"VPTJP I tjajfiiW! w,jmWif j& P. GRAND CUM AX! To vtrlnd up our annual winter sales. , we will bold a Grand Clearance Sale OfVeWeek.Jari. 6th to 11th, Inclusive. Bargains in all Departments. HOLVERSON'S OA8II STORB Cold Weather Suggestions BCOTOtl OLOVE3 Soiuotlilnfcntlrrljr new. grotty colors. Just the thlug for unld , day COcpalr blLK MUFFLERS Lark' 6 lino of plain and fancy ones. 81. 1.CM, 12.00. OAPBSvAjND.CpLLARBTTIW Evcry garment at flpeafnl price 10 cloo. J. J. DALRYMPLE k C0. A New Thing.. Wo nro nlwnys strictly up-to dat and watch for now things to offer our customer. Wo can cluing yotw Gold Rimmed Glasses to Rlmlcnof tho latest style. Com and eo the work. All kind ol spectacles repair dono and made taiiie at new. iSYES TB8TED fume G H, HINGES m COMMERCIAL STREET, Returned Home. MrrA?d Mm. E. N. Urnnson and sister returned to Sheridan today. Mr. Ilranton rutt been under trial uicnt at the Suleiu hospital slnci' Qctnbor .10. for bono disease. Mm. Hrunson has hud two operation per formed, each tlmo having buna re inoyci). Onco from her knee Joint and ttireo inches of the tibia bona removed from one of hor legs. Mr. and Mr, Kransun both speak highly ot Hie Buluiii hospital and commend tlio kind mid clllolcnt .trc-itmuut of the nuruM. Imtltutcd. A camp or Royal Neighbors, tlio ladlcit' uuxlllary to tli eMudern Wood men of America, was wtw Instituted by thn supremo oraalo from tlio Eil. The oatup starts out with a lino Hit of charter iiictubom. Tlio now camp was named In honor of Orouun's state flowering shrub,"Oregon Orapo."Thls U HiuilutiMuipof Royal Neighbors on llio Paoltlo coan, A full pt of of tlcuri wcreclccled. Tlio new camp will meet on Saturday i.lght in con Junction with the Modern Woodmen of America. TO CURD A. COLD IN ON II DAY Take Laxative lIrou.o Qululue Tablets. All druggist refund the money If It fall to euro. 26c, Tlio genuine ha L. li Q. on each tablet. Wet weather shoes You nerd them. Wo have them to sell. Come and oe them. Try tlicm on. Price Ilium ami we are mho you will lake a pair. They aroall solid. They lib woll aud wear well. Wo ouu lull men, women and ohllurou. Some rubber good left Tue we desire to olow out. Low prleosoo Uieiy. Men' Long Hunting Roots for fit. Twelve only Ladtai' Mnaklotwufrs in tock. Wo rooGerlng them at oxaot wiiulowlo COSl. KJFjUing Corset Henietybor wo have a full flock. Kwyone warrant!. WilMro$r& Co. SPOT CAlill HOUSE. Mrtt Puur South irf the IVutooicv. .Standard Pat5e.ni bast awl OllMtp-J HHBniHHnpiB CASH STORE PLUBir uaph- Vcry swell seal Plush caps to kerp Juck Frost from nlppjng yiur cars nHoaw HEAVY WOOL JIOSU SUro cure for cold feet 2opalr OVERCOAT Heavy leaver, finely tatlore'd, full Of solid comfort imu wear UOcncli NINTH GRADE ORAUUATK8. TWiiity-Six Yaunff Hslemltes Prepared for Life's Rattle, On Wednesday cvonlng at 8 o'clock the"A"claHOf the Ninth (trade of tho Salem public schools will present the following program of graduating exercise at Reed's opera limine. I'lUXMAM. Mtitlo Orchestra Invocation Rev. It. McKlllop Pastor of tlio First Raptlst church. Amazon Drill Lincoln school Music OrchcHtra Presentation of class. "The Nation's Volunteers" Nclllo Orcna Spong Tlio Annexation of the Hawa iian Islands". .... Ira Hamilton A Vocal Kolo Woodland Heranado. . (Anuclo Mnsohornnl) Ella Amelia Rlncman lrrainniinli.il J I'l. NottlO Ik'ckncr tcompanlbtsj V0lliLc0 Nlcklln 'Tlio Mnrtyrs of tlio Maine".... JCatliorlna Gertrude Rashor Address to the Class.. Hun. II. F. Mu I key Premutation of Diplomas. . Dr. W. II. Ilyrd Musle Orchcstr DMII Tlio Vestal Vlrln".... North Huhool Music Orcheitrn . UIIADUATINU Cf.AHH. Ira Hamilton, Ellen Rait, Mnrlan Ethleen llotrlok, Dolllo Hubbard, Herbert Lolh Junk, una Mabel Rranson, Arthur Hepburn, Aunn La Verne Kautnor,Halllo Hortenso Wat son, Alum Ktoll Pohlc, Lydla Rich, Frank J. Yannko, Ella Amelia Rlnc man, Kathcrlno Gertrude UiiNlior, Mlnnlo Maritarcl Hruco. Roy 1). Dyrd, Daisy Delpheun Otis, Emily Alice HorKau, Ada draco Dayton, Ralph A. Cox, Marian Alma Rlankonshlp, Oar a Anncilcy Roxorth, Ulanch Elltabe'h Illldwc, Ettua Ruth (lyrno, Marvarot Helen Bouthwlck, Nnllle Orctiu SK)II. D. W. Yodrr, principal of the Kat school and Ihatoachur of Ninth '-A' clan. TlioronroO!! pupils In the ninth itrjdo, " of wlium will uruduato In the a novo ch.n, uud the urado will t o doubt w tilled n full iin before As usua) 10 cents udmUslou will bo col lated to defray tlio ox pen w of the tsyenluir. Tlekola can bo nbtalnod at thtt. door, ami all lutoroslcd In our public sohools arc Invltxl to lm proa ont. The Homellett Mao in Satan A well at tliohuiiiUoniMt,, am) ttUri ara InvlU-d lu wll on any druggist and get freo a trial txittlo of Kwtp's RitUani for tho Throat and Lung, u rouiwly that U gtmruntwd to euro ami bcllovu all Chrome aud Acitu O.ugh. AsUitim, Rrunohllls and Ooniuwn tint). Prleo Dfte. aud too. Incorporated, The following euuirwny HItlarUlw uf IWhui8rilon in llw ervutry of Mate's Mflleo yesterday: MlnurA? Coutpaiiy, oumpuMMl m( W. u. Nlnur. 81. D. Clark and W. U. Irwin, lngouoraliuerhamllilng, VA a oapltal stock placed at ti,P00, lu uarv4ufl00Mch, nnd lwduarUir at ueppner. Money Refunded, batliragtlDn guawntwil wln you uwbaiwn 'SpaI?r rkmr. Moiny iMok if ym don't like lu Uf See tltt Vletary Oil Jai tn0, at W OUHunewlal suwu Na wiuk. imi HallifaotlDt) ixir, tie smikm no dirt. .Voluht isib. iiMtauynxMii. ClieaiKir than wxmk! 23ll ALL STYLES uonsmore-. -I1MJO New Omiury ... lalfc New Ytut in in TypewHte8forRcnt Salem Tyfwriler Exchange a4 Renteiy. i M. LOOKWOOD, P uaico pbouo 40, lt. Piwae M. 288 Commorolal St, SALEM. OUU mratmmm m a JUDOE BURNETT'S COURT. Adjourned Term Held and Some An Cases Disposed Ol. .fudce Rurnctt today held an ad journed sotuoo of the Octolxr term of DnnnrtmoriL No. J. of toe Marion wiuntv circuit cou.t. and made the following docket entries: A.Rush vs.Rlchurd Grain, motion for sheriff to make deed: prcmsnt sher iff ordered to make deed. Stato of Oregon vs Wllllard Rlrrh ard, rapeicontlnr.ed to June term. H. W. Upderafr vs. T. II. Wilson action for money continued to Juno term'. Win. Rlimy vs. a. L. Adklns, notion for money; continued to Junotorni. G. Mucoke v. Dan McCann et al., action or money? default and Judg ment as to Ah Leo, with order to sheriff to apply attached money on JudKnient. Dismissal as to other de fendants. G. Mucckc vs. Dan MuCmin ct til., action for money; default and Judic montustoAh Lee; dlsml'Hcd as to other defendants. E. It. LlllentluM ct al. vs. Wm. Mcheurur, possoMlon of hop?; settled. Salem Truck Si Dray Co. vs. North western Btovo Foundry Co. vs. et al., action for money! settled. J. L. Nioelv'tnii vs. D. A. Mattlson j action for money; continued to Juno term. V. Wattlcr vs. A. 0. Kecnc and W. A, Kecne. action for money; settled. John tiavaKO Br, vs. Rankin Edtrnr, action for money; dcfalilt nnd Judg ment with order to acII altnchcd prop erty. W. E. Mitchell v. Orcon Woman's F Sc II. Flbro Association, action for money; demurrer rtrlckcn out on oral motion of plalntilf, becaiiRc lllcd with out service, T. O. Andrews vs. J. II. Rrown ct al., action for money; default and Judgment. .foil ii Dorcas vs. II, G. Wrluht etui, action for money; motion of defend ant to make complaint more dcllnltn and corlnlu overruled. Mary J. Shaw vr Mnry E. Shaw, ac tion for money settled. S. Uoblenl. ys, Geo, Sun, action for money; default and judgment Juntos Denton yo. Bam Rurrows, ac tion for money; settled. W.G. Stanton vs. D. II. Weyant and wire, action for money; settled. C. Ii. Thompson vs. 8. A. Ronn ct al., action for .uoucy; default and Judgment. EsburjrGunst Clar Co. vs Peter Reader, action for money; Kittled. W. J. Van Bcliuyvnr vs. Peter Header, ncllon for money; settled. L, CoblenU ct al. VHPoter Reader, settled. Charles CellarlotiH etal., vs. Peter Reader; settled. Thos. II. Taylor Si Co. vs, Peter Reader; settled. Capital Lumbering Co, v. Joseph R. Renoit, action for money; demur rer to complaint sustained; leave granted to plaintiff to servo and llle amended complaint by February 7, IbUU; tlio defendant to answer tlio same on or before Februrry 8, 18W). John llutthos ys. J. N. Raker, ac tion for money; loavo Kruuted to) plaintiff to Ilia amended ailldavlt for publication, and continued to .Itino ' term. Trustees Jefferson Institute vs. G.l L. Thomas utul,, action for money; settled. i Thomas, Wall Co. ys; J. N. Raker; action ftr money; continued to Juno! term, X'llliu Woodward vs. Arohlu T. Rd tuunon, action ror money; sottluil, MiJuhuson vs. W. L, Jones, notion for money; continued to February term. The regular February term lwglns Monday, tho lath. GRAND JURY WAS LUQAL. Supreme Conit Rendert Decisions In ihc Witt Case, Two opinions rendered Monday by tho supremo rottrt In the Witt casus, appouled from tho olroult court for Marlon oouniy, have an Important homing on the status or the lust grand Jury, which ouiittldeml the olr oult judgiMhlp uUutlon fraud ousoo ami ruturiiMt Imllctmenu against svn irouilnut eltiutus of Salem, though th (luostluu of iu lwgullty Is notdlrwjtly utunhwl upon. eitMpt as nwwiryln theoa dttohlad. The lililoryof thmsi and ths otmalu. iIohshn nmehetl Uj- JimMco Rhi.! wiw wruw tiM opjuions. , Ilw itiilnlou tys "It (Uto Indict, menll nlmrg. that the defendant did unlawfully and felonloiudv iU awl toal Mit a dwelling bo4tn one W gold pleci, eu;.. :ml tlila is siiitlcleut tw su.uiu Km oonvktlmi." The Jwlk'uiHiil W alllrniod. The oleeilMi fnititl easos w til tM ClMl. ddeiod by another grand Jurj- at the lermof court willed injuwhw In this olty next Monday. It mile opinion ofMimeof the laval (rtitomlty thut ill the defeiMUuts lu these oaios. oi. cepta.T. lUohnnlkou, who w rap- iwauiou uj- jwikf imnnelt, walvod tholr rlRht tu oujevt to the ludlet- niont, roturnod, anil quashed last full, hy Mine a motion to nu.un m ,h. amo time uiey niml adenjurror, inas much as it Is u rule of law "that this wiuuwi must tw mudu beforo ttie de murmroi plixi, and If not so made the, dafendant h pwojurji f nwt nos wards vUinllmK.f r the wJoo tlenswhlnhhels bIIuwihI ti prownt n fciMh motlun." Re4 Catefully, hen write us itrooiueTn aud sw o about tint Miuro trip, ve Van ? ..k.u 'vmvr, iUICK time a IK a aoiuroruWe Umrrwy. The N . i. l R U the ptilla .avorllp. Coin in A 5 riu nA.wi uAkw..A ..,:.. .. -...'. , n Thouas, Wait & Co., Ag't. SORE LUNGS Sorolangn.palnWtnocncBiianuuaiu- " . .. . t .1 -I-. ful breathing 1 reathing aro quiCKiy rouovtii wu Si bC& ab!o remedy -breaks up a com in ono night nnd fa, without doubt, thovoiy best mcdiclnofornll nfTectlona of tho tSmT . H9M Wf Kifn I 1 Cfl ft JbsHsMT i I Cough Syrup Will quickly heal soro Lungs. DoiireniU nd plfant to tike. Uoctorf reeommnd It. Price cent. At all droegUtt. MORTGAGE TAX. Continual Jfiia Flrt 1'ase Roberts Btruirirlcd with one of the strongest urKUmonts against the bill that, tho rate of Intcrost Is fixed, like all prices, by tho laws of suppl nnd demand. Any restrictions on tho lender will rauso a rlso In the rate of ! Interest. McQueen stated that lie would voUj for tho bill under mental protest, be cause he knew that his constituents favored It. After tlio subject had Iwcn well threshed out, Moody's motion to refer was voted down, and the bill then passed by tho following vete: Ayes- Rlackaby, Rrattaln. Rutt, Cumminifs, Curtis, Donnelly, Flaw, Fordncy, FreeUnd, Grace, Oray, Hiiwson, Jones, Knight, Krusc. Lam Hon, Lewis, Marsh, Massinglll, Max well, McAllster, McCourt, McQueon, Nichols, Palmer, Platts, Bherwln, Stewart, Stlllman, Stump, Thompson of Clackamas, Topping, Virtue, Whit ney, Wlhon, Wonacott, Young, and Mr. Speaker; :w. Wi Republicans, 17 Union, Nays-Rayor, Rrlggs, Divls, Farroll, Hill, Hobklrk, Mooly, Morton, Rccdor, Rolwrts, Ross, Smith, Stan Icy, Thompson of Washington, Whal lcy, Williamson; ID all Republicans, 5 absentees. 1IOUSH lltl.t.S I'AHHUI). II. 15.76, vliltiiey, to tnx mortgages. II, R, 100, Williamson, to amend sec tion now of chapter LI V, title IV of tho laws of Oregon, relating to license for peddling merchandise. II, R. l!.'i, Curtis, to amend section 2820 tltlo VI chapter XVII, rein live to sale of real estate for de linquent taxes, 11. II. 205, Flagg, for the rellof of J. W. Magnos. H. R. 222, Rutt, to regulate the busi ness or mutual lire insurance companies. II. R. ir.l, Maxwell, to cnUiblisti a fiscal agency In New York, to act without compensation. . HHNATR TOB80AV KOUKNOO.V. Tltlltl) ItliADINO. S. R. :il,Probestcl, prohibiting uso of slot machines, Passed 18 to 7, those voMog no being Rates, Cameron, Dufur, II irmoii, Mac kay, Mlchell, Patterson, S. R. 102, Kuykcudall, to nmciid law pertaining to Hluslnw& Eastern Ralload Co, Referred to Judiciary. S. R. H7, Proebstel. to fix tho per comuilsidoncrs. diem of county Passed. h. K. 171, Harmon, for protection of ttsli In Curry county. Pushed 20 to a. S. II. 177, Kelly, Passed. Rrownsville charter. S. R, 111, Dufur, to bttor provide for anil regulato proceedings in Justice courts, Passed, I Senator Mulkoy Introduced a largo petition of Marlon Co. tax payors lirayiiig tor tlio iwssnjjo of H. R. loll. anu inuviKi thut suld bill Iw brought uotoro mo mtmto. The commltteo ouiHWii or me Marlon Co. Senntors was r.ii,tNl to return said bill and It was plncod uiwn IU final passage. This is Mitt bill Increasing the Marlon enunty's shorlff's salary Troni 500 to it,W0. Mr. Mulkoy made a neut MAtomsntoriliosliiMtlnn aim asked iisamattoror jiMtice that this bill should imw. sniUor Adam iiiada a spread wtglo jMrun sjmhwii awinct thu bill, M)iitir Mains also spoke against it. Senator Reed in thu light or huro Minse spoke for lh bill. He was f. lowod by dilator Rrowuell whu niado a MiMJouiet wumnMit of too situation I FOlt COLD HANDS Wewlllwll Um. .h-r0 llKH' l'vr iinui ifncci SftR ..1 '.'! MV fr i Hog aUfyelou,WWoMl" """,K' JJur laillM wool hiHiohs are ill oiil more ami tlr, .ei,, ,,, " wnl. ' iiiKtviv, witn tieeoe w.mi UL.. " FOR COLD IIUDIIV WolliMgallof our wol nd regular. The moi,s mv. ;""y fmorly IS, aCZd . UiIIh hqo stuu 3e upward. lOR COLD FRKT- 'SiMnd socks! por cent out totoo the t,la- Wo ln l!,l WIGQIN'S RAOKBT PRIOJM. I and supported the bill, no also f flud pnrfif the petition brought In, and took the position- that while some politicians miiilit want public officers itoworkfornothlnjr, the Republican Darty never stood in that position. .. - . .1-.-- ,i.An rinninnnnrl H senator aubihs ujui u-. - , .1 caji Wilch slioweu Jiorrovy, rh,- .n n.ti vshinii alinwpt) Morrow. I ain 'S ab"nt Ad- journco m - !." Sheriff Durbln'i salary bill, as It I ,d Uie jIouse( ivlnn I1I111 000 a dissenting votes, Adams nnd Looney. ! Prnmuent Taylor has 1. vital tho. tnntnbcrs of the Seriate to a banquet Thursday evening at Hotel Willam ette at 7:'W. There will be music and the finest dinner that Landlord Con ner can "ct up for the occasion. Governor Gccr tod-iy signed senate bills relating to preparation of assess- I tnent rolls; to provide clerical aid for j Justices of the supremo court; charter of Monmoutli; ciiaricr 01 uuiteviun, charter of HIIIsboro;chartcrof Orants Pas. House bills: Salary assessor Jackson county; charter of Gold Hill; charter of Marshfield. Oov.Gcer this afternoon filed the apportionment bill with the Secretary of State without his signature'. The bill now becomes a law. DALY TEXT-BOOK RILL Deing Delayed By Representatives of the ( Trust In tho House. The book trust Isn't doing a thing but getting In Its silent secret wor!fi on members of the House wherever it J can against the Dily textbook bill. 1 The House has an overwhelming ma I Jorlty for this measure to break tho j American Rook Co. monopoly held; so long on Oregon. Hut tho trust will work to delay consideration, to ; preyent nctlon. In the great glut of legislation. some 000 bills only j heroic action will sayo this people's 1 mousure. ; The plan of the text-book trust Is ! evidently to kill tho D.ily bill by dc- I lay and misrepresentations. j "Wait until all tho bills on text books arc In from the senate before j you pasii the Paly bill." This Is the . nloa of the text-book trust now In the middle. ( "It will bo simply taking Oregon! out of the hands of one monopoly and ' putting It In tho hands of another," ! rinld a member today who has not yet I mndo up his mind to vote for the Daly textbook bill. He charged that I 11 Reston book firm was for tho Dalyj bill. Or. (tcrnard Daly of tho Senate, nn ' Union member Is staunchly support ing Daly, of Ren ton, tho author of the bill .vho Is a Republican. Rcpre- ' scntatlve Grace who was undecided at ' first, has dcclnted In favor of the Daly , ' bill as tho only textbook reform pos sible ut this session. It will receive the solid support of the UnUn mem bers. Cold Spell Broken. Thu weather forecast for Wednesday Is: Rain or snow and temperature warmer. Wind In the south Ry TuoMluy night snow m the valley will all be gone and sleighing a thlngof tho past. All operations at the Salem flouring mill urn suspended owing to tho ice In the race. It Is thought that much damage has been done to the lower end of It owing to tlio largo amount of Ico ac cumulating and It will be several days yet before tho extent cut bo ascer tained. Tho Ice detained the boats about lialPun hour yosterday at the Oregon City locks, Rut the looks are now cleared of Ice. All Ice Is now gone Hum the small bays and coves along the riser uud HteiitiiboHtlng will henceforth not be interfered with by lloatlng Ice. Skating Is spoiled on the big slough and all coasting Is about at nn end caused by the ruin. I The cold snap resulted In Heeilng thousands or bushels or nonius and potatoes wlllte a scarce article. Good seed poiatoos will command a high price. IVi'itous Hint have been severe ly ohlllml are not fit ror sood and a large percent or tho seod thus ex posed, even though nnt troaeii enough to Injure them ror consumption us food, will be unfit for seed. Four Inches or snow fell at Portland last night. Oysters, Oyiteriiiiren groat delicacy whan .served friwh rrum thai fholl this Is how you get thorn uud cooked to ordor nt Strongs restaurant. 3-7.;j Vaiurwaim..ruiwithl)r Mle r ?lii WHOSE MONEY IH'YS Ity Novor Uo oold for us to talk blclcle. ! We've had a raiment of folks In to mo our linos, aud havo mudu sovmi silos in spile of mini and snow. , Whan It comas to bicycle, gouulne1 bltychs, wheels that huvoa stand 1 tng ami tue rigtit Kind of .sum In thorn, we have them, ANOTHER THING - We haven't a whuol In the houso" even our $M one, that hasn't dld steel hubs turned from the bar. i hat's an Important matter, too. luuiiuirt want aoneup nub made u aini uu tumng t Willi inibo naugos preswa on. T nojii-K" homo time sure, Unite hubs will. u grmoai. Examine all hutw. even on tt;3 9M or io. you'll sometimes .in uuwp iiHos. unon jmt pay even 36 now yuu want k.khI goods Come and see oar "tpwiiir at Uiat price. It has soltd turned tl bearing throuiiliouu BxetW spokes, 40 rear, 38 front. ShlUjr tnWng. In dlaoapoRs otmln. etfeU. AD fully warrantiHl from top to IxUton. BAZAAR . J w waiaeiioiAr sTuaen? Friedman's Corner Commenced to receive their spring goods. Among them are some beautiful patterns of prints in 10-yard patterns, only 60c in latest styles, SOQ1B NICB GOODS At 4c and 5c per yard, Good value in table cloth and towels Bargains in bed spreads and quilts, Extra good gsod values in embroideries and laces, Bargains in ladies' and chsldren's underwear, The boss place to buy your notions, at Friedman's New Racket. New stock ot trunks and valises at Friedman's New Racket, The best place to buy your clothing and hats at Friedman's New Racket Remember the best place to buy your neckties, collars, suspenders, shirts and drawers at Friedmans 1 Death On the Ice. I While out skating with a number ;of other boys at Independence George ' W. Phillips fell on tho Ice. Ills hotd struck forcibly, nnd ho received in juries from which he died in tho eve ning, , Skating, Skating Is as good cxerclw as saw - ng wood-elther will help you to np- ' predate tho substantial menls fur- j nlshed at all hours at the White House restaurant bv J. R. Rnmorr. . ... ..,.,, e od Peach a 7 2w For lagrlppo take Oregon Hitters. The New Process. TheSnlem Flouring Mills "Special" Hour Is now better than ever. Trv it. AMUSEMENTS. REED'S OPERA HOUSE. ONi: MflHT ONI.Y-KKHRL'AUV i!h L. R. STOCKWELL . In... Chas. H. Hoyt's "fl MidDfgbf Bell" EAT9XOW OX BM.K 50c, 75c, $1,00 RKEIVS OPERA HOUSE. ONK FKM'QKUAKCK ONLY VCIIItl'AUY 7lh. ViMber' anc'lulCoi.l) WHO WINS" l(Nldb rV.nlnd' ravonUj MIKN'IK A. SMITH. 25c, 50c, 75c ii A Hot Cud of ! Coffee j Is what makes a man, woman usd child stullo those days, and If you wanttobrtsuretogetlttry l." I oonnemans lbs, for 50c kind He has all grades, and at 2Sc he 7 a .. w ualIl by few brands or Mocha and Java. i.ffee is our specials. -u THE G ROGER m ante at TlPboae SI SONMANN Nt;W State and Commercial Streets, M KflFFEE A Cup of GOOD hot Colfee, not n hot cup of Coffee; we mean a hot cup or GOOD COFFEE, theso cool days any one will npprecl ntc It. ir you wnnt something cheap, fresh nnd better than package ColTce.try our 12, or 15 cent grauo. Or U you want a good Coffee and NOT TOO HIGH PRICE try the middle prlco, 20 and 23 cents a pound used to be HO and ."15 cents, and 7011 will have n GOOD cup or Coffee Yokohama lea Store Telephone Red Ml. Free delivery. New Winter Shoes Below All Competition.,, A large stock of new and childrca's footwear. hSSS&f t,,e, taw ",111 Ladlos' Kid RuttotiandTiuo"r"" These bargains cannot competition. OSBURIM'S M COMMERCIAL STREET. Ol'l'OSlTB POfi'lvOmOK, For two weeks only Our cnlirc stock must be disposed of within time wc have still Many Good Selections which will be sold lower closing out. THE 309 Commercial Street. -. Retiring from businew. Fixtures for sale, net t . They All Say mm 'IM.i l........ IIU 1.1.1 .1 Try It. I tf -im.-o.wuui oiwuim nour inauo liy thut nsw machinery beats the world. To cure La Grippe, keep warm, especially the feet, and take tr. Allies' Nervine. T S. C, STONE, M. D. Proprietor of Stone's Drue Stores fULKM, OltEflON. Tho store, (tno In number) nro located at No. 3K ami m Commercial itrcot, and aro well itocktHl with acotnpleto line of drug and medlolnwi, toilet nrtlolei. erfumor)', bru'Oien etc., etc, no - Id!. BTONK ItdttllAtl &nmn t.,ra AVr.ntn..A. ,.. .,. ttront inmllolnoaiid now makcH no ohurse for consultation, examination or proscription. lines m mens women's. res I,20 worth $l.r0 $1.40 worth $1.75 41.10 worth fl. be met by responsible' RACKET SALUM, OREGON. tliis than ever to make final, - EMPORIUM