ir "i"u SEiUlliliu-UKsUUUa iwHiKsi8aaJiimsawa ytttmmimimmmMk4ivtimkvitf VMUmAoem6 ivl6iMaart 2gS8U? il-Wtn" (rijyiff-n-JitiliiiliitiiiMn,ntilir'--lfiiiiiir,ia MAT CAPITAL MM. JV MOrRR BWOTHBK8, TUBSDAl', JTRBRUAHY 14, 1609, . i i, i 11 ' SMttT, Oh Tr J.OO, hi Advance Mtjr, rm toit 1 et k 4vao, Wtar, OswT 1.00, la Advance SmmC ttsHtttAT OF TUB DALY JirJOK SllLXs WOULD CfllfcE AGAINST TBDaCATlON. TEXT!. BE! A Tfcks most Important nod best under utood cidcaifoBat bill before tills leg Mature J the Daly Text-book uc form hi 1. It waft drafted by a cotn- tuttteo created at tiio special season tbattbcldslltlriBSfor tlirco weeks at A'ortfand nod corresponded with edu cators dod legislators alt oror tbe tatc. Wo are ow to talk plainly to the pcoplo to Bhow why their work should bo upheld. Tlija committee wa composed of ecoutora John D. Daly of CorvalllJ, U. VMMlkojrof Monmouth, both pro fessional teachers, Itcpresen tall res MallofOolumbln, Youor of Clatsop, and Paltrier of Linn. Hall is an ed ucated gentleman, a professional man orthelxttt standing Johan Youdb In a lawyer, a grndurilo of the Stale nnlyemlty; Palmer of Linn Is n farmer, who knows what tho farmers want, and who hold his earnest con fictions against the pressure of the American DookCo'a. nuonls hi Linn county, This committee lliut has glycn apodal time and attention to this question of textbook reform Is In a position to know that a cbango l seeded. If the Daly bill docs not become a law AT THIS BESSION, Oregon re mains for six years longer at the mercy of a text-book trust that can forco the adoption of an entire cliango of test-books, or of new and additional books whenever It fleci lit, AT ITS OWN PU10ISS. If e adopt the Duly blll.tho stale can keep all the present books that mo deslra bio, but can compel! tho Trust to HE DU0ETI1E PftlUBS. HEK? The llo Hint has been Inilunlrlouiity circulated thut tho Daly bill was backed by a book corporation, Olnu fc Co. of Uotitod, and that tho ques tion of voting the bill up or down, was simply tho question of doing up the American Hook Co. In tho Intercut of another monopoly, ought not de ceive anyone. Letters received In this cltji can bo shown to any legisla tor whd wants to know tho facts prorlug oonchulvoly that Qlnn and Co, are opposed w tho Daly bill, and favor tho county and city option plan. Tlicrnnro forty or fifty text book publishing houses that will bo brought Into OPEN COMPETIT ION under tho Daly bill, while If tho prcseot system atabdiall competition Isclowd for tho American Hook Co., to make such reductions us It sees tit. This Is tho cold truth about 110 Daly bill but some of tho members don't want to know tho truth. Tlity prefer to defy their cotutltutouK, degrade tho tuoit sacred of American Institutions In tho Interest of monopoly or be qxwa they have not Investi gated tho uuojtlon and know no mora about the text-books thun a hort.0 docs of heaven)1 Is Mia House Of ltcprooiiutlvoa of tho Oregon legltlaturo prepared to sully tho glory and honor of this com monwealth by truooulonlly or Ignor ant ly on thaoccuiton of IU iomicon- tcnnlat bowing to the ruot obrioxloiis of all truits of a trust ridden age ? When Washington,' Montana and Idaho to tho north and cast of tu get textbooks from 25 to 40 per cent cheaper than wo do UNDER THE COMMISSION PLAN, and Califor nia prints herowrrtextbooks at'about half what ourpcoplo pay Khali the house of representatives In tho face of these facts contlntio tho present expensive, corrupting, Irresponsible system for six yean longer? A word In conclusion; Do the mem bers of the House nrrogato to them selves the Buperlor wlndom and Judg ment on this subject that sols up their opinions against such men a tho 1 senators who supported tho Daly text-book bill V As against tho opin ion of tho governor of this state, who favors of tho Daly text-book bill V .As against tho opinion of Ex-State Su perintendent Irwin, who favors the the Daly text-book bill; as against the present stale superintendent, who Is supporting tho Daly text-book bill? Will tho pcoplo believe that tho members of tho house who have no special Knowlcdgo of this question, who havo not had time to Investigate tho subject as the special committee havo done, who have not even heard tho question or donated It theuiRolvcs, that such members know ruoro about tho subject than those who champion tho Daly bill ? No, the pcoplo will never accept such a theory of Inspired knowledge on tho part of any mun, much less their representative. Let them give their reasons for op posing a bill that Is bollevcd to bo a fair, Just, honest and prog resolve measure. Lot them If tlioy bo frlonds of the American free schools declare why thoy opposo abolition of the text book system universally declared to be oppressive, Inferior, unjust and In jurious to education. If a House member can glvo a good rcaion for opposing a bill that pract ically passed the senate by u unani mous voto let him lie prepared to give that reason briefly and clearly Wed nesday at three p. m. Aud he will he treated fairly and respectfully by ad vocates of tho measure, If ho can Dr. Mitotiell paysin (jifli dult cases oEAncmid'; hdMds3 cod-liver oil half an hour after each meal and he likes to use it in an emulsion ; that he has watched with grow imr surprise some listless, feeble, creature gathering flesh, color and wholesome-, ness of mind and body from' this treatment. "Scott'slEmulsion" iscod- livdr oil combined with hy pophosphitcs. It regenerates tissue, invigorates the nerves and brain, enriches the blood and adds' fat and strength. t simI tl i", ll tlrnijlitt . S( fin & IKJWNI., Uimlt, Htw York. 7 o'clock Tuesday lal duties In the second district were more than ihe presiding )udge could discharge. It Is a well known fact among attorneys that, notwithstand ing tho Increase In population, there Is less litigation than thcro was halt a dozen years ago, and Micro Ib prom loof furthcrdccllno rather Minn In crease, under kucii circumstances any plan to decrease the territory of tho second Judicial district Is nonsen sical, ll Is without a single claim for tho support of members from the counties thut reside In tho second or any other judicial district. Tho occasion for tho hill Is n wrangle between friends of tho two Judges In the third district, Involving proposed abolishment of Judgo Hnlso and his department. .Some claim that there Is need In the district for two, and others but for one Judgo. To settle this dllllculty, rather thun as an nut of public necessity Is tho true object of tho tncilMiro fur uttacklng tho boundaries of tho second district It Is a principle that ought not to be curled Into legislature. If tho third district has too many JudgcH.ono ought to bo abolished. If not, tho fi lends of these Judges ought to bo mado to bohavo themselves, and to leave things as they are. Tho desire to change something that now nlroady oxlsts seems to bo u mania of legisla tures. It becomes so extravagant that bills without Intelligence and without excuse find way Into legisla tive bodies. Tho practlco ought to bo elided and law and Iiuvh bo made stablo by i romptly voting down all glvo no good roason It Is his duty as a measures that savor of frivolity or mm. f w.ln tnr Mm IVilv TWMww.l, '(,y J-" "l UUCO roforrocl t(l . ... should bo tho llrst to bo punctured. Vlllt 4$J i iJLLLU , Kvenr i wewsit hould rtU that her Ilka B bank arcnunt At 1 i. ...... Kt Uio b w much ilcjwtiud tq ber ciiilt the bauk f knit If a,Vri Tout NMUt! tkltl Bile nun In ,rn .... -. "' Hrtierwettei An ovr)rvru account Hi Ve Wtijk of kr.UH weuui ouo of two Tfet wm lt bm W br bfulth (a , wMtywjf U mittHg W di.ftt b ftH hf, tk Iwik V SrH! uSl will Lff,!!iJHwu,llkruW. irliuf UU i "ySMB rlse'la tU UWT, mlW WOMftM kttt k. lkly wfcl hJ UpijHwiket Hvlia Tbcr ut l5'tt,h, f" ! fr or mother fcesl lfr aI dtttMitm f thli tute r Wwt lv,)riie If crijiin Ihc mni LliOISLATIVE ROUTINE. IJoth Houses Working on Ilegular Holt tine Order of Uuslness. II0U8I-M0NI)AY l. M. h'ecrotary of stale was uulhorUed to construct such additions to tho Hpcukors platform us may bo necos sary to accomodato thu exercises Tuesday. On motion of illlamson tho voln by which H. II. No. 2, Mm Portland bill waH passed, was reconsidered, and It will coino up agaiti later. dray Introduced a resolution that each member bo furnished with n copy of tho kossIoii laws of 18i).'l and a copy of thehlhtory of the early In- dlnn wars. Adopted. 'Illln.niii.i. I....I .1 I I. III. .iiu K'MUIIIUI lllliniKIIUH MUUIU UIIIN number no, 211, .'llo, aso, W,, 2t and m. Tho boiiuto roholutlon, thut Mm lug- islatlvo iivsomhly shall have tho power toprovld for tho election or n Rtato printer, was received u nil referred to committee on resolutions. 1IIM.H I'ABHHI). 8. II. 231. Howe, to Incorporate tho city of Curlton, Yumhill coiint)'. H. II. 177, Kolly, toumeud Mm charter of tho city of HrowiiHvillo. H. 11. 183. Kolly, to amend tho chartor of tho city of Lebanon, Linn county, Oregon. S. 11. 210. Mitchell, to luoorporuU the oltyof.Moro, In Sherman noutity, Oregon. S. II. ass. Smith, to Incorporate, thu city of Ilurus, Hurnoy county. S. lit IPS, Mitchell, to Inunriuirtitit Diillw UlLv. H. 11. 3JW, lonlitoyvto InoOrtiopito tho elty of "Hnterpriw, Wulluwu oounty, Oitigon. S. II. m, Dufur, Ui town of Dufur, . Ih ai PrtMslytoJ, t amaud ahariwr ofulty tif Vton, Greuou. HAU.mTO 1A88. S. II, HI, Daly of lltinton, Ui prsvlde tor a HicttD board of text book ofliumMoiior. Just Iwforo udJourniuMt, the speaker gme notloo that there will be a Uepubllwui caucus lit una tho ooui- iHiMirponita tho mlttce rooms at evening. WILLS 1A8SH0. S. b. 6?, Daly, of Uentcn, as to tfme of catching salmon In Alsca boy and tributaries. H. D. 31, Mr. Selling, creating u trust fund In Multnomah county S. U. 100. Smith, tn uroend scctlon-6, relating to mining claims., S. II. 3, Hr0wnofl,'tOprovfdcifor tfio election of road Supervisor S. II. 61, Bales, tocroato the ofllceof clork of Justices' courts In r.ltlos of 60,000 Inhabitants or more. S. 11.63, Porter, relating tfithonnnklrig of deeds by sheriff. S. 11. 11, Morrow, to provide for the extirpation or thistles. S. H. 3fi, Porter, to require sheriff's to collect cortaln fees In civil (xisos. 9. B. Fulton, relating to negotiable Instruments. S. 11.107, Harmon, to protect salmon and other food llsttcs of Rogue river. S. H. 176. Hatos. To nuthorlc and direct tho county court, of Mult nomah county to louse upper deck of 0. It.&N. bridge. S. II. 01. Harmon. To amend an act to create a Htutc board of horti culture and to appropriate money therefore. S. H. 171. Ilnrmbn. To bettor pro tect salmon In the waters or Cu'ry county. S. II. 101. Joopl'l. To provide for park commissioners, for the ac quisition of land for parks and und the management therefore. S. 11.32. Daly of Lake. To requlro the county courts to administer oaths In pension miitterM. I'Alt.HDTO PASS. S. B. 81. Cameron. To nmond section 3383, luwn of Oregon. S. B. 4B. Kuykcndull, To regulate tho running ut large of stock. JIOUHK- MONDAY HVRNINO. On the motion of Cilmmlugs tho secretary of state wns given authority toromuyo the members dusky from tho hull to better accomodato the audi ence expected at tho celebration Wed nesday. The wnolo evening wu3 devoted to tho consideration or sonuto bills, nod seventeen wore run through tho mill. Only two failed to pass and one of those, S. B, No. 81, was reconsi dered and will have another olianco. Adjmirumout was uikon until 7:110 p, m. Tuesday, 8KNATK TUHBUAY AlTHItNOON. Mluhell's land bill.. Pu used. Stlllman's bill wlthdmwlntr thosulo of certain stole lands, us suggostcd by Oov Ocor. PaH,tud. Sonntor Loonoy hud tho pure food bill of Mm house rucoiMldered und amended. Puhod. Josophl's soamen'H bill was referred to thucommlttco on commerce S. II. 07, Mulkoy, rogulnllng feiM of county ollluora. Passed. S. II. 133, Howe, regulating building ii nd loan associations, lndollnltely postpouud. II. II. 110, Curtis, appropriating 916. uoo ror a llsli batohory, was culled up und passed with 17 uyox. tl 1 i. i ... . . ii. , oi., runinny, Kniorpribociiurler. Passed. In thoovonlngtlio sonuto us rom mltUmof thu whole consldorod Mm Kuykondall oducutloual bill, arid at lOo'clockuroseuud reported progress. A Itepublloun cuuoiis will bo held Mils ovoulng for the nomination of u suite llbnirlan, a bouunun ut As'orlu und u rood and dairy oommltwlunor, it is gononilly conceded that there will bo no opposition to thu nrtwuiiL excellent llbnirlan. J. It. Putiuim. ... .. . "" I mm mho mat w. w. Bukor will uo the nomluco ror rood ami dairy commis sioner. The Clatsop dslogatlon aro oxpoted to name the boulmnn. 0 o oo 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 i i i inihr i I BEST fllill KM 1 The 'Model Oregon Newspaper and B'umlly Journal. Uniting News, Fiction, Literary, Kiihch ana Dairy and Market News In attractive readable form. 01 lis OH LlUi! u JU1 (LI IL Is issued Thursday morning In time to reach all parts of the state the same neck. Tit SI - 00 Weekly... In two part8contalnsnll Important Forclgu, National und State News. I JOURNAL $3.00 A YEAH An Independent Associated Press Paper for tho Peo ple. Send for samples free, W awl imWHUfil .! cecctHft .tlft'l",7' JltrUv. jiuT. ftf,Mj quickly uMmUoil,rr tuZ IM NilUwmikHi, ck?cki dfblHlIvifli drain, uul nuLfkl .i.t.1,, .11 .7....""" KMHL 1 kllWM kUltx the .l.,...;. fv'.' Mkd mUkzzzfiSr.iiz"r!":r. r ssst isi4 te, pi ij44W mf&y f nujt.k,"t ZU&iiti3r uUU,Bl ht A SOLDlKlt'H MONHMBNT. Tho proposition to appropriate 11000 toward a monument for thoso who offered tholr lives In tho recent wtr with Spain raises Mm question wholhor n military honor of Mils kind ought bo conferred at public oxpouio upon any particular claix or soldiers By all means lot us erect them a monument. Lot us roar a nnblo altar to tho heroes who unselfishly servo the nation on tho Held of battle, or on board tho battleship. Lot us say to tho generations growing to cltlrcn- shtpandlo the men and women who havo loot their loycdoni's to tho front that wo esteem tholr valor nt tho front and appreciate tholr sacrlllo-s at homo. Hut lusodolug let us not forget to honor all our military and naval heroes, living or dead, not alouo of this war, but of all wuro for the preservation of our country, When wo erect a soldier's monu ment with public money, tot it not bo for tho heroes of Kuntlnm ami Manila alone, but tho hurocs from jiuii nun Ui Appomattox, fur Hip horocsof ChepultcpocuMl Mexico, for tho pioneers of border warfaro with the antagonist of Grout Britain at Now Orleans In 1812, nud tho mlmito man at Valley Forge In 1770. Asoldlet'a monument should onm memoratft Mm deds of martial yoloi of all thu nation's heroes, from the foundation of Its Independence to the latest aohlevmenu of American glory. H should bo for tho soldiers and Min ors, tho nursea and chaplains, those who helped ut homo as well ut Mnjse who enlisted ui go forth id Uattlo, a woldlers monument erected by the pco plo should sUud for tho pairlntlguiot tho whole pcoplo. 5 1 sr MOlUt JUDdliaUIP LKOtSLATlON Anothw Bchtmi ta Crcte New Offlce at the Kipnt of the Pcoplo, ItUliardtotliidwholsUtokuf the scheme tooreato another Judicial dls vrlot that cuts otltvtrt of this dls. Ulot. It Is evident that llm whu are determined to l.nini.M i.,.i,. Ilohh) out of olllce aro not vuilinu m quit, although wmio uf tnem !,. about as muah practical knowledge of loglMatlou a a uun whoonu'i uiu hen coop front a tuatfofwar. ThcCXirvalll Time discuses the bill as follows; Tborolsoomorlt In Mm bill that proposes to detach ileoLtn am) m.,. oolu from thd wcond Judicial district usautiorm meui. along with Polk, Yamhill and Tillamook Into a tie dUtrlot. Bcforo the itatuta hook be burdened with a new law the pro powd uioasure should bctrav a devnt! quota of intelllk'enM). 'i'hrrt ,...1 Cum pi.h.i.u j t .f IMoAlisUr. mhw... t.n' .. k',, Invert complaint that the Judle. W&&iZL 5,0". Muw, Ntos;!1!!!! .,,. A,.uo,. ntorts. u. sulWx, st.ii.M,,. Tim Jouhnal has the rullest report or thodolrmH or the logisluturc und state olllclnls, as well ui Indepen dent, clour and concise cotnmnnt on oil public mutters. Send ti trial subscription. IIO IT till 1JROS. THJJ PIONBBlt LIMITDD' U ttib hamM the- only perfect trstn In tV wbfld, nbWrurtnlng ev!ry rdaht between St. lal and Chicot via tbe ClitcflBo, Mil wiUkee & St. Pnul Kailnayr-ihe pioneer road of the West In adopting all Improved facilities Lr the safety and ejoyment of pas. lenoen. An ttiusirnicu iminui.ti, ... -6 !.,rnl1.!ntilitul scenery alone the route Hie I'loneer Limited, will be sent free to any person upon recilpt of twe-cerl postage stamp, Addiess Geo. H. HealTord, General " w y Passenger Agent, ChicaRO, 111. THE GREAT SALT LAKE KOUTH The attention of eatbound travolcrs is called to the advantajes offered them by He UIo Grande Western, ' l'ho Great Halt Lake Route " The same rates prevailed whether the trip Is mane via Huntlnnton or i-an Fran cisco. The passencer lias hit choice of two routes out ol Portland, three through Co o. rndo, and lour east thereof. No other line out of Portland can offer such a variety of routes In addition, a day's stopover Is given all 1 avengers at any point In Utah or Colo rado. Through pullman and tourist sleep ing cars are run on all trains, as well as free reclining chair cars. The nervlce and ac commodations offered are equal. If not su perior to tho.c of any trans-continental road, and tales are always as low as the lowest. If you contemplate a trip cast, writo lo I. D. Mansfield, G nsrnl Agent, Kio Grande tfestofn Hallway, 141 'third Street, t'oitland Oregon, for any information you may need In reference to rates, routes or accomodations. 11 10-tf affftfMmTTiTtl HiaHlLLIJllnBUJ IWiiUiiir" n OKrART FOR Fast Mail 8 pm Spokone Flyer a,'3o p.m 8 pm TIMB SCJIKDULK. From Portland. Salt Lake. Denver Ft. Worth, Omaha. Knnsas Ol.- I. T -..!- 1. d East. K Cltv and Walla Wallis Spokane, Minneapolis, at. l'aul, Duluth, Milwaukee Chi cago and hast Absolutely the Fastest The Burlington Route logs Is not only the Stump, Thomp'.on of Clackamas, Virtue. Whltney.Wllllumson, Wilson, Young, Mr, Speaker; 3D. Now lloach, Ulucktiby, Donnelly, Farroll, Frcolnnd, lluwson, Hohklrk, Litmson, McCulloch, Plntts, ltooder, Shorwlu, Smith, Tliompson, or Wash ington, Whalley; ir: (t abscnteos. On motion or .Moody, tho bill was then made special order ror :i p. 111. Wudnosduy. CATARRH Ef- eurisv I leurfay nud pneumonia nro (Vc qimiUy dovuloiHHl. In n very short !,.r,,f.Uimo M ? common wold t Hid, If uoh an uouto lutlamumtton of Uw lunga Is not promiitlv ntluywl. o hx not hao nny jur , ft,r t,,il iiminmtion. wismi tho luUn in brvathlnjr wnd nlwaya ott'oeta n euro lu a wonderfully short Umt Dr.BulIs Cough Syrup DALY TEXT BOOK BILL. OBolliiwetl Phhh llwt lVtw. TllM HOL'TINU KWORT. At 3 o'clock S. II. No. 1 It. Mm Daly toAt-book bill, unine no uinlttr hpoolul hii (inn w rwau inn thlnl time. Thore was 110 debate mid the roll call was tukvu afuncw, rwultlng lu fail ure to iwm. tub vote wnh us rollows, Stlllmun and Young ehanginj: timlr wit to no, to uiovu loeunsldsratlou: Ayw-ltraiuiln, UrlKfeii. Ubiin, Cum mlog, Hivls, w-SR rjmc8t Uru ararir, juHtk, KniRiit, , Uwl, MtQuMU. lliwdy, Mers, Moluds, nilmur, Utiherts, btwariWMn,,vir. tut, Whitney, Wilwa, Woimcou, Mr Speaker. 2. Niw-IUyr, Itwoii, lthiekaby, Unit. Curtis, DiMHMtlly, Kurwll, l,r,. ney. Freeluud, Hawwio, um, jKAj. Kirk. Luiomw. M.4Km. McAIIUur. McCullooti. Morum. Main, UM,W o. riu, aiuun, SlttlMtaHPhnMuw,,,, riwiupsoin Wiwihiy. niln,s lounit t. ' AbMiHt-Hall, Marsh. MeCN.urt lto. .oK.) , M4XI. tV.aoh.g.-T" Half an hour lntr, Stlllnma uiorvil reooHshUratlon f Me tit. ,, ,j. innndwl a W r Um Imhim. ItolloiM d mm! hxn aUioi, After vu or .tU,0 had bey wtuttrotl, rurilw all Hut dttM)tii wtm. -pin, alu iLfSrhU,MttHmW'.wl.reh AyftH-Uayor.llratUUH.lingus. Bul. K?l. r I .my "rW "' J"'. r,-,,, MIIH9! LiWkL OK STOMACH. A PUaaant, Simple, Dut Safe and fectual Cure for It. Catarrh of tho stomach has lnni? been consldorod tho noxt thlntr to in curable. Tho usual symptoms aro ti full or bloating sensation nfter eating acocmpnnled soniotlmes with sour or watery risings, u formation of gnsos, imiisln pressure on tho heart aud lung and dlllluult hrouthlng; heud uches, lloklouppotlto. iiprvoiisnosxnnd u gouorul played out, languid feeling. Thoro is often a foul tMo In Him mouth, coated tongue unci ir Mm lu lerlor or tho stomach could be euon ll woiim hiiow n slimy, Inllumed condi tion, The euro or this eommo'i und ob stinate trouble is round lu a treat ment which onuses tho rood to bo roiullly, thoroughly digested betorc It has time to ferment and Irritate the (iollfittu muoMik Rurfucw of the stomuoli. To secure a prompt and Imilthy dlgostloii Is Mm ono nucoe-sury thing to do und when normal diges tion Is secured tho cutwrrlml condi tion will ImvodUnppouitHl. Aconrdlng U Dr. llarlanson the snforit unit imi treatment is m m.n aftor onuIi meol a tablet, composed or DIuluso, Asoptlo Puivtln, tt lutlo Nux, GolrtanSeul uod fruit uolds. 'I hose UibleUKMti now b found ut nil drug store. under the nauio or Stuart's Hyspeiteln Tubleus und nut wing u iHttent uiiHllolUtt unu be ud with iwrriwt troty und ashuruu thut honlthy unK)tlio and tliorough dl gosilon will follow tlielr tvgu ur ue niter mouit). Mr. N. J, lhKihtr of STI0 Dwrhoru SU.Uhlougo, III, wrltM: "Cuuirrli Is 11 loonl condition resulting rrom u nog laotad auhl In th haatl, ttlmreby the llulugHiaiubraiioof the no Imciiui ihhiuowi ana tno ikouos dleliure thorofrom tximg baokwurd into the throu roaches tho hUnimoh, thus nrt. dtAlngcatnrrhortlw (.toinaeh. Medl oluuthjriUe.nrMrlb(td ror m ror io jwira ror catarrh orstoiuaoh muiMUbwuti, out unlay I tun tu mn PLAYBD OUT. Dull lleailathe. 1'alnn in of thelHxly. Sinking at the pit of the stomach, Im of appetite. Fcverlshr.css, Pimples or xireaar'all positive evidences of impure blood, No matter how it became so it must Iks iniiificil in order to obtain good health, Acker's Itlood Elexir has never tailed lo cure Scrofulous or Syphilitic .lolscms or any other blood disea-es. It is cortalnly a wonderful remedy and we will tell every bottle on a positive guarantee itsan tha 4 Tha Kind Ywi lto"8 Alv.ays B3ught EXPEUIENCK IS.TIIE I Eil TEACHER Use Acker's Enullsh Itemed c in inv nt coughs. cold or croup. Should it fail to give immediate relic money refunded 25c and 50c Lunn Ac Ilrjoki, drucBiits. via Hill- cheapest route to Omaha, Kansas City, und all points south, but ABSO LUTELY the fustest. Take It and you sayc anywhere from 8 to 20 hours in time, nnd trom $2 to $o,75 In money. TJxuctly how much time? Ex actly how much money? The local ticket agent will tell you. Ask him; or, ir you prcrer, write me. A. O. SHELDON. Gen'l Agent, Portland, Or. YAQUIKA KOUTE 8pm ex, Sun Saturday 10 p tu IVjVC Salem 7i'5 P. JTusIIiu anil sat 10 a m. MonWed Fri I. Salem Tu.Thur Sat 31'. "' OCEAN STEAMSHIPS. For San Frwclsco. Sail every five days ARRIVk. 6-'4S P.m Spokane rlyer 8.-3o a m COLUMBIA RIVER STEAMERS To Astoria nnd way land logs, W1LLAMP1TE RIVERS I'ortland, Ncwhurg and Way Landings. I For Day ton WILLAMETTE RIVEh Corvallis Albany and Way Points, 4 Pm ex Sun Ar Salem 6 p.m. Mons Weds Fri Tu Tlmt Sat 3y P m Ar Salem lo a m Mon Wed and Fri WILLAMETTE RIVER DIVISION. Dally imts to Portland as above. Transfers to street car line at OregJ City if the steamers are delayed there ound trip tickets to all points in Oregon, Washing ton, or California. Connectio t made at Port land with ail rail, ocean andriver lines W. II. IIURLUURT. Gen'l Pas. Agt. Portland, Or. G. M. POWERS, Agent, Trade street dock Salem. UOISE & DARKER, City Agent. TAKE THE Canadian Pacific R.R And Soo Pacific Line -TO- Mii.ueapoiia at. l'aul & Ullld VI L(l Connecting at YAQUl.VA lth tho YAQOINA BAY STEAMSHIP 'COMPANY STKAMEHS "WEEOTT" rirnt-dnM In uvor, ro cct. Tho above steamer Is duo to mil from Ynulim ceryi'litlit din. Phortobt Ilonte Ilctwicu Ilehuco Valley Points anil Ad Francisco Fure: Albany and 1'olnts Wont to San Krancliio Ciibin . . ltouiul Trip ........ 17.00 II. U WAI.nKN. KDWIN STONE, T I A V. A. Malinger. J.IUHNKR. AkciiI, Albany, O10. Chicago Philadelphia Washington Montreal Toronto New Vork a ii all points eait and southeast. t0D Cheapest iatn, beitseivice and accommo. dations ThrouBh touiist sleepers to Minneapolis St. Pnnl, loronto, Montreal, and lloston without change Canadian Pacific Railway Go's. Empress ine of steamships to Japan and Chlm, The tastestnnd fineit whips on the Pacific ocean. Shortest and bust route to the orient Canadian Australian WILLAMETTE KtVEB DIVISION STEAMER WM. M. HOAG, 'I he Kinallc.t things ma innucncc. IJe ilt'i Little luirly Risers are, Invos Imlr for constinalinnrnil llrtr.i..l.u. Iamum fluluin unenualled for CPnslI nalinnr nil llr,r..l.u. Small pill, wro pill. Stoce's Drug store iV-Mtk j Ina Kir 'I oi Han Alisays Baaght I...... Million hn,.l.l V.- ..1' - .. "...V .V ...... ...WM.i, lv ,ncii iu nvQIil II U'U M Sllluin II" "" iaj.i os NcttW n1.111.111 Arrive Portland ......... pre It's A I-aOiippe is again epld utlon should lie taken specific euro is One Minm f....l, r..' Serrd, IWisher Agricultural Journal and AJverdier, Klden. Mo , M)s: ..0"0 will l dwrnwlntod in UB One Jfa Cough Cu.o lot La Grippe," Stone's Diuc store. DYSPEPSIA CAN HE CURED I1V using Acker's Dypeiu Tablets. One HmI ta Met wllliBWe'Wmedlate relief or money refumled Sold in handsome a?' Lunn A: llmoks. druanU... " a5c Captain Owi. Hnalie. ftlllllillll! between Pnrtlnml n.l c., stoppliiKatnllway luiullnK. "". IllVEH 8CIIKDULK. DOWN-Tnwrtajs, Thurndayj and Sundays. uinonAiUii)... 7. ,. 1 "m a. 111 endwiiu. 1JM , 10 a. in, 12 SO ' . J'Rll MoihIhjs, Vch1iuk1iih und Prlil.v. lASivck I'prtlanil 6 .. ... ! 10 so": ! : 1 iaiuw.8 i)118n, viia"::."::::i:" 7 : ! : iw AitMim. in. .1 ir,1.- Arrh v CorvoTltjZIZ ITu:wji . m Tho sUmmi'r has U$n miilnpoil nlth ll'mu plm..UW,"""0,ia!l,m"' 'n"ila- au'SCnt IwKt"1 f8r eorr5"1"B'b"1' freight and ll.-Koo(if Suio 8trct. l. MAEH17. AkciiL Salem, Oregon, C SULLIVAN. Hpt. Albany, Orogou. I'l'- O uJX J3 3? o 3B X -flu . fleM ,k i0 "" Kllrf Yoa H'" lax Bajk' "S"to - 4 m P7 "tZ7 Fiji and Austratln tne colonies S. S. Co. The To Honoluh' shortest route t For rates, fo lern and any information e!l on or address C. M. Lockwood, Agent, Phone No. 40. 288 Commercial st. Residence Phone fso. i5. Salem, Ore a . a ... . " " ADUOT. Agent, 146 'third ,trect. Portland, Or. ,v , K' J- COYLE, Distilcl l'asengcr Agent. Vancouver. It. r EAST AND SOUTH VIA rE SrHSTA R0 JTE OF THE Southern Pacific Co KXrRKSS TRAINS RUN DAILY 1 6:00 p m JS.'IS A M LV 'I'nrlldn A. 8,. n..l V --".. ..ll ...-2S PMVLv....Satetu ....Lv (9:; k ,30 AM OO A M OO PM of lJ?'."W.e aBOfl, u wueJ hy lilM nUini and Skin Disease. 'lt are relied and cuwdbylWuf, Wild, IUmI Halve jg ware ol imiutioni Stoni', Drug Crc SICK IlliADACHK All iOLUTELV AT pamuncmly curl by uBg MU Tea A Pteuam herb drink Cu,coiHti,a ion' and '$l5uSBTra.a5niS?i J'rnnS; ,A ,fe."w. i"y tMlcan -,v.,-.-. ..-.uci, iHIHtloti tUrtblv frm .Vl!r 0 "" Co-gh Cure OIe (0w4 1 HI theonli r.i 1 .-' .""S" W ":.,.'.."" " ctwi OSICklv. Th,m t-oigh Cure nds of heB,e ihTmW s,S Stotw's U,' Swrc. "'" nKU Cehnu; nil iih ami UN. mi.- .:.".-." "" """" -BO l-Uie kiu.0 .u. w - . .... B lor Oregon SI1011 Liuc Railroad ItuWwflKouteto Montana, Utah. Colorado and all Eastern Poi'dIs t,drf,Jw, 'orito routw. via thu ... ..iM.ivDllllt' UUtK. Look at the time f JmSaltLako 2f Days to Denver if D.iys to Chicago Days to New York VmH?n&.n CJt"lr c"t t'pholsterl Tour. aprf oivrated on all trains. rur uum iiiforraatloii 1IOI.K A BARKER. Awnu. &,!,. W E I'OMAN, (,wn ABenl I'-O.TKRIlY.Tmv.l'iu, a J l Thlnl hi., PorHmid, Or. Ar. ijan Francisco. Lv hftefifsssrais !n.r... i Ti "' u'"c. manon hfSS ! Ainyf Ta"Pc"t. Sheddi, Halsey, C&,J""r Cttv,-Eugene, Creswell .-. ... jvoscuurg to Ashland, inclusive. iiA9AtUKf 'i MAIL, I)A!LY. 10 -ce a 1 1 ' ' ' ",ani Ar ( 4.-30 v m J. 20 p Ml Ar. . Roseburg. . Lv 1 7.-30 A M t'Ullman hnllA. .!..- j ' T" . .1... " .v.sicr ana seconu-ciass keeping cars attached to all through trans WhhT SIDE DIVISION. B2nfNn AND CORVALLIS. Mail Mains daily except Sunday. 'iiiiMUr.,. Corvalli,.. LvflJoPM t,.ln.fe TT Corvallircon-nlcTrh . .(V W Q. J. KxrRiaa train dauaWcept sunijay. ...Ar 8.'S5 . lleLv5.'5o, :e Lv) 4.-50 One N I he I, 5HO" D 1 g Me. re lun IIB Ihj. TH bt cough . cold, cuie. lilaktofiutmativruslniroNly uau Ihx of hiuiirl'a DyHHJttetu 1t, 1 cau. mil tlml apprnprliite wo.ris my l'whI fooling ttntl sound rest fro,,, Bltiarfs Di-sptietti TabloU Is ti rt profxiraUon as. well as tho ilmplttstuml iiiitet an.ivoulout remedy rf """ " ikuoii, cmarrh uf .tiiumDli. bllloustio8, sour sio.uueh hwrlburu ana IiUhUob after inwi, ' bend forllttU Uwk mallni frw, towiili twtrtiN, . adding tablets ari U Mun 1 at ,n dnik. CASTOR! A For Infants nnd Children Me Kind You Hare Always Bought Bifie of cW" CURE YQUSSELFl , ".M "DhallltKl 1 '" ... tsjgj; A Few Interesting Facts .i:fc'' a trip WE' 'he -viceol n K Tdl Hratd so a tn .t . ur Uam are hh divtrri.B lu 2 nC C ,conn""on PallnuS i iSarn si i"H Jun?,ion Pints ontb3!ra,4 A cars a &. "mCe UB". Meal, loonier toolaam ii,;. r.. .. as:i):enr:;'y-" wSI CBXTHAF, LINES Point, piTt. g' Mlluk d all tlek.V.,Urth,r info'min call on any "eket agent or correspond with 7 JAS. C, POND, General Pais. Acsnt. or JAS. A, QLOQK, M"-w"". WW. ra5Stvk Street, POtTLAND, cB A.'tn U w T.. 7 mop mI i r 'Sv!?xa Ar; 8'-s a m fVjQ PM)Ar Independence Lvl lin AM OecMenia I , 1 AV1 ban Francisco with samsh,nlln r0'1,?!?1 and clfic mail nearnship lines for JAPAN AND CHINA filing dat on application t'tUNA EurooeSanA,'ick,CiSV?.Eas,cm Poi and gyy Munumtnrs KMpWEKDUHi)iq oan Ht air - wv w W CRANTl W uo WOUMENTAI, BR.0HZE CO. niuutP0RT, CONN ur GranltB v ,,Sr.T ttnJ "rpMe Mar be T, B. WAIT, Agent, uiilTii mWSbiS& H4 Mill St. and iso cState St. wntotane ' 1 9-dw SALEM, ORE. H ,K