y? T"sf5rwtph j--"- "'JM! ,,,mwwmmm9ffmm'w' At Bed1 me p iinoTii.i.itr( rVrt 'Htminich Hitters and 1 aKC JScycS Will SOOn C1O30 ..i refreshing plumber. An jn peaceful, rcrrcsimm other (lose I the n io ting pnffie'fSuo S!Vo clay's work aiicuu. Your bead will bo clear and your work will be catty to to perform. Hostettcr's Stomach Bitters, 3-fi o o d "I SALEM PEOPLE and OTHER PEOPLE Headers ntBalom and other OrcRon i towns nrc milled to send In ltnnj of personal nut social to ni'ncar in tlio Tho Dally und Weekly f i news to appear journal. iiiU' Gov. Gee'- and st-'crcttiry Dunbar went to Portlatik today. Mr. and Mrs. A. IS. Gilbert and Miss Gilbert went to IVrtland today to sec "The School for Scandal." Actmu County But.crlntcnclent Mrs. Jones and Miss Cospcr, of the Salem schools, nro In Portland for a few days. Mrs. Clinton Tracy came down from Turner yesterday for a visit at the home or her brother, 13. 13. McKlru ney. Miss Molllo Barlow, one or the teachers In Portland's public schools, Is yisibluir In tho city, being a guest of Mrs. II. J. Hendricks. L. B. Baldwin husobtalned a license to wed Miss Belle Powell. E. E. Harmon certified to the ugo of the applicants for the license. Miss Mario Ilubcrly, of Wlllard, Is In the city, visiting with Mr. and Mrs. C. Hughes. J. M. Haberly, formerly prescrip tion clerk In tho Red Corner drug store, has purchashedn drug store In Sllvorton, ard Is now conducting the s ume. J. II. Miller, of Tucotun, formerly a shoo dealer of Mcdford, Jackson county, is visiting friends und his sinter, Mrs. Mark Montgomery, of Salem, for a Tew days. Ho will pro ceed to Ashland, whew his finuily Join him. Oov. Geer tins not yet named the stale fair board. It Is tc be composed of five men, and at last accounts the governor was hunting the state over for good men with a line tooth comb, but did not want any of them to come from Salem. So many away from Salem want to kill the fair, that the governor should appoint the ublest man in Marion county to ensure Its success. m i A word lor Aguinaldo His Interview With a Naval Officer at Hong Kong. Words Uttered by the Filipino Leader Before Hostilities were Begun, An Kdltorlal from the Maroli Orcr'nnrt. For tlirco hundred years the Fili pinos hayo suffered a tyranny towhlch that of tho American colonists under George III was a paternal benelicenco In comparison. Tie fact Is so well known amongst us that It. lias become a commonplace; the horrible cruelties of Spanish rule have Iron lost In news paper generalizations. Before tho outbreak or tlio war, Aguinaldo him self thus described the condition of tho Filipinos to tin American naval officer in Hong Keng: "There will ho war between your country and Spain," ho said, "and in that war you can do the greatest deed In history by pulling an end to Castllllan tyranny in my native land. " iVe are n it foruium savages, On tho contrary, we ace unspeakably pa tient and docile, That wo have risen from time to time Is no sign of bloed: tlilrstlness on our part, but merely of manhood resenting wrongs which It Is no longer able to endure. You Americans rovolted for nothing at all compared with what we have suffered, Mexico and tho Spaulrh republics roso in rebellion and swept tho Spaniards Into the sea, and all their sufferings together would not equal that which occurs every day in the Philippines, Wo are supposed to be living under the laws and civilization of the nine teenth century, but we are really liv ing under the practices or the Middle Ages. "A man can bo arrested in Manila, plunged Into Jail, and kept there twenty yours without over having a hearing or even knowing the com pliant upon which ho was at rested. There Is no means In the legal system thereof having a prompt hearing or of finding out what the crmr'O Is. The right to obtain evlderceby tor ture Is exercised i uiiiuar., ciyll, and ecclesiastical tribunals To tills right there 1s u limitation, nor Is the luckless wttuess or defendant permit ted ti have a t-ergcon, a counsel, a friend, or cveu a bj slander, to be pret-ent during the operation. As administered In th Philippines, one man In ovory ten lies undar tho tor ture, and nothing Is ever heard of him again. Everything is taxed so that It lalninslblo for the thriftiest peus anf far.ner or shop keeper to ever get ahead in life. The Spanish policy Is ti kep all trade In the handu of Srmls.i merchants, wui come out here froai the wjnlosula and return with a fortune. The government budget for education is no larger than the sum paid by tho Hong Kong au thorities for tho support of Victoria College here. What little cdueutlon Is hud In tho Philippines Is obtained from the go"d Jesuits, who, In spite of their being tforbiddcu to practlco their priestly calling In Luzon, never theless deyotc their lives to teaching their follow-countrymcn. They carry tho same principle into the church, and no matter how devout, able, or learned a Filipino, cr even a half brcol, may be, ho Is not permitted to enter a religious order or crcn to bo moro thun an acolyte, sexton, or nn Insignificant assistant priest, The stato taxes the people for tho lands which It suys they own, and which as a matter of fact they have owned from time immemorial, and the church collects runt for the same land upon tho protcxt that tt belongs to them under an undent charter of which there Is no record, Neither life nor limb, liberty, nor property, have any security whatever under tho Spanish administration." Against tho tyranny thuseloqueutly described, the Filipinos had been lighting for three years before tho de struction of tho Maine Involved us lu tho conflict. Tho sympathy of the world was with the Insurgents; and more thun once a thrill ot horrqr swept oyer Christendom at the bar barities practiced by tho Spaniards on their unlucky captives. Aguinaldo was the most prominent of tho In 9iirgent leaders, as ho was probably their most able general. Before the outbreak of hostilities, tho Amorlcan consul, Pratt, and probably other of our representatives, entered into such relations with Aguinaldo and his friends as to commit us, more or less, ton recognition of the Insurgents us allies, with all that that Implies. Thatour representatives woro not au thorized to enter Into such; rclatl ins does not alter the fact. Wo held con ferences with them as with allies, wo became the trustee of their funds, we carried them from Hong Kong to Ma nila on our warships, we used them as pilots and spies, and accepted their service and aid in many other ways. While our ships were lying off Caylte, Agulnnldo's army captured almost as many of the enemy's troops as Shutter did at Santiago, besides driving them completely out of some or the Islands. Then came a period or waiting, waiting Tor the recognition promised by Pratt on tlio side of the Insurgents, und waiting fur tin development of a definite Philippine policy and a reasonable action by the senate on ours. Habituated only to apanisii in direction, shiftiness, and treachery, the Filipinos wero completely misled by our Indecision. To them It could mean but one thing, the repudiation of all the fair promises which hnd bacn made in our name, Just as time and time again the promise or the Spaniards had boon broken. "What have wo been lighting ror anyway?" was Agulnnldo's natural question at this period. The suspicious nuturc or the Malay was stimulated by the changed attitude or our olilclals, which, If not urrogant, was at tltn s arbitrary, and inconsiderate or the just rights or men who bud fought and bled and suffered in a cause us truly patriotic as that which inspired Washington's Ill-red hosts. In this ondltlon or mutual distrust tho American army nnd tho Filipinos watched each other across embattled walls ror weeks, while our wretched senate gabbled about ab stract rights nnd constitutional dim cultles A chance shot, and suspic ions, recriminations, threats, at once( turned to musket volleys una snrup nel, and the grim work or reconcil iation by the sword had begun. And now, that 6omo sixty or our soldiers are dead, and a thousand or the Filipinos slain, there Is not a dog rrom Maine to California too mean to howl at Agulnaldo's treachery. But our shouts to anger should bo directed nearer homo. The blutno Is not that or the poor deluded Filipino, Jbut tho j man who mislead him. And the createst of nil Is tlio fblamel of those babblers InJWashlngton who prolonged ii rlnnuerous condition in order to hear therofelves talk. Tho iiinnri.! ffulltlness Is on them. For Agulnuldo there should be but pity, und when and the time comes, mercy. Ileauly In lllooti Ileeii. Clean blood means ft ciooii skin. No beautv without it, Lascarota, Candy Cathar tic clean your blood and koep it clean, by stirring up the laiy liver and driving all im purities from the body. Hegin today to banish pimples, boils, blotches, blackheads, and that sickly bilious complexion by taking Cascarcts, beauty for ten cents. All drug cuts, satisfaction guaranteed, 10c, 25c, 50c. Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup Is Unique, tlonubly tho most remarkable remedy ever produced for the cure of throat and lung troubles. It has cured thousands, aud has done wonders in mauy caBes of incipient consumption. DYSPEPSIA CAN BE CURED BV using Acker's Dyj-epsia Tablets. One little tablet will give immediate relief or money refunded. Sold in handsome tin boxes at 25c. Luun & Brooks, druggists. NOTICE OF SCHOOL ELECTION. Notice Is hereby given to the legal voters of School District No. 24. Marlon county, Oregon, that tho reg ular sshool election will be held on Monday, March 13, 1809, for the pur pose of electing one director ror the ujrm or tlve years. The polls will bo opened from 2 o'clock p. m. until 6 o'clock of said day at the usual places of voting in said district, as follow, tewtl: Ward No. 1, at No. 3 Engtne lipiwe Ward No. 2, at llanseu's livery stable. . ,, ... Ward No. 3, at uaseys nvery smuic. Ward No. 4. at Red Front livery stable. . . ... This notice It given by order of tho board of directors for said district, W. H. Byrd. Chairman Board of Directors. M. K. PoorjE, Clerk ffoUxiy nra toava HoarsUL. OeHr.M.'jes tiSa ViV frooj dro22is4One cent Qfwv PURE FOOD. Ordinance to Require Groceries to Be Kept Above Suspicion. Mayor C, P. Bishop has signed the ordinance, recently passed by the Mty council, by which tho public Is to he protected from tho dog nuisance, nnd thedcfllment of rood products Is to be prevented, and the same Is now In oncratlon. The nill text or the ordinance as passed Is as rollows. "An ordinance to protect tho pub lic against the dog nuisance, nnd to preyent the defilement of food pro pre ducts: "Section l.-That It shall be un lawful for any groceryman, merchant, peddler, butcher, or dealer In fish or poultry or game, to expose outside of his or her doors any vegetables, fruits, tubers, meat, fish, poultry or game, or any other rood products, except the same bo placed on benches or plat forms at least twenty-two Inches abuyo tho sidewalk, "Section 2 Any groceryman, mer chant, peddler, butcher or dealer in fish, poultry or game violating section lor this ordinance shall, upon con viction thereor before the city re corder, bo fined not less than $10, nor nor more than $25 for each offense, "Sectiou 3 It shall be the duty or the marshal and police to sec this oidlnanco Is strictly enforced. "Inasmuch as there Is urgent need for this protection, It shall be In force and effect from nnd after receiv ing the signature of the mayor." PLAYED OUT Dull Headache, Coins in virlojs parts of the body. Sinking at the nit of the stmnch, Loss ot appetite. Feverlshncsj, Pimples ot Sires ar nil positive evidences of impuri blool. No matter how it became so it musi be purified In order to obtain fcood health Arker's Wood Elexir has hcver failed U cure Scrofulous or Syphilitic poisons or any other blood disea-es It Is cortainly a wondtrfu remedy and we will sell every bottle on a positive guarantee. Salem Cycle Association. There will bo a regular meeting of association on Monday evening, at 8 o'clock In the police court room. Business uf Importance will come un A full uttenduncu Is desired. J. H, Albert, president; W. I. Staley, sec retary. .1:10.31 J Don't Totini'co Sil nnd Sniuuc Your life Annj, To quit tobacco easily nnd forever, be mac nctlo, full of ll(o, nerve and vltfor, tnlio No-To-Hao, tlio won Jer-worlicr, thatmultes wctilt men strong. All UrugKUtH, S0oorl. Curouuaran teed. Ilooklct and sample free. Address Sterling Itomedy Co. Chicago or New York. The Truth About "Trustomnnla." A. W. Cheney, the Fdl.tor Tit the Oregon City Courier-Herald, lias tins editorial containing u great deal of truth: When the present epidemic of "Trustomonla" Is carried to the goal It Is intended to be carried to by the trust promoters, then, nnd probably not until then, there will be a wall go up from those who now sneer at the paper or tho speaker who throws a j, i Till in at tlio salamander that Is out to destroy all competition, to reduce all wage earner's stipend and to rake Into tho maw or the moloch extortion ate profits. When t lie plan now laid out, and which by tho aid, assist ance and co-operation or tho Gold Standard Republican party will soon bo perrected, every mill, manu racturlng enterprise und business In the land worth having an Interest In, will ho owned and controlled and operated on tho trubt or combination plan and as soon as these arrange ments are nil completed, mil. y thou sands of commercial traveling men will be out of a job, the leading hotels lu many small cities will Und business so dull that they will bo forced to close up, ttie livery business will 6tugnate,the passenger business on stub roads and main lines will bo cur tailed and the merchant will have no choice of who ho may buy his goods from he will hayo to send his orders and his cash to tho nearest, "brand) house" of tho trust, and pay just what the monbtor demands and sell at tho P"co uu ' mwwwu to or ho can get no unre supplies. This Is tho re ward that tho people or this great and glorious country got ror allowing their nrcludlces to got the better of their judgment, nnd electing u nin compoop of tho trusts to tho highest oillce In the land. How intiulu Ion ire ure they, the people, to bo such dam fools ? Our Farmer Friends, aro nearly all aware of the fact that we are now located over the Now Vitrk Racket store. Cronlso photo studio. The Cronise Studio treats all customers alike, giving them the best work for their money that can bo had In the northwest, over New York Racket store. Chair Cars Between Portland and Albany Comfortable upholstered revolving chairs, observation end?, attractive smoking rooms, first class In every particular, 26 cents I'ortiana to&aiem, DU U0I1 13 lUHIUIIU Wi wuuu;. rear end or train. Those cars run throughout the session legislature. Car on will be or the 1-17-td. How's This? We offer One Hundred Dollars Re ward 'or uny case of Catarrh that can not be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure F J. Cheney & Co., Props , Toledo, O, We, the undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney for the last 16 years, ar d believe him perfectly honorable In all business transactions, and financially Bble to curry out any obligation mude by their llrui. West & TjUAX,Wliole;ale Druggists, Tntedo.O. , Waldino. Kinnan & Makvi.n. Whole sale Druggists. Toledo, O- Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken Inter nally, noting dlreetly upon the Uloud and mucous burracea of the system. Price 75c pr bottle. Sold by all drug gihts, Testimonials free. Hairs luiniiv ruiauru tue ucow 4urtaTour tluwoU Wltb tiwcareu. Candy CaUrilc, oura constipation frrr lOv.ttc. Ii C C 0 tali, drufFisurofuoa money that money can Hood's Sarflft- buy is parllla. First, Bccnusc, it com I bines econ omy and strength. Thero is more concen trated merit nnd medicinal power In n bottle of Hood's Sarsnpu lilla than In half a Xlor.en bottles ot others. Each bottleof Hood 8nr8npnrlllnyco!itnin3 oneliundredyiitiaes 'k nn unnuySwciablu nigu mem as to v'sirength and ooonbmy an& will last nmonvth, while other remedies nvervtigp to last n week or fortnight. Second, IlecauBO those who havebought it and token it universally a praise it. Retires even when sft other remedies fail to do any good what ever. In fact, it itf not what wo say but Hood's Snrsaparilla dees, tells the story of Iti merit. I thousands of testimoni- nls are and . gw o r t by your cam most neigh denco as If they from your t r it s t o d Third, He- causi no substitute for S:rssipnrilla. Dealers who trv to cell something else, general ly sny good as Hood's" thus "Utirs is as roally admit Lting thnt fi Hood's is tho standard and possesses merit Impossi ble for others to reach. There nre many other reasons why Hood's Sarsn parilla is America's Greatest Medicine, the Rest Thnt Money Can Buy. Rut if you will only buy it and try it yourself you will have reasons for fnith in it stronger than them all that of personal e.rj)eru'tve with, nnd personal hnowlcthie of, its curative powera. Take It ioi. Get Hood's. It nvur iltsapjouito. IIUMUmP MIH Willi Tom Watson's History. In an editorial in tlio Atlanta Con stltution or lust week on the "super ior" uttltudo or northern writers to wards tho scholarship or the South there Is a rather remarkable passage which is by no menus of merely literary significance. It says thnt: 'Some conspiracy appears to have been formed by the New York dtil'y newspapers In regard to Mr. WuWoirs masterly book entitled 'Tlio Story of b'runcc.' One of tlio gieat dailies told the publishers (The Macmlllun Co.)beroic the book came out, and, of course, while Its contents wero still unknown, they 'did not cure to revlow the work,' and another paper made tho appearance of tho book tho oppor tunitr not r.ir a review, but tor a por sonnl attack upon the author and tho publishers. This paper, however, at llrstrorused to Insert the advertise ment or the publishers which gayo u glowing tribute to tho book taken rrom a high-class literary journal. Whatever may bo thought of Mr. Watson's profound study or tho his tory or France, no beok certainly can bo .wholly bad or which Literature says: "There Is ample room ror a work written on tho linos which Mr. Wat son has laid down for himself, for his purpose Is to give a clcur narrative of the gradual development of a urcat people, with no attempt to till lu every detail. "Mr. Watson has not only done a work that was worth tho doing, but he has dune It ror the most part, ex ceedingly well. "Ho has given a highly Interesting book upon one of tlio most fascina ting themes "f hlslhory, an Historical drama or which the Intorost steadily grows rrom the humble beginning or tho nation to tho cousuiiiation. "Wcshulllook with great Interest ror tho publication or the description or tho tragic cyents of tlio reign of Louis XVI, and tho yet moro thrill ing events that lolloweJ the king's decapitation, assured thut the stsry will be well and impressively taught. "Mr. Watson is lively, alert and forcible. If Homer has been said sometimes to nod, we have not come across a sentence that evidences any similar weakness on the pirt or the author in the volume before us. "The Story or Franco Is the fruit or great resouroh, und Is a conscientious and thoroughly readable presentation or u grout theme. Tho lessons It toadies arc many and beyind price, aud it will bo well ror humanity If the world musters them." Literature, Feb. 10.18U9. Such treatment us the Now York papers have bestowed upon Mr. Wat son's book will not In our opinion conduce to or encourage the friendly feeling which should exist between the south and north, nor porsuude the people ot the south that they may ex pect Justice from tho writers ot the north, whether In relation to tlit r dally affairs or their essays In the hluhcr arts and literature." SICK HEADACHE AHiOLUTELY AND permanently cur 1 Uy using Mold Tea. A plwuant herb drink. Cuios conization and indigestion, makes you eat, sleep, work and happy. Salisfrction guaranteed or money back. 25c and 50c. Luon & Urooks druggist THE OHIP CURE THAT DOBS CUItB Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablots lomove ttie cuuo that produces La Grippe. The genuine has L IJ. if. on each Tablet. 26c. 'Mlt '& t HW ll" 1 "l feH BO i"ntiMfwl,ill'H Hlltffrii m aura 'wMrfrftf 111 'iCoai mi a JMA 1 1 1' I ZAia tIi 'JUPiiUiJu to IJ I Luti -iwMqoi il ipit timi ikHEi7fi-oiaw'tiiqoM4oiliH', Tlio beat medicine CASTOR I A Por Infants and Children. the Kind You Have Always Bought Bears tho Slgnatnro of dUtf&&. BRETON STUDIO Room 7, Patton Block, m staius. JltssWIlennM. KnlRlit, pupil ot lrlns It. wllca. Mrn.MyrA. XVIgrfinu, pupil of Win. M. Clinoc. Charcoal ilrnu lnc from wnt nntl lire, pon ami Ink ntul wash ilmulng for illintrntlon, oliwica In oil nnd wntor color pnlutiiiK. Tuition f4 per month, rhllilron'i cIrm on Pntunliir l monthly. Alo preparatory cniirtu for uttulpuH IlitcmlliiK to.Mmly abroad or In Iho mMorn cluio!i. For achednro of elns hours call nl stud to. Caoital Soap Works, Running at full blast and making best of laundry and toilet soaps. He sure to call for the Salem brand when )ou want s.(ix goods. A. V, ANDEKEGO,, Manager O. C. T. Go's l'ASdKNOEll BTCAHiKltB Altona P Da m Ann i LKAVE fOIl t'OUTLAND Dally, Except Handay nt 8 a, in. QUICK TIMK AND CHKAf ltATEB. Dock botwoon Btato and Court Bts. M. 1'. 1ULDW1N, Agent. IBB You Can Get a Lower Berth, Yvlth one exception the through trains of the Burlington Route tiro almost, Invariably well-tilled, The exception la our St. Paul Chicago Limited. On the limited thero in usually room and to spare. Don't hirer that- It Is nelthor so linn, nor so fust, us ANY ;truln of ANY other line httween St. Paul nnd 'CIiIcuko. On the con trary, there Is not more beautiful train in America. It has electric llk'lit, steam heat, wide vestibules, thejnost ciitlsfuctoiy dinlnu-cur service on thej continent nnd n lower berth for everybody, A. 0. SIIKLIJON. Oeu'l Audit, Portland, Or. TO HOP GROWERS, Special prjeoon hop twine. lluforc buvliiu your twluo call und notour prices, Win. U row ii & Uo.,Siilcin,Orc., deal ers In Hops, Wool, Mohair. Furs nnd Hop Grower's Suppllco. :i-Ucd & w To-Nlghtnnd To-Morrow Night, And each day ana nl'lit during this week yon can irot tit any druKKlst'e Kemp's llalsani for the Tliroat und Lungs, acknowledged to ho tho most successful remedy oyer sold for Coughs, Croup, lironchltls, Asthma and Consumption. Get a bottle to. day unci keep It always In tho house, s'j you can check your cold at once Price 25c und 00c, Sumplehnttlo free, ood&w Congress Adjourned us expected, und when you wish to enjoy n good meul you will real, i.e your expectations by patronlx.lng tlio White llouso restaurant, kept by J. G. Huinett. :i()eod The Homeliest Man in Salem As well us the huudsomest, und others ure Invited to cull on uny druggist and got freo u trial bottlo of Kemp's Hulsum for the Throat nod Lungs, a remedy that Is guaranteed to cure und believe ull Chronic and Acute Coughs, Asthma, Bronchitis nnd Consump tion. Price 2)C. and 60c. eud&w Spring ,s Heic And wo are putting In our sprint stock of provisions und groceries and ure reurty to supply your needs. Urnn son & Co. 3-7 e o d COME AND SRIi ME I 1 have opened in Judge J, J, Mur phy.K otllce, Hoom 7 Murphy block, booth west corner State and Comuicr clul streets, Kiili-m, un otllce for Law, Insurance and Heal Instate business. Have solid Insurance Companies Aetnu, Merchants,' Underwriters. Am an old hand at Law and Koul Esutto work. Will do your business carefully, reliably, promptly, and I want somoof It civil or criminal law, examining titles, Bottling ostntos, making Instruments of writing, eta. I liuvo blanks und am notury public. Have property to sell ? Do you want to buy ? Po you want to loan or b' r row money ? If mi Come und two 1110 or write. FlIANIC DAVKV, 3 4(1 Iw tj'ulom, Orugon. Conj;ieas Adjourned As expected, und you get the best meal for your cuf Ii und your expecta tions are satlsllod at the White Hoiihe rAstaurant by J. K. Harnett. eod Dost of All To cleanse the system In a gentle and truly beiielloliii manner, whuri the Springtime eonies. use thy true and perfect remedy, Syrup 0! Figs. Huy the genuine. Manufactured by Ihu California Fig Syrup Co. only, and for nli hy ult druggists, at 60 cento per bottl . Builtl J ,M ww iw i8 wr M1M Bigutu ef C&yffm for Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought BEARS THE SIGNATURE OF Wsfw In Use For Over 30 Years. TMC OlNTU COMPAMV, TT Mllhl!V ItMIT, WCWTOWWCITT. SSSJDTvSr XKTSR-STATa m fli ii ETTAANDERS-WILMAN Aociate Teacher Western Consstva torv. Kansas Cltv. Mo., representing the Intcr.sta e System, ai Salem. Ore. 'm Over First National HanV, Keslderce H 376 Church street. Studio horn ) to m 13 ard 2 to 5. it vKNJsTSKVS r joiin 111ms. DBA.1 BR' IN : GROCERIES: Paint, Olio Window Olnsa Var nluli, nnd tbo moat oouiploto atoolt ot Bruahoa of all ldudn lu tho nUitf Artlata materials, llino; hnln oc niont nnd Hhlnglc?; nud tho fluent quality of groan seod. WANTED. Naw todny ndvortiaomonta tour Uneo or loan in this column tnnortcd Uireo tiinon for 25 otn SO otA a wook, $1 por mon Ui. All ovor tour linos at samo tato, WANTWI). A good horse, must, bo cheap. Call or address. I. L. Patton. Shuw, Or. 2 23 4w GKT YOUIl IIUGU1K3 And cur rlagcH painted In time; now Is the time. We have plenty of room and varnish will last, longer ir tnor otighly dried before- using. Fennel Carriage Factory, bill Commeruhtl street. 3 4 Oil w 2 0 WANTED. Phwilng mill' machinery tor sale or trade. Address I). S. Liycsay, Woodbuni, Or. 3 4 if HAY FOR SALE. About .'I tons good cheat. Iiav. Cull ut Fcnnell currlage factory 301 Couimorclal street, 3 11 31 FOR TEN DAVS-loiror for salou house containing ouo silting room 12x10, ono bedroom 12x12, ouo 10x12, hard finish (nrv) a dining room, 12x10, newly walnscuated und papered, a kitchen aud twochamber rooms, a wood and cow shed, good well of water with pump nt door, lot 60x100. (I blocks from court house for .Tir), Apply lo.Til Liberty street, A. VV. Pot nis. 3-4 lot WAISTED-Agcnts gaslight burners lor kerosene lamps, in.ike Its own wamplo outllt free. Star Mnfg. Co , Chicago, HI. HOUSE FOR- SALE-A good young horse, fi years old, weighs 1200 pounds, gentle, vorks slnglo or double. Also a tlrst-class home mado two-jcatcd hack ut a bargain. Call ut 403 Center street. 2-22 1m CLOTIUNM CLEANEP-Dyed, re paired and pressed ut Hteum Dye Works, 10.1 Commercial street op posite Willamette Hotel. 28 If FOR SALEAtVAshluud, 30ucres,il0 1 !. I.. .......! I. ..I, II a. li.itlnA 111 HUH, ill iiuhuii iKiib, iiiiu uuuru. lu-iat. ivnlir (tlMintj. mill til'lllinln clear title and easy terms. A. C. Guthrie, Philomath, Ore. 1 27-1 mt FOR SALE 10 pus'.engor wagonette llrst class, mudo to oritur, will sell cheap. Willamette hotel. 1 25 tf CLOTH 1 NODULE A N E P- Pycil, re paired aud pressed ut Sleum Pyc Works. 105 Commercial street, op poslteWlllauietto Hotel. 1 IHtf CAR LOAP-Of wheels cuinlng to Salem. Weureenlurglng our shop und Increasing our facilities for luuklng repairs, Wo have 11 lnrgo assortment of new covers und guar anteo to'iutlsfyour patrons, lirlng your wheels and umbrellas when repair? are needed to Gardner & Wnlte, 228 Liberty street, Holmun's block, next door to stuum laundry, I 20 tf mUBK CLKANKUS- Ituuiciiibcr that tho Iwst und ehoapist carpet paper Is the heavy felt paper sold ut Tiik Jouknal otllce. 20-tf MUblCAL -A limtud numl:r of students taken, on p ano, violin, i;uiur, mandolin and zither Alto Guiuun and French lessons civen Ann hi. Krehs. Music studio, Guy block, room 5. Call from 2 to 4 p m alio 11 11. in, tf W ANTBI)"" WmifTuhi jipi rf, to board tlieiiiHclvDf. Will pay good wages. Apply to Kll I'ruy, live uillci east on Macleay road. 3-8 3t WANTHD Ulitckonsut Bo pur pound, tuikojs and uho ut tP prices, at Hteluer's market, Salem. 16 tf WANTKD-ht'Veral triiiitwnrthy per tons 111 this flute to munugu tur buxlnocn In their own and marby t'ot-iitles. It Is multily otllce work cotidiiutod ut hoiiitf. bulary straight 4000 ii ior und txpeiiM- definite trfniutlilo. no mure no luw Hilary. Monthly T4. ItiferouM. Knoloso self aildritftl tUtHiip! um elope, Ilerhirlflfclfeti, Ifrettj I)ipt. M. CbloiiKO. v-n.20-3u nn? ffiTlDV wma Kurtz & Hamilton PLUMBERS and TINNERS 91 COUllT STREET. Make a specialty of all kinds of Sheet Steel nnd Galvanized Iron work rjoflng nnd guttering, 11 full lino of Pumps and pump fittings. Prompt work and reasonable prices, We carry in stock the Fairbanks wind mill, Cull und sec us buforo ulvlug your nrder for mill or tank. Phono 234 PROMPT WORK AND LOW PRICES. BARR &PETZEL Hole Aunti l(' All Work Guaranted, 314 COMMURCIAL STREET. Telephone No. 181 SAIiBM STEAM LAUNDRY Ploiao noUco tho out In prtoea on tho following il"X, plain , loccntt Unuer drawers,,, ,.5toiocenii Undershirts StoioceD'J Socks, per twr , 3 centi Handkerchief. I ceni Silk handkerchiefs 3 cent Sheds and pillow slips 34 cent per dozen ind othei work in proportion. C9"Finnnels niidothor work intalllgoutlv wnshsd by lint rt. COL 0. OLMSTBAD, Proprletoi Retailing of liotllcd Beer nnmbrlniis nnd HohliU nhvuyn on drmiKlit. Dcllvarrd frcu to uuy part of the city. II KO, U NKAI,, Prop. 1-13 Old l'lnnrer Orocory Baloon, i'hniia 'Mt tifi i:ommcrufnl Htrcct MANHOOD Mm Jacket iHAiSMij?r s ifikBF n mm t.TujCo,.clltr1b-itluiienU. ThirdauJ Yamhl48' UnJ - FOR SALE BY D J, FRY, SALEM, OREGON IDS MD 7 ry our seed, they arc JJio klntl freo to all upon application. Wo HUPI'LrES, consisting of lllvus, SAYAGB Si RJB1E5 Vumjcsaors to tho O, Dickinson fc'oed Co, .12S AND 324 COMMBR0IA BTRKKT. JflsHsWT'Jl .Hsihafl 4ri llltfiB WlllliHilll lSf j.r.ul CURE YOURSELF! I'm Ills i lor uuimtural llubarKM, ut)wrullua, IrrlUlluui vt uUertton .( iiiiiiuui rutin Uuii. CUCO. '" "' tub""0 ' W4.IJ ugr uvuvf.iH, r sent In Utn vrttt, if to. or 3 twlli. .7. . llrulr wal o rwius. To cure U Crippekfirj warss, aipeelally he f it. lW lr. MiJ" NwvIm. MtlHllilCtU BUSnTES8 CARDS O. f-I. rjIAOK Dentist, Successor to Dr. J. M. Keen, old. Whin Corner, Sal jm, Or. Part ,tn desiring supetioi operations at moderate fees th sny bttncH tf in especial request, SOULE BllOSi PIANO TUNERS AND REPAIRERS I'OUTIiAND. OUR Korflalem nnd vicinity leave "onlor at Geo C. Will's MliMcBtoro. OFFICE CITY HALL For water service apply at office. JJil's payable monthly in advancts. Make complaints at the nCvre. CAPITAL CITY Express and Transfer Meets all mail and passengor ttaihk. Uac wige and expreia to all puts ot the oil) Prompt service. Telephone No, 70. WHITE & DISQUE. -FAKM FOR SALE- 360 Aoioa All in Yamhill County. SCO ncrcn for anlo In n body, or lu 10 -aero tmot. located halt n mllo west of Wapato station, In Ynmlilll county, Oregon, and 0110 and a lmU ml lt' soutli ot llastoii. l'rlcu lor each forty acre from UM upward, according to Improvumonts nnd location. Uood noil nnd easy terms. For further partlo ulars cuqiilro of v. 11. KOAN, U-2Vlmo-dw llrooki, Orreon. O. H. LANB Merchant 'Tailor 211 Commorclnl at. CFSultn $15 nnd upwardn, I'anu ill J and upwards, HALF WAY HOUSE Kino olgnrs and tobacco, soft drinks; taeals nt nil hours; nice clean beds. North Salsia, near W. I.. ade's 1'ubllo maturing trough. IMO-lmo . M. FKICIITINaKR, hrop. G.S. FBHNB NEW MARKET St.te street, near railroad i Freshest and best meats. My patrons say I keep the best meats In town a at 1f1 IT Sab later dp. rates w l-innri NnuR tnr thn Sunnr na .3 Public, The envious r.vals who weie'dtterminedjla make Dr, Cook trouble In the courts hae backed down, and their alleged co ws dismissed when it came into circuit court. They didn't dure to meet the troth, tt Dr. Cook's patient's are too numerous and they arjcvergrLtcful to the man who his cured them and can cure other. Dr. Coo' mikes a specialty of chronic diseases, and does not use polsonout drugs to cure them. If you have a friend who needs help send him to DR. ;. V. COOK, Consultation free. 301 Liberty street RESTORED Ily iihImr Or, 1'rau'N Yellow Ntoto I'l'lx. Thll Aiil.ln (ul mitftlv ilimratilrcd to cure nil nervous Uie, suoh a Wenw --iiiory, Ixosuf train I'oivtr, Jicadaclie. Wukrlulueu, tt Ma titKK,, klu',y liinl stons, Ncrrousncu. till drains, loss )! p-vrcr iti tieoernv. Oriraos of either ki, caused by orer -exertion, youthful error, of"!"' A Of toboccb, opium or strmultiits, which lead to Iniirinlty,Cei"ui.'onor Insanity, Can be carried in etpockct. 1 .00 per box. ( 5j, by moll prepaid; Circular I'ree. Hold by all drugKUts. A.klorll,L-koiiQotlitr. Manufactured by tH- I'cau Metllcltia Co., Firls Prance (.aue-narU Ii j ? PP IIS m b iiu that grow. Our catalogue sent also onrry a full line, of BEB fcSuytloiiH, Smokura, Etc. V 3 'XT.. 0A.,XO3Et.IUsV. Dr. Uull'a 0tU Syuip. Ii a nwrk , able medicine. A dry, tickling, baote T Initoough. the warning mat wRvuwtr M tlou lurKH near, neeos nooniur uw' but, Dr, Bull'H Cough Byrqp- I P? ' lilvoly cures throat and lun trtjujble, a j 41 M ' A. iff-a m 'H & .-ii i : h "'' M 7$