Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1896-1899, March 02, 1899, Image 4

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    bi to i.mua n !. ..iwmw
I ...-. V OUVfl" A
I "juunnnii k-rwi..
Jew Spring Goods-
Dress Goods
Exquisite creations In Black Mo
hair crcpon9, Hllnor crcpomi, utile
crepotmt Dame Patttlon'a dleiatcn Tor
Hprlntf 16W.
Waist Silks
The late arrivals nurpan In beauty
any ebown heretofore.
Exclusive patterns not hown else-where.
New Embroideries
?'cw Laces-
Ncw Wash Goods.
New Liberty Silk.
Ken Duck and Pique.
New Dolled and Fltfurod SwImos.
Sew Persian Lawn.
TN'ew Crashes.
New Ilati.
. B.A'n Impeotlon of the new itock oliolld.
Wo are now allowing the
lo toil in
Rimless Glasses
Loti (told In mountings, tlll
utronKur than ever. Ilcmcmber
wo are Mis peolacle and eye
t'laM 8poelaliU.
20 Years' Experience
OradunUi 0;ilhalHiolotflt, Oon
llsu Prescription a specialty.
The DIcycle Tax.
Judtfc Terrell this morning made
the levy under the new bicycle tax
law placing a tax of II 26 upon each
wheel In Marlon county, and the
county court will hare to approve the
tame at Us next regular wsloii. Sher
iff Durbln will be tho collector of this
special tax. He will receive 3fi cents of
the tux on each wheel out of which hu
mint furnish a suitable tnu to be
placed upon tho wheel, and giro each
bicycle tux-payer a receipt.
.ludiro Terrell Is of the opinion that
lit would be the proper tlilim lo turn
over this fund, which will aiwrflKalo
about 13000 In tho county, to the
wheelman's association fur tho build
in f paths under tho supervision of
tho court.. Uy this plan It Is huh
uustod that the wheclmon will come
nearer Kclttnt; what they want, and
the court will uo relieved of the ro
HDousiuiiiiy oiexporimeniiiiK with a
new proposition.
Salem Is to hare Hornhard Walther,
A Belgian Violinist on March 4.
Does the larjre number of oasea on
his docket Indicate a Judged ability t
Ueofatihe soldier's homo costs at
the rale of Wft pcrewt?atthe ay
lum 9.I8:at the reform school (7.
t I X
There are a number of promlnont
Oregon Statesmen out of a Job who
must be provided for by McKlnley or
it :
If those favored In the nat want (o
Open up the way auctioneer. licenses
tare boon it ran tori tot them etimrupnce
a last ease.
Inpolntof olrcttlatlon Thk Jock
HAU Is the aheap daily of Western Or
ou. J t K008 to most of the lnllll
Kent public men of Oregon.
: 1 1
With the enactment or tin roKltlra
IHiU law and all tho people liuvc
learned about the election frauds the
atmosphere of Orogun ought lo be
The iicwjmhiiioII has aoted woly
In the Interest of all buslnoss mon,
Including strangers and auctioneers,
In putting up the auctioneer's licence
to 8300 Hat.
The little peccadltllo of trying to
vole a little non-resident African at
the late city election will now be re
garded ns entirely and ruroly an In.
:; i
Hofre a toucher punishes a pupll,r
parent a child, for disobeying nny
command, lot them consider whether
there was suntolcnt amount or cor
rrbrallng tusllmony,
The management of the Oregon In
sane asylum Is a political Job from
the onmmllmont or the disarm to
tholr dlMslmrRo. The system Is to
blame for this, but it ousts nearly
twlee as tuiieli as it should.
Tendered to Their Friends by Mr. and
Mrs. Chas. Gray at Twra Hall.
Mr. and Mrs. Ch. A. Gray last
evening received their friends at
Tioga hall and it was without doubt
the swoll social eront of the ouson.
The elegant dancing hall and recep
tion rooms were tastefully decorated
! with ivy and a profusion of ltower.4,
land the finest of orohoslral music was
rendered by Gosm r's orchestra. The
chief entertainment of the evening
was dancing, which was indulged In
by about fifty couple.
Miss Marian Gray presided with
grace at the punch bowl, assisted by
Master George Wm. Gray, while Ices
and enktt were served In u side parlor.
I-very one present seemed In the
bestof spirits, the music was ex:el
lent, the host and hosto wore most
attentive, and the height of enjoy
mont prevailed. Those present were:
Drand Mrs D A Paine, Mr and Mrs
OEKrausc, Drand Mrs W T Wil
llamson, Mr and Mrs Geo G Drown,
Mr and Mrs John KrauM?, Mr and Mrs
E 31 Latere, Mr and Mrs 0 D Gabriel
win, Mr and Mis Hay Gilbert, Mr and
Mrs Hal I) I'atton, Mr and Mrs II
Thlelson, Mr and Mrs John II Mc
Nary, Mr and Mrs Frank H Meredith.
Mrand Mrs J J Murphy, Mr and Mrs
A K Hofer, Mr and Mrs Slophon Sen
lord, Drand Mrs J C Grllllth, Mrand
Mrs K I McCornuck. Judge and Mrs
Its Beau, Mrand Mrs I L Fattcrhon,
Mr and Mrs Joseph Ihumgartncr,
Mrand Mrs Oswald West, Mr and j
Mrs A K Crosby, DrandMrsEA
Fierce, Mrand Mrs F II Anson, Mr
and Mrs Geo A Peebles. Mrnn'J Mrs
BdHlrscl., Mrand Mrs W T Gray,
Mr and Mrs Geo B Gray, Mr and Mrs
II I MeNary, Mr and Mrs .1 M Kyle,
Mrs Ada Kid ridge, Miss Huelat. Miss
Paine, Miss Holso, Miss Brcyman,
Mls Jessie Hreyman, Miss Hlrcl),
MIm Lou Hlrscl', Ml3s Levy, Miss
Hortenso Levy, Miss Oray, Miss
Palmer, Ml Metschan, Judge Goo II
IJurnetl. Mr A T Gilbert, Worrier
Hroyman, Dr Wilson I) MeNary, Mr
TKLovoll. I)r Hurry Ollngor. Mr
Olin- L McN'aiy, Mr F H Muarburn,
Mr Harry Alljert, Mr Pink I'attorson,
Mr II J Oltenlielmer, Dr A A Jotup.
It tiWr l slM nl o(hw Otf (ton towni are
i m irwmi una oai
JtHifBl. iHd
rwiUMlnl l uhmI In llama uf ixrutdal unit wM4t
itwi la itHtt In tii Tli Mlly mm wmiijt
Dr. T. L Golden loft today to visit
Ills ton at Golden' forty on the Sun-tlmn.
Hon, Nod Loonoy went home today
Hfler conferring Willi kUttc olllolal on
wmio mutter of private ami public
late rent.
Harvey Walker In rapidly dltpoilng
of lilt herd uf Jerseys but has some
lino dairy stock loft.
One of those sharp Hod Utile men
was In today and he luUt orchards
out tils wuy wote not hull by the late
SVm. ItuMiy hns gene to his ranch
nt Meliama, after putting In some
lluie ei deputy county clerk on (bo
taxrolt. Mr. liuthoy Uu farmer but
lie Ib alio one of the most competent
clerical oniieu In the eounty.
rim oixiv cunu that does guru
Laxative Hrouvu Quinine Tablets
reuiuvethe uum tbat pmdoeos Ia
Grlpjw Tti genHtrw tws L I). Q.
on each Tablet. c
Anent the Slate Fair.
A gentleman pretty uIihc to Guy.
Occr siys tho now sinio fair board or
II to men will muru than likely be
made up outside or Marlon uouuty.
The objection that It bus boon a
Nitlctn Inhtitutlou will thus bo ob
viated and as all Salem contributions
and (Kissing tho hat was rendered un
necessary by the appropriation lo pay
nil urrearagos. As the fair Is now
woll provided for with mouey for two
years, If the political urufl can be
broken, there can bo no doubt thut
the fair will be a great succcm.
A promlnont Salem Itepuhllcnn pro
diets that nil old party linos are more
than likely to bo ontlroly broken
down nnd a now order of things pro
vail within a year. ven tho Oregon
Ian averts llko sentiment
i : i
Theio Is merit In tho new ordi
nance tolleoiiho auctioneers. Sulom
has been a dumping ground for
bankrupt stocks long enough. The
MOO n year llcene Is a protection to
all merchant. Fake solos undor n
month'. Iluenio, tninsforrod to any
uiin-resldont fakir, have I won wisely
stopped by tho now council.
The Calico Carnival.
The Epworth League, of the First
M. E. church, conducted a successful
calico carnival on Wednesday even
ing In honor of the new furnishing of
the lecture room. Comfortable chairs
with perforated soats have taken the
place of the old stralght-backod Pres
byterian bsnehes. The ceilings are
frescoed and bordered. There Is a
new taWe that Iter. Par-mns ran
pound If heroes tit.
The improvements cost several
hundred dollars and are now nearly
alt paid tor, wtilrh was the object of
the calico social given. About two
hundred attended, the ladles drcs.cd
In print gowns and bewitching old
style bonnets. The gentlemen wore
calico ties not nearly becoming.
There was an arrangement by match
ing calico ftherebypartners were sc
oured for acorpet-helng match, to
see who could sew half a pound of
cupel "rags".
There was a program consisting
mostly of tableau, refreshments were
served and the prizes awarded for the
greatest skill in sewing. L. 0.
Winters tried to auction off some
carpetrags, but that was not a success
and he had a narrow escape, There
was such an uproarious good time
that the reporter could not loarn who
got the prize, nor how much the pro
ceeds were.
l-.ll !
Great Reduction Sale of
Dry Goods and Clothing
The New Process.
The Salem Flouring Mill 'Spoolal"
oeuer limn ever,
Hour l
'Vl.AKKVSA, AlldnuUuMI'urirV
There Are Shoes
That wear wU, but ate not com
fortable; there are tome that tit but
jinyo pool material Our SIkm both
Hi mo feel uml give good wrvlwi.
They are all now stuck and new lvle4
Try a. pair audiou lluo mi other.
Our Men's Hats
Are now tfnods and K- 1 vtiioe. Aa
woarocruvtrici fur rotnu wo are ejv
lug out (liu wrt of Hir ktock. Wiien
jreu want aut, look a oir. We ens
save you money
RcadyvMadc Skirts
Are baaulti They ate telling ftnt.
Iluy youi t.ow and l Um titk.
Willis Bros. & Co.
iBfjpuTiT.WTr uousit :tz
'' 1l?lmD(HiriituUi(f tb'lVwtftHJo.
KtandanI Pattern Uvt UMdftfhwit.
A Hot Cud of
Is what makes a man, woman aud
child undo thesii days, and If you
want to Insure to net It try
3 lbs, for 50c kind
Ho has all vrudwe. aud at tte he
Mlts a eotTee cqualltd by faw
brands or MocUn und Java. Cotf
12 Kute nt Ttoi4Mi 3)
twiwi rt ! of
Stone's Drug: Stores
OovornorOcor'sHrst veU) wna put
upon tho bill regulullng horse shooing
Incltlosof ftO.OOO InhnblUtnts. Tho
bill was simply it grnlt to enable some
blarksmlths of Portland to monopolize
the business and drive out competl
tlon. Hut Governor Geer lias his oyrs
open, and ho Is a dangerous mini for
trusts nnd eomblnos to fool with
mien no sooh tiiom and lie Is vory apt
to we thorn -Populist Ungeno Mroad-
Until McKlnloy aud Ilryan have
mndltlod their views as to the Philip
Pine As we road llrynn's peli In
this ls.uo he 8us: "An Amorlcan
pioUtctorulo until thuy are capable ol
solf-govornincnt." McKlnloy sas:
"Amenenn sovereignty until ihcy nro
euxible of wilfgovornmont." This t
a dlstlnolloii without u dllfernoo,
unless It be for political eifeet. In tho
meantime conditions in Lusnu are
t t t
Astoria Iludget, Im.: VU lie
(MtblbMH majority In the Mleblgao
hntUlatMtt luis uedMl In dtlentlng
UovuriHir l'lngree's effort to iHtrtMluea
the I milium tax fcysWmi lu that state.
At the dktntloH of the rHllrtMids they
will MlMtltHU bill pmvliiliig for a
wioiigruM receipts, by whir u tl
fwds will Mt a laruo jwowwtlooof
Jwl Uxulloti. UeUlitgaiiy rform for
the tMwiottt of lh tropic from a ll.
ItuWlCttH gilNlHI lN tilt wuut
of anilrnel.
Two Uattle-nhip, Two Armored Cruisers
and Four Protected Cruisers.
II)' Aamii'lntt-il l'rraa lit Hip .tiiiiriinl.
Wahiiimoton, March 2 -The naval
appropriation bill, its rcorled U the
Miuule, provides fur i materrul reduc
tion or the iKMim IncreoMrs of the
nmy, giving twohua-golug line battle
ships Instead uf three, two armorod
nrulbers litond of lliicc. and foui
prolectoil cruKcrs Instotid of six.
Tho hoii'.e prh'o of arttior pluto. II5
por ton Is not changed.
A provision Is Inserted to the cITuct
tht,t no moro than twoof thu vossoli.
uuUiorlJod enn Ix; constructed In any
one yard. The bill us rope rted, car
rloH a total appropriation or eiou,-
291,000, or nn Increase J i, or the
uuiouut approprlatwl by the iiotio
amoiiutliig to 2,.1lfcS,.Ttl. The prin
cipal Items of lncruH.se follow : For
drilocKs, jfcOO.OOOj l, 107,000 for tho
iimrlnooMris;$.17o,Oi"J for the II rook
lyn navy yard, and J760.POD, for u
steam onglneerliig plain for the
A provision uf the act of last stolon
providing fur the construction of dry
docks IS IIILHllltlMl Mi MS U MIIUW tllH
oeieury of me uuv to OHiilru.l for
llm ooiislructmii or Hie tour docks
nmuul lo be built uf granlle.tliB limit
ut cust In euch cae lo be rlxed at
2.I0O.WW. The provtsloif mukort lm
inoiliulu addtllutiul upproprlatli;u of
Mvo,oou. The amount ot O0,(XHJ up
propria! wl by the liouse bill towurd
ihu wiulpiiieiit or the new eels Is
I iHsrouirtMl 10 9 I0O.IKX).
'IhnappropiUttoi8 eommlttet) has
tltKi reHir(tl the fortlAeatluui- bill
Samoan Troublu Due to That Govern
ment's Duplicity.
Ilr .fiiK'liitit I'rrM lu tlie Jimrnnl.
London, March 1 The Daily
Graphic has published a story from a
Samoan correspondent or recent
events there, attributing the whole
trouble to the attempts or Germany
to upset the Berlin treaty and accuse
supremacy In the Islands. The cor
respondent says:
"The Germans, long Joalous of
growing Hrltlsh Inlluencc, seled the
oppertunlty lo break faith. Malic
toa's parly would undoubtedly have
been ylotorous If supplied with arms
and ammunition as the Germans sup
plied Mutaafa; but the British, loyal
to the treaty, refused to supply either
The correspondent then proceeds to
describe what he culls the "Gorman
plot to induce Matuafa's force of 5000
man to take the Islands by storm."
He says on this point;
"Die Germans tried their utmost to
make the nathes attack the British
consulate and the mission-house,
where the coumiI was giving refuge to
British subjects. It was only respect
and four for the British Hug Hint held
the natives back. The Germans told
the nativos to kill all the English
missionaries and lo sweep the 'pigs uf
England, Into the -ea. The looting
was terrible. Twenty villages were
uttorly wrecked, the h(.uos do-lrojcd
nnd the villagors left destitute."
The Dully Nes In un odltorljtl on
the Sumooii question teys:
'If Baron Buolow would bs a little
more oxpllclt there might l a better
chance of doing business Certainly
the present nrrungcmonl Is a failure.
The Tlmos, commenting editorially
upon the speech or Huron ymi llueln'w
in tliorelchstug. is Inclined to think
that n partition or Somoo will prove
the ti riti I solution or the problem.
We bate Just got through taking our Inventory and llnd shelves and I counter
crowded with goods. Our spring goods are on the road. Some of them have
iwinn tn nrrl vb and wo need the money to pay for them. 1 herefore,
JWe will make a sweeping reduction on all lines of goods,
Fine Table Cloth, former price, 50 cents a yard now 25 cents a yard.
Turkey Red Table Cloth, fast color, formerly 60 cents a yard-now 2o cenf.
A large assortmentof Dress Prints, formerly 5c and Oc yard-now 3!c a yd.
Broken lines of Kid Gloves,
Very tine quality In small sizes worth 31.50 to 11.75 a pair; now 75c a pair.
Misses' Kid Gloves, worth 75e to 31 a pair, now -10 cents a pair.
Fine Veiling, latest style, worth .'15 cents a yard, now 16 cents a yard.
We have a cheaper line or Veiling, all silk, thut we will sell rnr 5 cents a yard.
A large line or Ribbon Remnants, worth 15c to 25c each, goes now for 10c each.
EMBROIDERIES 1,000 patterns to select from,
Fine Embroideries at 5 cents a yard, . '
t Ine Embroideries, 21 Inches wide, for 6 cents a yard.
. Fine Embroideries, 3$ Inches wide, for Hi cents a yard. j,
. Fine Embroideries, 4i Inches wide, for 12 cents a yard. Jk
Fine Embroideries, 10 Inches wide, for 20 cents a yard. ' X
Fine Embroideries, 11 Inches wide, for 25 cents a yard .-.
1 All-over Embroideries, In white, black, red and blue. Several nice pieces of whlto 4
I Tucking at reduced prices. j
Fine Black Dress Goods, former price 81.25 a yard, now 75 cents a yard. '.
, Fine Black Dress GDods, former price 05 cents a yard, now 37 ceuts a yard. .
Fine Black Dress Goods, former price 40 cents a yard, 20 cents a yard.
I Fine Black DressGoods, former price 25 cents a yard, now 12 cents a yard, - j
Skirt Linings at 31 cents a yard; Waist Linings at 8 cents a yard. ...
Velvets and Plushes at half price. . '"
Canton Flannels, formerly til cents a yard, goes now for-) cents a yurd. and better
grades In proportion.
Blankets, Comforters, Trunks and Valises,
Men's Suits, rormerly 1(1.50 a suit, now 84 00a suit
Men'sSults, formerly 89a suit, now 0 60 a suit
Men's Suits, formerly S10 a suit, now m 7 60oault
Men'sSults, formerly 812 a suit, now 875 n suit
Men's Overcoats, formerly 37.60, now 500 'each
Men's Overcoats, formerly 312, now 8 00 erach
Men's Mackintoshes, formerly 82.60, now j 75 each
Men's Mackintoshes, formerly 84.50, now 305 e .
Men's Mackintoshes, formerly 85, now , " 350 0ach
1 1 . Ile"'onibcr every article In the store at reduced price. Come and see for yourselves. Underwear ' socks ovir
. shir s.uuibrollas.handkerchlers. etc, Included In this sale. Comeearlyaod yet vour pick of these Sooff for tbl
goodn cannot be bought wholesale for the mooev. ' u p,l-"'ul u,t8 kooaa, ror ttie
Corner State and Commercial Streets.
Hood's Sarsuparllla iievor dlsap
points. It mnv be taken for Imnuro
and Impoverished blood with wrtcuM
uonlidcuco that It will cure.
.I0I111 P. Robertson has left for his
ruicli in the mountains nearMlnto,
m 11
To erne I. Grippe, keep warm, eitxrehlh
the feet, and take Dr. Mile' Nervine.
Prwapu Your OnUr.
YouobUlntlw ml to lm hud lu
lit market at biroug'a rvsuur
am. a-j.at
KiImmUod and brwk dowr followt Chin
hoeU It by utic Dr. Mdw' iNVm.
tum. ommoa
tlw (t tft HVWtMH an Wu .1
S. m m CMwmwvtei u j .
fMNt"M lib a wiflm IH uiiMaN
MriMa.ikM tltoU. Hfer rm
m uroNic
laatiiiMiua tri Hlahia
Tkiim aU In.
TU iMUrrujuloH of traitk oo IU
SouthwH PuetBo. frotM mvy rain
IHWpNH wtK, w at mm eiMl. Thi
HiurnUy tuoritliH! ovwrlamj not in i '
JUu. ut. Tb trala due Wdnedav
worstiM nut nt nv, n. w , M ,,n
Um KuMtwru kioni. IbmtQ hiiI
if aUo i!o4ayt Mtrwrfti dy by
Homt, but am sow aifalH o Uwe
Away With Weeds
Island Garden Sand
nr bow tillua u ittH uuallli tat
tiutk-a ami m kail Wait Mud ou-ImM
Kwm aVl'udnl lor mrtlvua ! frrtlllawa.
IU) aUaiKl tit Wuud M kV twtl httiMT
i. a aKXTi u x o
4irtiK I 1
xi.fraiori Ut tUlrm lm
It Krutil Sitrtwl
Yorj Want
Qfteia tUfte ttMMMamU 4 viettM.
Ik. MU'mutt u cana t)toMWl.
- 14LU
jrewOiniury ...
aow Ywi
Typewriters for Pent.
SaIm Tyi ewrifei Km hano
a4 Htntwy,
&y. LOOK WOOD, Iror
OfUce Phono 4H, i?e. PhoueS.
288 Commercial St,
salum. qui:
TIk S4MM OW sMy.
A.uUuv.l rr I.. U Juurnnt.
iK.YTUt, Mann t -Anvils flow
Dw Mr tlimiHMM, arv (jylajp uf
tnry in Uh. MtrUi of that oltv.
RwMiUy JuhH MilMwil ws Km .
hi dswd m h tentott Vbjuirta guWi.
ft tor tMib, hhhM tn tut anyUtiHg
to Utlp btiMtir. Ills pan, U4
thklHtf eat oi hlw. but woe
ttrtchM wiiM rvv ttd bo'trnvd t.
DawH ftr HMlie al4.
THufiwW MMuiMiauur t Itom
WSjtlM HMd UM lwp..MUHt ruling
mi -a txtrHW kteatlHtf etelt, and,;
tprviMiiHg, IfHjlMg It. a IttHl-
r NHnratabltt, cuh make an aikkkvtt
tetlwi hihI Ws-ttln ms rjct, vt i,
iwln 9a URctiplki urwiwUtii thm,
jugira rorwu wMtblgrluHt of
' 1 1 ... I
T lr Udiii(MttUH ruittvr,
vft f,M t atMi.v IkM f asa.
f I) v laU to i. arv,.,n rrw wTf HUK
Kitchen Tilings
and Other Things
U whni ytm tu ailll muiubr
WlV we llivi H mil f uf Tie awl
Sinrl KiuHtrlcd Vm i loi, Sauw
lao, krtllM. I'ups Tm and uir-
Iuuu and all U vrytk) Wiioln, od
aril I nam al our tuimjiHr w.i-.
Prlcta, whtrh uietna a aawtu: i.( rrMii
W Hi m twr rant In Uw Mtmller
Uiltw ut. tik KtlckM Kntvw, wire
hlave. Stnlnr, Kw Haaiars, lkt
insbputtaaMl in ctoMtts of sautll
Uliwyoualwtjafun3ot Ull you mw
thui im nd fur )..urslf.
Vm rr always wtlroast.
Other New Lines
Out 4 nm.
I Bicycles and
Tlwt lltUe TwirM" wlMaU. mail.
Mibi and gtiaraul4l uy Uw Sieariis
tu. is a bottutv. Te rtw b ffifij
Ui. 8X0, awl tlie wH bait td frtw
top to bobttni, runs )k a draiu
wuot to buy or not. "
On account of whom it may concern we will
sell all of the stock ot goods, consisting of
clothing, boots, shoes, hats, gent's furnishing
goods, trunks, valises, etc, etc, Sales daily at
2 and 7 p, m, until the whole stock is disposed
of without limit or reserve,
The Stearns
The nuly ami ortKlaol StoarL Iim.
proved in eovsral points for W and
soIUok axaln at the prlee tkat bwtKlit
wUttilidown to where t4wy lokwr-.
Cyme an
d see it.
on. Lamps.
warty fr m. w 9 9ma !
WCft' " COMMBKOUI. bfltttV
96 State Street, Patton Block