rA hut! viwm mrijawiiiBJii rftfKMByBM taaMttateaiaaMiama MILT CAPITAL JOURNAL. tV fctOkltH tthOTUHiRS, fjitOA-Y, FBDIU7ARY 10, IBM, i l Vna Sl fin I.M A4wa..a f MIW JLVri ,w, Wl AHTflUbg r, Ylwr WodttH fl 00, ir Advance). W0tM?t Oae Tor 1.00, in Advance BDVbA'riOXA'b UBVORitS. Bfimir bf trdportcr this paper was M to state that tho Dily text-book Ml k&A been favorably reported by thSs'XloUsts committee on education. Kiidi was not the case An effort was wttdo to take the bill out of tlic cotu. lattice (lands. Till dirt not succeed as they had sot lliiio to consider the bill, bat did meet Thursday night and promptly and courtcounly board Senator Daly, Bepreientatlvd Palmer and Prof. Anderson of tbu olty In ublo nrgu ments for tiio bill. It Is now certain tlic bill will trot before tl.o House The roll call on taking tho bill out of the bands of tlio comrulttco did not dliiclosa tlio full strength of tlio bill. and probably disclosed to tlio lobby f against tlio bill 6omo members they will try to work with. Tlio Trust I on tlio wound and prepared to uho any means to kill tbo Duly bill, from getting away wltli the bill bodily to moro direct methods of getting mom bsrs to not voto for It. Hut as Bona tor Daly my, a cruo! fraud lias boon practiced on tlio peoplo of Oregon, to tiro detriment of their schools, rob iMryoftboIr purses and corruption of their politics. Tbtra Is no good honest reason why th Daly text-book bill shall not ba eoRio a law, and tlio school revision law as well. Both aro of tho greatest Importance to the growing genera lions aud no member can afford to dodgo or bo Indifferent about tho text-book or school revision law. gallJognnd opprtbUifd practices under which wd cnrl-.h a small cldl. at ex potiso of the gcucral taxpayer ? What does It mean but a demand for pea plo's doanco Instead of "push" flnanco ? Whero can tho people -get relief but to overthrow and destroy such urnulu- tary partisan prostitution of local gov- crn merit ? Salem hasbeen under par tisan rulo for twenty years, This city has got to quit push politics In order to get out of debt. It lias quit unless It is thrown back In by tho refusal to pass the Citizen's charter. . . . 7s -T.i,,,,.. i r iirr nrr-ir hi n miiBWMWMfiii-WTiii t . - i b. LifiMnim i ! ii minmtu ansiih mimmmmtimnmmuwi"'u'mMm"" - TUB MARION DELEGATION. Senator Looncy has confined his ef forts to two bills, one to employ con victs at building highways and tho Dairy and 1'uro Pood law. Tho Sen ator acted wisely In confining him self to two such measures of general practical Importance and both desorvo to becoruo laws and no doubt will. Senator Adams lias not been ho for tunato. Thursday night bis warehouse bill was Indefinitely postponed. This wss practically tho fa to of Ins doit tax lobbr f bill and his bill to nboll.li Judgo Hulse's department. Adams Is a young man and but for tho unfortunate- coaching ho has had by a fow men who poswss llltlo or no political stgacltr ho might have fared better Sonator Portcr.tho Joint mombor for Marlon and Olackamasjias mado a good conservative record on all mat ters, no has championed a general bill to tax tho gross earnings of cor porations, u measure which If onactcd would ralsoono fourth to one-half of all tho taxes Oregon needs, Hut It embraces too much and tho sonator will not got his bill out of tho hands of the commit too on cornnrutlonn. Next tlmo lot him undortako less in tho same tine and ho will desorvo success. V FINANUEFOKTHB PEOPLE. What has been tho prevailing pub lic policy at Salem for twonty years? lias It not been to keep alloat largo Issues of warrants, stato, couoty, city nd school? Hus not tho sohomo tcon to keep city, county und school district from a year to a year and a half behind In tuxos, no us to glyo tho warrant speculator a bountiful !iarvet? Hnvo nut Hlngham and his class of lackeys and puttlfoggers for tho warrant sharks scon to It that thojr plutocratic clients had the cream off all tho jtaxes lovled and col lected for tho peoplo ? Ilavo they not nm tinged to prevent oven tho declar ing of taxes Uollnquout according to law, so as to prolong payment In favor of a special clasi y Aro they not tho ndvocutos of dear money, high tuxes, bonded debts, high rat of Interest? Who bns run th oily of Salem In debt a quarter of minion but tho Ropubllcan push? Who has run tho olty of Portland In debt flvo millions but tho Republican party? Who has plunged this school district In dobt until wo pay half as much for Interest on bonds as wo pay for educating our children? What did tbo peoplo do but turn down tho Ro publlcan push a year ugo when It wanted to shove Its city and county chairman Into tlio sohool beard ? What did tbo peoplo do but turn down tbo push when it tiled to diot&to n snap convention nttho last city con ventlon ? What does the Oltlton's charter rep resent but a repudiation of nil these j , THE SALE5I CHARTER. The olil fash. Jailed wAttli- nun who prowled about tlit McttU of Medieval Lou. uoii wltli Un letn lit hit nan J to pro. eUlw hU com. mx. and uho (mounted h tit sirtcU by ""HH All! well," waa very In-UJekm ptvlector when mwoarct (kllti the rnetropoll Utt police of New York Ctty, cosuneiily known r. i be pojtwmati lfM not proclaim .ll Mm y hmNs ,'ytTH mmm a-m nugup A number of amandmonts to the Salem charter havo been accepted by both contending faotlons, and the dacumont as now finally licked In shapo will pass both houses as It will bo pmhed by tlio Marlon delegation. Tlio financial ecctlon stands ns It was drawn to fund tho floating dobt In 61 per cent warrants or 4 por cont call bonds, first to be submitted to n yotooftho taxpayers, A two, three or live mill lovy may also bo ordored lovled to croito a sinking fund. Tho power to elect tho marshal Is restored to the peoplo direct and tho recordor's Justice Jurlidlctlon Is con fined to crimes committed within the city limits. These with minor cleri cal amendment will give- Saloiu tho best charter tho city over hod, Under this charter tho Oltlrons' administration, If It foarlossly nud honestly performs lu duty.can rontoro tho credit of this city, promote good Korornmoni ami pay off Its debts In an honest manner. No one doubts that tho men In power will do this very thing and If thoy do not tholr fellow cltlx"ns should retire them. a i i. '.a About CsUnh. It Is caused by a cold or succos.lon of colds, combined with I in two blood. Its symnlorh nr niin in mia i.-.i Ulsoharuo from tho nose, ringing noises In tho curs. It U ourwT by Hojid's Sarsaparllla which nurllles rpbu da tlio tuques and relieves all thodlsagrceubloiionsailons Hood's Pills euro all liver III "-"" "! mi, ftoa , Hf(IUti .lit pftl ylhrousl t or by 3lk uiota MHHkr Arvtag I.A ., I.. ..'. . i ' - saSSaiS,s?a ISi? ftWwii. tlw rhuo and fcio"? w4Al wl hu kept WMwhU nl,T.JrBiw?WJr te.w kif'- ' awM llut wrt a tew "s.1 f?? llly IncKrtwT lrw'. OoHtJ Mctltsi Kvrt It IM itvt to iiwtwJ ?2.wHIL NMil tkrtMt klld klnJrrA 8jit tMJ. S. T, Munkcrs.etiil , vs. Uonjamlu b. Munkors, ot ttl., Is a new suit tiled In department No. 2 of thu itn. ir. eult court yesterday. Tho parties nro neirs or W. R. Muukcrs, deceased. The plalutlff asks that ceitalii lands bolouglng U) tlio heir tw sold ami tho proceeds bo divided among tho tinrs aecotding to the Interest oaoh has In tho premises. Geo. a. iinuii... .i Irtltti A .. .... M -".in a. i.ron aro attorneys for tho plaintiffs. V. M. C, A, Conference, Arrangements wero made on Tues day last for k Y. M. a A. aanvununn. to bo bold In Ssleut on I-ibniary -lai liiolusivo a coiuiiiittco com. poKtd of Chas, Woutwortlf, Rodney ",.," " " oiownrv wow ap- polotwl on entertainment. Comma. Use on muMc. Prof. P. tu . Crawford and P. A. Wlirgms was w'. ,-...,vv, wvuuicr wiut pastors or tho churuhes, to make arrangement for llnlllllll, Dim auah. .... .. .. I --..,..... ,..vv, ui uk temce at nomo hn uuurontK. About ono huj- HrJ!?910 ,rftcnt from tbedlfTewutachooU, leqislAtiVb routine, Both Houses Working on Regular Rou tlnf Ordef of Dullness, HOCSE THUrtSDAY AVTRnNOON, House was called to order at IUJ0 p. m. Tho routine follews: Tho yea and nay voto on motion to recall tho Daly school book commis sion bill from educational comrulttco resulted, aye 24, nay 2.3 and the mo tion was lost. The attorney general reported on yalldltyof contract for lighting pub lic buildings, claiming tlio contract was valid. Stlllmnnsald the present company was not tho original company which entered Into tho contract and moved that tho attornoy general, pass his opinion on this point, Carried. Tho voto whereby II. H. 112 by Moody to regulate tho practlco of horseshoeing was reconsidered, the mcasuro to como up later for consid eration. Hill's proposed law to rcgulato and license lire Insuruncq companies In Oregon, passed. Stanley's denial bill to regulato tho practlco of dentistry In Oregon failed to pass, only receiving 27 ayes. Tlio appropriation hill, which was mado a special ordor for 2:30, has been again mado a special order for this evening at 8:30. Marsh's bill provided for tho pro sorvatlon and protection of forests, game and wild fowl, was passed. This bill provides for a gamo and forestry warden and deputy. Tho blcyclo tax bill was passed by for tho day as wan also tho mcasuro Introduced by Lowls relatlvo to the protection of Mongolian pheasants. H. It. 275 Incorporating Prlnevlll, passed. Tho bill relating to closing of har bor shops on Sundays failed to pass by a closo yoto. A substttuto for II. II. 72, by Mr. Young, to sccuro a moro convenient modo of making assessments and of collecting and paying taxes, and to amend section 27U of tho general laws of Oregon, was reported back from tho committee and Immediately taken up for flu ill action. Mado a special ordor for 10 a. m. tomorrow, Tho mcasuro provides that each stporuto district In each county, may lovy a soporate road tux for uso In that district. H. II. 311, Plagg, to prohibit exhibi tions of mesmerism, hypnotism and artificial somnambulism. Tho bill was not takon up In regular order since Mr. Flagg was not present when this mutter camo up. II. 11. 229, Whullcy, to employ county and city prisoners on roads und hlglmuys, Tho bill coming up, Whnlley moved moved u call or the home. Sov orat member coming lu, tho cull was dispensed wltli and n voto taken on the bill resulting nyeHfH, nooi I. II. 11. 70, Whitney, to provide for the election or supervisors. Rc-roforrcd to tho committee on roids und highways for uiiioudinont. II. I1.17H, ilobklrk, toumend sections 1161 und 1102, code, relating to the return of sulo of executors and u'luiluUltrdtors. PdSMUl. Flagg haying returned his mesmcr Inn prohibition moasuio wiu again reuu ami pained 41 to 0 Flugg mado extended uruumont against puhllo exhibition or such powers, stating that ho considered such sight disgusting nud a detri ment to public morals and public wslfare. H. II, DO, Palmer, to amend sections 0 and 23 of tho gamo laws of tho session of 1805, IiHcd. Palmer mado an extended nlea fur tho gamo birds of thostato. romnrk. Ing that thuy woro fast disappearing from our Holds and forests. H, 11. 202, Wballoy, to rogulato tho time within which personal Judg menu In foreclosure suits may bo umurccu. Called up and lolled to pass. Moody's mcasuro providing for the realeaso of sureties on bonds, passed ID to 7- Tho commltteo on .salaries und mlleago of moiiibers and oilleors of tho houso handed In tholr report. A motion lo udjuurn until 7:30 m. prevailed, A Health- mm" 1 Hostel tor's" IVl 1 lPr Stomach Bit AYX&.EVVJ. trs Is a health maker and a health-saver. It makes tho blood pure, tho muscles strong, tho braltt clear, tho apoetltc keen, the liver active, the digestion perfect, the ocrvch strong and steady. Hostetters Stomach Bitters It sets matters right in the stom ach; a hcnlliy stomach does tho rest, THIIID HBADINU. S. B. 170, Harmon, to create tho ofllco of ono railroad commlsloncr,wlth a salary of 13,000, to bo elected. Harmon spoke for Ills bill. Daly, of LaUc.opposcd it on general principles. Fulton thought this bill fair to tho people and tho rallioads, and advo cated tho measure lirowncll, who has Introduced bills In the past to abolish tho old commission, spoko for this plan. Mlchcll spoke against It, and favored a rate law. Mulkey op posed the bill, because no demand has been made for It. Haines and others opposed It. Harmon moved recommfttment of tho bill. Lest: Selling spoko against the bill and moved Indefinite post ponement. Carried. Tlio Senate concurred In thoSenalo resolution for a Joint session to elect a librarian, a boatman and a dairy commissioner. S. IJ. 78, Kuykcndull, fixing number and compensation of legislative clorkf). Passed by 17 to fl. Senator Rlcd reported a substitute for II. J. M, No. 4, against the Rcatlng of Mormon congressman Roberts. The substitute was much simplified and adopted. S. I). 103, Kuykencnll. Eugene char ter. Paticd. S. U. 130, Kelly, for the relief of Iv'a Tcmplcton. Senator Kelly spoko forcibly and feelingly for tho bill. Miss Temple ton was In tho audlenro. Dr. Driver spoke lor tho bill and lirowncll mado a moat eloquent plea fur It, Tho bill pastfed 23 to 0. Tho beneficiary of the bill received the hearty congratula tions of many friends, and copiously shed tears of Joy, S. 1). 210, Looncy, dairy bill. Pushed unanimously. a. u. z, Aoatiif, to regulate ware houses. -Haines moved Indefinite postpone ment, when Senutor Adams uroso to the defense of his measure. Mlchcll opposed tho bill on broad legal grounds. TI,o mutlon for Indellnlte postponement carried by 15 to 0. UOUBi: TlltmstMY KVKNINO. Immediately arter roll call Young moved that the vote whereby the dental till was defeated, bo reconsid ered. Motion carried, but the mo tion to make tho bill n special order for II a. m. tomorrow failed to nnw. . -Wr,-A.J -oo- ,0 r) o -0 0 0 0 0 0 c (10 BEST C BEE! M The Model Oregon Newspaper and Family Journal. Uniting News, Fiction, Literary, Ranch an Dairy and Market News In attractive readable form. I 0 ii m Is issued Thursday morning in time to reach all parts of tho state tho panic week. T . Ml WaalVlir 1110 ipi.VV HBUA1Y ii In two partscnntalnaall Important Foreign, National and State News. LI 1 $3.00 All 1 Au Independent Associated Pross Paper for tho Peo ple. Send fpr samples free. Tiik JouuNAr. has the fullest report of the doings of the legislature and state officials, as well as Indepen dent, clear and concise common on all public matters. Send a trlul subscription. Solid Track. Solid Comfort, Roth arc yours If you take the Uurllngton Route. Two ways to go -via St. Paul, and via Hillings, Mont. Chooso the former If destined for Chicago and tho East; the lat ter If you want to reach Omaha. Kansas City, St. Louis, or any other southern or southeastern city HOURS ahead of the man who takes any other line. Tickets at offices of connecting lines. A. C. SHELDON. Geti'l Agent, Portland, Or. YAQITINA KOUTE I ORPART FOR Fast Mall 8 pm Spokane Flyer 330 p.m TIMB SCHEDULK. Fiom Portland. Salt Lake. Denver m. Worth. Omaha, Kansas ". am ty, St. Louis, Chicago id Fast. Walla Wallft, Spokane, Minneapolis, at. i'aul. Duluth, Milwaukee Clil- cago and hast 8pm Corvallis k Eastern Railroad Connecting at YAQUINA with tho YAQDINA BAY STEAMSHIP COMPANY STEAMEK3 "WEEOTT" Flrpt-clan tn ovory ro cct. Tho nbovo toaincr In duo to rail from Yaqulim every eight (lays. Fbm: IIOFEIi BROS. Nervous Dyspepsia To Oatn Flesh, to Sleep Well, to Know What Appetite and Good Di gestion Mean, AbkM4. Tknuurf. CZr? V '",u" uSMtt".j err,""'" "r "i4tM wntlua Blem Cteamery Uuuet. Made from tho purest and iweetost Rranuur bettor. '1 h only good but- w u" osiem market. Ak WTsSS t1.M?t? && ;r": wwn-pmoiiiS as wo JiUicnMiu.MkVrid w,,MWltliMay "Is just SEOTWVT ,U' ?t'WI.UFroothVre Kvery pound iyjrL'ltfttH'''r. Free wjrrautwl HHNATK - TIIVIWUAY ArrKUNOO.S Wf.U INTHODUOKl). S. II. 331, Howe, Uarloton oharler. 1'Ufc.ou. 8. II. 232, Smith, Uurns charter. Pussod. S. II. S33, linMiuiie, to proveut the empmeni uriuriotctl food from tho state. The foods we ctit furnish energy for the body jut as burning coal make strain for n engine. The experiments of Prof. Fnmklond, Ph. D., of Lon dwn, shows that cod-liver oil yields two und one-half times more energy than starches or sweets. so 1110 bin now btnnds ut tho foot of tho calendar, Stanley introduced ajolntrcslutlon, tho purport of which was to Instruct our congressmen to uso tholr Influence In "getting even" with tho Ilntish Parliament, for debarring American miners in tho Klondlko, Adopted. II. H. 217 by Rccder, authorizing, cm powering and directing tho sec retary of slate to execute a deed to certain lurid to J. K. Saling. l'rt'jbed. When Curtis' asscbsment und taxa tion bill camo up for consideration, Moody moved to go Into tho commit tee of tho whole for discussion of tho meusurc. uurrlcd. Tho speaker culled, "Roberts' Rules of Order", to tho chair. Tho bill as nrlnted mm. tains CO page and tho reading, sec tion by section consumed 30 minutes fort) sections. The committee then aroso reported progress and asked leavo to sit again. Mortor ujoyca that furtherconlderatlon of the bill 00 postponed. Carried. IM... ou general appropriation bill coming up ut 8:30 us a special order, the opinion of tho attornoy general, 011 tho legality of tho contract on whloh tho Salo.n Light and Traction company furnishes light to tho stato forpubllo bulldlnuB. wus rwi.t. miwI Stllliuan nroso u say thut wo aro juimiiBrewe were yoatorday, slneo urn opinion rendered wus a hypothesis and uot founded on fuots. After usuccoislou of motions und counter mullons, the motion to recon sider the voto whereby the Items of lighting publlo Institutions wore Urlakon out. Curried. Vl.l. .... . .... MiuuiBy um: "mt us have tho faoU !" Klugg sauntered over to the wcre tary of suto's ofllco uud bK'url u copy of tho ountroot. Tho point at Ksuo was whether or uot tho sute must stand by tho terms of the con truot. after tho contract hud been uroedovorbyiho original oompany to another Bi,Ullk. van for ful Ullmonu Tlw oontruet rmtding ..r lia OUCCtti-MIM or UYS- MAKE A TEST OF STUART'S PEt'SIA TAULETS. No trouble Is moro common or moro misunderstood thun nervous dyspep sia. Proplo having It think their nerves aro to blumo and are surprised that they aro not cured by nerve ,,V,LC.",FS' -i im rein scat or tho mis chief U lost sight or, The stomach Is tho orgun to bo looked uftcr. Nervous dyspoptlcs orten do not have any pain whutovcr In tho stom. uch, nor perhaps any of tho usual nyaipioms or stomach weakness. Nervous rlyspcpslu shows Itself not in wiuaiuuucii so mucn us in nearly uvery orgnn. In nomo cases the l.cart palpitates and is Irregular: In others tho kidneys aro nfTocted; in others the bowels nro constipated, with head aches: still others uro troubled with tw"ui nun 11 iiiiti iiiinnriTii4 with nrt !.. .!. ----- . ,... '!! Uf YuiuuiuiiuuBoigus, Hour ris ngs und heartburn. .Is safe to say that Stuart's Dys poysla Tablets will euro any 8tollluc, weakness or disease except cancer of tho stomach. They cure sour stom- Notice. The annual meeting of tho John A. Logan, Veteran Reunion Association, for the election of ofllccrs for the en suing year, will take pluce at O. A. R. Hull, Mehuma, Or., on Feb. 11, lfiOO. All that are Interested uro cordially invited to attend. Mits. Anna Oashatt, Vlce-Pru.iliipnf.. John W. Iiivine, Secretary. The Homeliest Man in Salem As well as the handsomest, and others are Invited to call on any druggist and got freo a trial bottlo of Kemp's Ilalsam fpr tho Throat nnd Lungs, u remedy that Is guaranteed to euro and believe all Chronic nnd Acito Coughs. M,,n,iV . llr,?rncllltl9 "d Consump tion. Price Kc. and Cec. Bhortr-at Itouto Ilctwecii lichuco Valley Points and hn Francisco Albany and l'olnts West to San Franclaco Cabin $10.00 Hound Trip 17.00 II. U WAI.DKN, KDWIN HTONE, T K.Al'.A. Manager. J. 1 UKNEK. Auent, Albany, Oto. WILLAMETTE UIVEIt DIVISION STEAMER WM. M. H0AG, C'Aptaln Oco. Rnabe. Kuniilng between rortland ami Corrallli, stopping at all way landing)), KIVEK SCHEDULE. DOWN-Tuesdays, Tlitiraitayi and Suiutays. Uarca Cnrvallla..... . 6 a.m. Uavea Albftny............ 7 n ln Iarea llncua Vlita . . Ha. in. Leatoi Indenendeiipp on . lavoi Balcni...........ioa, u. in.w..cnucrK . ,.IZ;30 Arrlre Portland . .j:so UI'-Mondaya, Wcdiuadajaand Frldara. Lcarca rortland... 0 m lx;aca .Vcwlwrff 10:30 a. 111. IiCiivoa Balcin . . 3.,-to n m Iavei Indeiiciiilciitc :OHmii. leaves Ilnena Vliia 7:30 ,,, m, Leavea Albany. 9.-aon.tn. Arrive Corvallis ii:i ,V ,. Tho att-ftmer hn Itnnn nniilnn.ul vlii. n.. claai (vcconimolntloii Including an clvsAiit Dlano. Umiirpaacd passenKers. 8 n m ex, Sun. Saturday 10 p m Ivave Salem 7115 p m jVusThu and oat 10a m. MonWe.l Fri OCEAN STEAMSHIPS, For San Franclaco. Sail every five daya ARRIVk. 6-'4S P.i ipokane Flyer 830 a m 4 P 4I ex i iun COLUMDIA RIVER STEAMERS To Astoria nnd way land. logs, WILUME1 TE RIVERS Ar Salem Portland, Newburg and 6 p.m. Way Landlnga. JFor Day ton L Salem Tu.lhur Sat 3p. m WILLAMETTE RIVEN Corvalln Albany and Way Points. a ftlou Wedi Fri Tu Thur Sat 33"P m Ar Salem 10 a m Mon Wed and Fri WILLAMETTE RIVER DIVISION Dilly bot$ to Portland as above. Transfers to street car line at Oreg Olty if the steamers are delayed there oand trip tickets to all points in Oregon, Washing, ton, or California. Cottnectloi made nt Port, land with all rail, ocean andrivcr line W. II. HURLUURT. O. M. TOWERS. Agent, Trade street dock Salem. IJOISE & HARKER, City Agents. -TAKE THE. Canadian Pacific R.R And Soo Pacific Line foii.ueapohs St. Paul -TO- for carrtiig both frclKht and W$& w5r mil . miur Toun FACB Showa the state of your fejllngs and the state ol your health as well, Impure blood makes fuel apparent In a pih and sallow complex on. Pimples and Skin Eruptions. I you are feel ng weak and worn outand do not Imrr a healthy inrn-. .,. .1 1. . .. . r f -- iwit aiiuuiu iry ACk.r's lllood El xir It cuies all blood called purifiers Nil, knowing this we sell ereiy b ttle on a positive gusrantee. I.unn & Brooks, druggists. DockFootnf Stalo street. O. MAEIITZ, AKcnt. Bnlem, OrcRon. C8UI.UVAN.Hupt. Albany, Oregon. Oregon Slion Line Railroad The Direct Itouto to Montana, Utah. Colorado and all Eastern Points Gives rhotco of two fatorlto route, via the Inloti I'Ht'lhu Kat Mall Line, or Iho ltlo Orando Bccnlc Lluei. Look nt the time H Dayctn Salt Lake 2i Days to Denver 3r DaystoChlcauo U Days to New York ttte lteollnliiK Chair Cara UphohtcrM Tour Ut 8leplii)t Cars, and hillnmn I'hImcu Slci-peraoperati-d on all trains. Fur further Information apply.to IIOISE AllAHKEIt, AKcnta.Salom. W E. (OMAN, Ucit'l Agent. C. O. TEItllV, Trav. IMm ABt. . l2ITIUr.t St., I'ortlaiid, Or. Chicago rhilndelnhla Washington Montreal Toronto New Vork a .lall poinu east and southeast UStn daSons1'"1 ,at" bct,e,vice a,ui ccommo. K,Tpi0)Bh.r-OUti$l ,le.e',crs t0 Minneapolis, 1'chafSm0( Mntrertl- nnd 1,-'" Canadian Pacific Railway (Jo's. Pmprei's inn i-f !.. -Ut. . i r . . ,....., a,b.mps lo japan an I China, I he lament and Imuit dlnpj on the la ocean orient Shortest nnd bast route acilic to the Canadian Auslralian S. S. Co. un.ee rnone No. 40. 288 Commrrri.i . ' Kesideuce I'hone No. iS. Salem, 6 Or II. ir Altllrt'r. Tlnrd street. Portia n. t.' ..,. . J. COYLE, D'-tilcl 'senger Agent. Vancouver B. O Agent, 146 OA8TOR3:A, Aaarstas Tl Kind Yorj Hin Alwjs Blit Rlalu rTmr . .BiaMaaiHBBaCBiaiiinJka '' -.B y . V-XtT. WJTT t &&& V ACKER'S DYSPEPSIA TAULETS ARK h?. i.CMI"7 &". Cures heart -. iiut1; ui lie IlVvi. tiict. fstlnBoranyrormof dysnewla. CW 11, L immediate relief. jcc and ?oc. tab'et Dives I Lunn Ac Rrookr, druggists, ;M;tas si. pio, ;rr.7,n:'i;KX7rr' si Jt mm mm -' M. tZM "J." UT "a- " a " ft'KMdYwHawtfMwBattH Usa-ni of IklKwdYM HORN, icv)tt's Emulsion is pure cod-liver oil combined with "iluimuM!wes ot Hmc and . ,uw,l,on now camo ock It forms fat. wl &. Btmimrli -.-!.-. 1. 'i..r V .1.' 1 "'" u ? Konortt, PProprw ... b... w, iuiiw uic DIOQU, '" ""' "f mo other or "itpcoiat" Uiviiraniies Ule nerves. nn,l rriy,vvaoni. dually tho whole uShlmw l.u rtllAJl -', .,w iwuuawHutwuin extent sot Vot arKuuiont succewdotl lru uient, until a motion to adopt all sec tloti in thht relation, which ycsiCr. leMay wero stricken out. faitrt ... carry. Ily TOt0 Of2too th n,... uilttco then arose nnd wixirted prok' nii - .w ..uvklllll I1I11T f.rt..n .... - .. t as 10 must bo acii. us, los of tlet.li und annetlto rinn,PJ!!P'l"0'!. 'fitburn hotid for valuable llulo txvuk nn KliU F f ull"; W "KaKcs W wrlUr7of 8t Uulir" wwnwr "nU aocreuryof tho Mission Uoani "&&U I-aGilppe is again epidemic. Even cutlon should be tafm 7...Vve.ri specihc euro i. One M.uute Cough Cure pre. It's A A Few Interesting Facts When people are contemplrtlng a trlu whether on business or pleasure, they natur. ally want the best service obtainable so far as speed, comfort and sifetv is eon.m,i. employes of the Wltmnim r.n..., 1 1 paid to serve the public and our trains are operated so as to make clo e connections with diverging lines at all junction Jom I ullrnin Palace Sleeping and Chair car, on through trains. a UCane."' '"'" unexcelIeJ. MmIi in oraer jo obtain this first-cltss service k the .icket agent to sell you a "eke" over 1MB WISWOT CBNTRAL LINKS Sinrt Et. C' Milwaukee all .lrfe.any,ur' " lnfanlon call on any ticket agent or correspond with 7 JAS. C, POND, ueneral Pass. Agnt. or JAS. A. CLOCK, Mlwvu. Ww. General Agent, 346 Stark Street, Portland, Ork. Dissolution of Partnership. EAST AND SOUTH VIA T"E SHASTA RO'JTE OF THE Southern Pacific Co 6:00 r m 825 pm .CIS A M EXPRESS TRAINS RUN DAILY i-v..., rortland. ,.Ar uy.. ..aateu ....Lv. 0 AM CO A M 00 PM (9:3 Ar. Sin FrnnrIe T .. )o- rr j wM.xr 1 0.-00 r m jeflerson, A bany" ft. Sh ffigS L'V,ri,bu,r.' iunctIon Cfiy, Eugene, CrewSI SorsafifromrQRVC' ?fmn' lanSd and a . frTuJB Ashland, inclusive. .wiiwauiL, DAILY. 30 A Ml Lv .. I'oTrramn'.ArT iiiiiann a t .- jo55 ah 1., " a: v:i s M.30 1 520PM I Ar "'"" l.viso:ph -3-,--"!iJ!v ..jKoseburg.. Lv 730 A u "" MailM,!3,RTN?AND CORVALL.S. ilaii tuins dailyjexcept Sunday. -..i-Alir .Corvallis. . Lv f i.-ao p u (eriiker. K. Will be dlcinrtn..l -KH v.uie tor store. The public ore hereby nntltin'ri ,i,, 1 1 lie mus nn inc. z. :. " J"u,n' i, ".-" """uiuciii, nrm leretn Jn usinc One M.n..!H2 State strprtr. ..n,,i' .K.usnessat uc"f"'" isnsasa 'Ete wsa i.viV "' '. uu' m on Uoart of ffirk SW Mol,,t Churcirchie Harhn?. L&AUVt for the oScoretarvfor thet Lot." Scl.oo I'atron Aochition and the DlstrhTt! LVnforeuconf m r.i. ".,. ..ir,Kl Ohurch: Im, takes n uc ive p, I hi tho work of Epworth Leauuo an lopios for ioveral maailnos. Huw hn ootflo weeks aK'o my brother hPM :'9.K' t7o7I7i?ElTcure a, dehghau wxt "iir,,,ptsir-x Unn&'UrkrUKi.",0'1 "d & llorribt na skid IhseaJei TV... . ,, "uns crelby.De Vi? "d wire f. .' "UJ bf r.les. BQ.n, proprietor and organs. M 5w cini nn ni, iq ...1 dealer in pianos and L A. Whai.r. uinsa.acn,d& W" 'neCt Whh GXPRESa Tn.,n. . .. . ' ' ""'T"iLYKxCEPT SUNDAY. . . Portland 4.'Sopm) Lv 7.'30P Mt Ir 8yo pm) Ar Ari 8.-2S a M Independence Lvf'.e au DlTfCt m . . v. y.'r""" 5n i-rancisco with r I H.x McMinnvilleLvUeSi ') 4.'5o Ctwir Cars Between Portland and Albany smoklntr m,,,,. hVT'. attractive particular. 26 cent; irr"?:., " ,e.Vy SffiSi leu Is atur. v OVi"'u "i 1 no AtKtK'b ENGLISH RFrpn' w . top a cough at anr tti . .n 1 7,V W,LL -nJ.it.ifc.' ..""?' nd will cure tt. wont com in ,.r. ,.. fUn.! .;::"." ". or 8UU ,J,SW UUnn M7-td nmnn 1 Uroiki, drug ' uui. nn iiiHH.n i...i.. jhl. UBii. "-, mi 1 ir.'i7a.K,."'i! "M Indliniuin: 4vlzlTlf.,ffri' rai sis feKSSXrS nnd in 1.... CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. KftHaSft.S m You ta Al Bought agnatttroof Mr. S. A. Fackl Pj..-..r .... ?vy, (Kia.,j HUIer. ,r:r;,"' ADf . M,."n Thuu S a ICtClhr. nC afttcr fleets Js o'f oth. s'u Vt.:"!."'"'. tw U G-lnr.. .. " .J!m7 Stone', D,VW. ""'" aStlte'lterM. andhesUquicki" ? Eet ,he Stone's D-ui: .tie Ut "Sh ?&; S 'ortland mm rtttM I sLsVat lra.JPlsH CURE YOURSELF! If AKMpiVENDVI)Q Wbi'.. fOR -lU m3SK&8 m niuitl'URT, CONN t Granite. n0 X1 ' '"rpataea Marble T. a WAIT, Agent, Ui Mill St. and ISO Static St. '0-dw SALEM, ORE. repairs tissues. in uiiii lor uimaiural , irrtuiteni r ukvriLiJ Ot OlUCOUi U,I.ZS , AtAU m4 ferrwd to the ways and mean, com JSl,f',1(1'o,ueadJournlu. ' tu 10 a- tu., tomorrow. . - VM..UUU IIIIIIIIIKH Mtl k . aitKENIIAOir-OuFobruarvO A proporttquo to aid In th RMlmilatlonnf Wt WIW, I h ton. cml'lrtS.fcS'Sfc ssisajiSotPTj.j-'jtgtsss, TtJ4 1 .. -. wi. 1 nuarinv 1 t llHtfrMsCHtwienCo or VoliSo" rta' ftjattvt sa-u-swM.3-1t.10 LUH.UJ SOIU l.y DrtiB-..,. f dyUtf r Mat la pU ,... - v tho rluht ,yvii I ft ft 4T. WM9m m 1 mV US aBsW0, k'JK