Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1896-1899, February 02, 1899, Image 4

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    MLUJJUIiLMM.-mm'WI-'"1" '
atmnaattatf Ma iritru
f .'"?-
Linen jLriSu
Linen Tabic seta
Table Linens and Napkins
ttuney Colored Table covers
Hole agent for tlic W. 0. 0, 20 Mylf n In Mock. t
R. & Q. 13 styles ood prices at HALE PAIGES.
s Underwear
Wc show in south window a line of boy's
heavy ribbed fleece lined
Shirts and Drawers
Sizes from 24 (o 34 at 35c per garment
Special Valuer in All Lines of Underwear
this Week.
indent. Wt
cnni be faund wliUb ire exaatir alll In ill-
Biro railtl la lb Ma ad mm far!
IicomtieitilBrMtMMiitBi. liuiriMi reu
tc ihU ftai In iuIiiJ wIimi
UJilava mu ti whlflli
wwftrt to Ilia niH
itw vtna iruai iidi ra hiiiiu -
flillua ro nliw id n)ilya mufti whlfl
1V isiiqj MVIItV via
HlOla til t9.
200 CoJiMMKOMI. HritHirr.
J. E. McCoy, Salem's brldgo con
tractor, Is repairing tlio Clackamas
brldgo at Oregon City.
Mrs. E. Hull), of I'ortlftMd. Is visit'
log her mother, Mrs, P. IS. Strong.
She will rutunln ono week.
Countv Judun HLnwnrL. nf I.lnrviln
coutily, lias lx.cn In tliev.lty for sov
cral days looking up the dairy tiuM-
Tho drama "A Social Judos" Iiur
been postponed, owing to slokuoss of
ono of tliu lending actors and tlio In
clement weather until noxt Tuesday
Geo. K. Urynnl, proprietor of tho
Aumsvlllo Flouring Mills, has boon n
Itoautlful work or art In tho slmnn nf
h calendar that lllustrulos tho raising
proclivities nf tliulr world's fair
ltMitvrt M miiH ami Miliar Oraatin Inwiu ara
rUel to Mmd lit llmi ol ihm iimaum! mmUI
lnwi to DRr In lit The iMliy and Weekly
Mr. M. W, Meyers U In Portland
for a short stay with f rlonds.
Montague Lord ruturned last uvou
lng from attending suhool at Portland,
MIm Laura Juno, editor of tho
Drain Wutoliumti, I. at Hotel Willamette.
Mrs, J. A, Livotay returned last
evening from a two mouth's visit In
the custom lUttos.
County Judge .liwepli Lyons, of
Grant Pass, Is In tho oll enjoying
inoicuwyiuvo tension.
J. T, Grsgg, lawyer, louohcr, lobby
lit and all-rounder, or Portland, was a
Siilow visitor today.
Yesterday W. J D'Arcy. P. II.
D'Arov. DOUK Ml Mo, F. T. Wrlght
uibo, P. W. Durblii uud Ulm. H.
Hlttly, offcaulcit) lodgo No. XM, II. P.O.
K,, weiiitoiVrv-jlli. to attend tho
fjincrul of J. Muyblll
R"' "' 'i m.um.
A Manila Treasure,
Mr. Conner, of Hotel Willamette.
has had sent tuhlm h watnii nmi
chain from Manila, by his on, Dan
Connor, an Oregon oluntcer,thnt Is it
rare keepsake. Tliowalcli Isn llnely
jeweled work, with u utiumoUil uaso
and an enuraved uold nud silver Span
ish coat of arms. In his lettor Private
Conner says:
"Tint wntflh chain and charm lo
lorded to a Spanish winner, who was
on tho Spanish ship Rlena Christina,
when sho was sunk. Ho swam iiHhore,
was taken prisoner by tho Insurants,
and when tho Americans uot, soitiiwi
down, they turned thu Snunlsh nru.
oners loose, and I bought It frrm him.
no said no was vary huuvry.
TIIO WUlCll 1 bOtlUlt from ii S'nnnMi
(wldler. It went all throimh ihoSpan.
Uh war.
The MoJtrn Way
Conimoudsllself to tho Holl-lnfurmed,
to do pleasantly and olfeotually wlmi
was rormerlr dunu in tin, ui,
dlsaurcuablv us wnli m.
manner and dlsaitrcoablv us wli
ulcanso the system mid break up colds.
iicauacucs. and rovoM wiihrnit un
nleHsant after effects, uso thu dollKht
ful llqulil huatlvc remedy, Syrup of
Hun. Mudu by California Kin Hymn
If you want tho best harness for
P.'nny. Mil un V. K UtiiiMr b Ci
another paito. g ;,
'" ' ' I II III WWa,,M....
teusmore IUM
JewCniury iiWfto
Typewriter for Rent.
Salem Tjvriler Exchange
and Itentery.
0 M. I.OUKWUOI), Prup.
OMce Phonu IQ, Rw. piuno M.
208 Commorclal St,
An Kx-Convict Lectures t Reed's Opera .
House-Letter of Key. Walter,
Jno. F. Elliot, nn or convict, enter
tained an audience of about 200 at
Rccd'ri opera house last night with a
story of the abupca practiced In the
Orcnon state prison, Those present
wnro composed almost entirely of the
laboring olaM, with n sprinkling of
ladles. The speaker announced that
he had defrayed the entire exponsc of
hiring U12 opera houje and adrortls-
Inir lht montliiir nnf. nf Ills C&l'nlniH
at $10 a month on a farm onst of Sa
lem. At tho conclusion nf his lee-
turn lit. nfrnrnrl nnv mm l chatlCO to
dispute any of his statements hut no
one entered a proiosi, or neniai. m?
oxproHd regrvt llntt thora wore
many matters so indecent that they
oould not bedlfcuMcd with propriety
before a public miiK-nca. He
oonsldered the only rdftt)inliiK
fonture of the pnaou manage
ment, to be the medical dc
nartmont undor Dr. Phllbrook. Ow
Ingto tho demands ma'Jo upon our
snacu bv Luc loilslattiro now n sossiun
weeonnot give an extended report of
Mr. Ellott's lecture. Ho omploy's
good lunguage, shovs no signs of
Insanity ns has wen churgod by souib
of the prison olllclal", and moms Im
bued with a deep moral and Christian
r.iiMlnn fur rafnrui In tlmL Institution
and his lenturo should lw lisnrd by the
nonnln In nllinr nnrts (if tha statu. He
charges thatobnervitlnn of tho Sub.
oatii at tlic prison is n mere rormui
hyjwcrlsy. He chorgOH that the bath
ing of tlio prisoners Is conducted in
nn indecent manner, Ho cited In
slauccs where convicts were Ibggnd
for complaining that the beans were
sour and that the guards employ such
methods ns hanging a convict up by
tho arms Ui enforce discipline. A con
troversy arose over taking a hatchet
from it crazy Indian who was going
to assault another convict. The
guard did not sec it done. One man
wanted to make n statement. The
warden had all three floimod to make
suro of punishing the right one. One
man loit his reason partly over
studlug perpetual motion. Ho be
came very timid, Mcotlngan ofllcer
one day coming through a door ho
started baik and threw up his ihandi.
Ho was tied up In tho ohapol and
given 110 lashes and an Oregon boot
was put on him and he was font to
tho cell and In a short lime ho toemed
to Iks dying. Ho was cnrrlod to tlio
bath room, his hhlrt was sonkgil oir
his back covered with blood, skin and
llosh. So horrible was tho sight thut
ono of the hardened convicts fainted.
The man wus declared Insane, sent In
tho asylum wlmrc in a few days he
Theodll'ir of Tim Jouunai. does
not bcllcvo that the unsupported
statement of an ox-couvlct should bo
received by the public as ovhlonco in
In every detail, uiiImw corroborated by
colattorul tostlmony. What Is hure
pilbllshud Issololy In thu luterorttof u
prison reform and humanity, and imt
rur the pur,oao nf rolloctlng upon tlio
character of Supt. (Hlburt or any
oillulal of tho prlmm. Rut Tint .Iouk
nai. Is eouviurod that tho Oreuon
State prison Is not thei'ducntloniil or
rufurmuUiry lustltulion which It
should bo. In conclusion wu huIiIImIi
a lettor dated Portland, .lanuury 30.
nom J. J. waiter, Ph. II. pastor of
the Centenary M, IJ. church:
DuAUStu.-Iii tm I wusappiilntwl
cliaplaln of the Suite Penitentiary at
Jollet, lll.,whluh plnue.1 held through
the term or Gov. Ogliwby's lueuui
bency. 1 have proHirl u liwture en
titled "Pour Vunw Aumiiir Urlmi-
nals." This Itioliire while In thu na
ture of an enteiuilnmuul still touehiM
upon prison iiiaimysinent. .lullut
stands onsilv Hrst as u iiiihIuI penal in
stitution in tills or any ulnar country
1 am pluiiLlng to deliver my lectin
in Sulcm during thin fussimi or the
legislature. You aro right when you
suy mitt corporal puulshmttit is out
or date. Wo have nut hud that in Jul
iet for W yours."
TIIKJOUKNAI. Will L'l1l siwna l.,
urognu auiitf I'ris'jii oillolals u cor
rect or rerute Mr. HI I lot's aiHtomeut
without oxpen.
Do not paw the sugar bounty In the
senate without debate.
Pass Senator Looney's dairy bill.
Thedairy Interoflt Is established and
asks nn bounty.
Senator Adam's warehouse bill l
one of the bst bills before tho senate,
and Is for tho farmer. But it stands
no show.
In tho report of the Corvallls meet
tho typo9 make reference to Mr,
Whalley's "Wind" when It jhould
hare been "Mind."
Seimtor Taylor was a brave man to
vote aloue against the woman's suf
rrage auiendmont. He was nilaed on
u Marlon county rami.
4 ft
Profs. Anderson and Hyland are
two oduoutors who had the courage of
their convictions and helped the
Daly bill. Xotallour best, teachers
worship thu trust.
The senate has kept Its pledges and
(i'in something for better school
books and better roads. Oregon Is
mending tho paths to bo trod by her
rising generation.
Tim LrusL mnillnnl hill Ih so ulur
Ingly unconstitutional that If It Is not
rejected by tho House couimlltco on
medicine and pharmacy it should go
to the Judiciary committee.
t X X
First the people pay a turllT on
sugar; then they pay the trust Its pro-
llts; then thoy arc asked to pay a stuto
tax on ton of that, and no ono even
suggests that sugar Is to bo cheaper.
It was the soldiers' home Investigat
ing committee tbut recommended
doing away with the fioldlcra' homo
commission und Represent! ve Gray Is
the man entitled to credit for the
: i x
The Corvallls koIIouu cadets who
nctod us escort to tho legislative dele
gation displayed real heroism In
standing out In the blizzurd until they
had Icicles hanging from their oars
and noses.
This legislature must nut ndlourn
without (lolngHomothlng for thu two
legged bout-pullers Pass a good dairy
bill. Pay tho dairy commissioner.
Dovolup Oregon's dairy Interest.
That's tlio boss.
Daly, ot Lake, and other Union
party loaders are hopeful of casting n
Mjlld voto for the Daly anti-trust text
book hill. It Is a bill that should re
ceive tho vot of ovory friend of tho
public schools In the House,
t t X
Mr. (Intah tmyi on bonds Mr. Albert
says thirty your bonds; both aro
wrong; paw the ohartor as It stands
and glvo thu massos of tho people u
ulianeu U invent their savings In nliorl
lime low-rule homettecurltles.
their offspring with higher powers
than a hickory club to Improve their
Mrs, Dunniway should takeoff her i
hat to President Taylor, of the Ore-,
gon senate, for having the temerity
to vote against the suffcrago amend-1
merit, with all the other senators,
against him.
Ex-Oovernor Lord Is now pushing n
"craft" of his own. It I" a bill to pur-
nimcu. tnn Hnros of tumos. ncarSalera,
owned by Lord, as a lorntlon for the
State Mute a:hool for tho sum or six
thousand dollars.
Tho above paragraph In ahalein tele
gram to the Eugcnu Guard Is without
foundation. As we arc Informed,
nearly all the blocks on Falrmount
Hill are owned by meiubersof the M.
E. Conference.
Senator Wade, or Eastern Oregon, is
Mm PnmilM unntir who IS IliaklntT
an almost absolutely ruultlcjs record
on legislation In the interest or tne
neonle. Helsaulct but Industrious,
faithful. Intelligent and vigilant and
one of the men In the senate who has
established the reputation of being
not easily approached on n dubious
proposition. When the senate was
debating the Daly text book reform
bill. Senator Wade labored earnestly
with a Populist who voted agulnst tho
reform bill,
Corner State and Commercial Streets,
You will find extra good bargains in embroid
cries, laces, veilings, silks, chiffons, trimmings,
handkerchiefs, kid gloves and corsets
To Continue Another Day General Har
vest for the Plumbers,
The cold snap continues nnd thcro
Is a general bursting of waterplpcs
that are not protected against cold in
Thursday morning wns snappy and
cold, mercury below freezing and no
snow melting. Thcro Is very little
travel and the forecast for Friday Is
continued cold.
Ladles reared In Canada, Minnesota,
Northern Iowa and Manitoba declare
this Is tlno and prefer walking to
street cars.
Photographers arc out taking snow
scenes, Tho bright clear sunshine is
good snapshot weather but tho pic
tures will not. bo used by the stato
board of Imlgrntion.
Orioles and other birds from the
woods nhd Islands aro seen In the
streets picking their mcnUout of the
snow, Kind hearted peonlc nut out
Tood for tho birds. i
In about three days the warm ,
hearted chlnook wind will lick un tho
snow like a hungry dog lapping milk, i
the violets win peep rut, the robins i
ar.d bluebirds will resume thuir mat-'
log and love-making and Western
Oregon will gleam In vernal beati'y,
the swelling breasts of her hllltons
showing below n decollclte fringe or
llr forosts and snow-cnpprd mountains.
Is successor to Stock's Dry Goods Store, hav
ing purchased the stock for about thirty cents
on the dollar, and will divide the profits with
their customers, ladies should take advantage
of the bargains offered in the above lines
Considerable Destitution.
continued col'i and sno'v
' II AYNES.-ln South Salem, Fubru-
i ary 2, at 1 o'clock a. m. voungost
i daughter or Mr. and Mrs. John anil
Elizabeth Haynes, Aged 1 year und
ii uiuuiais.
Funeral scrvicos will be held Friday
from the home.
Dissolution of Partnership.
The public are hereby notified
In voting on the D.ily text book
blll.Nauutor Drlvov. us wallas suvnrtil
others did tlia manly thing In voting
for it, even though It did not fully
mot thuir Ideas In the mutter. In
cuillug his voto tliu Senator oxplulnod
that lie believed In asking for all ho
wau(d, but if he oould nut gat It, In
taking all he oould get.
i .. . . . ,K i'uu"u uic uurcuy uotiueu ma
euusos much sulferlng, nnd there aro alio musical Instrument tlrm hereto
many cases or poor rami lies n need
of rood and fuel.
A wealthy Salcmlte. who has u
grunt big heart In him, wheu you get .proprietor and
families In need tore doing a partnership business nt
J..- htHte streot under tho name or
Whale and Moyo has been dissolved.
I IIC Unaers L'lied COllMnnlnir nu cnln
dealer In pianos and
C. A. Wham:.
InbUu. ah ilruggtau refund th
money if It rails to iur. o. 'IV
gtfHUlltt till L. II (J UU tMCll UOJl.
''wu h. .ntw Kin, oi nn,. ,slu jm
It Is now a uowurful lobbv iiLoilrmr.
nio uixpiiyar to force the sugar
bounty bill through the Senate. It
was lobbied through the ouso
against thu dllujrut judgment of
that IvMly. TiikJouknai. twirs no
ilUlllto any or the lobby (who are
olaeplng threo In a im at Ilia Wlll.im.
attolortotlieU Gmnda entorprlbo,
hilt IS OptMaMMt 10 glVltlL' IwunLlos mil.
of lha tnMaury as a matter or nrlnel-
organs. M-5w
beneath the exterior, wimo to Tun
JoL'itNALotllec and said that he was
prepared to help any poor family that
wore In need of clothes, fuel or pro
visions. Ho wus referred lo tli Oiinl.
Ull CltV KllUriini'V P.irna i.t iulil..l.
Mrs. MimhIv U nrAuliinni ' I The Best
Tlio Uinltal l3iiiorv.MmVnnrna i.m.i. I A'u.onK. lll. delicacies served at
--- ---" vui ill ii nun i r Fnii i i at n. t b. .. . m
Its weekly olllclal meat rur ... Mr i r. 'WS n"ru,,b "rc biers rros"
,.. v I'ftK'l I U .IIV ailLlll
Coming Attractions
Snow, Beautiful Snow.
You can enjoy u snowball on olthor
street and will llnd high uradoutuplo
groceries and delecuclcs ut JJrunson'a
it (;o's.
M drjRKfcts hoII Dr. Altl'ii' Norvo PlosUrm
If you want tho best harnoss for
your money call on F. E. Shafer & Co.
V2.1 State street. Read their card on
another puge.
Fcbrtiary 4
A Midnight Bell
.Moody's rosldence Friday, ntiin
The proceeds or the Charity ball
Mrs. C. E. Sherwood, matron nf Hm
W, C. T. U. rooms, writes this olllcc
from tho rooms on Court street:
"Wo aro in groat need or clothim,
ror women and children, nlho I am
ready to roeelvo any tiling In
the way or rood for tho poor, as I have
a good pluce to tako care of It and so
many otills ror tho needy."
1 lno blankets cleaned or ded and
nicely finished ut Steam Dye Works,
lOA Commercial street, onnosito Wll.
lauiettc Hotel. 1 21 eod tr
February 7
Who Wins
Stone's Drug Stores
Tlic .tony (twn In nuruhor) nro loeMcl nl
.NO. 'JSfi ft n MM f'oimnnmlnl .... ....,
will loolfiil win, acoinpluto llnu oftlnijniiinil
iiwiiain, louoi aniciM, ierfiunory, brmlic
HailmilwmoaSycar. oxparlunco In the prc
tleeof inwllclneanil umr in.iliUo nn ni....,.. .,.
i'onilintlon. exnnilnsilon orprtwcrlptlou.
Kid Fluting
Corsets and Waists
A Full KUlCk BOW Hit llHttal lluw
givua uui, etHuiure It wlU aav'oil.;
it Lat vzr .""y w Mma
I rlc, 91 .'
Sfir'RliF w-nsw"!.
Tuesday Night, Jdn. 31,
Allttic.iDiu and Vim
AllKrWrr ' "
Men's htrnhiiiii ami IUu eiotimr (HI(
Mlillr.lv .til IK... ... -" "
"' "" " w wwi gfiNiUjr rttitNMl
SSO'Thc Stearns
Standard of the world.
And iUd m Tourui. "'
Ia. ' to d ! crt h. ' I'm
ImjI wiiU the IbdmrtuiUiu ik.
rST ii ur ,H. '"'
itiiitiita, tlM cln nf r:urk mm &..
AUwha, uo,. tbt'tbia urit
iva)kHl pMft.
Pfv !., nnuUr aHkaWkT Thil
-4.. Unfit Um (ntm aJ;
ItMUWlVlS l., Mt, J,.l M llrt
V Ma.lii aAli
AMI UtK HlMvi llialluc Hu M,
Ja luk . . ......
HHh A IIKI, lrv)4l( , loajli 4ff,aB U
"v Solar Uttupi ut in
After tlwhouw lias votd 3W,tX)0
Ui the sugar inwt and ili.ooo Ui bore
Artwian Hulls with ny fcmd or appro
MitutloH ror noruml mk1s, agrleult
l ertlleK. ui.. is rsMteuible oy
eiMumriMoa. Muim-v that u, i
eurlch CHpiul uU land mouoKlUts
thrown away to turtlwr opiirwM tho
IMOplv. Money to tHlucaUi ilw ruin..
KMJMilin Hill Mt ieaat prepare our
rouog mt. u Mud wuiimmi t bring up
Two patlenUs wore rocolvod last
night nt the Insane asvlttm lust iv.
nlng, ono a U-year-old girl, Miss
Mlnnlo O'Noll, or Portland. Miss
O'Noll Is an Idiotic ohlld.
Aniauda llulloek, or Orogon City,
was uIm) recolvwi. Sho Is 'M yorrs old.
Isunhoredluiry Insauo. Her mother
wuauu InntuNs n an aiylum rota
niimiMr or yours.
...on LAMPS
And all Holiday Goods will, be sold
ut uny price from now on. Come and
seo tho goods and yr.u w Hi be overcome
with our low bargains.
New Winter Shoes
Below All Competition.,.
A large stock of new lines
and childrca's footwear.
in men's women's
LSsiifJra-r toosi laco and MB
Ludios' Kid Rutton andTaco"n!r.'.::::;:;;
These bargains cannot
l.20 worth $1.50
i,40 worth 81.7.'
-81.10 worth i.a:
Money KefunUed,
l.',. ,. of. ...!..
iiniiniuuu Kuaranioed w ion you
uoSaieui "Special" Hour. Money
b.iokiryou dnu't Ikolt. 4 tr
Those odd lots of shoes .,
ON Til 1URGAIN T.VHLM NBA II TMH ivini. .x......
tMKi;M lHyG01.A.S. i
W.,li-n 0MRfc0Xn6,Te
Oiir new embroideries
ViraUiiK lots or t.A. ....
- w-wjws Tiiiniair
tte Mi m Um rkK 2
pmuiwmx ait 1-11 i NttlH.
u ! Qmm. wv Choi. ...
dc met
SSSmmss 'rni'jin.uin,, vr
134 State st Tclepho0 51 ,.... .
v' '"'c OST-UFPIl E. ...
by responsible
A Cnp ir GOOD hot CiiiTpe. not
taiin aV nri .. .-"--
vuw w i.uuil L'OKFRR. ii.-;
-'"i tiiust:
any cue m nnn.i.
Seethe items
See the shoe prices
Pn our iMrvttln table imki m,
wegauMtyou. J
S the i96 whMiia tH wim-jW.
ouol days
aU ii.
r.i-(i.yiLu iWi"1 k,nethiug cheap.
Wjw,try our m or 15 cent grade
Or U jost want a good Coffee and
The EmDorium..
Arc now closing out their entire
article in the storejto go at prices
Regardless of Cost
stock, Every
Now is thetime to secure some rare bargains in
China . WporceUun .Vases, Ornaments 'Brica.
brae, Rugs, Porttcrres, Lamps, etc.
Stock and fuctures for sale in wholcor part.
Yokohama lea Store
Tslephon Il4 91.
t" ckujft
VXa.wirH. 4
309 Oommoroial StwaU '