kmmY.imm:vwM,f&L!i V9 CAPITAL JOURNAL. 'i Ml . gi.iifii rtirt l.i , m ii in m 1111 ft"ll VOL.. X SALEM, OREGON, MONDAY, JfEBRTJAJRY 13, 1899. NO, 37 DAILY Our shoe sale Only seven pairs men's thigh boots left, Price $2.50 and $3.00 Ladies' storm rubbers, Bostons 40c Ladies' storm Bay state, all sizes 25c Men's short rubber boots , 1.90 All of our fall and winter lines of shoes regards less of cost must make room for on immente spring stock. Krausse Bros. 275 Commercial Street SEEDS AID IE SUPPLIES Try our seeds., tlicy are the kind frco to all upon application. Wo SUPPLIES, consisting of Hives, SAYAGB St RB1D Successors to the O. Dickinson Seed Co, 322 AND 324 COMMERCIAL STREET. ffBaTOBKgFni if i"-Jii-Z-.-M Dedicated (favuxmSfona W l? $" vr vmnrvirsmSS' W f 7 y, I'l its. fo t " ,.. 1 I J Cf.rNTl"'. Sf7 JT tf-aiT.?f, HEW OHK W.owSWisSS... ... ... tW'Wvytfr.J SLOO SHOES THAT ?$ WEAR U -Sizes r U, .T mm&BWt o WANTED POTATOES, ONIONS, (111 ii OATS WE PAY HIGHEST CASH PRICE. OREGON GREEN AND DRIED FRUIT CO. 53 Stale Street, SaIem,Jre MnMMHMH1HMVHMMWHMMW iWWPWMWW1W",i" Suitable Tools ISuf'si still on that grow. Our catalogue sent also carry a full line or BEE Sections, Smokers, Etc. If you wish to have an nbun- i flnncft 0f beaut ful. soft, alossv r you can easily acquiro it tlio use of DR. WARNER'S DIOATED COMPLEXION AND TOILET SOAP Jl ' ii Money refunded If not satisfactory. ' I WJ ' BAKU BKOS. ACfcemicuiCo ss,flleBt"c,'' alkm,oRr CIY Satisfaction ii UUft Guaranteed. CHILDREN'S SCHOOL SHOE 51 5Vinp Store T. y 94 State street, aaicm, uregon H . FOR ALL TRADES. A raan might as well try to work with his handsalone unless he has the tools that help. THE BEST is none too good for the man that dos the work. THE BEST can always be found at GRAY BROS. GRAND JURY I Drawn to Try Ballot Frauds, Committed in Marion County at June Election The Judges Instructions Are Clear and Explicit. Judge Burnett conducted the draw Ing of the jury in a very strict man nor according to law. Clerk Hull was also very careful In all his work, He read the status for contempt as relat ing to jurors, forbidding them con versing about any caso or receiving any communication relating to the case. W. S.,Taylorof Gervulsand A. W. Drager of Yow Park were ap pointed bailiffs. Thoro was an unusual largo attend anco of lawyers nnd the courtroom was filled with spectator. District Attorney Ilaydcn and hlB deputy John II. McNary, will con duct the examination before the grand Jury. The ballot rrauds will be first Inquired Into. Wm. Miller of Salem, .1. P, Hum phreys, of Muclcuy; O. U, Schelbcrg, of Turner; John Shaw, of Mill City; A. II. Forstncr. of Salem, U. II. Coshow, of Salem wcro excused for Illness or 111 health In the family. A. B. Huddluscn was excused as mix. master lit JefTurson under the statute. The other twenty four rmmen wore put In tho box aud seven drawn out a follows by Clerk Hall as grand jurers: 1. II. Pohlc, blacksmith, Salem, foreman. 2. Hal. D. Patton, stationer, Salem, a. Walter Morley, carpenter. Salem. 4. W. E. Her, farmer, Uuttovllle. 6. Ed. M. Cone, farmer, Butluvlllc. 0. Ira Carter, farmer, Sublimity. 7. Jacob Armstutz, farmer, Silver ton. The jury tiiuk their teats and were sworn. Carrol Moores wTis appointed ballllTof the grand jury. The rest of tho Jurors In the regular panel remaining arc: M. Helbort, Geo. B. Ilovenden, John Nlcol, Earl Race, E. F. Parkhurst, John Craig, Wm. Armstrong, Sr., G. G. Given, Chus. McCormlck, Clinton Kurt., Andrew Hughes, L. C. Cavanaugh, J. L. Cook, M. Dormnn, W. .Y. El ler, Hontry Kraus, C C. Goodale. Instructions wcro given by tho court, Judge Burnett reading the same. He stated the usual rules and added thattliey could absolutely rcfuso to Indict anyone for any crlmo, how over morally corrupt they may be. Private lulluences might be brought to be bear on them and they should avoid all such or stand In contempt of court. No matter how prom inent or wealthy or lulluentlal an ac cused person might be that should not shield them. In cases of conspiracy statements of parties who wore acces sories, if made before tho commission of the crime could be received ugalnst all. If made after the crime they could bo received agalngst tho perton from whom they emanate only. He especially charged the Jury re lation to the ballot fraud cujcs In Marlon connty. He rcclttd that at the last term of his court, here that seven persons were indicted for forgery of public records ut tho June election. By an loudvertency a defect was committed In drawing one Juror to take the place or a 6lck juror. Section 70, law of 1801, governing tho caso of altering any 'return, was read to them. He commanded them to indict any and all persons who altered such returns or aided and abetted the same. Tlio Judges and clerks, of an election were public officers aud their records of talley eheetB were public records within tneaulng of the law as expllcltty set forth In two sections of the code. The Instructions were very elaborate and explicit In the ballot cases and gave general satisfaction, Asylum Fire. Itr Assoclntcil I'rcn lu (lie Jaurnnl. Yankton, S. D, Fob. 13 A terrible llreoccurcd at 2 o'clock this morn Ing. The building was complctly gutted. Seventeen Inmates were burned to death. Fifty two persons were In tho building, 40 patients and 12 attendants. The structure was three stories and nn attic high, and had two entrances. There wus ouo stairway from tho second nnd third iloors, whluh led Into the main hall thus giving but ono egress for thoso abovo tho Ursb floor. i Patients and attendants lied with terror, great confusion resulting, especially among those on the upper Iloors. Many hcartrondcrlng scenes wcro enacted as tho Inmates, clad only In their night clothes and barojj luuLvu, ruiuuu uuwu tnu narrow mnu of stairs, and dually out Into tlio,' snow, Tho temperature was 23 dc-jj grccs below zero, aud further less or life from freezing was preventod alono by prompt work of the attendants from the main buildings. An Inquest Is now in progress. It Is not thought that blame will be at tached to any ono for carelessness. Tho Institution was destroyed by (Iro In 1892, when six lives wcro lost. The pecuniary los of today's flro Is $18,000, uninsured. Admiralty Dill Passed. 11 Aasoolntutl l'rvia to the Journal. Washington, Feb. 13. Senate passed bill creating the office or ad miral of tho navy. Rear Admlaral Dewey will undoubtedly be named for the position. SUGAR BEET FACTS. Hard Propositions Submitted by an Ogden r Man Who is in the City, A getitloman from Ogden, Utah, Is In tbe city, and would bo a vory valu able man to talk to legislators about the proposed sugar beet bounty. Ho says the same man, who built tho La Grande factory, David Ecclcs, resides at Ogden and is a leading polygamic mombcr of tho Mormon church. Tho factory at Ogden has run ono season's run, and lias bcon a Unanctal success, ns stock Is held at eleven cents pitjiniunju. Thp farmerawho raise the beets sell them delivered at tho factory at 81 20 pur ton. The Ogden man says he has personal knowledge from acquaintance with tho farmers that they consider it a profitable crop. Tho yield on irrigated land ranges from 7 to 20 tons por aero, twolvc to twenty-two per cent sac charine matter, 00 pure. 1Mb profitable for tlio factory aud tho farmer at 81.2.1 per ton, sugar yield being 210 pounds to tho ton, and They need no bounty as the industry has proven a success on its merits. Double, the acreage has been contracted for the coming year's crop, The factory In La Grande claims that boots cannot be raised at $1.00 without loss to tho farmer. Any member of tho state senate who wishes Information from the Ogden man can bo put "against tho gentleman" by Tiik Journal on short notice. After talking with him ho would not feel that ho was committing tho crlmo of Infantloldo against an Infant Oregon Industry If he did not vote for tho bounty $1 a ton for the Oregon sugar bent baby. Fruit Crop Badly Hurt. A number or callers report that the cold weather labt week has dune great damago to both largo and small fruit. Noah Welch, who lives beyond the asylum, brings In a sample of bark on large prune trees, that has loosened from tho tree, and when cut shows dark, the sap Is discolored and sour ing. The fow warm days before tho storm started tlio sap aud on many the bark Is split. Mr. Welch says the potlte, Italian and Hllvor prunes, especially trees of ton years age, are hurt most. Pears and apples ure Injured by the cold too, but not so badly. Cherry trees show black sap and tho buds are killed, no has examined a number of orchards and finds the damago wldesnrcad and undoubtedly severe. Nursery stock was Injured In many cases clear down to tho snow line. All small fruit ex- coptstrawberrles was Injured more or less, Dr. Richard Cartwrlght, who has been contlned to his. homo for a few days, Is nut again today. Senatorial Contests, Utah, Feb. 13. No change. Pbnnsvlvania, Feo. 13. No quorum. Nkhrabica, Feb. 13. No ohange. First Turnover, City Recorder Judah today made his ttrst turnover of cash to tho city treasurer orst.OOO. This was tho mis cellaneous receipts of fees, fines, etc., accruing since the new administra tion entered Into office. Body Found. Ilv Ai.urlutet! Preaa to the Journal. Sbattlk, Feb, 13. Tho body or Myron WUon Johnson, chief cook of the steamer Greyhound, was found iloallog in the bay today. No-To-bao'ior Fifty Cent. Guaranteed tobacco Uablt cure, makes weak men atroQK, blood pure. 60c, Jl. AH druggists. To cure La Grippe. Veep warm, c I the Uet. and take Vr. Mi W Nervine. Veep warm, especially SEVERE STORM The Country Storm Swept Terrible SnOW Slides in Col' 01300, Many People Killed and Frozen to Death. e l JSy Annotated lrc to the Journal. Nnw Yokic, Feb. 13. Tlio Tearful storm, which provallcd all day yestor day and last night, has Increased, and the snow, which has drifted in many lilucci, has almost paralyzed traffic, ijloue of the 'Atlantic liners from Great Britain aud tho continent, that regularly arrive at tho end of the week have been sighted, as yet.. THE STATE PAYS NO BOUNTY. Silvkii Plumb, Colo.- Fob. 13. Many peoplo living on tho mountain sides are moving, to uvold possible death in snow slides, such us that which swept down Choyenno canyon yesterday, killing at least ton persons. Eight b idles have been recovered. The roof of Dostefanos cabin was taken off, tho sides crushed in. On tho floor there eat the body of his wire, on ono side was a boy, as ir kneeling In prayer, whllo In front of the mother wus n little girl two years old In the samo supplicating attitude. All three wcro dead and snow was packed solidly around them. Philadelphia, Fob, 13. Tho torus In this vicinity has assumed tho proportions of a bllzzird. Boston, Fob. 13. The heury snow storm, which begun on Saturday. In creased during the night. Truillc Is seriously delayed, Atlanta, Ga., Feb, 13.- -The south Is enveloped In a tierce storm of unus ual severity. From the guir north ward and from the Atlantic coast to tho western boundary a 'cold watfe has settled heuvlly and produced lowest temperature ever known, Washington, Feb. 13,-Sreakor Reed was not at the capltol today and sent word that he thought ItadyUable fur the houso to adjourn on account of the raging storm. Less than ouo hundred members were present but those who brayed the storm refused to adjourn and went on with tho con sideration Sundry Civil bill. Washington, Feb. 13. The senate went on with business as usual not withstanding tho storm. A wranglo took place over tho agreement to vote on the McEnery Philippine resolution on Tuesday, Piatt, of Connecticut and others say that snap judgment had been taken, others denying this. Pirrsuuuci, Fob. 13. Mercury about zoro. Yesterday and last night many largo mills were kept in opera tion to provevent machinery ftom freezing, Washington, Fob. 13. Tho phe nomenal weather of tho past week culminated in a blizzaard today, which broko nil previous record. Last night tho thormumotor stood 15 de grees below zero. Business In tho de partments was almost nt a standstill, less than half tho force reporting. The treasury departmont dismissed tholr clerks nnd other employes for paralysis of nil kinds of business Is tho worst slnco the blizzard or March, 18S8. Lewcs, Dol. Feb. 13. Terrible blizzard raging along tho coast. Soy eral vessels are ashore, The United States collier Sterling Is flying signals of distress. No as9lstanco cati bo rendered owing to drift Ice. Swami'scott, Mass.. Feb. 13. A tig steamer Is sighted oil Dread Ledge thss afternoon, apparently at nnchorand blowing her whistle con tinually. Thellfosavlegcrewls pre vented rrom going to her assistance on account of ice. London, Feb. 13 TorrlHo galett are prevailing along the coast of British Isles. Several wrecks oc curred nnd 8otno loss of life. In tho houso tho first voio on tho Daly text-book bill was 27 to 20 In fa vor of tho bill, lacking four votes f n majority. Young nnd Stlllman changed tholr J vote in order to move a icconsldoratlon. Afloct in Lake Michigan. Chicago, Fob. 13. Slxteon skators, living In tho suburbs of Rogers Park and Lake Forest, wcro carried out into Lake Michigan on Ico (Iocs, Ten of thorn woro rescued, and during tho cntlro ovonlng searching parties mado fruitless ofTorts to sccuro some trace of tho missing six. Chicago, Feb. 13, Fivo of tho six persons who wcro thought to be on tho licet of Ico In Luko Michigan, last night wcro rcscucd'thls morlrfg. WANT OUR FRIENDSHIP. Qormany Wants to Qet On Better Terms With Uncle Sam. Ily AuMoutnteil l'rcus to the Jouriinl. London, Fob. 13. Tho Berlin cor respondent, of tho Dally News says: "What Russia Is to Germany on tho political chessboard, tho United States Is to hor In tho commcrclopolttlcal gamo. Hence, thoolluslvoamluhillty of Saturday's dobuto, which, whllo It Is certainly dlctutcd by Germany's Interests, is also partly prompted by considerations arising out or tho Angln-Amorlcan rupproachomont, Tho United States Is to bo shown that It Is not only England who Is her rrlond." Tlio Times says editerially: "The dobuto was it good onion for tho establishment or a pound basis or tho new ordor or things brought Into exlstcnco by the overthrow or tho Imperial powor of Spain. A reconcil iation of rapproachment botweon Germany and tho United States would bo heartily welcomed In Bng land ub an additional guarantee or pcuco nnd progress throughout tho world." Educate Your llowels With Ciisoarets. Candy Cnthsrtle. euro constipation forever. lOo.KJe. Ii C. O.O. (all, drutfRlsts rotund money. JUDGE Judge us by what we're doing Judge us by tlm continued crowds of buyers. Judge us by the murchandUo your friends have purchabcd. Judge us by our prices, Get your friends to tell you how much they paid. That Is all we uslc. You get trulythu best when you buy or u. New spring goods arriving daily. Waist Silks Exclusivo patterns, no two alike, an advance shipment of our spring order; beautiful dcHlgns. $3.50, $150 to $6,60 Liberty Satin For waists: very now and dainty; prlco per yaid $1.25 New Taffetas In lovely shades, just right for Waists, Petticoats, Drop HklrtB, etc, tine qualities; per yard 85c and $1, Our $1 Glove Over 30 do.en sold within the last four months, aud not u pair re turned; absolutely guaranteed. NEW CURTAINS, NEW SKIRTS, NEW CORSETS, NEW SniRTS, Jos. Meyers Salem's Greatest MANILA NEWS i a - Rebels Not Easily Crushed Natives Seriously Demoral ized and Scattered. Otis Wires a List of Deaths Since Feb. 4. r Asioolntcil I'rrp to the Journal, Manila, Fob. 13.-10:30 a. ui. Puiiulng tholr customary tactics, tho lusurgontson the extreme left of tho lines opened tiro at long range on the American troops last (Sunday) night, maintaining tholr lh-e for n few minutes before settling down, Nono of tholr shots took efTect, howevor. and the. Americans did not reply. All was quclt ulong tho rest or tho lino. Tho Concorti Is now lying oir Par nnquo, Tho weather nt night now Is cool nnd showers nro frequent, Prlvato Mcsslck, of the Montaun regiment, died in the hospital yester day. Washington, Feb. 13, General Otis cnblcs: "Everything Is qulut lu tho city this morning. Business Is resuming Its former activity." Nnw Yoric, Feb. 13. Secretary Alger, yestorduy said: "It dopends upon circumstances whether tho regular troops now on tho wuy,lp rManJlnwlll relievo an equal number of yoluntocrs. This was tho original Intontlon but It Is impossible now to say whether the plan can bo carried out Immediately." Washington, Feb. 13, Otis wires n full list of deaths since Feb,. 4, not Including killed in notion. Tl.oy numbor nlno, umong tho name's of thoso killed nro privates Dnbol, Kygcr nnd W. Chopwood, of First Washing ton, und Mlolmol F. Crowley of Sec ond Oregon, CiuoAao, Fob, 13, Aspoolal to tho Tribune from Washingten: It Is stated hero nnd there that n serious hitch in tho work of Anglo-American commission, the obstaclo is belhvcd to bo a demand by tho Canadian com mission for the cession of tho town of Skagway, Alaska, Tho American commissioner definitely rofused. Washington, Fob, 13. Tho follow ing cablegram was received at tho war department; Adlutant-Genoral, Washington:-It Is reported tho Insurgent representa tive at Washington telegraphed Ag- Linings Our stock Is Just now bubbling over with tho latest Walxt, aud Kklrt linings, In all the new shades, we have tho ever popular NEAR SILK, KILVER HHEEN COMMODORE FABRIC, PER- CALINE FANCY ENGLISH BATISTE, FANUY TAFFETAS, ETC., ETC. New Val Laces Somo nu moors have had to be duplicated; the sweetest patterns, and ho cheap. NEW PERCALES, NKW MADRAS. NEW ERROL CORDS. NEW GINGHAMS NEW SUITINGS. NKW EMBROIDERIES. RoVal Baking Powder Made from pure cream of tartar. Safeguards the food against alum. Alum baking powders are the greatest menacers to health of the present day. ROTAt Bwiwa rowtna eg, ntw voa. ulnnldo to drive out the Americans boforo tho nrrlvnl of reinforcements. Tho dispatch was received at Hong Kong and mailed to Malolos, which de cided on the attack to bo mado about tho 7th Inst, The eagerness or the Insurgent troops to cngago the Amer icans prcolpltatcd tho battle1, Manila, Fob. 13. It Is now known that the Filipino loss Is fully .2300 kellcd, with the wounded vastly n ex cess of that number, and thousands are hcld'-prlsoncrs. All this has been achieved nt tho cost of 05 Americans killed nnd 270 wounded. There are 22 Americans mlsslug and unac counted for. No fewer tlian ten of the natlvo villages huyo surrendered or bcon captured. Soycral have bcon destroyed because tholr houscb harbored men, frcqannely disguised in fomalo attire, who shot from windows and roofs nt tho Americans. Muny rlflca and n ton of ammuni tion huvo bcon solzcd. As might bo expected, there has bcon looting In tho outskirts, but it has not bcon gonoral, and has bcon done In direct violation of ordors. The only incident that has broken tho qulotudo of tho day followed tho arrival of the German ilret-cluss crulsor Kalsorln Augusta. When she nlutcd Admiral Dewey this after noon a report spread rapidly that the American warships wore bombarding Malnbon, John Craig and son, Hon. Day id Cmlg, wcro in tlio oily tociny on ousi- I1C83. Ayer US Well Dressed Young Men Huvo u decided advantage, Never before has It been so easy for a young man to bo as well dressed ai now for to little money. NKW SPRINO SUITS NEW hPRING OVERCOATS, HART. BunAFPNER & MAHX, "IIAHAHTCSn OUOTHINO. Fed Gloves The correct men's wear, with one white pearl clasp, $1.50 NEW COLLARS, NEW HOSIERY & Sons. Score. j Youth's Secret. Hair Vigor restores color to 1 gray hair.' f 4 i ., sfrsh,,. &UA- 3ffef &ut Jfcsfa,