ri-3iv -.a'W1 JN & t. - -iw . , ... ,nm'i uii i nhiii lifliwswmiririnTiiwirT"''''"""' -"-- . "iru MwuMmI Ji : i Ti m tftMMWffWfff '' " . Jhl.Lk...i i"niiiri jtwiii7lnli--Tt'iM"W"l'l"l,,,MI'',''",w," ya II r, w " i -' ' ( DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL ttm fiyttOVRR DROTHBR9, FRIDAY, JAXUABY 520, IBM. Oss Tear 3.O0, hi Advauco -- A..fca SI fYl t AAttatlOa. r, w "" f--- WnWr. Ow Year S1.00, In AJtwico COST OF A TEXTBOOK COMMIS SION. The Daly bill provides a textbook tmittiMdn of live men to bo ap pointed by tlio itovoraor, nnt over tbreoto be of one political part, tlieso fire men to select tcxtbo-ka tori on t)l0 people, to bulldlo up tlie suite lo rccclre IM each for lliclr ictTlccs. II I argued that this tflll be Mine expense to the tato and lienco no couirulMlon sliduld txs created. Some of the men who talk tills way areperfcctly wllllntf tonllowr a text LooV trust to pondi thousands of dollars to fasten hljzli-priecd boota on the state. They can cc no wrouf? In nJlowlnjrftn unholy eomblnatlon that fsrobblofr the generations of their birthright to a ood oomraon soliool educatlon-to 8iwod Its money In baylnjr text books cbotoa on Its own terms. Yes, a text book commission will cost toiiHUlrtnif. Every service In this world ' that Is worth anything costa eonicthlnK-.cvisn to Ret Into Heaven. It Is Kfllnx to cot everybody a little for new school books-tbe teachers Included. IM, became the Ueclicrs have learned the present text books by heart, so that a twelve year old boy can pjsi an examination to become a teacher, that prom that even tlio teachers need a diaope of text book diet, a mental (ttllUur, boforo they nil die of pelreftothMi. Text book reform will mmi Ute fH tlclnns noinethln,. The faHtM 4 the Ilcpublioan party that feat re ceived largo campaign fas4 frw Ute text book trust In Oreo wtM taw to Hod souio other ttl Motd, that they are perehasee o mi mh familiar tenns with. It vbe jnww v appoint men who total twst bwrt J taken out of tlio h&4t flihe rtxte superintendent oftchosfe, tbe uH will not besoUti tutr tsve tloni, to pour out brjst wimu elect this matt or to 0Mt that man. It Is to borcgrtttod that Hmj text book re form shall Intcrfwo with tlio arrange merits of any inch deeming persons pcrsonn dormryiuu; ImswIo-; fur making Merchandise off tht hvmi mciwI Instb tutlons of the A murium iwa THE DUTY OV A MINOIUTY are scattered and rendered Ineffective. A few liieM are able to guard their personal matters, but the entire re form organization acts a black eye and the majority escapes responsibil ity, because their questionable mcas-tiro- nntl nrnctlces have all more or Jcjs endorsement from Individual members of the opposition, to whoso record they can point and be ex cused. The duty of the minority to solidly oppose the majority way not anply to ctcry bill before the legisla ture, but It certainly applies to all anDroprlallons, to creation of new of monoplles and fayorcd classes by ICKlsIatlon, and to all forma of cxlra tfajrancc On these Imo the Union members should stand like a solid wall for the protection of the people. nrura ...nn n lirlrlf. .' A wllv and spacious majority will cren trick fHlon by another nation vUJ the minority Into voting for JlJu,twll0D u,0 oojsctlon was made to the A c6himon oprenion is: "The human rifee lis grow ing weaker and wiser." That we -arc growing weak er is proved by the large number of pale, thin and emaciated people. That we arc growing wiser may be proved by overcoming theic disorders with the timely uic of Scott's Emulsion of Cod liver Oil with Hypophos phitcf which give strength, enriches the blood, invigor ates the nerves and forms fat. ( ytt. i4 ,., M drthH. SCOTT A UOWKE, CtMoritH, Xw Ywk. 1AIITY. Tub Jouknai. wlshos to emphasUe wtutltiuild yesterday, to the effeet that there Is no uruaulwl opposition to tlio Republican party In this IokIs lature. The minority of Si Union members, nearly one-third of tlio on- tiroiftfisiaiuru, iinve not untcu as a solid body alaiidlni upon a platform To bold tlio majority responsible and put thorn on record Is tlio IiikIi and sacred duly of u minority under our form of Kovorntuctit. Thero had had full sway InOreyoii a pernlolnus doctrine that Is dwiruot Ivotrt nil party owtnlntlun, that makes tlio majority Irrehpouslblo to tlio pooplo. Itlstbat I'asli member of the minority Is to vote on each measure as he sew It, to suit his personal Interest, and ovon to trade off and iMinple on the platform ho wasclcoted upon to servo looul Inter ests. Thus tlio forces of a minority Wlut man Mtelwlet'trtM W Hltlf w h be Iht bdh l IUM in llu Ud4er. tuA dur Nt lltat btl-r t I'xl U m l b dlwotrr lhl tWert Die etber twt. Hi kii-htr up kwbti.uM irivn U UiM'UStcDl. Ur Wltu uiit hhmc to flmk Tu tliwh U allr nts'i (.hiit (Hat It Ual iu Bttlttllltil Iku. ,u wojk. tbt ruia kiuU hl ntl bttiptne. wu. UHtUllr It il IM( Itisnn ILl And tttt-4 wetklna umil tber brut J0S btn ium u no tl If IfltH entv knew II lli nmii.t ...i. .- .tunU KBu i ' !! ..V W.p.l.W u4 SI BtS-BStSTBSn. - A W t -f IvfT m m IPT JSr' j-y rf i ?:-,"'t- -"J R mt ff wf W1WULI jL Jm II II i -WW fWilb r U llt4 for the purpofo of prcycntln them from tfolwr bctrc the people as a re form party at the next election. The minority should . hold pub licly announced oauouses. to protect the people, and even Instruct their members to prepare an entire appro priations bill on the lines of reform and offer It as a majority bill If that contains Im proper Items of expense. Thus alono can the people be shown which Is the real reform party. Tlio Republican party Is today divided In Oregon Into twowlojis s conservative, economi cal, conncltnllous set of men wbo are as careful about voting public money at they would be about spending their ewe. Tbete men oppoio olorkshlpt, ifowureJ, prattA, codes, Junket, eew t&ti and yoUs for all measures frecn the standpoint of tlio people. They Mtted the sutfar bounty bill pitted by the houwj and throw a liouso raMtattoa to revive that $0,000 job !bt tbe wAite banket. Tlio house itl u InsreAso the supremo court si the WMtc killed the Job. WlUtOdt at.y personal rollcatlou on y nember or any puny who Tted for these bills that the rcmito kilW.aod others that tuny yut bo passed In the homo nud killed In the senatcwo wlshtoiuk, how will Union members stand before the people and point to their record on these mutters when tlio Ueforiu clement of tlio Ho publican party has made a bettor rec ord than thoy liitvoV It should be snld In Justice to tho six Union memlMrs of tlio senate that thoy havo stood solidly with the bust olomonl of tlio Hepubllcuns In mtiklmr o lloform record. Hut wo do say it dolllwrutcly, that unless the entlro M imimbcrs of the Union party do pull tliomtolvos t(otlior and not ns an unit iiualust some of the most truuspuroiit Im proprlotlos of this lolalutiiro, thoy may not have u Kliost of it chitticc to UO before tlio people as it reform party next your, l'eoplo who want reform will havo to ko to the reform wn or tlio Hepubllcan i.tuy IwoauHo theru maybe no IDcmoorittlc, Populist or Union party left to kd to. The minor ity owus n saorvd duty totlio people and It should develop the loadorslilp and tlio polltlual Miuunlty to not as a solid body Instmid of allowing oaeh man to inuku a record for lilmtulf. and tho onllru oruanUallou be de stroyed and humiliated by the ldloynornoles and alwriatlous of In dividual. In polltlcH udhonnHKi to prluolp)oUuor)lhliiK. heterottenoous character of the people of the Islands it was met by the asser tion that they were but few In Dum ber. In the opinion of thoe who favorod the annexation of Hawaii the advantage to be pained from a strat culoul standpoint ontwolithed the ob jection raised to the population. Iso aruument made In favor of the annex- substitute for the!aUnnort,loHliWala.n islands can be ueu in support or an impariuiiswc policy. The purohasc of Alaska removed one more monarchy from American territory and uavc to the United states ii maximum of land with u minimum of Inhabitants. In tho forcible annexation of the Philippines our nation will neither nd to tho strength of nor ccuro broader opportunities lor tho Ameri can people, even If the prlnclIo of conquests wore permissible under American public law. The conquest of territory so removed from our shores, Inhabited by peoplo who have no sympathy with our history or our customs, and who resent our attempt to overthrow lliulr declaration of In dependence, would bo a tax upon our military and naval Htreimlh tho maunltudo of which can not now be dotermlnod, Who can ostlmato In money and men tho cost of subduing and keening In subjuctlon eight millions ot people 11,000 mllos away, ycnltered ovur 1200 Islands and living under it tropical sun nllowiiminy soldiers did Spain Miurl llco In horolfort to put down the al most continuous Insurrection In Uuba? How- many perished from wounds and (IIkousu In tlio vain at tempt to keep tho Puarl of tho Antilles under Hpunlsh dominion? Yet Cuba has only about a million nod n half of Inhabitants and Havana Is only li.tlf us far from (JmlU ns Manila Is fro'ii San Kranulsco. If this question Is to bo settled upon a basis of dollars and ccutn, who will ItiHiuo tho nation that the ro eolpts will equal the expenditures? Who will guarantee that tho Inuomu from the Philippines, be It groat or small, will 1 1 lid Its way buck to the pookeU of tho people, who, through taxation, will furnish the niniiuy V And even If the amount Invested In shlM, arrangement aim equipment or soldiers Is returned dollar for dollar we will place a price tipou too blood that will Iki shed? If war Is to lie waged for trade, how much trade ought to be domanded In oxchauge tor liiiumo lire? And will the man who expects to soetiro trade risk his own lire mr the life of someone uNeV The demand for the standing army of 100,000 men Is the beginning of a policy which will luorouse the hours or toll and llll tho homos of tho land with vacant almlrs, Lot us ootmlor tor a moment the Indirect owa of nuuoxatlon, (IrayodoiiiiMlo problem pros for solution. On ii wo alTonl to neglect them In order to engage uuneeooMirlly in oonlroverslo abrwsd f Must the people at ktrg twsy thm jlves with the eontomplotlon of 'dostlny," white spal IrlUrests hedge themselves abnit with legal bulwarki and exact Inoreaslng toll from productive ladostry? JOURNAL "X-RAYS." Marlon county senators continue to display their aggregate wisdom In bucking the Multnomah delegation. Are they still In charge of Uncle Oeorge : 1 1 J.M. Ryanllts tlw thanks of this oflke for a gvftiln little .Manna nlL'ar. He received u box from his Mi, who Is a member of the First California. rnator Al Heed of Doug las county has received a boautlfiil enrvod pipe from a friend who Is at Manila. That' a rt,'tlar tobacco patch we've annexed, t J J The O. A, C. has asked for WO.000 for the college, In the fasc of the fact that (35,000 was recently granted and tho tact that It gots a big appro priation from tho nutloual govern ment. It 1 time the state legislature displayed a little sand and site down on some of those big demand for the money of the people, which are com ing In so fast as to make one's head swim. Swtpplng bartering In clerkships by logls'.Jtti'C mon Is mighty small busi ness. I 'or Instance, Mrs. O, M. Charl ton, our of tho most nompetont la'Jy clerks on the way) and means com mittee st the special soasIoii, and whose wugas went to support a fain lly, came all the way from Hcppner only to llnd Hint her position had been traded" to suit home one's In terests. Jacksonville Times: Oov. Oecr and his predecessors, In their messages to iho legislature, recommended tho enlargement of the siirprcmc court, and a bill has passed the houe adding two Judges to that body. While this will add $7000 annually to the cost of our Ktutc government, It muy prove money woll Invostcd. At tho preterit time the supreme court is two years behind with Its work, and Its mem bers work hurdor than other stutc of ficials. It irf said that Senator Adams ru. son In the Insinuation that his bill to abolish Judgo Ilolbc's olllco was In any muunor Inspired by an Interested feeling on his part rolatlyo to tho re cent ballot box frauds. It Just hup pons, that Is all, that (loo. Illugham Is chief attorney for those bound over to appear boforo the next grand Jury for tan.porlng with the ballot boxes, tally-shoots, etc,, nud It Just happens that Illugham nnd Adams are law tui.ln...d I... la .ill .... r. I..... .i.iinnn. ! niliu,n. biiui. n llll, 111. 1U villi IV;- Hon. People will talk scandalous. 0 o- -o o- J0 BET QUIPS WEEKLY The Model Oregon Newspaper and Family Journal. Uniting News, Fiction, Literary, Ranch and Dairy and Market News In attractive readable form. SI. 00 J I WEEKLY I i rtunMno tnlnres and Infhmej iott tunc Otie Allnuie Cough Cute loosens the cold, .rid heal, quickly. The best cough cute. Stone's Dug stote. Horrible agony It caused by Piles, Bums and Skin Di leases. TheJf are relieved and cured by DaWHt'i Witch llatcl Ealve. Be ware ol imitations Stoni's Drug Store. Btut tie 1 Kwd YW Hw Mwri Bmtf tl fcayy. -gcocsuv. Mr. S A. Fackltr, Editor or the Mian oy, (Fla.,) Haider, mffeted teiiibly from La Grippe. Or Mmte Cogh Care was the ooly remedy. It acted qukldy. Tbeu jands of others ae this remedy as a specific lor Ijl G ippe.and its eihaasting ahcer ffects. Stww's Drag Store. Is issued Thursduy morning in.tlme to reach all parts of the state the same eok. 10 I .80 Weekly... In two partscnntnlns all Important Foreign, National and State News. DAILY MIL -S3. i TUB "be smallest things may exert the greatest influence. De Witt's Little Early Ksrs are unequalled for conitipatkmsnd H-er troubles Small pill, safe pill, bto e's Drug store. CASTOR I A Tor Infants acd Children. Ttie Kind You Have Always Bought & Boars the Signature of YAQUINA EOUTE OH jQ mM if iu mm A IH e !"v HH ORPART Fatt Mail 8 pm Spokane flyer 330 p.m 8pm Corvallis fi Eastern Railroad Connecting nt YAQL'INA Httli tlio YAQUIiVA BAY STEAMSHIP COMPANY STCAMUKS "WEEOTT" rirt-clafl 111 ocry ropcct. Tlio nliove steamer Is iluo to mil from Yaiiiliiu every clulit U)s. An Independent Associated Press Paper for the Peo ple. Send for samples free. Tiik Jouit.VAt. has the fullest report of the doings of the loglflature and state olllclalti, as well us Indepen dent, clonr and concise comment on nit public matters. Send u trial subscription. IIOFER UROS. Hhortc-gt Hotito Ilettccn liclwcca Valley Points aod hw Francisco fare: Albany Bint I'olnts West toSnn Krnnclsco Cabin 110.00 Hound Trip 17.00 VAI.DKN, KIWIS STONK, T. K. Jit 1. A. MumiKor. J. TUItS'lIK. AkciiI, .'.Ibnny, Oie. U.U 811 m ex, Sun. Snturdny top 111 Iv.e Salem 7115 p m iTuslbu anu sat 10a m. MonWeJ Fri TIME SCHFDUtU. From Portland. Salt Like, Denver Ft. Worth, Omaha , Kansas City, St Louis, Chicago and l-.ast. Walla Walh, Spokane, Minneapolis, St. rant Dululli, Milwaukee Chi cago and East OCCAN SrEAMsIHPS. For San Francisco." Sail every five days ARRIVE. G-MS P.m ipokane Myer n m 4 p ! COLUMBIA RIVER STEAMERS To Astoria and way land ings, WILLAMETTE RIVERS Portland, Ncuburg and Way Lauding. L Salem Tu,Thur bat 3p. m I For Da ton WILLAMETTE RIVER Corvallis Albany and Way Point?. 4pm ex Sun Ar Salem 6 p.m. Mous Weds Fri Tu T'huc Sat 3S3 P m Ar Salem 10 a m Mon Wed and Fri i-cnator Smith will crodltuhly till the position of regent of the Sluto Unlvurslty ut Eugene. Insane, Sl, 'ester Hurroll, aged -3 yenrs.and a farmer at Waterloo, has been com mltlod to the asylum. Uhair Cars Between Portland and Albany. Comfortable unliolstorod ruvnlvlnir Ills rucordon elialrs, oburvatlon ends, attractive WHEN THE SLEEPER WAKEa, ..inn.., 1 .......1111...W 1.. ii,.i,.-nn smoking rooms, Hrst class Iu cverv ' " W'uiw, huh t.uitu. VIJ, ,. ... I ... . , P,,p,l,l i,,!;,,!.,,, ftOconUs Portland to Albunv. Cur on and county tiro foundations loading up to such ooucltiMuii, He was not appointed on account of liln free sllwir lieroMicH, uud for his worth Iu educa tional advancement. Maker City Itopubllonu. Hi was ehoon as a proper man for the place and as a iiiombor of tho op- ivwiiinii iKtrt including tlio froe silvur 1 tear end of train run throughout legislature. TliOiHieitrs the hosslou will be of the 1-17 td. Iiorosy, hi late atxindoued by edition of tho Republican party. tho KINCAID'S EXPLANATION. SOo Pills the Dill. TIium two bit meals at Strong's llll both the bill and the legislator who takoo them CATARRH OF THE STOMACH. WILLtMETTK KIVKK DIVISION' STEAMER WM, M. HOAG, Ciiptuln Geo. Itaalic. HuiuiIiik lx.ten 1'ortliiinl and rorvallls, muppiiiK nl all tta) laiiuiiins. HIVKIl 8CIIKDfl.i:. DOU'.V-Tiielij, TlinrwlHH ami Sinitliiys. U'ne Connllls On in Iam Atlmny-. ...-. 7 11 in la0!i Ilaeua Vklii..... . 8 a. 111, jertv jiKiepenueiii'6. v 11 in. iavei blum . ..10 h. in Unve N"ewl(rf..........................lJ,l)o Arrhe rorlluiKl............. ............. 4 80 I'T Monda)s, Wediiisdajs anil Fridays. t.wi 1'ortlrtinl C a, in l.eaeff Neuljri;.......................10 SO 11. 111 U'cnon H.Uem.................. ....... 3 80 1 in If lllclelflKlt'IH'B.... ...... 6 00 l. III, llHl.l TlriA.lfl VM.tn " J,1 .. ... ivnw. ..i.v.tt. ..,,,.................. , . 1,, J lfleK Albany.. 'J.ftJp. 111 Arrive ConallU H.U0i.m Tlio fteainor hni bn equipped titb si rit clacs iiccomiiioilRtloin, liichullni,' an uloKiuit I'lnuo. Unurp!td for carrIni? both freight and juiravilKVis I)uck-Kootof State treet. . MAKUTZ, AKCiit. Mlein, Oregon t.SfU.lVAN.Supt. AllMiiy, OreKoii flivp Sliori Lioc Railroad The Dlicct Houtc to "Montana, Utah. Gulorailo , and all Easlcin Points A Hloasant, Simple, But Safe and Effec tual Cure for It, tftAiity fT It ' y ! w thmuU Middle life Intd Gid k If lhwu.tuLI ....1. ..!.. ..,. . ZL.T-J . : .Z'T.'f ." a11'""1? wm miff i tHur bMltb Tfce UW Is ttttt tl do m take Utt It! l Miiehsi bte iivt tun ibt i Bi '?. Irtre UajHU Tbry m no at ImUmi tjth lKBof on flMffTIU UltU A Hltle WllduuifM. a llttl Mlju. , llltl Ism of en and atitt, ifiti, bkieM is Ibe morur, ,ul a lMlt dull "n," toft 1 ,Ul,e ,bU M "' baK n?$ Qkitn Mf&Mt Xflwytt,kw tiwi Kifrt, (tie Jlvretl. the Wood nnra f F Un Pn d H i the rrwit bleod-waker and eifi tmUdr It Is tb rot! liver lHvicortvr and mcv towle. it Me4Me dJcr U h Mt bsv netWc "i ut as irwod, ' MlHW um r be tr ti vr Inn ri.tJ, n jj ti .. .irr .f'r w rrr1 .!- ivv.m. "A"". !: ,". bi 1 , .nin.n.iui,! y. tmnvwiHm M.Mlt in lw 0 gttc tat lmtMsl A waiMM-wowsB H nrnlrcU wnstlna. Um ? frow jdH iwUoniBff. SHKter . Cm ?ttu "ivjWt U .Htk u. 4 wmI fo iJ4 wtJuMtlc, AlVfl 9HM tUihtv Mil tbftu, ANTI.UXPAN310N, As Ukouued by Hmi. Win. J. llryan.er NebtasVa, iTIw folluwlng It a part of a rewut argument ut the great Kobiaskn oru tor 011 this qutttllnn. Wo shall print the rest us fast as our oromll oul uinim will poriulL) On former oeoasloni 1 buyo quotwl authority agulnst tho pollay of uu. rlallsui and have lusisted that the wdopilou ofaKuiopoaii ooleulal -loy would endauuer the perpetuity of the Honuhlie, While every Piyor of his twuntrv should be willing to surrender peouu wry aiiuntage, however allurlnK.lt that advantage wouUl In the lcmi )opardlte our nntlonul oxlkteuee.xtiil the opjKinout of ttuerlMlUm are fur- luumc in having uputt their skle did lar arguiiidiu an well an th argq menu tMsed upa ruwunmuuti prln elplwt The forolhle uunwtiUwi ut I he ruilippiiie nmu (ml. In mv JudK'UHfnt,tvB atiHexuttmi ttv duiuut. f the poopta) would prtt a wmrtw f ptcuniary loss rathir llun gln. Horetoforo our aeuilUu hav UHueotiMnilothe Nuilli Amerlaau wmttticnt, the uatluo having in view either nwirliy from attaek or land iullabla fur (ettlouionlii. tUnemlly both objeetn have been realised. I'lordlaaud the territory uotwtfoit I 1110 JlIl&klMlnlll rlv..r u.,.l .1... 11...... I wore nwxnteKtry fur tdo nurnnus i.f ,!. fenw, ami in addition thereto furn. Ubod humes aud iXNUpMlttu 'gr our Inotwtslng population. ; Tlio Hawaiian Mauds are uuirer to the western than the Mstertt henils.j phere, and tlioJrauuuxatttu wasHfL.i larjtelyapou the grouud that their' 1 ONIowTli-ie Came to Ue Allowed far His Paper. ltuuisMC, Or , January li, IbdU. KlUTOIlAMIANV DlOIOCItAT: '. . . . , Dearislr: lti votir lunar if Junti.'i Uul""1' 'f tlio btomttcli hits long ,, ' """" -""""- -uuiuuiu. iiiou5Uiii sympwiiis are u uumiiiy, iiiisri'prohoutoti me in stating 1 "in or uiouting K'tisitilou after cat L, W. Stciw, that 1 alluwod a hill fur my own pnpor '"KiaccomiNtnlod bometimes with suur "aflor rufuhlng to alltiw manv uihorior wullt'r; risings, a formation of bills I dl 1 iiotKiliiw t im wm? .lk'"".sa?' ""prp.ssuro on tho heart uiiis. 1 tun not allow tho s,wto to and lungs and dltllcult broathlngs pay fur any paiwrs furnWied to mv-1 homluchos, tickle nnnotltu. norvmiu. (.elf or tiny othor itnto ollleor although "ccs """ " eorul played out, languid they had always been paid for out of I 'e,0,! "K- , . the InoldetiUtt uiiproprlatlon Iwfore I ...... In!0 ' V,f,l?n " foul aiUi ' t"o fo,-papow that 1 could have iwlil out 1 would khow a slimy, luilametl condl- ui um 1110 it!iu rutin, lint 1 .it nu. Iho cure fur this oomtuon and olwtluato trouble Is round In a treat ment which cuumm the food to be rood I y, thoroughly tiueatod boforo It luiH time to formont aud Irritate tho tlelleuto mucous surfucos of the B,iiu,ui iu MXHiro u limnint. nn,l iuHI JMiy mr llll IMfKIW KUKNIBIIICl) TIIK 8TATM UNKAKY OUT OF TIIK Al- I'HOfKIATION MADM KuK THAT 1'1'K 10S11C OK VtHJUltWW At't'HOVKt) MY ' Tim uiiKAKiAN. The bill for1 . lr wa approval by the LL healthy digo.Ho 1 Tislhoo o K hratlan ami aim ttdvld by ll, At-1 Wing Ui do and w hen .normal dlgoUon turney-Oetmrul ami other good law-1 8 wu,fel.the caUtrrhal voiidllluii will W und thin wan mlucwl iiiuiiIi i.. "V0.. !"8?.PPw .. . low tiw uuhmiiil ,! u..,,., :..,." L..ur" l0 it. imrunsun the prepaid In fu.l. A J.ZlnZtJX! inmlo jwtrs ami vwrs ago and the Hluu'1 Awptlc l'epsln, a little Uhrarluii then In elmrg approved 'iw. !le,n hm a,"J frul1 s the UNI up to that time ttnd plomll im&J&"J$l U. mhi It (Mltl before ho Uft thy ,lleo l Ala 'lVZlliZn - nMKim w ,io do ami u present I ! mwiicum can 00 uod with i.iunirwH i)trovl it tine n. ., , ... . """'- ii ami ami .,,... huh,, 1 ,iuiy Lav- I . Gives rliolce of two funrito rnuten, la the 1 11I011 1'minc Fust Mall I.I no, or tli l!lo(Jruiiilt'fcjciilu I.lneH. Look at the time H Dayp to Salt Lake 2i Days to Denver aj Days to Chicago 4 1 Days to New York I'rev Iteollnlnif t hIr Cat. UpboUterftl Tour- UtSlMplnKCars.Hud Pullman 1'tlnc bepri oimralKl on nil truln. I'nr tiirtlier Information api1y to IlOIbK llAUKKIt, AKontn.galBm. W K. COMAN, Oen'l Agent. ('. O. TKRItY, Trav. laW. AKt. "I TlilrU ht., I'ortltmJ, Or. II G Wms lll t ito.v n Hirptr k nr hm Tho announcement of n new novel by tho farfamed author of "Tho War of tho Worlds" will bo or Interest to a largo portion of tho reading world that took pleasure In that occontrle, fantastic, and delightfully Impossible flight of fancy. Tho publication of "the War or tho Worlds" won Wells Ills fnmennd nhiRAri Mm In n, ? 8Ped. comfort and sfetv is concern! front rank of novelists nf in, iMnrt i.Ply.es .!" Wlscongm Central Lints are WILLAMETTE RIVER DIVISION. Dtlly boits to Portland as above. Transfers to street car line at Oreg Oitv if the steamers are delayed there ojn3 trip tickets to all points in Oregon, Washing ton, or California. Connect 01 made nt Port land with all rati, orean amlnver lines. W. II. IIURLBURT. f.'en'l Pas. Agt. Portland. Or. G.M. POWERS, Agent, Trade street dock Salem, HOISE & DARKER. City Agents. TAKE THE - Canadian Pacific R.R And Soo Pacific Line Mit.ucapolw St. Paul Chicago Philadelphia Washington Montreal Toronto New V'oik ... . Boston a il all points eait and southeast. Cheapest iato4, beitwmcc and acconmo dations Ihrough touiist sleepers to Minneapolis, St. lard, loronto, Montrenl, and lioHon without chance Canadian Pacific Ihihray IV& liniprco-s incofsieamiliips to Japan and China, The lastet and fineit chips on the Paclhc ocean. Shortest end b,nt r0ute to the orient Canadian Australian S. S. Co, To Ilonolul-. Fiii and Ai.i.n vi.. shortost route t tlis colonies. For rates, fo 'em and any information call on or address. C. M. l.ockwoml. A1..1.1 Office Phone No. 40. iSs commetcial st. Rwldcncc Phone o. js. Salem, Ore Agnt, 146 Ihird street. Portland, Or, K ) COYLE, DUtHcl Passenger Agent. Vancouver. 11. A Few Interesting Facts When people arc contetnpl'ting a trip whether on business or ntpKtir. .),-,. ...,'. Mr. jaly wat the best service obtainable so far -... w , aml , pKMIIl I , "'. "'";'"" " wi UsOll Willi rtan approve u blnw tUilt Ult , wrrtct whty and assurance that klnri. 110 stands 011 a higher piano thun Julos Vorne, nnd It Is safe to say that ho hits glyen uud will continue to give pleasure to more roaders than the Krettt, r rencn novelist has dono. This now novel Is entitled When tho Sleeper Wakes," and Is to appoar us n serial In Harper's Wookly during 1S00. In Olden Times l'eoplo ovorlookod the Importance of pormnnontly bocotltted offeeu and were Hit filled ulrh iNnLi,n. ...l ... SSnmWfli!.,iat ".ponorally know that -..!.... .'iKiniu joruutneui y over come hablut constipation, well-ln-formed people will not buy other laxatives which act for a time but finally Injure the system, HUy the Syr'up" y "'" C'aIlforna $ PLAYED OUT. ihitai. wlaehe' ,,win vrlojs,prtsofl heUxly. Sinking at the p t of the iCch lm,t appetite. FeverUaess. P.mnl ol paultosenc the public and our trains are p,.l i: ? .. t0 make cl c connections with dUereine lines at nil junction points 1 ullmui Palace Sleepini; and Clmr cars on through train Dining car service unexcelled, Meals a la Carte, In order to obtain this first dtss service, ak the iicUt agent .0 sell you a ticket over THE WISCONSIN ClOTAIi LINES at ull any and you will ,,k dirert conneolions bt. Paul for Chicago, Milauke and points Ivut. For any lurfer info.nution call on ticket agent or corresuond with JAS. C, POND, t.eiKrat Paw Agw.t. orjVS.A,CWCK, M,w,l". ta. t.enenl Agent, 26Stirk Strret, PORTLM, OKK EAST AND SOUTH VIA , PE SHASTA R0JTE OF THE Southern Pacific Co EXPRESS TRAINS RUN DAILY I.V Lv. Ar. . .;i'ortland"7 ...Satem .. San Francisco ..Ar 19:; ..Lv Jr.-: 0 Lv b:i 130 A M OO A W OO PM OIOO P M I 8:25 PM. .8.M5 AM) lv!flpV,e,,iinSbt,0l,uat,aU i"nclpal station? bet. lortlandand 5alem. Turner Msrinn tiS.' Aranyl Tanfic". Shoddi, Halsey, Su;P- iunc,on C'ty, Eugene, 'CrcWl Cottage Grove, Drain, Oakland, and all a. tions from Roeburg to Ashland, inclusive. RrKvllllDr ..... ' o5S A M V Lv. . . .Salem. . . .' Lv J 7 7.-30 ires ar tdooi all "Vhn I rctttmrJ from ths array my conttitutioo ws broln down. 1 luf. J xtrtm ncrvouuMti, arvl hvJi Satk. Pltyilcsiru dW not Iwlp nw ntil oae nttaAti Dr. Mll' r?r hv, rvl todsy 1 m jn Utter bjihb tiun I luv Un lot thirty yejirs." OR. MILES' Restorative Netwme &Mk M wn mj !T,rit iKc Or, MjUt Mtal CHpyi etkhart, Ud, imiwriuaaM Uau mmsm i.th.. ...i' Jir. . J linoiwrnf 7io iun.i.n ,l...oi. ...... . . """ Si l'lii..u..., Ill ... .....: .'."" "',.r? w"i. tw Mp i.uirr, rf v,:wr...B"r.r i:r',r: J. ."."' i-vpsMHUM ,nai. uapMtMHl to lM'iiM.iMiMir i",iw." ,"K. . ."'" , tZ 7, Zl. ""' "ery ,,i of hart thsMciM .pp. Hni.l U IW ita'n,! ' tK , w jk. ao T' o "a -r- . I IMHIIIVe UnJiriM, f i iSf,.orSyph,hw;o;,an4v,o nly a wonderful bottle on jMCrUNl 30 PM e ? p 7" '""ui. . . . WVI 50P U j;oriJ Ar....Rosebn,g.. Lv 7.'3oA M r,r.n,,.; uu"ct. s'per and second-class sleeping cars attached to all through train, WhsT woe division; Maijains daily Cxceit Sunday. uti,Syo.acn.d&gr.Hs nvT,h tXPRfcSa TRAIN lUlLY KxCKPT SUNDAY. .35 A M A M A M JO"ri L.V ...fortland ...Ar .jor if 1 .. McMinnville Lv "vjo pmj Ar Independence Lv j -'3S 5--5 ) 450 AREMpaeEKDipQ MM vnNt N '.Itf S v M v.v HyU wit going t-w-urv o ...-I" ELJB,ilh.? .u,ri rache,ti MKlTHlltg lf JltHimry ytsstra. MWWUrv on ih- u.,,..u , '.""..,"" '"" wciis. mw r.iW .wumwi, viiuo nnji iir nt isurnrph .. ALk tut. Itilu wNu.o.,.1. ' iir"1: wmm UI ?! iu Nl v . -w vMmstiuu oout ". KINCAIU, MtHllcui ll ItWutu. 11...-1.... : . . w lnrriJ.i 7. . .. ."?'.' VJ'. ""inoritiw w. .... noum, itteiyw !":;;;y " mr uireo ywtrs for lust iQUHNAs. tlll UllHk, uwt Mr. KHmnM would Ihiw dotM better ml tohsivvtMiketMUHMtym. ,itHouW .n.otwiw immtofisc witii .u-,...,. wily ustlweuay tmiul , rrl 1.1, rrlemls and U who I.Jva Z ! ! MMeh 9rltles,. W Mr. KitW . vt, """"win sarasuv la hUurj.. 4 alt the v Irv umuuce ) Eu. j Mil- wjurrhof tin. kUMUNch without cure ul Unlay I an. u hatijieM , " I,JlViK-afoue,yix of Stuart's proprlate vNonU u expC u"y ld fee tug I ltlxe nMiou'ita, anwtffe ttHl mhiimI rebt rruiti tlr UL Jirjfe.. .ss 1. t.,e uy roru. of liidisfJE tStaSii ' tumtxk innu'fr1,.. ' u mi .."J H u-ii-n is 6kntft cf r. j . rr r - -. ' TMHwAriWB B&t :iu, ird!v 4iir7- h iCfl sy-gjLyi : rsxtr lS?''jfxypr' KranraX fo Rw1'TiNG M0UMENTA1, BFVPHZEC0. WCK HEADACHE AH j i-ti, EU, 'CMoU Tea? A v-ui coMtipation ami pIsAsisn Uib drink. ttwn tablet storv 11, .. 4 -".. .u, HHICtnilOfl. UkM VA.. ... .1. T" RXKKIBNCK is THE HEit IHtrnpu Vui Acker's Biwhtti li-JTLi ,kaCHER i.i . " " r onuiin It Llll tu ...v.. ..cWMffl(B(, t..l-.l . : h". 5 tJ X lhvok,,'drg jtT '3C fteohwiuoyww nri Dr. ituw ivia?iu BRIDGEPORT, CONN k' HM.'Vi 'il"lrl l '"'at make, the ON' I.V ., . ."'..fc S,,!SI MfcNT au.t MirtwiMM Marble or t.r.nuo crumbling .,-', mo iimninir. i-ntcking or ft" clemiliiK ur iarv retulrttl. T, B. WAIT, Agent, 1-J4 Mill St. and 130 State St. 1-0 dw SAL15M. nnv ' CURE YOURSELF! iw nitti rur ui.ii , !WhraM. Islu.i.. . irriUltwu ur ul.n.i ( UXiCuut iu.a.t,rar. ..HM. KBd I11.I ..trtn MSftHiW CUQS 'ul Of rubuUu 1. fcold by l-Uj;r.t, I 1 tSjrit's4. xa I ilM l I Mft.tr ir-flrrtwu tiMM. 1 yiitMih 1 yMa onstintTi.o W?W Hk v a, 1. Ttr 1 rsk. .4ki I vBKfrl Direct connections at ban l-rancisco with Occidental aud Oriental and Vnc.f.r mall steamship lines for JAPAN AND CHINA. Sailing dates on application Rates and tickets to Eastern fcurope. w aim AL-aiK,LL,lA, can ue obtain? I ialern. points an ' e. Aho IAPAN, CHINA, 110NO ! and AL'Sl'KALLIA, can be obtain? 1 W. W. bKlNNER, Ticket S' ,. H. KOE11LER, Manager. C II. MAKKIIAM, O. K. & I'.A. I'oaland I IimOMI H y. r.,,1 puuu rjar. "? f'U, tai h r J u m. tfvuUr Mmi Xirw4u ysOHSIj sanrae SMKiswitaaagai 20u Miles than Snv ? m" M'016 ,,alf dfty 1u,cker m ? n 3 ",err"ne to Omaha,1 Kan- .1 Uuii.," , 'l-r' ,u,s anu "' other .' .,' tr" and southeustern cities, 5T Pni rSV.1.?1 eus.t.vl Denver. St, nlllo.1 Tr "n,,"K, ?10nU T OKOtS Ut so. ti,iauml,u'.?ou cuu htoi' ff and see the Trans-MlsslsslppI expoblilon A. C. SHELDON. Oen'l agent Portland t .t amr , . r-" - -.--a