tn. -j n.... m ,-, W.. CHALLENGE SUITS-f Alt''ll'l'l'''ffll,w''",'''t'''ltJ,,l"r''''a'l'"l''i'''1' Never In tho blslorr of dry poods novo Much values been shown ad tlilu year. Wo liave three extra lenders In TAILOR MADE SUITS toM, 97.60 and $3.G0. Perfect Fitting, Correct Hanging and Reliable Linings. GASH STUBE HOLVERSON'S CASH STQBE 200 Silk Waist Patterns Direct From the Mills, The grandest assortment of Fancy Waist Silks ever shown by Salem's Silk Store including all the latest "Pull Cord" effects, plaids, stripes, dots, etc , at prices from 75c to S2.00 yard, WHO TWO ALIKE. J. J. DALRYMPLE L CO. Eye Responsibility Wo ronllzo tlio responsibility laid on optlolutifl. Wo rotillze tliut wronjf kIubmmi will In J tiro ulirht, whllu ilia rltrht tMitwteu BtrodKlliun the nlKlil. Ilmillzlnu tlioso tlilnifi, could wo nfTord to lu cnrcloM and Inaccurate? Wo prlda oursolvoH In our onro and iicouriicy. A ml' take would hurt tin moro than It docs you. Lot uh oxumlno your Eyes Free ot Charge Thoro In no brook In jpoctuolcs or lens to ropluuo wo uminot dn tlio ftiiiiio day you louvo tlio work. (Irnduuto UpthulumlottlHt. VOUIt 15VK8 THSTKI) KltKH. G H, HINGES SALEM'S ' OPTICIAN. 200 COMMEUOIAL KTIiKET. TMB WEATHBn. Tonltfhtttnil Thurmlny rain. PERSONAL AND LOCAL Uoelc Ueer, Sllu Hook Hour onilroiiuht230Coiii inqrolttl Htroot. Uooojo Noul & Co. 3-i6 at H. J. Shitrpo, nluhl wutubnimi nt tlio Unplial uwmllls. went to Tumor today, Hor. Dallo, of tlio Oorvnte Culhollo cliurcli, In the nuout or Hev. Daly, of St. Jowpli'H clmroli, of tlilK city. ! Aim. Dr. II. 0. lluiiton, or Santa (Jlura, California, m spoilt tlio pmt oiootli In this olty vUltlux at tho homo of hor un-ln law mid tlmiuhtur, Mr. and Mrs. W. T. i'urklnet, .hits nono toHoNuburK for a hnortlelt with a ton. uftor whloli he Itrnvp for hor lioiuo In Chllfurnlu. See Our New Ovraui Ktek Chain, Mr, 60o und 7po. Laillts' now and Tltw, Me. LttrNeb' While Ahimm MhUIimI with nice embroidery, Sta. Naw Jslokel It), nits Intent Until?. OtiriprlMtf uuwUHrowiui' (u in now and ihuy Mill oo u roVlallail tu VHL No LaiuOvurn -o v rjrtlitiiK now- Wwuhl from the larnosl dry vwhH IkhTni In tho world. ou uiuxi nut hum hoIhk mum. RcadyvtoUsc Sheet alio 81x00. wldo hum, WxC Vlllow Caw, wide htun, 3Cu. pr. Mlsi Mary Scott ha koiic to spotid a week at Portland. Mr. and Mr'n, Geo. W. Johnson, and Paul retur.ied from Oakland today. Win. II. Uobion, tlio inorahunt, ro turnvd today from n visit to hit fam ily. Mrs. Geo. U, AHhby,who Iiiih boon a KtKwtnf Mm. Cooko Patton, returned to Portland today, 8. C. Hponccr. tho Portland lawyur to whom the Mluto-Kavauo Hr"Vol bar milt wuh referred, went homo today. He Is ono or tlio younK men who Im building up n Kood prnotloo. Capt. Mather, u Kovornuieiit t-poolal of tho land department, after a fow day spout at Kiilom, loft fur Hiitfunu today. MIhh Ella Hlnomau, tho talontud yntinir vccalUt, ! at Stay ton, whuro fomoycrnl dayn nIio will bo thoKiiofit of Miss Deuu Kitchen. Joseph PiiAollcr, ot Hollyrood, Kan im, and Vuclar Kolouoh, of Paluoky, Uunmu, uro registered at tlio fiulcin hotel. They aro hero looking uvir tho country and may become permanent residents of tho valley. David Jnnrcn and sou Arthur went to Turner today to overhaul tho real denco of I,, O, Ciivaruiigh, wliooe farm homo In to bo completely pa pered and oulolminod and modurnl.ud. Chas A Gray, supervising urclil teot, of tho now assembly hall at Chumawa, oamo up today, llo says luo brickwork Ik nearly ooiiiplotwl, tho roof In going on and the building will bo rapidly completed, It will havo a iIiImkIo iiMif with metallic coat or puluU Jo. Kurlln, or tho Orogon (Jlly Soup faotory, It) In town today. Ilo viiyn the Eastern Simp trust, controlled by the bin piiuklng lioimes, Id threatening the oxltloiico of all small soap fautorlott. bumll lioldliim of capital ou;uuidln mamifucturliitf ho thlukit woru novr In suoli datiK'ur us today from irtintH. Jtiilco U.K. lltxto, proHldent of tho botird of rcKonU, mut lUu'unt Hmltli or linker City today and thtty went to Uiikoiio lit look over tho SUto Unl vorslty. Smith has novor buun at Euuenc, and ImiIIi uontlnmoii wuuUd to fauiillarUe tlmiiuolvtw with the li)tltutlou uud Home of Ita wurkliik' Uforc taking aotluu on miiiid ptiul- inn niauem. 'rim renoHUi uimi at Portlaml Saturday. JOURNAL k-RAYS. If the people will confer toucthcrand take the counsel of experience before they act they need not make so many mistakes. Tlicy are learning to do thlfl. The Salem Printer's Union hai not ratted the mornlnit paper on account of a quarrel over wnas so much as ou account or Its notoriously unfair methods. J X t After boas'.lritf of running an union ortica with union printers for ten years, the boasting paper now calls those same prlnton "a rew drunken atfltators." Astoria Ilullctln, Dein: Mr. Ilryan will be such an easy man to boat In 11KX) that tho organs of Impurlallsin hall with joy any rumor to the clfcct that he will not be given the nomina tion. J t X After employing them all these j oars tho morning papjr now calls tho union printers "drunken agltatoih." That's on par with employing N.J. Judah as olty editor foryoars and then branding him as a "socialist." t $ t Aftcrompluyiug a city editor, fore man and pressman, from this oillcc, and offering to employ all the typo, why don't Hob Hendricks make another sneak and employ Tiik Jouk hal editor. J X X M. S. Quay will not bo returned to tho United Stales scuttle from J'cnn hylva'ila. John Wunamuker'seirorts against Quay will bo successful. The Republican machlno In Pennsyl vania will likely go to pieces, from, which the party and people will prnllt. Exchange, X X X Congressman LenU, of Ohio, wants ovcry school In the country suppllud with an aeon ra to map of tlio United SUtts, at tho oxponso of the govorn moiit. Tho Idoa Is feovornl laps ahoad of tho usual freo distribution, In use- rulnoss. Hitkor Dumoarat, The woman editor of the Drain Watchman mukos u homo run. She says: "Soma one has sneerlngly remarked: 'Two-thirds of tho uhuruh members of this country aro women.' Very true It Is also truii that out of -16,000 con victs In our ttUilc prlsoiM, more than l.l.cooaro men." Albany Herald: Tlio Oregon regl- tuont has been attached to General WheaU'ti'a brigade at Manila und have gone to the front to begin tho attack ou the robots. They have a I road y Mint the Kllllplnos lb log, and can bo depended upon to give n good ac count of thouiholyos, X X X Exchaugoi Hawaii needs much more attention than It Is receiving. A itlll providing a form or government for Iho Ihlaud should have mmd con grctn uro this, Everything there Is loft In uncoi Utility and thu busluoMt of the Islands must sulfur. Italph Clyde who publishes tho Portland Commoner and Calamity Howler, newsboys organ of the me tropolis of Orogon. It Is published by a syndicate of three boys without cap ital and with no means but their un limited capacity to rustle business from a broke man on n street corner to a boodle legislature In bcsslon Hero Is one or the boy's editerials: "A wire trust has Increased the prlccof wl'e and nulls $2 a ton, and tho political economist whojsays trusts tend to cheapen the cost of living Is resting quietly In a padded cell." dateslooalevents, Uendlx Co., Monday March 20. Gedowsky,planlst,Tuosday April II. Stolndcl Co., Prlduy Mny 20, City bond election, Thursday, March .'10. Another Dig Reduction On Rubber Hoots, Koston long t)ootsreduod to ?.'! 00 liny State long boots reduced to $2.76. Huston Short boots reduced to $2 26. Hoy Stale short boots reduced to $2.00, Ihston snag proof long reduced to $.1.76. Poston snau proof short reduced to $2.76. Every rubber In the house rcducod ut The New York Racket. Chair Cars Uetween Portland and Albany Comfortable upholstered revolving chairs, observation ends, attractive smoking rooms, llrst cluss In ever) particular, 25 cents Portland tu Salem, fiO cents Portland to Albany. Cur on rear end of train. Those cars will be run throughout the session of the legislature. 1-17-td. J. K, Wonthorford was elected school director at Albany, Hots an educated gentleman and'a true friend of the public hohooN. Ho Is a Demo crat and the lUpuulloau paper says or hliu: "Mr. Woaliiorford, tlio director olectod, hniscntxl the district hereto, fore, and can be depended upon to hi k after tho Interests or tho school fiiltliriilly." MARION CIRCUIT COURT. Woodburn Charter and litngham War rant Cases Not Yet Decided. TuoHlay afternoon two cases came before the court, and Wcdticsday fotonoon the Munkers ippoal occupied tho time, nothing of general Interest transpiring. Entries on the docket were: Jesslo A Chatllold, vs. II. A. Hunt, el al, hot for trial Friday. Prank M. Munkers, ot al, vs. Francos II. Ilerren, et al. Appeal from county court; Motion Hint ap peal bo dismissed as regards T. T. Munkers and P. M. Munkers over ruled; argued and biibiulttcJ. K. A. Kurd vs. M. J. Egun ut al, fore closure. Motion allowed as to Good man & buns and overruled as to ans wer of First National Hank. Hi) n Uaydeu vs. Guorgo .1 Penrco, mandate. To bu entered. Estate or John H. Da Gobin. De murrer everruled: answer by Thurs day. NBW SUIT KII.HU. Alford Dagony vs. Emma D.tgony. Divorce. SCHOOL LAW DECISION. Districts Have Absolute Contiol Over All Funds, Attorney-General HIackburn, nt the rcquost of Superintendent of Public Instruction Ackerman, has rendered un opinion on two Important points of school law. Hehel'': First When a school district ral?es monoy by taxation for a specific purpose, and It afterwards becomes unnecessary to uo the whole amount for that purpose, the district has the piwer at an annual meeting to divert the remainder to some other use. School districts arc corporations, and the qualified electors In the district have absolute control over the funds raised by taxutiou, unless their power is limited oy luw. DIED. M'MILLEN. At the family home on Perry street In this citv, Tuesday, March 14, 1809, the 3-yeur old son ol Mr. und Mrs. Win. McMlllcn, of scurlet revcr. The runoral will be held Thursday nt 10 a, m Interment In Rural ceme tery. Ureenwald Released, John Grecnwuld, of Aurora pro duct, through his attorneys, sued out a writ or habeas corpus uud was re leased rrom custody yesterday. Grecn wuld has been confined since Febru ary Ifl, having been arrested on com plaint or Ills wire, charged with threatening bodily Injury. Being un able to give bonds to keep tho peace, he went to jail, and In the meantime his wire has obtained a divorce. I NOW GOING ON TAVAVAVAVAVAVAVAVATWT aughter Auction Sale ofthe Year t Pleasure and Profit. On Friday evening next, St. Pat rick's day) It Is the purpose or Salem Camp, No. 18. P. J. W. O. W., to en tertain lis Salem friends at Reed's opera houc. The alTalr will bo car ried out on the scale of Interest und pleasant appointment, characteristic of this big and popular order, and should not be missed by a single man or woman to whom fraternity moans what it sigullles. The speaker of the evening will bo Hon. George K. Rog ers, deputy organizer or thu State of California, and his excellent work will be supplemented by a program of very dellnllo Interest, by well known local talent. The whole Salem world is cordially Invited to Co pros unl and to bring Its friends also, a 16 :tt OP THB Pacific Jewelry and Optical companv's Stock, of, Portland, Ore. Receivers Sule to close partnership deal. THB STOCK CONSISTS OR Diamonds, Watches, Jewelry and Silverware Which must and will be sold without limit or reserve. The opportunity of a lifetime to buy these goods at your own prices. In order to draw a large attendance to our great Slaughter Sale we will present FREE a Coupon to everyone attending our Auction Sales at 2 and 730 p, m, Daily The Coupon participating in the FREE distribution of a Silver Tea Set, or a Diamond Ring, or a Gold Watch, together with five or more other valuable presents. Sale to continue from day to day until the entire stock is sold. NOW REMEMBER THE PLACE 96 STATE STREET. Dr Illlll'n HAllth ftvrnn tlin Punntn'n frloud, has been In useovcr fifty yearn. ' m BURGER, It cures tlio severest all'ections or the , throat and lungs; such as, bronchitis, . Manager, grippe, laryngitis and Incipient con. sumption. Price only 25 cents 11 bot tle :i ). ot I FRIEDMAN I BURGER, Auctioneers Spring tiredness 19 duu to an im povoilshud condition of the blood and is cured by Hood's Sursanurlllii, which tiuriuhoH tho blood. II l.'IOt New Appointment. While you aro oniulrlnK ho the governor Is likely tn appoint to olllce. roiiiombor that Branson & Co. huvt the stock of grocerlus that you need for your fmully. :i-i:i y A SANDUAK ACCRISTION. liy Mark KXI-BUlRKt-l. IS TUB HKM riUCHKK Uc Aki ItKtfluli Rwir tn tty Vic el ought. Ml4i vr cieup. WtouM tl fll to etv tutmdUt rtlki motiy if4 1 je hJ, 1 1 i Uruoli, diuggliu. Willis Bros. & Co Pint Door VauUi ftf the PiMtnic. KALKM OltKUON. Slnudan) Pattern Ikwi and oht.Hwl. UiHlorwtwr fur man, woman and Olllldreii Iwlueed touvtirv luw utIhu i.. elue out theo lltitw. at tllu Nw York UiuktU. Womo ulho making ngiotti rtKliwtluii un all gmdus or yarn. Our luuii Knitting radiiowl Ui Ifto rurull vwlttr. Cull and gut fur rB kulttluK - l4 ll LOS I'-Brtiigi ehaln with goltl tlulhu HimeliMl. A suliable rvwunl II loft at Joi'itNAt.uiUci'. U-15-Ji Hood's Pills Lincoln Co. LetitUr: Tho ntiutlwr of uloiks ouiployod In the senato in furmer yours was rnmt 70 to 80 most if whom drew ii par day und many drewd iHtrday. At thu Mtslnn just cl'Mtd lint inimtwr of clerks employwl was 4fl, or whuiit uuti drew $f per day, thrtw W and forty-two M iHirilay. A grand tout) of lts tliiin ou-hair Hi usual utiiount paid and a portion or this sum whs wiutwl. I t t Ryburg MHirti art unterUliiltig thlr rtwdwn with lutrw,tlng news. Tin lUvttiw cl tints thi l thu wtllor or PlatiHlMttor "Is tlriiwlitg eight dollars Mr day and a lllwrnl oxpoum al lowanae from Hie gnvorauiwnt au sHtolnl cvtuiiilMilonur tu Alaska while ho U In Rutntbtirg ami makliiL- no prHtttnsltiuti of Ntl0iid(tin' u publlo dutttH," if litis Is mi It Is rulOwry. Woodburn ludviMntltint (Htit.) It MHHOl b it,bbry, for U nut Him pr-1 IMlnitur uurl tuomy Keputllwtu V ' tr- Mitt V Nor Trt l'lwtohtaw uv nllaruicut Powtotwlon DelnK Contostcd H. aavai;e ofaalom. Tho Mark tl. ityage-John Mlnto contest for a gravel bar alleged to be no accretion to Mluto's island, In the Williiiuotto rivor, opposite Trade street, In Salem, wasdlspmod or tutu porurllylby the state boanl or bcliool land commlsslouors, after a tosslou lasting sovoral hours, by the appoint ment of S. C. Spencer, or Portland, as rororee to take testimony and report tome oouru at u rtituro nieotlng. Tho intorosiH or the city or Salem an i tlio balum Water Cmnpany In tho con- trovorsythuvo Imwp iiiprgt'tl with those or.Mr.M Into, who claims the Iwr.whloh Is nearly IS acres in ox tout, as an uo orotlan to his property, while Savage oliiluis It Is an Ulund, Hud Hie pmiwrty of thu sUtu. A tuiitlun bj MinUi's attorney to dlMitlst, tltettppll emioH or Sivug to uuroliHM tin land, on the g rou ml that It wms v,,i.i bauilt w tiled before the law Klvlng the uourd tlit rll.t ui wll wru In fore whs rvjeoUNi. Tw hw.ri.u. oftlw cmno Wfiir Referee Sneneor will be begun In Sulein, April 3. During the proceeding the large re wplloH-rooNi In the executive dopuru weiuattlw iUU Uaim was tllUd with Interested purtiesaud sueelators. l'beeaae, whleh has been dragging along for a luug time, It U Mltractlug cimaUieraule HtUotlon. WE WANT YOU To Keep Your Mind on Those Three Conceits, If you liuvo not yut socurod tickets for the Rondlx-Oodowskv-Stolndol ConcorLx, wo Invito you to think ser iously ou the grout and raro opptr tunltyiou tnuy have or hearing some of the worlds groutoM musicians at a merely nominal ccst Many who know or the reputation of those artists havo said that they would gladly go to Portland to hoar liny one or these concerts, This would ineun un cxpenso ut not less than $10 tor one concert. You havo tlio nriv lloge of hourlng thoso concerts at home; the price of single uduilsslon 1 but$l 00; tlio course tickets admitting to all the concerts cost you only 2 50. It Is remarkable chance which you should not miss, The tickets are selling rapidly, and the succoss of this concort course hnanclally, socially and artistically Is fully assurud. The soutlng capacity or the Methodist church will bo taxed to llo utnioit. Tho w Ise plan it. to se- euro your ra-ervwl seats ourly. The eomniiiico is tiotng oyorythlng jmksI bio ror llioconvonleiifoundoujoyuicnt of tho patrons or these concerts, mid everyone who attends will be sure i three innn tlullghfiil evenings. Coimitti:k, Now be sure and attend. Don't miss it. Get a FREE COUPON to partic ipate in the free distribution of Watches, Tea Sets and Five or more other valuable presents to he given away daily. "They tit tlio feet as nature T iie o cure La Grippe, lep warm, wneclallv et. ond Ute t)r. MIIm NcivIm? PattDn Brothers JKreAlHP)- A '"fli " Tie U is ie Cleanest ummmm j RUSSELL & CO.'S ENGINES AND THRESHERS, M'CORMICK BINDERS AND MOWERS Ralno Wagons, Ruclnc and Columbus Surrays, Hacks and Buggleb. MoiiltordrllliaiidMIfnPtanftJriiarden drill, and ctt thntor.. UufTulo Pitts I, ,rroW. .nd eultltniom, Jolm Daer, Mollno plows and Imrrown, Byrcuo chilled plowe. Ropalts kept In Stock for nil nbovo mentioned Good, Sold by tho E. M, Ooisan Implement House. U0'S2M and 257 Llborty Street, I ARoncy for the Hiissoll Wind SUckor. Salem Oregon. EpsSss flEDIUIED MPuaoNToilif "k. $W ,to r.-r ' ,L'. i cdslfc-lB t ff -Jllin yy, T i vic!WvwJt jij' . - mH'?,, I at The New York Racket, uwoial Uur Maine loom m tbe Roe Vk AM Hturh iu lit IK DiH... W4r. emru-iit jatur.,. ljf.HvittilJr tn MM llll MM III, ,1, ,M4 It Mil Itlte ttU ttlt Jt4 tIMJttlU. t V ' f '.J?VW' ,. . s 2&4&3&i $-. k.Tnftitrsn In,t . -.,.. ' . JHVWH'.T ".T " v"ywmpautt. 4 ? ssg -iV': f " fr&tlU ,R,,rW "keta u, ) poltiU Ka About Laces and Things, o are dot ttg a wood huklm nt ur Uee and Omofuldery counter ttieiia). We have cite or Uiom toe Totvbun Tbrtstd laoe iiUm two titcuee wide, at & oeuls, lie Mi- ihj very elteap nuliaUim iwuch Wu ThtMt Ine I w uiiuu TurrlMMt are big wdlors ror tin ifiwrer, Our KuiUioldery linos run rnmt ii rvots up and tho patterns ue veiy choice. Sow a eettt lln ru wwiHoniHii. wim excellent oJgts. nw iH-tittMieK is tun im grunt values u inwH oew iiihw. . tbkiH d putout imim for iu.-, Ttioe new ih. Ifu, In Walker and piugle Nrv quite iNtrHtieM OH all thrift, ,m.ul ,.. . - - - .. ... " r -'"' nir mv9r iiuih omere. we sell everything it HiWdtt raekel prtcw for onsti, aud nAVdtiD IwUitr with bauk neoounu rwiybAdy. N'o Iwrtti tor you to OK. ) want you to come as ofiou as you like. S38 Cash 0. a J. CLINCH Kit Tini&i CHOlClSOKSADDLBh. neu like to kmw -slwre the lunrkiti ft8 w,btur P fha t ii? No wheel snowu at any mv rmu ouster, anil as f..r tb ., ffitt r""i mm., Hl th la09f lrt .m ox hlbltioii ami want you u. c,i,L 2 joo them. TMe bwr'lngs ,V hke ! Si biStT IZ ?n,tU- lt '" 5 up oraatM, lite fork crow it tk ertwH Mfei"i nsrtir tu ., itlv Lgr1,. .. . wafeomo. ' " 0,, aiwais BOOKS, CAMERAS, STATIONERY Have Mercy on Your Feet! vMarris, Chemical Ca; WVNOnKClTV Q5aSgl55HagB "8tal0Hrvtt. USE Dlt. WARNEfl'S MEDICATED COMPLEXIOW AND TOILET SOAP For the Complexion and all skin discuses. By Mali lOo Per Cake or $1.00 Per Doren. Money rorunde! ( not jatlifttctory. I'or 8alo lly BAKU BRO. 3AIJCM, ORE Away With Weeds Island Garden Sand 9B State strwt. jV Wearing J Hygienic . I Shoes. J Best sh, the famous Jenness Ailler" r S, C, STONE, M. iiftw..r D. Stone's Drue Stores tyiwrlters. '1R& llnuurunii, bru SALEM niiBuox' WIGGIN'S BAZAAR BitsiT rmuM. w .ouueiw,,. mw hmxu. oaauox. Im aewlMrt am taetMMMri imjry 8Hweii wwi rafMHim. mm hi MVtl.M MM.MlMMi.lgr " m oest shoes made for women, being scientific ally constructed on purely an atomical lines thev "fit th feet as nature intended." As graceful as they are com fortable. No other dealer in this citv can sell you the "Jenness Mil ler shoes or any shoes as good. We are sole agents. Only $350. We are now ttllln of half "o , now Miiine an extra aualitv I'rseTWwryrArfieK'ssr- g-,- '' 8- BKvTl.BY A CO. ll Frtmt Btrwt. Assay Office AND LABOrtATORY. No, 71 Chemeketa st, L B T. TUTHILL AaYr - ALEM SHOE STORE, &3 STATK STMJKT. o, C. T. Co's rvssKNogu STWMsua ivn ) Altona I LEAVE FOrUPOltTL-VNl) D!lr. Bxept Ban Uy at 8 a. w. QUICK TIME AND OHEAI" HATES. Dk between State and Ooart fits M- ' BALDWIN. Agent Just Arrived At Sonnemann's Grocery STAR Summer sausage, HOLSTEIN sausage, GEPMAN Salavci sausage Also have a lot of cornfed STAR hams, Call and order one for Sun day dinner, SONNEIVIANN THE GROCEtt 124 State t Telephone 51 ran GRIP curb that tv-itib nrmn Laxative Brouio Quinine Tablets I ewovetbe cause that produces La Grippe. The Renulne has L. B. Q. ou each Tablet. 25c t aE m