Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1896-1899, January 20, 1899, Image 1

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    "wmi'iHM!,MH;i'P' wwnwwwwya'n mywnpwgw- -v-
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irry ii in'iTiaii' -'-
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A 4 '..-'
NO. 7
TflAOE MAty-'
arc built for style, fit and service, Wc offer
you shos of this welMcncxvn make at the lowest
possible prices,
Our Cash Business Plan.,
enables us to undersell merchants who "buy on
time and sell on eternity," That's why trade
continues to increase at the
H York Racket
and MlaGkintosne
At Less Than
Manufacturer's Cost
We are determined not to carry
any of these goods over ,so we
will sacrifice them,
58 Stale Street, Salem, Oie
Suitable Tools
A man might as well try to work
with his hands alone unless he has
the tools that help.
is none too good for the man that
does the work.
can always he fouud at
Agreement Hold Sa
Rebellion In Moroco Is About
Aeriiinaldo Wants Uncle Sam to Let
lly Aimuclntcd Irr (o (lie Journnl.
Washington, Jan. 20. Thoro Is
still lack of olllclal rcnorts ns to the
situation at Samoa, but It can bo said
that the slate department Is moving
In the matter with due deliberation
and full regard for tho maintenance
of the trl-parttto agreement for the
government of tho Islands. The navy
departments order to Admiral
Kautz on board tho Philadelphia at
at San Diego went today. They were
simply to "muke ready." If, as
stated, tho Philadelphia Is not In a
condition to go to Apia, It Is supposed
tho vessels' hull will bo cleaned by
States of the Contest or the Various
Todays eenatorlal ballots are as fol
lows; .
Delaware: Gray 10; Addlck 15; 11:
Nicholson 4: F. A. Duront, 1.
Pennsylvania Quay, 03; Jotiks,
(Dom.) 09; Stewart, 9; Stone, 8;nuff, 3;
remaining scattering. Absent 42.
Necessary choice 100.
Nebraska Allen, 03; Hay ward, 40;
Webster, 10; Thompson, 7; remainder
Utah King, 14; McCunp, 18;
Powers, 8; Cannon, 0, Democrats,
Hammond, Rcpubllcah, 1G; absent 2.
North Dakota Peter J. McC'u la
bor, Republican, elected in joint ses
California To ballots in Joint ses
sion, no change
Montana Conrrd, 32; Clark, 20;
Toole, 5; Fox, 5; Malone, Republican,
15; Scattering 5; necessary to choice,
Orf the Warrant Ques
I tion.
Olymiua, Jan. 20.--IU tho senator
ial contest today tho tlrst ballot stoed:
Foster 27; Wilson 27; Humes 21
Ankeny 7; Lewis 24.
In all live ballots taken taduy,
there wns no chungo from tho tlrst
A Quick Eesponso From Jo
seph Simon.
Proceidings In the Lower House
Are Interesting,
Tangier, Moroco, Jun 20. The
Government troops commanded by
Princo Murlnl have defeated Tufllt
rebels In a tig battle. The chief of
tho rebels and 10 others were decapi
tated. This Is expected to end the
St. Louis, Jan. 20. Lasoda Marti
Bulges and J. Luna, commissioned
representatives of Agulnaldo, passed
tiirougn St. Louis today onrouto to
Washington. Their mission Is to per
suado Undo Sam to relinquish his
hold on the Philippines.
Washington, Jan. 20. All tho
members of tho cubinot were present
at today's meeting. Tho situation in
Samoa was under discussion. It Is
thought that action will be taken
at once beyond asking for a con
ference of the ambassadors of tho
three powers which havo concurrent
jurisdiction over tho Islands. Tho
Instructions to the Philippine com
missioners have been prepared and
will probably bo presented to tho
commission this ufternoon. The pres
ident has signed tho new taritr for
Porto Rice, which will go into opera
tion on Fobruary 1. The regulat
ions and general makeup of this
luriu are aiong mo lines mat, wcro
recently put Into operation In Cuba
except that as a wholo tho rate of
duty will bo about ten per cent less
than tho Cuban tariff.
By Bandits Who Got Away
With the Swag.
II)- AnattcliiltMl 1'rrnN to the Journal.
Arthur, Ills., Jan. 20. Tho bank
here was entered by burglars last
night. Loss four to live thousand
dollars. The Randlts escaped.
A Splendid Company.
The comedy drum a Alabama has
been presented In Salem a number of
times but never was It seen as a fin
ished performance until given Thurs
day night at Reed's by tiie Henry
Langonour metropolitan company.
The leading purts ore strong and
beautiful, tho entire cast well bal
anced and perfectly staged. A largo
audience Including the Oregon legis
lature wilnesssd tho play and the
managers announcement that It
would be repeated tonight was
warmly applauded. The various cli
maxes were received with displays of
mirth and feeling.
Hit Them Hard.
In Alabama there are some
sharp hits on tho legislature,
appearance tonight.
F.ee for one day only, Saturday,
January 21. A package or II. O. New
York Stute Buckwheat free with the
purchase of u package of II. O. (Horn
by') oats at Harrltt & Lawrence's
grocery remember the day Saturday,
January 21, 1899. it
To Cora Constipation forever
Take CiacareU Candy Cathartic lOo or tie.
If C. C. C. (all to cure, druggUU refund money.
Exhaustion and break down follows Grip.
Prevent it by using Dr. Mile' Nervine.
Sacramento, Cal., Jan. 23. Tho
committee Investigating the scandals
resulting from tho senatorial situa
tion Is meeting with surprising re.
suits, Tho last man to ho dragged
Into the circle of suspicion, is Chair
man Cosrcr, of tho coramlttco,
hlmscir, iL, L. Lovings, of
tho San Francisco Call, took the
stand today uud swore that a
person, to witness unknown, had told
him that Milton J. Green, Grant's
manager, had said that Cospcr had
been to Green with the statement
that Burns had o He red him (Cospcr)
$6000 for his vote, Cospor, according
to the story, had told Green that ho
would llko to to to for Grant, but
thought that Grant should pay him
us much as Burns had offered. Chali
man Cospor followed Lovings on the
stand and donlcd that any ono had of-,
fcrred him $0000 or any other amount
for his yoto or that he had peddled
it. The Incident was considered
closed until the last wit.
ncss had been heard for tho day, when
Walter Bacon, Grant'd attornoy bo
fore tho committee, took tho Moor und
stated that ho had boon told that a
member of tho assembly had said to a
friend that Burns had offurcd $0,000
for tho member's vote. Tho frlond
was described as a Grant man, and
the assemblyman had said to him:
"If I yoto for Grant, you peoplo
should do as well by mo as Burns has
offered to do."
The witness demanded that the
man to whom Cospor had, ho alleged,
made tho statement, ho brought be
fore tho committee, and named C. C.
Lammerson, of Ylsalla. When
pressed to whom tho assemblyman Is,
he replied, "Mr. Cosper."
A subpoena has been Issued for Lam
merson. Subpoenas will bo Issued for
M. n. Do Young, proprietor of tho
San Francisco uhronlclc; W, F. Hcr
rln, of thoSouthorn Pacific law de
partment, and John D. Spreckels,
proprietor ot tho San Francisco Call.
GHAULK3TON, W. Vu Jan. 20.
The Republican senatorial caucus to
night, on tho fifth ballot, stoed:
Scott 24; Atkinson, 13; scattering, 9.
Scott needed then but one more vote
to nominate, and the nomination was
conceded to hlui, Three Republican
members refused to enter the caucus
or abide by the caucus decree.
Milwaukee. Jan. 20. The Jour
nal. today prints a letter written by
Edward C. Wall, Wisconsin member
of the. Democratic national committee
lu which ho say;
It Is my belief that the doctrine of
10 to 1 Is neither a Democratic nor a
sound business proposition, but Is, In
fact, entirely opposed to both. I,
with many others, accepted tho plat
form of 1890, not because of that de
claration, but notwithstanding Hi
and atthlstlmo It seems proper for
mo to enter as I now do my protest as
a Democrat, ugalnst a repltitlon of
that mistake. I make no protest
against lite rest of tiie platform of
1890, and for Mr. Bryan, the nominee
for president at that time, I have the
vr.ry highest respect, knowing he Is a
sincere, honest and fearless man."
Charleston, W. Va., Jan. 20, The
governor recognized the homo organ
ization today by sending a messago to
that body. Tiie message was sent to
the senate over a week ago. The sen
adjourned as usual immediately after
the reading of tho Journa), and the
house accupled the time with routine
8eoator Smith, of Baker, Friday
morning gave the sonato und lobby
a thorough buslncss-llkc exposition of
tho subject of municipal warrants.
He only spoke on tho question Inci
dentally, but evinced great knowl
edge on the subject. Senator Smith
seldom speaks but his words always
Thursday afternoon Senators Selling
and Mulkcy wired United States
Senator Joseph, asking fur tho dis
charge of John A. Armstrong, of tho
hospital corps at Manlla.oMr. Arm
strong Is here in S ilom and was or
dorcd to his company, but knowing
that ho would immediately bo sent
homo with the other Oregon troops,
askpd for his discharge, and to his
great surprlso was this morning
shown a reply from Sonutor Simon
stating that his dlschargo had been
ordered by the war department. This
quick piece of work Is a credit to Ore
gon's Bcnutor, and a high compliment
to his friends making tho request. iD
Tho committee on education will
hear arguments for and against tho
textbook bill Monday and Tuesday.
Roberts called up the matter of tho
resolution yesterday which Instructed
the secretary of state to distribute
certain books to tho members of tho
legislature IIo moved that tho part
which ullowcd each member ten vol
umes each of tho supremo court re
ports, which costs tho stato four dol
lars per volume, should bo rescinded.
This aroused considerable discus
sion. Curtis und Hill stated that
the cellar was Oiled with books which
wcro going to wusto and tho mem
bers might as well have them. Beach
also,, thought that tho members
might as well bo allowed to carry off
an armful or two apiece.
Roberts stated that he had
urougut mo matter up at
tho request of tho secretary of
state; that tho books had a
murket value but would bo of nor
use to anyono but a lawyer; that
other niombers would bo likely to
tako them for the purposo of selling
them for what they could got.
Whalloy bald that ho took his three
dollara per day and had voted for all
needed clerical aid, and would Iw
glad to have the session laws of 1893
and tho history of tho early
Indian wars, which had been pub
lished by the stato printer, yet ho
hardly felt that It would bo tho proper
thing to tako books for which tho
state had paid to outsldo publishers
forty dollars. If tho stato had nouso
for tho books, and they hud a market
value, it would be better to uuthorize
tho secretary of state to soil them.
The matter was referred to commlt-tce-on
Curtis bill appropriating $25,000 per
annum for the propogatlon of salmon
was reported from commutes, and at
request of Curtis was ro-referred for
umendment cutting tho appropriation
to 825,000 for two years. This amend
ment was adopted, and an attempt
was made to put tho bill through, but
Moody throw a snag In Its way In the
6lmpo of a point of order.
The appointment of tho following
committees was announced by the
To Investigate tho ladles' aid society
of Albany; McCourt, Moody and
To meet a committee from Wash
ington U look after tho tinning In
dustry of tho Columbia river; Meyers,
Curtis and Bayer.
By Brattaln, That tho action al
lowlug an additional clerk to tho
committee on mines be recclndcd,
Brattaln made the statement that
he was chairman of this commlttoe;
that lie had opposed tho allowing or
this extra clerk; that the clerk Is en
tirely unnecessary; and was not
wanted by the mujorlty of the com
mittee; that tho committee had no
business before It and no uus for a
Referred to committee on resolu
tions. By Flagg That tho Ink stands,
mucilage bottles, waste baskets, etc.,
furnished to the members are the
property of the state and should not
be appropriated to private use. Re
ferred to committee on resolutions.
Adjournment was tuken until 2:S0
p. m. Monday.
H. B. 125, Mr. Marsh, to provide for
letting the contract for boarding
prisoners In Washington county,
II. B 130, Mr. Flagg, to amend sub
division 0, sections 2203, Hill's
laws of Oregon.
II. B. 00. Palmer, to amend sections
0 and 28, of the game laws of tho
session of 1895,
To committee on lisherlcs and
n. B. 08. Curtis, to regulate towago
on the Columbia river.
To commit too on commerce.
II. B. 99 Whltnoy, to prevent per
sons from running push curs,
velocipedes, hand cars, or other
wheeled contrivances upou any
railroad track, and to provldo for
tho.punlshmoutof tho same.
To committee on railways and
n. B. 100. Wonacott, to provide for
levying and collection of road
taxes In tho stato of Oregon.
To committee on Judiciary.
H. B. 102, Davis, rcquIrUg a public
record of tho namoiund amounts
due unknown depositors of banks
und to provide for tho disposition
of unclaimed deposits,
Tocommlttco on banking and In
surance. II. B. iloi, (Wonacott, to oncourago
the U8o of wide tires on wagons,
To commtttco on muds and high
ways. II. B. 105, Hawson, to regulate tho
salo of liquors In the State of Ore
gon. To committcoon alcohollo traffic.
II. B. 100, Williamson, to amend boo
tlon 3053 of chapter LIV, tltlo IV
of the laws ot Oregon.
Assessment and taxation.
II. B. 107, Curtis, relating to chang
ing county soats.
II, B. 108, Williamson, empowering
county courts to lovy a tax on
on sheep; also to create u scalp
bounty fund, etc.
II. B. 100, Maxwoll, to provont tho pro
ductlon and salo ot unwholesome
foods and medicines and to regu
late sales of adulterated foods,
drinks and medicines.
Food nod dairy products.
H. B. Ill, McQueen, to amend section
313 of title II of chapter III of
tho general laws cf Oregon.
II. B. 112, Moody, to regulate tho
practice of horso-nhoclng,
Multnomah delegation.
II. B. 113, Moody, authorizing coun
tics of this stato to fund their
Indebtedness by Issuanco ot bonds.
n. B. 114, Stewart, for tho protection
of dcor.
Fisheries and game.
II. B, 115, Krusc, to compol strcot
railway companies In cities of
10,000 population or over to con
struct and maintain vestibules
on cars for protection of motor
men and drivers.
DLLr BakingPowder
t I Vir 4
Talk About the Env
balmed Stuff
Its Quality Such That Flies
Avoidod It
Proceedings in Congress and At the
Concluded on fourth IMtre.
The New Process,
Tho Salem Flouring Mills "Special"
Hour Is now better than ovor. Trv
Attornoy C. B. Mutson went to
coma thin ufternoon to visit
mother, who resides at that place.
tty Amoclntci! Irea to tiie Journnl.
Washington, Jan. 20. Major Daly
shlef surgeon with Ooneral Miles,
whoso report condemning tho beefcre
ated a sensation, mado his appcaranco
as a witness beforo tho war Investiga
tion committee today. Daly's report
was tho strongest In tho languagoof
thoso submitted by iMllcs. Tho
witness Idontlllod tho roport
submitted as his, It wns
voluntary and not called out by re
quest. At Tampa ho noticed a
quarter of bcof hang In tho sun on
shipboard, and ho becamo Interested
In having fresh bcof placed undor such I
moist ollmutlo condition to sco how
long It could stand It. IIo observed
that files did not alight on
It or, if they did, they got
away from It very quickly. IIo had
cut off n plcco of that bcof and cooked
It, but it nclthor smellcd nor tasted
naturally. IIo noticed Indications of
chemicals present In the meat. All
that day and uext he had an unplcas
taste. Washington, Jan. 20. In tho Bon
ate Cattery, of Louisiana, offered a
concurrent resolution, calling on pres
ident for copies of any communica
tions rccievcd by the state department
from representatives of the socallcd
Philippine republic The resolution
went over undor objection.
Washington, Jun, 20. Tho house
ImH passed tho postolllco appropria
tion bill. A small urgent deficiency
bill, carrying un appropriation of $31,
000, was passed without objection. It
was ugrced to take up the urmy reor
ganization on next Tuesday, with a
provision for llftcen hours' gcnoral de
bate and night sessions on Tuesday,
Wednesday und Thursday.
Je irom tnire
cream of tartar.
Safeguards the food
against alum
i,11"? Pwdm arc the greatest
meiucers to health of tic prcstSy.
bovm. tnwxa kwsh eg. utw mat.
St. Paul, Jan. 20-Tho state senate
today concurred In the houso resolu
tion favoring a speody ratification of
the peace treaty.
Washington, Jan. 20. Senator
Gear offered a Joint resolution In tho
senate nppolntlng Oscar Dolgnan of
Iowa as a cadet In the United States
nayal acadomy. Delgnan was ono of
tho Morrlmoc heroes.
Washington, Jun. 20. Sesator
Nelson spoko upon tho .Vest antl-ox-panslon
resolution, Tho address wa
for a constitutional amendment favor
ing tho right of tho United States to
ucqulre and goycrn foreign territory.
School Meeting,
Friday evening, January 27, Is tho
tlmo set for tho annual school meet
ing for tho annual tax lovy. All tax
payers should uttond.
Ily Aaaoolnicd Preaa to the Journnl.
CmoAao, Jan.2.0 May 701; cash
2 red 701.
8an Fkancisco, Jan. 20. May 115t
cash 112J.
Washington, Jan. 20. Hie hos
pital ship Relief has boon ordorcd to
Manila. Tho vosaol Is now at Now
"Wabhinoton, Jan. 20. Tho war
dopartmonMias Issued un Invitation
for bids from shipping concerns of
all nations, for the transportation
of Spanish prisoners from Manila to
A common
and common carelessness can raako a
combination Btrong enough to dofy
nil tho healing skill of tho physician.
Common carelessness lots tho cold
root nnd grow. Common carelessness
snyB, botwoon paroxysms of cough
ing, "It will bo nil right in a day or
two," and tho common end is con
firmed lung trouble, perhaps con
sumption. Tho common-sonso treat
ment of n common cold is a prompt
doso of Ayor's Chorry Pectoral. It
ia tho most efficient nnd reliablo euro
for colds and coughs, and is con
stantly prescribed by phyBlcians.
B. IIAYNC8, M. D., Snranac, N. Y., says :
"I havo used Ayer'a Chony Pectoral In my
practlco alnco 1853, and havo always found
It reliable for tho euro of colds, coughs, &ni
all lung dlsoasos,"
Chernj Pectoral
is now put up in balf-sizo bottles, for
half prico 50 conta.
...Prom tiie Rips to flmerica...
display and offered to you ut SPECIAL INVENTORY PRICES, buying pur
chased them direct from St. Gull, Switzerland, at u saving of about 25 per
cent. Our offering ut our special prices means big savings for you.
One Price to All.
Quality Our Standard,
Quilts and Blankets
Including the fumous Thomas Kay
Blankets at Bpeclal Inventory prices.
At special prices.
Cents for a floe Percale or Mudras
shirt; only u tow left; regular price,
$125 and $1.60.
Clearance Specials.
Men's and Boy's
Clothing at special inventory prices;
cntlro Hue at greatly altered prices.
Some suit pants placed In a special
lot at special prices. Genulue bar
gains per cont cheaper than regu
lar lines.
Embroideries at special prices, Muslin Underwear at special prices,
Jos. Meyers & Sons
Salem's Greatest Store,