V" -V. , -- v&yc& ft T. (i m1Util MtflWg - Id Weather Brings . Tjss$ -.. -c -ti.i nic. mm Increases Each Winter. kouali the dUaKreeabl effect of Ga it -re felt all the yen round, cold JntiloftMitit weather uBttrarntea ?0w i.aalind Jt Ifc during Um vrlnter j&iwonUhat iU feneren form fi i felt KKach licemiing jenr avyiH y - !'tehBlfy.thodlefte,o thnt ft gnuluallr r..i... n. i.r.1.1 mum t in ntilTiiref with ,, a fcrnsp that become llrmer each ica- Catarrh often appeari MOnh ;a4olI at first, and I hardly noticed. Hut .a.,.v tiin cnlil rfiturn. mid It Id -iiriort dllfloutt to cure, and itaya longer than formerly, tii-i- bjiiiihuiii "- s. ...(. t-nt- iliov ninric, the Unit tt appearance of a'UIna that will de Lwctop In eeverlty and Htubbornnoij,anrt Which It l impOMWll" hi euro Him local treatment 01 t.prava, wiwm--. -..i-.n- .tutiiKntliitiii. llelnir a ulaflMO of tho blood, only a blood rttacAr en hit nave iigii".' " "rv ; : Uatarni, iwcbubo it. i ... wj v;--t--,,..,.,! )iiih a to the scat of all oil- J aflnate cam-, and forcci out tho illaeaso. Mr.T. A. Wllllama, a icauma mer chant of Spartanburg, H. 0 , write: "For four year I liad naiuu catarrn, '-.I !iminti tli -nan Wni n. 11)11(1 OtlO at Unit, It watt not long until I noticed that It, wan gradually growing " 'COHMO 1 wag UDUOr HWmrm m - elaSa phyi-lfclarm, nut uipir .rcnirui wnroappiiea loeauy, nnu uw w r DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL. jf'Wvl. v HOKien -moTHieittt, !'THUItaDAV, FKimiTAIlV 10, 1800. Dally, One Year 8'J.OO, Jn Advnnco DstMy, Tour Moullu 1 00. if Advnnco. ?V.W MtUTi VI10 QHr WLWi U 4YMIIUW -.'..- - , . mi nn i.. . 1-...-- l, . -TUB VICTORY UV TUB DALY TK.KT.IIOOK HILL. Many people are .urprlsail tltut u tmcasu'rc,fio unlv.rsnlly onntMUd to bo fnecded In Oregon, a tin Duly text- reform bill, should only finally pass by a small majority and after a r.lurd fight In Its favor. yv Tho pooplo should reuiauiber thnt pttiero I no ono paid a dollar U) ndvo i tills reform. Tliure waB no cor- ipUonfund lined at tiuleiii for the lly bill. Wo would risk all our hope ipf a future here or horcnf tor on this i&ii'Uteiuour, Wo do not ovcn.oliaruv fsfrom soy knowledge of ours that tho "" ' vAinorlcan Hook uu. ur any company, I a corruption fund ntKalom todo , this. The point wo wish to tm s ou the reader Is that whtlo there Iwero prollis amounting from tfO.OOO to ir000aniiually to tho Amorloun Hook pn keeping tho law us it wus, there rit- only tho general beuollt acoruo- g fromohuajicr and bettor toxUbaokti favor of tboiiKKUure. WSt, COOSlUoriHH nm iw i iiioia i .I.4kIm.. .1... l ttl.l, t llAA Vtti a hruu mouoyod luloiftst ngalnit tfta bill, and only the general welfare ;of; tho public schools In favor of It, f&b'a ialy bill ncorod a groat victory. Tho tnetnbar who ipoko for it and Nfr for It. do-nervo public thanks LOUgllb r- ..I" to bo held In grateful mwwory by tho people. Nihb JouiiNAt. tried to trait tho " 3flosltloii to the Diiy bUi fairly. llflnovcrfora muiuont ullowlng ufU'Wiwaiio tho full reponlblllty what they wore riulug. ornttempt' lugludo,luusroaung th uiaasure. his ground some of them pretty i but was irfoeUy lugltlmate O of a Iw-llby soiu,tu (rtlncl tittt.Hy uf cur w in. It Mt Mlk. 1 hi uroMtan Ua 'nrt (ittwyresL- lirM Hd diMM l ib dtMiHctly rmiul 1KI im, wku ( tlAttb If 4 wlih Ut--vb. miuUm In tb sM-a, 4rg tK ttuwH or UHllllHff MIHa- tIMM. Hc4- r vbrs and titi MUKHllttr of Impi yUW thai sfivui ?WHy 1UM 4MM Uoif. MWHtt lwv lb Uialr. tttt iiX atiUgc af a liralihy KWHR mni vtn mww Ih t.riv tUOVCHKHt 'ikrt trt t uR-i.f TMf u a vtm4 fui t. iIh mt for tnwU- Im oT this tkfcCfiMtuM ituti tuM KhMd tbe 4m4 for ttihtv ret. 4 U tt tw " .r" - . Js, Zr. fi favontc l'Kitwte, It w& 4Uy oh ihe 4lkt im4 lptMim any ffjr many mum i vws U CO4ittl tml Mka lliaia Urunir. by a4 viteM It olUy lawm mA ulv!i-- and wmIim juln It ad bwW up live ucn It HlU ei f.T k v i-HiTO. an rmHtHi Ipen.tt4 .MtiiM rcWrf r fihkmn o tU luiaUd' Iltttei ' tbr arcAlrM iievtlk-l lutka IwludrHdrM lKiiunriktlMn IV, Hiw M w M U ba tfJ HHlK'HOiU4 I Wt l rtatt at KiiHu, h thry VllWtlltK tVpllMUU c ?r hi.u uiiili r "! 4i iriwc tin isianHiki .fg ? Oanifalbr awiwgr fic W( IjIW ty tnaNv rikt &' 1 f!rT7 L. I-.--.V. i vr. .. '. see- rrr" fIrii. VT.. LJxrT5h ffifi i. , iiiTff--sfoii'j Catarrh. eoined Jo be. get ettlng a firmer hold on . .11 lm "After pcndlng o much money for while for treatment -Weft prof ea vy vain. I wan urged to try H.o. o. inn renuKly proveS to bo the right one, or ft Kot at the dicae, and a few bottles cured mo perfectly. The cure m; a permanent one, and I havo not had a touch of thodneaie for many yean Hwlft'a Specif o Ji the only remedy that wTll have the .lighted effect upon CftUrr1'" Hufferer. from Catarrh should Ket a atart on tho ul eaMS before the cold weather aggravate It. Thoio who have been relying upon Wni trnntment will Hud winter weaincr ii all that in needed 5t. diirnv mat urn Vdlneaio If atlll with (i.mn A eotirso of 8 8 8. (Swlft'a Hpccinc) will provo all u rlloru made that It b. tho only cure (or Catarrh , It goca to tho cause of the trouhle-tho bfood-and forcea out all trace of the d Incase , . Bwlffa 8peolflo Is tho only remedy which reacf.es real obotlnat 1,lood dli oases i it cures Catarrh, I"'" "?'"" Cancer, Contagious IJlood I'olBon, Ee xiima, Scrofula, and evory other dlieaM of the blood It Is guaranteed Purely Vegetable and Is tho only blood remedy containing no potash, mercury or other mineral. jfcoks mailed freo to any address by the Swift flpeclllo Oo Atlanta, Oa. warfare for a Ucform bill. Tho only lies Tub .Touutut, told during tho whole BOlon were tho white lies und diplomatic misrepresentations made lu favor of Home leading opponents of tho measure, when Itsild that tlioy woro honest and sincere in llulitlng tho bill. Of hoiiio mombcTs this was true, but wo regret to say that wo were wrong In attributing to some of them a vlrtuo they did not possess It would lie unjust to conclude tho history of tins reform ylotory one of thexrcntojitforthu growing genera tions, for public education, for liberty, Justice and progress, without a tribute to-tlio men who bore tho lend ing part In tho brunt of tho light on tho floor or tho House, Tho leading spoakor for tho majority was Ilopro lenuitlvo Young of Clatsop. Ills el oqucnt plea held llxcd attention and touched the hoarlH or all who hoard him. Ills ringing words, coming fmu the youngest man in thu Mouse .undo a distinct Impression for the bill that was never effaced. Ills pica was followed b Kovcrul upoukors against tho bill, whon Htow- artof Jackson, a griuled veteran In the cause of educal Ion made u ring ing plea for tho children, tho fathers mil mothers, und tho rights of tho taxpayers to relief) to the extent, of 78.000 to tll'0,000 a year. Ralph Moody of Multnomah und Flagg of M trion, with determination uf purpnio and bulldog tenacity, wrottled with tho hard questions sprung by thu opposition and proved moro than a mulch for hoiiio nblo men un tho other aide of tho iiuostlon. A oaiisu that wins tho support of Flagg und Moody will nut lack foico- fill and ulVocllvo pretoutatloti. McQueen of Lauc county made n brief but Imartfolt plea fur the bill In the name of education und mural ity. On behalf or the Union minority iitlllmau of Umltllla, held tho house fur Imir an hour us ho reviewed objec tion after objection to tho bill, din olosiug tho rtwuiiteoHOfaoltur thinker, aloglul recMoncr and un eloquent ploador. lie tumid au eulouy of I'rof. If. K. Lyman or AsUirla, mado by one of the oppoalilun, Into a lower of strength for tho bill, showing that Lyman as enudldate for statu super intendent, had made bis canvas of tho state fur the principle embodied lu this bill und hud run iwilhnuMml ahead of his tlokeU II ttho'-vod It wu mil a political measuro, that Mi far m bu and his parto' ur oontrnol they wautoil the paron u und ohllilren uf Oregon to have wliiHil toxt books Jtut ns good audaaehoajilymi tlmpcopluof uthor sUt6 If It was iKwslble to prtwuro Ihoiti, THU lo Hi dlMl. U'' J. -. U!I MOIMJ -IK Ml vrAYITKR IN MQUO-lllim TWlt Tlie mllUtr uf TllH JOUMNAI. asks IndulgtiiHM vr ridor to maku a stnto nmiiU The light of this pa par for Uioylmty eharler and for the Italy hut-bonk bill at Uum txMauie ItiUnwsly imrsoual. The oppoitlon toiheMi measures, wbiab we regarded us of the greatest liorruiico to the poople, to Hie iitwpor gruwtli -and doxelopmoutor the Oupltal Olty as well in Hie weirawi of our publlo aeiujois, ws very Ktroug nnd well m ganliHKl. This opposition hud tu be ovewmio without tho uof nWny. with mly tho wrl forco of a rlgblj 6usswn,baukod by tho energy and iptlliKue ( a twpiwrter. Op-' fe QB5dflpHHo' w ponootaof TiiB 36vanAh may clmfgo It with being mercenary for political effect; but so longns they cannot prove that tula paper wa ever hired to assist a bad cause, or the oppose the Interests of tho people, we burl back the Insinuation of corruption upon Its corrupt authora. Tub Jouk nal has been endowed by a malorlty of thUlculslaturoln every Instance. If these ninety men thoiiKlit It wa a hired organ, or wns conducted from the standpoint of Minlwo would they believe It ? Ho with malice toward none und charily for nil, this paper Inn fought for what Is Iwllovcd was right nnd true and In tho Interest of the people That It has at times made mistake cannot be ilonlod. It hut not been a. moro tool of any umn r set of men, for their mercenary orsolfMi purposes and this the people regardless of party uinlersttiiHl, or .it loust nto beginning to understand W regret u hurt the feelings of any oltlxons In opposing him politically but there are times when cucrgotlc action and plain speech are liupwatlva and csentlal U) tho public welfare. A newspaper that BpcakM for the niiusea cannot but makooncmlcs and It Is not a pleasant but a patriotic duly that must bo performed. APPROPRIATION BIUS, CixiIIiihmI (imii llrnt l'ln. Following arc the appropriations an contained in tlftco house bills con sidered in committee of the wholo and then passed by the Iioumi Wed nesday evening: II. 11. NO. 372-AH AMUNOKl). That tho following sums, und no more are hereby appropriated for the Hovcnil objects hereinafter named Im tho two yours commencing on the llrst day of .January, A. I) , I8W, to U pnld out of any incnuys In the stato troas ury not otherwise approprlaled: Siilniy uf governor . ... .I.ikK) 00 Prlvato wreliiry of aov- ornor a,W0 00 Clerical aid Intliu olllco of governor 1,200 00 Salary secretary fit stato 3,000 00 Chief clerk tcorotnry or state i.eoooo Clerical scrvlro In olllco or secretary or Htato I0,-H0 00 Halary or stato treasurer. 1,000 00 Clork to Htnlc troasurrr.. 1,000 00 Advorl'g Htalo warraiitM 000 00 rjalary or supt. or public Instruction 3,1100 00 Clerical aid lu olllco of superintendent 3.00Q 00 Traveling expenses or HUporlntondunt 1,200 00 UobiHil record books and blanks 3tooo oo Salary or attorney goiiernl 0,000 00 Huhiry of Htate librarian . 2,000 00 Kxpensos of state llbraiy COO 00 Hooks, etc., state library 3,000 00 Halary of pilot commis sioners : 1,200 00 I'ay of clork of pilot com- mlHHlonors 1,200 00 Kalury or houlth ameers: Astoria . S 2,000 00 dnrdlnur 800 00 Yaqulnu 800 00 Marshllold 800 00 Total $ J.tOOOO UoatitmnitttAstortu. ... 1,000 00 Janitor at oapllQl 1,800 00 Assistant 1,200 00 NlghtwaKilimuuatuupltol 1,800 00 l'urchasu or wood 'or Capitol 2.D20 00 Pay of tlreman for oupltnl 1,030 00 State school ror dear mutes 31,000 00 Htcotrlti IlKht at oupllol as Hir contract A.OOO 00 Oonorttl exHiiiHosutull do- purtmonts 'ifi.OOO IK) Ktato, board ut agricul ture 10,000 00 Printing ami binding, and paper Q,ooo 00 Truuspurtutluu or aou. vleUi Ift.OOO 00 Arrot ami ralurn or fn illVs .. , 3,800 00 tiupport or iyin-ralu;uiit poor ,. 8,000 00 Cmiveylng Iiiho.ii. ' pit- tleutM M.000 00 SUnte sohool for tho blind. IMQO 00 Ureguu dome-tie animal eunmiNlun tl.OOO 00 Fish iniuiilwluur und depull 18.000 00 lttwartls for urrmls. ct U200 00 Annual Saiaa ikhO 000,000 Hota ppgas 2X)S BIL1008 AND NtRVOU. DiaORDEKS Hiah a Win.l 1 lhtntln tha Htowactt, OtiMlH. 1 "l i 4 li.r w.-alii. lltl M4uk lHailu.v. liMaM. HukUK ut HfU. ! .4 AiiUm. 0.Uvmnu lHaWwM tu .!. tM CtittU. l)l. tyrM W(. frWlnlHl lraiH ami all Iw-us aad TtiNHbllHK HormiIom, TUB riRtT D08U WILL OWE RDUBl' IN TWBStY MINUT83. l!wy srTw Will MMVMlU thvHI to ta A WONDERFUL MEDICINE. tim.nilU'M viUM .u,n aadlrt. . wtUqaU-.lr r n l'HialM to wui. llt iKwItk. TiMir i'WHly niua ivtxtlrU(HlwHorltiiUrUI of tho ir. tMu MJ ruro Mirk UrnUaclits, JVrR Weak Stomach Impaired Digestion Disordered Liver IN MEN, WOMEN OK OHILDRIN Boeohum's Plllaaro Without a Rival A4 Ui lb t LARGEST SALE S - . ... 33A-n(.l 4'''""5SS ii iS Tnfiints arc cnWtfu I arc foods taken by the nursing mother. Prof. W. B. ChcatUc, of St. Mary's Hospital and author of a treatise on the feeding of infants, has shown by experiments that wanting diseases, will result from de priving children of Hits and hypophosphitcs. Dr. Thompson says Cod liver oil is What such mothers and infants require. "Scott's Emulsion" is pure Nor wegian Cod-liver oil with hypophosphitcs. SCOTT$a'l'lOWNnChinUw, Nw VofV. Soldiers' home 20.00C 00 .Stale agricultural college, Corvullls, Act or 1889. 10,000 00 Pay governor, secretary or stato and stato treas urer tor services In su pervising public work? public buildings, etc.... Pay or election blanks... Suite reform school Dellolcricy Oregon lie form school 1808 Supreme court Twentieth biennial wvr I.0C0 00 1,800 00 .U.000 00 2,277 32 J-U,MX) 00 Bion no.ooooo For Btato penltcntlary: Superintendent 3.0C0 00 Wardens 4,800 00 Ilcnd farmer 1,800 00 IJook keeper 2000 00 Shopguurds 4,320 00 Guards 10,700 00 Engineer and plumber. .. . Four nlghtwitchmeu.... Prison Inspector Visiting physician....... General expenses Klcctrlo lighting For rogtiOH1 unllory Firewood for penitenti ary ' 1,800 00 5,400 00 1,000 00 1,800 00 35,500 00 4,500 00 500 00 3,500 00 Insane usylum: Junontl oxpeiiKofl 288,000 00 Gas anil olectrlo light ing Hastcm Oregon district fair Sotithorn Oregon district fair Stato board of horticul ture Dairy nnd food commis sioner, 1801M000 13,000 00 11,000 00 3,000 00 11,000 00 3,000 00 Tho board of pilot commissioners Is bsrohy iitilhorled and empowered lo sell the pilot sclmonor "San Jose" and turn tho procu'ds Into the stale treasurer. IIOURIi lilt. I. NO. 383 Roller or O 11 ICstcs, costs In suits statu ys Kites.. II D McGuIro, IMi com missioner .1 It Kinchins, deputy lleli commissioner W II Leeds, tor printing tor riilrsdutlcicncy For uniform borles school blanks, dellency 130 00 1107 02 .'13 20 1,881 78 1,330 10 230 70 100 00 137 01 22 IE 10 00 Astoria pilot schooner. . . . Insurance, pilot schooiier Mulntuluunco samo For supplies ror pilot sphnouor Drawing louse or Histcrn Uregnn asylum land.... HI.KtTION (X1NTHST OAflllfl Soalford vs Stump and DenlKon ys Knight . .. Claim ot M Soalfoid at tn Hir day Soi vices or MUs Maud Allen woman's depart meiit, world's fair Alteration of otiluo or secretary or state It S Wmsloy, assistant kergeant-pt-arms Frank Williams, assistant sergeant-at-urms P J Cotton, assistant serutHkiit-at-arms Pator llobklrk auiMunt eergdunt-at-nrms , . . ij R Irving, assistant sor- Koant-ut-arms U 11 McMuhou, aMlsUnt surgoaut-itt-urms M K Cunningham, uilsU aut sruiuiil-iit-aruis.. J JSlurgill, asstsut nt stir gtunt-al arms C L lhirtmeiiter, 40 days at w aattaa N J SvomlsKtii, rprui4iiv utl- ,, .... Virgil m. rtreaiihi- ilw .lohu ( inn, iprvnt- ti J 11 KrtiSK, rkirNht Uv Second Otwm tlUtrtot fair .- m M 70 60 01 50 3,400 00 ISO CO 12 00 1-00 12 00 o (HI -ISM suoo 1) 00 1ST 00 13131 IM W 1MI1 I.U3) 30 -taio 4urHml WoIhxiI at WeatOM 14.0WIX) Staw Normal Selwal at MohuhmiUi 13,000 00 Costs Joltn IKqm DlitktMi iMlioat oae W W Ifctktr, sutu dairy uttd ruud euHiHitd slouar 11 U I.une. ruud amllalry oouiiv.ior W I Staley, ougrusilug HtMnurlal to Gnvernsr UwrouUieddciibof hU wire SI II l.T si; Q .1 C-lebrutlog furttgtli aoul. versary U wrge F Uoilgi, UlniUug for fair Marluu aounty fr physl- Uus ttr trttusferrlog two 9tu'hHS from pen. Uontlary to asylum SIJM Ulttht and rrae- ICO 00, i cl ,"a9 w - to6 . ht.i 'K linn cotucany ,?" Fixture otatc troastirer'fl otBcc ,o0d00 fixtures odlce of state landlward 2.000 00 O M Irwin, expenses hold Ing toachera' insu tutes Savago heirs for 21 acres or land for Insano nsy lum 400 conies or yols. 30, 31, .15 200 00 J.BOOOO and 30. supreme court M rnnnrl.n ii.iww reports Geo F llodgcrs ror bind Ing Roller or discharged con victs 037 00 00 00 For a new wing to the penitentiary lfi.OOO 00 Relict or tho state horti cultural society Fish hatchery In theSuls law river 600 00 .wooo Renal rs and Improve ments, capliol bulldlug and grounds to be ex pended by board or pub lic building commission ofl, 1,250 00 VOU. BTATE IN8ANK ASYLUM! lUturnlng patients . ... t.OOO 00 Llbrury and amusement fund '.ix,0 New wing 30,000 00 Pathtubs und closeLs. .. Separator Ilepalrsund Improyemonts Repairs tu kitchen Removing ourtli and build ing walls and vault In basement Firo escapes Close cottage Klectrlc-llght fund at col lage Other repairs asspeollisd. Enlarging kitchen nnd dining room Hoys' and girls' aid society of Oregon For estimate of repairs of capltol building: Commltteo rooms, colling and acoustics In rcpro. sonuitlveball Doors and windows Repairing Inside ..' Painting Insldo or build ing Painting outside or doors, windows and frames ... Of crown mould and racist on main cornice Painting nnd ropalrlug of bell cornice Cement work on oiiUddo . Wasto and nuwor pipes.. Holler, pump and receiver. Truss In roof Painting linoleum and carpets In corridors and hall For Weston normal school ror heating plant .... For now wing at Mon mouth Statu ngrloulluru college ut Corvallis, boating plant For a babies' hoiiiu at Portland J K Howard, Jacksurows . Illlnd school ror new laun dry, new runcus, cement walks, grading and seeding greunds: Improvement, Including insurance Two typewriters Painting and oil ror iiialii building Piano v . Dulles, Portland, Astoria Navigation Company, train wreck un I Inter est For planting euslein oysters lu Yuiiulnu II ty Claim or John I) Daiy, chairman cducutionul copimlttce, ror expenses Wurrantilndebto'Juoss ur slate fair Provided, the manage ment ut the statu fair Is by legislation placed In Ilia bunds of a bounl ur rlvu members, nu mors than than ono or whom shall rouble In Ma rlon county; und further provided, that no In debtoduutrs shall be In curred in the future out side tho amounts appro appre priated: and riirlher pro vided, tlmt th alKiva sum shall not Iw availa ble UtlllM Uiu latMts k fiow n as tho "Slut fair ground," oanststlwg uf 1W Meres or morv, ar dewlwl lo th. bUtt. From trust rund, wtIhioI mud lnirtal: Sthool laud oo4Mwlwloo.f Muiw eu Olurhwl Hid Ih Mttw of sotwiol ImmI tmniti 8lor SwumpkiMl rtiMli- RerhsyHiOHt w lawl tu wlilfth utto cum bIvk ho UUl 1,000 00 250 00 5.000 00 3,500 00 1,200 00 5,000 00 10,000 00 2,200 00 1,500 00 1,000 CO 5,000 00 11,031 00 00 00 IK) 00 530 00 ltO 00 50 00 08 00 40 00 10r 00 100 00 700 00 121 00 2,600 00 10,000 00 10,330 00 1,000 00 100 00 1,000 00 no 00 250 00 300 00 110 SO .ItHl 00 no 00 7,000 00 a 000 00 .. 3,01 80 1-.008 00 iiousri mu..vo.t AUornuy,6 f Johu II. : Hall $ !S, ,. IMwwn ami J. W. H.' l Maxwoll wtrtMUiik' 4(10 00 oil pnlHllHgor gexwiwr ' Lord 100 00 lAiiimun -.Hiariut IXlliUlun ,m , itiuruic1.-. 74 W AiHjrntny mu j. v. -iorp-land WOO iweoa 00 iiupruvtuuoHt uf SnrliK Wutia Moaey K-huw4, UMjSaini Ml.'lil" llnur -.l... UtOK It )uu ib.ii l ,, u .- - .. wirr ,.. , .tMMMiH i fMTAttRlf OF STOMACH. A iliklbaht, -imple, Hut Safd snd fef lectuftl CUre for it. Catarrh of the atomuch baa long been considered tho next thing to In curable. The usual symptoms are a full or bloating sensation after eating acocnipanlcd sometlmos with sour or watery risings, a formation of gases, causing pressure on the heart and iiinisnnd difficult breathing; bead- .ip.hes. tickle annetltc. nervousness nnd L Kcncrai p,ayCd out, languid feeling. n . i tli Thorn iqnfton a foul taste in ine mouth, coated tongue and If tho In- tnrinr ir Mm gtnniflcti could be seen It would show a slimy, Inflamed condl Mnn. . The cure of this common and ob stinate trouble Is found In a treat ment which causes the rood to be rcadllv. thoroughly digested bclorc It lias time to ferment and Irritate the delicate mucous surfaces or tho stomach. To secure a prompt nod healthy dluostlon Is the one necessary thing to do und when normal diges tion Is secured the catarrhul condi tion will have disappeared. According to Dr. Harlansou the sarost and bost treatment Is to use alter each meal a tublet, composed ot Dlatase, Aseptic Pepsin, u little Nux, OnlrifinSeal uod fruit uclds. -hese tablets can now be found at ull dru stores under the naulc of Stuart's rH-snomlii Tallinn nnd not being a patent medicine can be iimkI wllfi perfect sarety and assurance that healthy appetite and thorough di gestion will rollow their rcguar use utter meals. Mr. N.J. lloolier or 2710 Dearborn St., Chicago, III., writes: "Catarrh Is a local coudltlon resulting rrom a neg lected cold In the bead, whereby tho lining membrane or the nose becomes Inllunicd und tho polsoiiou" discharge therefrom passing backward Into the thro.t reaches tho stomach, thus pro ducing catarrh of the stomach. Medi cal authorities prescribed ror me Tor three years ror catarrh or stomach wlthouteuro, but today J uiu the hup piaster nion after using only one box of Stuart's J))spopslu Table's. I can not Hud appropriate woids to express my good feollng and sound rest rrom their uw." Stuurt's Dyspepsia Tablets Is the so f est preparation as well as the simplest and iiHKStconvunluut remedy for uny form of Indigestion, catarrh of stomach, biliousness, our stomach, heartburn und bloating after meals. Sontl for little book mulled Tree, on stomach troubles, by addressing Sluarl Co., Marshall, Mich. The tablets run be found at nil drugstores. 2-13 15 17 2022 21 PLAYED OUT. Dull Headache, 1 tins in various.parts of the loly. binkingat the nit of the sumach, Lom nl appetite, l'cvcrishness, Pimples or Soros ar nil twltive rvldences of impure til 00 1. No mailer how it liecame so it miut lie iHidfiml In order lo obtain good health, Ackar's Ulood K.lexlr has never failed to cure rKiiofulnus ur Syphilitic potions or any other blood dUtaios It is certainly n wonderful rcnictly and we will sell every lottle on a piMltivc gmrantee. O i. m CP C5 3T2. X J&. . Bw-sthe UeKuriYoallarsAlnaifjBwgW Blgnatoro , Stt '$&&'. or futfyX j-rs EXPERIENCE IS THE hF.si TEACHER Ut Acker's English Remedj' in any case of coiihIm, coUIh ar croup. Should it tail toive ininietiiale relic money refundeil 35c and 50c l.unii A Urook, drug;ittt.. The Hiiiallwt things may exert the gieatest influence, unequalled for wrtipationnd livsrtroulilM ,.' '"". '"" "TV.f m,ecIaiiCorvallU fia.ui. bmall pill, salt) Pill, bto c's Drue store O.JSTOXX... Bears the ) 1W Kwd Km It-. AhrajTS BWfchi r2US57 lUiijn is hi-.iii epidemic. Eery pre camion hiuuiii 04 lakeu 10 avoid It. specilic cure is One Minute Couch Cure. A J . Siliepenl, 1'uti'isher Agricultural Journal and Aihcrdter, Elden, Mo , say 'Noone will lc diapjK)intcl In usine One Minnie CouRhCure for I-i Cripj'e," Stent's Drue slow. DVSI'KPSIA CAN HR CURED HY usmj; Aektr's Dypepsm Tablcu. One little laljet will give inimenllate relluf or money reUHtlwl. Sokl In handsome tin Ihmoc at 25c. I.umi & llfooks. drugglvts. a).'?c3r?.a:.. """S: HtHrtUle aeofiv is caueJ lw l'ii limn. awl Skin Dmasm, The ar r.lwv.tl atw)! iri by DaWut . Wnch Haul 8alve, ue. ware ImiutioM Stotu's l)ag Stote. SlCK;lHavCHE ABJOLUTELV AXD IttotAMiwiy cued by usiuf Mold Tw. A tOwaaw lt- drink. Cuiea coiiMiiMtioti aiui imsifiMKW, issakM you t, slwji, wtxV. aad happy. AtUracUoa guaraataMl or rnrney hatV. $t am 50c. I.uaa . IWools drBut Jr.?- AFacUer. I-hturcrf tb Micaa. mf, !.,) lUMlw, moUnwI teinUy froo' If UJppa. Out Mmttte Covch C ui IM osUr ivaMdr It actad 0-1A.lv n-v., ! " ". W.wny m a tpwlfc T -""!" as-aattwg aftrr Htcu j SmmH tVH or. I Ow .MiMtt C- oh Ca. Ioomm tkt aul width Th best coug tuit. Dt matt. rjauoato Ye.ir lluwtu Willi ()(. rU. fffnLVI "MfUl-Moa lufaver ,. It C O C Ili.druUiura luii.luu. i. CASTOR! A For Infants and Children. ".tie Kind You Have Always Bought Boars tha ,$ ---. SlKn.tro of C&&Sfflte&t mt YOURSELF l U - U fur uKualunU "''. ilul.i m. 4llII.H.a ... L.t..L2 .. " v " w I .ItU. AJ . ...wMt. tWtUHftMi.aa l v NnMI lrt. W14 by D-uc.l. 1 tPf - I H 7 M Ki-r C71 TJft.MTV PCH XHti MCtalUM MMIMD. Is the natnbf the Only perfect truta In thfe ttotld, howruilnlng every nlflht beten St. I'aul and Ctolcag-, via tht Chicago, Mil waukee SL Pnul Hallway die plonr road of the West In adopting all Improved facilities far the safety and tjoyoient of pii. ..-Mr. An lllustrnted namphlet, sh..nin .v..Bv.-. --,, ... ,,,. ,, f views oi ueauuiui snctx muuS nn. ..-. -the fioneer Limited, will be sent free to wt person upon teciint of two-cent poitge '. . i.i.. r!. It. HrnlTortl. Genenl I 'auencer Auent, ChlcaEO. 111. w 0 0 tl THE OIHIAT SALT LAKE UOUTB The ttnt!nn of tattbound travelers u called to the advantases offered them by the Rio Grande Western, 1 ho Great Bait UVe Route " The same rates prevaueu wnetner l. inn it mafe via Huntinoton or J-an Fran cisco. The passenger has ins cnoice or iw .-.!. ni n( I'nrt and. tlltCC WltOUCIl -OlO. r..,in r,A Innr rnut thereof. No other line outofl'ortland can offer such a variety o! routes In addition, a day's stopoer is given all t assenRers at any f oint in utan or oio rado. Through pullman and tourist sleep ing cars are run on all trains, as well as free reclining chair cars. The service and ac rnirimrvtntlnns offered are eaual. if not su perior to thoe of any transcontinental roau, ana rates are always aiuw uj mc lun. If you contemplate a trip east, wrlto to I. D. Mansfield, G neral Agent, Kto Grande sVestt-rn Railway, 14J Third Street, 1'oitland Oregon, for any information you may need In rrtrri-ni-e tn rates, routes or accomodations. II to-tf Absolutely the Fastest The iliirllngton Route Ings Is not only the vl'l Rill. l'l'l" cheapest route to Oinuha, Kansas City, and all points south, but ABSO LUTELY the fastest. Tako It and you suvo unywhero rrom 8 to 20 hours in time, and rrom $2 to $f.7& In money. Kxautly how much time? Kx nctly liow inucli money' The local tlckot acnt will tell you. Ask him; or, ir you prcrcr, write me. A.C.S1IKLDUN. (Jou'l Agent, Portland, Or. YAQU1NA -ROUTE Corvallis 4 Eastern Railroad CoiuiMtliiK nl YAQITXA with Hie YAQUINA BAY STBAMS1IIP COMPANY STKAMKIIS "WJ3EOTT" rirt-oliMHt lii uvtiry ru t-ct. 1 lit iiIjas-c Iciiiiier Ih iIiib in Mil from YhijiiIiui I'tery I'lttlit iIh)k. Shorlift Itoutc IU'Ihcoii lltlwccn Valley I'oi'dIs and fau Fraooisco Pun Albany iiiul mints WoM IoHuii KriiiielM'n (Sibln S10.M) Hound Tri IT.dO WAI.HKN. KbWIN STONK, T K. A 1". A. MamiKur. J.TITKN'KR. Airent, Alliany. Ore. II. I, WII.UMHTTK KIVEIt IHVIION STEAMER WM, M. H0AG, C'rtptiiln (ioo. Uunlio. ItuniiliiK lmwn I'nrtlaiul ami CorvnllK t.liiK ulall ny IiiihIIiikn. I pqvvn - Tuwulajs. Tlmrt-lays and Smidajs, Uaswi Albany.JI . 7l 111 rt a. 111. Uiu llouuu vista lA'lUlW UHIvlia0lH'O. 'JH. 111. I .idt -1..1 ltiilt.un.l.i ix'ivren Malum ......................10 11. lu. 1 m Sow lKr........................l2.80 Arrive I'ortluiid.......................... 4 no IT Mondays, WodmHlu)i and Fridays. I Inv(m rortUml . . . .. c a. w. , Unies NoHbcru ..10.!Wh. m I luws liuleiK'nilcmc .VOOp. m, j U'ttM'H Iluoim Vlilu. ...... 7-!. ... ,,.. ; U'HVM Altmii: ,' ii. Arrive 'orvafllii . 9:00 n. 111. ......lt:0Up, m, Th ittNllMPr hnr. Imuim anulittin.1 ulll. rtm. olM HoniaiiioUtli)iis. Invludlli- an ulcant liUuo. UllUrMtll4Nl MHwaiKew. for rarrjrliiK both frelglil and Doek-K oolol tiMiintret. tl MAKItrZ. Afn. Snluin, Ort'Kou Hl'IJJYAN,tiHt. Albany. OrvKon. Oregon Sliori Line Railroad The IHret lloui to Mootaoa, Utah. Colorado ! and all Eastern Points OIvm fN( of two Uvorile rlWk, via the I'nloa l'twitM) Past Mail JJ, or th Kla uramU Houio um-a. Lonk at tho time 1J I)ayn to Salt Like 'M Davs to Dunvar ! ' I I ' I j 3i Days to Chlonni 4 Duys toow York Krw,,fS,1",- t'-wlr Cars. 1'sholsure.t Tour- Sl(r op-watetl on a train, ror fursht-r InformKlJo apjjy.lo Ol X AHKKIAKenu,hHlm. W E. COM AN. tit-ii I Agent I'. O. TKKKY. frai. 1m ai U't Third ., PoriUnd, Or A Few Interesting: Facts ! ,,-.i7 $ ar COntluIjlinp inn btllSk air llliMi.ir -.... -.-..' ally want hc Um Mrvlc. tailJ , u I J Pd, ifort ami sitty t concerned. Bwutoyes of tlK Wimmimi Central Linos are Ikttosrvc iImc public aul our trains are Ofratd m a 10 make clo e connections ' i 11 "v,"K-"e- at bi junett.o points rullwin I -luce SlMptiK and Chair cars " uivhi' iniiak 1 lining car a la Cane. -trvwe aae-wiled, Meals In Hd 10 obtain th. first cltss strv.ee, lf.k l .u.l ...... . .... .. -Kmi io -11 you a ticket over TUB WISCONSIN CBNTUAL LINKS a-dyou will Hu.'li,ttt ounnections at h, . iw eweag,, Milwaukee ami all For any luttker fafomutlon call un ticket ant or cnsoui with any 1 JiS. C, FOND, tMttwral Pais. Agnt. . MlLWArKBE. i I JAa. A. CIjQQi:, UweralAgtnt, J6 k Stret,v O.R.N. onrART FOR TIMR SCHBDULK. From Portland. ARRIVE. Fast Mail 8 pin Salt Lake, Denver Ft. Worth, Omaha, Kansas City, St. Louis, Chicago G.MS P." ana hast. Spoknnc 'F, Walla Wallp, Spokane, Spokane Flyer Minneapolis, bt. l'aul, rlyer 8:30 a in ?3o p.m Duluth, Milwaukee -hi capo and East .t 8 p m OCEAN STEAMSHIPS 4 l For San Francisco.- Sail every five days inm COLUMDIA RIVER STEAMERS To Astoria and way land ings, ex, Sun. Siturdny 4pm ex bun lo p m WILLAMETTE RIVERS Ar Salem L v J ve Portland, Newburg and Way Landings. 6 p.m. Mo us Weds Frl ru Thui Sat Silent J'lS P m. VisThu I For Dayton tot 111. ,MWed 3130 p m Frl WILLAMETTE RIVER Ar Salem 10 a m Mon Wed ml Fn I.lem Tii,Tliur Stt it- m Corral lis Albany and Way Points. WILLAMETTE RIVER DIVISION. Daily boats to Portland as above. I '"' sircci e.ir line ni urcgf v,uy I If (he itteamerff arp rll.ivi-il llmri .Mnil trip tickets to allpolntsin Oreeon. WMriine- ton, or California. Connect'O j maile. it Port land with all rail, ocean ami river line W. II.ilURLHURT. 'Sen'l Pas. Act. Portland. Or. O. M. POWERS, Agent, Trade street dock Salem. JJOISE & DARKER, City Agents. TAKE THE Canadian Pacific R.R And .00 Pacific Line TO Mu.noapolm bt. liul Chicago I'liiladelptiia i Washington Montreal Toronto New Voik . . . Uoston a d all pouts eatt and southeast Cheapestiatet, Witsei vice and accommj. dations Through tourist sleepers to Minneapolis, St. lanl, Toronto, Montreal, and lloston without chinge Canadian Jkcific Railway Go's. Empress Ine of steatwhips to Japan and China, ire lasiestann nnett rtlnps on the Pacific ocean, orient Steries: and best route to the Cauadian Australian S. S. Co, To Honc'il-., Fiji and Australia Yin shortest routt). the colonies. For rates, b -lerH and any information call on or address cj. M. Lockwcoti, Anent, Oir.ce WioneSfa 40. 288 Commercul it. Residence ne to. js. Salem, Ore , . , ,. . l. AIIHOT. Agent, 146 Third street, rorlland, Or. ,, KJ. COYLU, UKMlcl l'asstor Atieiit, Vancouver. 11. " EAS1 AND MUTH VIA rwE shsta rcjte OF TIIK Southern Pacific Co EXrR-SSTRAIKS RUN DAILY ,6.-oo.r Ml CvT 'Portland" b.'SS PMrLv. ..Satcm . ..Ar (9:30 ,,.Lv V700 :o.Lv j H .'oo hais a m) Ar. Jan Francisco 00 a M 00 PM Above trains sin at ml IStl principal stationr net. rortiana and Vfil-m T.,r-. -.r..:.. Jeflerson, Albany. Tangent. Shoddi, Halsey, llarnsbuH, Junctbn City, Eugene, Creswell -uKc urove, uoun, Oakland, and all st lions from Koiebog to Ashland, inclusive. sta "-aauaq MAIL. -I)AILV. 0.30 am L.v. .. Portland ..Ar ro55 a Mj-Lv..,. Salem.... Lv I4'30-'M U 50.-PM (7.-30A u j.so r m iijr....Koseburg. . Lv iuumsn outlet ileeper and second-cls sleeping cars attached to all through trains WET SIDE DIVISION. BKTWEK.S rORTUlKR AND CORVALLIS. "", '" iaur lexcept Sunday. ...:.. wtianu.. Ar 550 PM I 5 -So 1 I i.2e: . ' l-orvnllis.. At Albany and Corvaflls' Lv conuect with ins 01 me o. U. ic L. Ry. EXrREIg TRAIN DAILY KXCUPT SUNDAY. VMlX ,I,V .1,0rad ...Ar 8.--S a M 7.MOP Lr Kr-llnn:n. 1 ..I - .... . .. 3o TMJ Ar lndenendfnc Lv)4!SoAM Direcicomicctionsat San i-rancisco with OccldCnial aud Oriental and Pacific mail swamship linos for JAPAN AND CHINA. Sailing dates on application Kates and tickets to Eastern points am infTi0' .A.S XVAti CHINA, IIONO LULU and AUSTRAI.UA, can beobtainH from W, SK1NNVP t.-l.. ..... Salem. """" K. K'OHn un f C II. MARKHAM. O. SpTito. Munumtnrs AREMpurEMDUHijiq loan nHt aUY5r" ,l r m V ,-iS-J, WlT.al fOR vlp MONUMENTAL BOHZE CO. oniuutPORT, CONN V "r. I M.NT. and .uriwwe. Marbla X WW k:i wnnrii i j k " A M PM T, B. WAIT, .Agent, m iliu. r. and 130 State St. ,Mw SALEM, OR K. taws U( Niuv-i'uAATKiiarai simn v ilT.. 4U dn-t-buarirwu ArsS r wx ' .1'