4&v JOURNAL ;": v -"-- i a. . " ' -it nmm i t VOL. X SALEM, OREGON, JP11IDAY, PEBltUABY 17, 1899. tfO. 41 Ti A Tt ,Y ,A . , 3-j- 4 ,yA XO ,t tj I VJXjJL 1 X XA-JLj f Our shoe sale Only jscven pairs men's Price Ladies' storm rubbers, Bostons 40c Ladies' storm Bay state, all sizes 25c Men's short rubber boots , 1.90 All of our fall and winter lines of shoes regard less of cost must make room for on immense spring stock. Krausse Bros. 275 Commercial Street. Try our seeds, Uioy arc the kind free to all upon application. Wo SUPPLIES, consisting of IIIvob, SAVAGE St RB1D Successors to tlic O. Dickinson Seed Co, 322 AND 324 COMMERCIAL STREET. INDICATED (0MPlExi0N'T0illT mCZy chemical CoJ jRl m ,j 3? TO V jfJF , V . ' 'ZS'SV nA 0 ry vt oiaic fUA sssjs SaSI8aSffi8 WANTED POTATOliS, ONIONS, we pay man est OREGON GIIHEN AND DRIED FRUIT CO. Suitable Tools ' j i H still on thigh boots left, $2.50 and $3.00 il m SUPPLIES that grow. Our catalogue sent also carry a full line of BEE Sections, Smokers, Etc. If you wish to have an abun dance, of beautiful, soft, flossy hair you can easily ucqulre It by the use of DR. WARNER'S MEDICATED COMPLEXION AND TOILET SOAP By Mail lOo Per Cake or $1.00 Por Dozon. Money refunded 11 not satisfactory. For 8alo Hy BARB BROS. 118 8tato Htrect,.., HALEM, ORE Satisfaction Guaranteed. Little Men's Shoes... Fort OKNTLKMANLY HOYS. Caw and Yici Kid Heel and spring hceN, s Ik vest ing ton-, lace New up-to-date shoes like pupa wwire The shoes the boys urc proud of and tho shoes of parental satisfaction because they wear out slowly. Shnp Sll-.nrf . W V ""' WW ' Salem, Oregon street, HAY AND cash price. 53 State Street, Salem.lOre FOR ALL TRADES. A man might as well try to work with his hands alone unless he has the tools that help. THE BEST is none too pood for the man that does the work. THE BEST can always be found at GRAY BROS. AT SENATE PASSES General Appropriation Bill. Torrens Land Registration Bill Defeated. House Takes Notice of the Whalloy Incident. Senator IIcwc offered a resolution to correct what may have led to future trouble. It seems that when J. W. Bailey wap sleeted dairy com missioner, the Inw creating his office had not been signed hy the goyernor, hence the necessity of a joint resolu-tloure-afllrmlng 'the election, which was done. The district attorney's bill wus brought up, und after several amend ments being adopted the bill wus passed by 10 to 11, those voting no being Senators Bates, Clem, Daly of Lake, Duly of Benton, IIalncs,Huscl- tlnc, Howe, Josophl, Maokay. Porter, Selling. The general appropriation bill was passed by 24 to G, those voting no being Daly of Lake, IJowc, Selling, Smith, Wade, II. B, 3, Flagg, providing for all exe cutions of cupltal punishment be held at the state prison, Daly of Benton, und Kuykqndall spoke In favor of the bill. Driver ob jected to making a state butcher of the prison succrlntcntknt, and raised the objection that It would bo dan gerous to brlog criminals from dis tant counties to tho capital for execu tion. Fulton and Brownell spoke agalnt the bill on constitutional grounds. Upon motion of Brownell tho bill wus Indotlultoly postponed. II. B. Myers, to apply funds received from tho federal government to military fund. Passed, n. B. 130, Myers, to restore to mili tary fund certain moneys. Pusscd. H. B. 140, Myers, for more cfllclent or ganization of national guard, Passed. HOUSK FRIDAY A. M. Nino o'clock wus somewhat too early for the u embers who hud worked until midnight, but half an hour later the House had tattled down to business for tho lust day's work. Speeches were limited to live minutes and considerable business was cleared up. The longest discussion was on Sen ator Kelloy's bill to put tho Torrens system of title registration -Into op eration In this stute. Butt, McCul- loch, Whulley ana Stewart, spoke for the bill; McOourt, Freeland and Flugg against It. Tho last named gentleman claimed that it wus un act of contiscatlou, as It would ruin the business of the ubstruct companies. This is tho only ground of objection to the nronosed system, but It seems to haye beon sufllclcnt to defeat the bill, Flamr introduced a resolution to clear up some ambiguity of tho J' ur- nal records, and to distinctly state that the vote of censure passed on Wcdnesduy wasdlrccted at the private citizen and not at the member of the Houbo. Roberts aired his Inability to understand plain English and moved to Insert tho name of the person cen sured, which was done. This rehash may seem like exceed ingly small business with which to to take up the diminishing time of the legislative body. But It must be said In extenuation thuta plain rec ord of the Incident would certainly give the Impression that tho voto of censure should huve been directed ut the member who took advantage of his position to make an unwarranted andscrurrilous personal attack, on the floor of the nouse, upon a citizen present, who had no opportunity to properly defend himself. It was therefore nroner Hint the House should clearly deflce Its position. Senate lolnt resolution, confirming the election of J. W. Bailey as food and dairy commissioner, was adopted. Williamson's resolution wus adop ted, limiting speeches to live minutes lo length. HILLS PASSED. S.B. 109, Daly of Lake, to provide for the sale of agricultural college land. S. B. 88, Fulton, tp authorize county courts to allow the construction of logging roads upon county roads. S: B, 22, Daly of Lake, providing when and in what kind of mpnjy taxes may be paid. S. B. 224, Fulton, submitting consti tutional amendments. S, 15.' 101. Smith, to roicuso surltlcs, upon bonds, undertakings und surltlcs. S. B. 97. Mulkey, to change amount and character of fees charged by county clerks, S. B. 00. Mackay, to amend section 1604 relating to trademarks. S. B. 185. Haines, to Hx tho salaries of the county clerk, sheriff and re corder of Washington county. FAILED TO PASS. S. B. GO. Joscphl, to amend section 3057 general laws. S. B. 101. Mlchcll, relating to rcclani- matlon of arid lands. S. B. ,10. Kelly, concerning lauds titles and registration of tho same, m i P esldent Faure Dead. Paris, Feb. IV. President Fuuro died at ten o'clock lust alrfht, from uppoplexy. It had been known for somo llmo that his health was weak, but the Urst Intimation that he was sick was uiven ut half past 0 this afternoon, when a messenger was dispatched to the premier, M. Dupuy, announcing that tho president was 111, M. Dupuy Immediately repaired to tho Elyssco. All medical efforts proved futile, and the president died at 10 o'clock. The report spread rapidly through out tlio.clty, and largo crowds soon as sembled In the vicinity of the palace. A bout 0 o'clock M. Faure, who was then in his study, went to the door of the room of M. Lcgall, his private sec retary, which Is contiguous to the study, and said: "1 do not feel well. Como In," M. Lcgall Immediately went to the president's uld, and led him to a sofa, culled Gcncrul Bulllound. secretary of the president's household, and Dr. Humbert. The president's condition did not appear dangerous, but Dr. Humbert, on perceiving that he was getting worse, summoned othor pliys icluns. Though M. Fuuro remained consci ous, the doctors soon recognized that the caso wus hopeless, but it wus not until nearly 8 o'clock that the mem bers of the family were informed of the real state nlTalrs, Thoy then cumo to the sofa whore tho president lay. Soon after ho began to lose conscious ness and, despite ail efforts, expired at 10 o'clock. In the presence of tho fumlly and M. Dupuy, Paris, Fub. 17. At a- meeting of the senators, M. Loubct, president of the senate, was unanimously nomin ated president of the French In fuc cession of Fuuro. Paris, Feb. 17. Premier Dupuy has fixed tho meeting of tho national assembly In which the senators nnd deputies will unite in voting for the president of Frunce, for tomorrow afternoon ut Versailles. The national assembly mot this afternoon and adjourned out of re spect for tho dead president. All is quiet In the city und country. Washington, Fob. 17. Hay In namoof MoKlnley cabled Paris sym pathy at death of Faure. Grip is slaying thousands of victims. Dr. Miles' Nervine is curing thousands. There's a Feeling of Security When you put your feet in a pair of our shoes. Security and case to the feet, Security and case to the pocket book, m OSBURN'S RACKET 303 COMMERCIAL STREET. Oppositk Post-Offkb. -::- SALEM, OREGON. For two weeks only Our entire stock must be disposed of within this time we have still Many Good Selections which will be sold lower than ever to make final closing out. THE EMPORIUM 309 Commercial Street. Retiring from business. Fixtures for salei MANILA NEWS Insurgents Are Seeking ;. Hefuge Intense Heat Affecting tho Men Seriously, Light Skirmishing Is Reported I Along the Lines, By Aaanolatrtl Pre tu (lie Jnurtinl. Manila, Feb. 17. 11:50 a. m, Ex Consul of tho United States G. F. Williams Is in receipt of an applica tion from a member of the Insurgent congress at Mulolos, requesting a pass through the American lines for u family of 12 persons, who are desirous of taking refuge In Munlla. This Is regarded us significant as showing the mot intelligent rebels realize their families arc safe only within Ameri can territory. With the exception of u fow shots, tired Into a small body of rebels, who were attempting to destroy a rail road bridge ucar Calocan, all hu been quiet along tho line. Last night tho heat Directed the mon In the country to a considerable extent, but otherwise tho troops hayo shown a marked improvement slnco tho beginning or hostilities- Thut Portland tax collector bill Is more of a joke on Hurvey Scott than anything else. It's an economy joke. Harvey bus been cracking economy ut overybody und when ho gets a dose of hlb own mcdlcino everybody enjoys It. The worst or it Is, tho bill will cost the people of Multnomah county more than It will tho Orc'gonlun. Ex perience has shown in nearly all states that public sale of lands for delin quent taxes, -after proper advertise ment in nowspupcrs, Is the safest, most economical, most expeditious and just method. The New York Racket nas Just re ceived a large lot of trimming cotton nnd lemon luce, ulso other luces and lino embroideries, with a largo lot of all kinds of notions, hosiery, collurs, shirts, nnd many other Items. Call and see us. 2-17 2t Free Methodist. Rev. P. B. Williams will preach at the Free Methodist church, "North Sa lem, this evening at 7:30, and each ulglil until the closo or next week. Dni'tfull to call and scoour lino of'Ull kinds of rubber boots and shoes. Wolmvo reduced all llnesnttho Now York Racket 2-17 2t $1.90 For a shoe like this. Fine durable Vlcl Kid, lace and button, new coin toe. nutcnttlns, u substantial stitch that will do you good ser vice. Shoo stores ask $2.60 for a shoe like this. We've other stylish shoes ut $1.10, $1.25, 91.10 und $1,M) EXTRA : 4 O'CLOCK LATE DISPATCHES, Washington, Fob. 17. Tho ad ministration has determined as rapidly as poBSlblo to extend tho jurisdiction of tho United States over the Philip pine group In Its entirety, acting on the theory that delay Isdaugorou.snnd anarchy and general a paralysis of such interests as tho islands support will bo brought through u failure promptly to roplaco Spanlsli snvnrnlittit.v W Mint, nt ,lin ITnl,nt States: This decision Involves tho necessity of a naval campaign audi .. . ...... i tins win oo instituted n& soon as Dewey receives his Inrorccments In t.io shape of tho gunboats now at Manila. Washington. Fob, 17. Tho houso today sustained tho decision of the chair that tho motion to recommit tho sundry civil bill, with Instruct ions to Incorporate tho Nlcaraguan bill, hub not In order. Soverul railroad right of way bills passed. Among them ono to author ize construction of tho Clear Water Valloy road through the Nez Perces reservation. The census bill was sent to conference. Smelter Trust Formed. II y Amooluleil l'rc tu the Journal. Nkw York, Feb, 17. The Wall Street Journul suys: Options havo been secured on all the principal smelter companies of the country for the purpose of consolidation with the exception of thnso located In Mexico, Perth Amboy, N.J. Puoblo, Colo. It Isstuted that ns soon as Until details nrc reached. New company will bo formally orgunlzcd. DAWSON NEWS. Thawing Machines Will Be Inttoduced Immediately, Skattlk, Feb. 17. Advices from Dawson announce tho dcuth of Father William II. Judgo, a well-known Catholic missionary. Not Much Damaged. Ilr Annmilnteil Vrcnin to the .liiurniil. Jacksonville. Fla. Feb. 17. Re port received from nil sections of tho orange belt Indicate that the cold wave did not do much pormuuent damage. Dr. Dabbett Dead, The funeral of Dr. Walter Babbott, of Independence, a partner of tho lute Dr. T. J. Lee, will bo hold Sunday at 2 p. in. at tho Auditorium, with Ma sonlo honors. Ho was a nutlyo of Ontario, locating hero In 1802. Ho wus 111 13 days of pneumonia and was attended hy Dr. GIUIs and Cart wright of Sulom, and RuMcr and Kctchtim of Independence. Another Pioneer done, Tho body of Louis Louiory who fell dead on tho strcot In tho city of Salem Thursday was taken to Ills lato home at St Louis, Oorvals precinct, by train Friday. Mr, Lomory wus ono of tho pioneers, having driven his horso team from Michigan In 18.r2, Of his family or fourteen, six sons and flvo (laughters surylyo him. Ono daughter resides ot Spokane falls. Sho lias been notltlod and the funeral will bo delayed until Sunday or Mon day, awultlng her arrival. Memorial Servrccs. The Wlllard Memorial meeting will be ut 7:30 at tho W, C. T. U. hall this evening. Rcmcmbor tho dato. Tho o-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs, B. F. Ws?t, who has boon sick for several weeks with malaria fovor, Is still vory low. Friends of tho family will hope and pray for her recovery. JUDGE 40 Judge us by what wo'ro doing Judgo us by the continued crowds of buyers. Judge us b the iiiercJiundlso your friends huve purchuscd. Judge us by our prices. Got your friends to to you how much thoy puld. Thut Is ull we ask. You get trulytho best when you buy of us, New spring goods arriving daily.j Waist Silks Exclusive patterns, no two ullke, an udvanco shipment of our spring order; beautiful designs. $3.50, $4.60 to $6,60 Liberty Satin For wulHtst very new and dainty; price per yard $1.25 New Taffetas In lovely shades, Just right fur Waists, Petticoats, Drop Skirts, etc., lino qualities; per yard 85c and $1, Our $1 Glove Oyer 30 dozen sold within the last four months, and not a pair re turned; absolutely guaranteed, NEW OURTAINS, NEW SKIRTS, NBW CORSETS, NEW SIIIRTSJ tfHW COLLARS, NEW HOSIER Tos. Meyers fe Sonsa BRITON VS. TEUION Annexation of Samoa Is tin Only Prnrlirnl RnhiHnn. Prompt Response of the Captain of the tfritish Warship, When Called Upon to Kestore Order, Ilr AmhiicIii(mI l'rcM in tin; Journul. New York, Feb. 17. Dr. Porter Chambers, of this city, has received a letter from his brother. William L. Chambers, chief justice or Samoa, un der tho Berlin treaty, dated Apia, January 23. Justice Chambers speaks or the trial of tho contest for king ship between tho two rival factions, and says: '-After 11 days of putlcnt Invcstl gution, two days session each day and a hard study ovory ulght or Gamoan gonealoglos. titles and practices, 1 came to tho conclusion from a legal and conscientious point of view based upon the treaty and tho laws and cus to ms of Samoa thatTunus, the son of the lato King Mnltctou, and who by tho glftof the pcoplo had been en dowed with the name of Malletou.wus tho duly elected king. "The tiutlvcs during tho delivery of my dcclflon exercised a discretion which was tho better part of valor. Things were exceedingly quiet nnd respectful on tho surface, and the crowd dispersed pencerully. The United States consul-general, Judge Osborne, or Nebcasku, a man of Hue character and legal ability, und tho Brltlsli consul, Mr. Atuxsc, a nephew of Lord Salisbury's wire, and a man of 15 years' cxpuilcuco In England's foreign service, both Im mediately accepted tho decision lor their respective governments. "ThoUurmun consul-general, Hose, who also attended thu trial, refused to accept thu decision for his govern ment, although his government hud already agreed with America and England that It would accept and abldo by thu decision, whatever It might be. "A meeting of the consuls nnd the captains or the English and German men cf war wus held within itn hour. Tho American nnd English consuls and Captalu Sttirdco reported that the king In whoso favor I hud decided bo Immediately recognized by tho consuls calling upon him and the wur ships giving him a royal salute, This tho German consuls and tho captain of tho German wtrshlp re fused to do. If It hud been douo thoro Is no doubt Hint ho would huyo been llrmly upon his thro no that very day. Within two hours tho German consul, for tho dercated sldo, and tho other German sympathizers were leading the armed troops or tho Mutuufu faction Into the strcots of tho municipality. Tho prosldont, who Is a German, threw till his In fluence on thut Bide, and tho Mutuufu pcoplo. realizing that thoy had the support ol tho Gorman consul, of a Gorman warship and of the entire Uerman population, got reudy with amazing quickness for the violent at tack which followed. "Tho Mullotou people, whon It be camo known thut tho Mntuafas wero going to make wur, got together ull tho men thoy could In Apia and thu surrounding country. Thoy hud no time to gother tholr supporters from the d liferent Islands. They suc ceeded lu mustering about 2000 men, Indifferently armed and provided with mlsorablo ammunition. Tho rebels, who hud been prop-King for tho situation ror soverul weeks, por hups mustered ubout 3.100 men, and us ufterwurds shown, hud much better Linings Our stock Is Just now bubbling over with tho latest Wnlsf. and Skirt lining., In all thu new shades, we have the ovur popular NEAR SILK, SILVER SH KEN COMMODORE FABRIC, PKR- OALINK FANCY ENGLISH BATISTE. FANCY TAFFETAS, ETC, ETC. New Val Laces Somo numbers have had to bo duplicated; thu sweetest patterns, and so cheap. NKW PERCALES, NBW MADRAS, NEW ERROL CORDS. NKW GINGHAMS NKW SUITINGS. NBW EMBROIDERIES. Salem's Greatest oVal Baking Powder Made from pure cream of tartar. Safeguards the food against alum Alum baking powders are the greatest menacera to health of the present day. BOYAl tAKIffl PQwota Cft. HtW YORK. guns and were well si pplled with am munition. "As an American expansionist. I would nuturally like toseo tho Stars and Stripes run upovcrtheso Islands, hut I am not certain that It would bo best. Tho English outnumber us here ten to one, and their commorcc with tho Islands Is vastly greater than ours. I believe tho mnjorlty of the Amorlcans would bo Just us content wltlBrltlsh auncxatluu as American. "Our Pango-Pungo rights should in any case be Insisted upon, and In any arrangements that England und Atuorca might arrive at there Is no question that England would fully guaranteo all we wish. The likeli hood Is oven that, contrary to her traditions nnd practice elsewhere, Englnnd would prefer that our gov ernment take over tho Island." Flew for Parts Unknown, Tacoma, Feb. 17. Prof. Johu L. Talt, formor county superintendent of schools, left Tacoma last night, after having boon charged with con spiring to tho murderer his wife', - It was tried to bo mndo out that Talt was Insane, but his family physician and friends deny It. Three Killed Five Hurt. II AoMiclnti'il I'rcitit to tlio Journul. Philadklpaia, Fob. 17. While a dozon lircmoti were working on tho rulusof tho Emerson shoostoro, which burned Inst nlght.a massofdobrls fell, threo men woro killed, tlvo wero killed. Auerls WHEAT MARKET. Hy AKDOclntfil lrra tu tue Journal. CmoAao, Fob. 17, May 731; cash 2 red 72J. San Fkancisuo, Fob. 17 Muy 1.171 cash 1.1 A. US t J Well Dressed Young Men Huve u decided udvnnfagc. Never boforo hns It been bo easy lor a young man to bo as well dressed us uuw ror to little money. NEW SPRING SPITS. NEW SPRINU U ERCOATS. MART, BOnAFFNCn A MAfX. ouAnAHTem olothino. Red Gloves Tho correct men's wear, with one white pourl clasp. $1.50 4- Store. S For 'all coughs ( ? and celds: Cherry Pectoral i The medicine tried J for 60 years is the I medicine you can j ) afford to try. f -H .tS ?? ?. f.-g? JJJ1 . 3iAflmym jyifftfo.,., iri t '' liiMtt It - aia. - -l