MMmiMl:tbmUit .-, CAPITAL JOURNAL. VCXL..X ' ft mi, tfO, 39 SALEM, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, -FEJJIUTAKY 15, 899, Our shoe sale still on Only sevcn pairs men's thigh boots left, Price $2.50 and $3.00 Ladies' storm rubbers, Bostons 40c Ladies' storm Bay state, all sizes 25c Men's short rubber boots , 1.90 All of our fall and winter lines of shoes regard less of cost must make room for on immense spring stock. DALY BILL Krausse Bros 275 Commercial Street. IDS AID B 1 1 m ?' Ij1 l)D L Try our seeds, they arc the kind Hint grow. Our catalogue sent free to all upon application. Wo also carry a full line of BEE SUPPLIES, consisting of Hives, Sections, .Smokers, Etc: SAYAGB Si RR1E) Successors to the O. Dickinson Seed Co, 2 AND 32 COMMERCIAL ST It RUT. DEDICATED ftiPLExiON.TOMiT 9T "V5 Ij 'Mbiyhvrwyv I irtf V JA (mymjfivkri, itr-vr" 'iM 1 h PRICK, 5 PRICI:, io ci:ms. If you wish to have an abun dance of huatiMful, soft, glossy lialr you en 11 easily acquire It hy 1I10 use of 1)11. V MINER'S MEDICATED COMPLEXION AND TOILET SOAP By Mnil lOo Per Cnlco or $1,00 Per Dozen. Mniit'i lefniiilcxl If not wiiltfupiiir)'. . r tthfhi,. N' '-VI Kor ShIo Ily JJAIIR JBKOS. Chemical Coi """- A oah iEtVNOmt CITY J Silt isfncl Ion M Giuminteed. SQJSJJJ'Si&IS ffi&3&83&$g&Bk Sl.OO mBsmsssm m CHILDREN'S SCHOOL SHOE SHOES THAT WILL WEA It 3 a hi 12 i OT 51inp Pit.orp SWAP' 94 State street, Salem, Oregon BSB!g3 ::sc5.3 -AiUitIIi . vts;Sd WANTED mraiB, ON N HAY AND OATS WE PAY HIGHEST CASH PRICE OREGON UllBBN AND DIUBD FRUIT CO. 5S Stale Sfrcoi, SakinJOre Suitable Tools FOR ALL TRADES. A man might as well try to work with his bunds alone nolo. he has th UMils that help. THE REST Is, none too good for ilia uiuu Unit doM the work. THE BUST uan always be found it GRAY BROS, Triumphant House in the Passes After Hardest Fight of the Session, On Reconsideration Has 3 Voles to Spare-Will Be a Law, After three hours of earnest debate that at times grew acrimonious, the Daly text-book reform bill passed the house Wednesday at 1 o'clock with three votes to spare. The result was received with prolonged applause. I'rotu tho opening prayer by Rev. W. C. Kantner to tho closing words or Stlllmun's eloquent peroration for the bill, It was the most earnest contest over waged before tho Oregon loglslu ture, and M10 right won against tre mendous Iniluenr-cs. At 10 o'clock S. R. Ml, the Daly text-book bill, cumo up under special order. Morton asked that tho bill be read again, and this was done. At tho conclusion or the reading Nichols asked for a call or tho house. Marsh, Maxwell and Topping wore absent. Arter Topping had been brought In, the rurthcr call, wus.dli-. pensed with. Morton asked that so 1110 ono who ravored the hill explain Its provisions. Young took the Hour anil explained how the bill originated. Was not. here trrvotc for tho bill-in opposition f to the American book company hut because ho thought It a good law. llo thought that tho people could rely on the honor and Integrity, or tho mini who has been elected as governor of the state, to miiko a proper si lec tion for the toxtbouk commis sion, McQueen spoke hriolly In support of Hid bill. Stewart said that ho would vote Tor, tho bill because our tcUboks now wwt too much. Ho was Interested In this bill be cause the fathers and mothers and the children wore Interested In It. He niadon referoncothechlldien Hi tho gallary. Curtis endoavoied to con fuse linn by asking him to snouk louder as tho children wire duaf 1 mutos; hut the old man recovered ! himself Instantly, and caruu back with j tho reply that he cared not how deaf! they were, they and all children, were Interested In tho success or this bill. 1 Ho had faith that tin governor would ! make a selection or 11 commit slon. Hawsnn claimed the bill was solely in tho Interest or ono corporation; but ho would not answer many anxious Inquiries as to the nnino or tho cor poration. Flagg said it had been charged that this was a bill In tho In terest or Olnu and company. Ho tie kaovildgod this to bo true. Tho bill was In the intorost of Olnn anil com pany and of every otlior school book company as-against the Intero-t of only ono company. Those companies wanted a cluinco for tree competition, and thoir Interests wore with tho In terests or tho ponpla. A soniuwliiit lively coutrovoroy look plaeo batwoou Klagg and Hawsnn. I'lagg inado tho chargo that bribery had been attompted against the bill. This wut-JunipiMl at by tho opponents as tho bill as a uliaoee for delay. Mc Cullock morcd that a committee or bill because It creates u new conimls slon. Curtis endorsed tills objection to the bill. The appropriation bill was much too largo already. Claimed that the obJc3t of the bill was to put tho poor people of Oregon to an expense of three hundred thousand dollars for new books Nvhltney replied to Curtis. He said the gentleman was getting very economical Jit now. This commis sion would cost live hundred dollars every six years. All that was waoteti or the Ameri can. Rook Company was to lot ;go. Then If thatcomrmnv wnnld r.omnutn (-- A J - - I- I with other companies It could furnish books the same as any other. Whalloy objected to the bill on the ground that the salary of tho pro posed commission would not bo largo enough to place them above tempta tion In tho way of bribery. Moody and Curtis made a few more remarks, and then Farrell moved ad journment, It. being arter twelve, but 1 tills. was voted down. Stillman kept the legislators f rem I their longed for dinners for some time longer. He said ono or tho best fou Mi res or the bill was that tho pro- dosed bill placed tho responsibility far the text-book selection in the hands or 0110 man, tho governor, In stead or dividing it among forty-four dllTercnt men. At the conclusion or Stlllman's re marks, the previous question was moved, and a call of the houso de manded, Marsh, chairman commlttco on education, only being absont. mi: uor.L cam,. The bill was then put on final passage, receiving III votes, passing the houso with three to spare. I1RATTA1N, 1MIC1GS, CONN, OUMMLNGS, DAVIS, FARRELL, KLAOG, GRACE, GRAY, OREGG, HALL, ' JONES, LEWIS, ' M 'A LISTER, ' , M 'COURT, ENTERING i t mug t ILO ILO LATE DISPATCHES, Skirmishes With hv surgents, Rebels Fighting Desperately to Hold Out. American Flag Floats Over The Town Deserted. Jaro-" -u- M -QUE EN, MOODY, MORTON, MYERS, NICHOLS, PALMER, llORERTS, ROSS, STEWART, STILLMAN. STUMP, VIRTUE, , WHITNEY, WILLIAMSON, ' ' WILSON, WONACOTT, YOUNG, Mil, SPEAKER. Ayes-a:i. payer; REACH, I1LACICARY, BUTT, CURTIS, DONNELLY, KORDNEY, FREELAND, HAWSON, HILL, HORK1RIC, KNIGHT, KRUSE, LAMSON, MASSING ILL, MAXWELL, M'CULLOOH, PLATTS, REEDER. SHERW1N, SMITH, STANLEY, THOMPSON or CJIakamas, THOMPSON or Washington, TOPPING, WHALLEY, Noos-20. Absont, MARSH, 1. TIIK MORNIN'O KOUT1NK. Curtis wltlidrow his rosolutlon re lating to order or business, stating that Williams ur.d ho had agreed on a substitute, thuttmuh meiubor bo al lowed to call up ono bill. Ruedor janundud that nomembor could uall up a bill not Introduced by him. Adoptod TI10 balanco of the forenoon was Ily AnniioIiiIimI I'tcnn Io tin- .ton mill. Manila, Feb. 15,-Several rebels yestcrdcy, having llrcd from houses bearing white Hags, on American out posts, Col. Smith with companies D and K of California, proceeded to clean ont the enemy, along his front. The Rebels opposed him from tho brush, and several skirmishes occurred lit which nlnoCalirornlans wero slightly wounded. Work proceeded today In a systematic manner, a gunboatshclllug villages and working rapid-lire guns eircctlyely on the Jungle. Tho Cali fornia, regiment with the exception of two companies, of a Washington regi ment, two companies or an Idaho regiment and a. battery or the sixth artillery wore engaged. Tho robols wero driven towards L.iko Guana do Rayo. The rebels roughukspcratcly Tho American outposts in this direc tion are now 12 miles out. All Is quiet along the rest of the lino with the exception of occasional exchange or shots between sharpshooters, Wasuinoton, Feb. Ifi. -One or the fiercest contests or tho session was In progress when the house met today. Friends and opponents or tho resolu tion to attach the Nicaragua canal 1 bill tosundryclvll appropriation bill 1 wero working nssitiuousiy and every argument which could Influence the members was brought to boar. Washington, Feb. ifi.-. In tho son ate n bill was passed extending tho appropriation of congress to Helen Miller Gould for patriotic service during tho late war and providing that a gold medal be proscntod to hor by the president. A bill was passed providing for tho admission to tho naval academy of Oscar W. Delgiiau. ons of tlie Merrltuac heroes. Wasiiinuton, Feb. ifi. The presl denthas decided to nominate Repre sentative Samuel Burrows? of Boston, for librarian in tho congrcsslonalal library, FRENCH TROOPS Concentrated at Im portant Points, France's Naval Officers Somewhat Boastful. Other News From . the Empire, Gtrman Ml Baking Powder Made from pure cream of tartar. Safeguards the food against alum C.,n? F"1" are tlie greatest tolicallhof the present clav. wotm. ckiw rowoM eo.. n vom. Alum baWn menace rs I flirnn hn nminlnf oil ti I n vnel lirnf A tlir WK" "V WIUI , ,.... ...,,i k,ik, iDaly text-book bill. Whion I.IIJIIL'I'! Ill ULLU1IIIILUU Ul IUUI V 1A1JL1 " Curtis Instantly followed with a! tnnvo to nostnono further considera tion of the bill until such committee the dluousuion of tho piuscd 3IU)25. 1 absent: The gallery was oeeuplwl this morning b vUltliigchihlron from tho should roport. The motion was lost. ! ",uus uuui. Moody oxpressod rogrot that thorc somk imioiTakt iiiumI. hud been any personul controversy Thc bsjrber'd bill Is before tho n over the hill, or any tulk of bribery. al0 on nnal rwsoiK. His a moosuic Bxtromocare ought to be used In j tiiat bring no oxponiw to the stuto making eharge of corruption. KoJHn( wm rsult In giving the pooplo one had a right to impugn tiinotJve , l)bUcr jwrbor. It shouW pass, or a state oillcer, and It wus bpnuiiili . pno mn bill to forbid serving the dignity to any meiubor or the J i,quow u private iwxoaor ritetaunints hoube to instnuuto Utat tho gjivarniir BtUulU irs tho donate. It will elorf would not act from wortliv moilvo1,.nailf ,hu , doors u soolul vwe in cities. The Sulem Citizen's chartor bus pa&sod thttSonuteandlMMMiiiie a law. Sonator Adams gracefully wltlidrow all opposition, and Senator Looney pru&fod thc bill to a dual passage. Tim GIUwuBohurter will now be given a ialr trial. in theajppolntmont of tho text-book' oommlsaion. Reoder oppod tlie bill on thc , ground that It stll leavai the seleotion of toxt-books a o.u(tlQn of pragtloal. Hill deprecated tjie talk of corrup tion. AeknowlodgwUhe oxlstencoof oorrupLlon, but- did not think tm muni) orelonuo sjifiuld Bivon to un,r supimrleil uliarifoj. opposed e Manila, Feb, 16. Dispatches from Miller, Ho llo, to Otis say: "Sunday afternoon Major Cheat hums hatutlinn, the Tennessee volun teer regiment marched beyond Molo, without lihdiug any of tho enemy. (Cellars battalion, elghtcontli United States infantry with two Hotchklss and one Catling gun, marched to wards Jaro. Midway between llo llo and Jaro he cncoiintcoid 11 large body of tho enemy, who mot tlie advance of the Amcilcau troops with severe tire. The Americans de ployed and returned thoir lire. Tho troops advanced steadily, supported by the Hotchklss mid Catling guns and drove the enemy through Jaro to tho open country beyond, Tim town or Jam wus found to be dosortod. Captain Grlllllhs raised tho Amcilcau Hag over tho presidency. During the fighting outside or town, Lieut. Frank Bowles, or tho Eighth In ran try, was snot In tho leg and ono private was seriously wounded and two others are slsghtly Injured," London, Feb. In. The Fllllpluo European junta announced that It has a massage from Manila saying tlie Filllppluos have made all arrange ments for guerilla warfare, around Manila, that lighting lias been with out intermission since February -I, and that the Americans huvo lost heavily. Agulnnldo'sheudquarlcrs are uov noar Coloooan, out. of range oi war ships. Pout Royal, S, C. Feb. if.--Seven additional seamen of tlie wrecked steamer Win. Lawrence have been rescued. Chicago, Fob. 10. Thorc seems no doubt that three persons wero burned to death In the lire last night, which destroyed the Arlington Hats. Washington, Feb. Ifi, A definite agreement ror the adjustment or Iho debt or tho Central Puclllc Railroad to thc government has been roached between govormnont i-oiiinilssion and bankers representing tho railroad. It Is understood the plan contemplates tho paymout or $)8,000,000 to tho gov ernment In scml-nnnual lots, last ex piring ten years from date, c CmoAiio, Feb. Ifi. President Booth of Booth Packing Co., disclaims any knowledgoot tho reported foriiiutlon of a syndicate to control the salmon yield of Pugot Sound. Wabiiinoton, Feb. 15. Thof sonatc commlttco on military all a Irs reached a deadlock on tho army ro-organlzu-Hon bill. When an ulTnft was made today to secure a fuvorablo report by tho Democrats who objected anil wore able to prevent action. Washington, Fob. 1A. Nicaragua canal amendment to sundry ulvll hill ruled outon points order. II)' AnhmHiiIihI Pi-pan In I In' .limriilil. A WORTHY MAN. Promoted for a Victory. Bloodless Ily AnnocIiiIimI I'ri-xn to (lit- Juiiriuil, Wasiiinuton, Feb. 16, Tho presi dent today nominated Colonol Marcus P. Miller, or the third artillery, to bo brlgadlur general. Colonel Mlllor commanded the military forces which captured llo llo without loss era mini and his promotion Is In recognition or the meritorious horvlec on that oc casion. MtilnmKtiUrtoU Dr. MII'm' Norvu riiwtor London, Feb. Ifi.Tho Toulon cor respondent or tho Dally Mull, remark ing upon the extraordinary activity at thu arsenal there, and generally In the French naval works, says: . It Is bollovcd that M. Luokroy, minister of miislue, expects war with Great Britain within two years, and It. Is being preached In oiltclnl circles In Pari, Troops are being poured Into Tunis, Caulsoaud Algeria, and war ma'orlul Is being dispatched to all the colonics, French olllecrs openly boost that they will sweep thc British Meat out or the Mediterranean. Tho liberal morning are making much capital or an amendment to the throne moved last evontng In tho house cf commons, by J. Swift Mac Nell, nationalist mnmlHir rrnm Done gal, with reference to tho Inct that 2fi ministers or tho crown hold between them -It directorship In public com panion, lu pressing his amendment, Mr, MaoNoil argued that such con duet was Inconsistent with the dig nity or public, and lie urged thu lib eral parly logo to tliu country upon the platform "No guinea pigs lu gov erincnt." Sir Mluhuol Hicks-Beach, chancel lor of tho exchequer, defended the minister on tho ground there could ho no "harm In such 11 form or relaxation from public, duties." Sir Huury Cumpbcll-Uauuormun, the llborul louder, rather soverely re proved the attitude of tlie chancellor or tho exchequer, and strongly con demned tho holding of such director ships by ministers. Tho debuto wus adjourned. Tho Dally Chronicle says: "Wo hope Mr. BeUoiir may bo able, at tonight's sows I on or the house, to announce that some or his collogues huvo resigned directorships." The paper points out that tho Earl of Solbourno, iipdor tho socretury of state for tho colonies, la a director of tho Peninsula & Orlontul Steam Nav igation Company, and that the Duke of Devonshire, lord president or the council or ministers, Is chief of a great aruiumont company." Yet," says tho Chronicle, "they aro one and all powerful uhlers or our Imporsal de fense." The Dully News, wlilnli commonts In u similar strain, says that Lord Itoseborry, whoh hu sucueodud Mr. Gludstono In the prcuilorshlp.luslstud upon all his colleagues roslgnlug their dictatorship, and that Lord Salisbury ought to have made thu same demand. Tohtoi Condemns Peace Conference. London, Fob. lfi.-Tho Dally Chron lulo publishes a letter this morning from Count Leo Tohtol, tho cole hnited Russian philosopher, condem ning the conference proposed by Em peror Nicholas rnr the limitation nr tho the armaments us only worthy or oontoutpt and derision." Count Tol stoi says: "H will be Impossible to reduce urmatncntH while nations not only porslst in acquiring new posscsilonR, like the Philippines, Port Arthur ami the rest, hut also keep what they ac quired, llko India, Poland, Alsace Lorraine and the rest. EVERGREEN STATE, Still Has a Legislature in Ses" sion. Ily Ahho.-Ih leil Prrnn Io lio Joiirtinl. Oi.ymima, Feb. 7. Ill tho senate tho committee on publlu buildings presented an amended capltol bill ap propriating $170,000 and authorizing tho purchase or the Thurston county court houso and building additions thereto. The hill was introduced abolishing the olllco or slate printer. In the houso Parker Introduced a bill submitting to votors tho proposition to move the state capltol to Tueoma. They've imitated everything else, but they 'vc never been able to imitate thc quality of 1 k ers Sarsapariiia WIIUAT MARKET. II) AaMii'liitnl I'rr Io lite Journul, Chicago, Fb. Ifi. -May 71); cuMi '1 rod 71. San FitANciHoo. Fob. lu. May 1 171 ensh 1.121. a 9 JUDGE US o London, Fob. IS. Fllllpluo ugouib! here have received a uuhht horn Agon ' clllo saying. J "The statement or Ganorl -Otis that he has u oupy or a telegram from moadvlslnu Auulnaldo to attack thu Americans Is un absolute falslllou-! Was -Silks lion. I uhallungc Otis to produce tht Exnluslvo patterns, no two lolugmiu." Judge us by what we'ro doing Judge us by the continued crowds of buyers. Judge us by the iiicrclmndM your rrlouds huyo purchased. Judge us hy our prices, Get your friends to toll you how much they paid. That Hall wcusk. You get trulytho tt whn you buy i.r us. New spring goods arriving daily.! SIX DAY RACE. alike. un advance shipment or our spring onion bountiful doslgns. Buffalo Boy Drops Contest, ll- PrrOH Io llin Journal,! Sam Fiwnoisco. Fob. 15. Tho Kin wit Ion of the day in thu six day rueo! $3.50, $4.50 to $6.50 Liberty Satin 1 For wuUtft: very now mid dainty; Out nfl Prl per yaul ' $1.25 I New Taffetas I lu lovolv Hliudtw, Just right for Waists, Pattlcouw, Drop Skirl, oto , llnsquulltlos; xr yam 85c and $1. wan thc quitting of Stcvuns, the Bur fulo boy. Si'oio at noen: GI111111 OSit mlltm; Miller 070; Plorce (Ktt; Nnwo WIS; Barnuby ttfi; Frederick 018. Our SI Glove Ovor SO dozen sold within the lust four months, and nob a pair re turned; ubwlutoly guunintuuu. Linings Our stock Is JiihI now bubbling ovor wltli the intent Wlt and yidrt lttilugk, In all tha new tftmilto. wo have the ever popiilitr N RA It SILK. SI LVIBIt U HI5N COMMODOltlfi FADIUO, PISB- CAUN'K FANCY KNGLISH UATIHTF, FANCY TAFFfSTAS, BTIJ., BTC. New Val Laces Somo iiuiuijors have hud to be duplicated; the swueUMt wtieriiH, and so eheap. NMW PKIICALTBi, NRW MA DBAS. NRW WIlltOL COltDS. NRW (II KOII AM NRW BUI TINGS, NRW HMnnolDFUUJW. Well Dressed Young Men Hwvoudeclded advantage, Never before has It been to easy for a young man to lie us well droned as now for no little money. NRW SPUING SPITS NKW SPUING U BKCOATS. HAUL hr,AFFNtR & MAOX. OUARANIt?'' CtOTMINO- Red Gloves The Mtrrect men's wei,r. with one while imjhtI clasp. $1.50 1 .4.1 Ici'tnl un irtirlli 'nam Collided. Ily Ao(iluril I'reoN o lliri Journnl. San Fuaoisoo, Feb. 16. The Southern Paollitf freight tniusH)rtuof. llded wlUi tlie PiisIUb Main Doak and liunglug in a ierlUHis position 011 the end pier NRW CITUTAINS, NRW SKI (I'M, NRW COB45U11J, NRW SHIM'S, NRW COLLARS. NRW HOSIERY Jos. Meyers & Sons,,. SAkisiyi's Greatest Store.