Wfi&i&zm T" .. T" mpf"w7r,Ti " "Jjn jjiWWimi iiii;ptfH WJWW "J" Artfa Jltiupwiap"'1'1''1"1' wwi,p " A nhvslclAn vha mkci ihe &nd is honest about it can tell you thAt.ln many cases, the (L test and is honest about it can nurnw of Ted corpuscles m trie 3 blood Is doubled after & course .. ....,.....& 2 .ti rt tjkjlin m st iicturrrcrrc nun ui. Tiiiiisina Pirk PiHs far Pale Pple That this means coed blood m&v nt be ent Teiy Clear rTom the dector's statement, but any oirl who has tried the Dills can tell you that it means Ted lips, bright eyes, oooa appetite, aosence or headache, and that it trans forms the pale and sallow fllTl into a maiden who dlows with the beauty which perfect health ' aione can give. Mothers whose daughters qtow debilitated as they pass from dlTihood into womanhood should not neglect the pill besti adapted for this particular ill. f liaulc. n Troul.of ioj Orlswold At., Detroit, Mlch.,i.yn "At tit a at fonrtica we li.'l to talc our i!iblrr from achool on account of III btallh She u righed only ip pound, wai pale end tallow nd the doctoti ild the had ttml. llntly we fc-ar r Dr. Williams' rink PI1U for fal l'eoiilf Vhm he hnd liken two boxei the was itronf enough lo tea hrr m1, and la leu than alg month! wiOouulhlar JlkchetttlC Today ah 1 entirety curtd.iud I til, strong, healthy girt, weighing lj pound, a ml tiaa new had ilck day twx."-Ditrtlt XnxtufMui. The genuine Ot Wllllarni' Pinh Pill, for P&t People ore Sold only in p&tkAge, the wr&ppcr lw0y, bearing the full nkme. At &tl lTit( o? direct from the Or William Mediune Co.Sthentttady,HY, 50rptr bo. ) 19 few favored politician. Astoria Hudget, The above paper Has been aKalnst tho Daly bill and is against it still Out it confess to existing abuses Ilcannotdony thetn. it is not true that the present governor owes his election or nomination to Ihe Amer ican Hook Co. l's attornoyt oppood him In convention. If they ever had confidence In fleer that tic would "continue the robbery" thoy would Imyo received n shock could tlloy have witnessed I be sntlsrnctlon with which Uovernor Qccr contemplated the sue emtof the bill and the iterant nf the trul when tho Daly bltl passed the Somite. Howe. or, It Ih a plmtguro Ui seoute such a ronfosMon as tho nbovs lo the abuses and robbery of (he people under tho proMiril law which Is so onilnontly satisfactory to the Amur. lean Hook Co. that, out of the fuIlooM jof Itt heart, boating In sym pathy for the barefoot school children In Oregon, It has voluntarily rcducod prices tho past month to somollilng noui'llH published rotall prices. SILL ATTENDANCE Discussion of the Salaries of Dis trict Attorneys Grows Warm, The Sad Tale of the Dog Law troduced by Senator Adams. In Ksxjj&ri&rtrisns DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL BY MOKKIt BROTHKHt, 8ATDRDAY, PEBRUAKY 4, 1809. aJ .. I,, ,... -,,1,1,11, . . , Ono Yonr 8,3.00, In Advance uy, Four Months 1 00, lr Advnnoo. Waltlf, Ono Year 91.00, in Advnno TUB M1SDICAL BILL Alfred Ifulman writes In tho Ore gonUn as follews: Honutor Joscphl has Introduced n hill to regulate tho practice of medicine, whloh, In Its purpoa to suppross tho quackery of "Christian solenco,,-curlouly mis called, slnco li Is nolthor ChrlHllanlty uorBclenco-wlll ilnd general approval. However, in order to trot nt tho self, fctyled "clfjtitiHt, it provldos that. Any pcron Khali w regarded as practicing within tho meaning of this ot who shall directly or Indirectly, personally or as a representative, claim to posw'" it knowledge of the juro of dlMNue, or n knowledge of physiological proc(k', and offer grat tiltouly or for a fee to apply such Kiiowicugo for the euro or treatment or oiwBBft or fnr the regulation oi management of philological pro cesses, or gratuitously or for u feo pro serllw, director reeommeud, or offer loporwlbo, director n-comtuond, for the use of any person any drug or tncdlclnoor agency for llm truatmnut, euro or relief of any wound, fracture bodily Injury, InUrmlly, or disease, or for the regulation or management or physiological prooesie. this is truly ura-wiiitf tho lino rather lino, and 1 am disposed to sym pathlto with the unusual wit of tho Kaleiu Htatcdiimn, whloh declares that uodcr this pruvUlun a tuau would ho subject Ut proiecutlon forsuugentlng to his neighbor u osbo euro fur cucumber oollo, an aching tooth or burning corn. Adnifglat could not with surety Six up a llttlo Dover's powdcreond plrltu ylnlgallicl under u hurried oall from a legislator, and ft grandmother wouldn't bosafo from Mn tosuggwta mtutuid plaster for tho removal of puln, from the stomach of her budding grandchild. vtrit vrhen the profiNMionnU havo full sway", tho days of catnip taa, rhubarb roots, Herbs und simples will he numbered." Tho bill undoubtedly goes too far, since, adapted as a law, It could easily bo employed for tbo persecution of tho masseur, tho "osteopathic" treatment, trained nursing, etc. forms or practice which somo of us think about as efficient us tho estab lished school of doctoring. Doctors aro notoriously persecutors or what ever tholr professional codo stamps as professional heresy, and It would be going rather far to allow them to enact Into statute tho rules of their professional ussonlatlons, THE FLAX INDUSTRY. Portland Chamber of Commerce Trustees Hayc So Decided. The meeting or tho trustees or the Portland Chamber or Commerce was well attended yesterday afternoon. Tho object of the meeting was to discuss tho hill now before the legls laturo with lofcrencc to llax culture. After a thorough discussion, the following resolution wits adepted: Whereas, Tho trustees of tho Port land Chamber or Commerce havo re eelved rroui MrH. V. P, Lord, In be half of the llux Industry, and In be Imlfof the Flax Flbro Association, or tho stnto or Oregon, yaluable informa tion with reference to tho possible de velopment or tho said Industry, and, Whereas, The said board of trustees aro convinced of tho wisdom or encour aging this Industry, for tho deyolon moot of which tho .sUto or Oregon Is unusually well udapted; and, IIOUBBPIUIMY l. it. Many members having lort town, the roll was culled to ascertain how iiwny could bo depended on to stay for the artoruuon nod oyonlng. FoJty-sIx iiicmbeMSlnnlllwHIioIr lotontlon or atayltig at tholr p'ts,and nftor resolv ing to hold an evening se-wlon, busl-no-is proceed"!! a usual. In view or the alwenco if so many members however, action wus con fined, so far as pwlblo, to the first and second reading of hills and the reports of committee). The speaker announced the oppolnt merit of a committee to report on the atato University, under II. 0. It. No. II: Ilutt, Williamson and Hill. A resolution was adopted Instruct ing our senators and representatives In congress lo support the pure rood and drug bill now before that body. House bill 209. relating to the con struction of bridges, was withdrawn by McCulloch, Its author, and Curtis' salary bill made special order for 4 p. in, Monday. OIHTtlOT ATTOUNKY'fl 8AI.AUIB8, I r Curtis bill No. 203, lixlng tho sul urles of district uttorneys doesn't pass, It will boa most surprising circum stance. Nearly all tho district attor neys in thoHtato were In evidence to day when the bill cuiuo up In tho house under special order, and It Is said that they are all lobbying for tho bill. Further, during u very animated discussion on tho floor of the House, no opposition Mi tho bill Itselr wus apparent. When It came up under special order ai I o'clock Friday ufternoon. Marsh asked that It be rr-referrcd to tho Judiciary committee, to give the An eminent scientist re cently said: "Cod-liver Oil is truly a wonderful com position. It is seemingly Nature's remedy in almost every wasting disease." Scott's Emulsion contains the pure oil combined with hypophosphites, it rebuilds worn tiseues, enriches the blood, invigorates the nerves, stops drains and wasting. Consumptives, Diabetics, pale or thin people, ornurs- ng mothers, should rcmem TEXTBOOK REFORM. School Director Miller of Portland for the Daly Bill, Representative Cummings, a Lifelong Educator, Considers It the Most Important BUI of the Session. bcr this. Mihstitutc. Do not accept a jec ami f i.eo, all drtifgbti. SOITT DOWNS, Clitmltli, New York. rilBHHADOWOF MVIIj. LFjiJVi ill nii4 atf-aiMLin.M Portland Telegram, overling edition nr tho Portland newspaper trust, -has this: A perfect mania for tho forming of trusts has suddenly taken possession or tho industrial world In this coun try, Those trusts aro not rormed only of manufactured pro'lucts, buV Iron clad combinations aro also formed for tho monopolistic control of raw ma terials. Huoh Irusls are not foruud for thu bouellt or tho people, It Is in necessary to uy. They aro croattd for tho solo purpoMMif controlling tl;o markets and raising prices In the In terest nr tho "ring." Were tho ojiera lives employed In the Industries com prlslog thubc tiuststu recolyca projior- tionato increusa or wages, there might possibly bo shadow if an exuuco for tho existence of such "rings," Hut the fuel U that none but Ihe moneyed mim ocrs or tiieso glgautlu corporations darlvc a particle or advantage from them. Trusts are a menace to tho peace, order and wollbolng of tho greatest number, and If thoy are not wxm strangled by Iron-olud laws which pctiroggliig lawyers cannot sot aside In corrupt courts, there Is soro trouolo In store for this country. U imiQioniy in mouarohonl oountrlos wlioro tbo jwoplo urUo In their might and anger to demaad fair 'treatment. Bueh an event Is not Impossible in a great republic which reoog ires the right of tho moneyed owcra to threttlo tho masses. I --"""V"-c!ut.iUyivkfcL.vv.i wmzmm&fjw,mmm, Vv5?55ESir A' 'v JtVSSSSs&YM. ... KMPKKOU FUAN7. JOHUF. Tb trajio death of tlia l'jii.rt of AiutrU iiiiuU it necoawry toutMllr inwlify iUlK.i'T'L ( " tlUlnlul.X 'J' ';rry of the aemalon of '.U,f, ihih, 4,000 oltloliuiiun ww confarwd. Tin ralgnof tlmumrt)f wmt-nl.-Klit.l In ilia JMebirath. Whorens,TliorolsiH.MitthepreontmemlK)istimot Investigate It ami tlmo nor lu raintoiiinliitliin. inniirL.n w..0 ... ,. .......' ."' Z' !1? "!"? f,,r tfoprotltnblojor the bill, but wl.hc.1 a oliance to see ... -v ...uu, iuomminil UIO COIIVIOIS l llmt t'10 St arliw wo-.. Ilv.ul , ,i... and lomatos of other pulle Institutions or tins state; and, Whereas, Wo deem It humane and a duly to employ In some proper manner such porsonss aud, Whoress, The annllmiLlon nr i, wore right Ilk-tiro. McCuurt moroil Ui amend by nam ing the committee on suliirlos and mllago, and then tho fun commenced Curtis, Whitney, Ituotlsir uml Toh ""k "' iiwtrti. Then, after im., IV -& jjjljjff w4 4r, o rirU, hJ 4J4ef -U.vk.tu wy cant, Ml4 J,t rmm" mj wah 4u l.-t and len- In HOWL AND A CONFHiJlON, itUunuounccHl that Jjonator Daly will revUa ni volumluuus sohool bill ami make a scporato ono fur his text bookMhome, Of course It will blo reality the same as the prtwont one and win create another oommlsslua to t appointed by tho governor uuurwiiiiioL aireot Injuriously, under jw,,nuM"" (,VBr lll previous iiiiostlon, Ihoplan proposed, any existing In-j l,,e "Kilt developctl Into somothli.g In dustry. butoan thereby be made tho ' tho ,,,u"ro r ! Kotwra! ongagomont lustruuient of bringing additional ,'ovor U,J liitloii or HwiMinomont prosiKjrltytoour (arming populntlonii ,V'3,IW '"""dlalo oousldoratlon, and nd, nlllliuiitnii, urn, Mooily, IlawBun. m .. ... . Itnluirlu f'i i " ueasis, va utivo read the bill now , , ,' "'""""" "" .Miirsu were before the legislature nttlnm, known ., rro1"- T,w Uu h1 'ed as sonato hill No. IS, ami approve of wf nUMmu lm partleulurly Mrong lUgonornl features; now therehire ,ai1 "'Fiuntoloiitiltilny to nllnw the bo It ro' niombors u, assure thomwlvw that Keeolveil. That tho board uftr.utet "',lor,"Hjt put T Ui. Portland mZFl."""'' It wat, the hrst ... .,..,,,wv. i,. . Illhil lllul ...!. a. inw, aUaeraiul luMiin had,! n.u ."":' .""" I,M '' iUm S. II. 109, Daly, of Lake, providing for the solo or Agricultural Col lege lands. S. IJ. 113, Fulton, to provide 'or the physical examination or plain tiffs. Picsed. S. II. 122, Fulton, to amend the laws relative to appojls. Passed. S. H. 'IS, Adams, to proyido for the taxation or dogs, President Taylor called Senator Djly, or Lake, to the chulr and spoke against the bill Trom the standpoint or thu sheep growers, who own large numbers or dogs. He claimed that ono or these dogs Is, in many Instances, more valuable than several men. ben ator Mlchcll also spoke against the bill, and Dr. Driver imked what proor there was that a taxed dog would not kill us many sheep us an untaxed one. A rtor considerable debate the bill was lost by 17 toO. HOUSn FK1IMY KVKNINO Tho session was nhort, as there was difficulty In holding a quorum, and tho Judiciary committee wished to hold a cession for discussion or the district attorney bill, und for hearing from posslblle objectors to tho figures named In that bill. Myers Introduced a resolution, which was adepted, ror u Joint com mittee or flvo to Investigate tho sub ject of rood llshos and report at tho next session or tho legislature, with out the expense to the stale. Adopted. benute concurrent resolution rela tive to tho Lowcnburg contract passed the home without commenfor opposition. 1'JM.S I'ARSKI). S. 11. 212, Incorporating Hepnor. II. H. 103, Roberts, to grant A. A. Hung, a franchise to build nnd maintain a loll road und n toll bridge across the John Day Itlyer connecting. Sherman and Gilliam counties II. 11.240, lllackahy, to amend ectlon S, relative lo time of holding court In ninth judicial district. H.:i27, Hall, to provide lor tho re location nt tho roiinty seat of Columbia county. S. It 115, Morrow, to Incornoratn Canyon CUy In (irant county, Oregon. II. It. .'Mil, Sluwiirl, Ui neorporate Ihu town of Medrurd, Jackson county, Oregon. AHor second reading or a number of bills ami tho passage of half a doren othors, the boue adjourned at 0 a'ciock until 2.-ao p. in. Monday. SKNATK -ntlDAY KVKNINO. Tho appointment or tho two uiem- Itofrt or tho Joint comuiltteo to invest Igato the stnto university was an nounced: Fulton nnd Daly or Lake. Adams hill No. W. to nbollsh om of tho Judges in the third Judicial ills trlot, was reported from tho commit teo on counties without recommoud atlou. Further consideration thereor was Indefinitely postoo-i.d. which scuds thu bill to Its long sleep. ituporiH or committees nnd readlnir of bills took up most of tho senslon, but two bills being passed, viz: H. II. 105, Incorporating Ontario. H II, 210. InconnnttliHr Mnm rni. mo bonuto was in an iiniisimiiv playful mood, ror that aiigust biMK. and oonsldontble fiiu was tlyinir In tho II C. W. Miller, or Portland, objects strongly to the report that he Is part of the lobby against the Daly textbook bill. Ho Is here at the request of a committee on an entirely different matter. He Ib not a friend or the American Hook Co., but quite the re verse, having rought that company's extortion, In his capacity or school director In Portland, and being therc rore especially objectionable to that highly bencllccut corporation. He says that he is strongly in favor of the Daley textbook bill; considers It a good bill, and greatly desires lo sec It pass. Tiir. Jouunai, and all honest sincere friends or tho public schools will rejoice that Mr. Miller thus de finitely takes his position on the right side or this question, Tub JouitNAr. Is proud to be per mitted to stuto that Representative Cummings of Marlon county, a life long school teacher and u gentleman or culture and moral tibre Is heartily ror the Daly bill, and considers It al together the most Important meas ure or this secslon. He says he be lieves u great majority or the houso or representatives are for tho bill. But Mr. Cummings can do much to en lighten oilier members who buyc not had the practical experience at school work that ho has. The only danger to tho Daly tcxlbook reform bill lies now 1c tho possibility that agents and representatives or tho trust will de. eclve members Into voting against the measure. Interest In the Daly text book re form bill Is unubatcd. The legislator, who, without fully Informing himself on the question, votes to dercutthat bill, or votes to delay or amend It, which is what tho trust now wants need expect no kind treatment at the hands or tho voters or any party. A legislator who votes against the Daly bill, knowinir the present condl tlonsus to the public school text book In Oregon and how they ure brought about, lays himself open to the rhurgc or nuvlng sold himself to a trust that preys off of tho most sacred of Ameri can institutions the common schools. Oregon has for nearly twenty years had one set or text books, nil higher priced than In other states, and ns everyone knows who has examined them, of an Inrerlor character, gener ally speaking. This imposition on tho taxpayer Is forced on the state bv the present law which was enacted by I trust Influences. ' Tho argument will nc made that tho Daly bill creates a text book com mission of live men. to be appointed by the governor. Hut 1 1 Is not a com mlsslon that will grow In exnenso to tue tax pu)er. "I Never Rode So Fast In my life," says a Portland, Ore., man who recently went oust via Hillings and the Hurllnglon Houte. "Several or us kept tab on the speed or the train; fw miles nn hour was nbout the averugc gait, but CO was so common that after a while wcdld not oven com ment on It. Vou certainly have THE truck." Omaha Chicago Kansas City St. Louis all points cast and south. A. 0. SHELDON. Gen'l Agent, Portland, Or. YAQITI1SLA route k Comiuctlng at YAQl'I.VA with tho YAQDINA BAY STEAMSHIP COMPANY 8TKAMEK9 "WJEEOTT" Flwt-clnsi lncvcrr report, tlio nbovo Rti'Rmcr Ih duo to fall from Yu'iulna every elclit dnyn. O.R.&H. i DEPART FOR Fast Mail 8 pin Spokane Flyer 230 p.m 8pm 8pm ex, Sun. Saturday hi p m Lv ve Salem 7:15 p m H'us riW and bat 10 a m. MonWcd, 1'ri TIMS SCttKDUtK. From l'o riland. Salt Lake, Worth Denver Ft. , uniiiim . rtaniiti City, St Louis, Chlcafcu uiiu ru3(. Walln Walln, Spokane. Minneapolis, St. Paul, Duluih, Milwaukee CliL cagu and Fast ARRIVE. G.'4S P.m Spokane Myer 830 a in OCEAN STEAM-HIPS. For San Francisco. Sail every five days ShortoU Kouto Iletucou HelwccD Valley Points nnd San Francisci Fare: Albany nnd I'ohiU Woit lo San Krnlielsco Cabin ........... ..I10.W Uound Trip 17.00 II. I WAI.DKN, KMVIN 810NE, T K. d. P. A. Manngur. J. TUUNKlt. Airoiit, Albany, Ole. WlLUMElTi: ItlVKIt IUVISIOK STEAMER WM (VI, HOAG, Captain Geo. Hanbo, ItUlllilllir betu'con 1'nrtUtiil mul rv.rvnlii. stopiilnxntiill Hiiy IniulliiKs. ltlVEK BCIlHDn.r.. IOWN-Tucsdfl)s, Tliuriidiiyjt and DmidnyH. Inu Cnrvnllls . ..... o.m Iave Albany ... 7 a w, Iavm llaciin Vlttn , u. ,,,. te?s .ter :::::::::::::::::::io! : ;": Arrive f'orilunVl "". ' I'l'-JIonday?, Wediiiwliija nnd Krldnya. Invo I'orllnnd fl in .envM Nen berif '"mm ,,; ; Uvne HHlein..., 3.M J Lome. Iiidvpendvnee A:H0 n. m. hvcb llneim Vista 7:Ji, ni leaven Albany . ..... orfion n. Arrive CorvnllU ".ZTllsoofcin. Tho stetunor tin lii eiiili)nii wltli flri- cmi itvcoNiiiKMiMiiotiH, liiclii(llii tin elegant I Unniiriiflked paMengera. L 'alem Tu.Thui Sat 3i. ni COLUMBIA KIVEIt STEAMERS To Astoria und waj land. ings, un i. iviLLAME'i TE RI VERS1 Ar Salem Port and, Newburg and ' 6 p.m. w iviuuiiii. I For D.yton WILLAMETTE KIVEfc Corviilhs Albtny and Way Points. Alons Weds Fri Tu Thur Sat 3130 p m Ar Salem to a m Mon Wed and Fn WILLAMETTE RIVER DIVISION . Dilly bom to Portland ns above. Transfers to street car line nt Oreg City if the steamers are delayed there onnd trip tickets to all points in Oregon, Wishing, ton, ..r California. Conacct o made at Port land with all rail, ocun andriver Hues. , W. ll.HURLHURT. r m ,mJila ' Vm- ''Bt 'rtland. Or. O M. POWERS. Agent, Trade street dock S.ilem. HOISE & BARKER, '"'' Ag"1!1" TAKE THE . Canadian Pacific R.R And Soo Pacific Line Mn.ncapoliH St. Paul TO- for iwrr.lnj. Ixtih frvlxht nnd Ooclc-Kootof Stnteiitreel. II. JIAKItTZ. AKont. Sulem, Oregon. r.HUM.lVAN.Hupt. AI'Miiy, OreKon. Oivp Short Liuo Railroad Tlir Direct Houte lo Montana, Mali, Colorado anil all Eastern Poinls uiw inpioo ol two fiivnrllP runt.... tla ilm iiiu rim .iihii I.IIH1, or Chicaf;o rliilndelpnla Washington Montreal Toronto New York Boston ft .1 all points cut and miiiIim.i dati'dnT" UtM' beitse,vice an-i accoaima lhroujli louiUt sleepers to u .,,i.r' . .! n,' Mon,re'. "J Ifoston " vuaiic Minneapolis. I IIIOII I'llUll Itio ClrrtiulL- HlhuiIc Mitfi. .or (lie Once In six vears toxt. books are selected and that Is urten ' rw'knt tho time enough, nnd ror that each member: ' Hay. to Salt Lake will get $100 und oxnenscs. ' - jwys to Henvur It will no argued that the tilnn nn 11 a r.,.t rut.... . ...... - " urn; a lint, is mil cer- ive lieclliung Chair Cnr tain. The kind or men ('(v-nrrnn. , ltsiMi,inLM-,.f ,,,,,1 --" a.w. VJ-v ... -" ".... will Jolect will bo men of character and reputations at stake In Mis souri it is charged tho textbook com mission was bought, hut In Missouri u contract has been lot ror six years that gives the people llsst-class up to-j date textbooks at one-third lass tlmn Oregon nays. 1 'll. 11.1.. 1. 111 . . When nm.nU .... . . . i.u iuiy uui passei the aenttto i,ni , T ."empipiing a in arter mil debate with. I votes ouTo? S'S Kffonate T& ;W favoring tho measure. All efforts I" Tcd' c,omfort fc.y ncce5 to amend tho bill, so as to tlo the S'lfr s of le Wisconi"n L"" U..i2re hands or the governor with college oTso' 2ePuW' " trains are presidents, county super.ntendelS ! KtrSW TlSZC" urunyonc out his own choice on his uiimm I'alace own responslbllltv wm v,t,n ... 1 " '?ry"C1, 'in. 'li H.lV.s to CIiIcmlti U Days to Now York t'plioNiariHl Triur .nil....... ..! . . . ....... .....iiiiii 1 nim. 1 oirvivra i)tru-i on nil traliiK. I Vor ftirtlicr Information IIOI8K 4 HAHKlUt. Awn. Salem. W. 1.'. COHAN, lleli'l Aieiit. C. 0. TKItKY. Trnv. Pai. At. l-'l Third hi.. I'Dfilnnd. Or. A Few Interesting Facts Man Paellit Hiilivay IVs. Mma Inc. if steamships to Japan and China, Ihe ttstostnml fiuojt hips on the Pacific ocean S liarlr... .n,l 1.'.. ...... ',,."C otient ' rol,,c ,0 "19 Canailiiui Aoslnllu S. S. Co. Aconi ,,1, , , . , '. ll ABBOT. 'o"t. ih I bird strert Portlard, Or IT'MOcI I'MH-m-er Acin, Vancouver. B. O EAST AND SOUTH VIA rjE SHASTA ROJTE OF THE Southern Pacific Co air. At 0 o'clock ndjourninotit taken until 2uW Monday. was . ' M ( j. no uousc siiouid puss tho hill itsmiius xiio lubbv nf fi.n a can Hook Co. that has heretofore I handled the lelgslaturo through tho I state and county superintendents j should not be permitted to kill tho! bill In tho Umbo, ir r hi. inici I udopLs toxibook rerorm it win ..' homo will, tho blessing or the people no matter what It shortcomings In other respects. Meab ' !a lir,. Mr Servl" rxccUe.l, U3 ' " "n.. ask the .icket apent n n -, .1.:! " ' n ,v, .... -u., M iiiJKCL fiver TUB fflSCOXSW CBXTHAL LIXRS ,lU&. ChicaM- MHwaukte and ,-.,.., ,.,i. KXPRtSS TRAINS RUN DAILY 6:00 P M .-2S I'M ..'15 AM Abo ortland. ..Ar ,Satem t .. Ar. San Francisco'. Lv A M A M PM Other hiaiui. ..r ,1 . .... i x " '" "III whs ro-rrtirr,rt ,. ...1 . . " , -..,.h j, i,,u fl1 IIHflklil. ,1... i...iii --... . whom tjusintM It shall Ui to soleut the (tuw the twiteaeo or ui. i.m .! '" .JT ary "''"Uw and tt4 tU ihm Uth Itf auJ ru uiah mm 1 mi . .1, r air 'w ZZ2 inn ike j( r,r ,-..v.r"" i.wdrf.. :; :;:,x "."".. ktttbamJ, nink fi km yM clan. at iwlxuHtli Wny hutidtr at I be il,o...L 8fJS'rrIlfrw,.l, WH l'byMus. Ttv TaTIV miUIMIIF (Uf fi " - Ihuar knu .. - rft hew urt xw4ilti? itelr "5 i tt (lf .,H will 04 wm K4ftAH4 IUt fwiialla. r .. SMttfr mm! flijw4( rj,. Ulrtq iould U ""V vimfH4 i ii WMinyaini th , m IHiUal-' K V i .,,. of ih iau.1 d M.I. i- , Mft.lUi i W tut 1 1 Mwtetae of m atafT Mum, he M jiciHKd for 4 W JHuir trawa. II.),.. 4irul Bltdi.'Uin Au- im.. kMr U im4 iu Ow nihacr of ut V 4m 1.UA ... v- .. ' " 1 n khuwm w iw. nerv 1 dy.eull f0r Ul(, lmrh(Mt,. ' ' , " i,' "Miir rorwanl, and h ws hhioiuuiouiiit to our ,iu, 1 .... ,..,:::. J M' "ow "H or nf S. ....... -.....-., ..,ii, tu , I. inilMV I ha ..III .. .. lh" ?l". !"? " JudlaUry muZlZ mU to bo used. Wiirtti.r n.u .bm . inch nmeminiiiiL nn 1,. ,iu- ...Ji nZ?m or,,r fur 1' MowUty. bo tuoM.lMi,ifli..i.. ii,- ,. .." IWlUlure may tw ru.i ,;l,...V,f.,urlw".x,, ,H l Wl Tlmt there has been abuse ,n JiST"" " 1"&2J1J!&1 IU., ....I !.. .. . ' tM... . .t... ''" "" !-. ..u luai, mo Ainerionu Ihwk madti as It lb U V I.I.... rM' lt.4 ) h d NuiVtMl InUl. 9 Miundoy has lieen iwtia u ,tt, fur , IU books thero can h no dinylng. but will tho oommlMinFt do teller by tho people than hate Urn .unarm. tnd0UUV OtoOUWOlftho imarn..r nouiu apjwlut on the oommiMlona only men who aro scrupulously huimn and ttbovebribcry thew might he torn Impniveuwol, It Is generally uu.iur. i towi that tho AmerlMtt Hook Com. ' ,, ", uwgwfaim iu tho eleoliou ot the prswint govuroor and naturally ' lilcjpvoi, favor ttthutuuds. Tic fOj"tt or tlt utato ar .uxitu Ut hyo tboMniKil lok mhVery dono tostant ouHhing CViltatAiit foudhinir U ... nui,, . im.) ii,K, l.u, tH, ,,,,,, ,,,, ,' MUl IrrilMtluil wilt HO MU,l4lw,J W W 1.6AM .U0D T.IXK) 1.8CD S.&IX) a,eoo 1,IXH J ia mr iwmm oui niiuugli j Imt nwiiy UtMiKvrfHM. 'Rut tlw Uirmtr. a .1 rt MllipW COOgtl u "' vi7o una 7r&SJS& !.. Uot wuuhl ZZ; WiMimiyltiHiMMi !. uJ,4,,t(.1.i ... . S MMWWSttMI. UU ulWNtl, '-'"-MIl?IHIfUt it lun. fma. Klvoa itM t ou u.irJ Jura, that .im .,. .. ..... .. " wlMlooortur!hMtthfori .. . 11 n . - . m mo ireMimttHl lr llulpa OmA Byrun ot ouea n...i u. ...,.". B -w,Kn OrBulls Cough Syrup iw.r. r:'?.vi" WQP0 ivMaMmMl 4. 1,, I-t". M lV Dikn ' AI ail ftvgtfet. ' fifth ludlolul .l.i hi.. SlXttl Jlldlc'lul rlUi.1.1 ' ' wrviiUi IwHoli ditirtot. B gbih Judicial distrtoi. Mi lb JiMliclal dbMrlet .. SKNATlt-lHUMY APfKKMOfiN. M. &(a FulUjtt. fnutwil,. r.o .. I 1'Or MIOMlUlRf teAatutltu. UoUUl MIHumlurtHt. l'und, THIHOKItAUWU. is. il mr IlartuiiH. i.tukibj,,.... ... wu-or crushing wjpt with a In Uttt KWIM hi w. j.;, l.m KnykendatL nmri.itu -- 'vMiiiiiii 11 ri ly high MiwaU. .... I i-rlty votoe tit twRty, w , 1lw WU w dlHHtrUWy un z :, : .'.r"" wuw .iu 1..:. ,' rr. ",MI ''ttios "",om' v rwjuiring that payawwn t0 ., Ult I Adtmi proprietor itml orguns. -4 5w Mrs. Mrs. and M rs, (in It- Friday Night Club. Tho Friday night duneltn club imv auolbor or tholr series In Tioga hall last evening. Muslo wus rurnlshod by lluokousio's orchestra. Tins folliiivinL. k.. oro present: Mr. and Jno. UUI, Portland; Mr. and l.udolph.l'ruol, Portland; Mr, Mrs. Wilson, Husiorn Orogon; nw u.. -"f,J' 1,erl'''d: Mrs. C.U.PuiUii, Asf.rla; Mrs. tJouator " --"hkh i-nomsonl"v'-iuri,ruiiiu tu Album- tlUL'unu. .Mrn h. 111.,.,.. . .'. ' I roar nml .if 7...0,ut,"J ""1 - "i ' a IMV. I'l.riltliwlt ' ai 1 I ill II - lll.v,. Jfc.. . mi Yoruu. Ml Llbhlo Yorou.'-' iXui,.? I,l,t the , IWIgOnO. .Mm KtwInAr ,..,. r. ' any I.V. ... . . ,irt, . ,' '"" er ,nr"'ntion call on ticket agent or correspond ulih JAS. C, POND, General Pat. Agnt. or IAS. a rr.w M-Wawkrb, Wis. A. CLOCK. (eneril Agent, 2 6 Stark- Street. I'ortu.M), Orb. Dissolution of Partnership, rho publlo aro hereby notliied tlmt Jjo Ttlcal "ruiucnt dr here 0 oro doing u partnersbli. i,,Ni?.; US hlUtO Hlronf ....rf..' ..7r.i"t,. Wtit?mr..n MSHSZ2L$2SR :. . lnmiltMi. r-n. ... ----.. .ui-ivc iJssrA Mow mmm- I 5o.-J 14 7.'30 A M " ,in piaims Snd I '" ? y rS'ed'i c Sd U. A. WllAI.K. S0c Lunn "rookdrugjjists iC 8nd Chair Car, Between Portland and Albany I MTfir e"'t " B'ealest partloultir. 2i conu Porih.nrt w.T.1e.r.y ' O AnM-IT. T ' 1 pKUWMJKO MAIL, -DAILV .'30 a m 1 Lv iiXTrr.r-. ? io5s a m fv ir : rH .Ar i w C.'7. I. 1. i -."".. i.V j.. . n, , r...,noseiure Lv Pullman"!,;...-... .. U'l'--1i. i 1'I.U:, safe tidki J:?., si ( pwiiua. 1 .iw .. p i.r SyO P SI 1 Ar Ari .a5 A m independence Lvf A.-ln a u tef?.neV in Francisco wTIh "Mental and Pacific mall a 1 McMinnville Lv( ') lireyumn, Mitu Hiiih c.i rii.., ,., .. Humu I ..... .... ... " - "ll, .HIPJt .---, ,1 v " ,"i """Bla IMveown, uir on will be or the l-17-td. AeriUi9 Sigutar r ti.. 1. . rrn - -tju Sy m ftt' 'M m Alotr; Boft! IUiipi it agam 1 '-&&.&&: aSr.ffl'A'aTff:r ware ot inmaitaw DVSPBKIA . : . .vn.u iv n i. .-. or Everv a ky DoWmV w.ST,,;,:."-' ' P he cure U 0..'m7..7 " -.! ' ....--' u.c. ne. 1 . Mun..i ....... . -i.i. vure relicetl 1 H5W- Sion-'t Dreg Store. 1IB pie- A ta only tax. question. Sdiiliin Jrpan g Besi CAV no ...... Willi "J l&SP refuli ?;., ""ic reiirf 0r mon. L. & ' ffi1lr rt" "" BIWU. l'UliTiail.d- .i . ---. t AdverdKr'. r". ." c one r: ' i"i uimu.1." c. ... ;;"- ri. Ji.nij iJriijj uccuiental aud sT:r.K's AND c"inX Kates and tickets tu F,.m ..!.. ... frori wndlVJ && c3 .obul.M """"liiv, IICKet from W, aaicra W. gen L-L-JYffiATTBSH Illi Urckiiuit Ccyion Tea Jtltwl Rlcnd PlfiMBt heib d.lnV- ; u';, lc. A Seua joe. lJ-kSSSff o r;Ki, ,AFtc,Utr KJ'torof lBC Ml , lot U U-lppe,, uiiTiviZr' " recihc o A. St v o rr 4- . :cA?TRia wa Kfnd You Have Always Bought SIohof (jffi&z&t &$ , 1 jZzrL S;fx?iii rv "feav-MWS Bant wunumtrirs A5fH0aeEKDIm)Q WcYoH1 fm K tolul 4. JW Oti4 V aalW CURE YOURSELF! f.H.1"'.! " " " tctllalluiu ur . .... 1 aiicuu CRANf! AtJ rs5v 73f ur vai'inf jjayjr uiyt wmm """CHfHTAI, Bf0HZE CO. WAIUVatfORT, CONN U .. ' .rai,li, Nol J"-2. "d urpasse llarldr "- i,"iirv-,r.?"j-- i "m,m1, ;:r,."?f.5'".-n. wiu.K M tUSIVi nlV j-01 or iL:." -" --. . .ifcur van rooiiiro,. are roouIixM I kiri.o antafl Jia ,. irus. ... T. a WAIT. Agent, Or Aint tn 1... . to w2.r"r2"rjwtr. l '"t,.rE-' " Mill "MMr mm w.,rVjV.J1 130 Stats St. SALEM, ORE. 9 dv S2T s7.N"m 1 lajpjl 1 -3-mar 1 ikil!