mjLr.1:m9smm .(ft. yjff-i-:- -JUWrfjafifaaSBStfitr frrtiaflffrlifilrftoniH! nTfaw. rm WeMiavo purchased'th&busiucss aro now prepared to All nil orders now seeds which are of the best liberal treatment to receive your SAVAGE SAW iff ID STORE 322 AND 321 COMMERCIAL STREET. ii m r! - i rnvmBsmssm u . Medicated MPLExjoNToxr llltl PRICE, 10 CENTS. garnet Chemical hew vonK WmyV2 w&wiiy ir Sat. A cirv fe4 gwsswvHsjBvswMwarsBNJrsS INTHU 8TATB m ETTAANDERS-WILMAN Associate Teacher Western Conserva tory, Kansas City, Mo., tcpresentlng the Iritcr.sta'e System, n Salem, Ore. V Over First National IlanV. Residence H 376 Church street. Studio hours 9 to 6 12 and 2 to 5. L VSSXNVMUWSVSKSM MJPJ SALEM PEOPLE ;; and OTHER PEOPLE - Rcadon nt Ralcm and other Oregon tnwm nro requeatud to buiuI In Items of personal and nodal news to appear In the TI10 Dally nnd Weekly Jovirnitl. Kr, Willis Dunlway left for Portland yesterday. Ad Dllley Is himio from a tnonth'd visit In California. Hon. J. K. Weathcrford wus a vis itor at thocapltol yestetduy. Judiro ITewitt, of Linn conn ty, was a visitor at the capitol yesterday. Alderman Leo McGrcwwasa Port land visitor on last night's overland, Mrs. Harmon, hero visiting tho time. of Grants Pass, Is senator for a short Councilman Grlswell and wife re turned from Ills eastern trip last evening.' Miss Nelllo Standleh, of Browns ville, 1h In the city tho guest of Miss T. Thompson. Mrs. Milton Meyers returned last ovonlng from Portland whero sho had bfton visiting friends. Hon. and Mrs. A. J. Johnson, of Sclo, aro spending 11 few days under tho parental roof In Salem. Edwin Stone, of Albany, the mana ger and superlntcndnct or the Corval lis & Eastern railroad, was In the city yesterday. Hood's Btlmulate the stomach, lis rouse the liver, euro billons ness, headache, dizziness, our itomafli. ron.tlrattnii, etc. Trice crnti. Kol.l by all druiuUti. Th only Mils to tak witli ilmxi't Sarin jrllla. O. C. T. Co's PA881iNaER BTEAVKU8 iltona Pomona LEAVE FOU roirriiAND Dally, Except Sunday at 8 a. m. QUICK TIME AND CHEAP HATES. Dock betwoon State and Court Sta. M. V. DAIiDWIN, Agent. P E Fine Commercial Work The Roach and Cronise Press 11 1 H 1 Unexcelled lacllities'for the oroduction of all kinds of I U .Jt!tn mnrioKn cttl lC at modern prices, 1 v D ROACH d CRONISE 227 XXX Commercial Street OONSIRViTORY Pi I && ciiMBSBiffiwrf(ffMMffi of UicO. blckl tisod Scctl Co. and In this line, our stock consists of quality and wo hope by fair and patronaRc. Si RB1D If you wish to have an abun dance of beautiful, soft, glossy hair you can easily acquire it by the use of dr. Earner's medicated complexion and toilet soap By Mail lOo Per Cnlco or $1,00 Por Dozen. Money refunded If not satisfactory. For Sale Uy BARK. BUGS. US Mate Htrcct.vi HALEM, OUR Satisfaction Oua ran teed. Co. wm A Christmas Letter, Jos. Fones of this city bus received the following letter from Champlaln Gilbert of the Second Oregon dated Manila, P. I., December 23, 1893: 'Your letter of October 20 came In proper time and 1 posted it ou tho bulletin board to help the boys feel that Old Santa C.aus would bo along In good time for Christmas. Your letter did us good. Indue time the boxes came. It was as good as a cir cus to s'jo how much the boys enjoyed getting their boxes. We watched fur them and asked a thousand questions as to when they would get here, etc. Oh 1 It has been a Christmas we will neyer forget. You will hear from Company K about It all. The regi ment has received so far 1180 boxes and more are still to bo unloaded. Wo enjoy tho prunes. Thoy aro tho best medicine tho regiment has had. Pills and oils will do their part, but there Is nothing in the world ns good as prunes for good digestion. The apples were In fair condition, fcomo rotted but tho remaining came through O. K. Everybody has had about all the apples they really care for. Weill wo all turned In and had a great Christmas. Wo will never for- L'ot, it and In behalf of tho entlro regiment, I wish to thank the Sedg wick Corps for their kind remem brance. Homesick? Well I guess so, just wait until wo couio homo and and wo will tell you about It. Your boys aro proving themselves good soldiers. They are well and all right. Things look now as if we might be home before many months. Do good." Deafness Cannot Be Cured by local applications as they cannot rcacli tho diseased portion of the ear. Tlicro Is only or.o way to euro deaf uess.and that is by constitutional remedies, Deafness Is caused by an Inflamed condition of tho mucous lining of tho Eustachian Tube, When thlBtubo is Inflamed you hayoa rum bling sound or Imperfect hearing, and when it Is entirely closed, Deafness Is the result, and unless the inflamma tion can bu taken out and this tube restored to Its normal condition, hear ing will bo destroyed forever; nine cases out of ten ure caused by Catarrh, which Is nothing but an Inflamed col dition of tho mucous surfaces. We will give One Hundred Dollars for any case of Deafness (caused by catarrh) that cannot bo cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Send for cir culars: freo. , F. J. Ciienky & Co,, Toledo, 0. Sold by Druggists, 75c. Hall's Family i'llis are 1110 oosu Probate Matters. In tho matter or the guardianship of Phoebe Ilrlggs, an iniirm person, tho appraisers yesterday tiled their re port, showing her estate to bo valued at $300, Mrs. O. P. Jones has filed a potltlou In the probato court praying for her appointment as guardian of the per son and estate Oliver P. Jones, an lu sane parson now in the asylum so sho can take steps to secure a pension due her husband from the government on account of injuries received while In service. Judge Terrel ordered that citation Issuo to Mr. Jones to appear on Saturday, February 20th at 10 a. ru., to show cause if any, why such guardian should not be uppolntcd. m Real Estate Transferred, In addition to two satisfactions of mortgages on real property Micro were filed two deeds for small parcels or property which are for the followhg described preperty: Lou Wilkinson to Charles M. nud- son. the north half of the southeast quarter of section 17, 1 0 s, r 3 e. w. d , 8400. John Ueyerly and wife to the Men nmtft church, one-half acre In the L "N. English d. 1 c, for cemetery grounds, q 0 d , $1. New Notary. J. B. Goff, of Lone Peck, Gilliam county, was appointed a notary pub lic yesterday. . THB GRIP CURB THAT D0E3 CURB Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets remove the cause that produces La Grippe. The genuine has L. B. Q. 00 each Tablet, 25c. APPROPRIATION BILL. Full Tcxl bf the benat Bill ktt Prepaid by thb Committee. To proyldo for tho ordinary ox penscs of tho state government and general appropriations. Bo It, enacted by the legislative as sembly of the atato of Oregen: Section 1. That tho following sums and no more, aro hereby appropriated for tho Bcveral objects hereinafter named, for the two years commencing on tho llrst day of January, A. D, 1800, to bo paid out of any moneys In tho stato treasury not otherwise ap propriated. OENEKAL FOND. For salary of governor. . .$ 3,000 00 For salary of private secre tary of governor 3,000 00 For additional clerical aid In the oftlco of governor, Including pay of stenog rapher 1,200 00 Pay of secretary of state . 3,000 00 For salary of chief clerk secretary of state 4,800 00 For clerical service In ofllcc of secretary of state, in cluding pay of stenog rapher 10,440 00 For salary of state treas urer 1,00000 For pay of clerk to state treasurer, 4,000 00 For advertising state war rants 00000 For salary of superintend ent of publlo Instruction 3,000 00 For clerical aid In olUco or superintendent of public - Instruction, Including pay of stenographer 3,000 00 For traveling expeuscs or superintendent of public Instruction 1,200 00 For uniform scries of school record books and blanks provided for public schools by superintendent of edu cation 3,000 00 For salary of attorney gen eral 0.000 00 For salary of statellberalan 2,000 00 Postage, exprcs age and contingent expenses of state llbcrary 000 00 For books, bookcases, bind ing, etc.,' stato library. . . . 3,000 00 For salary of pilot commis sioners 1,200 00 For pay of clerk of pilot commissioners 1,200 00 For salaiy of health eftlccrs: Astoria 2,000 00 Gardiner 800 00 Ynqulna 800 00 Marshfleld 800 00 $ 4,440 00 For pay of boatman at Astoria 1,000 00 For pay of Janitor and assistant at capitel: Janitor 1,800 00 Assistant, , 1,20000 3,000 00 For pay of nlghtwatchman at capitol 1,800 00 For purchase of wood ror capitol, and pay or tire man therefor, provided that bids shall bo adver tised for und contracts let to the lowest respon sible hid.ler 9 4,000 CO I'or pay or teachers and cur rout expenses or state school ror dear mutss... 9 24,000 00 For pay of electrlo light at capitol, as per contraot.. 0,200 00 For gas, fuel for offlees and rooms, water, exprossago, telegraphing, expenses of teachers' institute, ror payor laborers, messen gers and other incldondal expenses of executive, ad ministrative and other departments, etc., and of the supremo court 25,000 00 For State Agricultural so ciety 10,000 00 For publlo printing and blndlng.and for paper ror public printing 00,000 CO THE EXCELLENCE OF SYRUP OF FIGS Is duo not only to the origluality oud simplicity of tho combination, but also to the care and skill with which it is manufactured by bclentlfio processes known to tho Califohnia. Fiq Svnur Co. only, and wo wiuh to impress upon all the importance of purchaMug tne tine and original reinody. Ae the genuine Syrup of Figs is manufactured l.y tho Caupokxia F10 Bvnur Co. only, a knowledge of that fact will nsaUt one in avoiding the worthless imitations manufactured by other par ties. Tho high btandlug of tho Calx toiinia Fio Syiiur Co. with the medi cal profeion, and the satisfaction which the genuine Syrup of Figs has given to millions of families, makes the name of the Company a guaranty of the excellence of IU remedy. It Is far in advance of all other laxatives, us it acts on the kidneys, liver and howels without irritating or weaken ing them, and it does not gripe nor nauseate. In order to get Its beneficial effects, please remember the rutine of the Company CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. sax ritiMciaco, cl AfnaVTT-.-a.y- uw . JOC.V.X. --TVriTTfnlTy - NSOMNA . 'Ilinve been Maine CASCAUKTS for Insomnia, wlln which I have been afflicted tor over twenty years, and I can aay that Cascarota have given me more relief than any other reme dy I have ever tried. I shall certainly recom intnd them to my friends as being all they are represented." Tros, Gillafid, Elgin, lit CANDY 1 mr v.AinAniib THADt MAMH ftMWTfftf FltMant, Palatable, Potent, Taite Good. Do Oood, Never Sicken. Weaken, or Gripe. 10c, lie, too. ... CURB CONSTIPATION. ... K.rll.i ntmttf Ctapur, CVttit, M.tml, X.w T.rt. Sit Hil.Tn.Min Sold and guaranteed br all drag nU'lU'BAb cuts to tlUKK Tobacco Uablt. Providing that no part of this appropriation shall be used for paying for the printing of tho book en titled "The Resources of Oregon." For transportation of convicts committed to the penitentiary 15,000 00 For arrest and return of fuglttyos from Justice. 3,600 00 For support of non-rcsldont poor In tho several coun ties 3,000 00 For pay of tcachors and cur rent expenses of stato school for the blind. In cluding lighting 15,000 0d For pay and cxocnRoi of Oregon Domcstln Domes tic Animal Commission, stato veterinary (1,000 00 For pay and expenses of thh commissioner nud deputies 12.000 00 For rowurds, for arrests, ets , under section 2107 Hill's code 1,200 00 For support and mainten ance or Soldiers' Home,.. 20,000 00 The trustees or said Sol diers' Home arc hereby di rected not to Incur any deliclency whatever, and the foregoing appropria tion Is made upon condi tion that no doliclcnoy be Incurred by them for 6atd Home. For support of Stato Agri cultural Colluge, Coryallis Act or 1889 10,000 00 For pay or tho goyornor $1,000, or tho secretary of stato and the stato treas urer, each $500 a year, for their services In supervis ing tho publlo works, pub lie buildings, etc, for which compensation Is not otherwise provided . 4,000 00 For pay of election blanks. . V00 00 For general expenso of the Oregon Stato Reform School 35,000 00 The superintendent or the board of trustees of tho reform school shall not Incur any oxponscs above tho appropriation, and provided further that nut more than $10,500 shall bo expended for salaries for tho two years. For deficiency In expenses of the Oregon Itoform School ror tho years 1807 and 1809 (supplies) 2,277 32 For Balarlcs or supremo Judges, salaries and fees or prosecuting attorneys, and clerks and ballllTs, and other necessary expen ses or supremo court, In cluding stenographic aid ror supremo judges In pre paration or their opin ions, etc., 120,500 00 For pay or mileage and per diem or members and of ficers, and other necessary expenses of the twentieth biennial session of the legislative assembly or Oregon 50,000 00 For pay of superintendent of penitentiary : . . . . 3,000 CO For pay of wardens of pen- tcntlary 4,200 00 For pay of head farmer, penitentiary 1,800 00 For pay of book-kcepor , penitentiary 2,000 00 For pay or shopguards, pen itentiary 4,320 00 For pay or guards penitent iary 10,700 00 For pay of engineer and plumber, penitentiary.. 1,800 00 For payof rour nlghtwatch- men, penitentiary 0,4U0 00 For pay or prison Inspector. penitentiary 1,000 00 For ylsltlng physician, pen itentiary 1,200 00 For keeping prisoners and general expenses or pen itentiary 35,500 00 For electrlo lighting or pen itentiary t .... 4,500 00 For rogues' gallery, pro vided the superintendent or the penitentiary shall furnish thechlef-of-pollce In all cities In Oregon or fifty thousand inhabitants or over, two photographs or each person committed to the penitentiary, said photographs to bo made In rrontvlew with baton, and one side view with hat off. such photographs be made of each prisoner at the tlnieofhlsor her coin mltment, before he or she has been dressed in pris on garb 60000 )For firewood for pcnltec- Itlary 3600 Provided the board shall ad vertise for bids and UUht 'htrwi f.,i" ..., HmiiiUtitliiitvtm in contract for furnishing wood and all supplies to the penitentiary to tho lowest responsible bidder. For pay of olUccrsand other general expenses or tho Orcgoti State Insane Asy lum, Including pay or trustees thereof, ns fol lows; For tho governor $500 a year, and for the secretary o( state and tho stato treasurer, each $100 a year, quarterly 288,000 00 For gas and electrlo light ing, asylum 13,000 00 Section 2. Tho board of pilot com missioners 19 hereby authorized and empowered to sell the pilot schooner "San Jose," or, in case sale cannot be made, to turn said schooner ovor to the bar pilots to be maintained, kept In repair and Insured nt their own expense. Section 3. Provided that the pri vate secretary of the governor shall receive in full compensation for nil his service!', including work on boards and commissions, no greater sum than $1,800 per year. Section 4. Tho trustees or the Oregon stato reform school are horeby directed hot to Incur any dotlolonoy whatover, and tho foregoing appro priation Is made upon condition that no deliclency bo Incurred by them for said reform school. Section 5. The spp.rotnry of state Is hereby authorized ami ultucted to audit and pay tho sums duo, or to be come due, according to the foregoing general appropriations; and all acts and parts or acts In t'onrllct there with aro hereby repealed. Scctluu (I Owing to the urgent necessity or maintaining the public credit, and emergency exists, and this act shall take ctTeot and be In force from and after Its approval by the governor. Dissolution. BaLKM, Jrtll. 1, 180 Tho purltioolilp liorotoluru cxIMIiik between tho Arm of lloncli & (.'ronUc Is hereby tllmohcd by mutual romoiil. Mr. Croulm contlliuhiK tho busliicoii. W It KOAl'lt, T.J ritONlSK. llrMti with joa whMhir yon ntlnac th. rrmoTM lb dtilre for totiteco. " ouintrToa.uuirtta, eipeii u.iufrTu,.ui.ii...i tlnn. imrlflaB Ihft Llui " f-i -: rrt- .r torn loll nftnaoou, lOI K6I YOU liroDBT Id. 400,(100 'urrd uur I A ! from inu.tun.DirTi (- Midpocziw MOI'O-1) DVOBi own druirffllt.wb rh form. T It will) W' wlll.pttlrnllT, ptrtutenur una txi..l. liiuallrcurtiti Sboiet.ttM. lUf !? tj C., Cklttj., B..II..I, l.w I.rl, ilfcrmntft'td to pur, or wit refund mon. T. DEALER IN : GROCERIES Points, Olht Window 01n.na Var nlflh, nnd tbo most ouurploto ntook of Bruahen of all kindn in tho utatr Artiflto materials, limo; hair, oo mont and shuiglos; nnd tho finest quality of gtiujb flood. WANTED. Now today navertiacmom tour linos or losjs in this columu hiaortod throe tlmos for 23 ota SO otn u woelc, $1 por month All over tour lines at iamo rato. WANTED An agent In every town to sell Oregon Peach Uittcts. Ad drcsB A. Kins, Aumsvllle Or. 2 7 2w HOY WANTKI). A rellabled boy from 15 to 17 years or age, to learn a trade. Apply to "O," care Journal office. 30-tr. CLOTHING CLEAN ED-Dyed, re paired und pressed at Steam Dye works, 105 Commercial street op posite Willamette Hotel. 28 tr FOB SALE At ashland, 30 acres, 10 lu fruit, in peach ocit, lino nouso, best water, climate, and schools clear tltlo and easy tortus. A. C. Guthrie, Philomath, Ore. 1 27-1 mt FOU S A LR 10 passenger wngonotto llrbt class, ruudo to order, will sell cheap. Willamette hotel. 1 25 tf ULOTH1NG CLEANED-Dycd, re palred and pressed at Stcum Dye Works. 105 Commercial street, op noslte Willamette Hotel. 1 18tf UAH LOAD-Of wIicqIs coming to Salem. Wo aro enlarging our shop and Increasing our facilities for piaklng repairs. Wo have a large assortment or new coyors und guar antee to satisfy our patronH. Uring your wheels and umbrellas when repairs aro needed to Gardner & White, 228 Liberty street, Holman's block, next door to steam laundry. 1 20 tf WANTED. A farmer of largo exper ience, who can furnish tho best or references, wishes to rent a good farm or from 15010 200 acred. To tiave possession by next October. Address Farmer, care Capital Jour nal. lWlmt KIDS CLEAN ED-for ten cents at the Salem Steam Dyeing and Clean ing Works, 105 Commercial Street 12 2-tf FOH SALE On easy terms 116 acreB, 35 under cultivation. 7 acres or or chard with 1000 trees mostly winter apples 6 to 7 years old, one-hair mile from railroad station, good town aud school, good Improve ments, a fine dairy and stock farm with plenty or wild rango, g od neigh borliood, Hue springs, one third cash, long tlmo on balance. Fine stock ranch, Apply to E. Hofer, Salem, HOUSE CLEANERS Remember that the best and cheapest carpet minor ih the hcavv felt naner sold at Thb Journal othce. 20-tf MUBICAL liken, on -A llmiud number of students piano, violin, guitar, mandolin and xlther. Also Gorman and French n.i lessons elven Anna M. Kreta studio, Gray block, room 5. to 4 p, m, also 11 a. m, Call from 3 tf VIOLIN WIHH NKI.UK 1IIIOWN has quite a laroelat o( vlOln studtiuU aud can accow TEACHER S wodataaliiwuorc. y tor tenos at rtsi 417 Marion itrW lUiw-fB MH ' 'mA H a.rfcjflra.1 h-kijiuj . Tll .WW -. Hnajf o - s Mi mfr- . . MpWIU YftU .rm ah. m WLmr ronr lurl l H l fa J! tMmfo& for Infants and Children. The Kind You Haie Always Bought BEARS THE SIGNATURE OF In Use For Over 30 Years. Shot by a Sentry. Mrs. J. II. Bigger, or this oily re ceived tho Intelligence of the death of hor brothor Frank C. Poarce, at Hon duras, Central Atnorica. Ho was shot by accntry, during n riot. Mr. Pearco was there for his health. Hacking COUGH A hnoulng cough is a gri ceuch: tho sooner you trot rid avo-yard oflbtho bettor. Don't wait until It dovclo into consumption, but uso tho cele brated Dr. JonuW. Bull's Cough Syrup nt onco. It la a wonderful romody for nil thront and lung nffootlonB, and will euro n doop-BCAted cough or cold in a few days. Good for old nnd young. Dr.BulTs Cough Syrup Will euro a Hooking Cough. Dot are nmnll and pleasant to take. Doctor recommend It, i'rlce jj cent. AtnlldniggUtj. l-OOAY'S MARKKT. Portland Fob. 10. -Wheat vallo) 03: Walla Walla, Olo. Flour Portland, $3.20; Suportlno 2.ig por UDI. Oats-Whlto-12$13c. Hay $S10 per ton. Hops ll17o; old crop dc. Wool Valley, 1012c; Eastern Oregon, rV$llt. MIllstuiT Unui, 810; shorts, $16 815.G0, Poultry Ohlckcns,mlxcd,2.G0ra3.50 turkoys, llvo, 12(ffll3c. Eggs uregon, zotazio poruoz. Hides Green, salted CO lbs, 8Q8fc. undor 00 lb8,0K7c;shcop pclts,ir)20c. Onions SGcfaiai nor sack. Butter West dairy, 20c; fanoy croamory, 45cC21o por roll. Potatoes, 0570o por Back. Hogs Heavy, $4.75. Mutton Wcathors3ic; drossod, 7o Ucof Utcors,e3.25K3.50: cows, 12.50 2.75 dressed, (VaO. siALEM MARKET. Wheat-40. Oats 3Cc. Hay llaled, :heat, $0.G0 Flour In wliolcsalo lots, 2.76 re tall $3.00. Millstull-Shorts $15.00, Hogs drccbcd, 6o. Live cattle 2,3o. Sheep Live, $2liO0$3. Veal-GJa. Buttor Dairy 20e: creamery 26c. Wool Ho8t,l6c. Mohair ilftc. nops--i5ost ltvano. Eggs-18(rfi20 tn cash. Poultry UhlckonB, 8o; turkoys, llyo, 10l2,c. Farm smoked meats Uacon, 8c ham, 0c Bhoulder, 0c. Potatoes 35c. Apples 30c. ftssay 0i!i(e AND LABORATORY. No, 71 Chcmckcta fit, I. H. T. TUTIIILL Asiayer, upDEanArr dros. Collections and Loans Itoom 14, lluth Hank lllook, 13 31 lino HAI.KU. OHKOON. 7 PER CENT LOANS DOZORTH BROS. 292 Commerolal Ht., Salem, Oto. RSAb 1C3TA.TO: QICA-Uima, dw-11 l.3in Money to Loan at 7 per cent OnMortgage Security.' One to" five yearsVimC' DOIBH & BAIUCDR, dw.11.U-3m 270 Commercial st. MORTGAGE LOANS On improved city and farm property at lowest rates. 3 a Commercial strcclt 3 doori south ot L.dd & Hush's bank, Salem Ocgon. u-12 dw3ro REAL ESTATE LOANS On short or long; time. Notts and other M!urltlc bouftht ana sow. THOMAS, WATT & CO. laKNEUAI. imOKEKS. ll.Wdw-tl 5B7 Commercial Btrct ..Money at 7 Per Cent Low rate on well improved and oily proi-tiUtf. (anil T. K. roiiD, Ott HatVa VnV. 12U-4wJi MitoiikiiJiZltm . w, . , . . ' imimmmmmmimmimmmmmm BARR & PETZEL JPolo Ancnteifor tt -Red Jacket jbk Au. Work Guakantkiu. ai4 COMMERCIAL ST RES r. Telephone No. 181 SALEM . Benevolent Institute This charltablo Institution maintains tho "Helping Hand Mission." at. 101 Centre street, Salem. It Is a boarding homo for tho friendless of all denomina tions, whero meals, beds and ne cessaries or liro aro provided. Sup port, as9lstanco nnd donations, consisting nfuuinoy, goods or wares of any kind nro solicited, and will bo used for tho good of tho cause. Sick persons will bo cared ror. 12-22-tr A. G. COSS, Manager 8AX1EM STEAM LAUNDRY I Ploaao notlco tho out In prioes on tho following SKrU, plain iocent Unoer drawen StoioccnU Under shirts 5toiooeU Socki, per pair 3 ccnlf Handkerchiefs ceni Silk handkerchief a.... ...3conU Sheeti and pillow slips 34 cent per doien md othei work In proportion. I3T Flannels and other work intollJ6ontv washed by hat rt. COL 3. OLMSTDAD, PropriotOJ A. M. HUMPHREYS CO, DKALKIK IX Grain and Grain Bags Warehouse, Balom and Macleay. 10-37-lm-dw Onlco. 290 Commorelal Ht Balom HALF WAY HOUSE Kino clitarH and tohacco. sott drlnksj meals at all hotirai nice clean beds. North Bale-in. near w. 1 wane n runno nnivuna nuu... IMo-lmo M. KBICHTINOKU. Prop. Retailing of Bullied Beer Oamhrlniu and Bohllts always on draught. l)llvurMl freo to any part ot tho city. UKO. I NKAti, Prop. 1.18 OKI r onnor uruacrr duiuuii, Phono 'AH zn commercial Hlreet, nnnMunnn IV H U U ..( Ifia-strlt wr ' ' Lmk n Pi m ! a Uge; fity iy ft .Vr - ir...liMi. tMVlti1nassl. TJlt MsibOO. tobacco, oiuutu or lBUlllltV. 1. ..-.-.. Can be carried 1 ..-!. Im,,1. Xlrmtt Mur,urtahrihiHfl VtUgO),, FOR SALE BY D Buckwheat Free! Housewives Can't all Get on as Committee Clerks Hul they can all uso II. O. steamed oatmeal, tho finest and easiest cooked breakfast dish In tho world, arjil get. a pound and a half of Aolf-ralslng buckwheat tree with each package. ILAJIKITT & JL.AWUENOK, S. BUR ROUGHS T. ...Sanitary Appliances ot ill I,. ESTIMATES FURNISHED. PUIQEii T-pBUI TIIBMlBia 103 STATE STREET l fif - li JtM tM iUSIKWm CAMS O. H. ffiAGK Dentist Succewcr to Dr. J. M. Keene, old" l Comer, Salim, Or. l'att.ci desiring wperiot pperatloni at moderate fees in any branch art in especial request. SOULE BRO0. PIAKO TUNERS AND REPAIRERS rOUTLAND. onE. For Balom and vicinity lenvo orders at 0r aWIU'aMuRlcHtoro. OFFICE CITY For water icrv'ce nprly HALL at office. Bil'i payable monthly In advance. MaVe complaints at th! nT"". CAPITA1. CITV Express and Transfet j Moels all mall and pauengor train. Bag. gage and express to all parti of tho clt) l'rompt eetTicc. Telephone No. 70. WHITE ft DISQUE. -FAEM FOR SALE 360 Ao.oa All In Yamhill County, Hf0 scros far salo in a body, or In 40-ncr traoti. lcatct tmlt nmllo wctt ot Wapato station, In Yamhill county. Oregon, and ono and a halt miles south o( (laston. I'rlce forcach forty acres (rum 2.(30 upwnnl, according to ImprovomeuU and location. Oood noil and eair tprmt. Fur furllicr imrtlculam enquire o( v. It. EOAN, tt vs-1mo-dw llrooks, Oregon. O. H. LANB Merchant 'Tailor 211 Commercial ft. CySulU SI 15 and upwards, Pants S3 and upwardi OPERA LODGING HOUSE Good furnished room, with Utrgo parlor In connection. 10J COUriT BTltERT. 12-7 1. T. Shoup, Proprietor. Caoital SoaD Works. Running at full blast and making best of laundry and toilet sojps. lie sure to call for the Salem brand when )ou want Uixxl goods. A. W. ANDEREGG, Manauer, G.S. FiMlffi! NEW MARKET St.te street, near rail road j Freshest and best meats. My patrons say I keep the best treat in town aaf T ATI Good News for tho Sufferin Public, TJie envious r.vali who were determlnedito rnakeDr, Cook trouble In the coutts haro Ucked down, and their alleged caso wai dismissed when it came Into circuit court. They didn't dre to meet the truth, as Dr. Cook's patient' are loo numerous aud they are ever gateful to the man who hi cured them and can cure others, l)r. Cook nukes a specialty of chronic dlseaw, and does not uie poisonous diuji to cure them. If you have a Mend who needs help send htm to DR. J. V. COOK, 301 Liberty street i r,a,,.,ln f,. Oonaultatton rfce. DnQTODirn y nln Or. reu Yellow N iot vo l'ttlu. 1VL.U1U1L.U ThU Vnilriul remedy llf rtiiui (tllf tMI. lUflhlt VCV -monr.LoiSor Subtly liml . V Orrani of Salem Water Co., ICTOR S T Jionai WcrvoufntM.i.11 rfraina, loaa of piwer lu Ocueraw Ori lU.tr atx. nuud by orxtloij, youthful errora. txrtf" JK IU iiinuiiuu. its.Mhlch lead to iBnrinlly.Cwi'ui-ner ii Tt pocket, fi.oo per box, M5.1'J'1 IdbvalldraesjUt. Atkrorh.t-VonootUer. anl.l ItW Co PatIi iiuirinuTiuivrnii. auiiubu iruiuiiim -- .., nf J, FRY, SALEM, OREGON Old P. O. GrockhY rnoNE I6i :; mIh . s- 1 l i' R.i l h l P -fl W i W-. 'a'M ri'l r.lOUi,NtPTI'Uac tJiauft, tor -P- --" -