Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1896-1899, February 21, 1899, Image 1

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    ;.'.. jjgtM!
. .., ' -jfrVTAr
JRO.'44 "
jSj i 'ilSHih A &-
An extensive line of fine trimming laces, in
linen and cotton, and spring embroideries, Also
a large line of ladies and misses' cotton hose,
ribbons, men's and boys' suspenders, telescope
satchels, wool and cotton sweaters for men and
boys, Our lines of shoes for ladies, gents and
children arc unsurpassed, and sold at very close
Call and see
B8 State 'Street,
1 Q&hOVsV
r.Am 1 rnn nn
ma, uwiup
Suitable Tools
J-L n
our stock.
pay a dollar for split grain leather
shoes when joucan buy the best
White Bros.'
Box Calf
Lace or Button, Dongola Top,
extra Hack Stav -Something good,
8lzcs81tol2. i). E and EB for
Next door to Ladd L Bush's Bank
JiSAfiA Eft
Vlcl Kid, Lace, Bilk Vesting Tops.
Our styles aro all new and skilfully
designed und will please the most
Ladies' Lcggins.
84 Statu St. Salbm. Oiuj.
5S State Street, Salem, Ore
A man might us well tjy to work
with bis handsalQneuulftPS 2 ,ms
the tools tlml hln.
Is non too good for tt mun tlmt
do th work.
oan always
be found at
Fillipinos Scattered at
Two Washington Companies
Take the Lead,
Several Soldiers Hunt by Explod
ing Guns,
Mr AiaocifUuil I'rcim to (In- Journal.
Npw Yomc, Feb. 21. A dispatch to
the Herald from Manila says:
The oncmy has been concentration
all day at the water works and In
front of Kind's brigade. The
generul sent two companies of the
First Washington over the Fasig
They swept the country for two
tulles and then opened a Hank tire on
the Insurgents across tho rlcr.
Two guns of the Sixth artillery
pounded tho Insurgent positions,
while the troops from Macatl charged
and drove the cnomy before them.
Flfttcn dead Fillipinos wore found
and four wounded. Two Americans
wcro wounded by the explosion of
Sprlngllela rllles. The declaration of
Agulnaldu that he has made n humane
war Is a fabrication, Captain Pierce
lestllles that he lias bccn6hotat by
sharpshooters llfty times In tho pro
visional hospital.
Not an ambulance or litter came
which wan not a signal for a shower
of bullets.
The surgeons of tho hospital corps,
who were giving aid to tho Fillipinos
as woll as to the American wounded,
were trfrgets for sharpshooters.
Manila, Eeb. 21: Tho transport
Newport has arrived from Hollo with
dispatches from Miller to Otis Ho
reports all quiet ut Ilo llo. Ameri
can troops are occupying the suburbs
of Jam and Molo, and buslncos has
been resumed generally with the out
side world, und tlicro has buon no
lighting since February 12 All Is
quiet at Manila.
Washington, Feb, 21. Tho war
department lias received tho follow fellow follew
ing: "Manila, General Miller reports
tho Insurgent forces u few miles out
from Ilo llo arc believed to be disin
tegrating. He can maintain his po
sition with the present force. He has
sent up four representative men, of
ficials from tho capital Island Ncgros,
where Americans raised tho Hag, and
American protection Is requested
against a small Insurgent force. Af.
ralrs there and In Cehu aro very eu
couraglng. A small Insurgent force
eust of the city was driven away with
considerable loss to the enemy,"
v,rst Washington-Wounded F,b-
ruarv 10: Company L, Private Kills.
Killed February 20; Company K,
Private Rlenhart, Company M, Pri
vate Adams. Otis.
Enemy FireJ,
Manila, Fob. 21.-0:. a. m. Tho
natives of tho vllloge of Paoo made a
bold uttc'mpt last night to burn the
quarters or the First Wushlngton vol
unteers by wttlng lire to the huts
adjoining tholr quarters In the roar,
Fortunatoly the wlud changed at thu
moment the tiro was discovered, and
fanned by a still breeze, the iIuiiim
sproad In the opposite direction, de
stroying fully 20 shacks and houses
opposite the ruins of tho ohureh. Tho
Incendlarloa osoapod.
Mytsorlous signals wore frequently
mada alonj? the enemy's lints during
the night, and this 11 to the bellf
that an attaok bad own arraugj,
but nothing happened.
Thoreoalsare leaving th ylelnlty ,
of San Pedro Maontl in small parties,
and are reported to be movlug toward
Slngalon. , J
A Stop at the Trench.
... . ... t... ...... i
Bouiiay, Fe&. SJ.-Tnj gulUtn Of
Oman has revoked the grunt of a coul- j
log station to tlie PreiieU undr tlitt
British admiral' tureatoi .ugmyttrv
menu Th Pranuli eonaHJ ejterad a
Contest for Control of Cuban Output Is
Now On.
II)- AmnovIiiIim! l'riKx to tlip .Toiiritnl.
Nkw Yoiuc, Feb. 21. The Herald
says: A fortnight will probably de
termine whether the controlling
power for supplying the demand for
Havana totacco Is to rest In Amer
ican hands or of tho9c of European
capitalists. Several rumors havt
reached Now York from time to tltm
or a syndicate which was forming u
buy up tho tobacco lands In Cuba.
These havo had to do principally
with a combination in which Aiuer!
can capitalists were concerned. It
was reported a day or two ago in a
Hnvnnii newananer that a second
American syndicate was In process ofj
formation, and it Is leurned that
prior to the appiarance of the Amer
ican operators a foreign syndicate
had secured an option on a nuiubor of
factories wltbfl&bacco bearing lands.
The prescotHbdlcatlons are that It
will now resolve Itself Into a raco be
tween the two syndicates as to which
will secure the valuable proporty
necessary to make the operations of a
syndicate successful.
From what va9 learned, the Ameri
cans arc now In a safe position to get
all they want, the only further thing
necessary being a speedy culmination
of their plans and a positive forming
of the syndicate.
Fillipinos Attempt to Burn Quartets of
the Washington Volunteers.
lly .ioliiU'il I'rcim to the Journiil.
Manila, Feb. 21, 0:33 a. in. Tho
nntlvcs or the village of Paco mudo a
bold attempt last night to burn tho
quarters of tho First Washington vol
unteers by sotting lire to the huts ad
joining their quarters In tho rear.
Fortunately M10 wind changed at the
moment the tiro was discovered, and
fanned by a still breeze, tho llamc
spread In the opposite direction, des
troying fully 20 shacks and houses
opposite tho ruins of the church, The
Incendiaries escaped.
Mysterious signals wcro frequently
made along tho enemy's lines during
the night, and this led to tho belief
an attack had been arranged, but
nothing happened.
Tho rebels aro leaving tho vicinity
or San Pedro Macatl In small parties,
and aro reported to be moving toward
-r- -
Cottnn Steamer Aflhote.
lly Ahmh-IiiU'iI Pre to the Juttrnnl,
NoitKOLK, Vu., Fob. 21, Tho Brit
ish steamsliln Windsor Ih still hard
and fast on a Ill-foot rldgo In dies
pcake bay, botween Oceanylcv and
Old Point. The tugs A. J. Hudson,
Captain Cottrell, and E. Luckcnbach
have mudo several attemps to get the
yessol olf, but In vain. Tho big ship
la bound from New Orleans for Rot
terdam with a valuable cargo or cot
ton and cotton seed products.
A largo licet of schooners towed In
hero for harbor report that tho. recotit
Htorin otr tho coast was extremely
seyore. Tho malorlty of tho vcsmiIs
leftUharlostou during tho llrst dayH
of February, ror Baltimore. Bovoral
schooners which sailed borne days pre
viously are missing, and It Is feared
may be lost. Tho schooner Mary
Curtis. Captain Maker, which sailed
from Charleston for Richmond on
February fi, Is one of these. It. Is live
dayB overdue.
The Annie Brown, which left
Charleston four days after the Curtis,
however, has arrived In distress.
Deafness Cannot Be Cured
by local applications as they cannot
roach tho diseased portion or tho oar.
There Ib only one way to euro dear
noss.and Hint is by constitutional
remedies. Donfnoss Is caused by an
Inllamed condition of tho mucous
lining of tho Eustachian Tube. When
this tube islulluinuci you nave a rum
Mm result,, find UtllBHS tllO IlllWItllllU
Hon can bo taken out and this tubo
restored to Its normal condition, hear
ing will bo dostroyod forever; nino
cases out of ton are caused by Catarrh,
which Is nothing but an Inllamed con
dition .f the mucous Hurrace.
We will gtvoOno Hundred Dollars
for any caw of Deafness (cautwl hv
catarrh) that oanuot be cured by
Hall's Catarrh Cure. Send ror cir
culars: frott.
F. J. ClIKNKV it Co., Toledo, t),
Sold by Driigglt8.7r"c.
Hall's Family Pills arc tho beat.
I A Diamond Ring 1'ree.
' The (host Ourbonette PhoU aro
1 now mudo by Sperry, the Artist, at
I a cut rate and Include a chance on a
beatlful diamond ring. 2-5tO-.1t
ExhaiHtton ami break down follows Grip.
Prevent it by uing Dx. Mils' Nervine.
The Columbia
dred of tubtlinniiluU all over
KXPKR'1-B to be the TUU RST. KIM PLKST and . there-
'Pi ii," MO r i'i':u i r.v; l niuiuir, crui uuiiu. iun-
1895 models S75
1898 models .565
Columbia Chain Wheels S50, $40
Finest whoete bUt, at the prise ot tho poorest.
General Otis Being
Conditions in the Philippines
mportant Measures in U, S, Sen
ate PassedOther News,
lly Aio(lntil I'rp,, to the Journal.
Washington. Feb. 21. Tho cabinet
today discussed the message rromOtla
at Manila and reached the conclusion
that tho situation generally In tho
Philippines is considerably Improved.
(Jen. Gomez Is now arranging with
Gen. Prooke for tho distribution
W.000,000 which Is expected -to be
paid to Cuban troops within a short
Washington, Feb. 21, In the sen
ate the house bill to relievo mortgages
and notes rrom double taxation was
passed, also the postolllce appropria
tion bill.
Tacoma, Wii., Feb. 21. Foreman
0. Lapolnt, of the Tacomu Shoo man-
'ufiiotory, was crushed to death this
morning bchig caught between the
elevator and tho upper lloor beams,
The body or Charles Closc.who went
hunting last December near Peel I,
was found this morning In tho forest
near his home. He lost his' way In
the storm and froze to death.
Lkauvillk, Colo., Fob 21. A
?cvcro "snowstorm began hut. night.
No trains reached Loadvlllo today,
Si'OiCANK, Fob. 21. Cable to Spokesman-Review
from Its correspondent
In Manila gives tho following addi
tional list or Washington volunteers
dead: Corporal Stroud, Spokaoo;
Private Adams, Centralla; Private
Rlnelmrt, Waltsburg,
St. Paul, Feb. 21.-.1. W, Blabon
has been appointed western tratllc
manager or tho Great Northern R. R.
with olllccs at Seattle.
Cincinnati, Fob. 21.- Special from
Birmingham, Ala., says,
In the explosion in the mine at
Blnckton live men are dead or fatally
Fame's Funeral Expenses,
lly Aimuclntril I'rvMN t the Journiil.
Pakih, Feb. 21. The. chamber of
deputies voted a credit or 1(10,000
francs to defray tho expenses of tho
obsequies of the late 1'rosUlent M,
Murder and Suicide.
lly AnhiH'IiiIi-iI I'rrmi to Hit. Journal.
Kansas City, Fob. 21. At Inde
pendence, Mo., Mack Oldham, a negro
teamster, shot and klllud Ida Fields,
a mulatto; then oommlttud suicide.
Jealously was the caiinc, Oldham was !
a wldowor, Tho woman uuiuo horo
from Memphis.
Must Hang,
lly AnmouIiiIviI l'ri-mi to the Journiil.
Skattlk, Wash,, Fob. 21, Prose
outing Attornoy McKlroy rocolvod ii
telegram from Washington that tho
United Suites supremo court had dis
missed tho appoul of Chailes W.
Nordstorm, who murdoretl Willie
Mason night years ago.
" lis "iiullot tbtngs may exert the g'a(M
influence. I) Will's Utll Katly Knw ate
utieqvailtd for e ttiwtUii nu MvtnrouWi
bmaii ptii, wit ptn.
hto e' Drug store.
the ooutitry prooliilm tholr
t25, S26
rnnt & WilSOD
Prisoners Released.
lly Annoolntcil I'rcmi (o tlic .lonrnnl.
Havana, Feb. 21. One hundred
and sixty prisoners In tho Havana
Jail, whose release was recommended
by the board of pardons, have been
liberated. The United States govern
ment Is under obligations to return
them homo. Many of tho prisoners
aro Spaniards, and the majority or
these, after consideration, decided
that they would prefer to bo sent to
Santiago tn work In tho mines rather
than go toBpalu.
Conspiracy Proyen.
lly AKNOi'lntrd I'i-cnn to the Joiirnnli
Skattlr, Wn Feb. 21. Tho iensa
tlouat Van Alstlne divorce case was
ended last night by tho decision of
Judge Mooro, who llnds that Lou Van
Alstlne, her sister, Emma Norton, and
her attornoy, Molytn G. Wtnstocu",
conspired through marrlago to defraud
Col. Van Alstlne, n ICIondlker, of
$31,000, Tho court ordered tho money
returned to Van Alstlne, and an
nulled the marriage.
Hot Wave,
lly Axvoclutcil rrc to tlm Journal.
San Fhaucisco, Feb. 21. Not
since 1870 has California been vis ted
with such a spoil or line weather as is
now prevailing throughout the state.
The temperature on Saturday In
this city reached 80 degrees, and thu
mercury has been hovering around
that point over since, at night tho
winds rrom the ocean making sleep
possible. There Is danger In tho
warm weather, however, as tho'frult
trees aro blossoming, and should frosts
follow the damago would be Irrcpaia
blc. In soma country districts tho
thermometer rcglstored Oil degrees.
Professor Hammon, of tho Unlti'd
States weather bureau, docs not look
for rain ror several days, or possibly
a week.
Senatorial Elections in Other States.
lly AxKOulatoil Pi-run to the Journiil,
Punnbylvania, Feb: 21. No
Olvmima, Fob. 21. Scvoral b Ills
passed the house, tho most
Important one being tho bill repealing
an act creating a statu board of. par
dons. When tho somite adjourned fur
tho noon recess Indications wcro
favorable for tho passage of tho oapi
tol bill.
Nkiikasica, Feb. 21: No election.
DhlavVauh, Fsb. 21. ..No election.
Califohnia, Fub. 21. No election.
Salt Lakh, Fob. 21. A lurgo crowd
was In attendance at tho Joint ho.
slon of tho loglslaturo today. Tho
general talk In connection with
charges or bribery had gonorated bad
reeling among a number or members,
Representatives Bywater and Cook
Indulged In a bloody tistls coulllct In
the lobby or thu house.
Vury little change on sonatuilal
Philadhlimiia. Fob. 21 Today Is
election day throughout Pennsylvania
for oity, town and borough olllclals,
The election of Ror.ublloan oundl-
dutos Is assured.
To cure I. Grli
the feet, und take 1
ipe, keep warm, crrieclally
Jr. M Hoi' Nervine. I
Cloak Department
An advance slilpinont of nobby
Tailor Mado Suits, new blue mix
tures, tan and brown shades, navy
and black, swell now goods at
$850, $10, $12.50, tip,
New Skirls
Somo very tine valueu bolng
shown. Flgurerl Mohairs, 1. 76 und
tin. All Wool Serges. W 60 and up.
Oolnrod Cuvarln. with throo row
cording, to. Navy Blue barge,
braldwl with now bow knots; one of
thu svtell uovoltles.
j New Ties
Ladles' now PulT Scarfs, Clubs,
I Bows, etc., Butln and Pique, wioh
25c to $1.25
New Liberty Satins
Very correct for the now bilk
walbt. Ask to seo them.
Were dut-Ta H ten :
Jos. Meyers
Sajs-m's GsffiATEST
Began Proceedings
Army Contacjs Probed to the
Col. Powell of the Seventh
Put on the Rack,
lly Ataoclnlril I'm, in tho Journal.
Washington, Feb. 21. Tho court
tit Inquiry began today with Col.
Powell.of tho Scvonth Infantry on tho
stand. Ho Investigated the so-called
canned roast beef and had It served at
his own table. "I could not cat It,"
he continued, "It was a stringy, un
wholesome looking inasH.lt. looked like
wet seaweed. Tho men were sick and
debilitated and could not keep
It on their stomachs. Boon
after the fresh beef began to arrive
the men ato rapidly and began to pick
up In health. " "I would like to em
phasize" s.. Id Col. Powoll, "tlmt en
listed mon aro not In tho habit or com
plaining and I can't say that I re
ceived anything that could be termed
us complaints. Tho olllcors discussed
tho mutter freely und the poor quality
6r tho canned boor was a matter or
common talk."
Democrats Organizing.
Wahiiikoton, Fob. 21. Chairman
Jones of tho Democrat lo national
commltteo has appointed an advisory
commlttco to the national campaign
commltteo tho object being to ud
vunco'lhc Interests of tho Dcmoaratln
committee along tho linos of a na
tional platform.
New Cabinet.
lly Amioiiliitt'il l'rcK to the Joornttl.
Budai'HST, Fob. 21, -Tho emperor,
King Francis Joseph, has Intrusted
KolO'inan-Doszcll with the task or
forming a now Hungarian cabinet, In
succession to tho ministry presided
oyer by Baron IhnlTy, who announced
on Saturday last tho ministers' Inten
tion of resigning at the clo?cof tho
parliamentary session.
Atloruoy-Uouorul Blackburn today
appointed John McCourt, a promi
nent young lawyer or Salem, and re
presentative rrom Marlon county, as
his assistant, at $000 per annum.
The employment of an assistant was
authorized by tho legislative session
which closed Saturday. Mr, Mo
Court w'll assist In the trial of cuso.
and perform clerical work. Ho will
outer upon bin duties Muioli 1.
JToborty tii-flfl havo Neumittia. Out Dr. Mllet
vain I'iUi f itin ilruKido' "OnoctinM'l'wV
We Expect
To rocolyo this week many
ofHprlngtliue Novoltlw.
Our Percales
Are going fast. We Imvq dupli
cated some numbers. They tiro
lovely und the quullty grtuitl for
12 l-2c,
New Crashes
Plain and Fancy. Buy that skirt
put urn early and have It inado anil
ready for tho frthprlng day.
10 to 20c per yard,
Baking Powder
Made from pure
cream of tartar.
Safeguards the food
against alum
Alum baking powdm arc the cm-tnr
to health of the present day.
wotu OAKina EowotB eo., htw Yosm.
Awful Tale of Terror,
lly AuMidntril Irii to thr Journal.
Norfolk, Vn., Feb. 21. The crew
of the schooner James E. Raylos. ship
wrecked and abandoned nt sea. ar
rlycd horo today, and told of tlietr
awful sufferings and death of tho'
wire or Captain E. II, Darling, who
frozo In her husband's arms, Tho Bay
les sailed from Casons, Mexico, forV
Now York, January 2.'1, with a career
of cedar and mahogany, Satur-.
day, February 11, when off the Dela7
ware capes, some 00 miles at sea, tho -j
storm struck her. Snow and slcct-
ii .. -.i . i... ......... i.. . .i ..i.i i
once. On Sunday tho schooner spraiig-t
u leak, und on Tuesday, while the.
pumps wore being worked to tho ut--
mo9t they broko beneath the deck and
tho schooner after tilled rust'and eankf
rapidly. By nightfall she was.awaslftfe
.!. ...... m n.i.AM. .i...... I.am n.wl tA n.n.k.
tuu buiio nnuiu uiui iici, uuu tuu nui
lashed to the rail, suffered dreadfully
from tho cold. . .
Mrs. Darling, tho captain's wife, ,
who hud been for hours held by hor
husband In Ins arms.succumbcd totho
fearful cold and died. For thrco days
tho crew, without food or wator.stood
lashed to tho rail, tho cold waves
washing them almost continuously.
On Thursday tho schooner Mount
Hope camo along, took them off and.
brought them to this port.
She looks
ISxir rlothM rannot nvikn vou look
old. F.vcli raw i'Imjcm wou-t ilo t,
Ono tlilDK Hoi'" . n,''r " '
It l IiiihiII to look Tount-yrlth
thuoolot o( wvcuty yvats la jour tali.
Hair Vigor
tifrmnnontly jwMtiwnM tho tell-tal
ilKtmofuB" It lirliiR lurk tho color
or yoiiili At Itrty ..ur lialr ruy look
lulr kIm, kioi) It from fAlllncout,
It ilol HI tliiwil- 11 niou iih
ami rlviMn inowaiP iroinmnurui
81.00a lK,tii.' AtnllUrucgUU.
If tii l" not oblnln ill th i liuflU
you rxiHMilMt froiu lti m ut tho Y'lior,
Mrlm iih doctor about II
Iv Aakiuiliitril I'rvni, tu the JuuruuU
OlIKUiio, Fob. 21. May $7Utt
- tza
No. 2 red 7a.
Ban Frakchoo, Feu. 21 MuyJJ
oiun i. in.
New Suits
New Overcoats
& MARX and the
k ITt? IT
of clothing.
Classic Authority
Wbut w.is it KHiertOii s.ildi
elnthu8y HesHld "thut ttiafeepg
or being well dreswd, teat U m
B. & M. garments, would givaKn
it sense tu Inward peace uiaie
llllle Ul UWUJW.
New Gordons
Wo eUilm and can PC
thri Is mure value R) C
HAT at three dollars I
other hat ut any prlsu,
New Puff Ties
iu wa vou seen the new
The most varied and vatic
...Ant yul. ahnun
50c and 75:
Qtmllty ! the password ra
Bprlng spoolaRiea
& So
iuii iiiiu iiiu &IUUH iiuiiuuam iu viuif Wtl
protest. j