Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1896-1899, February 25, 1899, Image 2

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?'-' ir?gjae&&!&itm(S&a
P as
WQ& fflT
serious diseases, such as sciatic., neuralgia, rheum
uism and all forms of ttoKness, either In men or women.
HIM tMl WMrf A4MtiuirnMHfi(Mf 1Km4imi fnt M . "f kl
l My ftl hHh Hntll Iwijpmh C",whrfi foetal neuralgia derttotwd The
( m fearful fnmataat I mralil hare Mrrrc attaefca during lle nlriit.
"""i iraiwii(i iv cttx rii
thla llMMe ftfBWnr wk. Onr
Ui. tl wlUi no benefit. Huppctilnr
Ihr mrHUof lr WHllatna' ITnk rill
wr irirs bctiuftwkiiit, mi wim
I Bnlstitd the a-eond box I w better I was nevermore happy In myllfe
thn over the fart that lta getting well Aner taking-the Ihlrd box the
pa la left sic, nd vhcu I had linbbed the CfUi box I was well
KmiMlIt (W.I Crtitr.
At all drutthts or sent direct by the Dr Williams
Medicine Co , Schenectady, N.Y., 5o per box-, 6 boxes,$2?
ay HOKteit hkotkuks,
8ATUKDAY, FKURUAItY 2fi, 1800.
Daily, One Year S3 00, In Advance
Daily, Tour Mouths 31 00, L Advance
Waoltly, Ono Year 01.00, In Advance
Home isniall pullUslttns unci mtiall
newapaper editors tlollght to anil Tim
Journal u Populist paper. Thoy arc
tlieklndof belriLi who will nunioii at
northing tlioy do net understand or
cannot run. Tliay oell tlia citizen's
ndmlnlrUrtntlon nt Salem, liiMdcd by
prominent lUipubllaami PopullHt.
Tho editor of Tun Jouiinai. nnd Tub
Jouunai. haya tiovor boon I'opullit In
the part Iran or, iw wiaccoptod by.
the Populist party. They Imyq been
nlways for tlio people, for good iwyorn
tnent, o iiguitml tlio spoilsman for
psrtUau purKK(m tlio howling do
nunolutory partlnm for revenue, or
tlio stand-in smoothly stylo of imlrlnt
who pretend tohava moriil prltiol
plea but never lata them Inlcrforo with
Itraftcraln liisowu party or outrage
on tliopiiblioootuiiilttod by tho gang
or machine of IiIk own party. Tin:
JoUUNAi.haauhvuy uphold llopuull
can who honestly vorvwl tlio peaplo
nnd did tlialr duty.
It It umkiisanyourt Imppy tu otiU uh
n i'qpullst, they bio weloomo to tho
fulloit oiijoyimnit uf tlio privilege.
Tiiorc uto lionuBt, liouorablo 1'onu
lUtu, just at thoio uro Iiuiimi liooorn-
bio niun In all twrtlwt. Hut Jutt tho
revuna l nlwi truo of dl thwo par
ties, b'ouio of tho oamjiiIIiiI fundii
menial prlnalplauf tho Domoorutlo
nndodhs PopnllbL purtlftH aro Jlytit
and woilo nut iwrowho thlnkj or
oalU iik a IHipullit for MytiiK o.
ThU U a wvoiHiriatit of tho ioople
or It Is noUilnif. i'rwldwit MoKlnley
v.ss rlKht In oowiiw vtt ami uottlnu
ill touoh Willi thopwploon (be (jtion-
Of all lite
whuk alt M.-
Ium at calM U
Mihw the mtK
4 tk kartUst
tu Iwai UwUta
the kr44 jH
In W iMitit h
Sw York City st
hmnt a law
Mt4 smMc have
4il ta a wett.
Of rutmc, (e a
Cfuw4t4 attj-,
witit Ha vuMsal
tory tliktt lci
many of MicM
tleaiba whI4
wtw a-tCHtrtS
war. 11m
hti nroalM ilut IM u
faaefsiat tTiiuiieg laaiiM In tHa vZttlfMii
T)jeeU:iWasUH Wuih tMaTiii iktli WmMm
me shkm im mk. Tint 4Mttf katd
tim wily &HtHHl ut rmU( Uwir
If wmuh utwk wr UUh. b W
MMriliy attviM 4 I4 to mM Us.
Ut ailwurt. efThltdlMMd atM mwi taVf
V iU1 If" ut JtTaHa A uUa
wlfekla4(lHHiuwa. H PtMr
Svwft 'KliMtwt la a womtrtAil wed
leiae fer alljr ymmu It .t. llirtly uh
tlw iMiMto tad IwiMHtaat wkhw i.
Mia, stew Mta4 dmiM ami
2lMlSiMjttilf My ,"'U
kai AarVar. ThU etaat lAk tMi hi m4
l " sUStrta. ami SC
mMii it eoutaiuk iujc uj
It eotaiM iMt MM. aui mm
2gW ymm JHcH
?JJ9&ejfi J
- "!,"'-" W
1 Jfc V 4U
I W MfpiMl
i llll r'yfwif
MmSm, ta awati
MttMiMC" -"- L
to be Healthy1
in Winter.
Winter is a. tryintf
time For delicate people.
Coughs, coJdv and pneumonia,
find them e&jy victims.
Do vou c&tth cold
e&silv? It howi that your
system is not in a condition to
resist disea.se. You will be
fortunate if you c&c&pe pneu
monia.. Nature Is always fiGhtind
acrainst disease. The right kirut
of medicine is the Kind that
helps Nature by toning up the
system .no cn&nnnrj it xo ream
disease. Such a. tonic is found In
Dr.Wi1lio.m5 Pink Pills
For Pale People.
Dy building up the blood and
strengthening the nerves these
Dills reach the root of manv
niKiu jtsi. i itijiereu aenrr eir ir
physician was unable to help me, (ml
ine asnic rrnii
I mit different ttme-
o read In the newspaper eoawrnlnff
I concluded to Iry (he nllli When
tlon nf cxpanfilori. Wo want not Im
pcrlallmu. The romody for Hint In
groatcrnnd moro direct reiponslhlllty
to tho people, mora faith and con II
dnco In tho cnpuclty of panplo for
ftir-Kovornmciit. Cull It ponullsm or
w hilt you will If you hollovo In the
Kovornlnif lulcntnf tlio American po
pie, If you bollnvc In tho superiority
of thoAmorlonn lyHtam, be yu lto
publlcan, i'onullst or Dainoorat, you
NKroo with McKlnloy mid yon bellow
If. tho dootrlno of KOVdrnnmiit of, by
unci for tho people. So fur an Mo.
Kluloy aliuiiKod bin vlowson ooiiiIuk
wool to Omulin ho luollued to Popu
Ihim. Tho underlying dootrlno of
I'opullmn in tho nnllJoto of Imporlu)
Inn, of Iniuionso MUiiidlni; ariiilet!. of
eeutrnllzcd Kovornmont In every form.
Wo liopo toItvctOK'o tho (luy whan
Uubu, 1'orto Itluonnd tho I'hlllppluuR
will lliive Hiibstantlul botuo Kovorn
Input witliout a HlitndliiK nruiy.
Tho iHtiiu of oxpuntlon In tho 1mio
of PopullHiii, tlio (iiiostlon of wholhur
tho people lire en iHhle of solfovcrn
inont, wholhur tho Amorlonii form of
n Peoplo'n uoyorninoiit I suparlor or
inferior to tho Kuropotin iiiomiruhlos,
orQimsl'iiioiiurohlon nnd qiiiiHl-nrlH-tooraoluu.
Tho mun who billovtw that
a Kovuriimoiit dlreotly ronponidblo to
tho jiaoplo Is uolnu; into iiinnurehlonl
dcony Is not woll Infurmwl.
ThOKroat Ifwiiaof tho future In ox
jhuihIuii of u Pooplo'4 Kovornmout,
whothor thin nullou an n Pooplu'H
Uopubllo, Nlmll ko furwnrd Into tho
front rank or nation, whuro ithhall
dotuonntrnto tlio oxuollettca mid mipo
rlorlly nf tho Amotloim yatam of
Kovurumont, cduoatlou, ooinuioreo, ra
lluluus nnd polltleall Ibotty. Tlmt h
PopullHiu, IVoploUm -Hie wicrad
rluhl of tho people to rule In ilia boat
Intoroitof huiniinlly.
While not itiplrtnt; U lis kitowu as a
yetOKosernor, the prafsni ehlaf ex
ecutive inbilit otuliy liuve been less
ooirtoitjHtluus mid 1st iwaa by lilm tse
three pteeat of d.wbtful wKleUUoti
whleh ha bus dlwnltted with his dlaap-
The Pttrtlawl tax rolieelor-i bill
wui a msasttrs n poliiloal trlMittst
wouklliavswtshsttlaidudank. On the
ono iKituI was the SIH4i hwoIiIhs
uaektHu the ImII. Oa lbs ittbsr ns
Uie Uiumlwsr at Urwoi ItapublKaN
I mi Oamliii; with wrath at a a aut
nvldenUy aimeil nt lis wry aotil, up
pod to be tostttvd In Its iMtftfcslUa
llutUeoruvMsMliloea Hot knuw
the owiJUKulkm of tb rb "Ui
trim," tho' lis iwy rsulhw it autu dai
1h the peat tents.
TltS H4MtMbSS4MR biu vm a WSIta
uo tu haw muls a dstMugiM'a nmmiU
water. Tkwtwu etiseo to ihi
HHtrUllSM ltlnttlf aa a asio of tits
tellera. If it U trite, Hw lul.
ihk mi sruate a kntat ut u a "Hum."
iMtsad of tl 10, but U ti a uttat
tbetuieruataf (toHttetklKK. sis. Hut
Ueor Iwunusrvd ovon Uita uusu
Jut u ruUilsaXy dMi Its turn astds
fruoi a bill ti iitett liU wb jmtver
uiul cuitduuienu-hevul Ui Utll u
makobiiuwlf irtt t sutj bsa,nj f
iNluallMtion. As 10 Urn Hsr tr'
bill, mid the UuitMlttr ML bs ills-
Idajsa not u IHUe herf WBW. py,, a
taa wiie. as the IStjHtUai lAwJ
W. mads liU whhIhu vtiuj a lyw
s Hl cbwtHior, Oeor has wIiwn aoaue
laN SaWUWH mm in bis wuw.
istvv won uvbind Hie law.
rais. Uojlahipiuioitiu o-url
decisions to back I1I1 homoly wlf.
Thoro wan novcr a Iwttor lilt than
when ho Mid thera wore no more of
ficers neodod to collect tnxcn, a there
were always more clerks behind the
counter to receive txo than thero
were ptt-P'e In front to pay them.
Tlio farmer itnvtmor who cdrrfow a
hoe on Ills slmitldar keeps n L'nvd aitta
oriltnnd hHif uxed It to nowl olTtofc
klllliw loKlitutlvv wad.
TlieOnryllHOawtt6-Uitlon,otlllaj ttSte of Cod-liver oil, evade
ijy bono ur Joim Daly, one of tiwcon-j the tax on the stomach, and
sarvativa tiion of the uto, lias this I iac health jy surprise,
losay In ravlaw of Ilia JeUlalnre: j h warmS)800thes, Strength
Hatty my k&mI laws wera enacted I , .
at I ha r0ioii Joal eitawd. The re ;
Uttallon Uvv which pd waa a cry-,
ln(? need of Ilia state. It. will Im
tlttned by the governor nnd HiIm time J
Itwlllitand the entwiliiilloiial teat.
The Khool laws were amended In fr
eral iHtportHUt paftloolurc. notably
tlio irraut lux of stale papers. Ko one j
can eta state ccrtl Urate now exrepii
tit ufirblntr fin tfi II. frntn f Im t.ltlnl I
; "w.i rv . ....... v.. .......
itrsde county coitlflcnta, or thoo who
huya taken a lire junrs onuree above
thuKrnmniur seltnol, In somo olinr
tared educational Institution of the
statu, mid than snty itftur imMltiK tho
regular examlnatlun.
The tnothod uf ioloollni; toxt books
has alno been Ghnnucd. Tho new law least a eontc of 6olhllty and purM
provldo that tho Kovornor shall up-'once, with the luttor you are like a
point live toxt-lMK.k ooiiinilHiliinorsllcf '""; borno V tl,c cu"nt- mit
, . I Uwed about on tho foam, and where
and this takes tho iimiter of school w, )(J amo(, (l KetollQ wlcll
books out of the lunula of tho Amorl-, you no llol tlu remotcht nlew
onn Hook Co. that has ha J a monopoly .
of tho business for the past fifteen, Orouon City Hurler llorald; After
yours, nnd opens the mutter up to ,Mperatoolfort tho Amorlsnii Hook
competition so that wo will Hal imod jCoiuirauy wusdofaatod in bnlem by
books cheaper tlinti herototora. tho jwewto of a Daly bill. This com-
TliiiniiMiMn.nnLlnwahuw. l.mi 1.... pnny lincl siiccesdort In olsotluu' tlie
proved, the land luws of tho sUito
have been oodllisd and Improved, and
tlio Interest on Um.irt iiiiide from tlio
school fund line bean reduced to 8 per J
cent; I his will apply to old loans ae
woll us now ufior the Interest hnsi
heed paid up.
Many olhor useful and nocsMiary
laws were Nissd, and hIUioukIi It has
KinieextrayiK'uuco to niibwer for yul
on the whole thoKOth hiounlal i-orwlcii
of tho ln tsla turn or Oreu'on luisn
k'ood record.
OleoMd by Rev. J. J. Walter of Con
teiwry M. It. Church of Portland,
A ery flue audluneu uruetwl Itev,
Copelaud as he intrMlucml a talented I
speaker whu discoursed on the (,'ient!
problem of prlMin relorut. Itev. Wal I
ler nponod with a itood stoiy ami I
wullaetl Into his "ubjeot. He wild!
thero wero 600,01)0 criminals In the
United a tales, and only So.ooo in con-
Ho defined penoWy and urlmtnol
ojy, and the various theories of troat-Inu-
erlnilnals. What to do with thoiti
hud nut been sol ved by any stats In
the Union. Knifland pasttNt through
tlisniaasof consldorlm? the convict
1111 Improper com not I lor with frn
labor, ami osUibllshod tits tteuduilll
system. Mus tenthi ut the profes
sional criminals were constitutionally
uverre in labor. There wis no re
form pitsalblu without labor, lie
said llhey never allowed 11 man's
ramlly, his wife or children to see
him drefl In stripes.
At Joltel all but L'uurdtni! wits ttsr-
faraied by coin lots, luclii-llm: olerloal
work, lie told uf one man uluiaunm
oit or the prison with IMP earussl by I
- ..-..., . .,,, w....v ,
worKiitK orer time in the cojusr sbop. 1
us uiisriy uem iliauei l lis tits 1
ory tbat com-tei Jaltur somitslsa ,
Willi Irett labur. ls slated tlml tits
prsseut wankiN bad bees la ottiee at I
Joilsl for tt year and the prlntm rwPuenuvw. iMulel Mutants, appel
which Civtrsd 17 aerse was aslf.iiuv. '0,: PI' " MHltttoiuah county.
lite oilyarsw In the prlaon
ware in tits Itawta of- to guards on
tits well. Keepers and all employed
In lbs prlaon carried uo weaMina-aii
even a psn knHe Tltsre wets l.StU
Htatecoovicu. aud Hi wowsh. Tits
tsotuiit wa very richly Illustrated
with aosedulee and omMuiled wild
aaeariMMi lunulry n to wbat tuso
wt re eeni u prlauu for Y
. i wwutti uritaioai wa aa
dasssrxMW at Uts ssd tf a lertu H no
Insatts tuau. The llttte liuiii mu.t
rstuoved. was to. .i-u.,....-.. ,
, ,",'
nrlaus refuriUMe, ,
I lis also spliie Uts Koud Hut law
of Illinois, as hMuuselbk tor ibs good
vmaiwji, a en cueaptrto aelf-overu- I
sasetuftbs prisiMi, as4 tbs method !
sbipatarsa to 4ke ey tuweil a'
litMrsi oti tbs rst uf lbs prlaamsnt.
Ptise Tea
in paekiiget)
The palate is almoit
tickled with Scott's Emul
sion of Cod-liver oil. The
stomach knows nothing
about it, it docs not trouble
you there. You feci it first
in the strength it brings ; it
shows in the Color of check
and smoothing out of
It was a beautiful thing
to do, to cover the odious
Vllff UU 111 VIKUI KIW,
toe ti , ll Urns!.
rt il 1 HI MJW.ll
la,i't, !' York
(Jixl'si ureal est ylft to inun.-a
lent Independent trcw.
t I J
O.oallle Tluies-Unlon: The one
dl-illniruleliluK pecullnrity of tho bi
cyclist net'iiis to bo hit objection to
tax. littxt your his irrlovance whh
Uoks on the bleyele path; nils year
It Is tax on the blc)de.
t U
Kukoiio Mreadaxc: Obstinacy Is n
bud tiling to live with and to have to
filbuiltio. but Inlirmltv to. purpose W
mrm, j t lief.iritior .you liavo at
I majority or tho county school super-
,,',',., ,, 1 ,, ..,..
.V.KOI'l. W, .,,.,.., UI.U ...... ......
tcrs In readiness to contlnuo Intllut
iiik hlgli-prlced school hooks flu a
looK-attirerlntr public,
The North Yamhill llooord, a four-
leH luduiiendunt newspaper:
Whatever may be the olTect of luti
inate uuoclutloii with the potty poli
ticians tud unifiers connected with
our state Institutions, (lov. (3eor Is
uvidently lint jot lou to nil sou$o of
piihlto honosty and Justice. More
imwor to Gov. (luor's .bnckbouo I ho Is
nil that Hlanilfi between tho people
and the worst leghlaturo that Oru
KOu has oyer had.
X Xt
Tho Hugeus Uroadn.xs prints this
itmlar"Notln It:"
He had no Hiemys you say;
My f 1 lend your board is poor;
lie who hath mingled In the fray
Of duty that the hravo emluro.
Must have made foes.
If ho lias riouo
.Small Is the work that ho has dune,
lie has shook no cup from pe'Jured
Helms never turned the wrunt; to
Us Imi been 11 coward In the HyhL
Supeame Oeutt Uuetnaee,
I'he following cases will omo up for
; bsarltiK In the supreme ixitirt of Oro
In the next two weeks:
Monday, Fob. 2Tlh-S. W. McKln
ooy, re.Kmlent, v-. .SlMtosiunti Pub,
Co., appellant; appwil from Marlon
Tustalay, Feb. 2elh-P. A. Cochran
st nl., resiMiiHleuts, vs. .1. R, llakot,
a ppelknt; appeal from Marlon oouniy.
WstlHsstliiy, Mareh 1. -James N
wiieeller, rsnpunilent v. F. (). Muck
"Mr(l Ml,MiU,ll: HllMltl fn,m Multuo-
""" '""o
"'"""'"i "re",-. . aiaier, r
'" rwn,i v. A. Mit-.lt p.
l,,iu,l5 Ppel from Marlon eounty.
T)'' i,lb 7-Suis of Orei?on,
Uijoymtat iiectiMd.
Ws are all seek lag sajoyuteut and
wltlls it Is hardly ioavlbls for all to
obtain ountmuotia plcaauiw a great
many enjoy ao hour or more each
day while ukimr their ussU at tho
while bouse rcelunol by J. If,
liaroeil, 0 (lt
T Nifht al.Tff.Mewv Nifht.
uentp a Maientu for the Thmat him)
Luitaia, aeknuwleditetl to be the iuo.t
Mi-OHwrut rsntsdy aver add fur
"Zm:im:"r '""'" "nta
-Maipittte). uei a bottle ui
day and kwii li ainava in tCiZH
? J0" " cji-ek ymir otld at utter!
T?.1?!6 JmpJshirttis frss,
At the
fa 111 li
deoes , Kj. i. Halleriel. PorlUnd,
ililaaia, hiratariv of ak
eseUry I
J j
The MeJam w .
"1 ," relally w ha
XT.-".T"""'h,r', a i,
" Wi Si slew au.i brwlt upewhU. I
hWaWhss, aud ftvtfN without uN
rw"-i i-ui- im. um in. ,t..ii..i.t 1
- '--.'.MM.
umiornni W -Kjr JLTT ": ""TT r
Meoey Rateftoad,
Natif4-ii, v'uarauttvd uh. .....
um Na'rto
tH.-ui" rlvur Mun.
lonk if lu d" 1 Mt?it
. , B - - - t i i 1 In 1 1 -" " t
The Model Oregon Nowspapor and Family Journal.
UultinK News, Fiction, Lltorary, Ranch and Dairy
andMnrkot News In attractive readable form.
Is issued Thursday tnornlnK
of the state the sumo week.
ic $1.00 Weekly...
In two pnrtscriutuinanll
and Stale New-.
An Indepondent Associated Prc-s Paper for the Peo
ple. Sond for samples freo.
TuhJouknal bus tho fullest roporlof thcdoinL's of
the lok'Nlmure and stale olllolals, as woll ui indopon
dentclonrand ooncl-o ooinmont on all public matter''.
Send a trial sulHcrlptlon.
n- O -0-
.0 0. 0-
The directors of First Natlnual bonk
of tills ally concluded to niurgo that In
slltutlou into the bank known ih Ladd
& Ihih. The ltislntsi will be cloeed
up as toon as possible. I)ppoltor-
are urged to call and take their
money. The bank was organ. rd In
A Pltnsant, Simple, But Safe and
factual Cure for It.
Catarrh of the stomach has long
(won considered thu tioxt thing to In
curable. Tho usual symptoms are a
full or bloating '-onsatlou after eallhg
uooompunled soiuotluies with etfur or
watety risings, it formation of gase,
oausliiK prossuro on tho heart and
lungs mid dllllcult breathing; head
actios, tickle appotlto, nervousuosxunil
.1 general plajod out. languid feollng.
There is of ten a foul taste in the
mouth, coated tongue and 1 thn in
terior of tho stomach could be -oou it
would show a siiniy, inllamed ootrill
Hon. Tho euro of this eouimtri aud ob
stinate troublu N futtod In a treat
menl which enu-s the rual to be
roatllly, thoroughly dlgestd bstore it
has tlmo to fermont and Irritate thr
tlullcate iiiiioo s surfaces of the
sloinsch. To i-eoure a nromiit am)
huahliy dluostion le. the one neees,iry
thing to do and when uoriual diges
tion Is secured the catarrhal condi
tion will have disappeated.
According u, )r. UitiUnsoit the
safsot and hssl treatment ui um.'
after each meal a tablet, composed of
Dlutuss, Aepllc Pepelo, a little Nux,
OoriisnSeMl ami trull acids. Iheee
UtblsU) oau now be found at all drug
stores under tbs naitts of Smart's
Dyspepsia Ttiblsu ami 001 using a
potent tuedlclns can be usl wlt'i
iwrfoct safety awl alanine that
healthy sppellls ami thorough ill-
wsvbhi mil iwam insir irgu ar ue
after mettle.
Mr. N.J. Mother of trio Deariturn
SL, ChloaiMt, 111, writes; -Oaurrh U
11 looal guMlllkMi rskultlng rroto a ust;
Isoiod cold Ih Uts bead, whereby the
llalttg tttetwbratia of lbs mse beetuts
iHftaurMl atttl tbs otMMtotts dibartje
IhsisfriMu pasainK backwanl tutu the
Uirutl reaches the suitwaoh, thus pro
duelagsttutrrh of tbs stomach. Medl
eel auUrfilles nrsaerlbsil for me for
pml ixt "" rtfWr JK ly one box
i wart's Dyspsitsitt Tnhlt's. lews-
,,uv ' anitropriai wos,s toexpra
-" k' and tent reel frow
their u
Stuari's Dpep.ia TableU u iu-'
f., ...J. I
7 . M"",l,",,
lmpWl aud uut l"
a welt .(S the
neiiteut rviunly
itr aov iiinu ..r ....
---' WMW
ik' ln 11.
,v,"v"'" Muaiin alier meaK
seotl fir little u.k u,ttirrt irw. ou
aiomeeh truuolee. by evniiraatog
".m. v. ersitii, Mun. "uf
UUvUi it. if f..m,rj 4l ,i.Ugbt. r- '
-' ii:.v .'..!
In tluia to roach all parts
Iiiiportnnt Foroln, Nntlohlil
- 2 08 A III
-n 11- 0 0 0 0-
fchoH the tiate nf your lealint ami the stale
ol ywir Itaaltli as wnll Impure hlooil
makes itl npixtrent in a nil- an I sallow
complexion, I'implrs awl Skin Erupttorn. 1
you nre feeling weak and worn otuand do
not hurs a hcilihy rpiwarance you ahoulit
try Acker's Iilood Ehxir It cities all blood
Jlteahe where ihran Satsararlllac nnd m.
called purihers Mil, knowing this we sell
evety It tile on a positive guarantee. Lunn &
Ilrooks, druggists.
Atari the IK Klad Yott Wfi Ahrayt BtSfit
T CAaffli
sold on a isHittvi gniran.'e, Cures heart
burn, raiting of h fj(v, dtttresa fir
eating or any iwn ol uyspensia Oit little
tablet givw immediate relief.
Lunn x llnuk., druggistt.
25c and 50c
w i. s -i- si .us. x i. .
r5ta llwKndVwmwArttffBmlil
stopaciMsgh at any tt e, and will cute the
-" y aa. trtft -.
worsicoWin itlve hour., ot nvoaey re
fumled. 5rs'C. Unn K-Urouks druc '
go b ,
Mrisr? .A ..Fac.kUr' E,,f H M.ean.
puy, (Fla.,) Hurler, salUied teirilily I torn
La Grippe. One Miaeu Coagh Cur n-as
lb oly reawdy. It aeiad jikly. Tho.
MtitU ufoilieraa thu tanuulv n ..il.
Cojirfhiag mi irs -nd ladimesssf Iuhm.
Um Mutate C gh I'ur luowas tb cold,
and hc.U quickly. rh ls cough cu.e
stone's U ug moie B
For Infants and Children.
"ilie Kind You Have Always Bought
Signature of Z0
1 ! ' I 1 Ui.i alma I
nrK lull ,,i ii,4i ua
II ll I.. ..f ul..i. u.
i 111 U . u lu. Ult .!,..
.IHH-W, ft I I, ., .,.
. t f ulk In
Sulil Uf D'liiM.M.
... -.. ,., pia Kupppr.
I ntwi, rntmtiyiui
l" rlUiO-Tgrv
iiiNbUf ui, ra ii
;r l 11, imIkiu ,,,
A Few Interesting Facts
Whta pu a coa)tsnpitisu' a tun
iwtd 10 serve lU wshlsc - T, .11? ? ,
pe.at.1 a, ,0 cloTck!
ot.tiW " CWHr ",
a taCTri."' "ww U1. Weak,
m .waet ink j) aall vou ht.. !
......... vwnutu bin oo
Matywi will atiU .!-
cacial rSji. At ,
IAS. A , l.w .. tK.s. ,l,
i.eoei tl j., (,
ir v.i s c
JSir i i Bs
1 1 iE.hiCmim h Co
u&cii m' ' Kefl
The cmallest things rosy exett the greatest
Influence. De Wilt'f Little Early Htsera are
unequalled for constipation nd IWcttroubles
Small pill, safe pill. Slo e's Drug store
Horrible agony is cause J bv Piles, Bums
and Skin Diseases. These are relieved and
cured by DaWiu'j Witch Uarel Balve. lie
ware ol imitations Ston.''s D(ug Store,
LaGiippe is again epidemic. Eerj pre'
caution should be taken to avoid it. It
specihe euro is One Minute Cough Cure, A
I Sheperd, Pub isher Agricultural Journal
and Adver ir, Elden, Mo , says: ' 'No one
will be disappointed in using One Mm'tle
Cough Care for La Grippe." Stone's Drug
Headache, indigestion and constipation. A
delightful herb diink Krmuvcs all erup
tions of the skin, producing a perfect com
plexion, or monev refunded. 25c and 50c
Lunn & Ilrooks, druggists
Denver & Rio Grande R. t
The t'avorl.e Transcontinental ltonU' llatcn
the Northttet ami all Points J!ftt.
Choice of Tatiltotites Through the rtimnin
Awl KiHir Hollies Kat nf
Pneblonml Iiutnir.
All i."ner trantel a tiny lop oror lit the
Marniiti Capital or nu where letwet'ii Oxtlen
mid Oenvor. IerMinall roiiiluctttl TottrUt Kx
ptirlotn three tlayit u week t
Omaha, Kansas City. St. Louis,
Chicago and thk East.
lor tU'kits ami an) Inrbrinallon rcaanllnir
rate", routed, He or f(irilecrliitlu atUertMnir
matter tall tut niteiitH of Ori'iron Itallwnx A
NatlKatlnn "., Orciroii Short hluo or Southern
IMelo...u...iu. S.KII00,.BR,
O V AT. Ant, I)ener, Col.
n. c.Ninioi.,
t.n. tft 2j1 Wash. St., I'ortlaml. Or
Ofl-rs travel r choice of ilia following
routes east. They are all fannus for their
scenic attraction.
O. R. & N, via Ogden and Denver
Shasta Heme via Sacramento, Ogden and
.Shasta Roit'e via Sacramento, .Vaj .ie
A daily hne of ihrouph PULLMAN
Francisco nnd I.01 Angeles to Chicag this is
The Short Line
from southern California
To the East,
Apply to the agtrnts of the O If M . O
S. L , i'outheni 1 acilic, or tit. uiiuci.iki.nl
for folders and ili"ci.p.ie it la'ine.
J J.
1'orili nl
Gen'l AflWoreeier,
Southern Pacific Co
w.w . . i.v ,.,iuriinu . .ir I9.JU AM
8:25 p m Lv Sateuj . . . ,Lv J 7 -oo A m
:t5 A M) Ar. ban Ftanctcu Lv 8.-oo y m
:0O l M
Il'ortland ..Ar
Above trains stop at all principal atatiom
bat. I'otiland ami Salem, Turner Marion
letierton, Albany, Tangent. Shudds, Italic
llartiiburtf. luncliun Cuv. Kuiren,. PrMill
Cttage Grove, Dr-tn. (KUnd and all sta
lion ltom Kr"e'uuig to Arldawl, melusive.
Knhit, M4,i, i,is.v.
.'30A Mi Lv .. Ptfilan.1
loSS a m) Lv.. Lvxlcisi
..Ar i. y
Lv i 1 Co. - H
j. "' r -1 1 tr Kou.rvrg uv 7.'3 a m
IH llman ballet lce et urTi scod-cl w
slat um; cart a'uchsd all thrh tra.-w
aaruasK KjKrtwSMi anu cukvaixu.
Mail nattM) dail) xcpt stiuday.J
7io A M 1 Lv Portland Ar I S.'So r v
S r lAi Coivallt Lr f il, t
At Alnanv od Curvallu'caanei "iTl
train l tli(i (' E Ry
.m.. rK.ti t-Aitv I avcarr sumu v. i
j 4-'5 r m
I 7.0 P M
rwtiartrt An S icn
i Srto l M
ncftiutuiu t.v e . a v
lwiren.ivnc Li ) 4 -jo a v
'li; :'" cm"rt,' " ati frwjn(.o witl
I OccuUuU, m- Ctuital aiui 'i,in. ati
I itaamsn.p lluaa tW JAPAN AND CHINA
isai'iag dates on application
Raieaattd itekeu to Eaatera painu.ati
lnXV' .AJil'AN' CHINArilOhfi
1 LULU and AL'al KALI IA, caw b obuin-
w n . n . atvlKMSK, Ticket
1 K knv in i.l ti
cii. vakuiav .. r apa Pot.TU
"" -
Next Time
You 60 East
tfiveiosanopuoiiuniiy 0f show
loir yon what n snvinu In time und
ntotsej yoti make by purohusltiK
tlelceu. oyer the Hurllngton
Ours is the shortest of ull Unas
to Oiuuhu, Kaasae 011, SL Louis,
aai theb'outh.
I Oltleugo we offer two dbs
Uttttt Mnos-one Via bL Paul and
UiettetritRhted Llmltod; u)e
UlOr vbi ninth and tlio Saw
Slwrt Lien. ItoWi )1h; are GOOD
-Just how KMK fe bast roallMd by
traveling over thow.
Geu'l Agent, Portland, Or
ila It
From I'otiland.
8 pm
-alt Lake. Denver Ft.
Worth, Omaha, Kansas
-'45 P.w
ity, St Louis, Chicnco
Walla Walle, Spokane,
a ni
Minneapolis, St. raul,
Duluth, Milwaukee Chi
cago and East
230 p.m
H ) m
For San Francisco.'
Sail every Cw; days
H p m
ex, Sun.
to p m
To Astoria and way land.
ex Sun
Portland, Newhurg and
Iv vc
Ar Salem
6 p.tu.
u uatiaingi.
I For Dayton
I Mom
1 U'.,l.
7HSP m
I Pus 1 hu
Tu Thur
J3t P m
and sal
10a in.
Ar Salem
lo a m
Ved and
L i-'alem
l'u, Unit
31- m
Corvalhs Albtny and
Wny Points.
Dtily Iwus ta t'ortlaud as above.
Transfers to street car line nt Oreg? City
if the steamers arc delayed there ound
trip tickets to all points in Oregon. WshW.
ton, or California. Connectio 1 made at Pen
land with all ra'l, ocean andnver lines'
Jisn'I Pas. Agt. Portland, t'
G M. POWERS. Agent, Trade street dock
City Agents.
Canadian Pacific R.R
And 000 Pacific Line
St. Paul, 2
Philadelphia j
w New Votk
' n , . Boston
I a all points ei,t and southeast.
t lieaiHMt tatet, bettservice and accommo.
Ihroughtouiiu sleepers to Minneapolis,
at. lanl, loromo, Montreal, and lloston
without change
Canadian Pacific Railway Co's. Empress
ine or steamships to Japan and China,
I he fastest and ftnejt ships on the Pacific
ocean Shortest and Ixist mule to the
Canadian Australian S. S. Co.
To Honolul , Fiji and Australia The
shortest route t the colonies.
For rates, fo 'era and any information call
"Vr a,,,,eM' L. M. Lockwood, Agfnt,
' Jffice Phone No. 40. 28s Commercial st.
Residence I'lions .No. 33. Salem, Ore
Agent, :j6 I Inrrt 5trt. Portland, 0
n , , L J. COYLE,
D'oMcl Passenger Agent. Vancouver, H. r,
Corvallis k Eastern Railroad
Oniiuiielliii; at YAQUINA with thu
nrt.H'la In even re m The abotc
steamer Is due to Mil from Yaqulna
every eieht da)n
&horot Itmite litweon
hwm Vulle) Points am) hu Franeisw
inaii- and Point. vt u, San FranoUoo
" 110.00
Ittiuatl Trip ,7,00
U V.LPKN HIiU'lv trrnvv
T F. X V. A.
' " i anyiiui.
i. Tl'KSkK. Aaeui. Allunv nu
... .. v ,, , v,
faplain ihhi. IUhIh).
4,;i,'..,iT,w7,l.!x,, R,,,, uon-n"
lOW. Tueta, Thurwlays ami Sundaya.
U-aveldnallU ... ...
lMVW Udiiim VI
. b a in.
............ 7 a lit
........... s a in.
lrr'4"'""""-"- -"ii
u in.
weN,wi-";;:::::::" fffe"'
Arrlie l-ortUna
ilana j mi
r-Nimtuya, Wm.1im.ikIm) a and Friday.
j-ae'oUimi. 6am
k"2 N's-r..::;;;:;unnr;to:3o1'l: S-
.? fWyrn , 3-aut. m.
,""" ituiaiieiiileiMC a W11. in.
ayea lkj.u vui """IiSn
Arirlie OorvHTMa u.oo p, m.
Tlia tAdtai.u !.. 1... ..I... ......
nUu .,mmI-T .. """ ."IMil'I'wi im iiii-
2 wmimiiiiiHMi, lliellltllni
aacotewodailutw. lueluilhiir an uleuaut
Oajipas! for oawylHK both IrolKlit and
UaskFoaHaf State streat.
0. MAEUTC. AKent.
?alni, Oregon
e SUUlVAN.Supt.
- Albany. Oroaoit
Oregon Short Line Railroad
The Plrect Home to
Montana, Utah. Colorado
anil all Eastern Points
a,Vrt ruU IwialMS 'f?0, r via the
Kte bratt4 HowaLb Mues.
Look at the time
H DuyK in Salt Lake
St pays to ClUonuo
4i Days to New York
Steetwr. osiWd m all trains.
F..r funhe ialertMtlM apajytto
BOlit a. BARKER. Aeat. Saleai.
W E.OOJ1AN i.tn'IAgenl
l". O. TKRRV. Trav Ijw. Agt
UlThiru bt. isinlaue