DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL. VOXj. x SALEM, OREGON, SATURDAY, JANUARY 21, 1899. NO, 18 We do not monopolize Krausse Bros. W ILL be continued greater reduction than ever. It will be of material benclit to avail yourself of this sale as goods will not be duplicated at same prices after January 31, REMEMBER t All Mackintoshes ot manufacturer's prices, The "old stock" which our competitors would have you think we arc loaded with was mainly smuggled out and secretly consigned to them, We ncv;r had much of it and arc not offering any in our GREAT CLEARANCE SALE, have nothing on sale that has been in stock over one year and most of it fall goods. Oui' prices are 20 per cent lower on same grades than theirs, The public arc finding it out and that is why they would misrepresent us, SALEM SHOE STORE n. n, LEA 88 State Street, Suitable rqrrnig 'th But our shoe sale is a great sue 1 cess, Others tried imitating but failed not having the goods people want, neither could they meet our prices, Our goods are bought 10 to 20 per cent lower than inexperienced deal ers, a benefit we give our cus tomers which they appreciate in return for which we enjoy so large and lucrative business, No bank, no .foundry or gun store in connection, shoes only. OUR REDUCTION SALE another month at 1&99,2C2 , v v " V'V'' G, W, Johnson & Co, We invite Comparison Our stock and prices speak for themselves UO, Manager. Next door to Ladd L Bush's Bank Tools FOIt ALL TRADES. A man might as well try to work with his hands alone unions lie has tho tools that help. TIIE BEST is none too good ror the man that dos the work. THE BEST can always be round at GRAY BROS. OVER SAMOA German Official Was Wrong , In Breaking Into the Court House Germany Will Sustain the Tripartite Agreement. II y Aaaoclntcil I'rcaa to the Journal. BnnuN.Jan. 21, A. correspondent of the Associated Press here Had a conversation with a high official o( the German foreign office, Dr. Ilatuman, who said that the report received from Samoa dis tributes the blame fir crrcors there pretty eycniy. However, the German foreign otllcodoes not under stand why Chlof Justice Chambers an nounced Mataafa's election as king. Dr. Hum man says that Dr. Raflel, the German municipal president, acted Il legally In breaking Into the court house, that Germany adheres st rlctiy to the terms of the Berlin treaty and whatever Illegal excesses Germany has committed they shall disavow. The German goycrnment takes the whole matter calmly and th'iso In r.hnivoof tho affairs expect that a settlement of the whole business will be speedily arranged by negotiations between Washington, Berlin and Lon don. Washington, Jan. 21. Tho Gor ambassador Yon Hollcnben man called on Hay and presented two Im portant dispatches from the German governmont relating to affairs at Sa moa. Following this conference hold between Hay and the ambassador and then between Hay and the British ambassador Pauncofoto. Tho dispatches or the German ambassador presented In de tail the recent collision In Samoa as viewed from the German standpoint. They differ In many particulars from tho statements made heretofore. It wan stated by a diplomat, on high authority, that tho latest aspects of tho case wore such as to makoa peace ful adjustment possible and probable A strong Impression prevails In diplo matic quarters that Germany repud iates the action or her consul In Samoa. Wasiiinciton, Jan. 21. -The senate has passed tho Nicaragua canal bill by a vote of 48 to 0. Before passing the bill the senate adopted an amendment providing that If the United States Is unable to .pmirft from Nlcaracrua and Costa Rica concessions, enabling the United States to own and control tho Nicar agua canal, tho government may ne uotlatc for control of unothor route. San DiF.ao, Jan. 21. Admiral Kautz expects to sail for Apia next Thursday. A Big Smasher. This ufternoon about 2 o'clock a blgsorrel horse was left standing on Liberty street, In front or ur. amira dental parlors, hitched to a light nad cart, and becoming restless started out to Uvea things up a bit, Ho ran to Court street, took the wheel oif a ,.,.,.,. lpft. stundlnL' on the corner, turned to the left up tho sidewalk by the side of tho meat market, fell .loi.n hr,iiklnL' out some window gluss, recovered himself and started up the sidewalk again. In front of Shantz second hand store, he collided with another cart taking a wheel off or that also ,! ,nrtft for a horse and car- u,,u . - m r..I ,inn hitched n froni oi uoiyo ui. nmrknti acros the Street Narrowly missing this no wxjk w cho sidewalk again and wps stopped on the corner or Court and Commercial, having received no dam- .,. i. r,i ntfni-iipd to him. but sustaining a slight cut on tho hind foot from tho broken glass of the window, and leaylng behind him a string of wrecked carts and scattered glass. Money Refunded. Satisraotlon guaranteed when you use Salem "Special" Hour. Money back U you dou't like It, 4 tf SENATORIAL CONTESTS Ballots and Lie Results in the Various States. Olympia, Jan. 21. First ballot on United States senator today resulted as follows; Ji osier u; uiibuu ij Humes 21; Ankeny 8; Lewis 24; Bridges 1. Jones. 1. Two more ballots wore afterwards taken, voting being ihcsamo In each. Olympia: Populist vote split today, Robt Bridges, a single taxor, and Jones of Deep Creek, each getting a, vote. But little other business Is being done In either house The end of tho doadlock scorns to bo as far oflti as ever. Milton J. Green, Grant's manager, was to havo appeared boforo tho bar of the nssembly to answer to a charge of contempt for not answering questions put to hlni by tho members of com mittee of Investigation. A physi cian's certificate was Introduced, however, setting forth that Green Is yery 111, and unable to attend without serious danger to hi 8 health. Tho contempt proceedings was accordingly continued until next Monday at 2:30 p. in. Tho Grant people aro charging that tho wholo purpose of tho Investi gation Is to injuro their candidate. Speaker Wright today filed his &2G0,- 000 libel suit against the San Fran cisco Call, which paper originally brought against him Hie sensational charges uuder Investigation. Carson, Nev., Jan 21. A sensa finnnl nirttnmcnt was nubltflhcd this evening In tho News, which Is devoted to the senatorial aspirations of Con gressman Frank Ncwlands, charging that Asscmblitnan Lledy, of Esmer alda coun tv, had been pal J J50 and had been promised a position In tho Southern PaclUc office at San Fran cisco to voto for tho re-election of Sen ator Stowart. A countcr-chargo is made by the Stewart managers to tho effect that Lledv wan Induced to re main away from tho caucus through Improper Influences exerted on behair of Newlands. St. Paul, Minn., Jan. 21. Tho state senate today concurred In tho huusc resolutions favoring tho speedy ratification by tho United States senalo of the peaco treaty. Madison, Wis., Jan. 21. Three ballots for United States senator wero taken In tho Republican legislative cauciu Friday without change Salt Lakk, Jan. 21. MuGuno 20, King 1.1, Powers 0, Cannon 6, Nebeker 1, Sutherland 1, Minor 14,not voting I. Saouamknto, luck continues Jan. 21. Tho dead Pennsvlvatiltt Quuy.&.V, Jouks, 61; Dalzell, 12; remainder scattering. Paired 112; absent without pairs 7. Delaware-Gray, 16; Addlcks, 16; Henry A. Dupont 10. Remainder scattering. Weft Virginia No action was taken today on tho contested election cases in the uBsemby and a senatorial vnto seems no nearer. renrasKa-A,.c u., v., ,., , Webster 10, Thompson 7, remainder, Nehraska Allen 61, Uuyward 61, scattering. Funeral Sunday, The funeral of James Arthur Fisher, son of Mr. and Mrs. Joo Fisher, who died this forenoon will bo held from the residence of James Fisher, corner Twenty-tirth and Stato streets, at 2 p. in. Sunday. The New Charter has at last been approved by tho council, but those delicious 15c meals J. E. Barnett seryes at the White House restaurant wero approved by tho public long ago. THE ORB AT SALT LAKE KOUTD ti.. atinilnn nt tinthound travelcil ii called to the advantage offered them by the Rio Grande Weitern, The Great Salt Lake Route " The tame ratei prevailed whether the trip U mace via Huntlncton or ran Fran. .!. ri nxu.nw'r ht tin choice of two i routea out ol Portland, thiee through Colo. i- .A Inn. nt thereof. No other line out of Portland can offer audi a variety of ...!. In ulditlon. a day'a atop.ner la Riven all paitengera t any point In Utah or Lolo. rado. Through pullman and touilit aleep Inc eara aie run on all traloa, aa well aa free reclining chair cara. The aervlce and ac commodations offered are equal, 11 not iu. perior to tho.e of any trana-conllnental road, and rateaare aiwaya aaiuw iuc iuii If you contemplate a trip cai, wnw io t r'f..Ku nneral Apent. Rio Grande Weatern Railway, 142 ThirdSlreet, Poitland, Oregon, for any information you may need in reference to ratea, routea or accomodationt. It.to-tf t .,r i r.rione. lteeo warm, especially the feet, and take Dr. Mile Nervine. HOT DEBATE In Lower House of Congress Grosvenor of Ohio, Replies to JerySimpson. Lewis. of Washington, Hand. Takes I 1 8 Aaioolnled Irei (o tit Juiirnnl. tOrosvenor (Rep. Ohio), replying to Simpson, recalled the fact that thU gentleman who so vigorously attacked corporations was yesterday on tl'c flour advocating "a cold-blooded, clean-cut contribution" to one of these soulless, conscienceless corpora tions, which, as tho Populists so de lighted to say, dcll;d tho laws ngalnst the trusts. Ho referred to. tho appro priation of 325,000 ror the fast-mall facilities from Kansas City to Now ton, Kan., In the postoOlco appropria tion bill. Simpson Interrupted to say that the railroad which was to rccelvo the appropriation did not ask for It. Tho appropriation was made for the benefit of the people or Western Kansas, not tho railroad, Gros venor, amid laughter, expressed his great amazement that tho gentleman had sought to give to a corporation that which It did not want. (Laugh tor.) Continuing, Grosvonor referred humorously to tho occasion ot Lowls' activity. This was a peculiar month, he said, and tho reason for that gen- tlcaiurt's activity could perhaps bo found in tho news In tho morning papers (referring to tho senatorial contest In progioss in Washington stato.) I think tho state of Wash ington might do worse, but it Is dif ficult to see the connection between tho right to assert a legal claim and the merit of embalmed beef. It would be llko a current of fresh air In a churnol house if tho gentleman wero transported tothescnuto." Grosvenor proceeded to speak of the effect of the rejection of tho peaco treaty. It would, he said, plunge tho country Into a foreign war. "We havo nut quite graven enough to suit the ancient methods, nor widows enough to satisfy too feelings ol those who deal re to prcclpltuto us aguln Into a bloody war." "Docs tho gentleman contend that If the treaty falls we will bo at war with Spain?" usked Cafmuck (dom. Tenn.). 'I do, ' replied Grosvenor. A truce now exists riiu falluro or tho treaty would leavo us ouactly where wo wero the day beroro tho protocol was signed." Carmack recalled tho fact that tho treaty with Mexico wus not adopted wa98cntt0 tll0 8emUC and ho , from Ohio tho statement that the falluro of tho treaty would bo followed by a resumption of hostilities, Ho contended that Spain would uccept any terms wo made. Grosvenor claimed there was no authority for euch a statement, and charged that the death of every volunteer soldier who would bo mustered cut the mo ment tho treaty would bo rutltied 6hould be laid at the door or those who contribute to the defeat or tho treaty. Tho deuth or every soldier in tho Philippine, henceforth," declared Carmack, "will bo laid at tho doom of those who are now prosecuting tho war against tho Philippines. " (Dem ocratic applause.) "How would you meet tho situa tion VII "I would sail away from Manila and never look back." (Renewed Democratic applause.) "And all tho world would brand you as a coward 1" retorted Grosyenor, to the accompaniment of a burst of Republican applause. "The brand should go on the back (of the administration," declared Car mack, "for waging a causeless and unprovoked war to destroy tho liber ties of tho pcoplo of tho Philippine Island." (Democratic applause) "1 belong to a part," responded Grosvenor, "that has always upheld tho cause of liberty." "1 thought the party belonged to you," Interjected Carmack, "And I belong to a party," con tlnuodOrosvcnnr, not noticing tho In terruption, "that has never pulled down tho llugot liberty." "You contend, then," said Carmack. sarcastically, "that tho liberty or theso Islands was duo to tho Republi can porty and proposes tocollect that liberty and own It?" RIVKR AND HAKBOR BILL. Appropriations Provided for the Pacific Northwest, Ur Amoolnled Praai to the Journal. WAsaiNOTON, Jan. 21. Tho rlvor and harbor bill was completed last night, It carries appropriations for tho ensuing ilscal year aggregating S)12,r03.l38, and In addition to this continuing contracts aro authorized aggregating $10,701,638. Other con ditional appropriations, contingent upon securing certain results, amount to $770,000, but tho payments on these would probably bo postponed boyond tho cnsulntr year. Tho mcasuro In cludes tho following appropriations over $50,000: California San Diego harbor, 50, 000; San Luis Obispo lmrdor, 930,000; San Francisco harbor, romoyltg Arch and Shag rocks, 9100,000, and continu ing contracts, 8538,020; Sacramento river below city, $30,000, and continu ing contracts, $184,000. Washington "Everett harbor, $50, 000. Oregon Lower Willamette and Columbia rivers below Portland, 8100, 000. Tho sum or $200,000 Is ullowod ror surveys, etc. Two existing appropriations aro re peated, both In Oregon, nainoly, Yaqulnabay, $1,000,000, and tho bal anco unexpended ot tho Columbia river at Three Mile rapids and boat- railway from tho Dalles rapids to Celllo falls. ' " FAMItY ROW On a Large Scale Remote From Telegraph. II y Aoclnotl Vrend (u tho Journnl. NABnvn.r.K, Tonn., Jan. 21. Yes terday on the lino between Leo county, Va., and Hancock, Tennessee, regions remoio from telegraph, a battle occurred between twenty mem bers or tho Eddy family of Virginia and tho Ramsey family of Tennessee. Tho battle lasted scvoral hour dur ing which a number of men on both sides wero killed nnd Injured, The quarrel Is ono of long standing and resulted in tho tight. Governor Geer went to Portluod this afternoon to attend tho Irish fair. Flno blankets cleaned or dyed and nicely llolshcdut Steam Dye Works, Uncommercial atrcot, opposito Wil lamette Hotel. 1 21 cod tf om tue flips to flmer' BffiBROIDBRIBS UNSURPASSED AND UNAPPROACHABLE, mm ADVANCE SHIPMENT OF SPRING EMBROIDERIES Is now on ciOifiottStiwixloiiTiwM lrws menu" big savings for you. t One Price to All. DRESS OOODS. JACKETS. CAPES. UNDERWEAR. WRAPPERS. LACE CURTAINS. LINENS. NAPKINS. BIBBONH. FASCINATORS. HOODS. ETC., ETC. Embroideries at LAND CASE Won By Archbishop Ireland. Who Located An Irish Colony In Minnesota. More Information About tho Philip pines, Or Aiaoolntcrt l'rca to (he Journnl. Wasuinoton, Jan, 21. Tho secre tary of tho Interior today affirmed tho doclslon of tho commissioners of tho general land office In tho caso of Archbishop Ireland, involving tho tltlo to 33,000 acres of land In Min nesota. Ho holds under tho llrst con tract with tho St, Paul, Minnesota and Manitoba railroad Iroland was not the purchaser, but under .tho sec ond contract ho was tho purchaser. Tho lands covered by tho llrst con tract will not ko to Ireland, hut; ho will rccelvo them undor tho second contract. St. Paul, Jan. 21. Tho land caso Just decided In favor Ireland, by tho secretary of tho Interior, Involves tho homes or n largo number of Bottlers. Tho archbishop secured tho lands ror tho purposo or locating an Irish set tlement, and most or tho lands havo passed to tho settlers. Washington, Jan. 21. In tho eon ato a resolution was taken up, offered yesterday by Caffory, requesting from tho president any Information ro- cclved.tiom.tho agents or .representa tives or the so called Phlllpplno re public relative to the conditions or tho Philippines. Wasuinoton. Jan. 21. Thu houso coinage, weights nnd measures com mittee today, by a strict party yoto, ordered a favorablo report on thoiaub stltuto ror tho Hull bill, to ilx tho standard or valuo In tho United States and ror othor purposes. Tho bill provides that tho Btandard or valuo In tno United States shall bo tho gold dollar, and that In all con tractH existing and In ruturo to bo computed In rororonco to tho Btand ard that shall bo established In tho treasury department, bureau or Ibsuo and redemption, that greenbacks shall bo rotlrcd and upon their re tirement gold bills Hhull bo substi tuted thcroror. Nkw York, Jan. 21.--A special to tho World from Washington aays: General Minora oxpcuiwuu was landed on Gulmaras Island three miles from Hollo, without opposition. landing was ueccsfary because ot tho Quality Our Standard. Quilts and Blankets Including tho famous Thomas Kay Blunkets at Bpcclal Inventory prices. Umbrellas At sped j1 prices. 95c Cents for a flno Percale or Madras shirt: only a tew left; regular price, 91.2fiuud8l.o0. Muslin Underwear at special prices, special prices, Meyers Salem's Greatest RoVal Baking Powder Made from pure cream of tartar. Safeguards the food against alum Alum bakln icing powders are the greatest to health of the preterit day. tnenacera rotaj mono rowocw cq, iw von. crowded condition of troops on tho transports. It was deemed Inadvis able that this expedition return to Manila, without haying landed, be causo It was feared that tho natives at Luzon would think that the FIN liplnos at Ho Ho had repultod tho Americans. Washington, Jan, 21. President has set to tho scnato tho nomination of Edmund D. Wlggln, of Washing ton, D. C to bo register cf the land office at Woarc, Alaska. EXPANSION Actually Taking Place On One Of tho Islands 11 Aaaoolntett Vrtnn to the Journal. Pout Antonio, Jamacla, Jan, 21 Ancarthquako lasting ten seconds and It was tho most severe shock which tills locality has been visited by In many years. In Olden Timed Punnln overlooked the ImDortanco of permanently bccotlttpd cilccta and wore sausueu wim trunaituu utuuu, hut now that is trenorallv know that Syrup of Figs will permanently over come habltal constipation, well-In formed nconlo will not ouy oinor laxatives, which act for a time, but llnu v n uro tho system, uuy mo gonulnomado by tho California Fig Syrup Co. The Tenneseee, Undersigned has stilt a fow thou sand of those Tennessee strawberry plants loft at 81,00 a hundred. They arc tho Ilnest tablo berry, or for tho homo market. Early and brilliant rud Now Is tho time to put out to get a spring crop. E. HOFEit, d & w tr. Salem, Or WHEAT MARKET. 11 y Aaiocluted l'rci to tli Journnl. Chicago, Jan. 21. -May 10!; cash O mil 701 San Fkanoisco, Jan. 21. May HOT cash 1131. Dandruffis Disease The beginning of baldness fa dandruff. Keep the scalp clean and promote the grvwlh of the hair by fie use of jtyersJfcetirViffor Clearance Specials. Men's and Boy's Clothing at special Inventory prices; entlro lino at greatly altered prices, Men's Trousers Somo suit pants placed In a special lot at special prices. Genuine bar gains 25 per coot cheaper than regu lar lines. & S Store 1' t k 1 .3 l:!t 1 " 9 7 M t V. if i 4 m s m J.llr - i ..'. o ' M y