Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1896-1899, March 10, 1899, Image 1

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- H
VOL, x.
1 ' :
I Arrivals
n A Ok.-r- 'M V
High Grade Childrens' and Misses' in
vesting tops and latest toes ZU per
cent cheaper than can be soldi
arirTxrViff pis in town "Steel?
Shod" are wearers as well as styl'i
ish I
See our big advertisement on third page
Ladd & Bush Bank Building, State street, $
pave Tour Money
1 And Wear Old Shoes
Eand the Undertaker Will Look After You,
Try a pair of our 2.50 shoes
94 Statu St. Salum, Ore.
Being Flooded With
Contract Labor Pouring Into
the Sound Cities.
Latest Movements of Troops on Transports.
ii Dental ParlorS
(Artificial Teeth $6.00 aad Up,
All Other Work in Proportion,!
JAll Work guaranteed as represented or money refundedj
flnnmo 27 and 20, Phono 2813.
OREGON GRBEN AND DRIED FRUIT CO. . 53 Stale Street, Salem, Ore
' i.
Dedicated mpiexionToiut ?3K,"
For the Complexion and all
skin discuses.
f: , 1
Chemical Co,
Uy Aanoclntetl lrc to tin" Jourunl.
Tacoma, March 10. Labor circles
in tlm northwest are much uglt-ited
over reports of hundreds or Japanese
contract laborers being brought Into
Pugct Sound cities. Every month
from 500. to 1000 Japanese laborers are
landed at Tuconm, Vancouver and
Chicago, March 10. Special to
Times Herald from Washington says:
There Is u gruvo danger of armed
colll-ilon between American and Cana
dlun miners In the Porcupine river
region over the Alaskan boundary
question. Despite the fact of the
location of the boundary huvrag been
determined bevond a reasonable
doubt, the Canadians have encroached
six miles or more on the American
side where they claim tlm right to
stake claims and deny the same rights
to Americans.
The Americans have threatened th
expel the Canadians by force und it Is
feared a conlllct will be brought on.
San Fkancisco, Marh 10. 3corgc
11. Ilolden who returned from the
Orient has 1100 claims or olllccrs and
men of Dewey's Meet for head monev.
The claims arc to be tiled with the
court of claims at Washington for
final action.
Speaking of Admiral Dewey, Ilolden
'While ho Is somewhat worried ow.
Ing to tho exacting duties and respon
sibilities of his position, ho wild his
health was good."
Shawnutown, III., March 10. The
city is threatened with u river Hood
similar to that which swept tho town
a year ago. The leveo Is thought to
be weak In places and tho break is
liable to occur at any time.
Chicago, March 10. Tho army
court of Inquiry continued Its work
today at the stock yards, Investigat
ing the packing houso methods.
Washington, March 10. A cable
gram from Manila says the transport
Grant has arrived with troops In
good condition. The Arizona and
Newport leave today for San Fran
cisco. The Grant brought the
Fortieth Infantry and four companies
of the Seventeenth Infuntry.
Nmw Yonic, March 10. Tho trans
port Manitoba arrived voaay irom
Porto Rice, with tho Forty-seventh
Now York volunteers.
vatc Hurt Moore died on tho train of
fever contracted In Cuba.
Pkicin, March 10. The Chinese
foreign olllcc has a dispatch from St,
Petersburg saying that at a result of
negotiations between Russia and
Great Britain, the Russian minister
here will withdraw his protest ugulust
the Hong Kong contract.
Sevets His Relations With the First
Presbyterian Church, Washington.
lly Aaaoclnteii I'rcaa to the Joiirnnl.
Washington, March 10. Roy. T.
De Witt Talmage, who for nearly 4
years has boon pastor of tho FlrBt,
Presbyterian church of this city, has
sent a letter to tho session of that
church, tendering his resignation.
Tho explanation inudc In tho letter U
as follews:
"Tho Increasing dcmaiids made
unon mo by religious Journalism and
the continuous calls for more general
work In tho cities havo of late years
caused ficqiient Interruptions of my
pastoral work. It Is not right that
this condition of alTalrs should fur
ther continue. Resides this, It Is de
sirable that I have moro opportunity
to meet face to face in religious as
Kcmblagci thoso In this country and
other countries to whom I have,
through tho kludneis of the printing
press, been permitted to preach week
by week and without tho exception of
a week for ubout HO yours. Thoroforc.
though very reluctantly, I have con
cluded, after serving you for nearly
four years In tho pastoral relation, to
send this letter of resignation."
Four Men Klled.
lly Aanoclnteil Vrw to the Jourunl.
Ckuue, Colo., March 10. An explo
sion of powder occurred this morning
j the Commodore mine, killing at
ut least four men.
' Uth
Goes to. Peace Conference,
A Satchel Containing Hall
a Million Bonds
Attached for
a Judgment
Man and Woman Hanged.
lly Aaaoclntcil Pre to tlm Jourunl.
St. Scholastiquk, Quo.. March 10.
Mrs. Cornelia Poirler und and Sam
uel Parslow were hanged this morn
Sugar Bounty Repealed,
lly Adiiorlittert Iren to tlm Joiirnnl.
St. Paul March 10. Tho 6cnatc
haB passed the Ratz bill, repealing tho
sugar oounty law, which has been In
effect In Minnesota since 1805. The
law provided for a bounty of 1 cent
per pound on sugar manufactured
from beets grown In Minnesota.
lly Aaaoclntol I'rcu to the Jourunl
Washington, March 10. Tho Brit
ish secretary has received no official
Information concerning the appoint
tucntof Sir Julian Paundefoto as Brit
ish dclegato to the Czar's peace com
llcrcuce but It Is known tho ambas
sador's appointment has been under
Washington, March 10. ThcNIca
uragua canal pioject occupied consid
erable part of today's cublnct meeting,
The president has the question of the
selection of the commission to exam
ine the several routes under consider
ation and ho may appoint the mem
ber before he leaves for tho south.
Army reorganization matters were
also discussed at somo length.
Chicago, March 10. It Is likely J.
M. SlgafUR of Now York, will havo to
watt for somo tlmo before ho gets
possession of u valise containing
WOO.OOO worth of bonds and certifi
cates of deposit, which were recently
stolen from him, and rccovrcd
by the police. When tho creditors
of Slgufus In Iluvcrlll, Mass..
who hold a Judgment of 8325,000
ngalnst him, read of tho find
they notified their attorneys to attach
tho property. A Judgment ngalnst
Slgafus was obtained In Los Angeles
but no property could bo found on ex
ecution, although tho creditors claim
they liuvo been aware that Slgufus
had a fortuno In bonds and securities.
Legislature Adjourns Without
lly Aa.ocltttctl Prcaa In tlm Jourunl.
Salt Laick, March 10 A largo
crowd assembled lit the legislative
hall last night to witness the closing
of a senatorial campaign tnat has ex
tended throughout tho cnltro length
of tho session, in which A. W. Mc-
Cune has been in tho lead the greater
part of tho time. Tho entry of Hon.
George Q. Cannon In the contest yes
terday was tho sensation of tho day
and on tho balloting last night, when
he run up ahead of McCunc, tho pre
diction seemed to bo general that he
would finally bo elected.
The balloting was exciting and
numerous speeches were mado In tho
Interest of sovcral cundldatcs. C. C.
Richards, of Ogdcn, was taken up by
the King forces, augmented by somo
scattering additions, and received a
llattcrlng voto on sovoral ballots. Ills
name llnally dropped out of the list
und 20 votes wont, to Juntos II,- Moylo.
After this thorn was a goncral scatter
ing of forcoa and at midnight Prosl
dout Ncbcker declared tho Joint as.
scmbly udlourned without the elec
tion of a senator.
Makes the food more delicious and wholesome
ort Ma rowoiw eo., m vopk.
Saciiamknto, Cal , March 10. Tho
assembly has dismissed tho contempt
proceedings against Milton .1. Green,
U. S. Grant's political manager, who
refused to testify as to whom of tho
legislative candidates he had assisted
with Grant's money. Dibble
introduced tho resolution dismissing
Green, although yesterday Dib
ble suld upon the Hour of the assembly
when the same question came up that
to dismiss tho charges would be to
dlsgraco the iissembly. Burnett op
posed the resolution, charging that
money had been ucd. This led to an
exciting scene between Dibble und
Burnett, which resulted In nothing.
Aftor u heated dobalo extending over
an hour, tho resolution was adopted
by a voto of !IT to 13. Tho contempt
proceedings against Giecn uru thus
ended, tho investigating committee
discharged and tho Incident closed
Oalikoknia Unchanged.
Dklwauk No oletlon.
i'BNNSYLVANIA No chlCtloil.
Considering Plans ior
To Establish a More Civil
Form of Government.
Other Domestic and
Foreign Tele-
By Mail lOo Per Cako
or $1.00 Per Dozen.
Money refunded U not latUIactory.
For Sale II y
US Stute Street. SALEM, OHE
We Are Headprtess
lCF jJn r r-Ik i it i ft
l v 3 n mm
II ft u&Slr
For pruning tools of all de
Draw cut Pruning Shears,
Pruning Saws, etc. etc,
N. w. Cor. Slate & Liberty St , Salem.
Manila, March 10. Remains of
Col. Smith. Mayor McConvllle, Cap
tain Elliott and Lieut. Frcnoh, who
were killed lu action, were shipped
home today by the transport Scandla,
tuttii military honors, tho Second
Oregon volunteers furnishing an es
cort through the city.
Washington, March 10. The
cmuer Chicago, has been detached
from the squadron of Rear-Admlial
Sampson, and sailed from Havana for
Hampton roads. The Chicago Is to
beoome.the tlagshlpof Rear-Admiral
Howlson, wtio has been assigned to
the command of the South Atlantic
siutlon of South.Amerlca.
Tv'avah City. Maroh 10. The
Twentv-thlrd Kansas volunteers,
(colored) enroute to Fort Leaven
worth, Kansas, from Santiago, passed
through here today, A short dis
tance from St. Louis a soldier named
Williams was stabbed to ceath by a
comrade named George Ray, Prl-
May Receive a Light Sen
tence on Account of Ago.
Uy Amoclnteil lren to tho Jourunl.
Alhany, N. Y. Mu rcli IO.-Mm
Murgurot E. Cody has been convicted
of attempting to blackmail George
und Helen Gould. Tho lury brought
In a verdict of guilty after being out
eight hours. A recommendation to
mercy was mado.
It Is likely that Mrs. Cody will re
ceive a light penalty on account of
her ago. Tho Jury balloted so von
times before agreeing, tho llrst ballot
standing. Guilty, 8; not guilty, 3;
blank, 1.
Mrs. Cody, who had remained In her
chair In the court room Jmost of the
afternoon, after the oourt udjournod,
waiting to hear her fute, gasped and
all but fainted when sho heard tho
verdict of guilty. It was a quarter of
an hour before she had recovered
sufllslently to allow herself to bo con
ducted to lull.
Grcou's photographic contest at Y.
M.C. A. rooms this evening. Ad
mission lfic, children 10c.
Illustrated songs, a special featuro
utthoY. M.C A. photographic con
test this evening.
Konntors Adums and Duly, were
town today.
KntoO'NIel. who always dies In
"Tho Jowcss," disappointed somo
tiulcui people lust night by refusing
to die at Recd'ri opera house.
Judge Boise's ruling today, in tho
suit to enjoin Geo. G. Bingham got
ting his warrants cashed for noting
as delinquent tux collector, was in ef
fect that thoro was no law to pay
linvono but the slicrllf to collect taxes
and that Bingham had not rendered
any other service
Remember tho Photographic contest
Is In charge of tho Green's this ovo
nlng. Refreshments will ho served.
Admission ICc, children 10c,
An Honor Hpurned.
C. N. Wugncr, of Fossil, Or.! ap
pointed b7 Governor Gcer, us ono of
the commissioners of tho newly
created Wheeler county declines to
servo and has tendered his resignation.
Ed. Edes and Geo. Witters went to
Portland today.
Dr. Copeland went to Portland to
exchange with Dr. Elliot, who occu
pies his pulpit Sunday morning.
Miss Paulina Grills, left today for
Heppner to take a position as trimmer
In a millinery store. Her sister Miss
Maggie accompanied her as far as
lly AnBoolHtoil l're to tlm Journal.
Washington, March 10.- Tho Ad
ministration is contemplating u
change In somo features of tho gov
ernment of Cuba. It Is probablo tho
mllltury government will to a cortaln
extent bo replaced by u civil govern
ment. Th'! hcud of tho government tmus
rcinuln military but. tho plan In con
templation Is to havo civil olllccrs In
nluco of military tnun In tho cablnot
and subordinate positions. It Is be
hoved experts In dltferont lines, such
as tlnunco und revenue und manage
ment of the goncnil business of tho
Islind, and tho different munlolpull-
ties will get ulong moro smrothly
t Iniu with army olllclors. It Is
not know whether tho contemplated
change has reached a point further
than discussion In tho war depart
ment and with tho prcsldcnt.butltBiid
yur.titgcs huvo boon pointed out and
Ihoautuority or too government to
establish such civil government undor
control or tho military government
hits been dctormlncd.
Spiunokikd, 111., Muroh 10. A
Joint meeting of tho coal operators
and miners or Illinois canio rou Har
monious conclusion today with the
adoption of nn agreement und tho
sculo rcc'immoudcd by the Joint sculc
Chkyknnk, March 10. Ono of tho
worst Htormt. of tho season Is raging
hero toduy. Stockman suy this bllz
zard .following tho extremely severe
weather of tho past six weeks, un
doubtedly will cause heavy losses of
cuttle and sheep.
Havana Allows Funds for Public Im
provements. Uy ARoclatet Pre to the Journal. '
Santiago drCuda, March 10. The
remainder of tho funds for February
was formally allowed from Havana
and It Is expected that tho estimate
for March will bo allowed by cable to
morrow, In which caso the work of
public Improvements r;lll bo Immedi
ately resumed.
Major Duncan B. Harrison, who
has been defending beforo the court
martial one of tho men charged with
complicity In the outrago at San
Luis, hii9 boon debarred from further
connection with tho dofense, owing to
contempt of court, Incompetency and
his apparent efforts to Justify his own
conduct on tho occasion of the out
rago Instead of defending his client.
Medical Trust Bill Vetoed.
lly Anooelnleil 1'rcin to the Jonrnnl,
Guthiuk, O. T., March 10. Tho
governor vetoed tho bill regulating
tho practlru of medicine on the
ground that It Interfered with relig
ious liberty. The measure aimed at
Christian Science
' "Mil III I -
i I
Thin hair is starved
Hair Vigor
is food for starved
Ban Fkancibco,
1101 cash 1.131.
lly Aimovliiteil Pre to the Jourunl.
Chioaoo, March lO.-Muy 701; cuth
2 red 70.
Muroh .10-May
Up-To-Date Goods
Alhany, N. Y Muroh 10,-In view
of the recommendation for mercy by
tho Jury, Judge Gregory has suspended
sentence on Mrs. Cody, found guilty
or attempting to blackmail tho heirs the Creams and Greens
rimrtiAiiinnt u lutniv
of Jay Gould.
Postponed a Week.
Tho membership contest now being
waged In tho Y, M. O. A. will bo con
tinued u week longer, lu order that
tho Creams may havo suniclent tlmo
to complete their collection, Thcie
will doubtless bo additional gumes. as
tho Interest Is wuxlng warm between
Further an-
Spring means that nature is renewing itself. Why not renew your apparel?
We have many new novelties .to show you
Get the Best Bicycle Made
Tf m, om itdnu tn anend hard-earned money ror a wheel, don't buy one
becauco or Its flashy appoaraccc- that's soiimtlmes put on to sell poor
goods, or don't let a dealer talk you Into trying a new kind that ho
don't know unjthlng about himself, except us hu has roud In their
catalogue. Even bicycle catalogues sometimes misrepresent fuuts.
Remember you trust your life and limbs
to less than one-fourth your weight In bicycle material every time you
mount your wheel and self regard should prompt you to get tho very
Columbias and Hartfords
are built In an honest manner fr
an honorable tlrm.
Standard of the world
Black Crepon
Tho vry styllah nml muchly ounht ftcr
inbrluUnowhuliiK hown hy us hi beautiful
I'lt-rolln ud llnullluiiuv ellVot. Tho 'rd
5551, 1.75, 2, 2.50
Silk Ginghams
I-ovely new fubrltMi
ityli'.i the jranl
enlu.lve J.Jgli Mill
50 cents
New Dress Goods
HcnrlMlUi. Hrj!M. CoVu. Vena!!"",
Una, Vlgmus. Iiroailoimlu.etp.
It) Hhiit iml Jioum
K. & E. Waists
For Boys
ThU uUlbratuil Wrtlt
50c to 2.50
Crown Waists
Tlm iu.rr.uit llttlnir Shift Wal.t III lIlU H'
(JlSlotUt fuUrltM-W lluHMI Jlllt molTttl,
50c to 53
New Ties
III dainty OhirTyiln, Ifcluml Hatlns. NYhlta
I'llJUM, MKlr, OtU.
10c to $1.25
New Moreen Skirtings
More of tint very )ular Wlrt fabric. In
CrLe, Ordinal, lirown. Oroj', Oretnt. Marine
lUue, DUek ami Uvvndvr,
i fHi
Golf Shirts
New Bprn Mjrlfti In Bilk. Madrat aad
ant mi CropM.
?1, 1.25, 1,50
Horizontal and
Stripe I'eroaW ami MalrlirH; n Jldnj(
$1, 1.25
Children's Suits
gome vry nobby tjlw. thu nwil,
fatud litpcli, ltli funy VttiU.
54 and 5
Young Aten's Suits
Krm l to SO jeor In Hie Utt oloth., .
s8,50, 10 to 13.50
are built In an honest manner from honet material aud guaranteed by
. Quality and workmanship- JP0JKfi? hlKbpr than ftr noor uuodt,
COL UM BIAS $W-0. HAUTJfUUUBWO-cw. vfliwo-i,
.Sroat & Wilson
Jos. Meyers & Sons
Salem's Greater Store.
D t4
iiiiiiitiiiiif tin- '- -