ft BLANKETS & 14 'V THE BIGGEST REDUCTION ON Til 13 BEST VALUES IN All Wool Blankets - 3ft. CASH tlTORF. E. SEE SOUTH WINDOW AT HOLVERSON'S UAHH STORE Up panes, Collarettes and Mackintoshes Will be closed out at unheard of prices Silk lined Fur Collarettes at Ki $Z9 GRAND JURY Returns Seven Indictment in the Marion County Ballot Cases. Defendant Arraigned at One O'clock and Trials Will Be Had at This Term of Court. Greatest bargains ever shown Every garment reduced J. J. DALRYMPLE & CO. iiJT V v si. 1 1 l TWO Noses i in. I Ml loll cnilAl It fAtttuI urlilal, imi nvalU allfc In i ntr"".w ---r.r". --.-. -.--r-.-- -v- .' h,,. jnenuom. we ix'Hr tin lucl in luiwi li ? Minting yn kUimi bii'I orlilmr,! rwulM will LtKlTrller tolhacj ami eoMoti 10 tlifl now JtiteuflM nultituv to MiHitiH ii It ttMv cwtil vnn 4 nor not to uusskh to kit in t:, now:. 'Aje and ruiflu HINGES KXl'KUT OlTUlJlN, 200 COMMKIIOIAb STItKCT. IP THE WKATHItH. The forecast fortialurday In occas ional rain. PERSONAL AND LOCAL; (Movements nf ltitlilinta mil Vlntnra in :-' .1.. rnj r.... I1IW VMillMI WIIJT. rMrs. M. E.SIauK(Ull.of Canbv. wlio diss been till) guest of Mis A. Now tori. K)flNo, 2, Oliurcli street, loft for homo '.oniiuo uiicruoon irain, LIT r'" Tim ItllnrlLv nml tnl.)vmnrif. nf dm K'tuerubcr of tlio legislature has been Increased by tho nrcnenec of tlio Hon. tianiu King of Southorn Oregon, Hun. L' ffllfll NlnliY.II nf .Imttynilll... j.-..-,. ....-... . ...n.ullv, Y, P. A.. business meeting of Hie iKavuntriMitli niwl f!h,Minbmn lr...t ftcTturch, to be bold tills ovenlng at tho iliouio of U. I Royol. linn boon uost- eponed on account of Mrs. Royal be I n MCK. Kpworth Leaguo Convention. The Bnlem District Epwortb League convention convened at Wood burn on Thursday Fcbrunry 10, nt 3 p. m. Miss Margaret Oulnondorfcr tlio district president In tho chnlr, Organization wna effected and Hip oniccs o! lait year will act during this session ns election waa postponed until Saturday. Dy a change In tho boundary lines of bnlem district It will bo Imiiofdubt for Miss Uulscndorfcr.to bo prc-ildcnt another year an tho live ut Albany which placa H now In Eugene district. At 7 p. in, tho Woodburn ohapler welcomed the doli-gates and visitors. Exqulslto uiuslo win rondurcd by the choir una Mrs V. W. Settlemolr, tires Idont of tho Woodburn ohuptcr ox tended a hearty welcome In u few well chosen words to which tho district president responded. Sho slated that eight yearn ago when tho district league wasnruanlwd thoro wero hut fen chapters In tho district since then tlio number has swelled to fortv chapters with a membership of oue thousand. Tho Milliliters of tho district wore roproonted by tho Presiding Elder Hoy. D.A. Walter, Hoys. tjliutso of Maniuam, Urannls.of McMlunvlllo, and Harmon of Woodburn. Hov. J. T.Abbot of Albany was prcsaiitcd an fraternal do oinitn from HiWn dlsttlct. A cantata "Parablo of tho Ten Virgins" was beautlfullv rondnred hv young Indies of Woodburn and Dr. 1' Ingor acted as "llrldegroom." Tho church thon novo u reception to delegates and visitors. Tim mniiin of Woodburn have opened thoir hearts nud hornet Ui tho convention even somoof tho business housos decorated with Leaguo colors, scarlet and white. 'Alio church Is beautifully decorutcd The grand Jury returned three true bills Thursday evening In the form of jolat Indictments against 1'. H. D'Aroy. W. J. D'Arcy, H.T. Rich ardson, J. A. Carson, W.J. Itnftcr, II, T. Hayes and L, V Khlon, charg ing them with forgery of public re cords In altering tho tallyiihcots of tho June election In Monitor, Mt- Angol and Huttcville precincts, and Marlon county. Defendants appeared before Justice .fob nsoo. and gave re quired ball for their appoarancc. Defendants all appeared In court this morning at nine o'clock with counsel as follews: Uco. G. Illugham and John M, Oearln for i li. D'Arcy, W. J. D'Arcy.J. A. Uarsou, W, J. Itafter and II. T. Hayes. M. E. i'oguo for L, V. Ehlen. Judgo Jlciineltof The Dalles for S. T. Hlchardson. Ah Mr. Hlchardson doslrcd to com municate with IiIh counsel by tele phone at The Dalles, tho Hmo for ar raignment was set fori o'clock by Dis trict Attorney flayden. Defendants will Htund nepnrate trials In the order demanded by thu htuto. ThouisoH will bu pushed lo trial at this term of court without any delay whatever. ( The ballot caseH aro entered a threo seperate cases In the circuit court docket. Clerk Hall and Deputy Miss Miss McClllloch worked until after midnight luit night nroparlng 21 conies of thu indletiinTnt. three against each or the no von defendants THK AltltAlUNJIKNT, H. D, Hlchardson stated ho had em ployed counsel but wanted tf mo to conforbut this wan denied. OMior de fendants ii micii red by their rnurifol iih above, and Mr. ItlnhurdHon then Htated thut'lio would appear for him soff. Illugham asked until Mondnv to plead In reply to tho court's (Uch Hun, guilty or not guilty, but the court ruled tho defendants should all plead Saturday at nine o'clock. Mr, HlolmrdHon ugalu look exception t the ruling of tho court. Judgo Bur nett replied that he had oirored to ap point counsel for him from among the lawyers present. The district attorney road them several Indictments and tho same ruling was had on all of tuem. JOURNAL "H-HaM.'1 Thank God, for the tiasMtfOOf tile registration law. XXX Watch the augar beet baby wake up and squall at, the last minute. Ut I'lagg's flag Is still thcro. He ha como very near doing what he told the pcoplo ho would do. with scarlet and white buntlug.potted T1HJ HUOAK UUI1T UAllY. Not Much Hope for An Appropriation for Thlt Agricultural Orphan, A luglslatlvo correspondent or tho Portland Times says: Turner Oliver Is weakening on the Hiigur boot graft, or, to bo more cor- reel, tho henatorsnro weakening, As Htated several days ago, thu sugar baby hoi's no possibility or winning the 200,000 bounty, and is very anxious now tocomnromlsu on auw. 000, Even this sum is nm iiiuii m Hiilt tho seuators, and tho migar-boot men or LaGraudc. wli(nn uriiiMiniiu. wealthy Mormons, may bo thankful if uiey succeeded In II I in Ham I ng the Hlltte for M0.000 at less. Tlio alimnw aro not a red cent will bo appropriated We have no use for Judgos like Boise and Judah. Wcwant men we can handle. Tho Push. XXX Pill! Mctschau and Andy Gilbert won't le Paris World's Kalr commis sioners by consent of the Senate. A Oh, yes, why not? Keep all the committee clerks on the payrolls all the year around and let them (I Ivy with the members. McCulloeh showed good stuff In his tight against the biennial raid on the treasury by the committee clerks and experts who never find anything. XXX Orifi tlilnt? Is clear, old or vounv. married or single, the average legisla tor cannot economise when he Is hold up for a raifc In wages by u commit tee clerk. X X X "Thcro was no crowd there. It was not advertised In Tun Joounal," Is a common expression. Why Is this ? Bocauso Thk JouitNAL, after nil tho abuse shed on It, Is tho 1J vo paper that reachos the people. Ex-Stato Treasurer Phil Mctschan was foisted on tho house as Paris commlcsloncr and foisted olf by tho senate. A patient public could en duro giving that genial gentleman a rest from further olllclal honors. X XX Tho Senato wisely reduced tho salary of prison physician from $0)0 toguuo, wiiero it nau always been un til tho IIouso raised It. When A. Biiih was superintendent ho had tho work dono by u convict, but collected no pay for It. t XX Thu grand Jury Is In session at Sa lem. If wluit Mr. Whallcy charged Tni: JouitttAi in, in with doing Is true, It Is his duty to prefer an In dictment before that body. If It Is nut true, ho owes a publje refraction nnd an apology to the legislature mid the people or Oregon. HllaPW Mllllil.. !;; Every Day tn the week you can get treMi Roasted Coffees and not coffee that has been standing ror weeks In barrels. Try our Middle Price Coffee 20 and 25 centfl a pound used to be .10 and 35 cents. Or ir you want Something Cheap Fresh and better than package coffee, try the J2J and 15 cent grade. Try Our Coffee and be convinced of Its freshness and quality for Its price. Yokohama Tea Store Telephone Red 01. Free delivery. Where to buy and How td Find the Rieht Goods at the Riht Prices. Friedman's New Racket is where they make it a study to keep the right, goods and at right prices that will suit the people who have to work harcl lor their money, It stands them in hand to buy right, Thcrclorc, it will pay them to trrde at Friedman's New Racket The advantage the customer has is the expert buying of the managers of f A Gentlemanly Operator. A. C. Jrncs the cillclcnt operator In tho6crvlco of the Postal Telegraph Co. at the state house is an applicant of the Signal Corps service nt Manila. All or thelciidlni; senators nnd renre. Ecritativcs signed the petition Includ ing Gov. Ocer. Wo wish Mr. Jones success as he has few equals nud no superior as a tolcgranh operator and he carries the best wishes of his many friends. I iFrledman's New Racket For It is a known fact that Friedman can go Into nny store that Is 100 feet long by 30 wide und stand In the middle of the store and give an estimate of a stock of a goods that Is worth from $20,000 to $100,000 In 15 minutes' time and come within live per cent of the actual Invoice, or value of Its contents, Chair Cars Between Portland and Albany. Comfortable upholstered revolving chairs, observation ends, attractive smoking room?, first class In every particular, 25 cents Portland to Salem, Ao cents Portland to Albany. Car on rear end of train. These cars will be run throughout tho session or tho legislature. 1-17-td. The New York Racket has reduced prices very much on ladies', gents.and chlldrens' rubber boots and shoes In all lines. Don't buy until you see our line and prices. I3 2dlw hTMH QRIP GURU THAT DOEB CUBE BIxatlyo llroino Quinine Tublets BIOWOVU the eallKU Unit nrniliir.xi r.n 'OjiPpe. Tho Kcnuinu has L. B. Q. won cue n Tauioi. sue. For la iMlnna tnln Oiiimn nmtcrs. WL Pt'ACll 37 2w Kpur kid fitting corsets Are proving a drawing ourd. All who hmo bought them aro loud in Lhnlr nralnon. 'l'lmv r Mm lu.n MtcuriwU innrte unit every one U wai granted. . Try nne-if ou do not like Ml we will ghrojouyour money back. Look at our Coi Ml Window. All tho (Some Bargains h'aionv Yarn nil milnie till y ii clni., nr. i ..ii.Tri iiiv-rvi.." ;c7."' " ,,"U1I 4HU iiiiv-u vitiiou niwc, 5(M.UH; nnd Uhlldron' Wool lli. feiS Ala ii ! .udlfft M.00 Mnoklntuh, ' l, . .OWf.170 (Laoiw ti,w .Mekliiloho uiw W.36 LQfnkmcn Remember g35forooloitiut our uien'n IluU wud FurnlHilog Oomls. Wooan save you iiioncy on anyiiuug yu nml In F3 "- . ii i i. in fiillis Bros. & Co. j IOTOASII 1IOUBR. Krl DtxirSoutU ut the Piwtonieo. piiintHmid largo lcaguu badues. urch orer tho plnlform ben is word "Welcome" Frldajr-Tho convention mot nl8s30 a. mi, Devotional oxorcltos led by Mies GuUendorror. Buslnuss meeting follewed: roll call by J. o. Bhiokorbv secretary protom, and minutes nt previous moot wero read.correoted nud approved. Reports or district onioors followed and cominllteo on llnunr.w oppolnted. Hey. J. T. Abliott of Albany, fraternal delegate from Eugene dlstilct, was thou Introduced ana delivered a splendid nddross. Dr. Sulfa Coujtt Byiup Curea tho Worst COld In AllaV!ttnn llin ............ !'fiU, ",t!n,s ,,,akl' l,, '"Vor and bn. i. nun m, iriiuuiicios lowurd pllOII- tUOIlia. It lHlh(iiiiil.L.., ...ii.... ... .....i ourer of throat and lung diwim. KtttrataVar Huw.u Mlllt 0.rr.l, ml S, Q STONE, M. D. tivitrirlur or Stone's Drug Stores HH.KU. (UiKilON Tfca Wvrn (tww tti aUMWr) RM kM4 it w4Mm.m1M artM. Hrarr. U1h.i W. aiXKN'K I II.. U. I ........ u ....r,,HHHWrWfMM . y m Mun to,( aBd ohwtt. tSSSSZ '" ' Uithoso mendicants despite all tho incemnt lobbying which has been golug on since thu commencement of the siwslon. The scheme of the mii-ur mm. ,n boom tholriovsn lots by having county soatof Uiil'jn change to La Grande Is also rocelvlng hoiiio hard knocks. A delegation of cltltons from nii..n county aro lioro to counteract and on- uoruiiue tho pli.u und phms of the sugar moil, and each crowd watohua uioouior. ITha lii'ltuatinns aro Hint thoro w 111 bo nnotrort to stttuiHxlo thuseimto for tho sugar bouiiiy nt tho last moment Lot tho member ba on their guurtl J nu. j Salvotlt Amty. Hrlgadlur btttphon Marshall, am mamlornf tho North Pimiu. ni..i.i.. of the Salvation army and his ganarul nuruiary win owHluct mhhjIhI mMf IngsouSaturtluynnd dumluy in Sa lum. Saturday iiIl'Iil n ni.i n Kiklvitl I.... ...u... i.... . . ......... v.. . ..umi. niiiiuuy ii a. in IIoIIiimm moating a p, m sjmolttl dad lontHjii wrvic u baetiuduotod In the M. K. uhurth on siutv street at 8 p, m. a iMltla ror miuIs at thu italvntlua Army hull nt the elona of sui,if.i..v. night maatliig. CutTwand auka win b Mrvl. Kyr-n wahiiwia. All msouug are fro. Tin: Jouhnai. owes Senator Josonhl tin apology for Inadvertantly stating that he was opposed to "holding tho state fair at Salem." It simply wished to say that tho senator was opposed to tho fair appropriation, for, as the gonial Doctor suys, ho has only tho best or wishes ror Salem and all her Interests. Tiik Joun.NAf, bike ploasuru in doing this simple Justice. X XX It Is really heartrending to sec tho animals wall, snort, rln and tear and gnash the'r tooth at the dufe.it of the text-book trust That Insidious slimy creature, levying Its toll nt thu doors of our wchoolhousas upon ovorv child that bought a book, was always pre p.trod to yield Its llttlodlvy to every politician nnd alleged educator who would enlist under Its banner. t X X Tiik Joi-unai. will tabulate as soon as the olllclal projeodlngs or both houses aro completed, tho record or every member or tills legislature on vital matters and give It to tho pen pie. In tho present chaos of party linos uie aciual record or wicii mem ber for ntid against bills and rooolu tlons w III bu tho only guide tho peo ple oan nave. XX X Judah and Glboon aro hurting tlio reelings or tho old Salem oily ring. Tlio first two months thoy put about liHX)cash Into the treasury that umhI U) lw dl vldod iHitwoen tho misli nn.l ti,.. onmrKiIgn rund. Salem prlmarla and olaotlons will horoaftor hno to bo oar rled by the uung going down Into uioiruwu iHKikoUs IU5,tud or tho Uix imyor s. That I crual. Sale of Stock, If vrm wIhIi fri lmv 11 irrwul nnw nr other stock attend the salo on Thurs day 11 Inst, nt the Culver farm six miles east or Salem. 2-11-15 The Fact is Known By the best nttorneys In Salem and Portland, Tacomn and Seattle, and many or tho Insurance adjusters. Those who have employed Friedman In tho capacity of an expert or appraiser, nnd nlso many of the wholesale merchants on the coast. The purchasers of merchandise can readily sec the advantage of good Judges of goods and expert buyers. Those who buy right can sell right, and ono who buys right nnd sells right knows how to deal ri zht by their customers. What FRIED MAN'S RACKET can glye tho bet bargain in for men who aro level headed la HATS, and EXTRA BARGAINS In CLOTHING. Big drives In SHIRTS UNDERWEAR and SUSPENDERS. Extra bargains In.L DIES nnd MISSES' SHOES, EMBROIDERIES, LACES, VELVETS and PLUSHES. Great drives In PASSIMENTRE and OTHER TRIM.MIMG, as well as KID GLOVES and other FANCY NOTIONS. You will find it pays to trade at New Dwelling, Mr. J. Horrlngton, who Is employed ut tho asylum, Is having u new rosi donre built at 322 Mill street, Mr. A. It. Fin ley Is tho master mechanic. Don't Toliaifo feilt mill Smoke lour I ire AiTaj, To quit tolxirco caMly nml foreier, botnnff netlc, lull of 1 1 to, nervu nml ltfor, talio No-To line, tlio wonder worher, that mallet wcalc men strong. All (IrngKlsW.Woor Jl. Curojcuaran tcisl Uooltlct, unil Httinplo free Addrcsi Bierlloe Itometly Co, Clileiieo or Net? York. -Friedman's N6W urn, Corner State and Commercial Streets. A Hot Cud of Coffee Is what initkos n man, woman nnd child smllo those day, nnd If you want to bsuto to get It try Sonneman's 3 lbs. for 50c kind I Ho has all grades, and nt 25c he! hells a coffee cqunllod by few) brnnds or Mochn nnd Juvu. Coffee Isourspeclulty. AUCTION SALE BY ORDER OF THE COURT. SONNEMANN THE GROCER 124 State- at Tlr phono 31 REEDS OPERA HOUSE COMING , FEBRUARY 22. Harry Corson Clarke' .IN.. SUvyVoH. o. rUvul UIUU. UHKKHK.-AlhU mm lS ijHwrnttry i, :.io i. Il( ja, uaiKMii, ur iwtHimoutu, ubuul jiMia urn, Mr. Gorkun is ntianr ommu. ..i.... wr sottlars and has lixml at. m.,.... uow noarly ton roars. iiu w., family of mayoral ohlhtron. i wire pnwwdad him t n, U'rayo mctnl year ago. The h.ii. tiranhavo tlio symiwthy of thu w. Uru ootumunlty. The Modern Way Cnuiuiandsluslf to thu nolMnruriuwI. Ut do plwimnUy and offootunlly w hat was rormorly done In thu orudust nmimiir nnil IU,.,.r.,..,ii.i,. ., . .. ii Su r r,r, 8 i.f corns, ... ......... .L, tun, irmrs wiinuill till- l MMiiii after offocU, m u,w delight ful liquid laxative romwly, Sjrup r IJgs. Made by California Fig Syruw WHAT HAPPENED TO JONES, Watch for further announcements Shoe Chat Wm lwircs In reliable couipanhM, . in iiaiirtwii uoKcu l all lolflt East, Sells find now alt ntylp of typevwiurs. Vtwh 0ne. m--i Wi i aa ii aa STi mm.iwi lM. iJNUM,' Sl COWMUliOiAl. STUMCT. SALEM, OUKUfiN Noaey Kfun4d. SatlKfdnllnn ,......., ..i ... iitttik" sui m ym Mik tr m dWiik it. Tlif'ra liarv. Mui uf tha ladle1 iim. liiggar, inure ixwiphJto Unas unn aver, tun: mi t... M,u i .. i... ... M " i'"!'felti-7r K4Mda oan be wild . kW" Nuw. It miiiiii iu ti ... .. .. .. howoNor. awl iKHtr In mind ihatjcv e Uy, whaler yuu Iwy or nut vJ dtfforont. " uw,u ,u,u Wo have anullor large lot of the v..i.Lno,.!l!TO!;.Sritiiiik J$! U3$t ' ? " wVlnw'if S The Stearns $50 Woduu'tsolliwiHt. WO Mill II KM II I.. .. .. 1... .. i... . r... ." .""" " iia irsi itHH '"" " wMMiHtior nay a tha oolor ha imiro-than cioiha; itf ZT' " But the Stonrri!,. W,H" 1 hero's an ImlivlduaHty about IL j something dlllarout In IInSi a you ouu toll a tlMiiwrfhiNafhartS ailMlllg a Whoh) ilmm f ..-- ... "u.r. lrei. "" u, win Kvor notice it ST K AUKS-MO. ,. 'IX)UHlST-m StS,rus,CodHUU VVttrtaul1 V the OUU.'SmTAL'. AURuaranteodfrowt tobattw,. To Commence Saturday, February 18, 2 P. M. . The entire bankrupt stock of H, Zandmer, 96 State st consisting ot gent's furnishing goods, men's and feovs' : clothing, boots and shoes, hats and caps, also a fine line ' of comforters, blankets, quilts, trunks, valises, also a large line of gloves, men's neckwear, dress shirts, gent's half hose, collars, cuffs, braces Three nickel show cases One large mirror, Etc. The entire stock consists of fresh goods and is strictly a bonafidc sale, sold without reserve or limit, Two sales daily from 2 to 4 P, m, and 7 to 9 P, m, until the entire stock is sold, REMEMBER THE PLACE 96 State Street, Patton Block, W. A. FAVIER, Auctioneer, If OF PORTLAND, hfoYb4lkAa au fa.. . . lu'te ass. WIGQ1N-S BAZAAR WANTKDTwefurHh,hMl r.wu.,- t A. Mitsm n.,""X Addrosa "" wmotu urogQH. ' They AM Say ItltKllLiii HO.. ...... .. nassJSiPSA Try It, 4 If i .. .... .. m ooaancuL MMVr 4teCvBiHS SSe. io-Nightand To-Morrow Night And each dnv nnn ..,..i. .1. ...'.. . BSS7SUSS 1 ...... . , v V,,B Aiiroac and Lungs, acknnw Aiti.nH t. i. .i.r . " r5'MA "Jr er iSd to? nrf iw wuuvi "ronQii 1 s, Asthma and Consumption. Get a bottle 0 . keep Jt always In the UuuVS; t rice 25o and fiOc. Sample bottle free, I The New Process. HnnL'W' F.'ourIng Mills .--. .a uuw oetter than "SDecIal" ever. Try Seed Oats injutf tUatus do jiow tth Dr. UUm Pain Ju Jim eed, Lime and Flour. dw2-i3tt ni riiiTfiflaal?f