DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL. .V VOL. X ."J SALEM, OREGON, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 14, 1899. 1 i1 NO, 38 D6cia Riper Men's long "Boston" boots Men's long "Bay state" boots Men's short "Boston" boots Men's short "Bay state" boots Men's long "snag proof" boots Men's short "snag proof" boots Men's Boston storm rubbers Ladies' Boston storm rubbers Tliis reduction includes every rubber in the store. There is no old stock in this line, Everything is this year's make, You'll not find us "just out" when you come for a pair. N?uJ York Racket Big Special Wc must mac more room for our spring stock and will make special prices to sell. SALEM SHOE STORE, It. II. LEA 88 State Street, Sl.OO , SHOES 'that WILL WEAR S'zcs Hi to 12 v gy rj . g jfii r9 ld TEi? KV & &hoe ?tore W 94 State street, !3jaBJSJ3BA?iC3 SiJJGS 1H WANTED FffTATOKS. ONIONS, WK PAY IIIOI1KST 011BGON UllHEN AND Will FRUIT CO. Suitable Tools ML. $3,25 2.75 2.50 2.25 .'. 4,00 3,00 :" 65 40 Ladies' Fine Imt. French Kid Hand Turn? Latest Coin Toe. Sold by every dealer in the city at $4.50 to $5.00. $3-25 IIO, Manager. Next door to Ladd & Bush's Bank 3&a&$&3& CHILDREN'S SCHOOL SHOE as Til'' Mjr HP Salem, Oregon HAY INI) OATS OASI1 PIIIOE. !iS Slate Sited, Siltm.illre FOR ALL TRADES. A man wight as well try to work with his hands alone unless he has the tools that help. TIIE BEST is none too good for the man that 1ops the work. THE BEST can alway he found at GRAY BROS, mm THE SENATE Passes a Fillipino Res olution. Reiterating the Declaration of Independence, The Back of the Blizzard Is Broken. Il- ANnilittnl PrrN In Hip Joiirnnl. Wabiiinoton, Feb. I . In the sen the McEnery resolution carried 20 to Teller, Colorado, made a brier state ment to the senate, In which he said ho proposed to vote for tho McEnery resolution. Ho knew of no agreement to adopt that resolution but It was in practical accord with views which lie had expressed hcrtofore. He hoped, he said, those views might be curried out and crystal ized Into law, Ho was was proceeding to discuss some of the intendments which lie said would be offered to tho McEnory resolution, when Allison said: "No amendments can be offered to the resolution under tho unanimous-consent agreement." In response to the statement made, McLauriu (S. O.) explained how the unanimous-consent agreement was reached, and then said: "I do know that there aro senators in this chamber who would not have voted for the treaty ir they iiad not been assured of an opportun ity to vote upon the McEnery resolution. If any senator was not present when the unanimous consent agreement was made, It was his own fault, I give notice, that 1 shall object to any violation of the unanimous-consent agreement." The McEnery resolution N in fol fel fol eows: "That by the rutlllcctlon or the treaty of peace with Spain, It Is not Intended to Incorporate the in habitant or the Philippines Into I he cltlfcnslilpofthe Trilled Stales, nor Is it Intended permanently to annex said islands as an Integral part of the territory of the United States, hut It Is the intention of the United States to establish a government suit able to the wants and conditions or tho inhabitants of Mild Islands, to prepare them for local self-government in due time, and to make such dispo sition of the islands as will best pro mote the Interests of the cltl.ens of the United Stales and Inhabitants of the Islands. Washington, Feb. II. The htorru swept past Washington at midnight, and tills morning the sun x shone bright. Washington is still cut off from railroad communication. Dur ing the blizzard yesterday evening and night tw score of persons were picked up partly or wholly uncon scious Wasiiinoton, Feb. H. The weather bulletin says: "Clearing weather rapidly followed the storm and this morning Is cold and clear In the Atlantic region except New Eng land and eastern New York, where clouds still remain." Chicaoo, Feb. 14. Frozen water plugs pievonted tho department .from getting a stream on Humes that broke out In a seven-story brick house, 10 to 24 West Water street, toduy and re sulted In great damage. It is said that live or six people perished In the llumts, but this has net been yerllied. The tire is spreading rapidly and it looks as If the number or surrounding buildings would suffer severe damage. New Youic, Feb. 14. With a clear sky overheard once moro,oceun steam ers began coming In at an early hour this morning. It Is believed many steamers arrived outside during the bllward and will reach port later. The Legislator. Olvmnla. Feb. 14. In both houses the usual number or bills were killed by indellnlle postponement at the sea slon. The senate reused to concur In the amendments ror appropriations ror Ellensburg and Cheey normul schools, Pennsylvania No quorum. Nhukaska Unchanged, Utah No change. California Unchanged. News From Samoa. II Aaaorlntril I'reaa to (he Journal. AUCKLAND, N. Z., Feb. Il.-The advice from Samoa under the dale of February 8, report that anarch? and rebellion still prevail there DALY TEXT FittyvTwo Members Out of Ninety Now on Record Against the Trust, The Bill Gets 28 Votes in 39 Favor Reconsideration Wednesday at Three P. M. i Tlio Daly public school text-book raforin bill was lost In the House on tirst nullot Monday by 28 to 'Jo, poyen enough arc known to have expressed themselves for the bill to ensure Its passage on linal vote. The friends of the measure arc vory hopeful oflts becoming a law, but realise that It will rcqulro tho presence of every anirmatlvo vote. Following uouse memnors recorded themselves BR ATTAIN, KNIGHT, BRIOCJS, KRUSK, ' LEWIS, , M "QUE EN, MOODY, , MYERS, NICHOLS, PALMERi ROBERTS, CONN, CUMMINOS, DAVIS, FLAGO, GRACE, OKAY, OREOG, JONES, STEWART, Out of THIRTY senators following TWENTY-FOUR members posed of all parties supported the DalyvText-book bill In tho Senate: ADAMS, BATES, CAMERON, DALY or Lake. DALY or Benton, DRIVER, DUFUR, HAINES,, harmon; hazeltine. nowE, . JOSEPH!. KUYKENDALL, LOONEY,' M AUK ay; FULTON, The bill has so far received tho support of f2 men in both houses, with 28 against. THE IIATTLK IN THE IIOUSK. By sharp practice of tho opposition tho Daly text-book bill wus to go to a vote In the House without debate. The supporters of the American Book Co. work silently and avoid all discussion. It the members of the House could hear the matter fully discussed as It w'as In tho Sonatc, ifthoy could hear such earnest menus tho two Dulys, Fulton, Haines. Driver, Mackay, Mlchcll, Mulkey, Smith and Wade, thore would bo an overwhelming majority ror tlio bill. But tho acoustic properties or the House arc so bud that little discus sion Is possible The opposition to the bill In Multnomah county was a surprise, Moody and Myers alone voting for the hill. Four Portland niembors led by Beach even went so fur us to vote against reconsideration nu roll call. Marlon county cat nlmost a6olld vote ror the bill, McCulloch alone lighting cyen ugalnst reconsideration. Of the eighteen Union niembors present every man voted ror the bill except Blackaby, Fordney, McAllister, Plaits and Shcrwln. The Daly text-book hill bus won the support of tho most conscientious and best educated men or both Iioukcs, Its most earnest champions are the practical lire-long educators HkoCum'mlngs or Marlon, Stewart of Jackson, Nichols or Benton, (Belong Republicans who consider this bill tho all-Important measure of this session, that will save the common people hard cash, to say nothing or Its being a mcrnuro to promote the cfllcleucy o' the public schools a proposition ir true that ought to appeal to any man with a drop of American blood in his veins. The young men or the House, men like Moody or Multnomah, Stlllman or Umatilla, Young or Clatsop, Davis or Lincoln, arc tho most earnest cham pions or the measure. The age and oxperlcnco or the Houso and Senate are ror tlio bill. Buck or all tho masses or the people demand this reform and will have it. Continued on Sosond Page. A RESTRvININQ ORDKR. Issued by Judge Boise at Requ st of Woodburn Parties. Salem law olllccrs were kept hot to lato hours last ulght, getting nut papers In a big law suit Involving tho vulldlty or the Woodburn charUir pusscd by tho present legislature. The flultls brought by Roy, Ben. A. Cuthoy, by his attornoys, Win. II. Holmes and Uiiyden und MuNary. McNnry to restrain tho city (Mirers and election olllccrs or Woodburn from holding an election on February Ifi under the new rcferendem charter on mutters or Importance to the city. The question or Issuing the order was argued Just berore noon to Judge Bolo at Chambers, and the prelimi nary order was grunted. Deputy Sheriff Ben Colbath went to Woodburn this afternoon to serve tho papers, as follews: L. W. Qulsi, mayor; Al dermaa John Jates, Chas Scott, S. F. Perry, A. L. Cornwall; election olllccrs J. A. Austin, S. W. Bettlemoir, Spen cer Perry, A. S. Auterton. Chas L. Ogle; City recorder J. A, Knight; Murslial, W. II. Miller: Treasurer Robert Scott, and the city or Wood burn, defendants, Marlon Circuit Court, W. L. Loughmlller was granted a divorce by Judge Boise in department No. 2. In department No. I the cusc or John Ludovetzke, plaintiff, vs Archie Woirord defendent, an action for damages for the seduction or the plaintiffs daughter Is on trial to u jury, composed or the following named ; gentleman: Chas. McCormacK, l. j, Purkhurat, John Craig, John Nicol, J. L.Cook, Goo. B. Hoyenden, M. Dor man, C. C. Goodale, Andrew Hughes. W. W.Elder O. G. Olveu and II. Kruus. The case huV occupied the court all day. BODY FOUNU At Clackamas, of Christian Morlock Probably Suicide. fly Aaanclnfed lraa to llip Journal. Okbcon City, Or., Feb. 14. The remains of Christian Morlock, a far mer, wliu has been missing for two months found at Clackamas Heights. In the brush, thW morning, a revolver was laying between his legs. Appear ances Indicate suicide. )r. MlUNtftl'UauraSfic M.aliaruMH BOOK BILL. the' House on First Roll CsAXm motubers bolng absent. Of those absent against the toxt-lxwk trust Menday: STILLMAN, STUMP, VIRTUE, WHITNEY, WILSON, WONACOTT, YOUNG, Mit. SPEAKER. -28. COlll' MIOHELL, MORROW. PROEBSTEL, HULLING, SMITH, WADE, TAYLOR, MULKEY 24. WIFB MURDER. A Domestic Tragedy in the State of Rhode Island, II r AaanelnteU Trtmi llin Journal. PKOVU)ENCE,Fob.-14. Amos Palmer a wealthy young man, shot and killed his wire at their homo In this city, and is now in prison. Yesterduy Mr. and Mrs. Palmer enturealncd a row friends to celebrate the eight anni versary of their wedding. Tlio guests i departed about 12 o'clock In the even ing, Half an hour later tho servant heard shots In Mrs. Palmor'sroom and soon after Mr. Palmer called u maid. saying: I "Comodown, I guess I have killed her," The girl went downstairs and saw her mistress lying on the Jloor. The maid called the coachman, and when he arrived Mr. Palmer still held the royolver, and was apparently ulxiut to commit suicide. The coachman solzcd tils maBter and disarmed him. After tho struggle Palmei seemed calmer, and Bald ho must call a doctor. Ho did so by telephone, und the doctor notlllcd the medical ex aminer, who reached the houso soon after the shooting. He found tlvo bullet wounds, four of which wore In I the left breast. Palmer was arrested. He explained to the officers that he had been suffering rrom grippo. Palmer was arraigned in court this morning charged with murder. He pleaded not guilty and was held with out ball. It Is said Palmer was at one time confined in the Butler in sane hospital. FAST MAIL. On the Great Northern Road Is Wrecked. Mr Aoclainl Vrrtm to the Journal, Seattle, Feb. 14.-0 reat Northern fast mall due here last night was wrecked this morning by running into slide near Edmonds. Engine was thrown Into bay, passengers escaped Injury. Clover Hay. Tills Is the season when good hay I appreciated by your stock, You can obtain the bent cloyer hay from til Court street. Brewster & white 3-7 3t The New Process. The Kalom Flouring Mills "Special" Hour Is now better than ever. Try It, W ' Crip is slaving thousands of victims. Dr. Miles' Nervine is curing IhoussJicU. Q L0 TAKEN By American Forces Saturday The Stars and Stripes Float Over the Stronghold. City Fired by' tho Retreating In surguits. Iljr AaaoHntril I'rma to the Jnurnnl. Manila, Feb. 14. Particulars of tho capture of I lo I lo, by the United States forces under General Miller. Saturday, have been received hero. On tho morning of Friday, Gouoral Miller sent tho ultimatum to the commaudcr of the rebels on shore, notifying him that It wus the Inten tion of Americans to tako Ilo Ho by force If necessary. Nun combatants and foreigners were warned to lcavo the town within 24 hours. Tho rebels wcroalso warned that they must tako no rurthcr belligerent operations. Tho gunboat. Potrcl was moved to a position close In ehoro near tho rebel fort,whl!o tho crulsor Boston took her station at tho other end or tho town Friday passed quietly. During tho day many rofugecs left town. At ' o'clock in the morning, Saturday the Petrel signalled that tho rebels were working In tho trenches. Tho Petrol was ordered to lire warning shots rrom her three pounders. The rebels ropllcd with a harmless fusllude and tho Boston and Petrol then bombarded the trenches clearing them of the occupants in a very Abort time. After the bombardment began, llaiucs broke out simultaneously In various parts of the town. Forty eight marines wcro landed from tho Boston and n company was sent ashore from the Petrel. Tho detach merit marched straight Into llo Ilo, and hoisting the stars and stripes ovor tho fort took pos session of tho place In tho uuma of the United States, The capturo of the towu buying bcon accomplished, tho marines and soldiers proceeded to the task of saving the American, English and Gorman consulates rrom destructions by fire, Thu Swiss con sul's residence was burned, and the en tire Chinese and native sections or the town weie dostroyed, Not a stnglo American was injured. Miller's force had completed tho control of the situ ation when the Petrel sailed for Man ila. Washington, Feb. 14. Oonoral Otis cables from Manila: One hundred and eighty olllccrs and eighteen hundred men, or the Spanish JUDGE 4 Judge us by what wo'ro doing Judge us by tho continued crowds of buyors. Judge us by tho merchandise your frlcnrla hayo purchased. Judgo us by our prices. Get your Monti lo toll you how much they paid. That is all we ask. You got truly tho best when you buy or us New spring goods arriving daily. Wolot Silks Exclusive patterns, no two alike, an advance shipment of our spring order; beautiful designs. $3.50, $4.50 to $6,50 Liberty Satin For waist; vory now and dainty; price per yuid $1.25 New Taffetas In lovely shades, just right for Waists, Petticoat, Hron Skirts, etc , (Inequalities; per yurd 85c and $1, Our SI Glove Oyer 30 dozen sold within the lust four months, und not u pair re turned; absolutely guaranteed. NEW OUHTAINS. NEW SKIRTS, Jos. Meyers & Sons. Salem's Greatest Store. 12lli und 13lh Manila, Feb. II, 0:45 n. m. Tho United States gunboat Petrel arrived lute last evening with dispatches rrom Brlgadlcr-Oenoral M. P. Miller to Mnjor-Goneral Otis, announcing that Ilo lb had been taken by tho combined military and naval forces Saturday morning. General Miller, on receipt of his In structions from Mtnlla, sent nntlve commissioners ashore from tho United States transport St Paul, with u com munication for tho rebel governor of Ilo Ilo, calling upon him to surrendor within a tlmo stated, and warned him not to make a demonstration In tho Interval. The rebels Immediately moved their guns and prepared to defend their position. Thereupon tho Potrcl llrcd two warning guns, snd the rebels Immediately opoucd tiro updn her. The Petrel and the Baltimore then bombarded the town, which the reb els, having set on lire, Immediately evacuated. The American troops wore promptly landed and exting uished tho tires In all cases of foreign property, but not before considerable damago was done. It is hollnycd the enemy's Iihs dur ing the bombardment was heavy, but no American casualties aic reported. Coit of Reconstruction of Navy, II y ANMovlntnl I'l-m tn llir Journal. Wasiiinoton, Feb. 14. The entire cost of reconstructing the navy on tho new Hues us proposed In the ponding personnel, hill will be $2,002,0111. This fact Is set out In a communication to tho United States sooate by Secretary Long In answer to a resolution of In quiry Introduced by Senator Jones, of Arkansas. Merging tho line and en gineers, as Is proposed In the bill, tho cost or tho combination would bo $2,GC5,(J00, which Is $000,000 moro than tho total or present pay of both braches, Tho Increase In the pay of tho marine corps Is $1,228,808, which Is accounted ror by the Increased num ber or both officers and men. Tho new nn vol appropriation bill iiIbo carries an appropriation or 4,1 1 1,605 ror pay or )0,;i00 additional enlisted men. In Siberian Prison. 11 y Aaani'lntril l'rcaa to thr Jnurnnl. San Fhancirco, Feb 1 1. A Into re port to the effect that a number or American prlsonors, whoso names are unknown are confined In u certain SI borlan prison, undergoing penal pun (aliment has unused a hope that among thcho men may bo found tho crew of the lost sealing schooner E. E. Webster which wus last heard from In Bchrlng walors In April, lfj'JO. It has been thought that tho Web ster either drllftcd In Asiatic waters or waH purposoly sailed across tho HtrultHby horcuptuln. Mr. 1 Llobcs, of thlH city, tho owner of tho Wob fttcr, however, Bays there Is little or no no doubt that tho vessol went down during a scvoro storm and that all on hoard wcro lost. Snowbound. Or AMnclntr-t Treaa to tlio journni. Si'OUANi:, Fob. 14. -After ooing snow bound for twonty hours near Durham, nlno miles west of Blackfoot, Mmtana, In tho Rocky Mountain, thoOrent Northern train No. II, tho mall "llyor" arrived nt 8 a. m , twonty-llvo hours lato. Tho ser vices of two roturles and a largo num ber of men were required to dig tlio train out of eighteen reet or stinw. rhc train wan followed thrco hours later by tho train due hero today, the lino Ih now being open and kept so ny constant snow plowing. For la grlppo Bitters. tako Oregon Pcuch :i7 2w Linings Our stock is just now bubbling ovor with the latest Walt and Kklrt llnlngh, In all the now shades, we hayo the over popular WEAK BILK, SILVER KHEEN COMMODOUE FABIUO, PEB (.'ALINE FANCY ENGLIHH BATISTE. FANCY TAFFETAS, ETC., ETC. New Val Laces Some nuuiiKir have had to bo duplicated; tho sweetest patterns, und so cheap. NEW PEBCALES, NEW MA DBAS. NEW EUBOL COItDS. NEW OI NO HA MS NEW SUITINGS. NEW EMBKOIDKIUES. NEW CORSETS, NEW SHIRTS, prisoners left on tlio enroutc to Sp'tlu. Royal Baking Powder Made from pure cream of tartar. Safeguards the food against alum. Alum batons' powders arc the greatest menacers to health of the present day. aorL amino row cq. h www. Trying to Secure Aid. Ilr Aaaoolnteil 1'rca to the Jonrnnl. London, Feb. 11. Ueutcr's Tele gram Company, Limited, has received tho following dispatch from Manila: "After the capture of Calocan, a Spaniard who had liecn a prisoner there came to tho Americans, holding up his hands, and said that Fllllplaos had offered to release the Spaniards, especially the artillerymen, if they would undcrtrke to tight against the Americans at 91 a day. Most of the Spaniards refused, und even thoe who accepted the offer did so in the hope of effecting an escape, "Tho rebels, according to this In formant, arc discontented, unpaid, unfed, and thoroughly disillusionized, tho tullsmunlc wafers being of no avail against wounds, linger and fatigue. "On Friday Agulualdo visited Polo, a fow miles northwest or Calocan, and addressed tho Fillipino troops tbero, claiming that ho had won a victory, and asserting that 2300 Amer- cans had been killed." Penltenltary Fire, II) Aanuclntctl Vreaa to the Jnurnnl. Galveston, Feb. 14, A special to the Tribune rrom Huntsvlllc, Tex,, says; The oust and west wings of tho state penitentiary, containing cells and olllccrs' quarters, has been burned. Thvro wero no casuallttcs,tho Inmates being quartered In shops and other buildings. Tho burned buildings cost originally 907,000, Keep Coughing Only kcop it up long enough and you will succeed In reducing your weight, losing your appetite, bring Ing on a slow fever, and making everything exactly right for the f;erms of consumption. Stop cough- H nu and you will get well. Aliens ct,'r,,:d cures roughs. An ordinary cough disappears in a single night. The racking coughs of troncnltis soon disappear. And oven tho coughs of consumption are either com pletely checked or greatly lessened. Two sites: 81.00: COo. AlldruggUU. J. C. AYEH CO., Lowell, Mas. WHEAT MARKET. Ilr Aaaoclittotl lreaa to tho Journal, Ciiioacio, Feb.j II. May 72!; cash a red 73. San Fkancisco, Feb. 1 1. Muy 1.171 cash 1.121. US Well Dressed Young Men Have a decided advantage. Neycr )eforo bus It been so easy for a young man to bo as well dressed as now ror so little money. NEW SPIUNO SUITS. NEW SPUING OVKKCOATS. MAHT, OGnAFFNER & MARX. oUAnANTCFO OkOTHINO. Red Gloves The correct men's wear, with one white pearl clasp. $1,50 NBW COLLARS, NEW HOSIERY Rliif:Mi WmmmummmtttmSSSSSStm .H 1