem ... LvJisopn
Jao r Ar . Roseburg;J Lvj7.'3 a u
Ihillman Uuflet sleeper and second-cW
eeMn);cra'tachel to all through train
train of the O. C & E. Rv.
4.-50 V M ) Lv . . . Portland. . Ari 8.-a; a m
7--30P MU .. McMinnvilleLvU.-SoA m
SQo rnJAr Independence Lvfa.-toAM
tviroct connections at San hrancisoo witb
-,......,j. M ,ur irtl'rtN ANU CHINA
JmUmib date on appficatioo
R. k'nt?TII uo x..
c 11. makkham r t ' rrrv
. lUfllS
Seed Oats
Gu Ui J. V. GtlliiKire, &1 Stute Strnot
Hi feed, Lltiw and Pimir. d2-l3tf
Mail uainsjlally except Sunday. , nittTlcl
7.to A M I Lv . . " Portland. . Al (fjt't it
iaISPMf Ar.... Corvallis . l.vf ?..;
At Albany and tnmliit ...;,TIi Y
- wvtiHWl "HI
lte and tickets to Ram ikwhU miH
LULU A AlStRALLIA, can be oW-nH
'mm W. YV. SKInvpm Ti.rl.mH'B
. I f.M,l
wiaiiais reed and Boarding,
Win. ULLREY, Prop.
Best Rig
s. for Commercial Men
0m Ui ft bloek Hotel Willie.
tarlartlM.nS 7i" "S'V.'?.rMI0,a rKS
hou h i;iiiian.i rtnn.r.....i.i .
i.i. '7?" uuviuv a snia-
la LV. lIarMwy.r 'L'".n "l-,
Salt Lake. Denver Ft.
Worth . Omaha , Ramus
City, St Louis, Chicago
"45 P.m
nnu r.ast.
Walla Walle, Sp-ikanc,
Minneapolis, hti Paul,
Duluth, Milwaukee Chi
cago and East
n m
230 p.m
8 p m
For San Francisco."
Sail every five dnys
ex, un.
10 p 111
4 pm
ex Sun
To Astoria nnd way land
in 6.
7H51' m
rortiana, newuurg and
Way Liiidlug.
0 p.m.
I'u Thur
l Pus I hul
and "sat
10 a in.
t For Da) ton
J 13' p m
Corvallis Albany nnd
Way Points.
Ar Salem
to a m
Wed and
L b'alem
3p. m
Daily boats to Portland as aloe.
Transfers to street car line nt OregJ Citj
if the steamers are delayed there ound
trip tickets to nllpointsln Oregon. Wsshirg.
ton, or California, Connect'o'i made at Port,
land with all rail, ocean andnver line
Ccn'l Pa. ArL Portland. Or
G. M. POWERS, Agent, Trade street dock
City Agents.
Oregon SI1011 Lino Railroad
Tho Direct Route to
Mooiaoa, Utah. Colorado
anil ill Eastern Points
Ulvis choice of two favorite, routvi, via the
Union Pacific Knit Mall I.lne, or tU
ltlo Urundu Bcenlo Hues.
Look ut the time
li Day? to Salt Lake
"i Days to Denver
.'IJ Days to Clilcauo
4i Days to New York
Kreo Itecllulng Clinlr Cars, Upholstered Ton
lnt Sloeplng Cars, and Pullman Palace
Slcupeni operated on hU trnlni.
Kor furllicr Informiitlon npplyito
UOISi: ,: llAltKKIt, ARents, ShIoiii.
W. K. OOMAN, Oon'l Auent
C. O. TKKIIV, Trav. l'i-i. ABt
121 Third St., Portland
Canadian Pacific R.R
And cboo Pacific Line
St. Paul
. 11 , .. Bciton
au.i all points ei.t and soi-thcMt
t hcapeit iau, bcitseivise and! aceommo.
iiatioiu .
lotllist sleepers to MinneinnlU.
lorotlto. iMontrrnl nn,l li.,.,..
...!.l .1 --..., ..u iwtiuii
wiiiiuni cuanj;e.
! Canadian Pacific Ilaihvay Co's. fmpre.ss
t 1 .. . .
S VSSF2S? ,..
Shortest and best route
to lllrt
Canadian Australian S. S. Co,
j To Honolul-, Fiji and -Australia
nortosi route t the colonies.
I For rates, fo 'ers and any information ea'.
j on 1 or address, C. M Lockwood, Agrtit,
Office Phone No. 40. 288 Commercial st.
I Residence Phone No. iS. SAlem, Oie
I va.. . . " ABBOT.
I Agent, 146 llnrd Etreot. Portland. Or.
I assenger Acent. Vancouver, B. '
i Corrallis k Mm Mnad
I CwiiiuulliiK at YAQUINA tvlth tho
PlrkfccUH lu every
ro eet. The loo
iawer u duo m ml from Ynqitlnn
f every eight d)ii.
Ke'wtea Villej 1'oiDls and M Fnntisn
1 ai. .lbuy and Potut vt i0 &in Fincltto
fcblli l0iU)
KwiHd Trip n.W
1 ' r- iV,A- Mnnaiier.
I J. TURNER. Abwh, Albany, Oie.
DOWN TUMdari. Thnrwla ...j a i,.
. 1wv.r ,... "'" "uu l
, .,. v. y. rai.Hi.
I lao AlUtiy...".7r
l0nni VUi "
... 6 su 111.
7 ft. m.
1 ;ai t. UMiiHnuiiiee.,
. 8 a. in.
9 a. in.
' i ,
10 u. ro
,v IWIWIIU.... jiM
H-Mondji. VedBli0nd Pttd.js.
liMVM R,!' ..,10lS0 ft. J.
tSZ iiT--
. w .w.. ...A K .
HZZT 8:01 p.
XThV? fiSSMu -- SK
7:30 p.m.
n.. ..". ' JT V :' P'
rfft :S2S.W. ntmitiiped with flrH-
t... ..
;3i - """whihii, mwuainc. an
wtlOfl. lnudlnc, u tlegtut
8 pm
x.5n?ii, - oiWBS vssasr ,w -- w" a
h1 wwm JtSBMSXtiS"
UttMt4M btliMigi.u " f,l"
" - 3.
DMk.Vooto StftUsueet.
u.' '
123 State sticeL
To eu L Gri
0. MAEirrz.-iMit,
tSBSSSr1 1
Erm, Orej
e.BmJLl VAN. Butt.
Altxft', Oci