?. p v " TCPEiW WMMWJit ,11 DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL. Vf rf ' " - . ,' . ;.... ,jfc.L, . 3SlV y'r," VOL. X. The Question Is How Can the New York Racket Sell their Roods nt Mich low prices ? For the reason that, they buy for curIi, and .sell at very clo..e profit tor cush. They have now In stock new designs In Hed Spreads, from 70c to $2.75. LACE CURTAINS- From (JOc to &.1.25;par pair; Ribbons In all shades. , CORSETS-- Flne styles and quality, from .Vic to OSc. LAUNDRIHDSHlRTS- Whlteand Colored Bosom; and all kinds of Work Slifrt's from 2.ri cents upward. A FINE LINE OF OLOVES- From 2.'ij to $1.00 Tor llrst-clus Gloves. . IIATS- Is late stj les for Men and Beys: LINEN AND COTTON TOWELS unisn, Tauio uaiuusK, kic uaii unu many more linos urg"oas. THE NEW YORK RACKET. TVS. BURROUGHS ...Sanitary Appliances of 111 Kinds ksti mates furnished. PRICES TO SUIT THE.TIMES. lO.'t STATE STHBKT KNOCKED DOOIN! HARRITT & LAWRENCE Have knocked down the price of 1 SPECIAL fj Every Article in the JIARIUTT & I;AWRENCE, pias3gp VDICAIED iOMDLEXlONTOiliT WANTED ONIONS, WE PAYJ1I0HEST OREGON GREEN AND DRIED FRUIT CO. PftTJlTlllfx lUIAlUlw, Suitable Tools Embroideries, lino Trimming Laces, and and Cain at low prices. ana save money on all the above at d 1 1 PIIONF. 151 MR r.x.sz Store in Proportion. Old P. O Uuockiiy USE DR. WARNER'S MEDICATED COMPLEXION AND TOILET SOAP For the Complexion and all skin diseases. By Mail lOo Per Cake or $1.00 Per Dozon. Money rufumlotl if nut fcatltfnclory. Kor Bute Ily BAItll BUGS. UABlMtefltm't, . MAI.HM, OUR HAY AND OATS CASH PRICE. 53 Stale Street, Salem, Ore FUR ALL TRADES. A man might as well try tji work with his hands alone uniWs he has the tools that help. THE BEST is none too g- od for the uiun that oVs the work. .THE BEST Win nl.viy hi found at GRAY BROS. MAMf" Couldn't Stand the Transport Morgan Arrives With Officers Wives, BgtThoyAro Not Yet Allowed to Land. Ily Aaanrlnteil I'reaa to I lit Jonrnnl. Nbw yokk, March 2. A dlsjatch to the Herald from Manila says. The former Spanish gunboat La Gana de Bayo opened tire on the In surgents on the opposite side from Wheaton's brigade. The Insurgents replied with a rlHc lire, but could not stand before the hall from Lliu yiillinK guns. The engagement lasted for three quarters X)fan hour and tho Insur gents scattered, but as toon as the guoboat withdrew they returned again and opened an annoying cross tire. Manila, March 2-Caf (tallies near San Pedto Mncut.l, March 1 were as follews: First Washington, Company C, Corporal Ylchert, wound In shoul der, moderate; Private Osborne, chest wound, severe. Manila, March 2 Tills Is the hot tcstduy of the season, but all is quiet Inside and outride our lines and the majority of the men are kupt In the shade. The Transport Morgan City has ar rived. The wives of olllcers and other woman passcngors are not allowed to land, the authorities considering the condition ashore too unsettled. The United j IIono Konu, March States Philippine commission has left here on tho Baltimore f:r Manila. Beklin, March 2-IIIh German authority assures u correspondent of the Associated Press that the motives which Induced Germans to entrust the protection of tho Germans In Philippine Islands to tho Amorlcns arc simple. The German warships In the far cast arc needed In Chinese waters and Germany feels that Ger man Interests aro safe undcj the protection of Americans This implies a high compliment to the United States but Is only in consonance with the previous declara tions of Baron Von Buelow. Regard In Samoa the same authority said that Germaoy was awaiting tho Initiative or tho other two powers. ! Nc Double Track. Ily Aaauclnlcil I'rcaa Jo the Jiturniil. Cincinnati, March 2. Charles Fee, general passenger agent'of the North ern raclllc railroad, staled that on March 12 his road would start a double dally transcontinental trains from St. Paul and Minneapolis to ' Portlund, their North Pacillc point. Ready for Business We have the stouk nd hklll to make you a tine Imrrio&s Call and we F. K Sharer it Co., 128 State street, Still Leading All nd in I re the "Uonners" and "mezzo-tints" made at tho Cronis? Studio over the New York Racket. HED FRONT LIVERY FirstClass Feed and Boarding Staolcs. 104 COMMKKCIAL STKKOT. SALEM, ORE. WTm TTT T DT?V Dpat. ! W 111 UJjLllJJ I rlUUi IliuiuumuiJijiiuii, Best Rigt for Commercial Men Stable. In mint I1 Ic Hotel Willamette tfJTSare teams und comfortable rlws forladlosand family drlvlnv a spe laity. Horses boa' (led by day. week or month arid best of atlfuotlon guaranteed. 3-1 tr VIOLIN "WSttlK TEACHER iSfynAT- Gatlmgs SALEM", OREGON, THUESDAY, MAHCII 2, 1890. THREE CONCERTS With Eierht World Renowned Mu sicians May Come to Salem. The Musical People of Salem and Other To.vns Are Greatly Interested, The announcement that there Is a probability of everyone being nblo to hear eight celebrated musicians Is the cause of exceptional enthusiasm among our musical people. Wc have hud many lino concerts, but this pro position is to scenre sucit talent as Kalcmltcs nover dreamed of bearing In their own city. The claht -artists are divided Into Mirers grand concert companies, notice trjcse names. Wc lmyc nil read of their many suc cesses at homo And abroad, and some of the names aro very familiar: Bendlx, violin. 3odoskosky, pianist. Schucnkcr. harpist, Bruno Stclndel, cellist. M rs. Stclndel, pianist. .Icaonle Scott, pianist. Minnie Fist Grlllln, soprano. MlssOsborn, sopruno. Tub Journal desires to make all Its rotders fully rnullzo that thoso names represent the very cream of the world's most famous musicians. Salem's musicians arc thoroughly aroused, ami the Journal Is author ized to say that subscription sheets may be found in the following places: Dearborn's book store, Wiggins' Ba zaar, Mrs. WiHman's studio, Mr. Tlllson's studio, Will's music store, and at the College of Music. It Is understood that several of tho pronil- Tie Word Thursday. March 2, 1809, There bus been Considerable improvement In tho Popo's condition. The national debt Increased 85,279,610 during Februury. Premier Sdgasto has handed the queen regent the resignation or the cabinet. Mrs. John A. Logan who has been seriously 111 at Washington, is out of danger. Willi sharp advances In the price of Iron tho wages or operatives In great Iron centers are going up Senor Cuestas has been re elected president of Uruguay. The Cuban assembly mot today. troops wctc discussed. General Gomez had a conference stood r,:iai tne military autiiorltcs hao requested Washington to send to Cuba tho $3,000,000 which Is to bo distributed ameng the Cuban troops. Tho report Is that Rudyard Kipling's aro groat hopes of his .recovery. ncnt teachers of music will make a special effort with subscription blanks, Such of the local musicians as we havo been nblo to Inlorvlow give their unqualified endorsement and enthusiastic support to the proposl tlonof securing 8 of tho first artists In tho country for Salem. I'HOMIT ACTION IS NKKDKD. If the public desires these concerts, a ready response to this call Is I in per ativc. If 200. course tickets arc sub scribed by next Tuesday night, thore aro three of Salem's business men who stand willing and ready to shoulder all tho rest cf tho responsibility, It Is a big undertaking und worthy or tho Capital City or the btntoof Ore gon. Tut: Jouunal reels free to urge all citizens who have any prldo in the musical advancement of their beau tiful city to support tills enterprising move. Yukon Find Ily- Aaaoclnletl I'rt-aa (n (lie Journal. Chioaoo, Marcli 2. An assay or btaoksaud round in Ilootallnquu river Alaska Is said to show that a ton of It I contains $770 worth or platinum, ho , skips gold, tin, copper and Irldosmine. The grout value lu said to be In the platinum which Is round only In the Ural mountains or Russia. Farmers and Producers, ; We arc open for a trade, bring in j your produots und exchange for pie- turou. "Crontse" Studio over New i York Ratskct. iThe Columbia crowned with tub wreath of success, ad- KNOWLBDGEI) BY SCIENTIFIC AND MECHANICAL EXPERTS to be the TRUEST. SIMPLEST and tl..,r. rore THE MOST PERFECT BICYCLE overbuilt. Hun dred or testimonials all over the country proulalm their superiority. 1895 models $75 1698 models S65 Columbia Chain Wheels $50, $40 Finest wheels built, ut the prlge ot the poorest. Hartfords 535 Vedettes $25, $26 CONGRESS ! 'at nnrn-m! ULUBlBli i i Scramble for Recog " ' nition. Representatives Clamoring Before Reed's Throne, i Gold f Democrat Gots ship. a. Judge- By Aaaorlntrd Prraa . the .lournnl. (Washington, March 2. Tho course pursued by tho commander of the gunboat Marietta at Blucllclds is fully approved here. It Is said that Captain Symoods probably sayed iliuch bloodshed and rioting by adop ting linn measures In tcrmlnalng the active resistance of the rebels. Washington, March 2. A confer- in a Minute. Matters pertaining to the payment of with tho governor-general, It is under conditions Is satisfactory and there enco report on tho bill authdrlzlng tho governors of states to be reim bursed ror expenses Incurred In rais ing and equipping volunteer was agreed to. Tho conference report on tho naval personnel bill was agreed to. In the house there was a great scramble for unanimous consont when tho houso met. With tho end or- con gress 48 hours on almost every mem ber had some scheme which ho was trying to save from death on tho cal endar and they stood In front or the speaker's rostrum ton deep clamoring ror recognition. Nkw Yoiik, March 2.-A dispatch to tho Trlbuno from Washington says the presldont lias olTorcd to Senator Gray of Doluware, and he bus ac cepted, tho new circuit judgeship created under tho recent act of con gress In tile third Judicial circuit. Tho resolution to declare GoiicmI i Wheeler, und other representatives holding army commissions to have va cated scuts In the house, was called up. The house refused to consider the matter. U bo admiral of tho navy has been ' made out und sent, to the White House to be in readiness when the bill ' creating the nnice of admiral Is signed by the president. Chainless,. .Sraat & Wilson DALTON TRAIL MEWS. Canadian Officials Advancing tho Brit'sh Flag. Ily AaauHitteil I'rraa lu I tic Jonrnnl. Vancouvku. Mar. 2.-Lottcr rrom the Lac La Iloche cniup lu tho Cari boo gold country says a Hood, caused by volcanic action on Lookout moun tain which melted snow, caused much damage. ViOTontA, March 2. Minors Just arrived rrom tho North say Canadian onicluls on the Dalton Trail havo ad vanced a considerable distance Into American territory and planted tho British Hag within seven nnlps of tho Haines Mission. News Is also brought that a number or miners were frozen to death on tho Atlln trail during tho terrible cold snap of Sunday and Mon day a week ago, Prlntshop Chtngcs Hands, Hon. E, II. Flugg .has surrendered tho Capital Printing Co. to the mort gagee, the Capital National bank. Mr. Flagg was former manager of the Dally Democrat nnd also or u literary paper. A NEW PARTY. The Union Refotm Hany Organized at Cincinnati, Ily Aaauplnlrit I'rraa (o tlir Journal. Cincinnati, March 2. A general conferenco or tho Union Reform party spent most of tho morning session la commit' o of the whole c ti Idcrlng re ports. ' The general conferenco begun a ses slon or two duys at tho Odd Fallows auditorium last night. The now or ganization will seek to umuluumole tho Silver Republicans, Populists, So cial Lubor puny and Liberal party, In fact all tho rulnor parties except the Prohibitionists. There was 17 stutcs represented in the national conference. No credentials were re quired, uh all who favor the referen dum principle wero admitted. Tho following temporary olllcers were chesen: Chairman, A. C. Rlchcl berger, Baltimore; secretary, G. II, Lock wood, Vlncennes, tnd. Thocommltlco on resolutions sub mitted a report, which was adopted, declaring In favor of tho Initiative and referendum and the Imperative mandate, and Inviting all persons who bcllovc In the system advocated to Join tho party. Tho resolutions reclto Dial legisla tive bodies of tho country no longer represent people, but have coino under control of corrupt iufluonces, with the result that legislation Is now In the Interest or tho corrupt few und against the Interests of the yolcolcss masses, arid that the people uro gov erned by laws which they did not enact and cannot repoal. A permanent organization was cf rccted, with R. S, Thompson, or Sprlnglleld, O., as chairman, and Asa Taylor or Omaha, as secretary. Over $1000 wus raised on tho floor ror the use of the national executive com mittee, of which Presldont Thompson will bo chairman, A plnn was adopted for tho Independent action of the union reform party lu all Btatca and districts, so im to prevent the party from fusing with other parties. ...OUR NEW SPRING GOODS... Arc more than attractive, prices irresistible, and honest values stitched with truthful words. Wear a- Crown Waist Note tho style Sixty dozen of this celebrated Shirt Waist, just received ut prices from 50C to $3,00 i (New Battcnberg Bruids nd Rings save 10 to 'M per cent by getting them here. iNew Arrivals j The very stylish and inuohly sought lufter BLACK PIEROLLAS and , BOUILLON NEORETONH Jos. Meyers & Sons, Sadism's Greatest Store. '-i-C5 55 aVAI Baking K rr mj-"mm AS01UIELY,PtJRE Makes tho food more delicious and wholesome OTH Mump He Tried to Make Sheriff Throw Up His Hands. His Alleged Conversion and Baptism Proved to Be, Hypo critical. (KuKonoQuanl. Msn'li t.) Claudo Branton, tho coudemded murderer, about 8 o'clock this morn ing In tho county Jail hod a queer experience, or rather Sheriff Withers did. that tried tho hitters nerve. As Is u well know fact Branton has lately claimed to havo been converted, but this act shows him to still bo a deep dyed vidian and not a Christian. Shottll Withers, as Is his usual cus tom went' to the Jail this morning and let out Mr. Pratt, tho death watch, to go after the breakfast for tho pris oners. He opened the Jail of Bran ton's cell and let him out Into the corldor between tho raws of steel cello to exercise and to wash. Ho kept tho door to the corridor doubly locked. Mr. Wither then commenced reading his mall which ho had received at tho pnslotllco.stttlog In a ohnlr. All at onco Branton exclaimed; You are a Christian alnt you Withers ? Mr. Withers answered, "yes." "If you wore In hero 'wouldn't Mr. you got out If It was possible." Tho sheriff, good uatiircdly, "yea," hardly looking up. Then Branton stepped back the corridor, whore It wus a dark, and holding In hi? hand resembled u navy six slnotcr. said Into llttlo what suld leudly: "Thrwow up your hands." Mr. Withers was amazed and thought Branton had by some means procured a gun, but kept cool and said: "Oh. cotno ofT." In a row seconds HrantorTcoudludcd his ruso hud been discovered and laughed and claimed "he meant noth Ing." Howovcr, he stated that If he hud a real gun ho would huyc done boiiio real shooting, It was Brunton's Idea to make tho sheriff throw up his hands tlicn ho would reach through und get his re volver. This would havo been Impossible as tho sheriff was ton fur back from the Iron grating. Tho alleged pistol was an Ingeni ous model of a navy revolver. It was made out of u roasted potato ror a barrel, h plcco or tin rrom one or his suspenders ror u sight, while the chamber was mado rrom u plcco of boiled potato, and tho leadon mess enger wore pieces of burnt bancs, and tho whole was covered with tin roll. The Senatorslup. Ily Aaaootnlvil I'rcaa (o the Jonrnul. Pknnuylvawa, No election. NismcAHiCA, Practically unchanged republican cuueus this ufternoon. bACitAMKNTO, Mar. 2. No change. Utah. No election. AUii lu uo.now ltl Dr. Utlua t'am Till. New Rococo Curtains The latest ruge. We will snow you tho new style of bunging them. Tho pair $4.00 to $6.50 New Dress Goods Many or tho loog.lookod ror Drcsi Fabrics are now on our counters. The greatest values cvershown by us. New Gordons,$3,00 Every hat guaranteed. Be In with the push and get more valuo ror $3 than In any other hat at any price. CLAUDE T NO. 52. Powder POWMW CO., MW VOBK. HANNA SHIPPING BILL. Additional Amendments Reported by Senator Frye, Ily Aaaoclntcit I'rca In the Jonrnnl. Washington, March 2.-Scnator Frye, from tho committee on com merce, has reported additional amend ments to iho Hanna-Pavne shipping bill. The amendments place addi tional restraints on tho bill and are Intended to meet the criticisms that have been made upon the measure. The assertion has been made that it tho bill should become a law, It would in time require an annual expenditure or $100,000,000. To meet this criticism a provision wus Inserted, limiting tho aggregato bounties to $0,000,000 an nually, tho In ngungo of this now pro vision boing us follews: Tho total compensation to bo paid out of tho treasury, as provided In this scotlon, shall In no fiscal year ex ceed the sum or $0,000,000, and the secretary or the treasury shall make such regulations for tho payment of suld compensation earned under this section ror any ono year over and ubovo $0,000,000, to bo deducted pro rata from the total compensation due each Individual or corporation .en titled to such compensation during said fiscal year. Tho bill as originally reported, ex tended Iti proposed benefits to forolgnbutlt vessels under contract for American citizens on January I lust. Advantage It Is asserted, al ready bus been taken of this provis ion, and a number of contracts ore said to havo sprung Into exlstonce for tho construction of ships abroad. As now reported that language Is changed so as to rcqulro that ships coming under this provision shall have been In actual course of con struction January 1. Tho bounty to bo puld to forclgmbullt vessels is also reduced to CO per cont under the now addition to tho bill. Do You Want Consumption? Wo aro euro you do not. Nobody wants it. Hut It cornos to many thousands every year. It comes to thoso who havo had coughs and colds until tho throat 1.1 raw, and tho lin ing membranes of tho tunes are in flamed. Stop your cough when it first niipoars, ana you remoro tne great danger of future trouble. Auer's mi cm i i stops coughs of all kinds. It does so becnusa it Is a soothing and heal ing remody or great power. This mnkes It the groatMt prerentlro to consumption. TwosliesSl.0060o.Atalldruglt. Mmdloal Atlvloo Frco. Wrll rrelratliatrtlcuUt In your rata, you win rwB . :".'. .,Vil., WltllOUtt liout coiu AoartM, uii. j. u. ," j,owm, ! WHEAT MARKET. Chicago, Muruh 2. May 721; ca&h 2 rod 72. San Fkancisoo, Murh 2 May 1.101 cash l,12i. HAnT, BOrlAFPNER & MARX. GUARANTEED OLOTHIHO. Our handsome II. S. X M. Clothing uro Just right; richly lined und tail ored. They reprosont tho highest tailoring art In Amorloa. Now lines to show you. No lort-ovors trout another store to work oil as now goods. NEW SWEATERS. NEW SHIRTS. NEW PANTS, NEW SILKS, NEW QI NO II A MS. NEW CRASHES. NEW PRINTS. NEW BELTS.. NB-V TIES s NEW OAKS, merry reou feflM ' i I m ' tf ! .:.' r ,yfj xvy. 1 ,j