Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1896-1899, February 06, 1899, Image 1

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    r V" ? r,RwB,B9'iT ? TH, IP" "TV' - f
4 J
NO. 31
20 days shoe sale
All of our Fall and Winter stock to make room for 914,000 worth of
spring goods bought,
Our Men's $5 lines now $3 00
Our Men's 84 lines now 3 15
Our Men's $3C0 lines now 2 00
Our Men s 93 lines now 2 35
Our Men's $2 lines now 1 CO .
Our Men's St.50 lines now 125
Bin reduction on Ladles' fall nnd winter rIiocs also on Rubber goods.
Ladles' Htorm Rubbers, Bostons $ 40
Lndles' storm Rubbers, Bay stato 30
Men's Short Rubber Boots 2 25
Men's Lon Rubber Boots $2.75 and 3 25
See goods and prices In our windows. We polUh our customers shoes
Cable Dispatches of the
Fighting at Manila,
Krausse Bros.
275 Commercial Street.
It Has Been Confirmed At the War
A sharpshooter with the American
lines shot and killed a sergeant whllo
ho was sitting at a window of tho se-
cjnd reserve hospital. Colonel Wil
liam O. Smith died of apoplexy.
Many of the Insurgents were
driven Into tho Paslg river nnd
drowned, ycvoral hundred were taken
prisoners. '
In a subsequent telegram the fol
lowing statements were made:
Saturday's nnd Sunday's engage
ments have proved n veritable
slaughter for the Flllpplnos, their
killed being reported as amounting to
thousands. Tho American forces
could scarcely havo been bettor dis
posed. It Is now known that the at
tack was fully expected, and that
ovcry preparation had been made to j
meet the contingency.
Firing slackened at noun (Sunday),
the enemy being apparently demor
alized. Tho American troops, how
over, nro fully equipped to meet a
possible attuck tonight.
Agulnaldo's secretary has been ar
rested as a spy In Manila. Perfect
quiet now rolgns in tho city. More
than 100 Filllplnos, taken from the
trenches, aro being cared for In tho
American hospitals,
Fifty-Four Americans
Were Killed
ILL be continued another month at
greater reduction, than ever. It
will be of material benciit to avail
yourself of this sale as goods will
not be duplicated at same prices
after January 31, &99,XXXX
G, W, Johnson & Co,
. -.-i"
All Mackintoshes at manufacturer's prices,
l)- AhiipIuc1 I'rpH lu tlii Jonrtiiil.
Washington. Fob', 0. Continuation
lias been had here of certain published
dispatches from Manila reporting
that a conllict bad occurred between
the American forces and the Filll
plnos. At an early hour Sunday
morning It was given out In official
qunrters that no advices had been re
ceived from General Otis or any of the
American forces at Manila. The
oiflccrs at the White Houso nnd thoso
at tho war department, through
which any communications from Gen
eral Otis would bo received, were
closed at the usual hour.
Agoncilln nnd the remainder of the
Fllllplno roprojentatlvcs went to bed
before mldnlL'ht. and It was said at
their hotel that they had received no
dispatches during tho ovcnlng.
Washington, Feb C, 1800. A tele-
I gram was rccolycd from Manila show
I lug Filipinos had attacked tho Amcr
! lean outposts last bight but were re
I pulsed with heavy losses on both sides.
Americans wounded 115, dead 20.
Admiral Dewey's dispatch says:
Manila insurgents Inaugurated a
general engagement yesterday night
which continued today. American
nrmy and navyv generally successful.
Insurgents were driven back and our
lines were advanced. No casualties
to navy. (Signed) Dnwr.v.
Another dlipatch says:
Tho Filllplnos attacked the Amer
ican lines at 8:15 Saturday night.
There was heard heavy a fusllado on
both sides and artillery wus used. Tho
cruiser Charleston ana gunboat Con
'cord bombarded tho enemj. Tho
; Americans after a magnljlcent charge
captured several of tho enemy's po
sitions. Filllplnos lost heavily.
Chancellor Von Capnvi Dead,
ll- Anuoclnteil 1'reaa In the Junrnnl.
FUANICKOKT, Fob. 0. Count VOfl
Caprlvl, the former chancellor of tho
German empire, died this morning.
Tho Cronise Photo Studio g'jarcn
tnna nit l.lmlr ivnrlr. ntifl tnnU'PH nrlr.n's
as towns Is conslBtant with tho quality
oi uio wurK. uuhiiuu uvur now iui
In tho Battle With Insurgents
The Oregon Reginunt Not in tho
11 r Aawoi'lnteU I're lu the Jonrnnl.
Washington, Feb. 0. Admiral
Dewey cabled the navy department
"Manila, Feb, o Secretary of the
Nnvy, Washington. Tho Insurgents
havo attacked Manila. Tho Boston
leaves today for Ilo Ho, to relievo tho
Baltimore, which will return to
Manila. Two men were wounded on
tho Monadnock, one seriously.
States every possible commercial ad
vantage. Wo want to bo friendly
wl th the Uultcd States. Wo aro wll
llug;to pay the 520,000,000 to Spain,
nnd also pay nil the expenses or
Dcwoy's lleot at Manila. All we want
Is to bo Independent and to have tho
friendship or tho United States. Wo
nro u people, and wo love our free
dom." "Are your pcoplo willing to except
anything short of Independence r"
"I will not say. They want to he
free and Independent, tho same as this
'What will thoy do If tho treaty Is
ratified nnd tho United States ns-
isumes sovereignty?
I do not know. If tho Americans
attempt to conquer the Filllplnos It
It will take them at least 10 years,
nnd oven then It would not bo con
quered In heart. They will novor bo
conqnercd. Thoy will be constantly
rising to gain their independence."
"It Is too bad," concluded tho Fll
llplno. "Icamo to yourcountry to of
fer you tho friendship of my pcoplo
to give you our trado and pay all
thooxponses of obtaining our freedom
for us from Spain. In return you re
fused oven to llston to mo. If you
had been only willing to llston to
what I had to offer, alt ot this trouble
could and would have been avoided,
I am sorry,"
Agonclllo repeated that lie would
return to ttio United States as soon
ns he learned tho rcllabto news about
the events of Saturday In tho Philip
pines. Tho Impression that his man
ner gave was that ho Is n very bady
frightened envoy.
;i u u
A Framer of the New Charter Exposes
the Game
Of the Men Who Did Not Fight the Bend Clause in the
Richardson Charter.
I That look well
t Don't always wear
.Our $4.00
Was made to wear as well as to look at,
Shoe Store
PGsd Q4 State street. Salem, Oregon
OREGON GREEN AND DRIED FRUIT CO. 55 Stale Street, Salem, Ore
Suitable Tools
4511 i
A man might as well try to work
with Ills hands alone unless he has
the tools that help.
Is none too good for tho wan
dos the work.
can alway he fouud at
Further Particulars of the Attack on the
W I Americans.
II, Aoolitieil Pre o the Jonrnnl.
I London, Feb. 0. The Morning
.Post publishes the following nccount
of the lighting at Manila:
i Tho Immediate cause ot the attack
'by two Filllplnos on tho Nebraska
outposts on the northeast of tho city.
When ordered to halt thoy refused,
und the sentry tired An Insurgent
Biinnl was thon tired from blockhouso
No. 0 und an attack wa6 Immediately ,
begun on tho Nebraska regiment. ,
Tho lighting spread on both sides Thrnp PflRRnnp-nrc Killed
fe' and tho lirlng was In progress on all
outposts around thoiclty. Tho Atner-1 r,ne brana TUnK
, lean troops responded vigorously, the ,
Insurgent Arc uolng Heavy ana our
rledly planned,
Firing continued throughout tho
nlcht, with an occasional cessation of
from half to an hour at a time.
At daybreak the wurshlps Charles
, ton and Callao began shelling the
! north aide of tho city. Their lire was
followed later by that ot tho Monad
' nock, on tho south side, the Insurg
ents positions having been previously
i accurately located.
j Tho Fllllplno loss is reported to
have been heavy, ine wuuuuw uu
"-! the American side are now estimated
! ut 200. Few Americans were killed.
The Americans began a vigorous
i advance all along the lino this morn
ing (.Sunday), unl were soon pressing
back tho Insurgents In every dlrcc
t inn maintaining steadily their ad
vanced positions. They captured the
villages of Ban Juan Del Monte, Santa
Ana, San Pedro, Macatl. Santa Mesa
and Lorain.
Tho police system prevented a
general outbreak In tho olty, though
several soldiers were attacked by
natives In the streets. Lieutenant
Charles Ilngan and Sergeant wauer
were shot by three natlvos, the former
Roino oA,inulv wounded and the
Salem. Or.. Fob. 0. 1800.
Editoii Jeuhnal: The citizens of Salem, through Its representatives hi
the common council, aro asking tho legislature for charter power to reduce
their lutercst ueut ou per cent, per annum, irom o per cent, uiicrcsu wuiruuut
to 1 per cent Interest, home bond". This will effect an annual saving ot
over $1100.
The proposed new city charter which Is now bororo the legislature for
passage, was prepared by tho present members of tho city council, aided by a
number of tax naylng citizens unpointed by tho mayor for that purpose.
This measure wus prepared with a vlow of providing means of rilnlug
revenues In addition to thrjn now received by tho city and to grant such
power to tho city council as will enable them to handle, in a business like
manner, tho warrant Indebtedness now out standing against tho city; It has
also been the endeavor of the framers of tho charter to provldo as many sufo
guards as possible against tho incurring of Indebtedness against the city In
tho future.
Notwithstanding tho evident honest desire of the present city council to
meet und urraugc tho difficulties which confront our municipality, they aro
met by opposition and that from a sourco which leaves no room to aoubt tho
motives which prompt the opposition.
The provision of the new charter at which tho opposition direct their
principal attack, Is that which provides for an Issuoof bonds, due on or before
ten years, bearing not to exceed 41 per cont Interest. Thoy contend that tho
taxpayers of the city do not desire an Issuo of bonds to tldo them over their
present or any dlillcultlcs, and say that. n issuoof bonds has always Iwon
pernicious In Its effects upon the city.
There aro no taxpayers In this city who do not want the city to pay Its
dobts and they desire to havo tho city do this In tho easiest and best manner,
consonant with good conseryatlvo business methods. These inon who nuw
parado the evil elTcctH of bonds are tho vory men who foisted our entire
present bonded and lloatlnv Indebtedness upon us. It is true that under
their administration of tlie city government bond Issues havo not been a
success In as much as there has never )een an effort to pay them or to curtail
expenses of the city or to koep It out of debt; but they should not presume,
that others would manlfost tho same propensities as themselves, for looting
the city treasury and running the city Into debt. Because they totally
(Continued on Fourth Page.)
Lcclftlators In the State to the North Un
able to Attend.
liT Amilnteil I'rotm lu tho Jonrnnl.
Olympia, Fob.O. The Eastern
Washington mcnibors who visited
their homes were prevented from lin
ing their scats this morning, owing to
tho trains being snowbound.
Thoresolutlon In reforenco to tholeg
Mature ratifying tho treaty or peaco
reached tho sonato aud was lost by
a yoto of eleven to six. Senator Ham
ilton gavo notlco of reconsideration,
Among tho bills was ono to pormlt
women to to to ou constitutional
i amendment to amend tho constitu
tion In relation to elective franchise.
Approved By tho Senate Bv
30 Majority
Allen of Nebraska. Leads
Olf For
Nkukahica. No change.
Salt Lake, Feb. 0. King, 9; Me
Oune,24; Powers, 2;Cannou, 0; Young,
dcm., 3; Ncbcker, dcm., 1; Suther
land, 10.
Pknnsylvania. No change
Hy Ammi'luteil tl'rM In 'i Jtwrnal.
Wasihnqtpn, Feb. 0. Tho peaco
treaty was rati lied by thirty majority
in the United States senate today,
Senator Allen mado a speech In tho
senate saying ho was opposed to
expansion but our duty now
was to ratify tho treaty. There was
weening In Nebraska today and ho
condemned the Filllplnos as savages,
who had precipitated the attack
upon United States. Senator Gorman
spoko, repudiating tho Idea that ho
had takon a position for personal ad
vantaucs. He said ho bellovcd tho
battle at Manila was hut tho begin
ning nnd if tho treaty was ratified
war would follow for years. At con
clusion or Gorman's speech thoscnato
went into cxocutlyo session for Unal
consideration of the peaco treaty.
Baking Powder
Made from pure
cream of tartar.
Safeguards the food
against alum
Alum taking powdm are the great
menacm to health of the ptttcnt day.
wovm, BAKiHfl rowctn ca., mw yok.
Honci KONO. Feb. 0. Tho Fllllnlno
Junta havo Issued a statement sotting
forth that tho fighting at Manila was
only an outpost skirmish designed to
Influence tho vote in tho United
States semi to on the peaco treaty.
Manila, Feb. 0. Owing to the
area embraced in the scene ot Sun
day's engagement,semtclrclcs of fully
17 miles, details regarding tho fight
ing are extremely difficult to obtain,
New YOKKt Fob, 0. Tho Evening
World prints the following dispatch:
Manila, Feb. 0. We control tho
situation, Tho ongngement which
continued for 21 hours ended last eve
ning, and was satisfactory. Otis."
Forming Organization for Ac
tion in Sevoral States
U- AnelHtul Vttun to me joiirniu.
Chicago and Grand Trunk passenger
train, west bound, plunged at full
speed tho passenger train east bound,
whllo the laoter was standing at tho
station hore. Three men were killed
and tlvo Injured. Both locomotives
were badly wrecked.
latter s hrhtly. Lieuienanvuoiuuci
Colton was attacked by a native with
a sword while rldlcg In a carriage to
I tho front. He killed tho assailant
with bis revolver.
Houses Get Down to a 8teady
Orind Again,
Both houses of the legislature met
at 2:30 Monday.
At 4 p, in: tho houo took up as a
special order the district attorney's
Announcement of tho ratification
of tho Peace treaty was made In each
house by the presiding officer, the
news having been telephoned from
thr aouiiNALnress report, and was
received with enthusiastic demonstra
tions of applause.
Tbe HomelIet Man in Salem
As well 9 tho handsomest, and others
are Invited to call on any druggist
and get free a trial bottle of Kemp'h
Balsam for the rnmai. anu uuuko, u
Washington. Feb. U,Army of
ficers belle vo Dewey's dispatch re
ceived today Is a belated cablegram,
nn . while tho nayal o Ulcers believe It re
u" fers to a second engagement.
Montreal. Feb. (1. Auonclllo. the
Fllllplno reprefentntlve, arrived here,
this morning.
Wakuinoton, Feb.fl . General
Otis's report to the war department
gives a total of fifty-four killed Ip tho
battle Saturday night and Sunday.
Among the names mentioned are the
follewing: Flrsl Idahe: MaJ. McCon
vJlle; Corporal Calwtnl Private Fra
ser. Flrt California, Trlvatcs Dcwer.
Bryan and Mahor. First Wash
ington Corporal McGowan, Pri
vates Ralph Simonds, Geo. Belch-
art, Frank Smith, Mattab Cherry,
Sherman Harding, Edw. H. Perry,
Waller X. Hanbon and Arnold H.
Moycokel. Died of weunds: Lieut.
Mitchell, Fourteenth Infantry, Pri
me Ball. First Idaho; Col, Wm. O.
Smith or the First Tennessee, died of
appolcxy at the head of his command
on tho firing line.
Il- Anclncil I'rcNw u llic Jonrnnl.
Chicago, Feb. O.-Tho record says:
Tho farmers of Connecticut, Now
York, Now .lentoy. Ohl , Indiana.
South Dakota, Wyoming, Iowa, Ne
braska, Kansas, Missouri, Kentucky,
Texas, Arkansas and California aro
fnrmlnc stato branches of tho pro
posed new national farmer's party
and aro preparing to scrd represent
atives to tho national executive com
mittee's meeting. The meotlng will
probably bo hold In Chicago.
II y Auilard l're to Hie Journal.
Chicago, Fob. O.-May 721; cash
2 red 71.
San Fiianoibco. Feb. 4. May 110
cash 11 lh
Wahiiinoton, Fob. C Boforo tho
uomitniMinvoned today leaders on both
sides ot tho poaco treaty manifested a
great anxiety and an secmcu to oo
much In doubt as to limai rcsuas,
mi.iilftiitlnn or rejection seeming to de
pend upon xsyeral doubtful votes. It
ivna Unnwn Saturday that tho treaty
could muHterbutGB votes. Loaders of
tho opposition wore standlng.first.w mi
sovoral senators on tho doubtful list
Tho friends of tho treaty lined up
soon after tho sonato opened touay.
Uoach, Itawllngs nnd Turner nam
that tho battlo of Manila had not
changed their vlowa aid that they
would vote against tho treaty.
n..i an i,i that ho had not
changed any f bis ".lows. At
1:45 tho situation was almost un
changed, tho treaty having f8 votes,
with these considered, doubtful viz:
Jones ot Nevada, McEnry and Mo
r.nnrln. Stowarturrlvcd and his po
sition In favor of tho treaty soon bo.
camo known. Just as tho sonato went,
Into executive session It was learned
that Jones of Nevada, was surely
against It and Holttleld of Idaho
also said ho could not yoto for It.
This was some what dlscourglng to
friends of tho treaty. After tho
sonato went into executive session It
was reported that MoLaurln and Mc
Enery had como over for tho treaty
giving It the necessary two thirds.
At Mai'nd,
Madimu, Feb. 0. Intense excite
ment was caused hcroiby tho receipt
last evening of tho following dispatch
from General RIos, tho Spanish com
mandor In tho Philippine!,: The In
surgents hayo violently attacked and
captured almost tho wliolp of tho ex
terior American lino. Tho Americana
offered a vigorous defense at tho ex.
tcrlor barriers, using artillery as woll
as that of the squadron.
"Tho warshlpsdcstroycd and burned
Colocan, Paco, and several towns In
tho neighborhood. Both sides suffered
materially, Vory sharp firing contin
ues. Tho Spanish troops are con
fined to quarters, huta sergeant has
been wounded byasttay bullot. Rioa."
Tho popular sympathies here are on
tho side of Agulualdo, but thinking
people aro anxious regarding tho con
sequences of tho fighting. It laud-'
ded that tho govcramont of Spain
will "act In the most correct manner
and scrupulously respect tho treaty of
j If it's in the blood j
Sarsaparilla j
will take it out. )
i Other kinds may, 5
j but probably will not. j
; J
, It you keep Mm mm Wal'Ul'tl '
remedy that I guaranteed to cure and
be eve an unroiuu aim ";? w"--,
Asthma, Bronchitis and Consump
tion. Price 2b-:, and 60o.
Fllllplno Leader Thinks
Ten Years to Conquer
lly Auoclutcd 1'reao to
New Yoiik. Feb 0.-
It Will Take
the Island,
tbe Journal.
A dispatch
Thin Stinging
Cold Weather
Makes you think of warm Mittens.
Our entire lino at
Wool Fascinators
Wool Hoods
Are very suggestive at tho present
time. Our lines are very strong.
Stockinette LcRgins
Are warm friends, Why not hayo
protection? See our lino. Home
Leather Ones
Both In the short and long lengths,
to the Herald from Troy says:
loao Interview tonight, Agonclllo
said, concerning the fighting at Ma
nila. "There may have been an exchange
of shuts by accident. I did not advise
such a thing. I came on a rnlsslou
ot peace I cauia to offer the UdlUd I
Waist Silks
Au advance shipment of our seleo
tlon for spring, Is now on display.
Beautiful exclusive waist patterns.
$3,60, $150, $6.
Near Silk
Tho correct dress lining and many
novelties In our lining department.
Pull Ribbons
Tho newest attraction, In lovol)
und edectlyo syles.
Wool Caps
To pull over jour ears: ust tho
thing to keep out the cold.
The North Wind
loy Kiss Is cold and cruel, but our
Frieze Ulsters
At closing prices will soon dispel U
chilling touch.
New Shirts
With horizontal strips', owl oodles',
great values,
$1 and $155
Sew spRiNft coats
Remnants in AU Lines at Clearance Pricss,
Jos. Meyers & Sons.
Salem's Greatest Store.