''VVM1 '" '-!,, tf timmmmtmu tA'atftt i iirnnirTin i RAND OLIMAX! T,-i wlnH tin nnr ntihtml winter sate. wo, win uoiu a Grand Clearance Sale .One WeeLJan. 6th to 11th, Inclusive. 8TOHK Bargains in all Departments. HOLVERSON'S oa.su STORE rthii;wiidfiiittmmmmfMmii mmmA ft FINE CLASS Of Young Gentlemen and Ladles Complete the Ninth Grade, Some Excellent Recitations and Splendid Dull Work by the Junior Class. TOW and Towe .-, For the balance of the week we offer SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS ' In ail lines of towels and towelling. Sec North Window. J. J. DALRYMPLE &. CO. A New Thing,. Wo arc always strictly up-to-date nod watoh fur new tilings to offer our customer. Wo can obango your Gold Rimmed Glares to IMiiilessoi tlio latest ntylc. Como nnd hoc tlio work. All kinds of upcctaolcs repair dono and made same as new, MY liS THSTRI) FREE. C, H, HINGES 2WJ COMMERCIAL KTIIKKT. THE SENATORIAL UANQUKT. Program of Toasts for President Taylor's Supper Tonight. President. Tom Tuvlor will this ovcnlng entertain IiIh colleague and friends with n Aiirmer ut tliu Wlilnm. otto, nt 7:30 o'clock. Tlio following program will bo announced by tlio toast master of tlio occasien: "Thrill! Whom Wn Now T'ntnrfnln " Senator Driver, Hcsponno (lovornor Ocor, Hlalo Judiciary Senator Hmltli. llCSDOnRU Cllluf JllAf Ifit Wnlvnrtnn. Effect of Expansion to tlio J'aulllu Coast Souutor Fulton. Oregon Is Proud of liar S Idlor Hoyit Senator Hrowiiell, Tho Effect of Education on Legis lature Honator Mulkoy. If It Worn Not for the Oregon Log Nature What Would tlio Supremo Court Do ? Judge Moore. Tlio Kirect of "Lady Clerks" in Legislation to. Oregon. Honator Reed. ' ' Notice. Tlio young moil who tore down and used for fuel a row section of tlio Leo Mission cctuutcry funco during tlio coasting coiuon must renow tlio buuio without delay or tulTor iho penalties of tlio law In such canes provided. rice.Kcctlon 067, chapter 7, Criminal Oodo. W.T. Rinixw.Sco. Hulom Or. Fob. I), IfiOO. 2.8-tf New Notaries. Tlio guvornor has uppolnt'd as notaries a V. TlKurd, Tlgardvlllo, Washington county; M. N. Colylg, CtnyouYlllet J, N. Kinllli, Huloin; Solomon Epdicolt, Oak, Coos county nnd Androw Hnuen of Portland wirden for tlio district of Columbia, Examined. Tlio pension ox.tmlnor yesterday ijxumliicd Adolphus Thompson for an Increase. Mr. Thorn pyw nerved ax n prlv4to In Company II. Forty fourth Indiana volunteers, Elected President. Tlio mfd-wlnlcr iiinnLliur nf (ho Htato University board of rogonts was licit! ut rorllund, Tuesday, at which tlinu Hcgont It. S. lean was elected to tlio presidency to succeed Henry Falling, deceased, Hon 0. A. Dolph was elected treasurer to succeed A.O, Hovoy, dcccaicd. II. H. Friendly, I). P. Thompson n-ul J. A. Dnlnli wurn choscd as un exocutlvo commlttco. President Chapman's resignation was received and accepted, to tuko effect at thoclooof tlio school year. A com m I lteo.com posed of a A. Dolph, I), P. Thompson and 0. II. Helllngor and tlio nrosldont. wamitinninfmi mi president and faculty, which will makn recommendations nimur iim linos to tlio board. Thirty tcaehero began examination ut tho court houio yestorday. . To cure La Grippe, ker-p warm, tipecitUy ths I tet. sndtsk lit. Miles' Nmint. ' Wet vveather ehoca You need iheui. Wo have them to cll, Co-montid c them. Try them .... Bl-I - .. .1 on. t co viinui niiii no nro sum v will uko n nalr !!,.. .. ,1, ....!).. ...I ........... I. , :'. a u uw nun huu nimr nun. wo enu k'OU Mllld Mli.tu .........II ,.v n, v u, Uiuip urnll V tult men, women and children. Some rubber gooda left Tnwowedwlro t ttlfwo out. Low prices on Ilium. Men' (.unit HuntliiK lkxiU for .$, Twelve only OLadlea1 Mnoklntwhoslu stuck. We aroofJerltiit tlieiu ut exact wholesale cost, KJ&FltUng Corsets ltniviuber wo have a full slMk. roorj-wMc warranwHl, Sued for Olyorce. N. U. Pollard, nlulntirr. va 'I'limnn. J. Pollurd, dofendunt, Is tho tltlo of a divorce suit lllcd In Department No. of tho stilto Circuit fur Marlon county. Tho plalntllf nllouos that shu becamo tho wlfonf dofoniliitit. ni. id.u,. City, Idaho, on July i;i, iB87s that on March 17, 1807, defendant deserted and abandoned hor, and Moco that unio nas failed to provide furor live with hor. There nro no children. Plalntllf asks for a divorce, nnd tho com of tho action. Ilro-vn, Wrluhu man Si Myers aro attorneys for the pmint.ur. To-Nlctitand To. Morrow Night, And caoh duv linn fil.ihl ,1, .!.... it. i. week you can tret at any ilruuKlnt's. Kemp's IlaUam for tho throat ami I.uiik. acknowiodKed to bo tho most! niiii.Dfiniui ituiiruiif . .... m ii: i .. '"'""'i vivr sum tor Cuuuhs. Croup, Itroneliltls. Asthma una uiniuinpiinn. (let n Inittlo to dayaudkeonltuhMm In tho hnmu,. so vou loan eiii-ok your cold ut uncV Celeiil.U Celebrate. OhlticM Now Year hemu, i ...i.i uluht last nluht and tlm yimU. ..i.... thtU aro colobratltiK as usual, hy tuo. "UfKS mill NKIISI ptlW-WOWf. Willis Bros. & Co. 8P0T CASH IIOUSI FlrtDorSBUih f the ltorilce. H la win r d Pattern twtt and wl-oo hlher man 90o, ohtaiv Dr, Uull's Cotiith Hviim ir.. m...... in a nv ii Hfi. i, u.n ..i . .. . Qiri6Suwtimd:.flrn7ra,:..'w'wJ whoopliiK aourth. UkIvw lali lassMl lu tu toJlef and should be IZl "S! S home. It only cuwts o a. Iwttie. j owaslsaonMstunt wltli theaui litv &oKt I'0WUHl 0,er Nd Vur Fins tilnnVntz ..)......., ... .... K,iW.,"'Mt-W'A cHHBh ALL STYLES inrv . .. .A "v" "'v IOJW "Don't ycu feel scared? "Iwlsh It was over with," These were sonic of tho exclama tions heard on tho stnuo (Wore the curtain rolled up at Itced's, on the Krnduntlntf clans. Tho class of 20 was composed as usual, almost entirely of the fairer sex, radiant In white muslin, guarded by a yuunitcr class of mnazotis In scar let with Hllvor and Koldcn spears. Miss Delia Otis and Marlon lllankcrshlp were' unable to attend, but the rest of Mia clast were nrcsent. lucludloK the six boys, who by soino hook or crook had managed to remain In school Imitf enough to com pic to tho ninth Krado. Prof. Yoder, tho teacher of the famom class of 1809. was "nut of flight" down In thonudloncons usual, Htlll ho mnst havo felt proud of these pupllf), who have had a record of bclni? iiotorlouR by hard students, Those pupils wero with Mrs, Kclloiw last year, who ranks with Prof. Yoder as one of the most proficient teachers In the Bulcui schools. Ho both clans and teachers havo been fortunnto In (heir asioclutlons. 'PllI flVfl.fll.A. tftntnA.I ...III. h AMU UAUIWIDUO UIIVIICU TflLII UIJ Auinzon drill by tho girls of the Lincoln school In charjrc or Miss Grif fith, which was tho result of much liurtl work and pleased tho largo aud leuco In proportion to tho labor ex pended. The cluss was now pre sented by City Bupt. Peebles and Chairman Hyrd, of tho board of edu cation, Tho nroitrum nronor was opened with a spirited recitation from Miss Nclllo HpoiiK, "The Nation's Volunteers," Ira Hamilton's unitlon was "Tlio Annexation of tho Hawaiian Islands," and ho did the subject Justlco In bin splendid delivery and the excelled sub ject ho hud chosen was worthily treated and roundly applauded. Ella Amollla Klnemun sang "Wood land Echoes," In a munnor that won apphiUFa. Mies lUnomitn had the misfortune to have siiffcrcd from sovernl fulntimr HpsllsdurliiK tho day, but with rare pluokand determination carried out her part. Mlhsflortrudo Hashor recited "Tho MartyH of thoMitlno". It, was tho llnest elocutionary cIToot of tho oven Imniud won hearty o.innienilatlon. iSonator Mulkoy now spoko in Kul oiry of tho public school system, true lu eloquently the lulluence or tho schools upon tho character of tho American people. Ho doploron that so fow boys wero completing tho public school oourso. Tliu Hcruilor was at his host and wan several times Inter rupted by npplaiibo, Mrs. IHriKOMsaiiKiiNwcot old Mini.' "WaltKiK" by Millard, and as tmual reonhed n rapturous recoil, rccpond ln with "The Crimson Chain." Chairman Hyrd. nf tlio Suimn Hnimo board, now prusoiited tlio dlnli u in hoiiio well chosen words ami then wave way for tho last and host reaturo or the evening. Mrs. Miitthleu or the North school had charge or the vestal virgin's drill, tno until reaturo or u brilliant pro gram, earned out by i y0u,ig ladles and oignt children. Mrs. Holland chanted tho Lord's prayer In tho concluding scone. Tho vestal were: Inez lloairlli, llertha Clouuh, Alice Prestmll, Poorl Dauicii, HowOago, Kdna Peot, Mjry llalicoek, Mary Wauloss, May Hyrne, uuiuo iiasuor, i.ena llruco, Ntolhi Hrown. Oreoluu gowns lth gold fringe, sandals mid a golden fillet holding tho hair coinprUed their etc tunics. F.ight Uttio imos us llowcr girls wore tho attraction of tho eve ning, and their posos In colored wa withuneluotrlollluinlnutlun were a nuing oilmax. Mrs. Matthlou had iniportod from Portland an oloclrlo lowiiiiitlvo houdlight especially for tho tabloau. Hor labor unm ,...,... Uiun roiKtld In tho ploosuro hor irnlmul Hock gno tho vast uudloiico. Tho entertainment nsu whole was very woll received. Tiimmiv ri,i..i.... Inwril was ttut tluro wore no original ..Miiiuvr on uio program, but all of thu rovltultuiu wHunf hi,.i i... It was n nmtior of rgrot to niioo that him muuy linrgtm oould nut havo rouderwl tho class ihhjiii, as she Is known to bo wipublo r writing well Ininotow. Thoprngiam was not Uki Iuhl. . copl for tho luruo numbar ofj-oung ohlldr.nwho tMrtluiivn.wi n i. ." order to suggest timt hereafter the mralMM U hokl In tho afternoon, as the strttln uti the ohlldrotl U ki grout at night. m r ... 1. -, 17 -: ... .i.tu,m JOURNAL "X-flAVfi." "Cayuse" Is the proper tianid foftt literary club for a large per cent of the coming Oregon youth, Cayuse signifies something wild nnd wooly, and tho youth who ore dcprleycd of an ordinary education, through lib cralltv or college legislation should be recognized somewhere. The public Interest that centers In local legislation, aod tho results of expected court decisions In the near future, havo directed public utlcntlon toward the powers that be, and Incl dcntly to the powers that ought not to be. Tho change from other days Is not great, but tho "Innocents abroad" arc Just making n discovery. tit Tlio Salem push politicians howl ut tho "unscrupulous" methods of The Jouhnai,. Tjik JooitNAr. Is always 'unscrupulously" on tho Hide of tho people. It Is "unscrupulously" In favor of this city, and school district being put on a cash basis, reduced to the lowest notch, and no more debt being created. Let the"unscrupuIou8" push rage. There Is lobbying and lobbying. A man or womun may properly bo em ployed by others to promote some mutter of public Interest before u leg islature. Hut tho man or woman who will bcslcgo the legislature to logroll nnd Inlibv throuirh a lob In their own Interest Is 3ccond cousin to a highway robber, but u far worse enemy to tho public. -. rfWW """TZl iFMamMn STATE SCHOOL SllPf. Ackcrmann Declares He Is Not Fighting the Text-book BIII.'E Believes the Measure Will Pass the House Daly School Revision 0111 May Also Pass. liftiuiMtfiYH lAtaiiiAiTwniti'rta&S -Tft1araifiiniiiiiiiirirTiit-J-' " ' ' ,r Friedman's New H6t Jacksonville Times: The bill or Senator Duly, nf Hen ton und Lincoln counties, which mukes n rudlcal change In tlio laws regulating the government of schools und the selec tion or text books, has passed the sen ate. It If a body blow to tho Ameri can Hook Company, which will spare no effort" to defeat the bill In the Inuse. t $ X ir there Is any place whero polities and personal Interests should cease It ought to bo In tho management or tho state schools ror tho blind and dcuf mute. The taxpayers aro bled merci lessly to support theso Institutions for a defect I vo class and nothing but good continuous administration can bo or any bonnlltto them. It Is disgusting to think that there arc persons who, merely to get u place, will plot to throw a now hand In charge of these tinfortuuutcs. t tt Hounty bills aggregating $.'U2,000 aro befoto tho legislature, hoiiio or thorn aro through one house. The are: Sugar-beet bounty (approxi mately) 4200,000 Coyote-hcalp bounty 00,000 Artesian well bounty 12,000 Flax project .Ti.ooo Salmon hatcheries 25,000 Tho llax industry and salmon Indus try nro alone or general Intenwt to the statu at large. Hut the wholo bounty business Is wrong. A JouitNAi. writer called on State Sept. Ackcrmann today and asked him to state squarely his position on the Daly text-book bill. The state superlntcnJent or schools said frankly that ho was In favor of leaving It to the vote of the thirty-one county superintendents, taking away from him the power to appoint nine to InAlrn mnmhnrq nf n Kt.nti' hoard Of examiners, who have heretofore had a vote on text-books. That was his plan of reforming the law. Ackcrmann says the state should have the be.it books for tho leust money, nnd admits tliut text bonks under tho present law are higher priced than they should be. In con clusion he authorizes Tub Journal to say that he Is neither personally oor ofllclally lighting the Daly bill In tho House, that he Is not opposed to the measure and furthermore thinks It is the only bill that can pass, and that the Daly bill will pass the House no has no doubt. Two members from Douglas county, were approached today with n propo sition that If they would vote against the Daly text-book bill they could se cure two votes for the Drain Normal school bill. They repudiated the proposition, saying the Drain Normal bcuooi out was scnuior uecc's un and that It would go bcfoic the house on Its merits. The feeling In the house ror tho Daly text-book bill Is growing stronger and It will get an overwhelming vote ir It comes up ror passage. The Indications nov point to the early passage of tho Daly textbook bill and the school revision bill nruc- tlcally without opposition to cither. This will bo n consummation most devoutly to bo wished ror. An understanding has been reached between Senators Kuykcrdall and Duly by which tho Daly school re vision bill will bo reported with amendments, Senator Kuykcndall Is sutlstlcd that It Is, the only way a gen eral school revision bill can pass at this session nnd his earnest assistance or tho uuthor of the Tnly revision bill with amendments will ensure tho enactment of this much needed codi fication of the .school laws Jn Oregon. Corner State and Commercial Streets. Commenced to receive their spring goods. Among them are some beautiful patterns of prints in 10-yard patterns only 60c, in latest styles SOQ1B NICB GOODS At 4c and 5c per yard, Good value in table cloth and towels Bargains in bed spreads and quilts. Extra good gsod values in embroideries and laces. Bargains in ladies' and chsldren's underwear. The boss place to buy your notions, at Friedman's New Racket New stock oi trunks and valises at Friedman's New Racket. The best place to buy your clothing and hats at Friedman's New Racket. Remember the best place to buy your neckties, collars, suspenders, shirts and drawers at S. II 2, Hates, to croito iho oilljo of tax collector In Multuomu'i county Is being warmly contested. It provides Oysters. Oysters arc a great delicacy when served rrcsh rrom tlic ttlicll tills Is how you get them nnd cooked to order at Strong's rcstuurnnt. 2-7-;i Friedman. New MUl Money Refunded. Satisfaction guaranteed when you uso Salem "Special" flour. Monoy back If you don't llko It. 4 tr The Homeliest Man in Salem AS Well ns tho lllinikmnniif.. unit ntlinru aro Invited to cull on any druggist and get free u trial bottlo of Kemp's Hulsam for tho Throat nnd Lungs, it remedy that Is guaranteed to cure and bcllevu u II Chronic nnd Ai'ntn r v.in.iic Asthma, Hronchltls nnd Consump tion. Price 25c. nnd GOc. i iiiuviuui . ti iiiii i:j Ik Hhtil.ii iit11(nr a iiillor. nil tnv.u ' Otltlllll imillrt Inrmniivl In An nivni' with n t-OlHtStrOOt complicated rfystsm or sub-letting such business, It seems to bo an cxccllont measure and ono that would place this Imrortaut business upon a proper und economical rooting. The present ex pense or Utx collecting Is said to bo llfl.OXK) whllo undor this bill It will oi ly cost 3,000. Clover Hay. This Is tho season when good liny is npprccluted by your stock. You can mo oosi oiuyor nay from in root. Ilrowstcr & Wliltca2-7,1t Senator Dufurls again ut his post ufter hoveral dav's absence on account or sickness In the family. He Is ono ol tho senators who, while of tho minority patty, is not posing, nor straining points to munufacturo a record. However the first bill that passed at this session was ono of Sen ator Dufur's. He has nut a rew bills Introduced, but aside rrom tliOM) or a locul nature ho has presented onlv such bills as aro Intended to correct technical faults and Incongruities nf our statutes portalnltw to Im?al nm rod ura. Thus tho senator Is modostly devoting his enorglos to set to rights some or the minor shortcomings or our legal oodo. l'lils Uceruilnly a iniioh moro patriotic work than to spend his time making a failure or ap parently greater things. THD PIONEER LIMITED Is tlio narreif the nnlv the world, rowrunnlng etery perfect? train In .. .ii.. .it. . M. Paul and Cnfcaj;9, via the Chicago, Down to Zero. Many persons wero unprepared ror tho Into unusual cold weuthor, but. knowing ones runka tlio best prepara tion by laying In u full stock of pro- it ;'..' hiu-biics, i, irom urunson .It I A- I Vlfl . "v",". OOd Dr. DuU'b Cough Syrup Invariably cure promptly all catarrhal nffec- ItlOIlS. Tills wnnilorfnl mnHnl n. forms today, nnd bus performed In the pusthalf century, tho speediest cures or colds In the throut, chest and lungs, between wiukee St. I'nul Rallway-ihe pioneer road of the Wett In nlmni.. li tm.,.....i firllllU. ftp ,1, r.... J -! . V sengen. An illustrated pamphlet. sliwmc ,' "Un,u'Bno -""" nr. Mllo.- iain ?tu VieWS 01 l ailllllll ttrncrv unit ll. rn,n. r.1 the t'ioneer Limited, will be tent free to any k:i.uii U1.UII (C.IIIK OI IHO-C-fl IKUlagC stimp, Address t,eo. H. I hull i.l, (Jtnttal I'asscncer Agent. Chicago. III. w 6 9 if AIUSELENTS. KflFFEE A Cup or GOOD hotColTee, not n "otcup nf Colleej wo mean a lint cup of GOOD COFFEE, these cool days nny ono will npprccl uto It ir you want something cheap, fresh and better than puckaio Collect ry our 12 or 15 cent grade. Oriryou want a good CoHeo and NOT TOO HIGH PRICE try the middle price, 20 and 25 cents u pound used to be HO und .''5 "nts. und 7011 will havo a GOOD cup of Colfee Skating. Skating Is ns good exercise ub saw ing wood-clthcr will help you to ap preciate the substentlal meals fur nished nt nil hours at tlio Whlto House fustuiir.ini by J, H. Harnett. 0 0 tl iMurntoYonr Unwell With Cuscnrets. lfc'S5y nan nrncn?,"rf onHtlon forever. uk.,c. It O.C.O, fall, ilrucRlsts refund money. HEED'S OPERA HOUSE. DcfaudAi;ain. TlujSnUm Y.M.a.V. Haikt Ull team was iriat,w.i m.... htuplun8hln irami). nl,iv.wt i n m.v u. ' . .. T' '" "!UH nr..r ,,,,u' A t,, ' thai. iiniMt i.-i,,. . niv,li ' ..-. hHv nur boxs pljyud Ai,iit,.i ,i. ............ i'ii si " tu, WCTO (,,)ftHl " " V, M imo varv mu.1 iui.... dono on both aldo. They All Say Tho ShIhiii NiuiiIiiIh 1 1. ,,.. 1.. 1... that new machinery bouts tlio world, try it, 4 tj TW tMirOMi'.! bjr WMiMl SMMktttMMi Uiwiolutloii. ill" UisM)Sf' Uui ...... ,1. .w : , : " 1 ivuim eouUMuu W Tl naviit. T, J i'tsUNISR. WMS.mit. I.U Su.lk.UH Ukkaltwl IH(( THE OREAT SALT LAKE HOUTB , The attention of easthouml travelers Is1 called to the danln;e's ofler.d them by the ' Kio Grande Western, Tho Great Halt Lake Kouie " Hi same rates prevailed whether ( the trip i ma e via I Iiiiuinutun or an Fran, ciseo I h ia.!nijcr has fin en ice of two toutes cu ,i( I'tHtland, three llitoucli Colo ratio, ami l.nir .iki ilirn.r v . ...i.. . ,:. . . .. . . -.... ,u nim.1 line OUt Of I'.irll.m.l mn ,Mr ...-1. . i . . .. , ,.,. ,MV a varuir oil tome In addition, a day's stopfer i civtn ' all A-ners at any point in Utah or Colo rado. Ilifugh pullman ami toumt sleep tng ca,s ate tun on all trains, as well as free ' .iviiinn su.ir cars, t nc service ami ac- Comrmxlutliim nllirnl . , m..l :i -.. ... I perior lothae of any trans-contineptal road, and uie.aralua)s aslow as tlw lonest. If)ra contemplate a trip east, write to J.U Marwntld, l.;neml Agent, Uio Grande ;estwn Kailway, 141 Jhird Street, t'oitland Oreg n, faranylnfarinatioi you may need in refeten e to rates, routes or accomodations. II totf! Ilrnuo- I Iltooa llfcii. C!u bjoo. iucuu a eltsatt skin. X, UtHsy without it (iucsiNU.Uiml) CuthurX vImh josir ,lool and lBl,h lt , " ' iiiiuiK up tl,c tay lue, ami tViving all if. iwiitHM from th bo.h. llvKin u diy to t,d th. saTTl V lulT.2 ."" .4 '."' "c,".i. I 6Ut, utwfartMn uvmromevd, i. 36V, JRv" Yokohama lea Store Telephone Red 01. Free delivery. ONB NUIIIT ONLY-KilllRLMliv r.o. I.. R. STOCK WELL ..In... Chas. H. Hoyt's "ft Midnigbf Bell" SKT3 SOW O.V 8VI.F. 50c, 75c, $1.00 REED'S OPERA HOUSE. S. C, STONE, M. D. Proprietor nf Stone's Drue Stores HALKM, OUEOON'. The storM (two In number) nro located nt .No. SU n, m Coiiimerolnl 8lroot, and nri wd Mocked nm, acomploto Hue of drug, and mwllclno., tollot nnlelo. Mrhin... i..?,.,.. I't'., CtC,(tO. Pit. 8TONK 11ns had sumo 24 years experience In tho prac "-.i. "., iuura no riihrgo for I'ousiiltntlnn, oxnmlnntloii or prescription. ii In our North window A line of uim,! heavy llcod uu derwor for 3Mo, former price 4Pc TOCI.OSKTHKLINK. 20 per cent reduction That blue streak The Tribune on Nile at our wheel O.VK I'KKFOKMAXCE ONI.V PKimt'AKY 7th. Vlsohor's 8neewnfuli'oinrtt WHO WINS' UeadtMb) rortlamlsKavonte M1ENIE A. SMITH. 25c, 50c, 75c Is now counUr. Typewriters for Pent, Salwii Typewriter bcliango nd Ktuteif. a M. LOCK WOOD. Prop. Uttlce Phone -la, Pes, lbaft, 288 Commoroial St, aALtJM. OKB. mi vrythltig in tho line or w Inter undorwoar, macklutwhos. etc tupRSS1, mU ur B" k,nd i'ul Jewelled combs 28inch, Model 40 30inch $50 $40 that. ,n.p , ,,IVU0 lttk0 wtlw ttut tho "CronlH b'tudlB" oe ntit "charge h htwn" hut n,.i. .,:. rtduqtloa toaH ntMlnnts. 2 Srwojal rcduotlon iu n i..... on piiatcM at tha ii..... ,.?"" """ ;fls dour vwiulw, in alioll or Z bVr If you want to s a bloyolo that runs with lass fus about It tlmn If vtill wnnt t. c.v .. SseartSWT5V3l timde, see this. If you want to seo a wheel tlm ploiteor of cyoloj.hu proS tSSt WIQGIN'S BAZAAR SONNEMANN A Hot Cud of Coffee Is what makes a man, woman and I 3,. '" ieso aays, and ir you I "-wiv unsure 10 got It try 0 1 ounneman s 3 lbs, for 50c kind 25J,B: " ' ?rade3' ancJ 25c he sells a coffee equalled by few brands of Mocha and Java. Coffee Is our specialty. New Wmter Shoes Below All Competition.,. ?Jari8.uSt?k,f nCW Hncs in mcn's omen's and childrca s footwear. UfJIos' Kid Hutton and Lace . -1.40 worth 8I.7S -81.10 worth $l.:ir co:;s:m5 canno1 be ma by - 0SB RACKET 303 COMMERCIAL STREET OPPOSITB P0ST-0PPfR. SALEM, OREGON. HAOKKT PlUt'UX WlCOlMERQULSBEfr 194 State t THE QROCRR Tot6lOB 1 fir For two weeks only Our entire s.ock must be disposed of wi,Wn this time wc have still ? Many Good Selections cti4Wou,be50W,OWer,hanWr,0-t THB EMPORIUM oua uommercial Street. Retiring from bus!nMS p.xtures for i V (