$3 &rgjg VWttfilrA)aiMiiniiiiiri'W'nHiirt nftfiiVnrimWi ifi'iilirniii iiiiiiiin Tiriiq'lMaJtlii SIM Iff 81 ST0RE1 1 WqJhavo purchased the business nro now prepared to (111 all orders ncwBceds which are of the best HhVrul treatment to receive your SAYAGE 322 AND 324 COMMERCIAL STREET. 5! MiU&iMi fe)?aS Dedicated (ompiexioToilet MSI PRICE, rappM 7i CENTS. Aasrur& rmw i. VJarne Chemical HEW YORK jw5E35PES iRsararvVsjwvaMKvsKswsass INTER STATE Ki mi U ETTAANDERS-WILMAN Associate Teacher Western Consttva tory, Kansas City, Mo,, representing the Inter-sta.c System, at Salem. Ore. Over First National ItanV. Resilience 376 Church street. Studio hours 9 to 12 and 2 to 5. ITSJaSXVBVSJBKsHNJtfsa vMVVSHNH 1 " ,.J t RAi PruT penPTP I and OTHER PEOPLE Reader nt Hulem and other Oregon towns are ruijucsieu 10 xuim 111 iiuiiih 01 person 11 1 tin 11 social IS news 10 appear in tlio TI10 Journal. IKl. tally nml Weekly E. E. Porter came In from Ale and will return today. M. T. Illueman Is confined to his bed with La Orlppc. R. Alexander, or Pendleton Is In the city the guest of Phil Metsuhan. The traveling secretary of the Y. M. C. A. Mr. J. A. Dummcttls In the city. Mrs. I. D. Driver, of Eugene, has returned to her home, after a short visit In this city with Mr. R. M. Thompson. Aurora's hop and potato merchant, W. II. Hurst, was In this city yester day on business. Mr. Hurst reports many spuds frosted throughout the country, W. S. Mlnturn, the now state house Gardner, severely cut the forefinger of his riKhr. hand, nearly severing it from the hand. It will be some time be Tore he will be able to work. Mrs, J. Hambllu, miprcmoorlcal or the Royal Neighbors, who has been thorniest of Mr. and Mrs. l'arinotitcr ihe past week left for Portland this morning, where slio will Institute three Camps of Royal Neighbors. Hood's Cure alt liver Ills, bilious- nav ness, headache, sour stom- UJf 111 H ncli, Indigestion, constlpa- B 111 2l llou. They act casilj, -with- out polo or gripe 8..I1I byalldrufrgltti. tJ cents. 'Die oulr Hll ta tike vtltli Hood's Sariiparlll O. C. T Co's I'AHHKNUKU 8'lMa.PIW 4 ), tl- LKAVK l'OK l'OUTLANI) Dally, Kzcept Bumlay at 8 a in. QUICK TIMB AND 01IKAP KATHU. Dock hotweon Hwto and (mrt rlta. M. 1. HAIiDWIN. Auent. Fine Commercial Work The Roach and Cronise Press Unexcelled facilities for the production of all kinds of printing in modern styles at modern prices, A) A. 2C ROACH a CRONISE 227 JvAUCCommercial I II 1 8 Street Exhaustion and break down follows Grip, Prevent it by using Dr. Miles' Nervine. mwiW&Kwryv v itiVsfiP liZKi. I fltZ"rir I' ssi ?' k W&m&is. -Wl mm&ms&sz&sM flQ RVATORY I 1 11 1 Dickinson Seed Co. and In this line, our stock consists of quality and we hope by fair and patronage. Si RJB1D If you wish to have an abun dance or beautiful, soft, glossy hair you can easily acquire It by the use of DR. WARNER'S MEDICATED COMPLEXION AND TOILET SOAP By Mail lOo Per Cako or $1.00 Por Dozen. Money refunded If nut sntUfnrtory. For Sale Ily JiARR BROS. Cx 118 Btate Street,-.;. riAI.EM, OKK CITY Satisfaction Gun ran teed. MARION. The gentle rain Is here attain and snow melting fast. Havchud about four Inches or snow here. The coldest morning here was on the 4th, when the murcury ran down to 11 ye degrees below zero. The good women or Marlon are grieving over the loss or almost the entire stock or house plants, while the youth liuye been extremely happy with their sports on tlio beautiful Ice which abounds near by. A. II. Hunt was busy all day Mon dny, hauling and putting up Ico for the hot duys for the coming Hummer. Harvy White or tlio firm or Hadly & White made a Hying trip to balcm last Saturday, R. O. Small and family, late of Sterling, Kaunas, are stopping with tholr brother-in-law William Webb on the hill west or town. Hrother Small seems to be well pleased with the country and will probably locate here. The scries or union services which has been held here for tlio lubt two weeks by the Rev. Hlnshaw of Marlon and Earhart. of Turner, closed on the evening or Fobruary 3. The different sessions well attended considering the stormy weather that prevail a part or the time. S. II. Russell, wh'j was called to Duftir, Eastern Oregon, sometime ago on account or the serious Illness or a brother-in-law named Urown, re turned home last Saturday afternoon and reports Mr. Urown usable to sit up when he left them. About Catarrh. It Is caused by a cold or succession of colds, combined with Impure blood. Its symptoms are pain In the head, discharge from the nose, ringing noises In the ears. It Is cured by Hood's Sarsaparllla which purities and enriches the blood, soothes and rebuilds tnc tissues and relieves all the disagreeable sensations Hood's Pills cure all liver Ills. Mailed for 25c by C. I. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mas. Installed, Following are the olllccrs of. the new Camp of Royal Neighbors as in stalled jesterday: Mrs. Susie Parmenter, oracle; Mrs. Llllle Rrownlco-oraclt'jMrc. MaryM. Hofer, past oracle; Mrs, Ruby Chase, recorder; Mrs. Wlllard, receiver; Mrs. Uernardl, marsliul; Mr. Cora M. Klbele, assistant marshal; Mrs. E. M. Mott, chancellor; Mrs. I. West, inner sentinel; Mrs. A. M. Humphrey, outer sentinel; manager John Chase, three years; Mrs. Roe Foriythe, two years; Miss West, one year; Mr. W. S. Mott, physician. A Social Judas, The drama, a Social Judas.reudored at St. Joseph's hall last evening by the members of the Catholic Society, was well received and the receipts far exceeded their most sanguine expecta tions, considering the stormy weather prevtiling. The acting was very good aud was considered equal to most professional work. It U to bo hoped the play will bo rendered in tlio opera house In the near ruture. The Catholic people have some or the finest talent In tlio city. DOPING OITGH One uf the mo-.t dUti-easing Bighta, la to Bee a ( hild almost choking with theUmtriful whooping-cough. Glvo the child Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup, the grw.twt pulmonary remedy, and re lief will wine at once, the coughing spells will re-oi-rur less frequently, nml, In a fi-w da h, the sufferer will bo ontirt-ly cured. No other remedy can boost of so imny cure, DrJBull's Geiigh Syrup Cures Whooping-Cough quickly. Dose are small and prnl lo take Doctors recowcicud IL frueajcts. At all druggists. of tlieO. i TEXT BM REFORM Daly Billl Presents Some Points of DifTerense, In What Particulars the PropoSed Differs From the Present Law. Act The lint clause Under the present law text books are adopted by the 32 county superintendents of th"o -state, and the nluo members of tlio state board of examiocrs.tnakltig 41 persons In ull to vote. The 112 county superin tendents are elected by the people every two yearB. The nine members of the state board of examiners are appointed by the state superintend ents every four years and continued by the state board of education. The law does not ilx any limit to the number of state examlncrs,so that 20, 30, 10 or more may be legally appointed. Tlio stato superintendent Is therefore largely responsible for the -result of tnc udoptlon of text books. The at tention ho must necessarily give to this question consumes time that should be devoted to other work. The proposed law will relieve him entirely of rcsponslbsllty ror textbooks pro vided for the state, no that his whole time may be given to strictly educa tional matters Under the proposed law the text books will bo adopted by five text book commissioners to be nppolntcd by the governor from different sec tions of the state. To remove touch ers and school officers from politics, and to protect teachers from any adverse Influence that publishing houses may exert in such manner us to jeopardize their positions, It Is pro posed to appoint, as text-book com missioners, persons who are not oUlclally connected with the public school systems, or with any of the state schools of advanced grade. It Is presumed that commissioners will be named who are well quail lied to judge ot the merits or text-books, and who will bo able to niiiko a better bargain ror the state than could bo made by school olllccrs and teachers. There are business and professional men In all sections of the state, many of whom have been teachers, who are well quulillcd to Belect text-books. A text-book commissioner may, of course confer with teachers regarding the comparative valuo of different books, to such extent us ho may deem neces sary. The second clause -The present law and the proposed law are practically the same with regard to circulars to publishing houses, etc. The third clause Under the present law those who select text-books vote at their homes, taking from one to four months to make up und forward their ballots to the stato board or edu cation. Publishing houses have ample time and opportunity to go from ono porson to another until all of tlio 41 who adopt hooks are coaxed or badgered or coerced Into voting, whether fully prepared to do so of their nwn accord or not, Under tlio proposed law the live text-book commissioners will meet at the Htatocapltol, Jointly discuss text books ror a period or not less than 15 days, and adopt books to be used In all schools or the stato for six years. It Is bclioyed that tills plan will result In better books, at lower prices, than It has been possible to obtain under tlio present method. The fourth clause Under the pres ent law the branches Included In schools of any grade are not enumer ated. In an evident attempt to In clude all books that. may be required In the schools, those who adopt text books have been In tlio habltnf adding many supplementary book to such as are properly classed as school texts. MMwk nnnnln nt t llrt atnt n rA In Mi la way deprived of the benefit of com petition between publishing houses who offer supplementary books 011 all subjects, at extremely low prices. Under the proposed law the branches to be included In both a common school and a high school course will be specified. The text-book commis sioners will adopt banks In accordance with the requirements of the dllTur entgrades and courses of study, but will not be permitted to odopt supple mentary bo ik. School patrons will, therefore, have the advantage of sharp competition among publishing houses, In buying such supplementary books as may bo required. The- provision of the proposed law empowering the textbook commls (doners to go outside of books sub m 1 1 ted by publishing houses Is de signed tu prevent collusion of suph houses to keep prices up; one house offering readers, another arithmetics, another grauimcrs, and so on through the list, all of them at such extrava gant prices as publishers might agree upon. Clauees, 5, 0, 7, 8 ami 9 -The present law and the proposgd Jaw arei practically the same with re-j gard to submitting books for udoptlon contract and bond, circulars of In, formation to school olUcers, the adop-! tion of text-hooks for special brunches added by local boards to the studies j taught in their respective iohools, etc. The tenth clause The provisions1 of the proposed law, as sot fortli In J the 10th cluuse, are designed to pro-! tect school patrons in the purchaso or books adopted ror branches udded to ' the state high school course by local boards. The eleventh clause Under the, tiraocnt law, oontruots for text-hooks are made every six yearn, In January, and all suoh books must be Introduced In the sohools by Oatotwr of the same . Scott'3 Emulsion of Cod- liver Oil with HypophosA phites is pure and palatable. For years it has been used for coughs and colds, for con sumption, for those whose blood is thin or colorless, whose systems are emaciated or run down. For children it means health and strength, stronger bones and teeth, and food for the growing mind. Baby gains in weight and thrives when Scott's Emul sion is added to its milk. oe. anil 1 1.00, all ilrucglits. SCOTT & IJOWNK, Clitml.t., New York. year. When changes in books arc made, this places a heavy cxprjnse on school patrons that must he mot In n comparatively short time. Iu case of failure of a shoo! district to introduco books as required by law, such district thereby forfeits, for a year, ull state and county funds to which It would otherwise hayc been entitled, Under the proposed law text-books will be adopted every six years, In Iuly,and districts will havo 16 months in which to Introduce them. Changes may, therefore, be made gradually, so that school patrons will have inoro time In which to provide any new books that may be required. In caso or failure or u district to Introduce text-uooks us provided, only uo per cent or the county runds to which It would otherwise be entitled will be forfeited. Deafness Cannot 13c Cured by local applications as they cannot reach tlio diseased portion of the car. There Is only one way to cure dear uess,uud thai Is by constitutional remedies, Deafness is caused by an Inflamed condition or the mucous lining or tho Eustachian Tube. When this tube is Inflamed you have a rum bling sound or Imperfect hearing, und when it is entirely closed, Deafness is the result, and unless the inflamma tion can he taken out und this tube restored to Its normal condition, hear log will bo destroyed forever; nine cases out of ten are caused ly Catarrh, which Is nothing but an Inllamcd con dition or the mucous surfaces. We will give Ono Hundred Dollars for any case or Deafness (catibed by catarrh) that cannot bo cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Scud for cir culars: free. F. J. Chunky & Co., Toledo, O. Sold by Druggists, 7Cc. Hall's Family Pills aro the best. Probate Matters. Tho final ucconnt of Mary Uyland Wright, administratrix of tho estate ot D. C. Pyland, deceased, was yes terday allowed and approved, and the administratrix or tlio estate tils charged from further service, and the bondsmen exonerated, L. R. Stlnson, Geo. O. Will and II T. Hruce, appraisers of the cstato of Marietta S. Smith, yesterday hied their report in probate court. The property consisted of lot No. 7, block No. 14, In North Salem, valued over and above the mortgage or $1,000 at $1,300. A. D. Smith Is the adminis trator or the estate. II, Riches, administrator or tho es tate or P. S. Riches, deceased, petit ioned ror an order authorizing tlio pe tltioncr to borrow money on the real property belonging to tho estate, for the purpose or enabling him to pay olf a mortgago ror $5,000, now held by the bourd of state sclio ,1 land commission ers, and which Is now due. The prop erty Involved Is described us the P. S. Riches donation land claim, No. 41, In 17 s, rl w., 00U39 acres, excepting therefrom 1S1 acres sold lo T. W. Riches. The order was granted. Woodmen of the World. Woodmen of the world, Camp No. 118, W. or W. will havo a social meet log ut their hall this Wednesday eve ning, Feb. 8. All members und their families aro cordially invited. Coun cil committee, F. G. Ilowersox. 2 8 It Comrade S, H. Burtls of Lewliton, 111., had soma thrilling ex tierlences, but nono aeeuiud more dangeroua than those of hU late heart trouble-. Ho aayt: "I had uvttt palpitation of the heart for yti.ru My physicians tali I was liable to drop dead any moment. Pulsation at times would be J 50 a min ute and I could scarcely breathe I grew worse under doctor's care and began taking Dr. Miles' Heart Cure. It gave me prompt relief, and today I am in good health." OR. MILES' Heart Cure la sold by all drurgUt on guarantee Urat bottle bunuuta or money baak. Hook ou heart and nerve stint free, Dr. Miles Medical Company, Elkhart, Ind. In the War Dikb, tiALtAliAN-AtMcCluros' logging camp, near this city, at 5 p, tu. Tuesday, or la grippe. Age 33 years. M'GUFFIE.-At the Salem hospital at 1 o'clock Tuesday. Internal cuncer was tho descase frbm which sho died. The remains wero Interred today. The funeral was held rroru the U. 13. church. From liuena Vesta, Louis V. Dlotz the member or Co, D Fourteenth U, S. Infantry Is re ported as among tho killed, ho resided nt Ilucna Vista. Ho enlisted under Llcnt. Hutcnlcon Juno 23, and ex pected to go In tho Held under Captain Warrick, but subsequently enlisted In the regulars. To-Night and To-Motrow Night, And each day ana night during this week you can uot at any druggist's Kcmp Balsam ror tho Throat and Lungs, acknowledged to bo tho most successrul remedy over sold for Coughs. Croup, IJroncliltts. Asthma und Consumption. Get a bottle to. day and keep It always In tho house, so you can check your cold at onco. Prfco 25c uud 60c. Samplo bottle free, Denutr I" IHooit Deep. Clean blood means a clean skin. No beauty without it. Cnscnrcts, Candy Cathor tic clean your blood and keep it cleun, by stirring up the lazy liver and driving all im purities fiom the body, llogin today to banish pimples, boiln, blotches, blackheads, and that sickly bilious complexion by taking Cascarets, beauty for ten cents. All drug glBts, satisfaction guaranteed, 10c, 25c, 60c. Dissolution. Hai.em, Jim. 1, ISO The mrttierlilp licrctolori' cxlatliift liotucvn the llnu of Itoach I'mnlsc li Imrvli) illswlvvd by mutual rotmcnl. .Mr. Crmilnn coiitliiuliiir the buslm-M. W II ItOACII, T.J CltONISK. DEALER IN GROCERIES : Palnto, Oils Window OlnSn Var nish, and tbo moat comploto stock of Brushes of all ldndn In tho state Artists materials, llnio; hair; ce ment and ahingloa; and tho finest quality of graoo need. WANTED. Now today advertuomonis lour Unco or loss in this column Insortod tnroo Union for 25 otsN 50 ots a wook, $1 por month. All over tour linos at samo rato. WANTED An agent In ovory town to sell Oregon Peach Bitters. Ad dress A. Kins, Aumsvlllc Or. 2 7 2w WANTED. To irndc a county right for a good team. Marlon county reserved. For particulars address John II. Johnson, Sllyerton, Or., Box 411. 2-0 3t BOY WANTED. A rellabled boy from 16 to 17 yeurs of age, to learn a trade. Apply to "O," core Journal olllce. 30-tf. CLOTHING CLEAN ED-Dyed, re paired and pressed at Steam Dye Works, 103 Commercial street op posite Willamette Hotel. 28 tf FOR SALE At ashlandOacros, fo In fruit, In peach belt, lino house, best water, climate, and school clear tltlo und easy terms. A. C. Guthrie, Philomath, Ore. 1 27-lmf FOR SALE 10 passenger wugouotto first class, mado to order, will sell cheap. Willamette hotel. 1 2T if CLOTHING CLEANED-Dyed, re- paircu and pressed at aieain Dye Works. 105 Commercial si reot. op posite Willamette Hotel. I 18tr UAR LOAD-Of wheels coming to Salem. Weuroeulurglng our shop und Increasing our facilities for making repairs. Wo havo a large ussoituieut of new covers uud guar antee to. satisfy our patrons. Bring your wheels and umbrellas when repairs aro needed to Gardner & Willie, 228 Liberty street, Dolman's block, next door to steam laundry. 1 20 tr WANTED. A farmer of large exper ience, who can furnish the best of references, wishes to rent a good farm of from lf0 to 200 acre.-.. To have possession by next October. Address Farmer, care Capital Jour nal. 1 I'M 111 WANTED -W. 11. McMullm the pawn broker & Jeweler wautH to buy your second hand goods Includ ing household ami kitchen furniture stoves etc. Will puy highest posl. bio price iu cash for samo. No. 205 Commercial street, first door north of llurrlt & Lawrence grocery store. 1M) J nit SOME PKOPLE-are Jack of ull trades,master of none, but Kupllnger is master of tlio umbrellu. which Is his solo business, and ho will do your work perfectly, ut a reasonable charge. Patronize Kupllnger at 0'J State street. 1-7-lm KIDS CLEANED-for ten cents at the Salem Steam Dyeing and Clean lug Works, 105 Commercial Street 12 2-tf FOR SALE Ou caiy terms 115 ucrus, 35 under cultivation, 7 acres or or chard with 1000 trees mobtly winter apples 5 to 7 yeurs old, one hulf mile from railroad station, good town und school, good Improve ments, a Uric dairy und stock farm with plenty or wild range, g od neighborhood, Hue springs, one third cush, long tlmo tin balance. Flno stock ranch, Apply to K. Hofer, Salem. HOUSE CLE A N ERS "Remember that the best ami oheapot carpet paper Is the heavy felt pupcr wild at Tub Jouhnai, ollice. 20-tf MUSICAL , A llmicd number of students taken, on p no, violin, guitar, mandolin and zither Also German and French lessons given. Anna M. Krcb. Muilc studio, Oiay block, room 5. Call from a to 4 p, m. alto nam, tf Vim IN "fflt?ffifl.JI221,,A aa Vllllll IVSSwII fttiiitantM unit unit miraiin TEACHER 2d&il?fi IUIhImIB (W BlQru, run at rl fun kireei. NJrssrsnaNasJVsVSMNHsWKXVM m unifi, i - - for Infants and Children. The KM You Haie Always Bought BEARS THE SIGNATURE OF (-utyfT&ccZc In Use For Over 30 Years. TM OtNTAUN COMMNV, TT MORKT THCCT. mW YOBW PITT. TODAY'S MARKRT. Poutland Fob. 8, Wheat yallc) 03: Wnlla Wuila, 01c. Flour Portland, 83.20; Superfine J2.15 per bui. Oats-Whlto 4243c. nay svaJiu per ion. Hops -14(g)17c; old crop flc. Wool Valley, 1012c; Eastern Oregon, 8(1 It. Millstutf Bran, 910; shorts, 815 (a) $15.50. 'Poultry Chlckens,nilxed,$2.G0CiM 50 turkeys, live, 12M13c. Eggs Oregon, 25(ii)27o per doz. Hides Green, suited 00 lbs, 6W8lc. under 00 lbs.(H(7c;sheep pelts,l520c. Onions CCc(ai$t por sack. Butter Best dairy, 20c; fancy creamery, 45cW52Jc per roll. Potatoes, 0575c per suck. Hogs Heavy, 81.75. Mutton Weather s.'Uei dressed, 7c Bccf-iltecr8,$:i.25(d3.50: cows, $2,50 2.7u dressed, feCO. SALUM MARKET. Whcat-40. Oats-r35c. Hay-Baled, :hoat, 80.50 Flour In wuolcsalo lots, $2 75 re tail 83.00. MlllstlilT-Sliorts $15,00, Hogs drecsod, 5c. Live cattlo 2i(n3c. Sheep Live, $2n50$3. Veal 6i3, Butter Dairy 20c: creamery 25c. Wool Bcst.Mc. Mohair 26c. nops--Bcst 1017o. Egga-?2o in cash, Poultry Ohlckons, &Vi!9c; turkeys, live, 100$l21c Farm smoked meats Bacon, 8c hum, Do shoulder, 0c. Potatoes t''c. A pples 30o. Assay Office AND LABORATORY- No, 71 Chcmckcta st, 1. 11. T. TUTIIILL Asiayer, HALF WAY HOUSE Kino rlgnrR uml tobacco, itoft tlrlnkn: meals al all hour; nice cli'iiu UuiIk. North Halom, licnr W. I.. Wailo'N l'ubllo wuterliiK truiliili. IMS-lino M. KKICIITINOKIt, I'rop. or liccr m (liiinhrlmiinuil Bolillt nlwnya 011 ilningM. Delivered fri-o to any part ot tint city. (IKO. I,. NHAb, I'rop. 1-13 Old I'loiipor Oroccrv Huloou, I'liono '. iti Commcrvlid Hired. UPDEQRArr BROS. Collections and Loans Kmim U, llimh llaulc Mock, 12 21-lmo HAI.n.M. OltKOON, 7 PER CENT LOANS BOZORTH BROS. 292 Cominorolal Ot., Bulom, Oro, KICAU KHTATIt D1CA.L,1CKH, (lW-ll Il-Illll Money to Loan at 7 per cent On.Morlgijje Security One to' five yeark'jimc. B0I8B & BARKER, 1lw.11.n-3m 270 Commercial at. MORTGAGE LOANS On improved city and farm property at lowest rates, WKHNHIt HUEVMAN, 211 Commercial street! 2 doors south of L.dd tic Hush's bank, .Salem Oiccon. 11-12 dw 3m REAL ESTATE LOANS On short or )mij( time. Notes mid other n-ciirltlin bought uml wild. THOMAS, WATT & CO. OKNKItAI. III10KKU3, ll-ZJ-dw-U 'lit Couimerulal Street ..Money at 7 Per Cent.. Ijw rale on wll Improved arm ii i id olty roertlw. T. K. KOUI), M-ll-dw-311) Ovur Hindi's llnnk. A. M. HUMPHREYS CO. UKALiCKS M Grain and Grain Bags Warehntiao, Halom and Macleay, 10-27-liu-dw Olllct, 'JM Counnerolal St., Balem OPERA LODGING HOUSE (IikmI fiirnUhvd room, with largo parlor In eouueetlon. 102 COUUT BTHHKT. 1J-7 1. T. IhuNp, i'rfltr!mr. To cure La Grippe, keep warm, especially the feel, and take Dr. MIW Nervine. -. - fc., BARR&PETZEL Holo AKontBffur AtL WOUK GOARANTKKD. ai4 COMMiiRCIAL STUEET. Telephone No. lSt 8AEEM Benevolent Institute This ctiarltablo Institution iniiliititlnR tbo "Ilolpliitf Ilund Mission." ut. 101 Contra street, Siilum. It Is u bourdhiK liomo for tbo friendless of ull denomina tions, wbero meiils, beds and no ccssurlcH of llfo arc provided. Sup port, ussl8tunco and donations, consisting of monoy. ioodn or wurcs ot uny kind nro Boilultcd, und will bo used ror tbo uood of tbo cause. 8lck persons will bo cared for. 12-22-tf A. U. COSS, Mnnatfer O. H. LANE Merchant 'Tailor 211 Commercial nt, gy BulU $19 and upwards, Pauta $3 and upwards. SALEM STEAM LAUNDRY! Ploano iiotloo tbo out In prlooa oatho following Sk;rt, plain tocenU Unner drawers..,., 5 to locenU Under shirts 5 to 10 oetU Socks, per iniir 3 centi llandkerchtofs , . . . 1 cent Silk handkerchiefs 3 conU Sheets and nlllow slips 34 cents per dozen and othei work In proportion. 7 Flannels and ntbor work lutollleoutiy wasbod by liar rl, COL 3. OLM8TDAD, Proprlotoi winuunnn lilfilsllUUL FOR SALE BY D J. Urn Buckwheat Free! Housewives Can't all Get on as Committee Clerks Itul tliey cun ull use II. O. Htcamed oatmeal, tlio flnent uud casleht cooked broiiKfust dlsb Iu tlio world, und potiii pound mid a half of elf-raising buukwliuit freu with euoli paokuo. HAItRITT & JLAWJtENCIfl, T. S.BUR til Samtary ESTIMATES FURNISHED. PRIORS TO SUIT T1IEJTIHES, 103 STATE STREET l: Homo-Mado Harness and Saddles... FROM OALIFOJINIA OAK-TANNED LEATHER, KEt'AlRlNO WELL DONE. KUI1KS, WHIPS, OILj iriXA, IN STOCK. 123 3tate street. 2-1-4 1, r .. r-.wmnla !( mrwrm O. H. mAGK Bentfet, Snecwer to Dr. J. M. Keene, old Whht Corner, baLim, On Parties desiring swperioi operations at moderate fees In any brMck ae In especial request. souo&imos. PIAKO TUNERS AND REPAIRERS I'OltTLAND, OUR. ForBalem and vicinity leavo orders at (Sm a Will's Music- Store. j OFFICE CITY HALL' ,, For water service apply at office, Bil'i payable monthly in advance. Mile- complaints at the nrf. CAPITAL CITY Express and Transfet i jMoets all mall and passenger tralht. Hag. tfage and express to all paits of tho clt) Prompt service. Telephone No. 70. WHITE & DISQUE. tfAKM FOIt SALE 360 Aces All in Ynmlilll County. IKOncrei fornnlo In aboily, or In 40-acro tracts, located halt a mllo wet ot Wapato slatlnn, In amhlll county, Oregon, and one and a halt 1 11 lies south ot (laston. I'rlco forcach forty acre from UM upward, Recording to Improvement and location, (looil noil and ca.iv tenni. Kor further pnrtloular enquire of w. 11. KOAN, ll-ZMmo dw Brooks, Oregon. Caoital Soao Works. Hunnlngat full hlait nml making best f laundry and toilet sotps. lie sure to call for the Salem brand when ou want cwxl goods. A. W, ANDEREGG, Manner. NEW MARKET St.te street, near railroad 4 Freshest and best meats. My patrons-say I keep the best meats In town a af. V AT LIST! Good News for tho'Sufferlng Public. . . . The envious rivals who were determined to make Dr. Cook trouble In' the courts hare backed down, and their alleged cto was dismissed when It came Into circuit court. They didn't dare to meet the truth, as Dr. Cook's patldnt's are too numerous and they are ever gateful to the man who has cured them and cau cure others. Dr. Cook mikes a spechtty of chronic diseases, and does not use poisonous drugs to cure tlum. If you have a blend who needs help send him tu DK. J. F. COOK, Consultation free. 301 Liberty street pnQTOPim Ily unIhR r. l'rau's Yollow Netva I'l'.iM. 1VL.U L U1VL.1 This iiilri(ul renicd -.,. , r .3WVitLMii . - -" ' ' Salem later Co . . ill rails JiiaraultfJ lociircull nenmn dittw, aueh as WtaV H-iiiory.lmof irain lower, Headache. Wakrfulurst, Iiit MaMiuoc. Inly J(ml Ions, Ucivousutw. iill cfralus, loss tt pwrr lu Ocucrav. Oigsus of either sex, caused by over-cxcrtlon, youthful errors, exrr)i je of tobacco, opium or stlmuUuts, which lead lo InCrmlly.Con uiftwoor Icsanlly, Can he carried In vr itiwckct. Ji.coirrbox. "- 13, by mill prepaid. ClicuUr J'ree. Sold hy all drugcltts. Ajfcrorll.t.-VonooUitr, Mamifucturrd y tl 1'rau Stnllchie Co., firls Hrancc. I.ue-l).l i'(UKCo.,dUtribgtlinKeuts. Third au J Yamhl1 8i vllanJ-o- FRY, SALEM, OREGON Olu IN O. anooKUY ROUGHS Aoi)liaiices of 111 Kinds... PIIONB 151 .''. RBtSHAFER&GO, VI 1 . Jv' 1? tf. ;--. IS -&? limrmxt' vawsmmm i wsml