Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1896-1899, February 10, 1899, Image 4

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    mi -w- i
rWiniVw1ito'iWfcgMww'W Tf IITmM,fci'lfMft.'
J !
v 'its
Tn wind ud our annual winter sales,
we will liold a
Grand Clearance Sale
One WeeUan. 6th to 11th, Inclusive.
Barcairw in all
For the balance of the week we offer
Id all lines of towels and towelling.
Sec North Window.
........ l& ......, l.tt1. . ATAAlltf altWf In ill
mentions. We hear Itile (eat In mlml when
eive relWf In the eye ami comfort to the note.
rlf IVMC-l WJW !!. "
t coin nothing to cotmilt ui
more not la.
It may coil you
pace and vvim:.
, Whllt Club.
Tlio Clover Lenl Wlilit Club mot
lustovcnlngattho 1. 0 0. T. Imll
aud hud ono of their rcular weekly
contests. This club oow moots ovory
Thursday ovanlng, Instead nf on Sat
urday, as In tho pit. M. L. Halt! win
won tlio Urt prlro, while F. X. Hofcr
curried oil tlio booby.
The Swedish Evangelical Ltitli
ran Bluron church of Powell's Val
ley, filed articles of Ineurportatlon In
the secretary of tatcs'i olilco yeitcr-
,day, a P.lCrlckson, 0. A, Lluclrcn
and P. A. Johnson, trusted.
One Insane,
Tcnnckico Uukor, u nutlveof.Arkan
t wan yentoiduy admitted to the
aiyluin (rout Wallowa county, aged
2T yearn.
Mr. Wallar Harris, uf SncU Clara
county, Cut., arrived In tlio city last
evening. Mr. Harris will rent a farm
for one year, before purchaslmr a
H mi i i
Dr. Hull's Cough Byrup Hu Bved
many a life. It can always be rolled
on to euro thtt dungorout croup and
whooping cough. It gives Immcdlato
relief and Humid bo kept In cyory
homo. Ituiilycots2Aottbottlo.
Vet weather shoes
You need them, Wo havo them to
Mil, Come and hmj tlinm. Try them
ou, Price them and wo aro sure you
will ukea tiatr. They aro all solid.
Thoy fit well and woar woll, Wo can
ult men, women and children.
Some rubber gooda left
Tiieu wo doslro to close out. Low
prices nn tliem. Men's Long lluutlng
Uoou for tibfi,
Twelve only
(ULadlet Mackintoshes In tMk. We
are ottering them at exact wholesale
KfrFilttng Corsets
Keiuouitwr ho havo full stock.
Kvciyone warruutwl,
Willis Bros. & Co.
FlrH Door South uf the Protortlec
Standard PtUtoro best aud
wt-nnpe higher than 80c.
Bicycle Messenger
AfMtSy wKISr? r ,,okf I'WwpMy 1 Prt Qf the city lu a
D Nat Wte Your Time
If U I worth uioje tbao a tnewnrV.
KUlar(mtHmer monthly Wheaiwr than an QUlcj boy,
TVel It Over
MK Mm Sx( TcMkxm. 40
sic Hex mum add p.aksM tojtral QfHc.
,. VgSg" 1
Mg"MMt"w " i
- ' i
Woodmen Celebrate.
Woodmen of tho World, camp 118,
heldaflnoBoclublo Wednesday oyen-
Ing lit their castle hnll In State lnstir
anco building, It wits u stag recept
ion given by tho men themselves In
their ovn way.
The Salem lodire lias 300 membors In
good standing, surpassing In members
anylodgo In town. Thcro nro 100
membors but owing to wot weather
tamo of their dues havo swelled o
thoy can't got through tho door.
Connected thcrawltli .in tin auxiliary
Is Hllyor Hell Clrclo with 130 members.
Of course, all tho ladles stand well,
and If (hoy can't thoy can sit down.
There nro no bolter pcoplo standing
or slttfnir than tho II vo hundred In
thoso two orders.
Tho program Wcduoiday night con
tinted of nn nddrcos by Chlof Axo
swinger nnd rail mauler Prof, W. C
Ilawlay, nn eloquent scattering of
chips mid sawdust by IlcpicscUatlvo
Stllluian of Pendleton, A violin solo
by Master Karl Sharp, who hnd to
stand cu a high chair to bo scon, but
played like sixty; thon cuuio an In-
- a .. t . & ... M-. ..IS .. I
niriimoniai tiuei oy itukuu uiki
Lcnoni boIo by Miss Houthwick; reci
tation by Mist Hollo, which wus lino.
Next recitation by John West, nllun
Huppy Jack, A supper followed with
plates for 300, There was cnouuh to
(to around and sovon baxkotsful for
tho reporters, llackensto's orchestra
rendered tlno muuo for tho cukowulk
which was led by Oldoon titulz and
Mr. Lydtu Loalw uud about twenty
couples, all of whom cut up monkey
shlnos,dl(tos, Klvc-cwuys on tho secret
wjrksof tho order) enough to kill,
and If Atfuliiuldn's army had been
present, thay had all died uf luugh
In tr.
Tho crowd vot awuy with forty
laruo cakes, betide tho ono Old.
Hlnllt aud Mrs, Leabo wulkcd olT
with, tjhlndy lasted until quarter
after ono and after tho crowd hud
none homo und tho bulldlmr had been
emptied several times there was still
a full house.
Thcro scoitis to bo no lot-uu or fall
lux off of In tho capacity of tho wood
craft rustlers either to rustlo or enjoy
themselves. Tho poultry, still ulho In
town at tho hour of adjournment, re
joiced over tho Dual termination uf
tho hnleit Ira'.orutil nllulr uf tho
i i ,
The Modern Wy
Commend Itself to the wolMnformcd,
to uo Pleasantly ana eircotuuiiy wiiut
was formerly duno In tho orudosl
manoorandtilsuureoablv as woll. Tu
ckninw tlio )8icm and break up colds,
ucauncuos, auu lovers wuimui un
pleasant utter effects, tuo tho dollght-
tui liquid laxative romuoy, byrtip of
Flit. Made by California l'lir Hvrtm
Dmolutlon Notice.
Notice Is hereby kI veu that tho mer
cantile llrm heretofore exlstliiK aud
known as H. A. McCall ti, Co.. luu
till day dissolved by mutual consent
All accounts will bo collected and paid
by y. A. Molill
y.A. MfiOAU.,
P. A. Kaunhm
Hu em, Or,, Jan. 12. IBM. 1 12 u
Dr. Dull'e Couth (Jyiup IitvaiUbt)
cures promptly all catarrhal a (Too
llous. This VNOtiderful medluJuu iwr-
furms tjKlay, and has performed In the
OSSLlialt CrtllLUrv. tlin na.ullnl. rt.ir.u.
Of oolds lu tho throat, ohiwt and
For la urlnhA tabn ni.umn Rkl
Hitter. 37aw
Stlciu, Org6u
. .... - -,,i ii-iiirwifimrMTTrfr -- r j-
- - - - i i .innMiiiirtMrfciiMniini r .- ' t
Treasurer Wsnts Tax Money,
Bttitc Treasurer Moore has sent the
following letter to the treasurer of
Marlon county, asking for the remit
tance of taxes and demands tlielr pay
ment. Tho letter Is dutcd February
8, and Is as follows.
"Hon. A. u. wowning, cumn-y
frnnnror. Kntcm. Orcaon. Dear Sir:
Permit mo to Inform you tout under
the annual apportionment or siaic
tntfa. n mudo bv the fitalo board of
levy, under date of JunuaryO, 1890,
the amount found duo tho state of
rtrrann. from Marlon county, on ac
count of the currout expense tax for
1898, was tlO,028.22. TO 1MB must, w
nrlrlnrl tlio old bllluCCO Btlll dUO On tllC
current expense tax of 1890, In the
sum of 883C, Interest on uicbuiwj ui
nf lfio.'i. In Lliceum of 8510.02: balance
due on the current expenso tax of
1890, to the amount of 82,300 n, to
gether with Interost thereon to Jan
uary 1, 1890, In the further sum of
73C.00, nnd Interest on the st-ito tux
for 1807, In the sum cf 8103.00. The
total amount thus duo from Marlon
rnuniv. Including tho current expense
tax of 1808. Ifl 810,813.03 Trusting
tho rcmltlunco of the umounts named
will receive vour prompt attention,
I remain, my dear sir, yours very
truly. (Signed) Charted . mooro
jtnto treasurer."
Morion County Dead.
Oliver Aral, a well known resident
of Falrllrld died on Wednesday tho 9th
Inst., aged nearly 01 years, uo camo to
tho Pacific coast from wow oric in
18(11. Tho wife und llvo chlleren arc
left to mourn his death, tho children
tclng Pauline, Ollycr Jr., Louis,
Frank, and August; with tho execp
(.Iniidf OllvorJr.. who Is In Urltlsli
Columbia, they u'l rcsldo In that part
of Oregon.
Tho deceased was well known ovor
tho county und most highly respected
by nil.
Tho funeral will luko place at 10 u,
in. tiunday next, at the St. Louis
Catholic church.
At tho family residence, at King,
Oregon, February 0, 1800. Dr. J. W.
Wurden, died of la grlppo, nged 78
years 9 months aud 1 day,
Dcceasacd was married to Miss
Mary Urahatn, on March -1, 1830, by
this union two children wore burn-
John and Emma. In 1697 decousud
come to Oregon,
Ifowusa physician, having nrac
tlccd for fifty-four years, and ha ulsi
was postmaster at King, Ho wusn
highly respected citizen,
The remains were glvun burial at
Union II III cemetery.
The River On a Dendcr.
Tho weather bureau roports
und tomorrow fair uud cooler.
The river Is still rising ut the rate
of an Inch an hour and now Htauds.it
17 feet 8 Inches ubovo low witur.
Allboutuuro running regular and
tho river will probably not get high
enough ut this froshot to stop boalH
from passing through the looks, it
wlllyot liuya to raise about two feut
beforo It will luturforo with the locks.
Tho water Is so high that tho boat
at Hulls Ferry Is laid up. All will bo
0. K , again lu a few days,
too com snap litis Killed many
young fruit treos, so reports Mr, W
W. Walker, ono of Salem's nursery
men, Hosuysltls Impossible ns yet
to tell to what extent, but It Is quite
Ml... . 1
iiio urmgo across .mil oreeK, on
Front street, Is Impassible, owing to
dumugo by sumo of tho tiudarplu-
Mug having boon knocked out. This
bridge has bean lu u dangerous cundi
lion for somo tluio uud will now have
to be fixed.
Oratorical Conleit.
Tho local oratorical contest will ho
held at Wlllaiiiotto university chupol
this evening ut 8 o'clook. The fol
lowing program will bo run ile red:
Oroh. No., Misses Nlokllu, Hrowuand
Oration A. 0. Garland
Inst, Selection... Miss Abchoubronuor
Oration Franuls CornoUlus
Vocal solo MIssLonu Whlto
Oruh. Mo.,l!rowu, Nlcklln and Ueuk-
Tho wluiior of this oonUmt will ru-
proHont Wlllaiiiotto uulvorsitv at thu
state contest U Iw huld ut Mo.Mluu-
yllloon Maroli 10, Admission free.
OuoorthounMtfcenslbla hllli thut
ha passed tlio nenate Is the one ulus-
lug up uloklo-lti-ihe-ilut inaohlmw
They uught lu bs wiped olT the fueo
of the earth. They are unnbtla kin.
dotkarleu for guniblluir, uveu If thsy
are not doctorml uud aro ruu fair and
square. Tnay are u nulsuuco to tuiv
bulnes, beside beliu: a IimIiil- l.viui-
Tlio way thoy uro run nuvv Umr
Isn't uno tiiaoblue In ten but what u
"iWod.'im it Is Impossible Utwin oh
them, and limy will allow yn ui play
your own way. This, uf ooun. simiIU
the niaehlinw that uro stroluht m
that thcro is nothing lu Uitui. I say
wipe thaui out und nut tho Ituour ll.
oeiiMj up to a 81,000,
'1 ho owner uf two saloons atui nf
one-half duxn nUkle-ln-Uw-stat mu.
Money Kefunded,
b'atisfaotlou guaranteed whun vu
Ubobaiem S;)oclal" Hour. Moo
btti If you don't like It. Ait
i mail
Clover Hay.
Thli U tho season when good hay l
PprvcUted by yuur stock. Vu oau
Ubtalli tliH
bet oloyer hay fraui fit
Comutrfot. llreter,t
White S4 31
They All 8y
TheJaleiu'SieolaPilour made hv
that new
loaohlncry beats the wBrW.
Try It,
T ' VtM.tliial r,,r,
if a a o, tea to sure, tiiU4(ru rituoa ittSiffr
M Battle
of I'lfitlovlllo. WH. formerly of Co. 0. 37th
WIconln InMy , hwt nirercd many ycare
from tlio roiiuit of a Nunatrolc. l'o''
found rollof and UpIiim to tell hln story for
tlio good of other vutcrans IJoaayst
"At Petersburg I wa unlruck and
carried off the field for dead. Laler
rheumaliim of my heart developed a
a rault and physician failed to benelit
me. In the tprlng of '95 1 began wing
Dr. Mil' Heart Core and Dr. Mile'
Nervine and now my health it better
than for 30 years before."
la Hold by all driiKKlsts on Runrantco
lint Ixntlo ijcnulliH or rnoiioy liack.
Hook on lioort und mirves ont free.
Dr. Mllos Mcdlcnl Company, Elkhart, Ind,
One More Day to Secure a Great Oar
rjaln. Tho groat piano uud organ sale at
231 Commercial street will clo.so to
morrow evening. One of our citizens
who knows a good th'ng when he spcs
It, secured one of the high grade
pianos this morning. Thcro arc yet
u few nf thoso fancy Stclnwuy, Klin
ball find othor lino pianos In stock
which arc llkolyto bo sold before Sat
urday cvonlng.
Tomorrow will be your opportunity
to obtain a muslcnl Instrument that
will be a thing of beauty nnd bring
Joy to your homo on suuh terms ns
woro noyor before olio rod you.
Rouiember $10 u month llttlo more
than two bits it day, buys n piano ut
salu figures, I Hooks easy nnd Is easy.
This sulu oIosch Saturday evening,
231 Commercial streot, opposite Ladd
& Mush bank. Will's piano und music
store Is tho place.
Tlio sloro will be open every even
Tho young men who tore down nnd
used for fuel u few Mictions of the Lee
Mission cemetery fence during thu
coasting Mxisoii must renew tho cuuio
without delay or MilTor tho pcnnltlcs
of tho law In uxh ensos provided.
Soo Huetlon (IA7. chanter 7. Criminal
Code. W.T. Rinno.v, Sec.
SiilomOr. Feb. 0, 18ti0 2.8-tf
.1 ivornor Oeur has Issued tho proper
requisition papers to the governor of
Washington for tho return of John
Zller, who Is hold at Kahuna and l
Minted In P rtland for receiving
stolon property.
Piano Tuning.
Stnnloy Smile, of Portland, Is In .
tho city nnd will remain for two
v utiles. All orders for tuning Instrti
menu can bo loft ut Goo. C. Will's
music htore.
Road Carefully,
thon write us or come In nnd see us
about that oastoru trip, we can offer
you uood service, quick tlmo und n
oumfortublo loiirnoy. Tho N. P. R. U.
Is the iHMqdos favorite. Como In nnd
seo us. leaves SuUm 7 a. in. Loaves
Portia ml II a. in.
ft It Thomas, Watt Co., Ag't,
STADDLKR-At hum, at 12 o'olook
M. on Pb 8. lttW. KuiUlph JUuld
Iwr, ugwl 01 of la grippe.
Tho funeral will take place on Sat
urday from the home six mllt uorth
of Salem. Srvlcwvt 1j conducted
by the pastor of the German M. K.
ohuruh and he will be burled uMluyo
vine eewetery.
N.i-Y-ln uvr fifty I'rnta.
0mhiwnI UtkMra bwMi cur, wake vreak
MNttMiM. rw W.jl aTUUuusUU
Hrip k Uardie UmwamU of vktlmi.
r. MImv Jtavtae m eurim; thooiandt.
In otir North window
A Hue of HMM'k uemvy tttoetxl on
Of rwer for Me, former price 41V$,
20 per cent reduction '
mi svorr Uilug to tkellneof winter
undirwfjar, wuekiiiuuliM, etc,
Uuttter wadd of alt kludj out
to olce.
Jewelled combs
5w UiIm lt skJe and pompa.
dour ooHifa In shell or amber,
llAfnCKT I'KU'laV,
Contlnaed From VittX VM-
filends of the common schools for
their action In bringing this bill to a
vote and It will receive two-thirds of
all the votes lo the House If there Ii
po sharp practice.
Representative Stewart, of JacKsan
n Ilcr.ubllcan, and u man
taught school all his life and been
county superintendent In four states,
moved In committee, to report tno
D-ily bill favorably. He was ably
geconded by Nichols or lieniou, u
farmer and school teacher, a Republl-
,... f Wlllnmnt.ff
can anu grauuiuo u ... -
unlvcrslly. Marsh, theChalrman and
Whalley, of Portland, voted against a
favorable report-both Republicans.
Fordncy, Populist, was willing to re
port the bill back to the House on Its
merits and It was done.
Members will not condone and up
hold the present wrong and abuse
and wilt goon record to do away
with It.
Stewurt and Nichols deserve the
thanks of all lovers of American In
stitutions for their courageous stand
for text book reform.
Fordncy deserved credit for being
willing to bring tho bill to a vote In
the house. The house Is composed of
forty-two Republicans and eighteen
Union members. Nearly all the
Union members favor a change In tho
manner of selecting textbooks; while
some art honestly opposed to the com
mission system. 'Hut upon the Re
publican majority will devolve the
responsibility for defeating textbook
reform for the next six years If the
Daly bill fulls to pass.
In tho senate twenty-four men out
of thirty cuuio to the support of the
bill. The names of tho senators who
expressed themselves for the bill
DALY of Honton, MORROW,
HOWE, -21.
lulhcscnuto the yoto was not a
purtlMin one. It Is not n par
tisan bill. Hut It Is a bill which
tho strong Republican majority In
tho IIouso cunnot itlford to vote down
or full to puss.
Tho IIouso Is u body of mon who
want what Is right una If thoy do
wrong on nmuttorthey will undo It
If thoy havo a chanco. Hut In this
mutter of text-book reform there will
bo uo let up by tho pcoplo. If this
legislature falls to do Its duty tho
tight will go on until tho pcoplo of
Oregon get relief from tho oppressive
control of the American Hook Co. In
tho educational atTulrsof this state.
On motion of Stlllmun of Umatilla
county tho Daly text book bill was
mado special order ut 3 o'clock Mon
day. Tho report of the committee on
Education will ho rccohed at 7 30 this
In tho Sonato Soiling's hill to re
peal theStuto Fair appropriation was
mndon special order Wednesday ut 2 p,
m. Tho vote, which kills the bill,
was is to 10.
Tim remains of Chas, F. Callalun,
who illtHl In the logging camp near
Sulom, was burlod lu tho Cut hollo
coith'lery. Father Daly olllolated.
Oysters aro it groat dolloacy when
served rrosh from the sholl this Is
how you get thorn nnd cooked to order
nt Strong's restaurant. 2-7-3
i i .
Dtu't ToWcu Silt u J SiucVe Uur I Ifc amy,
1V quit tliaeeo easily and (ore er, be mag
Mile, lull of life, nerve nnd vlor, take Na-'l'o-
Bae. tkil WAthltkr-wurliwr Ih&t iiiaIias nub iun
I tKTiH,t. All ilrwtfisi4,We0rll. Curcuittn-
MU llooUlHt auil sample free. A04ru
SteillHtf l(ew.ly c, Cliteauo er Kev Yorlc
JoNxlv imwl Uayi NeuraiBia. et Dr. Mile
vlo 1'iUs fnim ilruwaw 'Onocent QJv-'
That blue streak
The Tribune
Is now on sale nt our wheel
ooti n tor,
2&-inch, Model 40 , , $40
If you want to se a bicycle that
runs with loss fus about It than
any wheel others show, come and
see this.
If you want to see fome of the
II 11 OS L Work ftvxr nnt in ... .. I..,..i
made, sco this.
If you want to see a wheel, the
pioneer of cyololdal spruckots that
make tho chain move like a dioam.
bee this.
I (Kllllull d
Commenced to receive their spring goods, Among
them are some beautiful patterns of prints in 10-yard
patterns, only 60c, in latest styles,
At 4c and 5c per yard, Good value in table cloth and
towels Bargains in bed spreads and quilts, Extra good
gsod values in embroideries and laces, Bargains in.
ladies' and chsldren's underwear, The boss place to buy
your notions, at Friedman's New Racket New stock ot
trunks and valises at Friedman's New Racket, The best
place to buy your clothing and hats at Friedman's New
Racket- Remember the best place to buy your neckties,
collars, suspenders, shirts and drawers at
IT" J 9
To-Night nnd To-Morrow Night,
And each day una night during this
week you can uet ut any druggist'!-
' Kemp'it Halsuui for tho Thniut and
Lungs, acknowledged to he tho most
IHttccessful remedy over sold for
i Coughs. Croup, Bronchitis, Asthma
und Consumption, (let u bottle to
day nnd keep It always In tho house,
Is'jyoucan check your cold nt once
Price 25c and COc. Sample bottle free,
i ""
I Down to Zero.
, Many persons were unprepared for
i the late unusual cold weather, but
; knowing ones make tho best propara
i lion by laying In a full stock of pro
' visions, groceries, etc from Hrnnson
j&Co's. cod
Tho Cronlsc Photo Studio guaran
tees all tholr work, and makes price's
las lownslsconslstiint with tlio quality
, of the work. Loan oil ovor New York
I Racket.
Ilenutj' In lllaotl Ilevti.
Clean blood im-aiii a clt-un akin. Nc
beauty without it. (UtvarcU, Candy Catluir-
tic clean your blond and kii-p it clean, bj
alining up the hxry Inn ami driving all im-
uiuieti noiu me ixniy. Hem today to
(Ullill Dlllllllei. boiU. llollllM. Iilnnl-linoila
nnd that eukly bilmu complexion by taking
yuni-nicm, ut-uuiy mr ien cents, ah urug
, guts, Mtiafaction gtmiaiitwd, 10o,25e,50c.
February 14th,
Grand Hast Ball
Fun will reign supreme,
Gallbhy ....
A Hot Cud of
Is what maks a man, woman and
child smile Uifc-e tUy, awl if y0H
wanttobsme to get It try
3 lbs, for 50c kind
He has ull grades, and at 23c he
soils a coffee equalled by few
brands of Mocha and Java. Coffte
Is our pwialtv.
,124 State at
Telephouo 51
Corner State and Commercial
A Cup of GOOD hot CouYc, not
u hot cup of ColTcc; wo tncun a hot
cup of GOOD COFFEE, these
cool days any ono will appreci
ate It.
If you want something cheap,
ftcsh and better than package
Coiree.try our 12 or 16 cent grude.
Or If jou want a uood Cotfeo und
try tho uiiddlo price, 20 and 2T
conU a pound ucd to be HO and .'15
cents, and you will havo a GOOD
cup of Coffee
Yokohama lea Store
Telephone Red 01.
Free delivery.
few Winter Shoes
Below All Competition,.
A large stock of new lines in men's women's
and childrca's footwear.
ffdM?iiSJi!: "B loos' luce n,,d
Ladle' Kid Huttou and" Lico"I WW'".
" otyiiMi jiio
11 llllMiin niwl !.,.
These bargains cannot
For two weeks only -
Our entire stock must be disposed of within this
time we have still
Many Good Selections
which will be sold lower than ever to make final
closing out.
309 Commercial Street.
BUring from business Fixture for sale
Skating Is ns good oxerolso as saw
ing wood either will help you to ap
preciate the substantial meals fur
nished at i.ll hours nt tho Whlto
House restaurant by J, H. Harnett.
o od
Kitucnte Your UotreU With L'useareti.
Cnmly Cntlmrtlc. cure constipation forover.
uV,S3c. It 0.0.0. fat), drusRlsu refund money.
t S, C, STONE, M. D.
Stone's Drue: Stores
Tho toro (two In number) nro located at
No. 26.1 nnd S3J Commercial street, and ore
well stocked with acotnploto lino of drugs nd
medlolnoi, toilet nrtloles, porfumcry, bruihei
etc., etc, etc.
Hai had some M years cxporlenco In the prse
lice of incdlolnoand now mukes no chhrKe for
consultation, examination or prescription.
cons .-
$1.20 'worth 81.80
Stlin unrlli l.7.r
I :-7a ..-!.. I Y-
V.UIHI Wl.lt.
81.10 worth 81.35
be met by responsible
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