DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL ,ip tmmx y Mwi.iiJm- r-"fri-nfrw -.rj-y - .- --- "' alar ftiii" '- VOJU. SALEM, OREGON, ITIUDAY, ITEBlUJAItY 10, 1899, JNO, 35 Our shoe sale Only seven pairs men's thigh boots left. Price $2.50 and $3.00 Ladies' storm rubbers, Bostons 40c Ladies' storm Bay state, all sizes 25c Men's short rubber boots , 1.90 AH of our fall and winter lines of shoes regard' less of cost must make room for on immense spring stock. Krausse Bros. 275 Commercial Street. OUR K2CX. REDUCTION SALE urn ILL be continued another month at greater reduction than ever. It will be of malerial benclit to avail yourself of this sale as goods will not be duplicated at same prices after January 31, 1899,3CJw 'A ' by ' W.-'l ,..: REMEMBER t All Mackintoshes at manufacturer's prices, MmmB&Bmfe&B U Our 53,50 latent I . shoes for menvthc you S5, Dressy footwear, lry a pair. sM S KJ J . "l 94 State street, aalem, uregon vr" .--. - i'rMT' F&& 5J V) v WANTED POTiTOES, IIS, Hi! AND WEJPAY.niGIlEST.iOASHCPR-UE. AND DRIED FRUIT CO. 53 Slate Street, OREGON GREEN Suitable Tools j U still on G, W, Johnson & Co, ? Learner ana cnamei kind that used to cost Shoe Store . 10 FOR ALL TRADES. A man might as well try to work with his hands alone unless he has the tools that help. THE BEST Is none too good for the man that dos the work. TilE BEST can always be fouud at GRAY BROS. 3VnH.C?if3!?SSS5iSJS?2a!SSi WVtfyv n -- - - - - "fr:2'lr:vfiV3-:iiraejy)eiy'j-vty(AiT UA10 LEGIS LATURE Dental Practice Bill Passes Flagg Supports thejext-book Reform Bill. Stillman's Bill on School Land Re form Passes. II. 13.72 Wd9 a special order for 10 o'clock, but on motion of was recommitted for Young It further amendment. The Senate substitute for the House resolution protesting against tlio seating In congress of Brlgham II. Robert, was referred to the com mittee on resolutions, on motion of McCulloch. H. B.2H, Introduced by Stanley, lor a dontul law, which wni defeated Thursday wuseullcd up for reconsid eration, and aroused a lively discus sion. Grace supported the bill; Ford uoy and Itccder opposed it. The bill then passed. Flagg announced that the commit tee on education was roady to roport on S. 0. 141, the Daly text book bill, and moved Unit tho bill be made a special order for2 p m.Whulloy Imcdl ately objected to this on tho ground that tho committee report was not yet In. Flagg then changed his motion to Include the report of tho commit tee Whalley opposed this aud was sopportcd by Morton. Tho motion was then divided and tlio commlttco report was made special order for 2 p. in. On making the bill a special order for 2:110 a roll call was de manded. This does not give a fair test of the strength of the bill us some members voted no who will vote for the bill on Its passage. Ayes Bayer, Brnttaln, Conn, Cum tilings, Flugg,.Oniy, Gregg, Mill, Hob- kirk, Jones, Mussinglll, McQueen, Moody, Myers.Nlchols, Piilmor.lMatts, Roberts, Stewart, Stump, Virtue, Whitney, Wilson, Wouncott, Mr. Speaker; 25. Noes Blackaby, Hrlggs, Butt, Cur tis, Donnelly, Farrill, Fordney, Free- land, Gruce, Hall, Knight, Urine, Lumsoii, Lewis, Marsh, Maxwell, Mc Allster, Mr.Court, McCulloch, Mo, tot., Reeder, Riss, Shtsrwin, Smlh, S 111-man,- Thompson, Thompson. Tun plug, VYIi.uta, Wll lunon, Yuutirf; :il. Absent 4. II. W.Scott looked In on the House for a half hour or so. HILLS PASSlil). II. B. 288, Stanley, Dental law. Read first tlmo January 25. II. B. 201, Stlllmun, to umend section 13 of an act to provide for the ap propriation of water from lukes and running streams and other purposes. II. B. 374: Stillmat:. chairman com mittee on public land, to with draw from salo certain school lands und reducing tho rate nf Interest on school funds, etc SBNATR FKIDAV KOItBNOON. The tirst business of tho day whs consideration of tho Daly school bill, asrevisodby the educational commit tee, constituting a comnlote educa tional code. Chairman Kuykondall explained, and tho same was ordered printed with amendments. 'nilllD UKADINO. S. B. Ofi. Kuykendall. Fixing terms or cdurt in second Judicial dis trict, Passed, S. B. 08. Bates. Ruad bl.l. Tabled. S. B. 83. Bates, to encourage wldo tired vehicles, granting u rebate In road tax for use of wagons with 3 Inolios or over In width, of 81 for ouch wheel; ulso an additional rebate of 82 for ouch wagon hav ing 4 Inolios outside of front wheals. " Tho senators spoke almost ununl- mously for the bill. Passed. S. B. 03. Adams. To prohibit riding or driving of animals on any loot path bordering public roads. Passed its amended, S. H. 101. Mitchell. To provide for acceptance by tho state and re clamation of certain lands. Kelly spoke agalntst tho bill, as. sorting that It was in the Interest of land-grabbing syndicate benutor Mitchell resented the Imi tation and spoke for the bill. Praal -dent Taylor called Senator Kuyken dall to the chulr, and Bpoke for the hill. Fulton also spoke for tho bill. Rled showed that this bill was in the Interest of small farmers, and Dr.! Driver recited iieautlful poetry In the interest of tlio measure. Senator Smith opposed the bill. Tlio bill was tn n do n special order for 2:30 next Monday. Wan to Govern Th-mselves. j CmcAao, Feb. 0. A special to the Tltues-Uerald from Washington, says: From a high otllclul of the administra tion have been learned some facts In connection with tho policy with President McKlnlcy Intends to put in force In the Philippines, which show his earnest Intention to establish In those islands a government of und by the natives which shall be protected from foreign interference by this country. This olllclal said that had Agutu- aldo succeeded In forming a govern ment In Luzon that could have stood tho test of operation, nono would have been more gratlllcd than the president. Secrotarv Hav. near the close of h term as ambassador to Great Britain consulted with British forclgu of liclals respecting tho government df Indian states under tho Brltls crown. As a result of his Inquiry ft had been determined to accept tbii rule of the sultan of the Sulu archi pelago. Thus self-government will be accorded to u portlou of tlio now colonial possessions from tho be ginning, and self-government will likewise be accorded to other sections of the territory which ure capable of exercising It. It cannot be stated with dollnlto ness that any section looking to the nottllcatlon of tho natlvos of the Philippines and the Sulu archipelago of the charge of sovereignty will be tnudo for tho preset t. Rcttr-Adiulral Dewey will distribute the proclama tion which will bo Issued, but suoli action may not bo taken until after there has been a full consideration Of the ontlro Philippine situation by tho commission of which Rear Admiral Dewey and General Otis arc members, Flootfcd, AuumtN, Cal., Feb. 10. Tho rcser voir at the Big Dipper mine, In the Iowa IIII1 mining district has broken and curried away tho entire mill, black imlth shop und drying-house. Flvo Chinese utid one whlto man, Joseph Fabcr, were killed and their bodies wero found several miles down tho canyon. Tho loss of tho mine company Is heavy, and will reach up ward of $20,000. The Big Dipper ranks us una of the richest gravel mines In California. The New Process. . Tito Salem Flouring Mills "Special" Hour Is now better thau evor. Try It. -ltr Daly Text Book Bill Forward Nichols, Stewart and Fordney Report it to the House, The Large Republican Majority Will Not Down the Bill, The Daly toxt-book bill that passed the senato will be brought U) a voto Id tho House. As tho matter stands a handsome majority of the IIouso Is for tho bill. Governor Geer and tlio Marlon county dologallon are for the bill. Tho light for toxt-book reform Is now narrowoddown to a fequuro con tost botwoen the Intelligence, courugo und fidelity to the people of sixty representatives In tho Orogon legisla ture and tho A morlcflR Book Co. of Ttartlnnil Mint, ivuntjl n ninnll filX VfUlTS longer. Hurrah for Nlohol and Stewart! Thoy have foroad the Daly taxi-book hill out of the hands or the House education committee. Th8uommltto wuntod to kill the hill and nrevant luelHlailvci rollef hut Putor Fordney, a Pop'illst, from Wallowa county, oloeted by aid of Republican yotos, refused U be a party to smothering a report. The bill will bo reported to th House this evening. NlUnOLS, STEWART and FORD NEY will be remembered by all true' CMtcliuiel oh Kourlh Pag. HDRRAU! BAH! OUR BOYS Make Another Heiv oic Attack, Maaa-aa-aMa-) Rebels Mowed Down Like Grass- American Losses Reported as Vory Slight. Ilr Aaaoolnteil I'rcaa In flip Joarnnl. Manila, Feb. 10. At 7:40 p. m. Tho American forces, this afternoon made a combined attack upon Uulo can and reduced It In short order. At a signal from tho tower of the Dc la Lome church, (United States signal station) The uionlter Monadnock opened tiro from tho bay with tho big guns In the fore turret on tho earth works with great effect. Tho rebels reserved their lire until tho bombard ment ceased, when they tired volleys or musketry, as tho Montana regi ment was 'advancing on the Jungle and the Kansas regiment, on extreme loft with artillery deploying to right charged across the open and curried theciirthworks,uuil,d cheering, under a heavy lire. Supported by artillery at tho church .by tioops which were advanced, driving tho enemy and lighting for cvo-y font, right into the town and penetrated to tlio presi dency and lowered tho Filipino Hag. The enemy's sharpshooters In tho Jutiglo on the right fired ut long rungo on the Pennsylvania regiment, but were soon silenced by sharapnel und the Ponnsylvunluns remained In the trenches. As tho Americans ad vanced they burned the native houses. Tlio rebels wero mowed down like grass, hut tho American loss was slight. Washington, Feb. 0. -Owing to tho pressing need or additional slgnul corps men In tho Philippines It hus been decided by tho war department to strengthen tho corps In tho Islands by additions or ono company, ro crtiltcd from tho voluntcors stationed there. Telegraph and signal men, tho war department says, arc worth nioro than generals of division in tho present crisis. Washington, Feb. 10, Alger wont to cabinet meeting today without of ficial advices from Otis as to tho situ ation ut Mnnllu. Oniclals do not ex pect an attempt will bo made to land troops at Ilo llo Immediately. It is posslblo It has been concluded to bo good policy to allow the natives, or Panay, to learn of the dlsastorous fato that bus overtaken Agulnuldo's forces, hoping thoy may bo Induced to nbato their resistance to General Miller's landing. Eyen If an attack took place, according to tho orlglnul plan, news or tho result has not yet reached here, Manila, Feb. 10.-3:45 p. m. In unflclpatloifol a native uprising in this city, unusual precautions were taken last night by the American authorities, Fortunately this proved unnecessary. Tho Fllllplnos are evidently convinced that an uprising would prove suicidal. Tho Ameri can lighting lino Is about tho sumo us on Wednesday. A scouting parties or the Dakota regiment yesterday surprised the Fllllplno scouts at the bridge acrusi Paramiue river. Tho enemy retired hurriedly, swimming tho stream to reach tho main body of rebels coming in: hoping to ho allowed to enter Manila hut have been refused and new are afraid to return to the enemy's ranks, CmcAao, 10. The crest of tho cold wave has passed hero. Such Is not the case ut other points. Many places throughout tho oast reported a record breaking temporature toduy. Wahhinoton, Feb. 10, Hepburn, nlialrmau of tho committee on Inter state and forolgn commerce gave no tlco In the house that he would offer the Nlcaraguu canal bill as an amend ment to tho sundry civil bill. Washington, Feb. 10. At a cab inet meeting today, the president road -a brief extract from tho roport of tlio war Investigation commission and the mutter was discussed informally. Question or an exta session of con gress also discussed und it Is the opin ion or tho members of tho cabinet Hut In caso of failure of the army re organization bill an extra session will be nocossary. New Oregon Postmaster, Washington, Feb. 10 President nominated Marlon F. Dawes to be postmaster at Union, Or. EXTRA 1 4 O'CLOCK LATE DISPATCHES, Washington, Feb. 10. Tho treaty of pcuco has been signed by the presi dent this afternoon. Washington, Feb. 10. In senate a htll .lmnnrilni nn net. nrnvidlnt for th6 reimbursement, governors, stutcfl, nnr1 tnrrltrirlivs. for i-innrmoq incurred aud territories, for expenses incurred In raising and equipping the volun teer nrmy was icported from the com mlttco on military affairs. Too bill wont over. Ajlon offorcd a Joint reso lution, providing for submission to tho legislatures tho umendmont to tho constitution, providing for tho election of United States senators by a direct vote of tho pcoplo, Laid on tabic STATE STOVE FOUNDRY. Report of the lioard of Managers to the Legislature, By virtue of a resolution passed during tho prcsont session of the leg islature, tho board or managers or the State Stovo Foundry was directed to affect a settlement and compromise of the Indebtedness duo tho Stato of Oregon from Locwonbcrg &Qolug Co., tlio Northwestern Stovo B'oundry, J. Loewerihcrg, and J. W. Ooing, on the basis of a payment of thirty two thousand tlye hundred dollars; ten thousand dollars In cash, and the balance lu notes secured satisfactor ily to tho board, In full tor all do iiiiiods against tho contractor, up to and Including January 1, 1800. In compliance with tho requlro mentof tho said Joint resolution, tho board of managers of the state stovo fuundary have effected a settlement In substantial compliance with Its provisions. Tho sulci J. Loowcnbcrg, Loowcnberg Going & Company, and northwest stovo fouudry, have paid to tho said board or Managers tho sum of 310,000.00 In cush, und given two promlsory notes, ono amounting to $10,000 payable on January 1, 1000, and tho other for $12,500, payublc Jituuury 1, 1001 said notes to draw Interest at tho rate or six por coot per annum. The payment of theso notes Is secured by property situated In tho penitentiary, aud belonging to tho said Loowcnborg & Going Co. and hold by the present superintendent of tho penitentiary, and to bo hold by his successor In oillco until the said notes aro paid In full. The old leaso for convict labor has been surrendered and cancelled, and a now lease for tho numbor of convicts thoroln sot out bus bcou mado with Loowcnborg&Golng Company, Instead of with J. Loawenborg as formerly, and the old leato for tho ritovo Plant bus been assigned, with consent of tho board, to said Loowenborg & Going Co., rent to bo paid quurtoly lu udvance. Tho rcnthas been paid in ad vance for the current quarter. Tho contract further provides that In caso of tho falluro of said Loowon berg & Going Co., to pay the rent as thoroln specified, or In caso the secur ities for tlio said two notes shall In any manner become reduced In value in any amount whatever, that the notes shall Immediately become dun nnd collectible, ut tho option of tho Board. T. T. Gek.u, Governor, F. I, Dunhak, Sccrotury of Stato, Ciias. S. Mooui:, Stato Treasurer. A Pacific Coble. II K Anaoclnted Vrtu to (lie Journal. Washington, Feb, 10. Tho presl- hus sent a messugo to congress urging that measures bo taken looking to construction of a Pacific cable, IT PAYS TO LOOK! If you keep In the same beaten path In tlio search for goods, you'll bo the loser. In theso days of brlKht I leas, bright thoughts, bright merchants, bright stores and good judgement, you should Took around. It will pay you to look at the many sterling values shown by us. New Battenburg Laces and Rings from 2fi to 50 per cent cheaper than you huvo been puying. Sco our line, New Percales New Madras Hoautlful new spring styles; why not muko that Shirt Waist not ? New Curtains In values thut aro unsurpassed, lovely now ouos, at prices thut defy competition, 85c to $10 a pair, Point d'Sprit And plain nets for sash curtains; also designed Iloblnettcs andBwlsses. 15c to 50c yd. Jos. Meyers Saijeivi's Greatest FIGHTING REBELS J JnfeavV FlOflltlflJ? O 5 at Calocan, Rebels Driven Out With Groat Loss to the Latter, Ho Ilo Being Bombarded Dtwey's Fleet, By Hr Amolnlril I'rcaa lu the .Journal, Manii,a, Fob. 10. 10 n, in. Tho rebels have apparuntly selected Mala bon as their buse of operation with the Americans, as they are concen trating lu considerable force thcro and at. Calocan. Many surill bodies of scattered troops ure straggling In from tho right, and others aro un doubtedly arriving from tho north In terior provinces. Agulnaldo Is reported to haye es tablished headquarters at Mulubou for the purpose of rallying his forces for a decisive blow. In order to cover their movements, tho rebels again opened tiro upon tho Kansas outposts lust night from the Jungle. Tho llnng wns continued for 20 minutes, but without effect. Tlio Americans reserved their llio until a detachment of tho enemy emerged from tho bamboos, when a well-directed volley mado the rebels scuttle back to their cover llko rabbits. Boyond this everything Is quiet on tho firing lino, Tho Fourteenth Infantry has un earthed several tons of Spanl ih shells which had ovldontly been stolon from tho Cuvlto urscnul and cached by the rebels Id tho vicinity of Paranduo. Fifteen cartloads of It hayo been brought Into tho city, us a purt of Its mount. There Is no doubt that tho gun wns olthcr Btulcn by tho Insur gents or ' removed from ono of tho Bunkcu warships. Manila, Feb. 10. 10:30 p. m. tho United States forces uttackid and curried Calocan thlc afternoon. Tho action was short and decisive, tho enemy was driven out with great loss, Chicago, Fob. 10. Spcolal to tho Trlbuno from Washingten: Ilo Ilo Is now being bombarded by a portion of rewey's llcotunlcss tho natives huvo surrendered on tho demand of General Miller. General Otis udvlfcd Secre tary Algor that ho hud sent tlio First Tonncssco Infantry to relnforco Gen. Miller and tho commanding officer of that organization carried In structions for him to demand tlio ovacuatlou of Ilo Ilo by 0 o'clock Friday morning. Senatorial Voting. Ilr Aaaooiutoi! 1'rena to the Jonrnnl. Dki.awauk, Feb. 10. Gray 10; Ad drlcks 5; Chandler 13; Steven 3; Signed Articles. Ilr Aa-ouUteU I'rcaa lu tlitf Journiil, New Yohk, Feb. 10. Fltzslmmom and Jeffries signed articles today to fight. Crr Hobtlllni'a Dm! m ana bikini oawde, Waist Silks An advanco shipment of our selco tlon for spring, Is now on display. Ueautiful excluslvo waist patterns. $3.50, $4.50, $6. NEW TAFFKTAS NEW LIBERTY SATINS. Near Silk The correct dress lining and many novelties In our lining department. NEW OERIBE CARDINAL AND MARINE HLUE WOOL MOREENB. Pull Ribbons Tho newest attraction, In lovely und effective sylcs. Wool Caps To pull over your ears; ust tho thing to keep out tho cold, Remnants in All Lines at Clearance RoVal Baking Powder Made from pure cream of tartar. Safeguards the food against alum Alum baking po-ydm are the greatest menace- to health of the present day. WOYH iAKIHO fQwet CO.. WW vtw. Porto Kiel's Cabinet. Ilr A-aoclntcd I'rcaa to tha Jonrnnl. San Juan De Pouto Rice, Feb: 10 Governor-General Henry has ap pointed FrancUco Acuna, Independ ent llboral, now attorney of the sup remo court, to bo secretary of state; Mr- Coll, liberal, has been appointed secretary or linanco, and Fredcrlcko do Gatan, radical, has been appointed secretary or tho Interior. Tho lib erals aro dissatisfied with General Henry's chango or policy. Munoz Rivera announces ills Intention ot going to Washington soon In order to "sccuro relief from oppressive milita rism," which ho says will estrange the Porto Ulcans from tho United States. A Splendid Job. Tho bill or faro lor tho magnificent dlnuer given last night at Hotel Will amette by President Taylor to the Oregon senate, stato officials and supremo court, was furnished by Conovor, tho printer. Hill Anderson Is looking up 6000 empty bottles. Ho wants to bottlo up enough or this sunshlno to let out later on to counteract any chill the lcglsluturo may glvo the atmosphere In tho near future. Ho saysho thinks ho can find enough In the homo market. A, W. Cheney, or tho Oregon City Courtcr-IIcrld, Is In tho city endeav oring to kill tho bill creating a commissioners court lor Clackamas county. WHEAT MARKET. Ilr Aaaoolatcd I'rcaa to tha Jonrnnl. Chioaqo, Feb. 10,-May V; cash 2 red 72. San Fiiancibco, Feb. 10. May 1.151 cash 1.12. WOOL O LOVES. WOOL SOUKS. WOOL UNDERWEAR. The North Winds ley Kiss Is cold und cruel, but our Frieze Ulsters At closing prices will soon dispel IU chilling touch, New Shirts With horizontal stripes; solid bodies; great values. $1 and $1,25 NEW TEROALES NEW MADRAS NEW GINGHAMS NEW PUFFS NKW SPRING COATS NEW GLOVES Prices, & Sons. Stoke. A full beard isn't j S much consolation to ) ) a man with a bald s j head Ayer's j Hair Vigor J ( will make hair grow, j 3 at i l u - II i 1 V . 1 '-.- I' I P iS T "4 1.4 .' "'